The Tease Down the Street Ch. 02


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Rich set the phone down just in time for it to buzz again. Her upper body clearly in view in his picture, with her arm lying across her bare breast to keep them from being completely exposed. Her face had also made it into the picture, and her smile showed she was clearly enjoying this. Rich looked down at his the tent in his pants, then back toward his phone and shook his head. He sent her a message with two words before turning off his phone. "Not Fair."


Sunday morning, Rich turned on his phone to find a few more messages, but no pictures. She simply smiled at his last comment, and then sent him a "good night" and an "I love you" message. The rest of the day went without much conflict, and Rich was able to finish most of his school work for the week. It wasn't until he was getting ready to turn in for the night when he had issues. His phone rang and he answered it.

"Hey you... how was your weekend?" Stephanie's voice cooed from the other side.

"It was fine. How was your tournament?" Rich said, hoping she wouldn't try anything over the phone. He was already on edge.

"We lost, first round. We kinda expected it. So we all sat around the last day in our hotel rooms in our panties telling stories." Stephanie was baiting her hook again, and her voice didn't hide it at all.

"In your underwear? That's a little odd, don't you think." Rich replied, not even attempting to avoid the oncoming disaster. Some things, not even the strongest man can avoid when curiosity gets the better of him.

"Not really, we've all seen each other naked in the shower, and in those tight spandex shorts that might as well be panties."

"Interesting. Never really thought you would shower all together. Aren't the girls, like, shy or something?

Stephanie laughed at the notion. "Not at all silly! Were all very comfortable with one another. Besides, we're all innocent catholic school girls. There's no reason to be embarrassed about being naked." Her voice was definitely misleading, if not a touch suggestive.

"I see... so, uh, what did you guys talk about?" Rich's mouth was dry, and his palms were a little sweaty as he thought about a bunch of 18 year old catholic school girls sitting around in their underwear.

"Oh... you know. This and that. Volleyball, boys, toys, the usual."

"Boys? Toys?"

"Sure, girls love to gossip about boys! Don't tell me you don't talk about girls you think are hot when you are out with your guy friends."

"Sure... I get that part... um... toys?" Rich was more than curious now, and the bulge in his pants did little to hide it.

It got quiet on the other side of the phone. Suddenly a faint buzzing noise was heard. "Sure... a lot of us have toys." Stephanie finally said in a soft whisper.

"Woah! Is that what I think it is!?"

"Mmmmmhmmmmmmm. Yes it is." Stephanie made it no secret that she had begun using it already.

"How come you never told me you had a vibrator!?" Rich said, not at all mad, but sure as hell curious.

"I told you I had a toy before, remember?"

"But you didn't say it vibrates." Rich's mind was already concocting uses for it.

"How come when you told me you had comics in your closet, you didn't mention that some of them were dirty magazines?" She replied, her voice in a husky whisper.

"I uh... those aren't really mine. I'm holding them for a friend. And what are you doing in my closet!?"

"Suuuure baby... There a friends... I... B-believe you. This is a friends, uh, oh my... this is a friends too." The buzzing sound was louder now, and clearly getting good use.

"Hey! You're cheating! You said not until next weekend!" Rich cried out.

"No, no, no... I said you couldn't... oh... until next weekend... oh yes.... I said nothing about... me." Stephanie was enjoying herself now, and played it up for her boyfriends benefit, or torture, depending on how you look at it.

"Oh come on!" Rich said, trying not to sound like he was whining. The pressure in his pants was already difficult to handle, and this was like lighting matches at a gas station.

"What's wrong baby... Do you wish it was you? God... I do... I wish it was you inside me right now... pushing deeper ... and deeper... and... uh... yes... god yes... I want it to be you Rich... I want you to fuck me... god... harder... harder... Please Rich." She cried out in pleasure as she began to reach climax.

"Fuck. You're killing me over here. How am I not supposed to touch myself when you're doing this."

"I told... you... wouldn't... be easy... fuck... yes... yes... I'm going to cum Rich... I wish you were... here... cum with me... Rich! YES! YES! Ooooohhh.... yesss. Yes... ummm. Yes. That... was... fantastic." Stephanie finished, but the faint buzzing continued.

"You are so mean to me." Rich said, now not hiding the fact that he was pouting.

