The Sky Kingdom Ch. 18


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"We break them down and build them back up," Lady Esme said beside me, "she is one of the most submissive slaves I've ever trained. This isn't the first time we've done this, and you should see how turned on it makes her later in the session."

After a few minutes, the tears were gone, and Emily seemed to respond to the trainer's touch. As she wriggled and moaned in pleasure, the trainer's hand drew back and landed hard on her pussy, making Emily squeal.

"No, Mistress, please, just this once, let me cum," she asked without the woman giving even the remotest acknowledgement of her words.

In no time, there was the crack of the whip, and Emily's terrified expression returned while she tracked the trainer's whip through the air. I'd seen enough.

"Is she as powerful as he said?" I asked.

"Very powerful, but she's not ready for binding yet."

"I know another cousin may shortly be coming here to claim her. If she is as submissive as you say, then I want her for myself," I stated.

"Is he anything like his brother?" she asked with a look of concern.

"I assume so," I replied, not sure about Augustus.

"Let's discuss this in my office. In private."

Lady Esme walked past me, leading us back over the maze of walkways and into the main corridor. We followed her up another set of stairs, and I noted the distinct lack of guards everywhere. When we approached a smartly engraved door, she gestured to a pair of armchairs nearby.

"Your concubine may wait out here," she said in a way that brooked no argument.

I gave a nod to Scarlett and she duly sat down. I was led into a cosy chamber with a large mahogany desk to one side and comfortable seating beside a roaring fire.

Lady Esme's demeanour relaxed as she sat down in an armchair, gesturing for me to join her. I sat on the sofa next to her, still agitated about what we had just seen, as she turned to me with heated eyes.

"So, Prince Henry, you also enjoy a truly submissive slave?" she asked with electricity in her eyes.

"Please, call me Harry," I stiffly replied.

"Then you must call me Esme," she replied, laying her hand on mine.

"Ok, Esme. I want that Font for myself, and I have the collar and official token in my carriage ready to do so," I stated with as much bravado as I could muster. "How much will she cost?"

"Before we talk price, I want to discuss what you will do with her," she replied.

"What do you mean?" I asked, taken aback.

"I have already taken a personal interest in her. I want to know how you plan to train her?"

"My concubine and I will train her," I replied cautiously.

"Forgive me, Harry. But I am a professional and am used to handling such Fonts. I can see how you treat your slaves from the puppy dog eyes your concubine gives you. If I am to let her go to you, I want a hand training her."

"What do you mean?" I asked warily.

"If I allow you to have her over one of the King's sons, then she will remain here with me for training. You would be able to visit at your leisure."

"That's not acceptable. I will take her with me today once we are bound," I replied, panicking internally.

At my words, I saw an angry look cross her face.

"She is still my slave! You forget who owns her," Esme fired at me.

I realised I wasn't in a particularly strong bargaining position and asked in a much more conciliatory manner, "I apologise. What would persuade you to let me take her with me?"

"An option that lets me get my hands on your concubine," she replied heatedly, "I haven't seen a submissive of such beauty in many years."

"She is mine and is not going anywhere," I defensively rushed out and blushed at my reaction.

"I am not looking to buy her from you, young man," she replied, evidently sensing that she had the upper hand, "I merely want to play with her!"

"I can't allow that. She is my personal concubine," I stumbled back, "Is there some way we could compromise?"

She stared back at me with what looked to be a victorious expression before morphing into a more pensive look.

"Here is my problem, I don't want that submissive little fire Font to end up in the hands of another sadistic Prince. But I also can sense how desperate you are to get a hold of her, and I'm not about to give up on that leverage. How about I propose a reasonable compromise?"

"Please, what can I do to persuade you to let me have her?" I asked desperately, realising I'd long since lost my cool.

"I will teach you slave training techniques using your gorgeous little slave while you learn to do so with your new Font. You will always be in the same room, but I will get to have my way with her in any way I please."

Her proposal went against everything I had promised Scarlett, but I was also frantic to rescue Emily before it was too late.

"Just one session?" I asked warily.

"It will take at least a few sessions for you to learn the basics properly."

"If I agree, I want to be clear that I will fully control any session we have. That includes you." I said vehemently, finding some newfound boldness. My forceful response elicited a blush on her face, surprising me.

