The Sweet Slut In Training Ch. 03


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"Relax," Travers smiled. "You remember when you were a child and you had to take medicine and your mom would mix it with ice cream or mashed potatoes or something to make it taste better?"

"Sure, I always mixed it in my cereal," Valarie said.

"Well, I can see that not liking the taste of cum is becoming an issue for you -- much more you than it is for us," Travers said. "You want so desperately to please us that you want to like it. You're trying too hard, thinking too much. It needs to be less about the actual taste and more about the experience, how having that cum explode in your mouth makes you feel. You need to equate it with good, positive thoughts that make you happy. If pleasing us makes you happy, know that us shooting cum in your mouth is about the best thing there is in a man's world. If feeling naughty makes you happy, focus on that, the image of your mouth on a man's cock, sucking on him, milking him dry. See what I mean?"

"I think so," Valarie said. "Sort of like making the taste secondary, a non-issue. I want to taste your cum not because it tastes good but because I like making you cum or because it makes me horny. Something like that."

"Exactly," Travers smiled. "I can see why you got all A's. You're an excellent student."

"So, where does the ice cream come in?"

"Oh," Travers said. "Well, like I said, I want you to associate tasting and swallowing a man's cum with something positive, something pleasurable for you. So you're going to eat their cum with some of your favorite foods. Whatever you like. You can add it to ice cream, chips and dip, hot dogs, soup, hot chocolate, whatever you want tonight. I will probably still feed it to you straight, but you won't have to lick or suck any other cocks -- they'll just jack off on whatever food you want and then you can eat it."

"That sounds like a really good way to do it," Valarie said, feeling better about things. "So, how many guys are we talking about? And if I'm not sucking them, how are they going to ... um, you know ... get off?"

"There are five others besides me," Travers said. "They're all about my age, within five to six years, anyway. And they will get off just by looking at you, maybe touching you a bit, maybe you'll give a little show, a little stroke with your hands for encouragement, but no sucking or fucking."

"All right," Valarie said. "Whatever you say, sir."

"You don't have to call me sir," he reminded her.

"Oh yeah," she smiled. "I was wondering if you'd mind if I called you 'Billy'."

"Why Billy?"

"I don't know," she said. "You're just so professional and clean cut all the time and Billy just sounds fun and playful... I guess that's a silly idea, huh?"

"Not at all," he said. "I like being fun and playful. I don't feel old, but being with you makes me feel very young. Call me Billy or whatever you want. I won't take offense, just like I know you won't take offense when I call you my slut or bitch."

"Of course not," Valarie said. "I know you don't mean anything bad by it. I am your slut, your bitch, your cum receptacle, your little whore, your sweet-to-eat and thrill-to-drill babe. At your service, Billy boy."

"You are amazing," he said, giving her ass a playful slap. "Let's find you a nice outfit for tonight, you naughty little tease. How did that old boyfriend of yours ever let you go, anyway?"

"Well, I didn't act quite like this back then," Valarie said, realizing that made it sound like years ago when in reality it had only been weeks. What a different woman she had become already. "So, I'm not sure he found me the irresistible playmate you guys do."

"All that aside," Travers said, his tone soft, genuine, "you're a bright, fun, smart, talented young lady. Women like you don't come along every day. Now add in the fact that you are becoming an incredible sex object and, well, I just don't see how it happened."

"He's doing just fine without me," Valarie said. "I still care about him, but just as a friend. That's all we ever really were. I wouldn't say we were ever lovers. I never thought we'd get married. We just had a lot in common and had some fun, but he had big dreams and a great opportunity to pursue. I miss his companionship -- we could just sit and talk for hours -- but I don't miss him like a lost love. Know what I mean?"

"Sure," Travers said. "I know we aren't exactly your friends yet. I mean, we've put sex way ahead of really getting to know you. But I hope in time you'll consider us your friends. I really do. I want you to be able to have fun with us, even if it doesn't involve sex. And I want you to be able to trust us, talk to us, laugh and joke with us. But you're doing it the right way. Get used to the submissive role first by not ever really getting out of it. I know it's hard to go from normal girl to always being in the spotlight, always being viewed as a sex object. Thinking that way, moving that way, acting that way ... it's not second nature to you. Not yet anyway. I think it will become that way and when it does, then you can find that balance between being yourself and being a sex toy."

