The Tales of the Silver Wind Pt. 01


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"Captain, we're about a hundred yards from the shoals you warned of," Gli said as he fired the thrusters stilling they're advance. Four weeks they had traveled through the darkest parts of space to reach that secluded area. Lulu knew no one had traveled that far out from all known worlds. There out in that vacuum she could see the aftermath of the war that was waged in that region of space. How her fingers twitched wanting to pick over those once grand warships as they passed silently through that graveyard. Yet she knew she couldn't, at least not yet. However, once they got the water crisis under control she was sure to revisit that area.

"Sebastian, would you come to the bridge," Lulu said into the intercom. "Gil, place a marker on our star map; we'll return when people aren't counting on us," she said as her eyes lingered on the main screen. She wondered if she would be able to see the dark shoal that lay just off bow of her ship. Her body fidgeted in her seat as she heard Sebastian approaching. Once a week she sneaked into the engine room to have a taste of the man that hid everything about himself, and each time she had him between her legs it wasn't about finding out everything about Sebastian, no, it gradually turned towards more of her need to feel like a woman. "Hello Sebastian," Lulu said shyly peering out the corner of her eye as he passed her.

"Captain," Sebastian said offhandedly. Akasha rested her elbows on the top of the weapon console as her eyes ran down his back. She felt her tail swaying behind her as her eyes centered on Sebastian's ass. Akasha's eyes fluttered as she recounted the time when Sebastian showed up at her door wearing the loose flowing robe of those that preformed the Manājl. Akasha gasped as he performed the traditional bow as he stood waiting for her to give him permission to enter.

Once she did her heart skipped a beat as she watched as Sebastian set up the tray. Gesturing for her to disrobe and to lie on her stomach as he turned around. While she did technically win the duel between them, yet she didn't think that was the case. However, she wasn't about to correct Sebastian either. Covering her ass and her womanhood with her robe as she lay face down on her bunk and telling Sebastian that she was ready, her body trembled as her mattress sank down feeling Sebastian straddling her legs. A moan escaped her lips as she buried her head into her pillow as Sebastian's hands ran up her back.

She never had the Manājl performed for her. Yet she had seen it performed enough to know what to expect. However, that didn't really prepare her for the sensations she felt exploding throughout her body. She had no idea how or where he got the Candary oils used for the ceremony, that didn't really matter any longer. All she felt at that moment was his hands kneading her skin rubbing that heavenly scented oil into her body. Hands she has been longing to feel on her body as they slowly massaged her sore muscles. Akasha could feel her slickness slowly accumulating in her hot channel. A chill ran up her spine as his hands touched the upper part of her thigh. Biting her lip as those strong hands of his touched her so delicately.

By the end of the session Akasha was panting heavily, trembling on the verge of an explosive orgasm, and yet she wanted more. She needed him, longed for him to move those hands beneath her robe and touch her so sensuously. Yet if she was to mate with him she couldn't come out right say she needed him to fuck her. That wasn't what her people did, yet how she just wanted to roll over and take him right then and there. It took all her will not to reach into his robe and grasp that cock she felt pressing between her ass cheeks. Pulling her robe up as she rolled to her side as she watched as he meticulously placed each item on the tray in a certain order. Her tongue ran along her fang as Sebastian repeated the ending gesture of the ceremony so flawlessly it made her question her peoples mating rituals.

"Gil, turn the subspace beacon to coordinates 89.08-32.75," Sebastian said as he took command. Akasha gasped she knew just who he was contacting.

"Sebastian?! Is that wise to contact them?" Akasha asked, fear lacing her voice.

"Have a little faith bel," Sebastian said over his shoulder as he sent out a subspace pulse to his old friend.

"Sebastian, just what have you done?!" Lulu asked after she saw where the pulse was heading. She had no wish to let the leader of the Candary know where she or her crew was located; Lulu knew that would only call unwanted attention to her plan.

"Well, Captain you want to continue on this crazy suicidal mission, this ship won't make the eighty light years that expand their space and my peoples without their help," Sebastian said matter-of-fact. He knew what he was going to ask might sound insane to his crew members except for Akasha. Yet if he assumed this venture had more brewing behind it; if he knew his Captain and he did, then Lulu had something more in store for this ship of theirs. The incoming alert brought Sebastian out of his meandering thought.

