The True Master Ch. 12


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"I was the first part of the plan, Kate the second. She was programmed to escape the Company and find me. From their my programmed sense of morality doesn't let me rest until she's free of the chip. Eventually I slip up and the Company grabs us and the events that just took place play out. Belial's work is now under the control of the one person who he at least thinks will use it correctly, he didn't even trust himself with it."

"So the guy was insane," said Jeremy as he opened a bag of chips he had found in the kitchen.

I shrugged, "It worked."

"Genius and crazy are two very similar things," said Dr. Song musing.

"Still took you way to long! That grubby bastard!" Beth shuddered not finishing her sentence.

I didn't say anything.

"You said you wouldn't be able to free the rest of the dolls, were you just saying that or did you mean it?" asked Tracy.

I winced, "I meant it. I'd have to get control of the entire Company before I could free them, and even then it would be too much of a scandal, governments would fall corporations would crumble. It's a horrible kind of math but the suffering of less than point one percent of the population to keep the rest of the eight billion well off?"

I trailed off.

Tracy looked at me for a moment, "You can't mean that."

"I want to free them, don't doubt that!" I took a step towards her, Beth still in her body armor stepped in front of Tracy and glared at me.

I sighed and put my hands up, "Look I get that this isn't perfect, how you think I feel? I just found out I'm not even a real boy! I'm a puppet some bastard made to clean up his mess, and despite knowing that I'm still going to do it because letting anyone else even try would be an even bigger disaster! The memories of my family, of my childhood, of my entire life up until a few months ago are fake!"

I looked over at Kate, "And I'm going to lose the one thing that has kept me anchored throughout all of this as well."

Kate shook her head, "I don't want you to take the chip out Master."

"I have to Kate. You have a life to go back to if I can manage it."

She shook her head, "I don't want that life back!"

"That's the chip talking, and the woman you were before the chip needs to come back. I promised I would free you, so that's what I'm going to do."



March 1 2016:

Kate and I were alone inside one of the many medical labs on the upper floor of the building she had been apprehensive to follow me fearing what was coming.

"Master what are we doing?" asked Kate her voice trembling slightly.

"I'm going to deactivate your chip."

Kate was already shaking her head, "No Master please don't!"

I sighed and pointed at the single chair in the room, "I have to Kate please sit down."


"I order you to sit down!" I shouted.

Tears streaming down her face Kate mechanically sat herself down in the chair, her arms were shaking and her entire body was covered in sweat as she fought the commands.

I hated forcing her to do anything, save for those instances where she wanted me to utilize that control. Which she most certainly did not want me to do right now.

"Master please!" said Kate.

"I don't know what the hell that bastard stuck in your head Kate! He took your memories, your life! All of it just to make sure I had the right motivations! Don't you want everything back?"

Kate shook her head, "Am I not good enough for you Master? Did I fail you in some way!?" she was begging with me now, the tears continuing to fall.

I felt my own eyes beginning to tear up and tore my gaze away from Kate.

"You and I both know that not why I'm doing this."

"Why can't you just keep me!? For once be selfish and take what you want Master!"

I didn't say anything we both knew she was telling the truth.

"I can't keep something that was never mine to take Kate."

She continued to cry and looking back at the computer I closed my eyes.

"I'm sorry Kate. The woman you once were is still in there and she needs to go on living her life. She deserves to have her life back!"

Kate was now sobbing in the chair slowly shaking her head back and forth.

"No Master please!"

Leaning over her chair I placed a kiss on her lips and hit enter on the tablet in my hands.

Kate's head lolled to the side as she quickly went to sleep.


I grabbed the nearest thing, which happened to be a wheeled cart and picking it up I threw it. The plastic cart hit the wall and shattered.

"Fuck!" I grabbed a chair and I threw it as well, it hit the wall and dented it not breaking.

For several moments I breathed hard and tried to clear my head.

I was doing the right thing, as wrong as it felt now, and as much as neither of us wanted to do it this was the right thing.