"In my establishment, I always have the final say," she replied more convincingly as her slip in composure vanished, "I want your word as a gentleman."

I knew in Volantia that the word of a gentleman or Lady was of paramount importance in noble circles. It took years to cultivate fully and mere moments to destroy. What she asked was the staking of my personal reputation on upholding my end of the deal.

"My stipulations would be no mental or physical harm to my slaves. I want any training to be a safe place," I replied after quickly considering my options and finding them to be very limited, "but if you agree to that, then you have my word as a gentleman of House Carrara."

"Fine, we have a deal. But you should know her market rate is eye-watering. Those hunters didn't have a clue what they had caught," she stated with a cold smile. "I believe we have already received approval from the King for you to purchase a Font. Do you have the collar with you?"

I became restless at this point as my anxiety was getting the best of me.

"I have it in my carriage, and the price isn't a concern," I spouted, "I want to start the procedure as soon as possible. When can we start?"

"Typically, there is an edging process while we help the Font open up sufficiently. That normally takes a few hours."

"What if we might not have a few hours?"

"Then I can bring her to our binding chamber, and we can start in half an hour. Traditionally the Fonts are hooded. Would you prefer her in this manner, or would you like her to see the proceedings?

"Can she simply be blindfolded instead? There is no need for something so restrictive."

"She will already be in a blindfold. She is quite skittish, and blindfolding is a helpful way of calming slaves. My pleasure slaves will also start your edging process," she replied, all business.

"There is no need. I have my concubine for that. She will also provide the Fonts pleasure during the ritual," I stated as Lady Esme took her leave to go and have things prepared.

Having heard voices in the corridor, I left the room to find a nervous Scarlett perched awkwardly in a chair.

"Master, why did Lady Esme say she would enjoy having me at her feet?"

In a rush to finish the deal, I'd not considered fully that Scarlett might not want to hold up that part of the deal.

"Lady Esme would only allow us to have Emily if we agreed to continue her training here. She specifically requested that you be involved in the sessions and under her control... I think she desires you!" I said as I sat down beside her awkwardly.

"But, Master, you promised. You said I would never have to be shared!" she said with a pained look.

"Scarlett, I know what I said, and this is all my fault," I said, resting my hand over hers, "But I gave her my word!"

"I know I'm only a slave, but I thought you wanted me just for yourself," she replied quietly.

I felt how hurt she was through the bond and realised I'd made a mistake.

"You know I don't see you just as a slave. If you truly can't bring yourself to do it, then I won't force you," I replied, pausing momentarily, "but you did offer to share yourself to save Matilda. Are you unable to do the same for Emily?"

I felt instant guilt when she blushed at the truth of my words.

"Master...," she said, trailing off. "I did say that in a moment of desperation. But if you truly gave your word to save her, then I must do as you please. So long as you promise to be there the entire time!"

"I promise," I replied before pulling her into a quick hug, "I'll have to find a way to make it up to you!"

"Master," she began with the minx-like smirk I so loved, "I have plenty of ideas for how you can do that! But shouldn't you be preparing yourself for the ritual?"

"They call the process edging. I think we both need to be close to orgasm before it starts. But I was hoping you would be able to help Emily with that part."

"Master, of course I will do that for her. But I am still your pleasure slave!" she replied reaching up to stroke my crotch as I began to squirm from the pleasure. As she reached to undo my trousers, a collared young woman in a transparent dress that hid nothing entered, causing me to jump in surprise.

"Master, please follow me. Your binding chamber is ready," she intoned timidly, eyeing Scarlett's hand that continued its ministrations.

We both stood to follow as I held Scarlett's hand tightly in mine. We soon entered a large room, and I noted it contained a Font bench in the centre. She led us off to the side and drew back a curtain, holding it for us to enter an enclosed area before following in.

Another slave knelt beside a comfortable-looking chair. The cutest brunette in a similar transparent dress blushed as we entered. She looked up while maintaining a submissive pose, arms behind her back. I realised it was the Font, Claudia, from earlier as I traced a chain from her collar to a grounding rod with my eyes.

"Master, we are here to prepare you for the binding," the first slave said.

