Supernatural Earth Pt. 06


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"Well, here's to a brave new world..." Ajax muttered as he stepped through the portal with Rose.

They emerged in the middle of a town that Ajax figured had to be in New England or maybe in the Great Lakes region. Possibly even as far west as Minnesota. Either way, it didn't matter. This was going to be his new home. Jargarak was already leading them past the town hall, where two men who looked like brothers were conversing at, and towards a patch of woods with a path that led down to the huge mountain lake that dominated the view to the north. It was quite beautiful and he could see his Minotaur brethren were taken in by the view.

He caught sight of Bane, who'd paused with his vampire woman. The sight of her leaning up against him lovingly as he had his arm protectively draped over her shoulders warmed Ajax's heart. He moved over to them. "Are you crying?" Ajax noted.

Bane tried to cover it up and then smiled as he knew he'd been caught. "It has been many, many years since I've beheld such a sight... in the daylight."

"It's been a long time for me as well..." Gwyn noted wryly.

"Yeah, aren't you a Vampire? I thought that you all had some kind of aversion to sunlight that results in, you know, death. How is it that you're not a pile of ash right now?" Ajax asked, unable to contain his curiosity.

Gwyn smiled coyly. "It's something that I've been working on for some time now in case such a need ever arose... like today. I've been using a mixture of Vampirical Magic combined with Minotaur Magic. I won't bore you with the details but I tested it this morning while you were making the travel arrangements." She looked back towards the town hall. "Another of my kind is nearby, also walking around during the day. Maybe we'll trade notes and make things better for our species as well. If we can do this then maybe," she patted her belly, "just maybe I can give Bane the son that he deserves."

"A half Minotaur, half Vampire kid..." Ajax chuckled, "I'm almost afraid to find out what kind of power's he'd have," he mused before bidding them goodbye and continuing with the procession.

They walked a full five miles to the north end of the lake where there was a small clearing of trees near the water's edge. Those who were at the front were already breaking off to lay their claims to land. Some had even began constructing their homes by using their magic to fell just as many trees that they needed. One house seemed to take center stage as there were four Minotaurs and their Fae mates using their magic to construct a wonderful two story cabin that was proportionately sized for their larger, taller frames.

"Well," Ajax said as he looked around. "Guess that we should find a place to put down stakes..." he said to Rose. He then wondered how he was going to build one. He didn't have access to magic and, even if he did, he didn't know how to use it. Well, I guess I can always do it the old-fashioned way... he thought. "So, where should we build?" he asked Rose.

Before she could answer, Durman strode up. "Calm yourself, brother," he said to Ajax. "We have already built your home." He said, giving a wide, sweeping gesture towards the two-story cabin that they were finishing up. "As you are the reason for us moving out into the light once again so that we can enjoy the open spaces and the sun on our backs, we have given you a place of honor in the center of our fledgling village."

"That," Rakjar added as he walked up, "And we were afraid that you would accidentally destroy us if you wielded magic. It would be like giving a young a spear and asking him to hunt." Ajax gave him a sideways look as Rakjar had always ridden him hard but Rakjar was smiling at the jest.

Ajax laughed. "Yeah, knowing my luck I'd create a crater and the lake would rush in. Kind of counter-productive.


CHAPTER 8: Hail to the Hero

That evening there was a huge party at the new Minotaur village and the whole town was invited. Much to the Minotaurs' surprise, Humans, Immortals, Fae, and even a few Vampires came over. There were even Vampires from the nearby city of Metro came as well as Fae from each of the four seasons showed up.

The Minotaurs welcomed all of their new neighbors, thankful that they didn't have to hide any longer. They broke out the drums to play their music while they sang, even going so far as to have Ajax drag out his inherited set to start to teach him how to play. After a while, the dancing started.

"So," a voice said from behind Ajax after one wild celebratory dance ended, "you are Ajax?"

Ajax turned to see a man standing there with a redheaded Vampire woman and a raven-haired human Priest. He who spoke was one of the two that had been conversing at the town hall. "Yes?" Ajax said cautiously.

"James Parker," he said, sticking out his hand to shake with Ajax. "My wife, Princess Ashley Vanderheim, and my... I guess you could say, supervisor... Father Michael."

