The Sky Kingdom Ch. 18


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"I'm sorry, Master, she was being disrespectful, and I'm too worried about Em," she replied, chagrined.

"Don't apologise to me. Apologise to the Lady," I replied firmly.

"Sorry, my Lady," she then said sheepishly.

The young woman's facade broke momentarily as vulnerability and timidness shone through. I reached out and tenderly stroked her hair behind one ear and felt the connection I realised was her gift meeting mine.

"I'm so sorry this has happened to you. I wish we could do something to help, but we are trying to rescue a recently captured friend."

A tear escaped the corner of her eye as I knelt next to her. I surprised myself when I hugged her, and her head buried itself in my shoulder.

"Just keep strong, and fate will help you find a better future," I whispered, a line I'd often heard my mother say.

The woman cried onto my shoulder as Scarlett knelt to join me.

"Master, the guards are giving you strange looks," she whispered.

I broke away and stood. The woman before me now looked vulnerable and lost as I fully comprehended the complete lack of care and compassion these young women were afforded. I felt the urge to rescue them all, but quickly realised the impracticalities of such an endeavour.

As I took Scarlett's hand to leave, the young woman spoke., "I hope you find your friend. There are more of us in training, so ask to view them as well," she finished as her head dropped forlornly.

Her pitiful look left a seething anger running through me. I thought back to Scarlett's mother and how lucky she was to have a compassionate master.

Gregory joined us with a smile plastered on his face as we exited.

"Anything to your liking, Your Highness?" he asked.

"Unfortunately, none of them were compatible or strong enough. Do you have any more in training?" I asked, increasingly worried that my cousin had already claimed Emily.

"Of course, the morning training is in full swing if you'll follow me," he replied, gesturing accordingly.

He led us to the back of the property into what appeared to be a prison block. Once inside, we passed through several locked metal gates, a foreboding darkness permeating the building there.

We walked deeper into that darkness, and a lady's faint scream hit me as Scarlett latched herself to my side once more. We continued through corridors lined with cells as a number of young women, similar to those we'd seen earlier, stared blankly at us through iron bars.

"These are soon to come of age, so they don't yet need to be tethered. We will shift them to the front once that happens," Gregory explained, as if discussing livestock.

As we continued towards the end of a room, a naked woman was bound to a diagonal cross with her bare backside red and raw, as a leather-clad woman, easily double her size, laid into her. For an instant, I thought her hair was blonde, but I quickly realised it had more of a strawberry-red quality.

"This is one of our newest acquisitions. It has the potential to be a strong Fire Font, and we will break it well before it comes of age," he nonchalantly said as the poor woman turned her head and caught my eye. I saw her fear and confusion through an innocent and beautiful face.

"You are welcome to put in a deposit to reserve her, but it may be up to two years before she is available," he continued.

I was seething with anger at the treatment of someone so innocent simply for being unfortunate enough to be born with the gift.

"Did I hear that there was another powerful Fire Font of age?" I asked, suddenly nervous to hear the answer.

The man, for the first time, dropped his overly positive persona.

"Your cousin has laid claim to it, I'm afraid," he replied. "The process of binding it is about to start. Would you like to watch the proceedings?"

I felt my heart start to break as I desperately didn't want to see it, but knew I must.

"Lead on," I bit out.

We were taken back to the main house and led up the stairs to a corridor lined with doors. The man opened one, which turned out to be a booth overlooking a room below as he joined us. A Font bench sat illuminated in the middle of the room as my cousin and his entourage waited below.

He seemed to have no concerns whatsoever as a pleasure slave attended to him from her knees while he chatted with other men of a similar age. I looked around and realised that other booths were populated and that this was a spectacle people were keen to watch.

A hush fell across the room as the door at one end swung open. Two burly men entered carrying a sizeable metallic grounding rod, and I followed its chain back to a petite woman in a light blue dress. Two other men held her bound form as she fought their grip, but they easily dragged her into the room. A skin-tight leather hood covering her face prevented her from seeing as she continued to kick out in vain.