"Awww... baby... don't worry. I'll have a surprise for you tomorrow... ok? Just remember... no touching yourself. Sweet dreams! Get some sleep!" And with that, she hung up without waiting for a response.

Rich grumbled as he tossed his phone on his dresser and rolled into bed. It was going to be a horribly long week, and there was nothing he could do but endure it.


The icy water helped wake Rich up, he didn't sleep well that night, due to a slight restlessness, and more than a little curiosity. He was promised a surprise today, and he was dying to figure out what it was. In the interest of time, he decided to forgo breakfast, and drive to Stephanie's house early. As he pulled into the driveway, he saw the curtains move up above the garage as Stephanie poked her face into view. Rich pointed at his wrist to signify the time, and Stephanie smiled, lifted her shirt and pressed her bare, round breast against the window, then disappeared again behind the curtains. Rich swore, and waited a painstaking five minutes until Stephanie came out of the house.

"Well someone's a little eager to get to school today!" Stephanie teased as she got in the car.

"I just... got an early start is all." Rich was a horrible liar, and he knew it.

"I see. Well than, off we go."

Rich pulled out of the driveway and started off toward the schools. They drove in silence for the first 5 minutes, and when he couldn't hold himself back any longer, he finally blurted out what had kept him up all night. "What's the surprise?"

"Hmmm? What now?" Either Stephanie was developing a memory problem, or she was toying with him. The latter was almost definitely true.

"Last night. On the phone. You said you had a surprise for me. Remember?"

"Last night. On the phone. I said I had a surprise for you?" She toyed back.

"Yes you did. Right after you played with your toy? Now if you'll kindly stop toying with me... and tell me what it is, that would be great."

"Aw, I'm sorry baby." She said without sounding the least bit sorry. "I do have a surprise for you. Would you like to see it now?"

"No, I'd like to wait til after graduation. Of course I want to see it!" He said, taking a stab at sarcasm.

"Ok. Pull over." Stephanie unbuckled her seat belt and waited for Rich to comply. "Ok, now close your eyes."

"Ok, my eyes are closed." Rich said, honestly clenching his eyes shut.

"I know silly, I can still see. Now, give me your hand."

Rich stuck out his hand in her general direction and waited as patiently as he could. Next he felt her grab his wrist and close all but his pointer finger on his extended hand. Then he had only a moments warning of feeling her hot breath on his hand before she was sucking on his finger. Rich opened his eyes and looked at her. She was staring right at him, her eyes twinkling, looking as mischievous as ever.

"Hey! I didn't say you could open your eyes yet." Steph yelled after removing his finger from her mouth. Rich rolled his eyes, but closed them afterwards. Stephanie continued to slide her tongue up and down Rich's finger easily, it was barely half the size of his penis, and she was getting better at taking more of it into her mouth. When she saw that her emulation of sucking him off was having the desired effect in his pants, she moved on to phase two.

Rich felt Stephanie stop giving his finger a blowjob, and then heard her shift around. The next thing he knew she was drawing his finger forward and pressing it against something wet. Rich opened his eyes and was greeted by the sight of Steph, kneeling on her seat with her knees spread, and using his finger to get herself off. The shock of the initial sight wore off and he realized she wasn't wearing anything under the skirt. The idea of having such easy access to the object of his desire made his pants that much tighter.

"Your eyes are open again." Stephanie said breathily.

Rich responded by taking back the control of his hand to stick his finger deep inside her. He curled his finger inward and pressed hard against the flesh inside her causing Stephanie to clench her eyes shut and gasp. The sudden pleasure knocked her off balance so that she had to grab Rich's extended arm to stay steady. Her green eyes popped open, and her desire was conveyed from the sparkling ring of gold near the pupil that resembled a deep burning fire. She used one hand on Rich's wrist to keep balance and the other to push her hair back so she could look down at him. She slowly raised her eyes from his hand up to his face, and when she made eye contact she bit her lip and made a bouncing motion in rhythm with Rich's finger movements.

"I'm sorry I play with you so much." She said, almost sounding genuine.

"No, you're not." Rich assured her. "You like it. Hell, I like it, even when I hate it."

"I know... I'm such a tease. I'm such a dirty, dirty, dirty tease." She accentuated each 'dirty' with their own little bounce of her body.

"You are!" Rich complained.

"Tell me. Tell me I'm a dirty tease." Steph pleaded as she bounced on Rich's finger, still rubbing and pressing inside of her.

