The Ties That Bind Ch. 02


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Oops, Susan and Connie; should I accept the invitation? Connie was a fun person, full of personality and bubbling good humor. She was Susan's age, around late 30s or early 40s, blond and a bit shorter than Susan, but built just as well. She was an MD in Neurology with an office in center city and divorced. They had a beautiful condo on a high floor in a ritzy building not far from the action of center city. I was there once and marveled at how tastefully they had decorated the place. Ah, shit, why not. I've got to make sure I don't forget the wine. Just then the phone rang, startling me. I picked it up and said, "Hello,"

"David, it's me, Susan. I trust you'll be here this evening." It wasn't a question - more like a statement of fact.

I had to smile. "Okay, Susan. Don't start on me, I'll be there and yes, I'll bring the wine."

"Good, I knew you wouldn't disappoint us. Look, David. I want you to give me permission to tell Connie the details of your last night with Shelly. No, no, don't get all excited. I know that it's humiliating for you, but I really think she may be able to give you some insights. At the very least you can share some of the pain. You know that Connie is very professional and I really think that she could be of some help."

Oh, God. Why not just call the newspapers and have the story published for everyone to read. Then again, this will all come out in the trial, so why not. I trusted Connie and perhaps something in her training could give me some clue as to what the hell was going on with Shelly, although I sure thought I knew the answer to that.

I sighed, "Sue, you're a royal pain in the ass."

She giggled and said, "Yeah, I know, but I'm your pain in the ass so give me the go ahead, David. Please, I really think she may be able to put a different perspective on this."

"Okay, Sue. Talk to her and I just hope that I don't get red in the face when I walk in your door. You do realize how embarrassing this is for me, I muttered.


Promptly at 6 I rang their doorbell and a couple of seconds later Connie opened the door, grabbed my arm and pulled me into the foyer. Damn, she was lovely, dressed in green scrubs and white sneaks. I laughed as she grabbed the wine, gave me a quick smooch and told me to sit down in the living room while she changed. She informed me that Susan would be right out. I sighed and thought, "just like women, always late."

I sat in their living room, looking out from the 28th floor at the city spread out before me. It was a breathtaking view and when it was completely dark, the lights of the city would sparkle like diamonds almost as far as the eye could see.

It wasn't long before Susan appeared, dressed casually in a black, loose fitting blouse and tan, form fitting slacks. I rose and she came to me and gave me a quick peck.

"Thanks for coming, David. Connie hasn't had time to change. She came directly from the hospital and has been in the kitchen for the last couple of hours whipping up that stew. I hope you appreciate it and scarf down a huge portion. Oh, and she also picked up a couple of bottles of wine, so we'll be able to get really soused later," she chuckled.

We fell silent for a brief moment. Susan looked at me compassionately. "David, let's just have a nice dinner, a few glasses of wine and some general and innocuous conversation. Please, try to relax. I spoke with Connie and she'll speak with both of us after we eat. Okay, can you just try to put all of this aside for a bit?"

I nodded. "Sure, Sue. Good idea. In fact, why not let me open that wine and pour us a glass."

"Goody," Susan laughed. "Just what we need."

Connie appeared not long after, dressed in a clingy wrap dress that was just a trifle short. I didn't complain. We sat and ate and drank. We then drank some more. I sipped my wine while the ladies quickly dumped everything is the kitchen and then joined me.

Connie didn't waste any time. She sat directly across from me, crossed her legs and looked me in the eye. "David, I'm a neurologist, not a psychiatrist. I deal with disorders of the nervous system so I'm really not qualified to give you any expert opinion concerning Shelly's behavior. I listened to what Susan told me. I have met Shelly on numerous occasions and I really think that it's in your best interest to speak with her shrink. What Sue described to me is rather bizarre. Right now you really know nothing. Susan has told me what you're feeling and that's normal. But before long you're going to have to get some answers. You of all people know that what Shelly did is so out of the norm for her, that something must be going on. You need more information."