Scarlett had felt my desires as she released my hand and stepped behind Claudia in a flirtatious manner.

"This one will pleasure my Master," she stated confidently while holding her face to look at mine. "Take me to the blonde. I will get her ready."

"Mistress, there are already slaves doing so. Master must learn the incantation and process here."

"Does that require me?" Scarlett asked.

"I suppose not, Mistress," she conceded as she held a piece of paper in front of her. She placed it on a stand as Scarlett whispered into the brunette's ear before following the slave from the room.

The little slave stood and walked over to take the paper before handing it to me.

"Strip to your panties," I ordered as I looked over the incantation she had handed me.

She quickly stripped to just a white thong and turned nervously to face me. I stroked her arm, surprised by the lack of connection I had anticipated.

"Master, may I serve you?" she asked with a small voice as I nodded, and she helped me strip before settling down in the chair.

My cock was firmly erect as she shuffled forward on her knees, reaching to stroke me. She ran her fingertips slowly up my cock as sparks of pleasure tingled all over. She flicked her tongue against the head as I moaned in appreciation. I reached out to grasp her shapely breasts and squeezed a nipple as she giggled at my touch.

Enraptured, I watched as she grasped the base of my cock, slowly running her hands up and down as her mouth sucked the head. Her skilful attention had me close in no time, and she removed herself slowly, looking up at me with her bright eyes.

"Master, you must hold off until the incantation. I think you are supposed to be memorising the words," she cautiously said as I smiled at her and lifted the paper in my other hand. I began the complicated task of studying something when a beautiful slave was giving such pleasure.

Thankfully, I didn't take long to learn it, and could return to enjoying the delightful brunette. I struggled immensely to hold off my orgasm, but she would slow her hands and release me from her mouth when she sensed I was too close.

I jumped in surprise when Lady Esme swept into the curtained area with a concerned look. Claudia took it in stride and continued her work as Esme eyed my cock.

"Harry," she started informally, "I've just received word of the imminent arrival of the King and his entourage. If you want this to happen, we must get started now!"

"Then let us begin," I replied, using my hand to push Claudia away.

"Heel!" she ordered as Claudia moved to kneel at her mistress's feet. At a click of her fingers, two skimpily dressed slaves drew the curtains back, and I saw Emily being led in by a group of handlers with Scarlett on their heels.

"Your Highness, may I present your Font for binding," Lady Esme announced.

Emily, blindfolded, and in the traditional light blue dress, suddenly bucked in the arms of her handlers.

"Please, no, not him. Anyone but him!" she pleaded, "I already have a master!" she shrieked as the handlers held her firmly while another slipped a ball gag into her mouth, securing it tightly.

"Strip her," Lady Esme ordered, and she passed a pair of shears to a slave who cut the clothes from Emily, who continued her relentless struggle. She was not strong enough to fight, and in short order, the handlers had her secured onto the Font bench. I felt some arousal at her pristine form. Scarlett, flushed at the whole situation, took no time in dropping beneath Emily as she used all her skills to pleasure her sister slave.

They didn't need the blue crystals as a handler released her collar and clipped on what I realised was the Font collar from my father. Lady Esme approached and directed me behind Emily. I saw her puckered hole above Scarlett as she flicked her tongue from beneath. Esme reached up with a handful of oil and pushed a finger deep into Emily, who squealed against her gag.

"You should use plenty yourself," Esme said as she held a bowl of oil before me. I dipped my hand and began applying it to my already rock-hard cock. Moving into position, Lady Esme held up the cuff of the Font collar to my wrist from opposite from Scarlett's cuff, clipping it on for me.

The instant it closed, I felt a hum of energy through it and a strong connection to Emily. I felt a delicate hand take hold of my cock as I looked down to see Scarlett meeting my eyes as she drew me towards Emily's rosebud. I held myself and pushed the head against her tight hole as she reacted to the contact, screaming into her gag as she bucked in vain and began to sob.

I felt horrible and wanted desperately to tell her I was there and only trying to help her, but I couldn't find a way to let her know. I tried pushing in, only to meet firm resistance from her closed-off hole as I realised she was trying to keep me out.

