All Comments on 'The Twenty Year Fucking Lie'

by Cagivagurl

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Shavedbollox69Shavedbollox6911 months ago

He'd have been better off letting the biker gang kill him.

1* because I can't leave less

Tx77TumbleweedTx77Tumbleweed11 months ago

I spent much of this story hating it on principle. However, the two true villains are Laurence and his wife, as they both believe that money should allow them to do anything they want. Ross is just unbelievable in his twenty years of being blinded by love. His wife wanted her cake and to eat it too, but she did one morally correct thing when she finally sees the true Laurence. The only characters worth real sympathy are the children. 4.5 rounded up to 5

HighpikeHighpike11 months ago

Well, I enjoyed it but you seem to be getting negative reaction elsewhere. I look forward to your future works, as ever. Thank you for the time you devote to writing.

devtekdevtek11 months ago

Not bad, sure you know how writing a RAAC story. But I like RAAC when the reconciliation Is belivible, and full of drama. This one has minus of half page of reconciliation. Too fast and without drama.

Just my opinion, anyway.

ju8streadingju8streading11 months ago

no punishment for the guilty?

EgregiousEgregious11 months ago

A ripper of a yarn, thanks for sharing - 5.

Avalon101Avalon10111 months ago

It was a great read, i enjoyed it. I gave it 5 stars and thought the storying was different and lots of emotion.

legsfeettoeslegsfeettoes11 months ago

Five stars. I believe in forgiving. I believe in second chances. Is there really a man like Ross out there? Sorry, but I find it hard to believe that someone so angry could switch back so quickly. And I can't believe no one saw him keeping an eye on his cheating wife and that Ross was never even questioned about the arson. Yes, much of the story is unbelievable. But so is so much of every other fairy tale. That's why it's a 5 for me. It's a very adult Cinderella- or Sleeping-Beauty-type tale. To me, that's the only way to rate the story - fantasy well done! Totally unbelievable and with a happy ending.

Baldy74Baldy7411 months ago

Well written but just didn't buy the reconciliation. 20 years of lies and cheating, raising somebody else's kids, and with the plan to dump him and retire together! That level of deceit would be devastating.

WellplayedsirWellplayedsir11 months ago

She got off way to easy, I would be banging my PA for the next 20 years in the house without her saying Boo.

francemanfranceman11 months ago

Your story is incredible.

We take an emotional elevator to the sixth floor.

Then all of a sudden, for no reason, no preparation, a sudden fall through the window takes us back to the first floor.

Literary suicide.

And I remain convinced that this was your desire and your deep will.

Frankly, we all have different ways of understanding or accepting differences, be they racial, sexual, gender, ideological or even behavioral.

But a betrayal, provoked by a person in whom you would have entrusted your life, be it a husband or wife, a relative, a friend...... tears you apart, pierces you to the very depths of your being.

And it takes you many, many years to get over it. If you ever get over it, because it changes you, it changes you for life.

You are no longer, and never will be, the person you were.

Your thoughts, your attitude, your behavior, your understanding of yourself and of others has changed irrevocably.

But it's a pity that, whether through ignorance, misunderstanding or choice, like many authors, you ignore the real consequences of betrayal.

I'm not talking about anger, hatred, sadness.........., which are emotions that vary and fluctuate in intensity and over time. I'm talking about the very foundation of your being.

MightyheartMightyheart11 months ago

Very well written but the reconciliation is not acceptable.

Not so soon.

More conversation between Lawrence & Nina needed.

JimmyThePlungerJimmyThePlunger11 months ago

Even as a reconcilliation fan, that stretched my credulity, but then they are your characters, so clearly that's just how it happened. Enjoyed the story as always.

QBikkQBikk11 months ago

Well written story. The plot is known but somehow different from other similar stories and well done. I honestly don’t know how can someone forgive this and go on as a married couple. I couldn’t…,

Nasty56Nasty5611 months ago

I love your writings and this story is no exception. This said, I don’t think any healthy male on this planet would have taken her back…but this is fiction and should be read as it is. You could have had the MC fertility tested and use that as a factor for reconciliation in a longer ending, which I thought was a bit short compared to the build up.

waltdeewaltdee11 months ago

Well written story. The reconciliation exceeds credulity. I could have maybe lived with the divorce going through and the two becoming frenemies after the divorce, but to submit to being a willing cuck of enormous magnitude? No, I can’t go that far.

