The Sultanah Ch. 10


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The expanse of flesh from the hem of the skirt to my top was vast. The feminine curve of my hips down to my narrow waist was clearly visible. As was the gentle slope of my torso back out as my body rose towards my breasts. The top itself was the same color as the skirt. It was, essentially, a very tight half-shirt. It had very short sleeves, barely more than a tank top. The fabric stretch across my back and was clasped together in the front between my breasts. There were no cups in the shirt to hold my breasts, in fact the bottoms of them poked out of the bottom of the shirt. The shirt was tight, however, and squeezed my breast into place. The clasp in the middle was just a single, small hook and eye. Above that clasp, the top clung tightly to my skin. However, there was not much fabric and my cleavage was exposed to my guests. Several gold tassels hung from the hemlines all around the top.

The only jewelry I wore was a small gold necklace with a ruby pendant that sat directly between my breasts. The exposure of my cleavage and the low-hanging necklace accentuated my neck, making it look long and regal. My hair was left completely unencumbered, flowing down my back and over my shoulders after being parted in the middle. A small, cloth ring was placed in my hair and my red veil hung down over my face from there.

With respect to my face, Arkadas had done an admirable job of applying make-up in the traditional fashion. She had applied powder to my face, lightening my olive skin slightly to make the rest of the make-up appear starker. My lips had been painted a deep red color, making my teeth appear particularly white. She had applied dark red eyeshadow to dramatically accentuate my eyes and offset this with a thick mascara that made my eyelashes look particularly long. Arkadas had done a splendid job of ensuring that everything, from my eyebrows to the powder on my chin, was just so. I had a symmetrical and alluring appearance that seemed more of an ideal than an actual human form. My face appeared more severe but also more beautiful than I had ever seen it before. I appeared as Gunes must have appeared.

These positive feeling about my appearance (so deliciously exposed and so desirable to everyone around me) was the only thing keeping me in place and secure. I could feel myself channeling Gunes as I wore her prescribed clothing and make-up. This allowed me to stand still and prepare to do my duty. Without it, I don't know that I would have been strong enough to go through with it, even knowing the stakes.

Perhaps Cin truly had the gift of prophecy and she could sense that, it we did not begin immediately, that I would flee from this place and all of my responsibilities. Or maybe she was simply excited about the prospect of a wedding performed in the "old" manner. Regardless, I had only been standing on the balcony, listening to the cheers of my people and looking at the face of my Peers, for a few moments when Cin turned to the crowd and raised both of her arms high above her head. She then launched easily into her prepared remarks, an amalgamation of what Priestesses had been saying at Royal weddings for centuries before the arrival of Tanri.

"People of Şehir! Subjects of Ülke! Vassals of Bütün Dünya, welcome!" A great cheer rose up from the crowd and Cin walked over to the edge of the balcony so that she could see them more closely. I followed her movements carefully with my eyes. Each syllable she uttered caused a jolt in my stomach and made my heart flutter faster. I felt dizzy and my eyes, involuntarily, closed. I breathed deeply, trying not to think about what was about to happen, and I leaned on Cin's words, trying to listen to the reassuring sound of her voice without hearing the content.

"It is my honor and privilege to be with you on this day, to witness the extension of our illustrious Hanedan Dynasty and to usher in a rebirth for our great Empire!" This was also met with cheers and Cin soaked it in. I gazed over towards the palace, looking for the door where Nislani was waiting. I wondered what she would do when the time came.

"Rebirth. The rejuvenation and reawakening of our Empire starts with the rebirth of the traditions that made this Empire great. Centuries ago, the traditional ways of doing things were never question. People worshipped the Sun God because they knew no other God was present. And, at the same time, they served the power of the Empire because they knew that no other early power was present. When unified, Gunes and the Empire were unconquerable. The armies of the Empire spread out over the world and everywhere found victory, honor, and glory. In thanksgiving for these victories, the Sultans and their subjects praised Gunes and spread the message of the Sun God. The armies of the Empire spread the true religion all over the world and the fidelity of the Empire to Gunes brought peace and prosperity to all Imperial subjects, even the new conquered peoples," Cin's voice sounded almost orgasmic, taken away with the glories of the past. She then dropped her head dramatically, sighing.

