The True Master Ch. 12


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Belial was twisted enough to think that despite how perfect Kate had been for me, that I couldn't give her life back to her. It was a flaw in his grand scheme, I couldn't keep something that wasn't mine in the first place.

The hypocrisy of my attitude towards Kate and the other Dolls was not lost on me. But as horrible as it sounded everyone else whom had been converted just a nameless face in the background of my life. Kate was special, I couldn't keep her as much as I wanted too.

Shaking my head I walked through the suite, hearing the shower running I smiled and walked back to the bedroom. Opening the door and looking through the steam I watched as Adams drew back the curtain her eyes wide in first surprise, then recognition, and finally fear as the memories came flooding back to her.

"Leave me alone you bastard!" She shouted.

"Oh no slave, you don't get to tell me what to do. Now, get out here!" I shouted.

"Fuck you!"

I waited.

It took only a moment but I could hear her grunting in pain. It started as a light tingling but it would within moments escalate into the feeling of being roasted alive.

Both of us knew she would follow the order, after all compliance was rewarded with orgasmic levels of pleasure. No creature could resist moving from one extreme to the other for very long. Humans in general are simply more stubborn about it, but once broken very much deliciously compliant.

The shower shut off and she stepped out of it grabbing a towel off of the rack she quickly rapped herself up and glaring at me walked past me into her bedroom.

"Go away!"

"Adams have you ever been in love?" I asked.

The woman looked stunned for a moment, she probably wasn't expecting me to ask that.


"Because I was. I was and I let her go. I was the one who forced her to leave."

"What that Doll? Are you so pathetic that all you could get to love you was some programed mindless fuck doll?" asked Adams sneering.

Something snapped, Adams had insulted me a hundred times over and I had thrown it off I was after all the one who had all of the power.

She had insulted Kate, and hit to close to home on why Kate had loved me back.

"So exactly what you are now?" I asked letting my tone edge towards menacing. "After all you have an Interface now."

Adams paled slightly but stood firm despite her state of dress.

"Drop the towel."

Adams winced and for a moment she fought but her hands were already moving to unfasten the thing. The towel fell away and I let my eyes rake over her body in a clinical way, Adams was in her early thirties by this point only a little older than me, or at least my body.

She was attractive, and had I assumed was the body of a working woman who worked to keep herself in the dating pool. She would not grace any magazine cover, but she was in no way something any man would reject.

"Happy?" she growled.

"No, follow me."

I stepped out of the bedroom and walked out to the living room and sat down in one of the chairs.

Tentatively Adams followed me, her bare feet padding on the floor as she walked, breasts swaying slightly as she moved.

"You know, my apartment wasn't nearly as nice as this one but I think I liked it more. The place just feels so impersonal," I said looking around at the clean contemporary décor of the place.

"I just moved in," growled Adams.

"No more talking."

Adams looked like she was going to say something to argue, but apparently thinking better of it closed her mouth her teeth clicking as she did so.

"You've always been on top of the food chain. I looked at your Company record and everything else I could get my hands on. You came from a rich family, didn't you Adams?"

She opened her mouth to speak but bit her tongue and nodded. I smiled, already she was modifying behavior to try and avoid punishment on an unconscious level. Soon enough the active resistance would stop as well.

"You didn't let that money define you though, you still had to work hard and go to school, the money just made it all easier. After school the Company offered you a position and within five years you were at the top, you're ruthless. You don't have an issue turning people into slaves because you've never seen other people as anything but tools to use. Hell you killed the last Director when he ceased being useful!"

She didn't say anything.

"Is that right Adams? I want the truth here."

Slowly and mechanically she nodded, her glare was now on the level of murderous. Were it not for the fact that she was naked she would have been frightening.

"See, we got that off of our chests. Now though you don't have to worry about apologizing. You're going to spend the rest of your life making up for it."

I pointed at the floor in front of me, "I need a foot rest. You'll enjoy doing it."