"Yeah," Valarie said. "I really have to think about it when I show off for you ... bending a certain way or wearing my clothes a certain way. I'm not used to doing that. I'm glad you understand. That makes it easier. I don't want to mess up, but I feel better knowing you guys will be patient with me."

"Yes, for now at least," Travers said. "But the longer we go, the greater the expectations. I'm sure you understand that. And I feel safe in speaking for my cohorts that the games and fun will only become more extreme, more exciting and more demanding on you. You won't be harmed in any way, you have my word, but there is much more we can do than what you've experienced so far."

"I understand," Valarie said. "At the same time, the past three days have been so ... extreme ... to me, at least. I can't imagine it getting any crazier. But I trust you guys to lead me, train me and help me become what you want me to be."

"Keep that attitude and you'll be fine," Travers said.

The portion of Valarie's clothes that would stay at Travers house had already been put in a spare walk-in closet. Valarie was amazed that the closet was filled. She now had more clothes in four different locations than she'd ever had in one place in her life.

"Why don't you pick something out?" Travers said. "I'm going to go down and prepare the game room for tonight. And I want to take a shower. That should give you plenty of time to find a good selection. I trust your judgment."

"Thank you, sir, I mean, Billy," Valarie said.

It didn't take her long to find the dress she was looking for. She had loved it when Coco picked it out for her. Naughty and fun. She thought it was definitely appropriate for tonight. She remembered that they had purchased four different colors, so she wasn't surprised to find one of them in Travers closet.

She selected some shoes and a fun choker that seemed particularly appropriate and laid everything out on the bed. She heard Travers in the shower now. She stripped off her clothes and entered his bathroom, nude. Slowly, she approached the clear glass shower door. His back was turned as he washed his hair. She noticed his ass, which was fairly firm and attractive for an older man. Playfully, she pressed her naked body against the glass, smashing her tits against it. It was quite a site when he turned around.

"I was hoping you wouldn't mind if I joined you," Valarie said in sexy high-pitched voice that made her sound bubbly and naïve. "I've been a dirty little girl and I could use a nice hot shower."

"You have been very dirty," Travers agreed, pulling her into the shower with him and closing the door. "But something tells me a shower isn't going to make you stop."

"Something tells me you're right," Valarie giggled. She wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him. "Thank you for the car, Billy," she whispered softly in his ear, pressing her lips to his ear lobe, licking his ear and his neck.

"It is a very nice car," Travers said softly.

"Sexy looking," Valarie mumbled, her teeth scraping against his neck. Her hands caressed his hairy chest. His hands were on her hips, holding her close. She felt him grow hard against her belly and took his cock in her wet, soapy hands, stroking it gently.

He grabbed her wet breasts, letting his hands slide over them, cupping them, brushing against her rubbery nipples. She kissed his ear again, then whispered, "I'm all yours, Billy, use me however you want."

There was a small bench in the shower and Travers guided her too it. He turned her to face the wall, then put her right leg on the bench. Now, with her left foot flat on the shower floor and her right leg up on the bench, she was spread and open to him. He stood behind her, rubbing his cock against her ass. The warm water continued to spray over them. That, his pre-cum and her preheated pussy were more than enough lubrication to let him slide right into her warm tunnel. She placed her hands against the wall, bracing herself as he pumped into her, her nipples brushing against the slick tiled wall with each thrust. He grabbed her hips and drove his cock up into her, slapping her ass a few times.

"Oh, that's a good little slut," he said lustily through gritted teeth. "All wet and hot for me, weren't you?"

"Oh yes, Billy," she cooed. "I was so ready for you. Make me your little slut. I can't wait for you to show me off to your friends."

"Yeah, they haven't seen a hot little bitch like you before," he groaned, his thrusts growing faster and deeper. "Tight, juicy little piece of ass."

"It's all yours," she whimpered. "Use me."