"It is impossible to pinpoint an instant when reckless doubt and childish ignorance upset this perfect partnership. Scholars have debated the causes for centuries already. Some believed that life in the Empire was too good, that a decadent people believed they no longer needed the Sun God's guidance. Others believed that minor setbacks in the Empire's fortunes caused fickle Sultans to forget the blessings of Gunes. There are thousands of other suggestions. It is not important.

"What is important is that through the centuries, our Sultans have slipped away from the traditions that bound the dynasty to Gunes and, as a result, bound our Empire to this Earth. First in surprise and then in wrath, Gunes then turned on the Empire, seeking to induce the Sultans to see the error of their ways. The Sultans, unbound from the Sun God, found that their Empire had been nearly wrenched from the surface of the Earth. The God-given authority of the Emperors has been usurped by heretical fools in faraway cities. The sacred place ignored and false idols venerated by idiots. All earthly authority slipping away as spiritual authority was ignored.

"The fortunes of the Empire have always been tied to the fortunes of Gunes. As Imperial ignorance of the true religion faded, the Empire faded. As if to represent this collapse of earthly authority, the Blood of Gunes drained from the veins of the Hanedan Dynasty like an hourglass draining sand. Gunes Blood was debased and diluted by the blood of foreign harlots and sacrilegious whores. It seemed inevitable that the last few grains of sand, the last few drops of blood, would drain from the Hanedan line, all hope of reconciliation with Gunes would be extinguished, and the Empire would fade into history," Cin's voice grew low as she spoke. It almost seemed that she was on the verge of tears and her sincerity overrode my annoyance that my mother and grandmothers were referred to as 'whores' and 'harlots." The people had grown completely hushed and they seemed to lean in towards the stage, needing to hear what Cin was saying and believing it in their hearts.

"But," Cin said, her voice perking up suddenly, "Just as it is always darkest before the dawn, in our most dire straits, a new light burst forth onto the world. The light of the Sun, augmented by the light of two shooting stars, has shaken the Imperial line from its ignorance and apathy. A new Sultanah has risen, versed in the history of the Empire and cognizant of the reality of Gunes' blessings. Sultanah Varis I," and as she spoke a great cheer went up from the people and I smiled despite myself, "has re-forged the bond between the Hanedan line and the Sun God. She has returned to the old traditions and has set the Empire, once again, on the path to glory.

"Today, the Sultanah has asked you to be present to witness the symbolic re-affirmation of that re-forged bond. Today, two daughters of Gunes, possessing the very blood of the Sun God, will be wed. Their blood will mix in a child, an heir to the Hanedan line. The debasement of the Royal Blood will cease. And, as centuries pass, the blood of Gunes will once again concentrate in the veins of our illustrious Sultans. And just as Sultanah Varis I will wed Princess Nislani today, the Hanedan Dynasty will symbolically renew its marriage with Gunes. And, just as this wedding will bring glory to our Sultanah and her wife, the marriage of Gunes and the Royal family will bring glory to Bütün Dünya!"

And once again, Cin raised her hands high above the ground, everyone cheered loudly, almost wildly. Though many likely missed the meaning of some of Cin's words, they could feel what she was saying. She was saying that this marriage would be blessed by the Sun God and that it would make their lives better. And they were ready for it.

"Will the Princess Nislani please come forward?" Cin bellowed and the crowd roared louder. I turned and looked once again at the door to the palace. I held my breath, waiting to see what would happen. I was still waiting for something to change, some accident of time or place that would allow me a way out of this prison that I had built for myself. Part of me wanted Nislani to have run away. To go somewhere and never return. It would be an absolute disaster for the Empire. But it would not be my fault.

A guard reached over to the door and grabbed the knob, pulling it open quickly. Standing in the doorway, dressed exactly as I was and wearing identical make-up, was my sister Nislani. In addition to her red eyeshadow, her eyes themselves were red from crying and her shoulders were slightly hunched. It was clear that she wished she was anywhere else in the world (she barely reacted to the massive cheer in her favor) but she had resolved, as I had, to do her duty. I had broken when we spoke, her last delusion run out. She had no mind for intrigue, no way to escape her fate. I took a breath.

