The Tease Down the Street Ch. 02


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Rich had to physically shake his head to clear away the daze. Unsure of how to proceed, he sat on his bed staring at his wall trying to bring his racing mind, and heart, under some kind of control. His pulse charged through his veins, and every beat reverberated in his aching cock. Never before had sexual stimulation caused discomfort the way it was now. He tried to concentrate on something else to overcome the demanding need drumming between his legs, but his mind refused to grasp anything other than the two most recent images sent to his phone, burned into his mind's eye. His suffering was interrupted by another buzz.

Rich audibly moaned as the phone sent vibrations through his pocket, grasping it through his jeans to keep it still. He took a moment to compose himself and pulled out the phone. The screen flickered to life, and he breathed a sigh of relief that there was no picture attached. He read the text, and then slowly furled his brow. He read the text twice more before giving up.

"What does she mean 'Take it out and show us.'?" He wondered aloud. "She can't mean-"

His vocal pondering was cut short by another buzz. He looked back down at the phone and almost laughed.

"She wants to see if you're actually turning blue." The text read.

"Very funny." He said, voicing his sarcasm aloud. He paused for a second then took to typing back. "Who is she?"

It was only a few moments before a reply returned. "It's a secret ;) Do you like her boobs? They're so big!"

Rich realized that he was receiving erotic photos from Stephanie and a mystery girl, and hadn't so much as complimented either. He silently chided himself and texted back. "Both are so amazing. You are both beautiful. I can't wait to see yours again."

A few moments passed and another reply came. "I'm sure you wouldn't mind seeing hers again either, but you won't see either until you send us a picture. We're dying to see it."

She was manipulating him, and he was stumbling right into it, not entirely against his own will. Rich decided to give in and show them what they wanted. He set his phone aside and stood up, his erection pressing firm against his pants. He cautiously undid his belt and unzipped his pants. Even the slightest touch was pleasurable, and he didn't want to break his promise to Stephanie. His self-control was already wearing thin, and he knew he had several more days ahead. With his pants bunched up down around his thighs, he was able to clearly seen the outline of his erection underneath his boxer briefs, he then pulled the top out and lowered it underneath the rod that sprung free.

Rich couldn't remember ever seeing himself so thick and long. He smiled at the thought of the two girls seeing him at his best, knowing at the very least it would turn Steph on. He grabbed his phone and angled himself sideways, taking a picture of his body in the nearby mirror so that everything between his chest and thighs was captured. Even he had to admit that he looked impressive, his protruding erection the star of the shot. He sent the picture without comment and waited, his erection still out in the open. Instead of receiving a new message, his phone started ringing. Rich looked at his phone and saw it was Stephanie.


"I want that in my mouth." Stephanie cut him off.

"Well come get it then." Rich smirked.

"I can't, you know I would, but I'm so busy at the school working out, and then I have to study, and you have to have your own tests to be ready for." She complained.

"Working out? You're taking pictures! I have evidence if you deny it."

"Ok, you got me. It was cancelled today, so we came back to the showers. I thought it would be fun to entertain you from afar while we pass the time waiting for the bus." Steph explained.


"I told you, it's a secret! Did you like our pictures?" She asked coyly.

"I loved them. I wish you were here now." He sighed.

"Both of us?" She asked mischievously.

"I really just want you." He answered mostly honest, but mentally couldn't shake the idea of both pairs of tits before him.

"Please, I'm not stupid, and I know you're not blind. Those were great boobs! Heck, I wanted to play with them, don't pretend you don't want to either."

"You played with them?" Rich coughed.

"Yeah, I felt a little guilty about it, so I thought I might share a little with you." She said, not sounding the least bit guilty.

"Well, uh thanks..." Rich hadn't a clue how else to respond.

"I figured you wouldn't mind as long as I shared, and judging from the picture that you sent us, you enjoyed it."

"I, uh, am a little worked up." Rich admitted.

"We could tell. You were sooo big." Stephanie cooed.

"Yeah he is." Another voice said beside Stephanie.

"Wait, she's still with you?" Rich asked.

"Yeah, she's still here, were both still in the shower room."

"Oh." Rich managed to say.

"Did you want to talk to her?" Stephanie asked innocently.

"N-no, I'm good." Rich stammered.

"Don't be shy baby, we weren't shy when we sent you pictures." She said seductively. "You know," She whispered. "We're still naked."

