Supernatural Earth Pt. 06


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"Yesssss..." Rose breathed as he entered her. It was so much more loving and gentle than before with the Minotaur. Her pussy welcomed his cock as if it were a perfect match. Her body meshed against his and she locked her ankles behind his back as he moved inside of her. She wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him back passionately.

Ajax was moving his hands back up her sides as he held her in his powerful arms. Her moans, mews, and sighs of pleasure were like sweet music to his ears as he slowly fucked her. He concluded that she was most definitely the tightest woman he'd ever been with and found that strange, in the back of his mind, considering how well hung he saw the Minotaur that he'd killed. Then the thought was gone as quickly as it had come as he focused entirely on Rose and giving her pleasure.

Rose didn't seem to need any help as her pussy was already fluttering around his cock the closer he got to climax. He tried desperately to hold off as he didn't want to be one of those guys that blew their wad before their partner was ready. But no matter what method he tried, the harder he fought it the faster it came. "Do it," Rose breathed into his ear. It was all over after that as he bucked his hips hard into hers right as his balls tightened and twitched while his cock blew hard into her. "YES!" she cried out, clutching his body close to hers as she climaxed right along with him.

It was the most exquisite feeling in the world for her as her body shook and trembled along with his. Her pussy contracting was counterpoint to his cock throbbing inside of her. Goddess above... is this... is this a pairing? A joining? She wondered as the orgasm seemed to last forever for them both.

Above her, Ajax was letting out a prolonged "Ahhhhh..." that was a combination of pleasure and pain. Never before had he had an orgasm so intense that it hurt and he wanted to cry. "Damn..." he then breathed as the feeling subsided and the warm, fuzzy feeling in the afterglow enveloped him. He felt himself sinking onto the bed alongside of Rose who curled up next to him.

"Mmmm... Mine..." he said playfully as he looked at her though heavy eyelids.

"Yes," she agreed. "I am yours."


That night, Ajax had a vivid dream. There were a pair of glowing figures above him, one male and one female. "Ajax Gagnon the Pathfinder. We have seen your heart and recorded your deeds. You will be our emissary to the Min'Valotauros. Long have they suffered for crimes they did not commit. Long have they endured a curse that was not of their own making." They said as one.

"Hunters are coming for the tribes of Louhwala, Tahoma, Ts'ylos, Wen'ta'chee, and Yakima." They said in a solemn tone. "You will lead these tribes eastward to a refuge that we are preparing for them. Use your talents to secure passage through Winter. Rely on those who are now close to you."

"WAIT!" Ajax called out to the floating glowing figures. "I... I can't do this! I have a home! I have a life."

"That life was over the moment you made a decision to rescue one of our Fae. You have a new path now that you must follow or you will perish," they replied.

"I'm... just a guy trying to go to college and make his way in the world! You got the wrong guy!"

"Greatness awaits you, Ajax the Pathfinder. Do not worry nor do not fall into despair for our Maiden will remain by your side until death claims you both and beyond. And now we bid you; BE REBORN!" Light beams cascaded from their fingers, blasting Ajax so hard that he felt pain.

And then he fell.

And then... darkness...


CHAPTER 4: Transformation.

Ajax groaned in pain as he woke up. He felt like he'd been beat within an inch of his life. The first thing he noticed was that he was no longer in the dwelling. He rotated in the bed he was in and placed his hooves down onto the ground so hard that he swore that the place shook.

Wait... Hooves?

He stared down at a pair of thick, muscular thighs covered in fine black hair that looked like fur. Further down the legs, past the knees where the fur darkened to pitch black, came the double jointed lower legs that ended in two massive hooves. The only thing he was wearing was a loincloth made out of hide. Then he patted down his bare, abdomen and chest that was covered with more black hair/fur. He stared at his new huge hands with incomprehension as he went from five fingers each to four. Then he continued feeling upwards on his body, past his even broader and more muscular shoulders all the way up to a bovine head. He glanced upwards to see the tips of short two jet black horns jutting forward out of his forehead. Ajax did what any reasonable person would do in such a situation.

He screamed his ever-loving head off in panic.

Ajax pin-wheeled backwards, pitching over the bed and getting tangled in furs that had been draped over his body as he slept. He tried getting up and running but he was not used to being so tall. He tripped over his hooves. Flipping onto his back, he crab-walked backwards until he hit a wall. There he stayed, hyperventilating as he repeatedly touched his bull head and face and then his humanoid body that he did not have the night before.