Agiz and Got walked across the balcony rapidly until they were standing on either side of Nislani. They took her arms in theirs and began to walk her over towards me. I was struck by Nislani's beauty, though I felt a bit narcissistic in that thought because she looked so much like me. She had the same flow of wide hips, the same pert breasts squeezed into the small shirt, the same hair, the same eyes, even a remarkably similar face. Nonetheless, I had never seen my sister look more beautiful and I realized why my father had believed her to be such a prize on the international marriage market.

In a few seconds, Agiz and Got had returned to Cin's side. They had deposited Nislani directly next to me. We were separated by only a foot or two but Nislani would not acknowledge me. Her head was bowed and her eyes were closed. She was whispering something to herself, I assumed it was encouragement. I had ordered her to be here and she was, I could not demand that she enjoy the proceedings. I did not plan on enjoying them myself. I owed my sister a debt, for conquering her childishness and doing her duty as a Princess. I felt the first soft feelings I had experienced for her in a very long time.

"Varis Hanedan, I present to you, Nislani Hanedan, your betrothed," Cin called out over the crowd. Another great cheer rose up. As was required, I reached my right hand over and took Nislani's hand. Her fingers were icy cold and she did not react to my touch. She continued to whisper silently to herself. If Cin noticed, she gave no indication and continued on.

"Varis Hanedan, do you accept this presentation?" she asked me. I looked at my sister, so beautiful and distraught. I almost laughed as a thought rushed to my brain. Nislani was my Empire, brittle, unyielding, difficult, and on the verge of collapse. I loved it despite myself. And I guess her.

"I accept her," I said, my voice sounding clearer than I believed possible.

"Nislani Hanedan, do you accept your betrothed as she is presented?" Cin asked and my sister made no movement. Cin waited patiently, but Nislani simply mumbled to herself. There was absolute stillness in the air and the crowd around us had grown entirely silent. Cin looked at my sister angrily, apparently thinking that she was purposefully ruining the ceremony. I quickly realized that Nislani was not even listening. I squeezed her hand very tightly, my muscles contracting to the point that they ached. Nislani jumped and let out a quiet whimper. She looked at me, anger in her eyes. I quickly motioned my head toward Cin, who was staring daggers at my sister.

"I accept her," Nislani said, her voice sounding weak and uncertain. But in the absolute stillness, her voice carried out over the crowd. I was surprised by the feelings I felt as Nislani spoke. I was, to a certain extent, disappointed. I had hoped that Nislani would figure out a way out of it. A larger part of me was relieved, the trouble was past and the deed was done. But the greatest part of me felt something else. Pride. I had made this happen despite everything, despite my own wishes. It felt...good. Cin seemed to agree.

"As the Sun above us shines down in unequaled splendor, so do the blessings of Gunes fall on this pair. Feel the sunlight dissolve the ephemeral borders that separate you. Feel the heat of this day forge you once again into a single being. And what Gunes has joined, let no man tear asunder," Cin said, completing the prayer. Her smile was so wide it threatened to tear her face, "Sultanah Varis, you may now kiss your bride."

I woodenly turned and face my sister. She did not move, but I pulled gently on her hand. Her eyes were still closed and her head was still bowed, but she slowly turned to face in my direction. Her shoulders were rising and falling slowly and I could tell she was trying to control her breathing. I reached my left hand over and placed it on my sister's chin. Her skin felt cold and somewhat clammy. I placed some pressure on her chin. Her head rose in a hard, jerking fashion until her face was directed towards mine. Her eyes were still closed and her lips were still moving.

I looked briefly over at Cin. She still looked triumphant and was staring out at the crowd. She noticed my reluctance and looked at my sister. She shrugged slightly and indicated with her head, telling me to continue. I sighed and looked back at my sister. I slipped my hand off of Nislani's chin, I slid it back across her cheek, finding the back of her neck. Her skin here also felt cold, though it was smooth and pleasant to touch. I looked once more at my sister's face, but she continued to ignore everything. I closed my eyes and titled my head. I leaned in forward towards my sister. I tried to pull her in towards me, but she stayed unmoved.