"Uh ok." Rich said, lost in a daze. He looked down and couldn't stop from grabbing ahold of himself. The pressure felt good, and he gently squeezed himself, each time bringing a wave of pleasure over himself.

"Are you picturing us naked right now baby?" Stephanie asked in a sultry tone.

"Yes." Rich managed in between strokes.

"Are you imagining us all soapy, together in the shower, playing with each other?"

Rich didn't answer; he was stroking himself in a daze, visions of Stephanie and another girl playing in the shower danced in his head.

"Hey!" Stephanie cried.

"What?" Rich asked, snapping back into reality.

"Stop it. Now." Stephanie demanded.

Rich looked down to see him still holding himself. "Stop what?" He attempted.

"Put it away. I have plans Friday, and I don't want you to ruin it."

Rich sighed and pulled his pants up. "Ok." He mumbled.

"I promise to make it up to you baby. You just have to wait, ok?" She explained with genuine sympathy in her voice.

"Ok, ok. I'll wait." Rich conceded.

"I'm gonna get dressed now, I'll call you tonight."

"Ok, I'll talk to you then." Rich said, still sounding gloomy. The phone clicked as Stephanie hung up. He sighed, and started taking out his books to study. It was only Monday, and he knew it would only get worse.


Hoping Tuesday was easier than Monday, Rich drove down the block to pick her up, and she hopped in the car and pecked him on the cheek.

"Good morning, my love." Stephanie said, a musical tone to her voice.

"You sure are cheerful this morning." Rich remarked as he started pulling down her driveway.

"Why shouldn't I be? I have a wonderful boyfriend who has made me the envy of my friends."

Rich stopped the car at the bottom of the driveway. "And how exactly did I do that?"

Stephanie leaned over and grabbed Rich's crotch. "With this of course!"

Rich immediately began swelling at her touch and groaned. "Can you please not touch me unless you plan on doing something about it? You did enough damage yesterday."

"I know! I saw! And when I showed Kathy, she could barely contain herself!"

"Aha!" Rich exclaimed. "Kathy! So that's who was in that picture with you!"

"No she wasn't." Stephanie stated, like he was ridiculous to even consider that.

"Wait. Then who is Kathy?" Rich asked.

"Kathy is just another girl we work out with sometimes. She came to the locker room when we were leaving. Diana made me show her." She explained.

"Oh! So Diana was in the picture with you!" Rich gathered.

"No, Diana joined us in the shower after we took the pictures. Ashley begged me to show her."

Rich shook his head. "And who is Ashley?"

"Ashley was in the picture with me, duh!"

"Of course." Rich grumbled. "Anyone else get a look?"

"No! What, you think I'd show it to just anyone?" Steph asked incredulously.

"You just told me that you showed Ashley, who had you show Diana, who in turn led to Kathy."

"That's different." She said, as if stating the obvious.

"Right." Rich gave up.

Stephanie leaned over and grabbed his bulge as she whispered in his ear. "They all are jealous of me. They wish that you would use your giant, pulsing, cock to please them." She gave the bulge a stroke through his jeans. "They are telling their friends how lucky I am, that I have such a big dick to suck on." She nipped at his ear and licked the bottom of it. "I'm sorry I was so naughty in the shower yesterday, please forgive me?" She squeezed him again as she finished her last sentence.

Rich squirmed in his seat as her hot breath touched his ear and her grasp grew firmer. He tore his eyes away from the steering wheel where he was gripping so hard that his knuckles turned white. He turned to look at her and found her face millimeters away. He couldn't control himself; he threw the car in park and grabbed her face, pressing it against his. He kissed her passionately, holding her in place so she couldn't break free. Rich sucked her bottom lip into his mouth and bit it, not gentle, but not enough to break skin. Stephanie struggled at first but moaned in his mouth when he bit her lip. She responded by parting his teeth with her tongue and darting in and out of his mouth. When Rich felt her tongue in his mouth he greedily sucked it in, running his own along it, savoring the taste of her. He dropped his hands from her face and grabbed her hips, pulling her over the middle console on top of him. She let out a surprised yelp, but melted on top of him when she felt his throbbing erection underneath her. Rich felt her press down against him while grinding her hips, slowly sliding back and forth. The friction against him sparked carnal desires and he pushed her hips harder onto him, adding his own movements to her grinding. He could feel the rise of orgasm coming and grasped the gyrating hips on top of him, locking them into rhythm so she couldn't move.