I gave you four stars because I did enjoy reading it until the last page, and except for a few typos it is a well written sort, so I couldn’t bring myself to trash in anger with 3 stars or worse. The whole read leaves me with disappointment. Sorry, but that’s the best I can do. Shame…

stev2244stev224411 months ago

Many might not have noticed, but I often prefer a reconciliation. It is an additional plot element that can make a story more interesting. That said, there is a fine line from which a return is difficult. This story was right at that line or even a bit beyond. Still, I enjoyed it a lot, which is always the case with CG stories. It was the usual pulse kicker, well written, easy 5*

demanderdemander11 months ago

Can't see it. It was only a short time before that she blew off their twentieth anniversary for another weekend with her real husband. So, no way. But a good story, nonetheless. D

demanderdemander11 months ago

Can't see it. It was only a short time before that she blew off their twentieth anniversary for another weekend with her real husband. So, no way. But a good story, nonetheless. D

Bh76Bh7611 months ago

I like RAACs, but this one is too implausible. You wrote yourself into a corner by using virtually every evil wife trope in the setup. There wasn’t enough justification for the reconciliation IMO.

As usual it was well told, result notwithstanding. 5*

jasonnhjasonnh11 months ago

The reconciliation is pathetic.

Nina is, at best, unstable. To "love" someone and yet pull off such a betrayal indicates she is a psychopath ( impaired empathy and remorse, and bold, disinhibited, and egotistical traits). She is badly broken and probably NOT fixable. Continuing a life with such a person is almost a guarantee of a bad ending because Nina's sense of right & wrong is dysfunctional.

As to no legacy, I would check out my viability and, if possible to have kids, seek out a surrogate to have my own kids. Or, seek out a younger woman to be with and build a second life with my kids. The old kids could have been included as well. This happens all the time.

HargaHarga11 months ago

I liked it alot and gave it 5*. I agree with Nasty56. If he had been checked and it was determined that he was shooting blanks. It may have helped him get over his supposed shame of not actual fathering the children. You also have to admit that the wife keeping him from getting murder definitely worked to her benefit. The story doesn't say there divorced, but in therapy, or that they are even living together. It's pretty open as to their future.

Could maybe need a second part.

KarnevilKarnevil11 months ago

A very good story. Well written and described, interesting characters and a decent plot. I do have a couple of gripes though: a few too many clichés, but that's to be expected in most tales in this catogory. The use of names constantly being spoken in the dialogue was annoying, try doing it in real life and you'll see what I mean. And lastly, obviously the ending. I'm a fan of reconciliation stories, but this one was a few steps too far. Maybe cheating can be forgiven, maybe even a fully fledged affair, but this was on a different level. Nina only married Ross to keep alive her chances of being with Lawrence. She made a family for Lawrence by using Ross as, basically, a carer. Despite claims of loving him she planned to dump Ross as soon as Lawrence's children reached eighteen. And to cap it all, when trying to salvage the marriage she claimed they could live happily and she'd only link up with Lawrence every couple of weeks. This might work wonderfully in a cuck story, but from what I read Ross wasn't built that way. That was the biggest issue because he acted just how I'd imagine any normal man would. He was an ordinary guy, no super powers, unlike in the many efforts written by less enlightened people, neither did have friends or family with super powers. He was just a wronged and angry man whose life was turned upside down by the person he most trusted. Even after everything she'd done and planned to do, Nina only let up when she learned that her lover planned to murder her husband. I really can't see how anybody would trust her ever again, let alone move back in with her.

But I'm not the author, I'm not sure I'd think of a better ending, certainly not a happier one, so we take it as is. All in all it was just like life: you get the hand you're dealt and try to make the best of it. If the author has the characters act in a certain way who are we to argue? It kept me reading to the very end, and it played with my emotions. Perhaps the, at least to me, unsatisfactory ending was a good thing: because this story stayed in my head long after finishing it, and I don't think you can ask for much more than that.