"You are a very, very dirty tease, and you fucking know it." Rich said, egging her on.

"Yes! OOoooh, harder baby. I'm almost there." Stephanie had both hands on his arm now, bouncing harder as he slipped another finger inside her and started moving in and out faster.

"You're a dirty girl, such a fucking cock tease." Rich encouraged.

"I'm cumming!" She yelled as she stopped bouncing and grasped his wrist with both hands, pushing it hard against her. She clenched her thighs shut and swore out loud several times as her body shook violently, and then moaned as she floated down from her climax.

"I should have stopped." Rich said. "Make you suffer like I am."

"That's not any fun, silly." She giggled, still coming off her orgasm.

"Well this isn't much fun now."

"Oh, but it will be baby. Trust me. Besides, if you didn't get your little tease off now, I wouldn't be able to contain myself, walking around without panties all day, I'd be touching myself under my desk."

"You would not." Rich said.

"Oh. I would. And then I'd take pictures in the bathroom and send them to you in class, and you wouldn't be able to concentrate during your finals."

"You're a horrible person, you know that, right?"

"And if I was really desperate, I'd just hit the showers early for softball conditioning and take care of myself in there." She said, her voice full of lust.

"Right. Like no one else would see that." Rich snorted.

"You're right. Maybe one of the other girls would join me." She toyed, knowing that men were into that kind of thing.

"In your dreams." Rich laughed.

"No baby, in your dreams." She leaned forward to whisper in his ear. "In your dreams where two girls are wet and soapy in a hot shower, playing with each other. Kissing each other all over our bodies. Rubbing soap into my breasts and squeezing them." She looked down from his ear and saw the bulge in his pants and grabbed it hard. "I bet you'd like that."

Rich pulled away and stuck his fingers in his ears. "I'm not listening. I'm not listening."

Stephanie laughed and sat back down in her seat. "Let's go Rich, we're gonna be late for school because of you."

"Because of me!? Because- oh forget it." Rich threw the car into drive and sped off toward her school.

"I'll see you tomorrow morning, I can't wait." Stephanie said as she kissed Rich goodbye.

"Uh huh, so you can torture me again?"

Stephanie smiled and climbed out of the car. She shut the door, blew a kiss through the window, and skipped off down the sidewalk. Each time she skipped, her skirt flitted up and showed a little of her cute butt. Before she entered the building she turned around and winked at Rich.


He finished that days final and headed home. On the way he got a call from Stephanie.

"Hello?" He answered.

"Hey baby. I'm just getting ready to work out with the girls. I wanted to call and see what you are up to."

"Just headed home, going to relax a bit then study."

"Ok, remember, don't touch yourself." She teased.

"Yeah yeah, I know."

"No matter what, ok?" She warned.

"Yeah, I got it."

"Ok, good luck." She giggled as she hung up.

"What the hell was that all about?" He wondered aloud.

He soon understood. Shortly after arriving home, his phone buzzed to indicate a new message. He pressed a button and the screen lit up. Cautiously, he thumbed his was to his messages and found that Stephanie had sent him a picture.

"Of course." He muttered under his breath. Stephanie was done with Volleyball, and softball didn't start to the new year, but she was still working out and doing conditioning with the high school softball girls to stay in shape for her first year of college competition. She often changed before hand and showered afterwards, and liked to regale Rich with the details occasionally, pictures were new though. It was only Monday and he already felt like he would die from the sexual frustration he was enduring. Going 2 weeks without any release was hell, but one week of this teasing was sure to kill him. He considered not falling for the bait and deleting the message, but alas, he was but a mere mortal amongst the goddesses of the world.

Clicking open the message and popping the thumbnail to full size, he was rewarded with a picture of his girlfriend, completely naked and standing in the showers, angled so he could see the front and side of her. The image caused an erection the second he saw it. Rich was usually capable of record zero to sixty speeds in this area, and between the teasing and torture he was currently undergoing, he was at full performance. Despite his usual easy excitement and combined sexual frustration, the image still would have been able to captivate him on any given day, Stephanie looked unreal.

