The Tales of the Silver Wind Pt. 01

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Not everything is what it seems with the ship's engineer.
14.1k words

Part 3 of the 5 part series

Updated 06/08/2023
Created 10/27/2017
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Special thanks to my editor

All characters are over 18+


Sebastian Landis stood resting against the framework of the ship, his eyes watching the rotation of the dark matter engine that powered that nimble ship. To him, where he was from, such things were child's play; his people once roamed great expanses space. However, those days were long gone when the Venus Oculari Empire had fallen in the Symphax war. Yet that didn't mean his people were gone. Since then Sebastian had hid out in the wilds of the void that was left behind. There were still survivors of their enemies, still out there looking for anyone, still connected to those people. In his opinion they got what they deserve, but he was a soldier, or that was what they had made him for.

Here out in the outskirts of the Milkyway galaxy, drifting on the solar winds as he wondered if the patch would hold until they got to the nearest star port. Here in the wasteland where death is always around the corner, he felt so at home, yet without the countless dead bodies strewn out across blood soaked fields. That feeling to fight always in the back of his mind, yet now he didn't have to any longer. He smiled as the engine hummed.

"Okay, that should get us to Altroa," Sebastian said into the intercom as the sub-light engines hummed. Five years he had served on the Silver Wind. Five years in that place, Sebastian pondered if he could spend out his long altered life there. "I suggest getting that part I told you, that we needed last week," Sebastian said matter-of-fact.

"All right, I hear you Sebastian," Lulu grumbled she didn't want to be on that planet any longer then they had to - only trouble awaited them. Five years ago she thought she hit it big when she signed Sebastian to her crew, that was still true, yet there was something about him that didn't sit right with her. "Take us in Gil," Lulu ordered as she stood on the bridge of her ship.

"So Lu," Nathan said as he wiped down the chamber of his laser bolt pistol. "How about you and I hit up the salt baths once we land," he said as he looked up a mischievous light flashed across his eyes.

"Tell me he isn't coming?" Akasha asked annoyed after Nathan's fifth attempt to flirt with her friend.

"He is, so is Sebastian," Lulu smirked at her Candary friend. Being a quarter human, her human DNA played less of a role in her appearance, other than her pale white skin, however, other than her tail, fangs, claws, and catlike nose the rest was only skin deep. Though, she did wish the narcissistic attitudes they were also known for would have softened too. "You hear that Sebastian, you got five minutes to get to the mule," Lulu said noticing a slight reddening of her friends cheeks.

"Really?! You want me to go with you?" Sebastian asked looking over to the few things he had kept from his time as one of the Imperialist. Specially, altered elite soldiers built for one thing - death.

"You know what we need, so you're coming," Lulu said her auburn hair set ablaze against Altroa's red sun.

"All right, I'll be there in one," Sebastian said feeling his old instincts kicking in. Setting the engine to shut down automatically once they touched down, setting the computer to run a diagnostic, which will restart in twenty minutes giving them enough time to get in and out. Reaching over his fingers skimmed along the grip of his plasma bolt pistol, its built-in electronics activated powering the DNA reader. He prayed that he didn't need to use those dormant skills as the doors rolled open.

"So, here's how's it's going to go. Nathan, Akasha and Richard you'll provide cover while Sebastian checks over the goods," Lulu said as the land speeder sped across the spice fields.

"Don't worry mate, I got your back," Richard said sarcastically.

"Amanda, I want you on standby just in case....well you know," Lulu said breathing unsteadily.

"Roger," Amanda's sweet voice came over the line. "You be careful," she whispered into Richard's helmet mic.

Lulu eyed the area looking for advantages, scanning the area, determining that no other humanoid was around; setting the others into position while she and Sebastian waited for their buyer to arrive. It was one of the few palaces left that knew how to build Luciole type parts left in that quadrant. Due to their numerous hidden compartments it made an ideal ship for smuggling. This one in particular had a notorious habitat of double crossing you if they thought they could benefit from it. Lulu glanced over at Sebastian wondering if he knew how to use the cannon he had strapped to his leg.

"Hope you know how to use that," Lulu said offhandedly, as their guest arrived.

"Oh, don't worry about me Captain," Sebastian said waiting for the 'tell', that spark, that foretold of battle. Seamlessly, turning off the safety of his weapon as the Macko brothers vehicle approached.