My cousin approached the bench as the handlers manoeuvred the woman into position. An attendant stepped forward and cut the dress from the woman's shoulders, stripping her naked before the watching crowd. I felt an overwhelming sense of relief when the woman's ample breasts were revealed, and Scarlett picked up on the same thing I had as she collapsed against me.

"Master, it's not Emily," she whispered to me.

"I know," I replied succinctly as I briefly felt renewed hope.

Handlers released her bonds while she fought and strapped her into position until she was immobilised. A position I realised I now knew all too well.

Another man stepped forward and announced to the crowd, "Welcome my fellow Volantians to this auspicious occasion. Young Prince Frederick will soon be entering the academy and has chosen our illustrious institution to provide his primary core's Font."

He paused as there was a small round of applause.

"We were fortunate to be the first to acquire this dangerous Font. An agent of the South was sent to steal our young gifted from us for their Empire's ranks. But our skilful hunters tracked her to the capital, and now she will serve us dutifully."

As he said this, the woman attempted to thrash in her bonds in vain. An attendant stepped forward with a box, withdrawing a Font collar from inside. As other attendants addressed her collar, he stepped to the front of the bench. I noticed one attendant holding blue crystals under her nose, and I realised these were similar in colour to the vapour I had inhaled previously.

"We knock out our slaves with more control at this part to ensure they can't let their freed magic get out of control," Gregory explained from behind us.

As the Font slumped in her bonds, the collar attached to the grounding rod was removed and replaced by the golden Font collar. A chain led from this to a cuff that rested on her back.

After a gesture from the man leading the proceedings, my cousin pushed the pleasure slave off himself and moved behind the bound woman, securing the Font Collar's cuff onto his wrist.

"The cuff connects their cores for this part as the ritual will forcibly bind his magic to the Font's," Gregory continued as I remained silent in horrified fascination.

The pleasure slave moved under the woman, latching herself onto the Font's bared pussy, and began to pleasure her. What proceeded was barbaric as the woman awoke to Prince Frederick beginning to impale her on his cock. Cries of pleasure and pain soon led to a gag being shoved in her mouth by one of the attendants.

"Can they not leave her unconscious for this?" I asked, hoping to find a way to get some relief for the poor woman.

"The ritual requires an orgasm from both parties concurrently, so they must remain conscious. It has received Shyla juice to enhance its arousal and was primed for orgasm by the tongues and fingers of our house slaves."

Scarlett had buried herself in my side and refused to watch the proceedings, and I realised she had been through something similar too many times before.

There was a loud moan through the gar from the bound woman as the pleasure slave held her thumb up, signalling the Prince. He began to up his pace as he roared out an incantation and buried himself to the hilt, and a golden glow surrounded the collar and cuff as they sealed themselves into position.

At its conclusion, my cousin proudly stood as he withdrew himself, taking in the audience's applause. He looked at his wrist, from which the chain had now disappeared. He winced somewhat as the band fused to his skin. I felt the pull of magic when he held out his other hand and a huge fireball came to life as a vicious smile crossed his face.

"I want it properly broken before I start at the academy," he announced to no one in particular. "I will return to collect it in a few weeks."

He looked up at the balconies waving at people he knew. When he reached our booth, I sought to keep my presence a secret but failed miserably.

"Cousin Henry, is that you?" he boomed up at me as a slave helped him into a robe.

"Good day, Freddie," I replied with a wave. "Seems like you beat me to the prize."

He left the room, and I realised he was coming to meet me.

"Wait here," I said to Scarlett as I walked out of the room into the corridor. My cousin soon appeared at the top of a staircase and immediately came and drew me into an unexpected hug.

"What has it been, five years?"

"Six," I replied. "Congratulations on your binding," I continued formally.

"I didn't realise you'd be joining the academy in the same year as me. Father insisted I finally attend after I spent the last few years having fun!"

"We'll have to catch up properly once we start," I replied, looking for an excuse to leave.

"Of course. Have you found yourself a Font yet? What are your cores?"

"I'm looking for a Fire or Arcane Font," I replied, trying to keep the knowledge of my primary core to a minimum.

He slapped me on the shoulder

"Sorry if I stole the more powerful Fire Font, but the other is quite the looker."

"The other Fire Font?"