Susan then chimed in. "David, Connie is making sense. This experience has unhinged you and understandably so. Take a little time to get your mind clear and then make an appointment to see Shelly's doctor. Find out what's going on."

Everyone was telling me that same thing, and I saw the sense of it. I had to approach this in a more objective, less emotional manner. I know that I had been filled with anger and humiliation. I had to get over that and be objective. I had to approach this with some intelligence.

I sighed and nodded. "You're both right; I should have realized that myself. Do me a favor though, let's just forget about my problem for awhile. Here I am with two gorgeous women, let's just have some more wine, relax and shoot the breeze. As you both commented, I need to step away, I need some diversion."

Connie jumped up and yelled, "Yippee, that's more like it. Let's get the cards. Texas Hold 'Em, but we play with a limit. David, get ready to lose some serious money."

So the three of us sat, guzzled wine and played poker. The wine was soon consumed and we switched to scotch on rocks. I laughed, the women giggled like school girls and after about an hour and a half I had lost over 60 bucks and was down to 4 singles. I threw down the cards, got up and moved to the wet bar and mixed myself another scotch on the rocks - a drink that the gals were already well into. To say that we were all a little buzzed would not be an overstatement.

"That's it kids, you tapped me out. I should have known better than to play cards with sharks" I complained, but with a smile.

"Shit," complained Connie. It's still early, I don't want to stop. This is fun, I just love beating the pants off of the male sex," she giggled.

"Hmmm," Susan muttered, with an wicked glint in her eyes. "Now that's an idea. Let's take that literally, let's play strip poker."

I just looked at her, just a little shocked. Susan just sat there and grinned.

"You chicken, Dave? I double dare you," she slurred and giggled.

"You're wasted, Sue," I laughed. "Boy, I'd love to see your face when I see you next and remind you of what you just suggested." That seemed funny as hell to me and I let out a belly laugh. Damn, that felt good, I didn't remember when the last time I laughed like that.

"No, no, David. That's a great idea. Let's do it, what a blast," urged Connie grabbing my arm.

I looked from one of them to the other. Damn, they were serious, sitting there smirking at me. I became totally flustered. I knew that I was out of my element. I didn't know what to say and I realized that I was blushing like crazy. I also realized that I was smashed, my thinking ability had left the room.

I shrugged and muttered, "Okay, what the rules, uhh, I mean what rules...... ahhh, shit."

It looked like Connie was the least tanked, at least she was able to be a bit more articulate. "Look, I have seven items on, I think that you have seven tooooooooo," she giggled and continued, "Daveeeee. Susan, what you have on???? Huh?????"

Susan just lay there on the sofa and smiled dreamily. "Ah, les see. I have blouse, slax, bra, panteeeees, stocks and shoes. How muchs that?" she asked.

Connie pursed her lips and frowned. "Uhhh, ten? No, no, les see." Counting on her fingers she itemized the list and blurted, "Eight, Sue. You have eight, you damn cheat. Okay, take off a shoe, then you'll have seben." I sat sat there stupidly, my head swiveling from one of them to the other. I guess I was aware of what was going on, but it felt aqs if my brain was detached. It was like I was above the tableau, watching this farce develop.

"Okey dokey," Connie began. "We're ready now. Let's sit around the coffee table here. That way nobody can hide," and she giggled again. "We'll play 5 card study, it's easier."

Connie dealt out five cards to each of us and I looked at them drunkenly. I squinted and tried to make some sense of what I had. Hmm, crapola. I threw cards on the table and asked for four. Picking them up I saw that I had drawn more crap. Shit, I lost a shoe. The gals howled.

Susan snickered, "Davey, we gonna see your wee wee?' I admit, I colored at that.

Next hand, same shit. I wound up with a pair of treys. Low hand again, damnit. I lost another shoe. The ladies(?) roared. I sat and pouted.

The next few hands saw my luck change. It wasn't too long before I sat there fully clothed except for my shoes and socks while Connie was down to her bra and panties and Susan was left with slax, bra and panties. I snickered. "Hey, Suzie, we gonna see your..... uhh, your.....shit, what a woman's wee wee anyway?" I inquired while my eyes blinked like some stupid owl.

