The Sweet Slut In Training Ch. 03


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She stopped looking at herself and looked at the guys, expecting them to be frowning or laughing at her awkward attempts. Instead, they were still gawking at her, their eyes locked to her body, silly boyish grins on their faces. Instantly, she began to relax. She focused on them instead of herself, watching them as she moved, paying attention to how they reacted to certain movements. She remembered Coco telling her to watch them, that their eyes would tell her what to do. Sure enough, she found herself moving fluidly, confidently now, her body jerking and grinding and twisting to the thick beats.

"Your love is like bad medicine. Bad medicine is what I need," the song said. She thought it was especially appropriate. Her disease was a slight aversion to cum. And the medicine was a heavy dose of it. Bad medicine? Well, hopefully not. Think positive thoughts, associate it with good things, she reminded herself. She looked at the dorky grins on the faces of men who in other settings were successful, distinguished businessmen and community leaders. She realized she had them in the palm of her hand. She wiggled her ass and their eyes boggled back and forth. She ran her hands over her breasts and they licked their lips.

It was fun to see them react this way. Playing it forward in her head, she realized she would be able to make them cum by teasing them just like this. And that would be fun. And then, she could only imagine their expressions watching her dine hungrily on their salty loads of spunk. Travers was right. The fun wouldn't be the taste of the cum. It would be feeling the power she had over their emotions, the pleasure she give them with a twitch of her hips or a lick of her tongue. It was intoxicating. That, she realized, was the addiction. Not the actual taste or substance. It was all about the experience. She felt sexy and hot and powerful and tried to corral and hold that feeling, knowing it was what she had been missing. That was what would make her not just a slut, but a cum slut, a hot babe who enjoyed producing, extracting and, ultimately, being a receptacle for cum. The fun came not from feeling degraded, but from feeling strong and in control. She wouldn't dominate them physically with whips and chains, but mentally by teasing, taunting and ultimately pleasing in the most fun and wicked ways. Yes, she needed some bad medicine all right.

"Very nice, my dear," Travers grinned. "But that music's a bit loud. Turn it down a bit, please, so we can continue our poker game. I have some money to win from these chumps. Would you mind keeping the plates and glasses filled while we play?"

"Of course not," Valarie chirped happily, but inside she was confused. She thought she had been sexy and sultry. She thought she'd keep dancing, the guys would get excited. She'd strip, they'd jerk off and she'd catch their cum in a bowl or something and try Travers' food experiment. She thought this would please him, but obviously it wasn't what he wanted. Go with the flow, she told herself. He'll let you know what to do when. Just be ready.

She turned the music down, still wiggling her hips to "You Shook Me All Night Long" as she played the role of waitress, offering food and beer to the poker players. Travers caressed her ass as she did so, but none of the others did and she realized that they didn't yet feel comfortable touching her and she suspected that it had little to do with Travers' presence -- though that was certainly a factor—and more about their sense of decency. That was probably why she wasn't half-naked right now on the floor with cocks jerking off all around her. But how would they get to the point? Would Travers just blurt it out? Was he expecting her to do it? She looked at Travers for direction, but his poker face displayed as little about his intentions as it did his hand.

She decided to wait it out. She watched them play several hands, occasionally getting up to offer food or beverage, but mostly she sat and watched. Travers was indeed doing very well and after his third straight winning hand, she went over to congratulate her hero.

"Ooh, you're doing so good, Billy," she cooed, leaning in to give him a kiss. His hand met her lips.

"Sorry, babe, no kissing during a hot streak," Travers grinned. "I'm on fire. Can't let anyone -- even you -- jinx it. Nat could use a good luck charm, though."

Valarie got it. That was the opening she was looking for.

"You better believe it," Nat said in mock disgust. "I haven't had a decent hand all night. Get over here, sweetie. Wee Willy never did appreciate the attention of a beautiful woman."

"That's because he never had one before!" Bones joked.

"Good point," Nat said, standing and giving Valarie's hand a gentle kiss in a show of mock chivalry. "However did you wind up with such a disgusting pig?" he asked Valarie.

"Felt sorry for him," Valarie went along with the joke. "But now I see the error of my ways. How may I help you get your money back, my dear?"

