The Soldier's Wife

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Soldier's Wife is Blackmailed for Sex.
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The Soldier's Wife. Just a quick flash story for fun. This is a new attempt at writing for me in a different style told from the point of view of the wife. A poor, defenseless, soldier's wife who is being blackmailed into sex at the office.

All the usual restrictions apply. Copyright 2018 all rights reserved to me. No sex in this one as usual I don't do sex scenes all that well.


I had been working here for four years. I liked the job, my uncle Paulie had gotten it for me. I mean as jobs go it didn't suck too bad. We were a small branch office in New Jersey but part of a large national chain. My job was half data entry and half gofer for my boss, but he was easy to get along with, letting me come in late and take long lunches when I needed to. And no, he wasn't getting anything from me for being that way. I know I'm a fox, with my Italian heritage, dark hair, extra-large boobies, and cute bubble butt. I was short too, a little over five foot nothing, so there was a lot of little old me rolled into a small package. But I had been married for a little over a year now and Vince, my husband, just wasn't the sharing type. My boss had met Vince before and seemed to know which side of the bread the butter went on after that.

The day started out normally enough. I rolled in around 9:30 or so and after the usual chit chat with the other girls settled down to start entering some invoices around 10:00 or so. We had been in a little bit of turmoil lately, seems that the main office was out in California and they had been bought out by some guys from silicone valley or something. I mean I knew a lot of them bleached blondes out there had fake tits but really, having a whole valley named after them? Must be a guy thing but I knew my babies were all-natural, no silicone in them. They had sent a few guys out from the home office and they were shaking things up a little, letting some go and moving around others. My boss seemed a little shaky but personally I didn't care all that much. I mean I had been married a year now and it was probably time to stop work and start churning out the kids. My mom was waiting on grandkids and it would give my dad something to brag about inside, him doing 3 to 5 on a bum federal rap at the moment. So, I wasn't all that concerned when my boss told me around 11:00 I needed to go to the office and meet with the VP of associate relations. I don't know where they come up with these names anyway, I mean it isn't like I was going to have relations with him. He was a creepy little man about 50 with a comb over and pudge belly and when I was shown in his office there was another of these California idiots with him, some computer mucky muck who looked like a greaseball pimp. I mean where were all these surfer dudes with buff bodies that California was supposed to have?

So, they started off by telling me they had found some "irregularities" in some of the invoices I entered and that it looked like I was stealing money and sending it to an account in my name. I told them it was total bullshit, which it was, and that I wasn't stealing.

So greaseball says "it looks like there's about $25,000 missing and we have invoices with your data stamp on them. They were entered at your work station and went to an account with your name on it which has since been emptied."

"I don't know anything about it, it must have been faked. Someone is trying to set me up." I figured I'd throw in some weepy tears and use the little girl lost voice that gets me out of so many speeding tickets, but they didn't seem to be buying it for some reason.

Comb over was pulling the bad cop routine to greaseball's just the facts crap. Maybe the two of them thought they could scare me or something, but it wasn't like two office geeks from California were all that scary to this Jersey girl. "Tell you what, Angela, how about we give you a few hours to think things over and see if you can figure out what happened. Come back around 5:00 and we will see then what to do. But unless you have some good answers, we are going to have to notify the local district attorney's office and insist they prosecute. The company takes a hard line when it comes to theft and the matter will be out of our hands."

Now I will admit I'm not good at these things. I mean clothes, yes, shopping, ok, make-up and hair styles, for sure, but embezzlement and district attorneys were not my specialty, so I called my husband Vince and asked him what to do. He asked a few questions and told me it sounded like bullshit and nothing to worry about, that it was a setup of some kind. Even if worst came to worst and the DA prosecuted, which wasn't likely, we could plead it out if I wanted and I wouldn't do any time. Sweetheart that he is he offered to talk with them with me at 5:00 but I said I would handle it and we could meet up for dinner at Angelo's around 7:00. The whole situation was making me a little stressed, so I went out for a manicure and pedicure. I mean nothing reduces stress like a little pampering. I know Vince said it was a setup but my dad wad doing 3 years on a setup also. I mean he didn't hijack that trailer just let a friend park it in the yard overnight.

So, I rolled back in the office around 3:00 and twiddled my thumbs for a couple of hours. I mean it wasn't like I was gonna touch that computer again, or enter any invoices, not when I knew someone was screwing with them. Some people may think because I'm beautiful and have big boobies I'm stupid to go with it, but daddy didn't raise no stupid girl. I know I can appear scatter brained at times but half the time it was an act just to help me get my way. I mean you can learn a lot when people take you for granted and don't think you understand what's going on.

Anyway 5:00 rolled around and I went back up to meet with comb over and greaseball. They asked me if I had an explanation and I just babbled on for a bit, throwing in a few tears and all, and said I didn't understand it I never stole anything and all that, but it didn't look like they were buying it. Then greaseball started in on the real reason behind the mess.

"Angela, maybe we can help you out here. I mean you seem like a sweet kid and all, maybe we can just find a way to keep all this from coming out and avoid prosecuting you for it."

So maybe by dumb act and tears were working after all.

"Of course, we would want you to do something in return for us."

There was always a catch, I learned early on nobody did nothing for no one for free.

"What is it you want me to do?"

Comb over had gone over and locked the door and I realized this wasn't looking good. I mean two guys, a locked door, I hadn't seen this type of crap since high school when it got pulled on a few friends of mine.

"How about you start by removing some of that clothing and let us see what a sweet body you are hiding under there?"

"What are you fucking nuts? You think I'm gonna strip down for you two slime balls? My husband would fucking kill us. You want to look at some titties go down to the strip club."