Adams resisted the command for a moment and I watched mildly interested as she fought the pain again. Like any creature the instinct for survival and a lessening of the pain prompted her to move, and once she moved a fraction of an inch towards the correct action the lessening pain and growing pleasure prompted her to continue.

She was on her knees and then crawling forward she was at my feet.

Slowly I lifted them. Adams hesitated for another moment and then slowly moved to place herself under them. Carefully I lowered my feet onto her back.

Adams shuddered, gagged by my order she didn't say anything.

For several minutes I tried to sort out my own feelings, and figure out why the hell I was doing this. I didn't like Adams, but I was going to enjoy breaking her down. She was no replacement for Kate, even once she was completely broken. I could have my pick of any woman downstairs being processed by the Company for sale somewhere else in the world, but I didn't want any of them.

The one slave I did want was free, and I couldn't bring myself to take that freedom from her.

So I would have to be content with Adams.

I looked down at my foot rest, Adams was staring resolutely at the floor. Some sadistic part of me was enjoying her humiliation, and pondering how long I would be able to keep her on the edge, where she was eager to please me yet still trying to resist.

"You can talk."

She turned slightly to look at me but didn't say anything.

"What do you think of the changes I've made to the branch? The ones you've made for me."

Adams didn't say anything.

"I order you to answer truthfully," I growled.

"The board won't be happy, profits have dipped by two percent in the projections."

I smiled, and leaning down turned the woman's head so she was looking at me, Adams shuddered when I touched her.

"So? I'm getting rid of the board first chance I get. I want to know what you think of my ideas about improving the Interface. The solider program for example?"

"It's interesting. Something I never considered. If they really can share memories and act as a single entity they will be unbeatable."

I nodded in agreement, "They will be. You're a project as well. A more holistic type of training, something that could be sold at a premium. A true harem slave like something out of an old Middle Eastern fantasy, do you think the little experiment with you will be successful?" I asked.

Adams was silent.



"Oh? Why not? It seems to be working from up here." I wiggled my feet on top of her back.

Adams eyes' hardened, "You're burning out, I can feel your legs shaking right now. You're thin and you've got more lines in your face than a man twice your age ought to have. Belial messed up his programming. You're self-righteous enough to free the woman you had as your slave, but you're messed up enough to actually need her. Those two parts are conflicting, and now without her you're falling apart, you'll crack long before I do," spat Adams.

The room was silent for a moment, the two of us continued to glare at one another.

Slowly I took my legs off of her back.

"Stand up Adams."

The woman slowly got to her feet. I stood up as well towering over her small frame.

"You don't seem to understand the position you're in. I have access to your entire brain, I could make you crack tonight. I could make you beg for me to use you tonight, in just five minutes or so if I wanted too."

I pulled out my phone and a cable, just holding them in my hand I threatened her with them.

"You need me!"

"I do, but I could just have someone else play the puppet Master and control you from a distance, Beth should be able to do it and I doubt she would be that sad with me scrambling your brain. She's still a little angry about how you treated her."

"So where did that morality you have go?"

I gave her a thin smile, "I'm not a saint Adams. Some people deserve what is dealt to them. You certainly do, I have no conniptions about what you deserve. I'm already going to hell, and so are you. So I'm going to make sure that I get my fill of vengeance on you for starting all of this and if I ever get my hands on Belial? I'm going to kill him."

I sat back down on the couch, and pointed back at the floor.

Adams understanding the order slowly sank back down to her hands and knees.

I put my feet up on her back again.

"The two of you thought that you were gods, that you were better than everyone else because you had money or power or just because you were smarter. Belial wised up and made me, that doesn't excuse what he did and I'm going to have to spend the rest of my life alone cleaning up his mess because he made damn sure I can't stomach walking away."

I ground my feet into her back and Adams whimpered.

"So the only form of stress relief I'm going to have is you Adams. This is going to be fun!"

A vicious and stress laced laugh escaped my chest and I leaned back into the couch. I had more power, more money than most people ever dreamed of. But it was worthless without her.



March 26, 2016


I was naked, but I was not vulnerable or afraid. The fact that the man in the room was staring at me wasn't a source of embarrassment but rather excitement.