"How about a kiss on the cheek for luck?" he asked. Valarie looked over her shoulder at Travers, who gave her permission with a dismissive wave of his hand. But a sparkle in his eyes told her that she was doing well. She took the initiative and sat on Nat's lap and kissed him on the cheek. Instinctively, his arm went around her waist, holding her on his lap as Bones dealt the next hand. Before Nat picked up his cards, he asked Valarie to blow on them for luck.

"Careful, Val," Smitty said. "If he wins this hand, who knows what he'll ask you to blow next."

"I'll take my chances," Valarie smiled. She leaned over and pursed her lips and blew gently on the cards, taking her time and giving them all a nice look. The tight top really pushed her B-cup breasts together, creating a small but very attractive bit of cleavage.

"I think your cards just got bigger," Hank teased. As Valarie sat back, she did indeed feel a growing bulge beneath her. She didn't let on about that or about Nat's cards -- though that part was easy since she didn't really know much about poker. When he won, though, she bounced up and down on him excitedly, turning to give him a kiss. The tops of her breasts jiggled against his chin and she leaned over and kissed him -- on the mouth this time. Nat resisted the urge to kiss back, pushing her gently away and glancing over at Travers, who was busy pretending not to have seen the kiss.

"Looks like she's good luck all right," Smitty said, handing Nat the cards.

"Hey, babe, would you mind dealing?" Nat asked. "I'm too busy counting my winnings here."

"Sure," Valarie said. "But I don't really know how. You just shuffle them like this, right?" She started shuffling the cards, exaggerating her struggles until finally several of the cards flew into the air, one of the landing, as she'd hoped, between her breasts. As she knelt to pick up the others off the floor, she wedged the card deeper into between her breasts so that only a portion of it stuck out of the top. Valarie had never minded having small to average size breasts, but now that she was in this outfit, playing this role, she felt inadequate. She thought about Coco's huge breasts and wondered if they guys would like her more if she got a boob job. What was she thinking? A week ago she would have scoffed at the idea. Now, she feared she wouldn't be sexy enough without it.

She pretended not to notice the card wedged in her cleavage and resumed shuffling the cards. When she began to deal, the guys stopped her.

"You're missing a card," Smitty said.

"What? Where?" Valarie asked, looking on the floor again.

"No, it's not on the floor," Nat said. "Here, I'll get it for you." He grabbed the top of the card, his hand brushing across the top of her breast as he slowly pulled it out and handed it to her.

"Oops," she giggled, shoving the card back in the deck. She quickly finished shuffling and dealt the cards. She gave Nat another kiss for luck -- this one again on the mouth -- and blew on the cards again. She squirmed in his lap, making sure his growing cock kept on growing. She kept moving slightly and watched the hand play out, trying to think of her next move. She had no doubt that once the first guy got off, the others would see that it was OK and join in. But how to break the ice? Travers was offering no guidance. She was on her own and feeling a bit scared and vulnerable again. Did she really trust Travers, after all? Did she really want to be this kind of girl? She caught herself daydreaming about life back in Scotland, her old job, her family. It seemed so far away right now. How had she gotten here? And is this really where she wanted to be?

She snapped to attention when Nat slapped the table and whooped in celebration. Another winning hand. Valarie glanced at Travers to see if he had noticed her lapse, her hesitation. If he did, he didn't let on. Poker face all the way. She remembered the cheer she had thought up and launched into it. She jumped up and down in front of Nat, her tits bouncing in his face, her skirt offering glimpses as it flipped into the air.

"Play those cards and grab those chips, Much good luck from my lips. He's got a full house, I've got a firm little pair. Just try to beat us, if you dare. We'll win each hand, you can't last. Nat's the best, so kiss my ass!"

Valarie's choreographed dance moves for the cheer included pursing and licking her lips at the mention of her mouth, cupping her breasts when she mentioned her "big pair" and finally slapping her ass at the end. The cheer drew applause and laughter. Amidst the commotion, Valarie caught Travers eye and jerked her head toward the football game that was muted in the background, then hooked her thumb toward Nat's crotch. Somehow, Travers caught her meaning.

"Hey, I forgot all about the game," Travers said, looking over at the football game. "Who's winning?"