Standing under the running water, her entire body was wet with droplets of water that could be seen dripping down her body and running along its curves. The flash of the camera added a glare to her glistening body that made her seem innocent and alluring at the same time. She stood erect with her back slightly arched, stretching her body upwards, the leg closest to the camera stepping on top of the floor divider between the shower floor and bathroom floor to keep water from spilling out. The resulting pose allowed him to see in perfect detail the tone of her hips, thighs, and side of her ass. She had one arm above her head, her elbow bent at such an angle so she could have her hand running through the top of her hair that water cascaded off of. Her other arm was draped across her chest, so that all of her most coveted assets were hidden from the camera. She looked absolutely stunning, like a woman in one of the magazines he had hidden away in his closet. She exhibited the kind of pose and allure that was usually invoked by beautiful women during professional shoots that typically were air brushed later to ensure perfection.

Lost in the eroticism that Stephanie exuded in the image, he barely noticed the tugging in the back of his mind that told him something wasn't right. He tore his eyes away from the screen of his phone and noticed he was breathing heavier than before. Taking a few seconds to calm himself, he then allowed himself another look at the photo. Something was definitely off. The conundrum hit him like a ton of bricks in the chest. One arm above her head and one arm over her chest, Rich quickly counted two visible hands. The angle of the image, the lack of a mirror, and the position of her body quickly knocked gears together in his head as he fought for a logical conclusion.

Rich closed out of the image and typed back to Stephanie. "You look absolutely amazing... How did you take that picture?"

Rich stood there staring at the picture for another two minutes before his phone buzzed a reply. "With hands silly."

Rich quickly flicked the picture back up to make sure he hadn't gone insane from some kind of clinical sexual frustration and quickly confirmed there was no cameras in her clearly visible hands. He paused, mulling over on how to respond, before deciding on something simple, and typed back. "Which hands?"

Rich waited an agonizing three minutes before his phone buzzed again. It was another picture. Below the thumbnail was a caption. "These hands."

Rich opened the thumbnail as fast as he could physically move his fingers, and was shocked and aroused at what he found. It was a close up of her gorgeous chest, both of her arms were clearly angled in such a way that she could hold the phone out pointed at herself, taking the picture with both hands. This in itself wasn't shocking, but the fact that there were two delicate hands cupping his girlfriend's chest from behind did. Unless Stephanie had recently grown two extra hands, she was receiving a little help with her photography, as Rich had originally suspected. He studied in detail the hands in the image; they obviously belonged to another girl, one with a darker skin tone than Stephanie, perhaps Latin. The idea of another girl taking pictures of Stephanie in the shower was interesting. The fact that another girl was touching his girlfriend in the shower? Now that was food for thought.

Once again entrapping himself into his own personal torture, he allowed his curiosity to get the best of him, and instead of quitting while he was ahead, he typed back to Stephanie. "Who do those hands belong to?"

Another three minutes went by, and for the life of him, Rich couldn't understand what was taking so long. She was supposed to be working out, not taking pictures in the shower. Finally his phone buzzed and Rich nearly dropped his phone trying to get to the message. Another thumbnail and caption that read: "Her." Rich held his breath and brought up the picture, causing him to involuntarily grab himself though his jeans as he pulsed. The pressure around his engorged member made him weak and his knees buckled. A bought of light headedness convinced Rich to sit on the edge of his bed. Clearly blood flow was being diverted from its usual course. Steadying his hands, he brought the phone closer to his face for inspection. Stephanie's tits were a perfect fit for her body, creamy white with a hint of pink like the rest of her complexion, round and deliciously perky with two small delicate pink nipples in the center. What he was currently viewing was not familiar or similar.

Two hands he recognized came from behind a body in a similar fashion as the previous picture, but this time, with the roles reversed. The close up again only revealed two hands and a pair or gorgeous of olive toned breasts that matched the hands from the previous image. Cupped in Stephanie's palms were large orbs of flesh, heavy looking, and so full that they dominated the image and threatened to spill out the sides of Stephanie's supportive hands. Two clearly hard nipples accented each breast, rounded each with their own circle, larger and darker than Stephanie's. Rich's mouth felt like cotton has been stuffed into it, and his throat was as dry as a dessert, even as he drank in the details of the picture. Rich shoved his phone back in his pocket for fear that he might faint at any moment if he became more aroused. His mind whirled with the revelation that his girlfriend and some other beautiful girl were touching each other in the shower. The idea of two school girls playing with each other might seem cliché and overplayed, but witnessing it was enough to bring any high school boy to his knees.