"Captain, we have an incoming transmission from the outpost on Matis," Gil said shakily as he took a dry swallow.

"On screen," Lulu said her eyes darted over to Sebastian, wondering if he knew what he was doing.

"What idiotic human thinks to contact her Holiness, the great Pantra?! Answer me you spineless worm before I send our ships to obliterate that puny ship of yours!" snarled a very furore second lieutenant.

"I do!" Sebastian said forcefully. "Who are you, a mere cub of a warrior," he had to keep his amusement contained at his crew mates reaction, "To speak to one that is a blood-brother to our great lady," Sebastian said ripping open his shirt showing off the brand. He enjoyed seeing the shock and fear in the young officer's eyes. "Now, put me through to my sister," Sebastian said sternly.

"Yes Sir! Please, forgive my rudeness," the lieutenant groveled before patching Sebastian through to the central world.

"Löwe! Is that you Löwe?" Only a bright brown lustrous eye filled the view screen.

"Sebastian, how do you know the leader of our people?" Akasha asked as she stepped out from around the weapons console.

"Indeed, she does pose an interesting question Sebastian," Lulu cooed as her finger ran along her lip. Seeing him in a whole new light, she couldn't wait to polish her gem.

"Long time Pantra," Sebastian said smiling friendly at his old friend.

"Löwe, that is you," Pantra laughed gleefully. "My, you haven't aged on bit, so it is true... never mind that," she said waving off her own thought. "Now tell, why have you called, it better be an answer to my request for a rematch?" Pantra asked curious of the woman stalking behind Sebastian's back. The way she moved, narrowing her eyes when she saw her tail and the ear ring.

"Umm... not entirely," Sebastian said rubbing the back of his head. "I need a favor old friend."

"Oh, and what kind of favor could it be that all those other luders couldn't handle your request," Pantra asked as her finger ran lovingly along the edge of the screen in the armrest of her throne.

"I need an escort to the dark nebula and weapons," Sebastian said smirking as he saw the sparkle in her eye.

"That what's her name Dartiana," Akasha's body stilled at the name of her grandmother. "Couldn't she have handled such a request from an honored friend," Pantra said smirking when she saw Akasha's sudden stop.

"True, she could, however, not with ship armaments," Sebastian said hearing Lulu rustling in her seat.

"Oh, very interesting favor indeed," Pantra cooed which was within his right to ask of her. "Tell me brother what do you need such weapons for?"

"Oh, you know tracking down my people and who knows what we stumble upon," Sebastian said smiling mischievously.

"Very well, send me the schematic of your ship and I'll have our engineers work out a plan that will accommodate your ship," Pantra said knowing who she was going to send to meet her old friend. "So Löwe, where shall the ship meet you?"

"Within a weeks' time," Sebastian said sending Pantra the coordinates for their rendezvous and the data file containing the schematic.

"Well, then good hunting my old friend," Pantra said cutting off their transmission.

"My, Sebastian aren't you just full of surprises," Lulu said lustfully. She had no idea he was so well connected to be a blood-brother to the leader of the Candary. Well, that was something no one could have expected from their engineer.

"You have no idea," Sebastian said as he stared out onto the dark shoals. "Gil, come ahead to coordinates 20.85-72.1," he said looking over to their pilot and communications officer.

"Since when did Sebastian start giving out orders?" Richard sneered as he spun around in his seat eyeing Sebastian cruelly. He never liked the man; he was too secretive, too evasive, and too lax in not using that weapon on his hip.

"Since he is the only one that can navigate the shoals," Lulu said plainly glancing over at Richard. She wondered if the man was still stuck on the fact that Sebastian baited him into using his gun, knowing full well that Richard would never be able to use it. "Why don't you go and see how your wife is doing," Lulu said spinning her chair towards him silently telling that it wasn't up for debate. Richard huffed as he rose from his chair, eyeing Sebastian's back knowing as soon as they were down on that planet his knife would find a new home.