WhyjustwhyWhyjustwhy11 months ago

I don't understand the RAAC obsession with situation so far over the top. One-offs or a kid from one drunken mistake make more sense than a 20 year fuckfest with her slinkdick, yet provides the seeking drama. Yet stories seek a reconciliation after the wife disrespected and cheated for years upon years. And in this case fielding 3 kids with her weasel. So it took her 20+ years to finally realize she loved her husband over her walking dildo? Not buying it, far too unbelievable for any sort of reconciliation. Especially anything that long, not a soul on earth could ever believe a word she said, her professed love would just be words and empty. Reverse it and if the husband cheated for 20 years and wife found out, she too would be gone. No one with any slight sense of self worth would ever stay in the situation where they are just a back up option, that everything they knew for 20 years was a facade. They would know they deserve better. The writing though is very good and paints a picture. The lengths of cheating were just too extreme to really work with it. I think with the authors ability with writing, a realistic scenario would create a huge story, like those legendary types people always make sequels of. Real life if packed full of drama, it doesn't have to be so far over the top to the unbelievable side in order to make a powerful story. Best I can vote for is 3, a 5 for the writing but a 1 for the story type/content.

NewEroticaWriterNewEroticaWriter11 months ago

I enjoyed this story very much. Even though it hits close to home for me. Unlike many of the naysayers here, I believe the reconciliation is very believable… because I reconciled with my spouse. What many of you fail to realize is how important it is to be with your children EVERY day. The love between a parent and child is extremely powerful. It can make you sacrifice almost anything.

Being a sperm donor doesn’t make you a Dad. Being there for all the ups and downs of life does. And that’s where the bonds of love grabs hold of you and never lets go.

It’s a long row to hoe. But I’m living proof that reconciliation is possible.

Great job Cagivagurl!!!! As always 5stars.

Rose 🌹

RePhilRePhil11 months ago

I enjoyed reading this story very much. It was a forgone conclusion that he would take her back. Your male characters are most often one dimensional that always seem to fold to the always dominant female. Again excellent writing and I always love to hate a plot here and there. It’s important to be broken away from one’s own reality and into another’s once and awhile. 5&FAV

numbnutz49numbnutz4911 months ago

Decent story and well written but it moved too quickly from the anger of discovering his life was a lie to a form of reconciliation. Could it happen? Sure! Should it happen? I'll bet the comments run majority against it! It is the author's prerogative but maybe another 1000 words building to that possibility would have been a better bridge.

woodwardwoodward11 months ago

Well written but unbelievable.

Omegaman56Omegaman5611 months ago

No. Not going to happen

CriosCrios11 months ago

Generally enjoy CG's stories (even if they re-use many of the same elements), however, this one beggars belief. Because her betrayal is so egregious and so protracted and the disrespect so blatant, I don't think there's any universe where Ross would reconcile with her. Just not believable.

BigfundrewBigfundrew11 months ago

Oh my God.

It was going so well. Quite enjoyable, as are all your stories. Then it took a sharp turn into WTFville.

No one. I repeat NO ONE would bounce back from those lies and betrayals. That crashed and burned, hard core.

As a minor side note, the random misplaced apostrophes and commas was a little weird.

jaythemanjaytheman11 months ago

I am not totally against reconciliation, but this was super rushed and way far from justified. The wife finally saw that her lover was an asshole and acted, but she would have to do some gargantuan lifting to begin to make it up to her husband. Nothing was really attempted here. The ending is not close to believable.

BigfundrewBigfundrew11 months ago


I typically like your stories, but this took a sharp turn into the truly unbelievable. The level of betrayal and disrespect is too far to believe or come back from. The lovers couldn't give up their weekend tryst for the unknowing husband to take his wife on a trip for their 20th wedding anniversary? Come on. If they were trying to just keep the unknowing cuck happy, they would have easily rearranged their plans, instead of giving him $10000. How arrogant.

Lots of silly little typos too.

lc69hunterlc69hunter11 months ago

This is a tough one

DreddrasDreddras11 months ago

Well-written, as always. Can't think of a single one of your stories that doesn't receive top marks from me on that front. Completely implausible reconcillation at the end, however. I could see him eventually reconciling with her (I guess?), but no way it happens on that short a timeframe, and without any real hard work on her part to regain his trust/love (I submit that stopping your lover from murdering your husband is not hard work, but just the barest of basic human compassion). The "I saved you from my lover's murderous wrath" bit is also a little too close to the "I nursed you back to health after your terrible injury" trope which backbones so many reconcilliations in these stories. Ultimately, this read almost like a LW writing exercise -- "how much shit can the wife heap upon her husband and still have him reconcile"? But, again, very well written, and I thoroughly enjoyed it right up until the end.