It was after all him, the same man who had been inside every dream since the coma.

I had never seen his face, it was always in shadow. Despite that I could still see the kindness in his eyes, and sense his overwhelming desire.

The man feared he would make a request I would refuse, which was impossible. He was in control, the one who had all of the power and yet none of it. He feared every small amount of it he wielded, but still he did not shirk the responsibilities inherent to it.

He was an incorruptible man, or at least when it came to me.

I was incomplete without his control, he was incomplete without my submission.

Two ugly creatures, thrown away and detested by the world for their weakness and absolute dependence on one another together formed a flower more beautiful than any other.

Languidly I moved in front of him, teasing and at the same time inviting him forward. I was his to use and take, crush and dominate, love and control.

The man remained still, hidden in the darkness. I dropped to my knees in front of him my head down and waited desperate for even the brush of his fingers over my skin.

Slowly the darkness of the world slipped away blinking I opened my eyes to the light of day.

Rolling over in bed I hit the alarm silencing it and stared up at the pale chipped ceiling of my home. I didn't even want to get out of bed, I didn't want to eat. Nothing felt important, all I wanted to do was go back to sleep. I wanted to go back to sleep and wait in front of the faceless man until my subconscious let him actually take and use me. I had dreamed of him every night now, and he hadn't done so much as touch me.

Rolling out of bed I tried to get rid of the thoughts. I hadn't been like this before the coma.

I had tried to remember anything from the time when I had been in it, I'd read about how people sometimes lived out entire separate lives inside of comas. Maybe that had been what had happened to me? I'd been some sort of alternate life I could barely remember?

Was the man my lover from that other life, nothing more than a figment of my imagination?

Whatever had happened in the coma, I wanted to experience it just one more time.



I stared at the papers in front of me.

Huge reams of data and statistics. Important to the company but meaningless to anyone else.

Was this my life?

Was this what I was going to do the rest of my life? Sit at a desk and plug numbers into a computer, then go home eat something and repeat?

With a sigh I continued to work through it, the hours blurred as I purposefully blanked them from my memory just wanting the day to end. I wanted to go home and sleep, have one of the dreams with the man again.

"You have any plans for after work?" asked Dan.

It took me a moment to re-engage my brain and I looked up at Dan, "what?"

He laughed as if I had told some sort of joke, "You want to go out for drinks after work? Loosen up for the weekend?"

I really wanted to go back home and just lie on my bed in the dark cry for whatever the reason was and retreat into my dreams. That wasn't healthy though, I knew it wasn't healthy to do that.


Dan smiled, "Alright then! That little bar down the road good? They actually have decent food to so we can grab a bite to eat."

"Sounds good Dan."

He smiled and walked off.

I turned back to my computer and continued chugging through the mindless dull work.

Why had I done that? Dan was nice enough, but I had never really considered going out with him. He'd asked me out a few times before the coma and I had always just turned him down as nicely as I could. Now though I had said yes.

The rest of the day I spent in a panic unsure if I should ask him to reschedule or not, I didn't have an actual excuse and I knew it was better for me to go but still, I was apprehensive.

At the end of the day I was still at my desk, trying to look like I was still busy maybe Dan would cancel for some reason.

"You ready?" asked Dan.

I jumped, I hadn't noticed him approaching too deep in my thoughts.

"Uh, sure yeah!"

Collecting my purse I took the hand that Dan offered and the two of us exited the office, I was already regretting this. Dan was nothing like the man in my dreams, except he was real and in front of me.

Oblivious to my inner conflict Dan and I walked down the street to the bar and along with the rest of the crowd leaving work we piled into the place.

"I need a table Jon!" shouted Dan as we stepped inside.

The hassled looking bartender behind the counter pointed at a table with the ridiculously long legs and high up from the ground in a corner of the bar.

"Great!" said Dan and taking my hand led me over to the table and sat down.

"What do you want to drink?" he asked.