Lady Esme came up behind me and spoke beside me, "We didn't have time to loosen her up further. You will need to force your way in."

I took on her words and pushed in harder as Emily kept up her resistance, and her wails only grew louder despite the gag. I felt my willingness to do this drop as I looked down at her bare back. I couldn't bear to hurt someone so innocent. At that moment, a sudden idea came to me, and I reached out with my spare hand and began to scratch the spot on her shoulder blade she'd told me often itched.

As I did so, she froze beneath me. I continued scratching, seeing her relax further. Hoping I'd managed to let her know it was me, I began to push back against her rosebud. I was genuinely surprised when I felt her pushing back as the head of my cock slipped in far more easily than I'd anticipated. Relieved that she was no longer fighting, I pushed in slowly as she moaned in discomfort from my size.

Guilt wracked me at my immense pleasure I felt from her tight hole gripping my cock. The connection through our magic had roared to life. It poured additional feeling into me as I slowly began to rock back and forth as I moved deeper inside, eventually bottoming out. I felt my orgasm approaching as I looked down to see Scarlett hard at work as a more relaxed Emily began to moan at her touch.

I increased my tempo at her signal, hearing Emily cry in pain and pleasure.

"The incantation!" I heard Lady Esme shout behind me as I realised I had forgotten to recite it! Quickly drawing on my cores, I spoke the words and pushed magic into the cuff. I felt the burst of an orgasm from Emily below me as I released myself and exploded deep into her bowels.

I felt an invigorating surge of magic flow through my cock and the cuff as her mana flooded into me. There was a burning sensation as I saw my wrist glow, although it was nothing like what I had felt when binding Scarlett. As I came down from my high, I lay against her back, still buried deep inside, realising that I'd passed out.

I drew back and stood to find the room full of shocked faces looking on as Lady Esme smiled at me.

"It's rare when you find a fully compatible match. You are fortunate indeed."

"What do you mean?" I asked, realising I was naked in a room full of people. Sensing this, Scarlett had moved out from under Emily and helped me into a robe.

"Your Highness, it is rare, but a Font and her bondholder occasionally have a natural connection through their magic. The bright glow we saw as the bond was formed would indicate that you share such a bond with this Font.

I looked down at the unconscious Emily, yearning to pick her up and take her to safety.

"How would one know of this bond?"

"Those with a natural connection say they can feel it when they touch, but that is only a rumour. I can't say I can speak from experience."

I realised that is what we'd felt when we initially met on the airship, but I'd always thought it the norm rather than an outlier.

Handlers began to undo Emily's bonds as I looked at Lady Esme with concern.

"Don't worry, Your Highness, she will be taken next door and marked with your ownership. We will dress her appropriately and return her to you shortly."

"How long will she be unconscious?" I asked.

"Could be a while, based on the strength of the bond you just formed. Have you tried using your fire core yet?"

I hadn't, but I was too busy worrying about my new Font. I focussed inwards and was surprised to feel a significantly larger fire core within. Not only was it more prominent, but it was bursting with mana. Thinking quickly, I drew some out and fed it through myself and into the bond I shared with Scarlett as it settled within her. I returned to feeling in and around my enhanced core, marvelling at the changes. I felt powerful in a way I'd never felt before and could not wait to test it out.

We only had to wait a short time before Lady Esme returned to Scarlett and me. Once I'd come down from my excitement, Scarlett took the opportunity to freshen us up and ensure I wore appropriate clothing. Lady Esme soon led us into a chamber nearby.

Emily looked asleep as she lay on the table, now dressed in the dark blue dress of a bound font with her golden collar. I saw the red rawness on her forearm, and I noted my personal crest marking her as mine. I realised I needed to do this for Scarlett as soon as we had the opportunity.

I reached into the new cuff on my wrist and felt an instant connection to her, giving me a sense of exactly where she was. Ignoring Lady Esme's offers to help, I stepped forward and picked Emily up, holding her tight in my arms as we made our leave.

My attention was solely on protecting her as we climbed into the carriage. Scarlett helped me position Emily on the bench so her head rested in my lap. Having done so, Scarlett knelt on the floor, stroking Emily's hair and looking up at me with concern as I realised that we would both need to give her every ounce of tenderness and care we had over the next few days.