GreyDuckGreyDuck11 months ago

I liked it and I can see how Ross' affection for the kids might soften things. Yet, she expertly deceived him her whole marriage and was hoping Ross cuts her some slack because she wouldn't let her lover murder him? Then again, he did blow up the house that his "wife" could have been in had she come back too soon leaving the kids without their mom. I guess, in the end, they kind of deserve each other....still liked it though!!

dcvngtn3dcvngtn311 months ago

A really well written story absolutely ruined by the ending

SaltySurpriseSaltySurprise11 months ago

Loved the first three pages the forth you lost my attention and got my irate. NO MAN would forgive I don't care what you are trying to spin

SerradaCSerradaC11 months ago

This is a wonderful, well-written, and believable story, which in this category is pretty rare.

MigbirdMigbird11 months ago

Always smile when I see you’ve posted a story — enjoy the story, characters and array of comments. Bit far fetched, not to mention melodramatic but WTH — intriguing characters whether leading or supporting. Keep sharing your imagination.

kelchakelcha11 months ago

Excellent story. 5*

Bham487Bham48711 months ago

Well written but not believable. Whole marriage was a scam for a powerful man to have his mistress and bastards.

someoneothersomeoneother11 months ago

I liked the story very much. I am generally in favor of reconciliation where children are involved, but 20 years of deception and 3 kids is a bit too much. Still, that is author's choice. Some things bothered me, however: (1) Nina would not have forgotten her 20th anniversary, and would never have agreed to be away; (2) no way would Nina and her lover have created the problem, but would have changed plans so Nina could go to Fiji. There was, after all, nothing special except another outing; and (3) Ross is no saint. He committed arson, which is a crime, and there would have been an insurance payment that would constitute fraud. Author seemingly is fine with arson and insurance fraud but that does not speak well, and caused me to reduce rating.

irinmikeirinmike11 months ago

Different story line but so implausible. First, as I have said many times when reading a story where a husband finds out what is happening he just walks away and takes time to assess the situation and plot his revenge. Men are not made that way! As soon as he realized what was happening his anger would make it impossible for him not to confront his wife's paramour. How many stories on Literotica have a poor unknowning husband walk away in order to prolong the story line. Finally, the husband would realize, after all the deception by his wife, that she was putting all her eggs in his basket because her other meal ticket was going to jail! Interesting but silly and lacking.

secretsalsecretsal11 months ago

Flimsy reconciliation, which ruins all the buildup of emotion up to that point. But I get the feeling that the author writes these endings partly to trigger the BTB-heavy audience in this category. I don't mind a well-crafted overcoming the odds story, but this wasn't it.

OzeminotaurOzeminotaur11 months ago

Well written really enjoyed reading this

Your stories always draw me in I have to finish them I just can't put it down can't wait for your next one

laptopwriterlaptopwriter11 months ago

5 stars for one hell-of-great story.

Daggy1965Daggy196511 months ago

Very good story 5 stars. Not sure I would have been able to reconcile though.

MattblackUKMattblackUK11 months ago

The twisty in the end worked very well. Another 5* story from you, CG! Well done!

ReedRichardsReedRichards11 months ago

The story was well-written enough, but suffered from some major flaws. If only one of the kids had been her lover's, or even two, but not all three, there's be some room for understanding a reconciliation. The idea that the boyfriend would try to hire hitmen was implausible for a man wealthy-by-his-wife. I get that you felt you needed some consequences for the boyfriend, but a man who was careful and smart enough to keep an affair quiet for twenty years wouldn't try something so stupid.


More, a man faced with an iron-clad prenup yet as smarmy as Laurence would have been putting money aside for years and years; he'd have protected and insulated himself over the length of a long marriage.


But the biggest problem was three pages of angst and outright rage, and then a too-sudden reconciliation. Yes, love can, and often does, still remain, but it seems to me that you skipped too much in there.