"From this point forward," Sebastian said feeling the gravity plating starting to shake slightly, "Under no circumstances are you to use the engines. From here on it's only thrusters."

"Why?" Nathan asked as he viewed his old friend, starting to see the man that once led dozens if not hundreds of men into battle.

"One, the exhaust from the exhaust ports would ignite the dark energy and destroy a quarter of the surrounding sector. Two, because as we speak we are at the mercy of the shoals," Sebastian said darkly. "Gil, don't fight the current," he said staying on his feet as the shaking became violent. "Let the current take us where we need to go, only use the thrusters to keep us on course," Sebastian said supportively as he rested his hand on Gil's shoulder. He knew the man was scared out of his mind, so were his men when they first visited the planet. "You remember when you had to use that outburst of solar wind when our engines failed?" Sebastian asked trying to steady the man's nerves. "Well, this is just like that okay, I know you can do this Gil," he said squeezing lightly on his shoulder.

An hour passed as the shoals pushed and pulled at her ship. Lulu only wanted one thing, to escape their clutches. Biting her nail as her eyes centered on Sebastian as he stayed upright through the whole ordeal. Watching as he gave out orders that she knew were meant to keep them safe. Her eyes glanced down as his fingers tapped along his thigh she pondered just what he was thinking.

"On my mark, full thrusters... now!" Sebastian said as his hand gripped the navigation console as the ship shook and threatened to be sucked back into the shoals. Which Sebastian knew would be disastrous. "And that ladies and gentlemen is how you navigate a dark shoal," Sebastian said his eyes falling on the rusty red planet that he hadn't set foot on in over a hundred years. Pointing out the closest spot to land that the villagers wouldn't feel threatened. "Well, since I won't be needed until we touchdown, I'll go and run some diagnostics," Sebastian said spinning on his heel eager to return to the engine room. Only to be stopped as Lulu's hand ran down his forearm.

"I'll walk with you, we have much to discuss you and I," Lulu said rising from her seat, only to be stopped by Akasha's burning gaze.

"I shall walk with the honored Yoruba," Akasha growled pulling Sebastian into her. She knew what Lulu had been doing with Sebastian. While she didn't like it, she couldn't stop it either. Akasha knew what Lulu was, she had even given herself to her friend to help curve her need. However, this time Sebastian was hers and hers alone. "You don't mind do you?" Akasha asked pushing her body against his arm allowing it to rest in the cleavage of her breasts.

"Not at all bel," Sebastian said smiling sweetly at her. Akasha cast an evil eye at Lulu behind Sebastian's back as they passed.

"Her Holiness called you Löwe? I know, I have no right to ask such a warrior as yourself, however, I would like to hear how you earned it," Akasha said brushing her hair behind her ear as her cheeks heated. She reached over locking the door before leaning against it as she watched Sebastian move around the compartment.

"You ever hear about the only battle between your people and mine?" Sebastian asked his eyes running down her body. He had no idea how he had captured her heart, yet he wasn't about to question it either.

"You know our people we're not the best at recording our own history unless it was some outlandish fight or something like that," Akasha said offhandedly.

"Yeah, that's true," Sebastian chuckled. "However, it was recorded in your history. Your people call it the Battle of Blood or some such thing like that," Sebastian said scratching his head trying to remember. "Well, we were ordered to this rather inhospitable planet on the far reaches of our crumbling empire. As you probably know when your people thought to test us well it wasn't our grandest hour. The war had drained both empires of men and wealth. Yet your people sensed weakness within us, not that I blame them. They were doing what comes naturally to the Candary. So they dispatched my regiment out to drive the Candary out of our space. Oh, how the blood flowed that day," Sebastian said as dark shadows danced across his face. "So after a week of fighting and many dead on each of our sides, in order to save as many of his warriors as he could, the leader of the raiding Candary sent an emissary. In order to save face with his people, he wished to challenge the leader of his foes."

"I take it that was you?" Akasha asked as she pushed herself off the door. She loved listening to him talk. If she could and she wanted it with every fiber of her being, she wanted to spend her life just listening to that sweet deep voice of his.