Slowly I moved over to the computer, ready to give the woman I owned, the woman I loved her life back. With any luck all of this would just feel like a nightmare, the result of some accident. She would wake up in a hospital bed, believing she had been in come sort of coma.

With the coding segments that Belial had left me to work with I was able to easily get into the root access controls for the Interface. From their it was easy, almost frighteningly so to remove the memory blocks that Belial had put in place. Her memories weren't even gone, the interface acted almost like a computer would, redirecting any requests for her memories to a blank portion of her brain.

It was easy enough to do the process in reverse, and place memory blocks on what she had experience over the past few months, going all the way back to when the Company had first snatched her. She wouldn't remember me or anyone else, at most she might dream, and given time dreams fade.



March 12, 2016

*The True Master*

I walked into the main office where Adams was working and I smiled. She continued to ignore me, her mind incapable of recognizing me.

"Belial," I said.

She froze, and slowly turned to look at me.

Recognition flashed across her face and she gasped, she paled and her hands flew to the back of her neck feeling the Interface.

"What the hell did you do?" she asked.

I walked forward and sat down in the chair across from her desk, "I put directives in your chip to trigger memory separation. Up until this moment you had no idea I was running this branch, that I had escaped and taken over, that Belial's plan had worked. I'm quite proud of the program actually. I have no idea how the Companies inner sanctum operates, but you do so for now I'm just going to have you continue running things while I figure out what to do next."

Adams hand darted towards her desk reaching underneath it, only to find an empty holster. Beth had already removed quite a few of the security measures the woman had in place, not that she noticed the absence.

"You bastard!" she growled.

I looked up at her, "You sure that's the tone you want to use here? For now you're useful. When we're done though I could just turn you into another brain dead bimbo like you did to thousands of other people."

"Just kill me then!"

I stood up and smiled, "that's far too easy and you know it. I've been looking into some of the other projects the Companies been researching, you heard of Ambrosia?"

Adams said nothing.

"I could perfect the procedure, give it to you and then program your Interface to torture you. Hook you up to an IV and you'd live for a very long time in constant pain. Never able to die, never able to escape. I'm fairly certain you'd go insane after a short time, anyone would but it would be an interesting experiment."

"You don't have the guts to do that, you're not a killer, much less a torturer."

"Do you want to put that to the test?"

Adams smiled, I could sense a certain amount of trepidation behind her poker face but that hardly mattered.

"Stand still, don't move."

Adams froze.

I took my phone from my pocket and unwound the cord from it. Walking around Adams I plugged it into her Interface. She couldn't move but I could feel the anger rolling off of her in waves.

The program took no time at all to integrate and I quickly unplugged the woman and stepped around to stand in front of her desk again.

"You know, this is your fault somewhat. You got me used to the idea of ordering women around, using them however I want. My mother would be aghast, and I'm not sure I can really call myself a liberal anymore but what the hell. You can move now."

Adams took a step back and whimpering fell to the floor.

"What the hell did you do?" she asked.

"It's simple, I could just program you to be a perfect little slave and use you like that. But we both know it wouldn't be you at that point, it would be some other person wearing your body that's doing everything. So I'm going for a more old fashioned approach, sure it might take longer but I'm sure the results will be more impressive. It's simple reward and punishment conditioning."

I leaned forwards, "stand up Adams."

She gasped and her hands flew to her pants, as if holding something in even as she obeyed the commands and quickly stood.

Her face was red and she looked slightly dazed, like a woman who had just had an orgasm so amazing that without the aid of technology it would not have been possible.

"Pavlov!" She breathed.

I nodded, "Do something right and you get a very satisfying result. Do something wrong and you will be severely punished. The Interface will help give you the pleasure or pain, and keep you from spilling the beans to the rest of the Company but otherwise it will be your own brain that learns to obey. I'm going to break you down until there's nothing left but a quivering little slave whose only goal in life is to please her Master."

"Good luck with that!" spat Adams.