JBird11JBird1111 months ago

Great job, really enjoyed this one. Thanks for sharing.

GumpershnickalGumpershnickal11 months ago

Jesus, what a terrible ending.

BarryJames1952BarryJames195211 months ago

I enjoy reading all the ridiculous comments about how this or that could never happen, or trying to justify their opinion by what a “real” man would do. A real man or woman makes informed decisions, considers all the factors, and does what is best for themselves and the people they love. This is a well written work of 5* art. Thank you for sharing it.

straightshooter1958straightshooter195811 months ago

Great story! The uber extreme nature of the wifes betrayal makes it impossible (for me at least) to believe the reconciliation will anything but temporary! *5

CindyTVCindyTV11 months ago

So well written, so many emotions, and a great story up until he took her back. I appreciate the RAAC but for me, I can't see any forgiveness to her level or betrayal. Thanks for sharing. 4 stars.

gatorhermitgatorhermit11 months ago
Well-written Story, but still a cuck RAAC story

Ross should have upgraded with a younger woman and had a family of his own. I don’t like the ending at all.

Kilty11Kilty1111 months ago

Very good story…..again. Always a good day when you post something.

Demosthenes384bcDemosthenes384bc11 months ago

Argh! You always make me scream - LOL! Loved the first half but I just couldn’t make the leap with you on the backside. Great writing, as always, but no way police wouldn’t make the leap with the infidelity and a house blowing up. 4.4*

AnonymousAnonymous11 months ago

The videos tie him to the arson. If he had presented them in the divorce, he'd be in prison.

AnonymousAnonymous11 months ago

I often read CGurl because he/she writes very well and there is always strong emotional grab - angst and pain is great fiction. But inevitably I am also often disappointed...... reconciliation is fine, even great, but too often they are super unrealistic with CGurl. NO SANE PERSON would reconcile in a case like this.... so that's why the scoring is low on an otherwise really good story. Granted the children of the hardcore BTB crowd will never like a reconciliation, the majority of readers just want some level of reality - even in a rather unrealistic plot (it is fiction afterall).

AnonymousAnonymous11 months ago

Too bad! Could have been a good story..

AnonymousAnonymous11 months ago

Needed more revenge and payback, maybe he should make his wife get him a mistress for 20 years to even it out … good story though

AnonymousAnonymous11 months ago

It started out good, which made me wonder who had hacked the account to post it. However, at the end, Cagivagurl proved to still be a one trick pony with her assault on real men and marriage...

The one good thing that I can say about this story is that, unlike many of the stories Cagivagurl posts, it could be saved by simply replacing the last page or so with a believable ending.

AnonymousAnonymous11 months ago

I am a big fan of Cagivagurl and I don't mind the reconciliation. I actually prefer them. However, I do think it came too quickly and easily. And she really didn't do anything to atone for her actions. The disrespect and betrayal was too long-term and blatant to just move past.

Also, if she "loved" them equally, why did she choose to go be with her lover on their anniversary?! Even after she saw how much the Fiji trip meant to her husband. She had no problem at all. Didn't even feel guilty based on his observations when he followed them.

The vacation house also showcases her complete lack of respect for her husband. In multiple ways. First, she has him literally BUILD the house she betrays him in. Then it's filled with pics of her husband's family, but with the lover replacing the husband. She even takes a birthday gift HIS mother gave her to deliberately enjoy with her lover, despite his asking about it.

And even after knowing he found out about her affair, she never once offers to END it? Like what the hell is wrong with her?

And the whole children thing! The biggest deception and disrespect of all. Conceiving them in their bed so they could be conceived in love in the home they'd live in? Like WTF! Allowing the lover to ingratiate himself into their family and the kid's lives. Unbelievable.

And let's say the husband did have a fertility problem. Guess what, had she not been deceiving him they could have seen a doctor!! Tried to work on it! Done IVF! Something! But he couldn't fix an issue he didn't know existed. I'm sorry, that is just horrible!

I don't know how old they are, but she would need to be willing to do whatever was necessary to allow me to have some biological children as well if I was him. If a doctor said it was totally impossible okay, but EVERYTHING that could be tried would need to be for me to even consider reconciling.