"Ah, Captain Winters I presume," Brian Macko said, an old wicked scar marred the left side of his face. He always liked to do business first, should they deem to have more, 'Then all bets are off', he thought to himself. "What brings you here to this part of space?" Brian smirked wickedly.

"You know why I'm here Brian, so let's drop the act," Lulu said as nicely as she could.

"Ah, right to business I like that," Brian said smiling, yet that cold expression was anything but friendly. "Do you have the item I asked for as payment?" he asked as his helpers placed the parts down by his feet.

"Here, no, I've buried the rest somewhere around here," Lulu said holding up one of the preserved bricks' of Alliance nutrition gel. Out that far from most known star ports, Candaries were known to raid that part of space, yet the Brothers supplied parts for their ships as well; and the nutrient gel was more valuable than gold so far removed. Tossing it to Brian the parts weren't that bank draining, yet she didn't need them to know about the shipwreck they had found adrift a few days ago, or the crates of that gel stored on board. "I hear a family of four can live off of a single block, so..." Just then one of the lower ranking members thought they could make a power move and take it all. Lulu would have died right then if it wasn't for Sebastian's quick reflexes. Ducking behind the fallen log, her chest heaved as a rain of laser bolts rained down on Brian's position.

"Well, that wasn't what I expected!" Lulu said as the bombardment lightened. "Okay, this isn't so bad," she said peeking over the log noticing how the supply crate was still intact. "Now, all we need to do is take out those three."

"Where are they?" Sebastian asked as he maxed out the setting on his plasma pistol, pressing the barrel of his pistol to his forehead. Slowing his breathing as the training that was forced on him along with the battle reflexes he had gained over that long drawn out war began to surface.

"The idiots are standing in front of their land speeder," Lulu chuckled before ducking back under the tree as they took notice of her.

"Can you keep them distracted for a few?" Sebastian asked before crawling off not giving her a chance to answer.

"Distraction?!" Lulu asked in stun aspiration. Firing blindly over the log wondering just what he was planning. Peeking over the log once she lost sight of him. Wondering how an engineer could move so stealthy and not draw attention to himself.

"On my mark, 3, 2..." Sebastian whispered over Lulu's mic. Just as her bolt drew their attention, Sebastian struck out, using the closest one as a human shield while two quick shots took the others in surprise, ending their lives in a sickly green puddle of goo. "Captain what do you want me to do with this one?" Sebastian asked over the open com line.

"Kill him," Akasha said plainly as she withdrew from the cover she was using. "The losers always die," she growled baring her fangs.

"Wait," Lulu said a little put off with what she had just seen. "I think having one of the Macko brothers on our friend list; would be beneficial Mr. whoever you are, don't you think?"

"Ah, yes... it would," the man stammered as the barrel of Sebastian's gun pressed into his scalp.

"Well, then I say we'll take the parts that were owed to us and keep the gel, while you my man get a big pay increase," Lulu said as her finger skimmed along the man's balding scalp. "From now on, parts for my ship, how we say, are now buy one get two free," she said greedily. "Or we'll tell the rest what really happened here."

"Sure, not a problem," the man said trembling he didn't care about that, what held his attention was the device that had turned his former partners into goo. He had heard of such weapons, yet he thought they were gone with the fall of Rykus. He knew only one race carried such weapons - The Nephelian - or more precisely an Imperialist. "You just let me know what you need." Lulu had expected the fear but it wasn't directed at her, no, it was directed at Sebastian - the one person she didn't expect to induce fear.

"Nathan, Richard, see that crate finds itself onto the mule," Lulu said nodding towards their purchase.

"Well, aren't you a mystery," Akasha said in a predatory light as she stalked towards Sebastian. She had watched as Sebastian pounced on his prey like something she hasn't seen done since her time with her father's people. Something she had been longing for since she was cast from her tribe.

"May be," Sebastian said smirking as Akasha approached. Lulu watched her friend; this wasn't how her friend normally acted, only to be brought out of her meanderings as the man began to squirm in Sebastian's arms.

"Let him go Sebastian," Lulu ordered watching how he holstered his weapon. "We'll be in touch," she said ominously as Nathan radioed that the cargo was secured. "Down girl," Lulu whispered low maneuvering Akasha away from Sebastian.