For some reason, the girls thought that this was hilarious. I didn't understand the reason for all of the laughter. I did know that I was having difficulty trying to think. I never did hold my liquor well.

Next hand had Sue was the loser and she lurched to her feet, pulled her zipper down, tried to unbutton the slax and fell down on the sofa. Connie jumped to her aid and literally pulled Sue's pants down and inadvertently pulled her panties down with them. Sue sat there with a perplexed expression on her face while I gazed stupidly at the neat triangle of dark hair in her crotch. I remember thinking how soft and sexy it looked. I sat there with a goofy grin on my face until Connie blurted out.....

"No, oh no, Davey. Sue has to lose them fair and square before you get to see her pussy." Again the girls thought this hilarious as they struggled to pull up Susan's panties. The game continued and I was having trouble deciphering what cards I held. I guess I wasn't doing too well for before I knew it I had lost my shirt and pants. I had help shedding those garments because I truly knew that I didn't have the coordination to do it myself. There I sat in my boxer shorts; thank goodness my cock was flaccid and resting quietly on my thigh. Jeez, I really must have been loaded.

Again, it wasn't long before things started to get really interesting. Connie lost the next hand and I saw a little uncertainty in her eyes as she realized that she would have to shed the bra. Lurching to her feet bravely, she tried to bring her hands behind her to release the bra catch. I had to snicker as I watched her fumble. Finally, she managed it and swayed to catch the garment as it fell away from her. She missed, but I watched as her full breasts jiggled.

She blushed a bit, then raised her eyes and glared at me defiantly, almost daring me to say something. I wisely kept my mouth shut, but I still couldn't keep my eyes from those gorgeous melons with their pink tips.

Suddenly grinning, Connie said, "It won't be long, Davey. All you've got on are your shorts. We soon gonna see whatcha got under there." Again the loud laughter from the two of them.

Connie soon quieted down as she lost the next hand. She sat there silently for a moment, no one said a word. We just sat and stared at her. Susan had a wicked grin on her face as she leaned back against the seat with her arms resting against the front of the seat cushion. Her bra had become undone somehow and the cups sagged enough to almost expose her nipples. My eyes darted from on girl to the other.

"Chicken, Connie?" leered Sue. "Big, brave girl.... show .. uh, afraid... show her pussy now?" she slurred as she chuckled softly. "Shit," muttered Connie. "Hell no, I'm not backing down. Here's the big show, kids," she announced as she stumbled to her feet and yanked her pretty lace panties down her legs, kicking them across the room.

She stood there for a moment, glaring at both of us. I was mesmerized. She had totally shaven her pubic hair, there wasn't a strand there. Her labia showed plump and seemed swollen, the lips slightly parted. Was there a sheen of moisture there? I wasn't sure.I didn't even realize that I was sporting quite an erection and that fact was not lost on them.

Connie giggled and pointed at me. "Lookee, Suzy. Davey has a woody." I glanced down and was amazed to find my pecker sticking out of my boxer shorts. It was as if my snake had gotten a whiff of pussy and had extracted itself of it's own volition. It was bobbing there, leaking copiously. I gazed at it, not sure as to what I should do. Shit, I decided to let it air itself out.

Connie was by now giggling like crazy. She had turned to Susan who was almost comatose. "Suzy, you gotta ditch the panties. You're the only one not exposed," and she grabbed Susan's bikini bottoms and pulled them down. I again found myself entranced by the soft, dark triangle of fur. I was now able to see the furrow of her nether lips which were also slightly parted.

Susan then, almost lazily, reached down to her groin and slowly started to stroke herself. I sat rooted. I couldn't have averted my eyes if lightening had struck. It was with a little bit of a shock when I noted that Connie had moved to me and plopped herself on my lap. She straddled me and my cock was now firmly pressed against her pussy. I groaned and she smiled sensuously. She leaned forward and pressed her lips to mine.