Then she groaned and leaned on the desk in front of her.

"We have plenty of time, if I get that Ambrosia working we might even have an eternity."

"Fuck you!" she growled and again she let out a gasp as the pain coursed through her limbs.

"I'm being nice right now, both the pleasure and pain are set at around 10% of their final values. We're going to ease you into this nice and slow. I'm willing to be patient. Now get back to work."

Adams glared at me but she twitched again and fell back into her office chair.

Turning around I went back out into the lobby in front of the main office, Beth was leaning against the wall a grin on her face.

"That was brutal," said Beth as she walked next to me.

"No less than what she deserves," I growled.

"I agree."

I sighed and the two of us continued on down the hall to the elevator and stepped inside. As far as the rest of the branch was concerned I was a new technical advisor to Adam's one who was working on improving the Doll and who came with the highest recommendations. Within the branch hierarchy I was below only her, despite the actual relationship being the other way around.

"How's the program going?"

Beth shrugged, "Good, still working the kinks out. The Interfaces take some getting used to."

"You're telling me," I rubbed at the metal port in the back of my neck, the thing itched.

"You coming down today?" asked Beth.

I pulled out my phone and glanced at the time, "Sure."

Stepping into the elevator Beth hit the button for the 55th floor and the two of us descended and stepped out onto the floor.

Originally it had been an office space, but Adams had shuffled some people around and fired a few of the more inept compute programs opening up the floor for the first of many little side projects I had planned.

With the office cubicles removed and everything soundproofed and padded the room was now the training ground for the security forces, or all of the people who had the V2 implants like Beth.

Most of them had already come from military or police backgrounds, and I had removed the block the Company had put in place, and offered them an opportunity to take down the rest of the Company.

The three who had refused had their memories wiped for the past few months and had woken up in hotel rooms with splitting headaches and a briefcase full of money next to them, legal "lottery" winnings.

The rest were her of their own volition, utilizing the interfaces in a way that that the Company had never conceptualized but had taken me only an afternoon to put together.

"We're still working out the kinks, and it's interesting being in one another's heads. Still there are advantages."

In nodded, "That's to be expected. Still impressive."

I looked over at the two people training in some form of judo on the mat in the corner of the room. A large burly man and a woman smaller than Beth, who was managing to hold her own against him. It probably helped that she was inside his head, listening to his thoughts just as he was inside her through the aid of the small wireless interfaces on their necks.

"Another month or two and you'll have your own black ops team," said Beth.

I rolled my eyes, "Don't call it that."

Beth laughed, "Why not?"

"It sound cheesy."

"To bad macho types like cheesy," she emphasized her point by flexing her muscles, another benefit of the Interface being able to control metabolism.

"We're going after the bio-tech division of the Company first. They've experimented with the Interface before, so I want to make sure that we have all of their data."

Beth nodded, "Alright, after that?"

"We go for the weapons and military division. After that all of the smaller guys."

"The military branch of the Company is one of the largest weapons contractors to the United States. You're going to have to be extremely careful same for the bio-tech, they house smallpox and stuff like that right?" said Beth.

I looked over at her and she shrugged, "I've been doing homework."

"We're all going to have to do a lot more homework, mess up at one step and we're dead or worse."

"That's what you said last time."

I chuckled, "Yeah and we only won because I was supposed to lose. We won't be that lucky again."



March 20, 2016


Sitting down at my desk I stared at the screen. I had started work up again only a week ago, the company I had been working for nice enough to give it back to me after the coma.

"How are you doing Katherine?" asked my boss, Dan.

"Fine, I'm doing fine," I said, even though it was the opposite of what I felt. Inside I felt dead, like something was missing. Like someone had taken a knife to me while I had been asleep and carved out my heart.

"Getting back into the groove of things?" asked Dan.

"Yeah, I am."

"Alright, well just remember if you need help with anything come and ask me."

"I will."

Dan nodded and retreated back to his office. I turned back to my computer, and continued working through the data entry that was my job.