"What the hell was that?!" Nathan asked as he and Lulu waited for Sebastian to install the new part. "You did see that right?"

"Kind of hard not to Nate," Lulu said as she leaned against the navigation panel, her finger running along her lip wondering just who her engineer truly was.

"Yeah....all right, so what do you think?"

"Good question," Lulu said pondering what this new bit of information would have on her future schemes. If she could get him tell her, where he got that weapon then she knew her crew could take on better stuffed prizes. They might be able to raid the cloud nebulae. All she had to do was catch him off guard, then once his secret was out get him to point her to a cache of weapons.

"I wonder where he learned to do that?" Akasha asked as she entered the bridge. "Lulu, you were in the Umbria war, does his moves remind you of any group you might have encountered during it?"

"No, it kind of reminded me of you, you know how you to that stalking thing," Lulu said waving towards the window.

"Yes, but how does he know, our ways are secret? It's hard to imagine," Akasha said before walking out amused at the possibilities that waited.

Sebastian stood in a shower of sparks as he removed all traces of the old gasket. He knew the captain was eager to get underway as was he, it wasn't wise to linger. Even over the noise he heard her approach, a predator watching another predator, the thought amused him as his music blared through the speakers. Reaching over turning down the radio as the grinder wheel slowed to a crawl.

"Something I can help you with?" Sebastian asked coyly. His eyes ran down her lithe, nimble body, he had seen numerous Candary women before, yet Akasha was someone who put them all to shame.

"Catch!" Akasha said tossing him an apple faster than any human could move. A deep rumbling purr radiated outward as Sebastian bit into the succulent fruit. Keeping her mirth contained behind her violet eyes. "I thought after what happened, you probably needed a snack," Akasha said as she walked behind him eyeing his back wondering what more was he hiding. "Given how that might be the first time you killed anyone, to settle this stomach," she said her claws lightly dancing along his stomach feeling how he would react. Yet Akasha was only met with his amused smirk as he took another bite. "The Captain, wants to know how long it will be until we're underway?"

"Oh, here in a few minutes," Sebastian said wiping the juice from his lips with the back of his hand; tossing back the gift, and drying off his hands before he picked up the new flow regulator. Sebastian watched from the corner of his eye as Akasha sniffed the apple before tossing it behind her. Sebastian actually knew what the gesture meant given his time among her people.

"Akasha, come up here and could you bring Sebastian too?" Lulu's voice came over the com.

"Well, are you done?" Akasha asked taking a step forward silently. Ready to see what other things he was hiding.

"One sec... now I am," Sebastian said aloofly, walking around to the main control panel, slowly priming the engine, testing the seal before bring the flow up to full stream. Once it held steady at eighty-two percent only then did he turn on the drive. The bluish-green light of the plasma inverters bathed the roof of the containment pod in a rainbow sheen. "And we're good to go," Sebastian said as he turned on his heel only inches separated them. Testing the waters even a third generation Candary wasn't someone you lowered your guard around.

"Shame," Akasha said leaning in slowly her nostrils flaring inhaling his scent. Wondering why she didn't smell even a hint of fear. "Well, you heard the Captain," Akasha said pushing Sebastian forward.

"Lulu, as you can see I believe with this we can heal the waters!" Sebastian was skeptical if there was anything mystical about the water, however, he knew of the planet the enthusiastic old tech hunter spoke of. Of course, he knew of it, he had fought to free that salt encrusted sand dune planet. However, that wasn't the point what she was suggesting; the only thing he knew how to produce the effect she was hoping for was with nanites. One place he hasn't trodden since they had forcefully discharged him. Yet he also knew this ship of theirs wouldn't survive the trek, at least not without help - in the form of the Candary kind. No, they couldn't go there, they shouldn't know about his home. If anyone knew how to reach it, that would only active the androids the leaders of his world left behind while they slept deep beneath the earth; while they waited for the fallout to level off before resurfacing. Sebastian wondered if the old outpost was still functioning and inhabited.

"It can't be done," Sebastian said trying to throw them off the scent.

"Oh, I think it can, at least with a little help that is, thanks to Gil here," Lulu said bringing up the display for the ancient library his people left behind. It had been years since Sebastian had seen his own language. "He's found an old fragmented data file that mentioned the place in Adriana's notes. Well, she's the expert in this dead language, so once Sebastian here is done with the engine," Lulu said looking over at Sebastian for a different reason all together.