"Didn't you hear? My one was trying to rescue a powerful Volantian Font who had an outburst in the street. Hunters caught and sold them into the training houses. I was checking it out at Durnford's yesterday before coming here."

"What is she like?" I asked, as both hope and dread returned.

"It's blond and innocent. Small tits and tight holes when I checked," Frederick said cruelly. "Stupid thing kept going on about already having a master, so I gagged and toyed with it!" he continued with a sinister grin.

"Is she still available?" I asked as casually as I could while refraining from punching the bastard.

"I guess so, but my younger brother Gus will soon have her once he has received the collar from Father. Fire is his secondary core, but her raw power would make it worthwhile. It would be hilarious if you stole her from him. Father would be so angry!"

That was what I was going to do. I picked up my sword beside the door and moved to put it on.

"What is that old relic?" With a chuckle, he looked at my blade. "Rapiers are all the rage these days!"

"Maybe we'll have to test which works best?" I replied jovially, hoping for the opportunity to beat him.

"I'll hold you to that," he replied.

"I must run," I said urgently. "Sounds like I need to beat your brother to the latest prize!" I continued as we said our goodbyes, shook hands, and he walked back to his attendants.

I rushed into the room to find Scarlett looking at me bewildered, likely from feeling my emotions, while we looked down at the proceedings.

"Excuse me, sir, some urgent business just came up, and we must rush off," I said, giving Scarlett a worried look.

In no time, I'd adequately excused myself as I held her hand, and we rushed down to the carriage rank.

"Master, what's wrong?" Scarlett asked while trying to keep up with me.

"It's Emily. She's been captured and might soon be bound at another training house," I replied desperately, waving to our carriage driver, who caught on.

"She's been what?" Scarlett screeched.

"My cousin just told me he checked out a powerful Fire Font matching her description at Durnford's. The one he chose is more powerful, but his brother is looking to take Emily!"

"Then let's go!" Scarlett fired back as she grabbed the door to the still-moving carriage and flung herself inside in the most unladylike manner possible.

I joined as quickly as possible after yelling to the driver to make haste towards Durnford's. Every stop and rough cobblestone on the journey only heightened my anxiety until we eventually pulled outside what looked more like a castle toward the edge of the cliffs.

I realised only after entering the courtyard that it was one of the old fortifications surrounding the grounding cables to the city below. A group of liveried female servants came and met our carriage. I noted that there were no other carriages in attendance which quelled my nerves somewhat.

I led Scarlett down the steps as a refined young Lady in a flowing silk gown approached. Her silver blond hair, tied back in a single ponytail, beautifully framed her high cheekbones and piercing light grey eyes.

"Your Highness, welcome to Durnford's. Would you like to join me for some refreshments?"

"Good day. I am Prince Henry of House Carrara and would be honoured to join you, Lady...?" I finished with an inquisitive bend of my head.

"Lady Esmerelda Durnford, Your Highness," she replied with a curtsy, "Esme for short," she finished with a confident smile.

"A pleasure to meet you," I stumbled, trying to be formal.

Lady Esme made small talk as we entered a large door into a vast foyer with grand stone staircases running up either side. As we entered, a different set of servants entered the room carrying trays of drinks and nibbles. I noted again that all were young and attractive women.

"So, Your Highness, how can we help you today?" Lady Esme began politely as we both took the warmed wine on offer.

"I am trying to obtain a Font before I start at the Academy and heard that you had an excellent selection," I replied as Scarlett stood behind me, simply holding her drink and eyeing the striking Lady warily.

"We pride ourselves on taking a different approach. We tend to select only those we deem trainable, so our stock is quality over quantity. I currently have three Fonts suitable for you who are ready for binding. Would you like to peruse them?"

"That would be wonderful. I am looking for either Fire or Arcane, if possible," I replied.

"Your Highness, word travels fast. My girls are either powerful or match your cores. They should be ready in a few minutes, so please help yourself to any food and drink you desire."

I realised we were suddenly alone with Lady Esme as she moved to circle Scarlett, a cup of wine in hand as she moved behind her.