"Exactly what you're made for," he said. "Cock-sucking, cum-swallowing, horny little cunt. Oh, fuck that little pussy. Yes!" He pounded her hard, ramming her against the wall and pinning her there as his cum spilled into her. She kept rocking her hips, moving her ass against him, milking his cock with her pussy. She was hot herself, but not on the verge of orgasm, not yet. Travers didn't turn her on like Roy and Nelson. She wasn't repulsed by him in the least, but aroused, well, that was a different matter. She thought she could be, but it would take more time, more intensity. Maybe something would happen with the poker guys tonight. If not, it wasn't about her, she reminded herself. What she had just done, essentially, was her job. And, judging by Travers smiling face, she had done it quite well.

After the shower, Valarie was finally free of cum on her face and hair and felt clean, refreshed and energized.

"Let me see what you picked out," Travers said.

"Not until I put it on," she said coyly. "Gotta see the total picture to get the full effect, big boy."

She grabbed her clothes and scurried into the walk-in closet. When she emerged, Travers merely nodded his head and smiled. Mission accomplished.

She had picked this one in particular because it seemed fun and playful and it was game night, after all. The outfit was meant to look like a referee, a very naughty referee. A black and white striped halter topped criss-crossed across her breasts and wrapped around her back. Its black strings tied both around her neck and the middle of her back. The top ended at her rib cage with black straps criss-crossing across her midriff. Her skirt was also black, a tiny 4-inch pleated garment that was more tease than clothing, covering less than half her ass cheeks. She wore black and white striped bikini panties that tied in low bows on her hips and thigh-high black-and-white striped leggings that looked like athletic tube socks and were made of the same soft, stretchy material.

She wore clear stilettos and giggled at the idea that her six-inch heels were actually longer than her skirt. The final touch, of which she was especially proud given the theme Travers had already identified for the night, was a black velvet choker with a rhinestone "I Love Cum" label across her neck. She even wore a whistle around her neck, playfully blowing it.

"That's not what I want you to blow," Travers said. "But you can keep practicing all you want. Wow, that's a great outfit. Perfect choice. You look amazing. The guys are going to go crazy when they see you."

"Thanks," Valarie blushed. "I must say, clothes like these do make me feel, well, sexy."

"So, have you given any thoughts to what foods you want to eat with your cum tonight?"

"What do you guys usually eat?" Valarie asked.

"Well, we usually have some chips and salsa or order a pizza or maybe some wings," Travers said. "It's not fancy -- it's a guy thing, I guess."

"I understand," Valarie said. "Well, I might just try whatever you guys have. Do you need me to fix anything?"

"You fixed what I needed in the shower," Travers said. "No, whoever hosts has no responsibility for the food. The others bring food. I'm sure they'll have a good assortment for you to choose from."

Travers told Valarie he wanted her to make a grand entrance. He hadn't told the guys about her, so she would be a huge surprise. "They'll be here in about 20 minutes. So give us until 8:15, then come down to the basement. By then, we'll be playing cards. You can come in and ask if anyone needs anything. I'll be watching the jaws hit the floor."

"You're silly," Valarie giggled. She gave him a kiss and waited in his room, taking advantage of the opportunity to get some rest. Being a full-time sex object took a lot of energy -- the past few days had been draining, both mentally and physically.

Promptly at 8:15, Valarie made her way downstairs, double-checking her attire, not that there was much to check. She made sure her leggings were pulled all the way up and her choker was facing forward. She descended the stairs to the basement slowly, the voices of the men growing louder with each step. It sounded like a typical guy's night, loud laughter, jokes and talk of women and sports. She took a deep breath, took the last step and entered the basement.

"Good evening gentlemen," she said in a loud, cheery voice. "Billy, can I bring you guys anything?"

"Sure, baby," Travers grinned, watching his buddies ogle Valarie. "I think we could all use a beer. They're in the refrigerator right next to the bar."

Travers had a full bar in his basement, including a full-size, fully stocked refrigerator. The refrigerator stood next to the bar, not behind it. There was no obstruction of the view as Valarie opened the refrigerator and bent to collect the beer bottles. She grabbed two out of the door, but Travers said, "I think the ones on the bottom are colder," he said.

"Oh, of course," Valarie said over her shoulder. She scolded herself for not thinking of that to start with. The further she bent over, the better the view for the guys. She just had to learn to think that way. She started to bend her knees, but realized that bending at the waist would be better. Now, her legs were straight, slightly spread, her ass higher than her head as she bent over and grabbed two beer bottles in each hand.