He got up from the table and walked over toward the set. Smitty, Hank, Buzz and Bones followed. Nat started to, also, but Valarie stopped him by reaching between his legs and squeezing his cock. "Shhh," she smiled, looking over her shoulder to make sure the others were focused on the TV. Then, she rubbed her hand firmly up and down his shaft, feeling his hardness through the thin material of his khakis. "It's OK," she whispered to him. "Just relax."

He put his hands on her hips and looked uneasily over at the others. Obviously, Nat was concerned that Travers would be upset. Valarie didn't know how to convince him otherwise. That, she decided, was up to how Travers wanted to play it. She was playing her role. Now it was time for him to play his. She'd do the work, he just needed to give his buddies the green light.

Valarie unzipped Nat's pants, whispering to him, "For when we sit back down." She could tell he was torn, knowing he should zip them up and stop her, but probably wanting nothing more than to feel her skin or lips or whatever body part she was willing to offer against his sensitive erection. She turned her back to him, using her body to shield the movements of her hand, which was now inside his pants, gently stroking his cock with subtle movements of her delicate fingers. Blocked by her body, the handjob was undetectable to the others, even as they returned to the table, but Nat's cock was certainly well aware of it. He slid into his chair, keeping a hand on Valarie's hip, pulling her close so no one would catch a glimpse of his cock.

After a few more hands -- two of which were won by Nat -- it was his turn to deal again. Valarie reached for the cards to shuffle them for him, pulling her hand from his cock, which was now wet with pre-cum. She didn't want to get the cards sticky but she had no where to wipe the pre-cum from her hands, so one by one she licked her fingers clean. The pre-cum didn't have nearly as strong a taste as actual cum and she didn't mind it as much. Still, she knew the real stuff would be coming soon.

She shifted on his lap until she felt his cock pressing against the backs of her thighs, then spread her legs just enough to let it poke through. The pulsing prick was being kissed on top by her silky panties while the other three sides were surrounded by her silky smooth thighs. She felt him buck his hips once and looked down to see the bottom edge of her skirt lift up a couple of inches. She knew that his cock was pressed against it. She nonchalantly reached under the sides of her skirt and untied the panties, letting the front flap fall over the head of his cock.

Valarie looked around at the table of men, again wondering how she had come to be sitting on the cock of a man she didn't know, surrounded by others she only knew by colorful nicknames and a boss more than twice her age who had already fucked her several times and let another man cum on her face. Now, in just a few more minutes, she knew she would begin the process of eating the cum of these men -- these strangers. She would swallow more cum in one night than she had in her whole life. Hell, she'd had almost as much sex in the past few days as she'd ever had before. More barriers would be broken soon, she knew, absently wriggling her ass.

Usually, breaking barriers was a good thing. But she wasn't sure about all this. It was too much, too soon. Sweet, sharp, focused Valarie was becoming something different. But was it better, worse or neither? She wasn't sure. The fact that her options had been limited at the time of her decision to take the job offered little consolation. There was no getting around the fact that she found some of this very exciting, very arousing, highly interesting. She was scared, ashamed, exhilarated and proud all at the same time. It was an odd mixture of emotions and it had her on a roller coaster ride, feeling incredibly sexy and powerful one minute, frightened and vulnerable a moment later, confused and ashamed the next.

A few minutes ago, she had been thinking about her need for "bad medicine" and savoring the idea of spurting cocks all around her. Now, it was imminent. Nat wouldn't last much longer. Once he came, it would be on. They'd all be cumming. How much would Travers let them do to her? Did she really trust him that much? He hadn't shown his hand to his friends yet, so to speak. If she jumped off Nat right now and ran upstairs, what would happen? He wouldn't force her to come back down and have sex with them all -- that would be rape and she knew neither Travers nor these men would stoop to that level. No, Travers would punish her some other way. Not physical. Mental. Emotional. He'd fire her, probably. Then where would she be? Sucking landlord dick for a room again?

Her options were limited and time was running out. Nat needed release. He was moving more now and it was getting difficult to hide. Travers still wasn't moving. He was going to make her make the move, invite the others. Somehow he'd give them permission and that would be it. It was clear that he intended for her to make the first move, make it look like her idea. OK, if that's the way he wanted to play it...

"Who brought the chip dip tonight?" she asked sweetly, pinning her thighs and panties around Nat's cock to keep it still for a few more minutes.

"I did," Hank said. "There's ranch and salsa. Take your pick."