"AJAX!" It was Chief Kurdor. "AJAX! PEACE! CALM DOWN!" he was shouting as he ran up along with a host of other Minotaurs.

"Wha... what happened to me!" Ajax demanded.

"You've just now awakened. You were unconscious for a full week! The only way we knew you were alive was by your movement and your painful moaning." Kurdor said, gaping at him. "By the Great Earthmother... she has changed you!"

"What?" Ajax was confused. A week? He'd been out that long? The dream didn't seem to take that long. He then caught their looks. "What?"

"What dream?" Kurdor pressed.

"Was that out loud?" Ajax asked. Everyone around him nodded. Ajax sighed and related the details to them. Their eyes widened in shock.

"TWO beings, you say?" Kurdor asked for clarification. "A male and female?" When Ajax nodded, Kurdor bowed his head, dropped to his knees and raised his hands upwards. "The Great Earthmother and the Great Skyfather have spoken to you directly."

"You're kidding..." Ajax deadpanned. But given the reverence that was now going on around him, he was inclined to think otherwise.

The Fae that Rose had identified were prostrating themselves as they cried out "The God and Goddess above!" while the Werewolves were crossing themselves and giving thanks to the 'Alpha Father and Alpha Mother'. One of the human women even raised her hands up and gave praise to the 'Lord and Lady'

Kurdor was the first to stand back up. He clapped his hands once for attention. "We have work to do. Women, prepare your homes for possible evacuation. Braves, get your gear and assemble at the entrance to the cave. Scouts! I need runners to each of the local tribes to depart at once and relate the vision that Ajax brought to us. Go with haste!"

"Woah, woah, woah, wait a minute. You're doing all this off some dream I had?"

"Vision," Kurdor corrected. "Now get back to your home and get your gear." The Chieftain sized him up. "Tarnun's armor should fit you. Use that and assemble with the Braves." Ajax was sputtering his protest when Kurdor looked down at him with an outstretched hand. "Like it or not, Pathfinder, you are one of us now. Now go forth with the Braves to patrol the area. If your vision is indeed true, then we have Hunters looking for us even as we speak.


Ajax barreled into his domicile, eyes glancing around the armor and weapons rack for something to use. Off to his left, a woman screamed bloody murder. It was Rose. Ajax went on guard at once, whirling in place to fend off any would-be intruder. Without thinking about it, he batted Rose behind him and watched the door for whatever danger she saw. "What is it?" he asked, on alert. "What did you see?"

"A-Ajax?" she asked in a small voice behind him. "Is that you?"

Closing his eyes and letting out a resigned sigh, Ajax realized that she was screaming because of him. "You don't like me..." he said sadly. So much for the whole 'she'd still love him' bit. He should've known better. It was easy to say such things when they were convenient.

"No!" She protested. "I mean yes! I mean... what is it that you humans say in a time like this? This is unexpected?"

"I'm not human anymore..." Ajax pointed out. "I'm the very thing that brought you here to begin with," he snarled. He started grabbing up armor to put on; breastplate, pauldrons, greaves, leg guards, and a helmet. The blackened armor fit perfectly. Then he grabbed up his spear again. "You shouldn't have to be beholden to a monster... You can go."

"I'm not leaving you!" Rose protested. "I belong to you."

"I release you, then."

"Only the Goddess can release me from my vows." Rose said, irritated. "I heard you talk about your vision from her."

Ajax looked at her. "You did?"

"Sounds carry in a cave like this," she gestured towards the main grotto. "The God and Goddess above said that I'd be by your side and here I am and here I stay!"

"Thank you Muad'dib..." Ajax grumbled. "Next you're going to tell me that fear is the mind killer, right?" he asked sardonically. Ignoring her confused look, he pressed on. "Look, you were brought here against your will. I refuse to keep you here. Go back to your people."

"No. I can't go back! I told you that!"

"Then I shall take you back..." he said. "After I get back from this patrol mission that they have me doing."

"I want to stay here with you."

"We'll discuss it when I get back." Then he was out the door.


Rose sank to her knees and sobbed the moment Ajax was out the door. Why was he being like this? Did he truly think that she would reject him? Did he not realize that they were mated now?

Granted, his new form took her by surprise. She truly wasn't expecting that. When she heard that Ajax was coming back to the dwelling after being gone for seven rotations, she was elated. Rose had been sleeping when Ajax first awoke to his shouting although she didn't hear what it was about. Now she knew. He was shocked at his transformation.