"I'm having a beer, you want one or something like a margarita?" asked Dan cutting me off.


Dan nodded and waving the waiter over placed the order. I was more in the mood for food, but looking around I could see that what food was mostly cheese and salt based the usual bar food. I wasn't in the mood for any of that and now I was really regretting agreeing to go on this date with Dan.

Our drinks came and Dan took a large swig from the beer, looking at my own I took a small sip of it and put it back down on the table.

Dan was staring vapidly up at one of the large TV's behind me watching whatever sports game was on.

"Good game!" said Dan, tearing his eyes from the display for a moment to look at me.

"Uh, yeah!" I said mustering as much false enthusiasm as I could.

Dan nodded, apparently satisfied that I was enjoying myself, which was the opposite of what really felt. The bar was loud and hot, the food grimy and the alcohol as good as it was at removing me from the world was only a stopgap. I just wanted to go home and lay down in bed and dream about the man hoping that he might finally decide to step out from the shadows.

That wouldn't happen though, and the best I might get was sitting in front of me.

I looked him over with a critical eye.

He was nice enough, if inattentive. He was aging, a little paunch around his stomach and a few lines on his face. In short he was the average male specimen, nothing impressive or special, nothing bad or wrong either.

The spark wasn't in his eyes like the man in my dream, the spark that told me that I was the most important thing, the most prized possession in the world.

The man in the dream had that spark, the light in his eyes even from the shadows where he sat watching. That spark told me what I was his undeniably and inexorably his, to contest the fact was to argue that the sky was green or that one could jump into the air and fly. The domination, it was something man in the dream wanted as much as I. The pleasures of sex had little to do with it, the domination was more important than that.

For him to control me meant everything was right in the world.

The man sitting across the table from me in the seedy bar staring vapidly up at the television was hardly that. All a relationship with him promised was bad sex, poor communication and an unhappy workplace. He would bluster and put up a macho front, afraid to display any real emotion. He would never take what he wanted, content to simply go along with the flow of life never fighting for what he wanted.

"I need to use the bathroom."

Dan looked over at me, "Alright, the food should be here in a minute."

Slipping out of the barstool of a seat I went back to the bathroom, and finding it mercifully empty I closed and locked the door behind me.

Going over to the faucet I looked into my own eyes. I stared at my reflection, looking for something. All I saw was my own face staring back, but something was missing.

Something was missing, like it had been carved out and taken away.

"What is wrong with me?" I asked my own reflection.

There was no response, and I felt tears beginning to well up.

Something had been taken from me, and I wanted it back.

I slammed my fist down onto the porcelain sink, there was a small squeal and glancing down I winced. A spidering web of cracks was now emanating from where I had hit the hardened clay.

Looking at my hand sighed, I had cut it slightly and I was bleeding.

I just wanted to go home.

Walking out of the bathroom at a brusque pace ignoring the blood dripping form my hand I went to the table.

"I'm leaving Dan. I don't feel too good."

Dan blinked and looked over at me, "You sure? we just got here. I'll walk you back to your car," he said as he started to get up from his seat.

"I'm fine," I hesitated, "Thanks though."

Turning away I bolted running through the streets, tears in my eyes and blood on my hands I tried to remember what was lost, and why the man in my dreams was so important.



I stared at the wall across from me and let the tears continue to stream down my face. I didn't know why I was crying, but it felt as if my heart was being pulled from my chest.

The doorbell rang.

For a moment I ignored it, and it rang again.

Dragging myself up from my kitchen chair I went over to the door and opened it.

For a moment I was stunned, and unbidden word fell from my mouth, "Master?"

The man winced.

"Not anymore."

The memories came flooding back, and I gasped. Showing up on his doorstep, the cabin, the Company. I threw my hands back to my neck searching for the Interface but I felt only bare smooth skin.

I took several steps backwards and collapsed into my armchair as the memories came flooding back, melding with who I had been before the Company snatched me. The slave Kate, and the woman Katherine became one. If I thought I had a headache before it was nothing compared to now. I groaned and closed my eyes enduring it.