Stephanie moaned at the pressure underneath her, and dropped her hands to Rich's jeans, fumbling with the top button. Caught in the need of orgasm, so close he could feel it, Rich was slow to comprehend her actions. When he realized what she wanted, he hastily tore his hands from her hips and flew to working on his pants. The second his hands left her, Stephanie popped the door handle and tumbled onto her driveway. Rich let out a cry and reached out for Stephanie as she fled, grasping only air.

"Nononono... but, but, come on!" Rich exasperated.

Stephanie sat on the ground, with her knees up so that her skirt fell up to her hips showing off all of her shapely legs and thin white fabric underneath. She reached back and pushed her hair out of her face, and placed a hand on her perky chest as it heaved and she tried to catch her breath. She had a look of lust mixed with anger upon her face. "I want to Rich. I do. This is just as hard for me as it is for you."

"I seriously doubt that." Rich pouted, desperately trying to rearrange himself in such a way that his boner wasn't painfully pressing against his pants.

Stephanie got up off the ground and walked around the car back to the passenger side. When she crawled in she look at Rich and sighed. "We're gonna be late."

Rich shut the door to his car and ripped out of the drive way. They sat in silence for the first few miles before he finally asked. "Why? Why are you making it so hard on me?"

Stephanie was looking out the window, and was slow to respond, when she finally did turn, there was a crooked smile on her face. "Because I'm a tease. It's what I do." She shifted in her seat and leaned her elbow on the console. "Rich, baby, I want you, you know I do. Teasing you turns me on like you would not believe. Why else do you think I let things escalate in the shower with Ashley?"

"I thought that was to tease me." Rich said flatly.

"Oh, it was. It didn't start out that way. I was just so... so... horny thinking about all the things I want to do to you. It turned me on, and when she walked into the shower, I couldn't help but notice her body, and she asked me if I liked what I saw. It was a joke at first when I said yes. But one thing led to another, and before I knew it we were touching each other's breasts and pulling on our nipples and I told her how worked up I was and what I was doing to you and she suggested we play with you a little."

Rich's mouth went dry as he pulled up the images he had burned into his mind the day before. Hearing the details about the two of them fondling each other had him shifting in his seat again as his throbbing cock once again cried for attention.

"Don't you see how bad it is?" Stephanie asked. "I'm so horny I'm touching other girls, Rich. I wake up 20 minutes early every morning and finger myself in bed, I wait in the showers for everyone else to go and rub my clit until I cum. I use my vibrator every night until I orgasm so hard that I almost pass out from exhaustion. I'm getting myself off three times a day just thinking about teasing you."

Rich jerked his car back into his lane, realizing that he was paying entirely too much detail to Stephanie talking, and not enough on the road ahead. "It's different though." He complained. "You are getting to finish. I haven't had any release since last week!"

"Rich, I'm insatiable. You think me playing with myself makes everything ok afterwards? Not even close. I can't be satisfied until I have you inside me. I'm practically teasing myself every time I do it." She explained.

"I still don't think it's the same." Rich pouted as he pulled up to her school.

"It will be worth it on Friday, I promise. Just imagine all this build up, think of how amazing it will be when I finally let you cum." Stephanie cooed, her fingers dancing across the top of his Jeans.

"Ugh. I guess you're right, but I don't have to be happy about it."

"You will be. Trust me. Just thinking about it makes me wet." Stephanie reached up her skirt and pulled down her panties, slipping them off her feet. She threw them at Rich and got out of the car. Checking to make sure no one was looking, she lifted up the back of her skirt, showing Rich her bubble butt. "See you tomorrow!"

Rich picked up the panties on his lap and felt that they were indeed wet. He took off toward the school grumbling as he shoved the panties under his seat.


Rich left his final feeling pretty confident despite the distractions that ran through his mind. He turned on his phone and as it flickered to life it buzzed with a new message. Stephanie had sent him two texts.

"Hey baby, I cant wait for you to fuck me silly Friday." And "I forgot... can you get me 30 mins early 2morrow, have study group."

Rich shook his head and replied only to the second texts, agreeing to get her early. On the way home, his phone buzzed twice. When he finally had the chance to look at them, he wished he hadn't."