She hung onto that last thought... transformation. The Goddess must've changed him. But why? Were she at home she would simply ask the Queen to petition the Goddess for information directly. But here, in this cave, surrounded by magical wards, she could not do that. Even if she could, she was now Exile. The Queen wouldn't hear of it.

Movement outside caught her attention followed by a polite inquiry. "D'Hibisca? Can we come in?"

"Yes," Rose said, getting to her feet and looking towards the door. A single Maiden from Spring, Summer, and Autumn were there, each signified their respective season by the color of their hair. Spring was a golden blonde. Summer was a radiant brunette. Autumn was a flaming red.

"It is so good to have you here with us," Spring said in her light, airy voice, opening her arms up wide. "We have been here for so long without our fourth sister season. Now we feel complete." They all came together in a group embrace, all touching foreheads together in the center before stepping back. Rose couldn't help but note that they were each as naked as she was, not that it bothered her or anything. Nudity was natural amongst the Fae.

"Thank you," Rose said, reveling in the touch of her fellow Fae. "I apologize for not seeking you out sooner."

"You had priorities on your mind," The Autumn Maiden, named Cinder, smiled at her. "So, we understand." Rose now knew each of their names from the embrace and head-touch.

"Your mate not waking up that first day was scary enough," The Summer Maiden, named Erissa, added. "Then you had to attend to your needs and your mate's home."

"Which looks wonderful, by the way." Flora, the Spring Maiden said as she looked around. "Tarnun was a good warrior and an excellent hunter, but a lousy housekeeper."

"Thanks," Rose smiled weakly as she sat back down on the bed that felt so empty to her ever since Ajax didn't wake after their night together.

"What is on your mind?" Cinder asked, concerned.

"You all looked so... happy." Rose noted. "But you were taken. How do you do it?"

The three others sat on the floor in a semi-circle before her. Flora spoke first. "It was hard. A hunting party was waiting for me as I brought Spring to this area. This was... oh... twenty years ago? I was caught totally unawares by the Minotaurs. Rakjar won the right to take me as his mate." She explained. "Oh I was resistant at first but he was surprisingly gentle with me. I guess it just took me time to adjust."

"You bore him children?" Rose asked, more curious than scared.

"Four sons so far with another one on the way," Flora replied proudly, patting her flat belly. "The tribe's shaman confirmed that I am with child again."

"I was captured by a Brave named Jargarak," Erissa said. "I wish I could say that it was some harrowing battle or some narrow chase but... I can't." She laughed. "No, I was enjoying the Summer that I had brought forth and fell asleep. This was four years ago. I fell asleep under a pleasant noon day sky and woke up tied down to his bed. He waited until I had woken up to take me. I bore him a son the next year."

"How did you get used to it?"

"Time, I guess." Erissa shrugged. "Jargarak was never cruel with me. I was always taken care of and treated with respect, especially as I was carrying a future warrior of the tribe. I wasn't abused or anything like that. After a while I came to care for him just as he cared for me."

"So you Paired with him?" Rose was astonished.

"Yes. It wasn't like I was going anywhere." Erissa nodded. "He loves me and I have come to love him as well."

Rose eyed Cinder. "How about you? How did a 'we will never surrender' Maiden of Autumn succumb?"

Cinder smiled and batted her red hair back. "Durman and I fought long after he'd killed my Champion and more still after he took me captive." She then let out a hearty laugh. "We still do but I've gotta admit that I've grown fond of the big guy."

Flora sighed and rolled her eyes. "There's times where we don't know if they're fighting or making love in their home."

Giving a coy shrug, Cinder's smile broadened. "It's become a game for us now. Before you ask, I've only borne one son and we're working on number two."

"Does it hurt?"

"What?" Erissa asked, blinking in confusion.

"The... uhm... joining with them. Tarnun... he... uh... well..." Rose's voice faltered and she blushed deeply as she looked down at her loins.

"Oh, that!" Cinder laughed again. "Oh trust me; you will enjoy it far more once your man gets over his initial urge to mate."

"Mmmm... Best. Ever." Flora purred with a dreamy look in her eyes. Erissa had a goofy grin and a faraway look as she absently nodded. "I guess that's how I came to cope. One time, Rakjar had fucked me silly to the point that I hardly moved the next day."

"Fucked?" Rose blinked.

"Mortal term for Joining or Love Making." Cinder explained. "Their language and phrases rubs off on you eventually."