"Angela, I don't think you understand your situation. Either you play this the way we want or your going to jail. How do you think a little girl like you would fare in jail? There would be dykes all over you the first night and they would be a lot rougher then we will. Plus, the guards would just eat up a tasty morsel like you."

I looked at him like he had two heads or something. I mean, even from California, how could anyone be that stupid.

"You think my husband would let anything like that happen to me? You really think he'd let someone touch me?"

Comb over decided to join in at this point. "He's a soldier of some kind, isn't he?"

"Damn right he is and one of the best. He will be moving up to captain eventually."

"Didn't figure him for an officer but no matter. You think soldier boy has any pull in the state prison? And how is it going to look for his career, his wife being arrested and all. Wouldn't you like to save him from that? All you need to do is strip down and show us that sweet little body, maybe a couple of blowjobs, and all this goes away."

Now I know I'm from Jersey and they were from California, but it seemed instead like we were from two different planets. Why would me being busted hurt Vince? And like I was gonna strip for comb over and greaseball much less suck their rancid cocks. I had tried the little girl lost act, but they were seriously starting to piss me off. And when I get my temper up even Vince has been known to stay away for a bit.

"I've heard enough of this shit. I wouldn't disrespect Vince that way and I wouldn't touch your dick with a fucking blowtorch. If you two are looking for blowjobs you can suck each other's dick but I ain't going near them. So, you can just unlock the fucking door and stop all this shit now."

"We unlock this door your going to jail. My next call will be to the district attorney's office and they will be pulling you in tomorrow. You think hubby will be waiting around for you while you're in jail? Think he's going to go a year without getting his dick wet? You'll be sucking some dyke's pussy while what's his name, Vince, is out two timing you. If he doesn't divorce you while your away. I mean how do you know he doesn't screw around a little on the side now."

"Of course, Vince fucks around on me, I mean, a man has to keep up appearances. Wouldn't be good for the guys to think he's pussy whipped or anything. But I wouldn't disrespect him by fucking around on him, much less with you two slime balls. I mean, really, is this what you do in California to get laid, try to blackmail some dumb slut into sucking your dick?"

I still couldn't get where these two were coming from. Something was just off, and it wasn't the whole blackmail thing, but for some reason I couldn't see it.

"You think getting arrested isn't disrespecting him. You need to do this to protect him. You think the Army is going to promote a man whose wife is a convicted embezzler?"

"Army? What fucking army?"

"Then Air Force or Marines or whatever branch of service he is in."

Then it hit me. They thought Vince was in the Army. God, I laughed out loud, I mean, how stupid could these two dipshits be.

"Vince isn't in the fucking Army you fuck wads. I mean, how stupid could you fucking two slime balls be, this is New Jersey for Christs sake, not fucking east bumfuck. Vince is a soldier in the DeMareao crew. He works for my uncle Paulie's family. He's a made man for fucks sake." I couldn't help it once I got mad, I always started swearing.


"Paulie Sprezzaloto. Big Paulie, my mother's older brother. You never heard of Big Paulie Sprezzaloto? He runs this half of fucking Jersey. Who do you think pays for the fucking district attorney's fucking election campaigns? God, you two are so fucking stupid. Vince will cut your fucking balls off and stuff them in your mouth when he finds out about this. I can't believe you two fucks were trying to blackmail me. What a pair of fucking idiots."

Comb over had rushed over to unlock the door.

"Obviously we must have made some sort of mistake. I don't see why we need to bring your husband into this you can just tell him it was a mis understanding. Your free to go."

"Obviously you two made a big fucking mistake. You think I'm gonna keep this from Vince? Not happening, I tell Vince everything. You must realize how much disrespect you showed him, trying to blackmail his wife and all, much less get in her pants. He needs to keep his image up. Answer this one, though, where is the $25,000?"

"What $25,000?"

"The $25,000 you two stupid fucks siphoned off and tried to pin on me. I know you put it somewhere."

"We pulled it out in cash in small amounts and it's in a safety deposit box."

"Maybe, just maybe, if I tell Vince tonight you two were gonna turn the $25,000 over to him tomorrow, in cash, he might be persuaded to look the other way, just this once."

"While I don't think..."

"No, you didn't fucking think. You thought you were still in fucking California and I was just some stupid fucking bimbo you could fuck with and couldn't do shit. So, you better start fucking thinking if you want to see California again in one piece. I'll have Vince send someone to pick up the money after lunch tomorrow and you better fucking have it. And don't try to get smart and pull any district attorney shit with us. Now open that God damn door and get the fuck out of my way. I'm meeting Vince for dinner."

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inka2222inka22226 months ago

I feel bad that she didn't set Vince on them to end their career. Permanent-like.

silentsoundsilentsound7 months ago

P.S. TRYTSYN. I married a princess. She's cute, sexy and a little over five foot nothing but petite.

She's generous and a fantastic wife but her nice girl image disappears when someone really crosses her.

She was married before and her then husband tried to disrespect her by moving his mistress into their home.

The divorce was immediate and very one sided in her favor. He was desperate to get her back though and didn't take a hint.

He mysteriously moved to the other side of the country and died for some reason. LoL!

Have a good year my friend.

silentsoundsilentsound7 months ago

I can't help but love this one. 5* and thanks for the laugh!

TRYTSTYNTRYTSTYN8 months agoAuthor

For those of you wondering about Angela letting Vince screw around there was a nice Italian gentleman an old friend told me about in his neighborhood with the nick name "Two Balls" because he moved his girlfriend in the house with his wife. Not sure if it was because he had two women or he just had the balls to do it

He disappeared a few years later but I understand that was business and nothing to do with his living arrangements

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