"Hey, if you want to go chasing fairytales, long as I still get paid," Sebastian said shrugging his shoulders hoping the first huge hurdle would break their resolve.

"Ah, spoken like a true pirate," Lulu said rising from her seat. "Gil, once we're out of the atmosphere set course for Adriana's safe house," she ordered as she walked towards Sebastian. "Come with me," Lulu whispered low, she knew enough if he wanted her dead more than likely she would be, so she sought to approach Sebastian like she did with Akasha.

"Interesting weapon you have there," Lulu said as she led Sebastian into the common area of the ship. "Mind telling me where you got?"

"Yes," Sebastian said hoping she wouldn't press the subject.

"Okay, understandable you want to protect your source," Lulu said spreading her hands trying to lower his guard. "I get that, whomever made that pistol obviously knows want he's doing. I'm guessing they don't like surprise guests, and who wouldn't given that tech," Lulu said studying Sebastian and getting that feeling he was already two steps ahead of her. "I get it you don't want to break that trust..."

"Okay, what actually are you asking me Captain?" Sebastian asked slyly.

"I want to know where you bought your pistol," Lulu said stepping closer to him.

"Ah, this old thing, I didn't buy it per say," Sebastian said patting his old service weapon.

"Alright, so where did you find it?" Lulu asked growing irate the longer he stalled.

"I didn't," Sebastian said scratching the back of his head hoping to get her to drop the subject.

"Hey, Lulu," Nathan's voice rang out down the corridor.

"We're not done here Sebastian!" Lulu growled as Sebastian walked off towards the engine compartment.

"Yeah, we are," Sebastian said as the doors rolled closed.

A week had passed since getting the wave from Adriana. Sebastian swung in his hammock that he had secured between two of the I-beam ribs that lined the inner hull of the ship. When he had joined Lulu's crew, all the crew quarters had been taken and to Lulu's thinking what better place for an engineer to be then having his rack in the same space. While he might have a more spacious room than the others, it didn't necessarily mean it was quieter. Though, once he had put a sonic shower in the engine room, given the space, he had seen an increase in the foot traffic of his friends coming and going. While he himself enjoyed the more hot liquid kind, yet in space water was precious better used to keep them alive then taking showers in it.

While the sonic shower didn't require you to disrobe to remove the surface dirt from your body, however, his crew mates have taken to that habit. The only thing that kept him from seeing for more than they wanted was the sheet they hung up around it. Yet at that moment Sebastian was having a trouble time keeping his attention centered on the wave tablet in his hand as he surfed the subspace feeds. Her silhouette taunted him as she rubbed the perfume infused petals down her raised arm. Her tail swooshed around the space as her hands trailed down her chest, skimming along her perky breasts, her smooth stomach, down her shapely legs. Sebastian felt his body hardening as he watched the heavenly body before him. He quickly returned to his surfing when Akasha stuck her head through the opening. As much as he flirted with her using her people's mating rituals as a guide, Sebastian tried not to peer out of the corner of his as he felt her eyes on him; yet as much as she had started it, it was still wise never to drop your guard around a Candary female.

"Hey," Akasha purred taking the tablet out of his hands and plucking the earbud from his ear. "I thought I felt your eyes on me earlier?" she asked as her hand ran up his chest. Wondering if he would indeed make an excellent mate outside of Candary ruled space. Since she had wandered in human space she had always seen the men too weak, too soft, and too breakable during her mating cycle. However, if the man beneath her had indeed learned from one of her people then she knew he had to be the one. For what she was, she would never be welcomed back, she looked too human for her people, and too Candarian for the human men. Yet she had caught the faint looks Sebastian glanced at her, it made her wonder.

"I don't have a death wish, Akasha," Sebastian said in a matter-of-fact tone. Remembering what his old friend had taught him about the women of his race. Noticing how she didn't wear the neutral sandalwood scent she normally did, instead Akasha wore a sweet, enticing perfume. While the female might be as forward as they wanted until they have chosen a mate, the men, however, were meant to stay as neutral as much as he could until said female made her attentions known. Yet it took all his will not to gaze at her lustrous semi-nude body.