She brought them over to the table, trying to make eye contact with each of the men, all of whom were staring at her. She kept a smile on her face. Be pleasant, be friendly, be cute, be sexy, she told herself, tease 'em and please 'em.

She placed the beers in front of each man, bending over slowly, letting them look at her chest or ass or legs -- whatever they wanted. When she had handed out all four, she headed back to get the last two.

"I'll be right back, boys," she smiled. She walked slowly, putting one foot in front of the other like she had seen the runway models do, knowing that it accentuated the motion of her ass. She bent over slowly again, gathered the two beers and brought them back.

"Thank you, Valarie," Travers smiled as he accepted his beer. "Please, meet my friends and contributors to your clothing fund after I take them for all they're worth tonight. That's Hank, Buzz, Nat, Smitty and Bones."

Valarie shook all their hands. "Colorful names," she said.

"Nicknames from back in the day," Travers said.

"What did they call you?" Valarie asked, teasing.

"Why, he's Wee Willy," Smitty said. "Was then, always will be. Willy for short."

"Willy," Valarie smiled at Travers. "I like it. William is too stuffy sounding. Yes, Willy. That's fun."

"Know why we call him 'Wee Willy'?" Bones laughed.

"Oh, she knows," Nat said.

"Why are guys always so mean to each other?" Valarie giggled. "All I know is, last time I checked, he wasn't so wee."

"Oh really? And how long ago was that?" Nat challenged.

"About an hour ago," Valarie said, biting her lip temptingly. "I sure didn't have any complaints." She smiled and spun away, stopping a few steps away. "Anything else I can bring you boys? Just yell if you need me."

"Hey, Willy," Nat yelled. "Where's she going? I always did think we should have a little waitress on hand for these things. Whaddya say?"

"Hey, she's a free woman," Travers shrugged. "If she wants to stay, that's up to her." Of course, Valarie knew he was telling her to stay, but also to play up the fact that she was his sexy little toy by her choosing. Make it seem like I couldn't resist him, like I'm a little slut addicted to his cock, Valarie told herself. She smiled and turned around.

"OK, boys," she said, turning around. "I'll hang around. Just didn't think you'd want some silly girl messing up your boy talk. Let me bring down some of those snacks I saw upstairs and turn on some music. Poker's too boring. If I'm going to hang around, we're going to make this a party."

She went up the stairs and found a serving tray, loading it with bowls of chips, pretzels and salsa. She heated up the plate of chicken wings someone had brought and found some cheese, crackers and chocolate brownies to add to the mix. She put all this and a few small saucers and bowls on the tray and headed back downstairs, gingerly watching her step, careful of her high heels on the narrow stairs.

There was a table along the wall behind the poker table and she carefully set the tray there, bending at the waist as she did so, well aware that no one was actually looking at their cards anymore. "See anything you like?" she asked, turning and waving her hand in front of the tray of snacks like a model on Price is Right.

"Hell yes," the one they called Bones grinned, looking pointedly at her legs.

"You're so silly," she teased. "I meant to eat!"

"I know," Bones grinned again. They all laughed.

"OK, OK," Valarie smiled. "How about I just let you gentlemen help yourselves while I find some music. Does this jukebox work?"

"Sure does," Travers said. "Find some good dance music, why don't you?"

"Just what I was thinking," Valarie grinned. She flipped through the songs on the jukebox, not surprised to see a lot of 70s and 80s rock. That fit Travers' age. She liked rock, too, and recognized many of the songs. She picked a handful of singles, then started moving her hips as the first sounds of classic Bon Jovi filled the room.

She turned to face her audience, all of the men standing around with saucers of wings and chips, their eyes collectively glued to her. She smiled and looked down, watching her legs, trying to see what they saw, to move in ways they would want her to. Try as she might to lose herself in the music, she was self-conscious and felt awkward. She understood now why strippers had a pole to hold onto. Besides the phallic symbol, it was also a welcome partner. Right now, with nothing to hold, nothing to move around or in response to, she felt slow-footed and clumsy, even though neither of those words had ever been fitting descriptions for her. A natural athlete and graceful dancer, Valarie was used to fluid, confident movements. She felt anything but right now.