"Pleased to meet you all," Ajax said with a nod of his head. "What can I do for you?"

"Well," Father Michael said, beaming, "It's what we can do for you. The Lord and Lady wanted us to convey their gratitude for following their vision that they gave you in bringing the Minotaurs here. They hope that you'll continue to be their ambassador to the other tribes to lead them here as well."

Ajax blinked in disbelief. "How did you know about my vision?"

"Because," James grinned, "we work for them." Both he and Father Michael spread their arms, bowed their heads, and then threw them back. Their bodies flashed brightly and golden wings appeared on their backs to then spread wider than their hands. "We are Angelics." They said as one.

"Woah..." Ajax's jaw dropped as he stared in disbelief. "So... uh... do you have angel names or is it just James and Michael?" he asked.

"I was created recently," James admitted. "My boss here is the Archangel Michael."

"I... I... I don't know what to say..."

"Just answer a question for us," Michael said. "Now that you have fulfilled the will of the Lord and Lady above, you have the option of returning to your human form or you may remain as a Minotaur. Your choice."

Ajax couldn't believe it. Just like that he'd be back to normal. The desire to be back to normal swelled within his heart but something was holding him back. He was being tested, he knew it. Ajax felt a small, delicate hand grasp his. He looked down at his side where Rose had come up to him. She smiled and laid her head against his side, looking up at him with love and devotion in her eyes. Somehow, he knew, that whatever he chose she'd be right there with him. Minotaur or Human; she was his and he was hers.

But then he looked back at the center of the village where everyone had been drumming, singing, chanting, and dancing around the huge bonfire. Sure enough, the entire tribe and all of their guests had stopped and were now looking his way. Having an Archangel and his subordinate here had that effect, he figured. A lot of the humans were on their knees and praying, having their faith in an almighty now thoroughly justified. The Fae were giving apt attention to the Angelics as if it were their respective Queens demanding it.

The Minotaurs, however, were all looking at him. Some had sadness in their eyes. Rakjar looked like he was about to go on a tirade on how he was justified about Ajax's character the whole time. Chief Kurdor looked resigned. Ajax recalled his words from earlier. Minotaurs were few and far between and they were just one tribe. Sure, they were now living in the open among supernaturals and mortals once again but their numbers were still low. With the death of Tarnun and Ajax taking his place, their numbers maintained and would increase since Rose was willing. But if he reverted back to human, their numbers would decrease.

And it would send a message to everyone watching and possibly hurt the tribe... the tribe that took him in, no questions asked.

Ajax turned back to Michael and James, raising his bull head proudly. "I am Ajax the Pathfinder, I was a friend of Tarnun, whom I succeeded as a Brave. I am a descendant of Minos, and I am a Minotaur of the Tahoma Tribe," he proclaimed loud and clear enough for everyone to hear.

Michael and James looked at each other and smiled. They then turned back to him and held their hands out to him, palms upwards. Above them in the cloudless night sky there was a flash of light followed by rumble of thunder. Then a bolt of lightning came down to impact over the two Angelics. The clap of thunder that came with it was deafening. When Ajax's vision cleared, there was a massive spear in their hands that looked like it was straight out of the movie 300. Ajax peered at it when he saw a single word engraved on the side in a language he didn't recognize.


Michael spoke up. "During times of strife, the Lord and Lady will select a hero to perform great deeds and to protect those who are unable to protect themselves. The Greek Hero that you are named after was one such person. He fought side by side with Achilles at Troy and after Achilles fell, Ajax the Greater took it upon himself to recover his comrade's body, armor, and weapons in order to give his friend a proper funeral. When his own spear broke during the fighting, he took up Achilles' legendary spear that was forged by the demigod Hephaestus. We present that spear to you today as you are now the chosen hero for the Minotaur."

"The Spear of Achilles?" Ajax couldn't believe it. But there it was, in the hands of the Angelics, waiting for its new owner to claim it. With trembling hands, he reached out and accepted the spear with a bow of thanks to them.

That's when he heard the chanting start behind him. He turned and the entire tribe was shouting his name while banging on drums, shields, or whatever they could get their hands on. It was so energetic that even those visiting took up the chant.