"Hmm," Valarie frowned. "I think I'd like a different flavor. Something a little salty, nutty, but also thick and creamy."

"Sorry, I didn't bring anything like that," Hank said. "How do you make it?"

"Oh, you brought it all right. You all did," Valarie grinned mischievously. "Every man knows how to make it -- but it's best when there's a woman's touch."

With that, she stood up. Nat grabbed for her, but it was too late. They all saw her pretty panties draped over his erect cock, a telltale wet spot above his head. He looked at Travers nervously, but Travers gave him a smile and a nod, indicating it was OK.

Valarie retrieved a small bowl from the snack table and turned back to look at them. "Nat's going to give me some of his dip," Valarie said in sultry voice, barely louder than a whisper. "And while I'm sure he's quite virile, I imagine I'll need more. Can I encourage you to share yours with me?"

"Thought you'd never ask," Buzz grinned. "Of course, you might have to be my little lap dog luck charm for a few hands first, just to be fair."

"Of course," Valarie cooed. "It's the least I can do. I hope you gentlemen brought a lot."

She knelt down in front of Nat and the others stood up, expecting to watch her suck their friend's cock. Travers hadn't told Valarie to do so and she was glad. She didn't know if Travers and the guys would ever want her to be in a gang bang or not, but she sure wasn't ready for one yet. Half-a-dozen hand jobs and some cum eating would be plenty wild enough for tonight. She just hoped that's all it would amount to.

She wrapped Nat's meaty cock in her panties and and rubbed it up and down, stroking it firmly, feeling his penis flex as his load worked its way into launch position.

"Use your tits," Nat said. Buzz heard him and untied her top before she had even let go of Nat's cock. She thanked him and slid the top off, handing it and her panties to Buzz. Her nipples were hard and she rubbed them against Nat's pulsing shaft.

"I'll hold those," Nat said as he pinched her nipples between his fingers, pinning them on the sides of his cock at the base of his shaft. Valarie slid her hands to the sides of her breasts and mashed the firm little buds against his cock. Nat bucked his hips, pumping his cock across her tits.

"She's mighty fine," Nat said to Travers. "Sure you want to share this fine piece of ass with degenerates like us?"

"What's mine is yours," Travers said. "Well, except for her three holes. Those are private property. No trespassing there, boys."

"What's the penalty?" Smitty said, only half-jokingly. "Might be worth the punishment."

"Might be," Travers nodded. "So long as you didn't mind having your balls cut off."

"Hmm, tempting," Smitty grinned, "but I think I'll stick with the hand and tit job."

"Good choice," Travers said.

"Shut up you morons," Nat grunted. "Can't you see I'm busy over here?"

"Looks to me like that poor pencil's about out of led, old man," Buzz taunted.

"Look again," Nat growled. "Get that bowl over here, bitch. I'm going to give you so much cum, it will save you the trouble of jerking these other dorks off."

"Mmm, I hope so," Valarie cooed. Nat took over the stroking while she picked up the bowl and held it under her chin. "Just hit my face and it will drop right in."

The thought of jizzing on her pretty face was the final image that sent Nat over the top. His wad shot out in four thick streams, each hitting her tightly closed lips. He jerked his cock over the bowl, milking the remaining drops out as he watched his cum drizzle down Valarie's chin and drop into the bowl in sticky puddles.

"Beat that, chumps," Nat said, wagging his softening cock up and down, shaking the last few drops into the bowl. "That's enough to feed a small village for a week."

"Looks yummy," Valarie said. "But I'll need more. Billy, could you please turn up the music. I wanna dance!"

Travers turned up the music as Motley Crue's "Girls, Girls, Girls" ode to strippers came on. Perfect song, Valarie thought, "who wants a lap dance?"

The guys didn't bother answering the obvious, but dutifully returned to their seats and watched as Valarie slithered onto the poker table and writhed around, her body twisting and turning to the music. Already topless, she decided she might as well take the next step. She wriggled out of her skirt -- with plenty of eager hands helping discard the garments -- and lay naked except for her thigh-high socks and stilettos. She hopped off the table and straddled Buzz, facing him as she sat on his lap, her naked pussy rubbing over the lump in his pants. She gave him a disapproving look for having his pants still on and motioned for them all to take them off. She faced no resistance.