"Thanks! You're the best! Can't wait to see how much of you I can take in my mouth." And "Omg, you are going to cum so much! I can't wait to feel you unload inside of me."

Rich continued to receive like messages throughout the evening from Stephanie, but dared not reply to any of them. It was easier to ignore than say, pictures of his girlfriend in the shower with another girl. Shortly before he went to bed, he texted her that he'd see her bright in the morning, and set his alarm 30 minutes early.


Rich woke in a panic, quickly turning his alarm off. He was slightly dazed, but as the sleep wore off he remembered he was supposed to pick up Steph early. He crawled out of bed and heard his mother moving around downstairs, getting ready to leave for her all day hospital shift.

"See you mom, have a good day." He called down to her.

"You're up early honey." She called back.

"Steph needs to be at the school early, study group."

"Oh ok, love you."

"Love you too ma."

Rich heard her open the garage door and start her car. He flipped on some music and gathered his clothes for the day and headed into the shower. He turned a handle and stepped into cool water, icing away his morning wood. He gritted his teeth as the water washed over him. The other benefits of cold showers were their ability to wake him up quickly. The water was assisted in shocking the sleep out of him by a knock on the bathroom door. Rich jerked his body at the sound and almost lost his balance in the process.

"Ma?" He yelled through the door. "You scared the crap out of me, I thought you left."

"Room service, did you order extra towels?" A voice called out to him.

"...Stephanie!?" Rich pulled the curtain aside to find her standing in his bathroom. "How the hell did you get in here?"

"You gave me the garage code silly." She replied.

"What are you doing here? I thought you needed me to get you early for a study group."

"I know. I told my mom I was studying with you." She said as she put her hand out to test water of the shower. She quickly pulled it back out. "Damn, it's cold in there!"

Rich laughed and pointed to his now soft penis. "It's the only thing that works for what you do to me all day."

"I don't know if my shower even gets that cold. It's like ice water." She complained.

"That's a little over dramatic, but yeah, it's always been pretty cold."

Stephanie looked Rich up and down, he had an average build, not to skinny, not overweight, lightly toned from his afterschool basketball and midnight runs. The focus of attention was of course, that beautiful cock that she desperately wanted. She looked back up at him and smiled.

"Yeah, it's real funny that I need to stand in the freezing water for fifteen minutes every morning just to function."

Stephanie continued to smile but didn't say a word. Rich watched as she shrugged off her blue vest and unbuttoned her brown shirt, revealing a grey and blue striped bra made of some soft material. She hooked her fingers into her skirt and panties and wriggled them over her hips, letting them fall to the floor. She turned around so that her back was facing him and unhooked her bra, which promptly joined the rest of her clothes. As always, seeing her completely naked gave Rich an immediate erection.

Stephanie turned around, showing off her perky chest and a devilish smile. "It's only fair that if you have to stand in the cold water, I should too. Perhaps I can help warm you up."

"Oh no..." Rich moaned, already realizing the oncoming torture. Like a witness to a train wreck, he was powerless to stop it, and couldn't look away. Stephanie eased herself into the shower next to him, flinching while trying to adjust to the cold water. Rich took the opportunity to splash her. Stephanie squealed as the water hit her and gave an "if looks could kill" glare to Rich, but then diverted her eyes to survey the assortment of soap on the ledge.

"What are you looking for?" Rich asked.

"Soap." She answered, rummaging through the bottles.

"A specific kind of soap?" He asked, completely dumbfounded.

Stephanie turned to look at him over her shoulder. "Just soap." She picked up a bottle of Shampoo and squeezed a large portion into her hands. She stepped in front of Rich so that she shielded the water from his body. "Come here." She demanded.

Rich mentally prepared himself the best he could and took a step forward. He knew what he was getting himself into, but he went along willingly anyway. She grabbed his erection and began to lather the shampoo all over it. The sensation of her soapy hands running up and down his shaft made his breath catch in his throat. She cupped his balls in one hand and stroked the top, letting the tips of her finger curl under and glide along the underside of him. It had only been half a minute before he started to tighten in a certain way that Stephanie recognized as an oncoming orgasm. She quickly moved to the side and released his penis, letting the cold water hit him and wash away the soap. Rich yelped in surprise and swore as his orgasm receded beyond tangible gratification.