After a moment, I felt my lips press into my sister's. They felt cold, almost hard to the touch and she did not return the kiss. I kept my lips on hers for several seconds. After first, I did not believe that she even noticed that I was kissing her. But then, I felt, against my cheek, a slight wetness. A tear had dripped from my sister's eye, run down her cheek, and touched my face. It was her only protest. I quickly broke our kiss and backed away.

"I now pronounce you married!" Cin declared.

And so no, I was not waiting for my marriage ceremony either, it was legally done, my sister was my wife. No, I was waiting instead for the consummation of that ceremony. The final rite to ensure the perpetuation of my dynasty.

I did not know exactly when it would happen. In fact, I had believed it would have happened already. The reception for my wedding had already been going on for several hours. It had started first in the streets. As soon as Cin had declared my marriage to Nislani, my subjects became absolutely ecstatic. The cheering and jubilation seemed to stretch the city to its limits. Only after they had shouted themselves hoarse, did the people move on to the actual celebration. All of the city squares were made available to them. Food was purchased at my expense and distributed in the city. The water in the city fountains was replaced with wine. Minstrels and musicians of all kind had flooded into the city and dances and impromptu theater had broken out all over.

The celebrations within the palaces had started scarcely any later. Entire floors of the building were given over to celebration. Kardes and Cin had overseen every aspect of the planning. Food, drink, and spices of every imaginable kind were found in great abundance. I had hired the finest musicians and most skilled singers to entertain my honored guests. No one from outside of the Empire had been invited, so those present were the members of my own Peerage, present to celebrate my marriage and drink for free.

The most honored noble guests were those who had been selected to eat in the throne room. I sat in the front of that room with my wife, Nislani, by my side. The magnates drank my wine and toasted Nislani and me often. A section of the room had been set aside for dancing and many of the magnates had danced with their wives (and each other's daughters). The room was overflowing with the sounds of conversation and the tinkling of glasses. The food in the throne room was the most exquisite kind and had been purchased dearly in these rough times. But the two most honored attendees of the reception did not partake. I was far too nervous to think of eating anything. Nislani had not spoken since the end of the ceremony, she looked down at her food listlessly did not acknowledge the world around her. Perhaps that was for the best.

I was just beginning to think that Cin had made some change to the order of events, when the rear door of the throne room open loudly and loud bell could be heard ringing out over the noise of the crowd. Slowly, the magnates in the throne room became aware of the ringing bell and grew quiet. The revelry of the other people in the palace, outside the throne room, as well as the peasants in the streets, could easily be heard, but the room itself was silent. Smiles began to appear on drunken, reddened faces and I saw lascivious old men wink at one another and trade hushed, bawdy remarked. I felt a lump form in my throat and my knees instinctively locked together.

I turned and looked at the sound of the opening door. I saw the Guardian Party standing at the door. There were nine members of the Party: Cin, Agiz, Got, Kardes, and the five wives of the members of the Executive Assembly. The Guardian Party had been invented centuries earlier as an institution to ensure the consummation of royal marriage. To ensure that the, often unwilling, parties actually engaged in sexual intercourse on the night of the marriage, representatives from both families (sometimes even fathers or mothers) would enter the bridal chamber on the first night and watch. At first, there had been no ceremonial aspect of the act; it had simply been a practical requirement, to ensure that the wedding was legal. However, over the centuries, many rituals had been attached to the process such that the entire event had become extremely formal.

And the first part of the tradition was that the Guardian Party was to burst in on the husband and bride in the midst of the wedding reception and drag them to their bed chambers. This was done quickly and with great mirth. The other people at the reception would scream out good-natured obscenities and predict the actions that would occur that evening. And, my Guardian Party was no different.

The nine members of the Party, with Cin in the lead, rushed to the table and grabbed at my arms and legs. Other women rushed at Nislani. It was customary for the bride and groom to put up some token resistance and, in the interest of tradition, I struggled somewhat as the women began to lift me. I even cried out slightly against the catcalls in the room. Nislani, on the other hand, went limp as the women grabbed her, and they pulled her easily out of the room and into the hallway leading to my chambers. I followed behind her and the door was closed, leaving the rest of the reception to their party and leaving me with ten of the most important women in the realm.