Ajax held the Spear of Achilles high in recognition to their praise.


By the time the celebration was ending, Ajax felt more renewed and alive than he had at any point in his life. He placed the Spear of Achilles propped up against one wall by where his and Rose's bed would one day go... once he made it. For now, Rose had just broke out all of the furs and laid them down on the floor of their new, yet rustic looking, cabin. She crawled onto the furs and then looked back over her shoulder at him, giving him a beckoning 'come hither' crook of her finger. "I want to feel all your passion tonight, my love," she told him. "Don't hold back."

As his cock was already stiffening at the sight of her nude body on the bedding, Ajax was more than happy to oblige. He shucked his hunting leathers off, tore off his loincloth, and stomped over to her on heavy hoofs. Rose arched her back and presented her ass to him as he approached. Ajax was at full hardness when he knelt down behind her, grabbed her around her slender waist with his massive hands, and pulled her towards him.

"AHHHHH! YES!" Rose cried out as she was roughly impaled by his massive manhood. It speared deep into her, penetrating her hard, and filling her up. Ajax's massive balls slapped underneath of her like two heavy weights as he fucked her hard and deep. "Yes! YES! Don't hold back! Give it to me! Please!"

Ajax was amazed at how tight she felt around his cock despite the fact that he'd already had her once as a Minotaur. As he fucked her hard and fast, he felt her left-hand reach down to where it was around her waist. She then took his hand and guided it further up her body. "Oh Goddess! Yes!" she moaned as she closed his hand round her breast.

Allowing her to goad him on, Ajax squeezed it as he pounded her from behind. It felt small and supple in his hand and he couldn't help but reaching up to fondle the other one. Her pussy was already clenching his cock. He let out a hiss of breath as he tried hard to hold off for her pleasure. But she was already bucking back against him, lost in the throes of passion. Unable to contain himself any longer, his balls tightened and then twitched in rapid fashion as his cock spewed forth the load that had been contained. Ajax threw his head back and howled as he came inside of her.

Rose joined him in the passionate scream as she felt his seed fill her up to the point that she felt her belly bulge ever so slightly. Her eyes rolled back into her head as her body shivered and shook violently as the orgasm took over.

When they were done, Ajax had to rest down on his hands out of fear that he'd crush her with his bulk. Rose fell limp to the floor, moaning, as she reveled in the afterglow. After a few moments where the only sound was their heavy breathing, she rolled onto her back. "I hope that you are not done with me." She said with an innocent bat of her eyes. "I want you to make me your Minotaur slave to your seed. I need more... I want more."

"I believe the term you're looking for is 'slut', my dear." Ajax chuckled. "You got to give me a minute there, girl."

She gave him a coy smile. "I don't think that I ever told you that us Fae are a very sensuous race. We love to couple with one another and when we pair with another, the results are always quite satisfying. I know that other moral races have problems going multiple times, but we Fae do not." She reached down between them to gently take a hold of his cock at the base. She then drew her hands up the sides of it towards her, her hands glowing with blue-white magic the entire time. Ajax's cock went hard instantly to a level of hardness that felt so good that it hurt. "So, when we want to couple, we can couple." Rose smiled at him.

"That is a handy trick," Ajax noted with approval.

"May I make an insight to you?"

"Uh, you mean a confession?"

"Yes! That is it. I confess that when Tarnun took me, and drove into me, I felt my passion rise. I didn't know if I was crying for becoming his woman or if I was crying for losing my home. I think that it was for losing my home, a strike... I think?"

"Blow," Ajax corrected.

"Yes, a blow that I see now was unfounded," she rubbed her belly. "If I were not already carrying your Fae child, I'd be proud to bear your Minotaur child now. I cannot wait for that day. But I go off track. I felt... at home. I felt... natural... for Tarnun to be taking me like that." She said, reaching over for his right-hand. He allowed her to guide it and she placed it around her own neck. "I've seen the conflict within you and that you fear that something as beautiful as me cannot possibly be beholden to a Minotaur like you. So, I want you to hold me like this, and rightfully claim me as yours because I want you to know that you now own me completely and on my word as a Fae; I will never leave you. Fill me with your seed."