"What about the others?" Rose persisted. There was so much to learn now. "And how'd a Vampire, of all things, become mated with a Minotaur? She can't bear any young for him!"

"Ah yes, our lovely Gwyendolyn..." Now Erissa laughed. "She's a geneticist out of the mortal city of Seattle. She made the mistake of trying to feed off of Bane when he was out on patrol. After knocking him silly and getting her fill of blood, he turned around and creamed her. THEIR fight-sex makes Cinder and Durman's look like two people making slow, sweet love."

"But she's in the process of researching why Vampires can't reproduce because she wants to give Bane a son," Cinder said. "She thinks that it's possible to regenerate her eggs or, at the very least,

"And right now she's brooding and complaining about this possible evacuation with having to move her research equipment." Flora chimed in. "Which, we need to get you ready as well."

"I don't know what to do." Rose admitted, looking around and looking lost.

"Which is why we're here." Flora said with a smile. "We've had to do this before." She saw Rose's wistful look in the direction of the cave entrance. "Don't worry about Ajax. If his fighting skill in a human body is any judge, then he's going to rule in a Minotaur body."


Ajax swore under his breath when stumbled again as the hunting party reached the top of the ridge. One of the Braves, Bane, reached out to steady him. "Is this the same warrior who charged into our home a week ago to slay one of our own?" He asked. Ajax shot him a challenging look and then relaxed when he saw that Bane was grinning.

"I'm learning how to walk all over again," Ajax snorted. "In the course of a day I learn that every fairy-tale creature that goes bump in the night really does exist and then God... and his wife apparently... changed me into a Minotaur. It's a lot to take in at once."

"Don't overthink it. Just let it come naturally," Bane said helpfully. "I saw you move with ease back with the tribe. When your mind is focused on something else, you do not stumble."

"Hm..." Ajax grunted, taking the advice in. He then paused and looked around. "I don't get it..." he said, his mind switching tracks.

"What?" Bane asked.

"I've been down with the tribe for a week now, albeit unconscious, shouldn't they... uhm... the humans... be out here looking for me?"

"Ah," Bane nodded in understanding. "They called off the search for you yesterday. Someone came looking for you and found your conveyance... I believe the humans call it a 'car'... he looked around for you, put something into the back of his car and drove off. The search parties came later that day." When he saw Ajax's questioning look, Bane smiled again. "We watched the human search parties just as we watch all humans that come into this area. That included you; Pathfinder."

"You all keep calling me that. Why?"

"It is what you did as a human; you led other groups of humans up and down the mountain. You found them paths."

"Oh..." Ajax said. The logic was painfully simple and he felt silly now for even asking the question.

Jargarak jerked his head in a direction. "But now we have other problems other than human search parties. The Hunter party that was foretold in your vision is now here."

Ajax looked in the direction that Jargarak indicated. They were back at his base camp that he'd closed up before charging head-long into the woods after a Minotaur and a Fae. Sure enough, his car was gone and now there were a bunch of paramilitary types using the area as an encampment. Ajax's eyes narrowed on one of them. "That's my boss... why is he wearing a uniform like the rest of them?"

"Hunter," Bane spat.

"Well, yeah..." Ajax said. "He goes game hunting out here all the time. From what I've seen of your weapons so far, you do the same. So what?"

"There is a difference, young Brave," Bane said, turning his attention to Ajax, "between hunting for subsistence and hunting for sport or because you wish to eliminate a group of people." Bane pointed the tip of his spear towards the Hunters. "These Hunters seek out all of the Supernatural Races to kill. They believe that the world should hold only humans and they will stop at nothing to see the extinction of us all!"

"We have been lucky, thus far, to avoid them." Jargarak said sadly. "But now they are here."

"But why would they up and come here just because of one lost human... er... me?" Ajax wondered. Then his eyes widened and he looked back down the ridge to the area where he first laid eyes on any Supernaturals. "Oooooohhhh shit..." he said. "Did anyone get the body of that... uhm... Winter Champion that Tarnun killed?" He was met with blank looks and the other Minotaurs all looked at each other. They were all shaking their heads. "That's it then, isn't it? They found a Fae's body and so they think that more of us... are here." There was no way he could associate with humans now that he was changed to a Minotaur. And if what they said was true there was no way he could go down there and say 'hey guys, I'm okay' or anything like that. These Hunters would probably sooner kill him and mount his head on their wall.