I knew that even before the coma I had found this boring, but it was the only job I had been able to get coming out of college with a business degree. I even felt lucky with it, so many of my peers had worked to get their degrees thinking they would be important, when in the grand scheme they meant nothing. Most of them were no doubt still working dead end minimum wage jobs trying to pay off their student debts.

I continued through the rest of the work day in my fugue state, my job didn't take much concentration so board as I was the hours crawled by.

At the end of the day I got into my car and drove back to my new apartment. I had lost my old one, being in that coma. Thankfully most of my stuff had gone into storage so I had that, although I had barely unpacked any of it.

Unlocking my door I stepped into the apartment, I couldn't even must the will to turn the lights on. Slipping my shoes off I quickly stripped down to just my underwear and went to the bedroom. I wasn't even hungry.

I collapsed onto my bed.

I had no energy to do anything else. I had no idea what was missing, or why the hole in my chest only felt like it was getting bigger.

I cried.

I had no idea why, but in the darkness of my room I cried desperate for whatever had been torn away to be returned.

Turning over in my bed I cried myself to sleep, just like every other night since I had returned from the Hospital, unsure what I was even desperate to find.

March 25, 2016

*The True Master*

"You need to take a break."

Taking my eyes away from the computer screen in front of me I turned to Dr. Song.

"I'm fine."

She rolled her eyes, "You are not fine by any definition of the word."

"The Interface is keeping me in perfect physical condition Doctor. Hell, just sitting here I'm developing a fucking six pack!"

"That's not what I mean."

Standing up I turned to glare at Dr. Song.

"I'm running an operating to enslave innocent people, and I'm working to take control of a company that among many questionable practices has ties to political blackmail, money laundering, illegal drug sales, the funding of terrorists, and straight up political corruption. I have no reason to not be depressed!"

Dr. Song remained impassive, judging me.

"You haven't left this room in nearly a week."

I groaned, "I'm healthier than when I stepped inside, now will you let me work!"



"No, I won't let you work. What are you going to do about it?" she asked.

I paused, considering her for a moment.

"What do you want me to do then?" I asked.

"Get some sunshine, and decide what you are going to do about Kate."

"I already did. She has her life back."

Dr. Song shook her head, "Sure she does, but you're still tracking everything she does. We're way past anything you or I do being wrong, but it's not helping you to just be constantly watching her. What are you going to do if starts seeing someone?"

I winced, I knew it was possible for Kate to do that. She was the woman she had been six months ago, I had no doubt been a sensual woman to begin with something the Company had only improved on.

I couldn't blame anyone for wanting to take her into their bed.

Or her for taking someone into her own.

She wasn't mine anymore.

"Fine I'll leave the lab, happy?" I asked.

Walking forward I swept past her and down the short corridor. I stabbed at the elevator call button and stepped inside, closing the door before the infuriating Doctor could catch up with me. I looked at the buttons for a moment and even though I knew it was a bad idea I hit the button for the penthouse.

The top floor of the office building was a private suite for the director, probably so they could enjoy the fruits of their unholy labor without leaving company premises. Adams hadn't started living in it until recently. She had maintained an apartment elsewhere in the city but with a few keystrokes I had implanted in her mind the command to sell it off and pack everything up and live at the top of the tower.

She didn't even know why, to her it had felt like a random spur of the moment idea she has simply gone along with.

I had her under my control and she didn't even know it until I told her. Whenever she saw me the memories of what I was doing to her came flooding back. The terrified resentment, and trepidation. She didn't want to admit it but she could not doubt feel her mind slowly beginning to change.

The elevator came to a halt, and stepping out onto the floor I locked the elevator out. Dr. Song would no doubt follow me to try and convince me to talk about my feelings.

I didn't want to talk about them. Kate had been tailored to fit my psychological profile, the profile that Belial had constructed. Without her the only thing I had left to do was take control of the Company somehow and ensure that the Interface was not misused any further. Stopping all of the other things the Company was doing would only be a fringe benefit. A