It was as if someone had flung a bucket of ice water on me. "What the fuck am I doing? I shouldn't be doing this, goddamnit. I'm a married man," I said to myself. The fact that my wife had been unfaithful, had committed adultery and, damnit, actually made me watch, seemed almost secondary to me now. My head twirled in confusion.

I suddenly rose to my feet, tumbling Connie to the floor. I staggered a bit and shook my head, trying to clear the cobwebs clogging my mind. Then, suddenly, the tears came. Shit, I was embarrassing myself. Suddenly I found myself in Connie's arms; she was whispering, "It's okay, David. It's okay." She led me to a chair and sat me down. My head was down, my eyes closed.

Connie was back in seconds. I saw now that she had a robe on. She coaxed me out of the chair and led me to her bedroom. "David, listen to me. Use my room, get some sleep. This whole thing got out of hand, but no harm done. You're exhausted. Get some sleep, please. I'll bunk with Susan tonight. We'll see you in the morning," she whispered as she closed the door behind her.

I stood there, wondering that the hell was wrong with me. Was I that much of a morality prig, did I really have that holier-than-thou manner? My marriage was shit, it was over - I could have had a fuck fest in there and I chickened out. My mind was in turmoil, my thoughts chaotic. I also realized that I was wiped out, I was so goddamned tired that I couldn't think straight. I collapsed into the bed and was asleep in seconds.


When I awoke light was starting to creep in around the window coverings. I didn't know what time it was, but I wearily rose from the bed, standing a moment waiting for the nausea and dizziness to pass. I staggered to the bathroom and put my head under the cold water faucet. It seemed to help. I also gobbled some aspirin that I found in the cabinet. My thoughts returned to the previous evening. Shit, I had hoped that the liquor would have at least clouded my memory, but every facet of the evening was etched into my brain. I felt embarrassed again, ashamed to face Susan and Connie.

I found that my clothes were on the chair next to the bed, folded neatly. It was obviously that Connie had come in to check on me. I vowed I would do something to make amends for what I did last night. I could just imagine her humiliation at how I had rejected her.I dressed and slipped quietly out of the condo.

Returning home, I shucked my clothing and stood under a steaming hot shower. I knew that I needed to do some heavy thinking. I had come to the realization that I was just stumbling from pillar to post, my thoughts a jumble of unrelated crap. I also realized that I had spent a lot of time just feeling sorry for myself. I needed to get away where I would have the time to delve into my inner most being and come to some decisions as to my future. Right at that moment I had no idea what tomorrow would bring, let alone where I would be next year.

I called Hal Burns at City Hall. I had to go through two secretaries before I had him on the line.

"Hello, Mr. Burns. This is David Lannister. I just wanted to tell you that I really need some time to get away by myself. I'll have my cell phone with me, so if you need me, just call. I can't just sit around here waiting."

There was a short pause. "Okay, Dr. Lannister. Just make sure that your cell phoine is on at all times, and please, don't go too far."

It was early in the month and spring break would be here soon. I wouldn't have classes to worry about. Charles would cover for me until the break and I would have plenty of time by myself - time I felt that I desperately needed. I would use whatever innate intelligence I had and would decide on a course of action based on reason and not emotion.

Lyle and Millie had a small cottage on the Jersey coast that I had often used. I packed a bag, got in the car and headed for that small, sleepy seaside town. I would call Lyle or Millie and tell them where I was. I wouldn't have to say too much, they would figure out what I needed to do.

(Concluded in Ch. 03)

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AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

The stupidity of this story is astounding.

RzcanuckRzcanuck6 months ago

So no one is fully on David's side. Lyle his step dad attorney does not have his back. David needs an attorney that only had David's interest to advise and take proper action.

ImNotanAnonImNotanAnon11 months ago

By far one of the most asinine, idiotic and ridiculous stories ever posted here.

AnonymousAnonymous12 months ago

Ummm, you all do know that this was published 17 years ago, right?

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

fucking moronic author 1*

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