"Yes," Sebastian sighed. "He was this huge beast of a man with a golden mane, hence where I got the name," he said smirking at Akasha as she sat on his hammock. "The battle between us lasted hours, yet I was a trained battle hardened enhanced soldier, while my opponent knew only of the ring. While we might have been warriors of two different kinds, that man fought bravely, yet he knew it was the end. I gave him as clean a death as I could on that blood soaked ground as was his wish," Sebastian said as he unlocked his foot locker.

"I the old Löwe dies and the new one rises," Akasha whispered. She knew the story, knew of the countless Candary lost to the hand of this black armored demon. That fought like nothing they ever seen before. Akasha also knew of the numerous challenges he had faced throughout his time among her people, however, she didn't know it was Sebastian at the time all they referred to him as Löwe. She wondered how her mother and her grandmother would react knowing she was traveling beside the greatest Löwe in their history. A cruel smile graced her face at the look her mother would have when word reached her. 'That will show that miserable cur', she thought to herself. It was because of her mother's xenophobia that she was cast out of her tribe. It didn't matter the numerous honors she had won for their family. All that mattered to her mother was she didn't look Candary enough. "So Löwe you don't mind if I call you that?" Akasha asked keeping her mirth contained as Sebastian shook his head. "Will you tell me how you know my grandmother and her Holiness?"

"Wait! You're Dartiana's grandchild?" Sebastian asked in stun shock.

"Yep, who do you think thought me the snake form," Akasha said smiling coyly.

"Well, that explains a lot," Sebastian said to himself more than to Akasha.

"Löwe, what do you mean?" Akasha asked kneeling at his side as her hand rested on his shoulder.

"That's a story for another time," Sebastian said as he felt the ship entering the planet's atmosphere. "You have your grandmother's eyes and her furious nature, among other certain things," he whispered into her ear brushing his cheek against hers. He knew she could possibly kill him for what he was about to do, yet Sebastian couldn't wait any longer. Akasha's eyes went wide; a ruby hue flooded her pale cheeks, her heart raced as she felt his soft, velvety lips as his kiss lingered on her cheek.

"Wait!" Akasha nearly yelled as her hand shot out catching him by the wrist. Getting to her feet, pressing her chest against his, hoping he enjoyed how her body felt to her future mate. "I know what Lulu has been doing; this has been a very naughty thing hasn't it?" Akasha asked as she rubbed his soft phallus. "It's okay Löwe, I'm not angry with you, I can never be angry when someone wants to lay with you. So if she needs it then you have my blessing to fuck my friend, however that only implies to non-Candarians."

"Oh, are you stating your intentions bel?" Sebastian asked arching an eyebrow.

"You're damn right I am Löwe," Akasha said sternly. "You are my mate, my Sebastian, don't you forget it," she cooed lustfully as she leaned in capturing his lips with hers. She knew she wasn't the experienced kisser that he was probably used to, however she also knew given time she too would master that particular skill. Her mind was adrift as his tongue swirled around hers; her body trembled as his hands ran down her back. Akasha moaned into his mouth as his hands caressed her ass. "Yes!" her mind screamed out as her fingers ran through his hair. Her body quaked as her hunger built the longer his hands explored her body. Smiling inwardly as she felt his cock responding to her soft touch.

"Five minutes to touch down. Sebastian, meet us in the cargo bay," Lulu said over the intercom.

"No! Stay here with me for a bit longer," Akasha pleaded as her hand overlapped his. Guiding his hand over her toned flat stomach traveling northward, feeling her skin heat knowing she would finally feel his touch. Moaning loudly as his hand cradled her firm orb. "Yes, Löwe feel your mate. Feel the woman that shall forever be yours," Akasha said in a wanton purr. She didn't know if the ship as shaking or it was just her body as the landing thrusters fired. Breathing heavily into his ear as his thumb circled her hard bud, "Please, don't stop," Akasha begged as her slickness surged down her canal. Yet that wasn't meant to be as the Silver Wind touched down on that desert world.

To Be Continued.....

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AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

The drugging of Sebastian threw off this whole story. He should have killed them for that and then jettisoned their bodies into the void.

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