"Kneel, slave," she sternly whispered into my concubine's ear. Scarlett dropped to her knees. Embarrassment spread over her face as she realised what she'd done.


Scarlett once more complied to the naturally domineering woman at the order as she moved into position.

"Hold on," I said quickly, jumping to Scarlett's aid as I helped her back to her feet, and she slipped behind my back warily.

"You have a beautiful submissive as a concubine. Her training is good, but there is room for improvement in her forms." Lady Esme said casually.

"Room for improvement?" I asked, bewildered.

"I pride myself as a trainer of submissive women. Before I took over from my father, we used to break and destroy female slaves, but I've found training them to be submissive yields a much better product for both the owner and slave."

"So your Fonts aren't broken shells?" I asked, feeling quite intimidated by her presence.

"Heavens no! We aren't those traditionalists at Drury House who remove every aspect of what makes a slave unique!"

"My trainers and I break them down and build them back up. You'll see with my Fonts just how different they are. I have a hidden gem I think would suit you perfectly," she finished before taking my drink and placing it to one side. She led us through a door into a side chamber without saying another word.

We entered a comfortable drawing room with a cheerful fire to one side and a selection of leather sofas and armchairs. I immediately noticed the three women kneeling in front of grounding rods with hands resting on their thighs and chains running to their collars. However, these chains were noticeably lighter and less restrictive than those at Drury House, and I was amazed to see that the Fonts held their positions without any further restraints.

"Present," Lady Esme ordered as the women knelt further upright, pushing out their breasts and moving arms behind themselves.

"May I introduce Maria, a Fire Font, Fenella, an Air Font and this special morsel, Claudia, my Arcane Font." Lady Esme finished addressing the kneeling women from left to right. As she introduced Claudia, she ran her hand lovingly against the side of her face as the Font moved her head to caress the hand back. Like most in this house, Claudia was a stunning brunette, while the other two were much more plain.

"She is quite powerful for such a rare core and would be perfect for you," she continued as she held her head up to me, and the submissive Font averted her gaze.

I was in awe of both women, but my determination to find and rescue Emily was imperative, so I cut straight to the chase.

"My cousin, Prince Frederick, mentioned that you have a powerful Fire Font in training. Am I able to see her as well?"

Lady Esme's facade momentarily slipped as a hint of anger shone through.

"That brute would never be welcome here if he wasn't the son of the King," she replied harshly.

"He told me of the awful things he did. I almost punched him then and there," I replied honestly.

Lady Esme seemed taken aback by my response, giving me a small smile.

"I have such a font, but she is months away from being trained for sale. I spent last night personally training her after his violation."

"May I see her for myself?" I asked firmly.

"She is currently mid-session with my lead trainer. But it can't hurt to observe her from the upper platforms," she replied, releasing Claudia and leading us from the room. We climbed a spiral staircase to the floor above and entered a door to a wooden walkway.

As she led us along, it became evident that the walkway's primary use was for observing the training below. We passed several what I assumed were pleasure slaves training in various positions below, and a discipline session with a determined-looking trainer flaying a gagged eastern woman. Toward the end, I saw what I had hoped but also dreaded seeing.

In a larger room, a young woman was naked with her arms tied by ropes to beams on opposing walls, held her exposed and unable to move.

It was my Angel. Her perfect face, still as beautiful as ever, looked panic-stricken as she desperately pulled against her restraints. I felt despair permeate through me at her hopeless situation.

There was the sudden crack of a whip as a scantily dressed collared woman struck her exposed left breast. Emily winced from the pain but didn't make a sound.

I stared in horror as Scarlett looked up beseechingly at me, saying all she needed to with her wide eyes. The trainer continued to whip the helplessly Emily, who put up a stoic response. I managed to restrain myself from jumping over the railings to stop the session, recognising that it wasn't the time or place to do so.

A louder whipcrack sounded, and I watched the emotional breakdown on Emily's face in anguish. Tears burst from her eyes and she began to sob hopelessly in her restraints. My heart broke, but I was surprised when the trainer stepped forward and hugged Emily. She made shushing sounds, and I saw her hand come around to cup Emily's pussy, evidently now released from chastity, as the trainer began to fondle her.