A smile graced Ajax's features. Any doubts that he had about her ever leaving him alone faded as he jerked his hips and drove his cock back into her. Their juices mingled again as her pussy molded to his huge cock. She grabbed his wrists and arched her back, pressing her body to his as he took her one hard, violent thrust after another.

Rose screamed with every jab of his cock into her. The tips of her breasts grazed his chest and she felt his hot breath on her face with every grunt and snort that he let out of his nose every time he drove into her. In her erotic delirium, she was certain that Ajax was fucking her even faster than before. She was yelling to the Goddess herself before too long, having been pushed over the edge before her Minotaur lover and owner was ready.

Ajax came harder and longer than he thought was even possible outside of maybe his wildest dreams or porn that he'd seen on the internet. His cock shot load after load after load into her to the point that her belly bulged out from the sheer amount of cum that he pumped into her. Rose writhed, her limbs shaking on their own, her body thrashing against his, as his own orgasm just seemed to make hers go on and on. They were both yelling and screaming their passion so loud that Ajax hoped that when the others made the cabin that they made it soundproof.

Now totally spent, Ajax rolled to the side and they laid down on the furs, gazing into each other's eyes as they only sound that was now evident was the sound of their labored breathing. "Damn... that was... amazing..."

"It truly was," Rose said with a small smile.

Ajax couldn't help but look down their bodies between them. "Is sex always going to be that tight and intense with you or will things... uh... loosen up eventually?" He couldn't help but wonder how she'd take anal sex.

Rose giggled as she listened to both his voice and his thoughts. She took one of his hands into both of hers and guided it down between her legs. "Feel," she said, gasping and moaning when she felt his finger slide into her. "We Fae always revert back to our natural form. So yes, I will always be this tight for you. It is probably one of the reasons why we Fae are so prized to be mates for other races."

"Hmmmmm," he murmured as he smiled, not wanting to take his finger out of her. He nudged her onto her back and fingered her to another orgasm before they fell asleep for the night.

Tomorrow was already looking like it was going to be a brighter day, and a brighter future, for them both.


EPILOGUE: New Developments

The next morning James walked into his brother's new office at the town hall. Aden was seated behind the mayor's desk and James had to admit that his younger brother was settling into the position well. He hoped so as his job was about to become a whole lot more complicated. "How you doing this morning, bro?" he asked.

"Fine, thanks," Aden said, giving him a quick, brotherly hug before motioning him to a seat. "What was with all that BS about the Spear of Achilles last night? You and Michael put on quite the show."

"Well, a couple of things, really," James admitted. "Since all of the supernaturals are coming out of the closet, it was time that we showed people once again that A: there are angels in the worlds and B: they're choosing to side with those who help everyone and not their own race." He gave Aden a half shrug. "That, and it serves to give a powerful weapon to someone who can use it. "

Aden snorted. "I'm surprised that you didn't give him the Spear of Longinus."

James waved a dismissive hand. "Too clichéd and besides its much more fun to watch humans argue over who has the real Spear; Rome, Vienna, Echmiadzin, Antioch, or Krakow. It's almost as much fun watching people try and find the Ark of the Covenant."

"I'm guessing it's not in a warehouse ala Indiana Jones, is it?" Aden eyed his brother with playful suspicion.

"No, although that would be hilarious!" James laughed. "Anyway, lost biblical relics aside, have you heard the latest news from Washington?" he asked, handing a folder over to him.

Aden shook his head as took it, opened it up, and started reading the first page that was on top. "So, our new orange-haired menace in the White House knows about supernaturals and has written a Top Secret, Emergency Executive Order regarding them. Awesome... we're all now enemies against humanity." He said with grim gallows humor.

"That's not even the punchline," James said settling into one of the seats across from him. "Look at the attached list of agencies that are allowed to enforce this."

Aden looked at it and groaned. "Terran Defense Incorporated. Our old buddy, Raymond Tillis."

"Would now be a bad time to tell you 'I told you so'?" James asked with a pointed look.

"Yeah, yeah, I shoulda killed the fat fucker when he was in my sights. Shit, you're just as bad as Zander." Aden said with disgust as he tossed the folder down. "Tillis isn't the only one with Washington connections and my connections also have foreign influence."