Not only that, but 20 years of his faithfulness while she betrayed him. Two wrongs don't make a right, but I can't imagine him not wanting some kind of sex on the side or AT LEAST the freedom to do so if he so chose.

In the end it says they are in marriage counseling. Fine. But she seriously needs individual counseling. Because something is wrong with her if she believed what she was doing to her husband who she "loved" for 20 years was ok.

Again, I'm glad they reconciled but it just seems that she got off waayyyy to easy.

AnonymousAnonymous11 months ago

Not a viable ending period. Completely wrong. There is no reconcilation for this type of living fabrication. A 20 year liar, falsehood on the children being bred by a lies. There is no integrity with this conclusion for an ending.

CD1929CD192911 months ago

Absurd-this author lives in a dreamworld.

Divorce-no reconciliation! Of course he will always take care of the kids-he raised them,

But dump the BITCH!!!

Orion623Orion62311 months ago

The first three pages were fine. The author went to considerable length to detail the anger, angst and the overwhelming sense of loss as Ross realizes he has wasted twenty years with his wife. And then we are given a complete turnaround on the fourth page which requires a total suspension of disbelief by the readers of this story. It's too much to ask readers to believe reconciliation can happen given the emotions and hate expressed by Ross initially. 3*

Cracker270Cracker27011 months ago

Great job by a very talented writer. So easy to vote five.

A lot of hard work here. Thank you very much.

ibuguseribuguser11 months ago

Didn't think I'd give it a 5* until the end but here we are...

Was well done.

FD45FD4511 months ago

Do I believe In Reconciliation? Yes.

Do I believe that these two might reconcile? Possible.

I saw Batman vs Superman and in that story

1) Batman did this heist to steal Kryptonite from an impregnable museum. This was not shown at all.

2) Then there was the ‘Martha’ scene, where Batman suddenly empathizes with supine Superman as a ‘human’ because their moms have the same names.

The first is a travesty. The second is a fig leaf.

Here, the end of the story is the second. Whatshername throwing over L someone to the cops was supposed to be this deep emotional shift in Hubs.

But it wasn’t written that way. Hubs shrugs, confused and goes about his day. This honestly needed another page or two.

How it should have gone:

‘Why would she do that?’

Cop: ‘Doesn’t matter. She is confessing. Odd thing… It isn’t for a lesser charge or suspended sentence. She says she wants to go to jail…’

Because real reconciliation requires sacrifice and pain, not ‘arguing like a barrister’ to the dim witted.

L’s Wife got her world shredded too. If she were to attack Hubs, Wifaux could have dished some dirt to stop the husband from being savaged as a business insider.

Now the kids are forced into his custody and she isn’t getting any assets cause she is a felon who is trying to make things right to the husband and the kids. Him suddenly thrust into that and struggling to ‘be fair’ to her fiscally would have offered a reversal. Conversations with the kids about how they loathed what ‘Uncle L’ did and was could have opened the door, offering Hubs insight into the grief of Wifaux at her discovery of how her actions looked to everyone else.

I know what you implied but it wasn’t sufficient.

Spreadaxle53Spreadaxle5311 months ago

One twist that would have been gratifying would have been Paternity Fraud suit against Lawrence for $10 million.

I do enjoy your story telling & plot twist.

Hooked1957Hooked195711 months ago

You once again sucked me in and had me talking to my computer. Great job.

I didn't like that she manipulated him with the kids. Low, but effective. You played the "parent's love card" effectively.


ScorpioJJScorpioJJ11 months ago

Nope, she made him an evolutionary dead end. That is unforgiveable. He needs to get checked and if he can have kids, find a younger woman and move her in. Then once he gets her pregnant, kick Nina to the curb,

miket0422miket042211 months ago

This author is one of the best on this site at invoking deep emotional responses. You can always feel the pain of the MC leaping off the screen as you read along.

Unfortunately the ending doesn't match the rest of the story that had been written up until that point.

Nina was mad at Ross because he was mad that she was going to miss their planned 20th anniversary trip. She shows no sympathy or empathy for her husband of 20 years because she was more interested in taking a trip that same week with Laurence.

She says she loved them both equally but, the week of their anniversary was the clincher. She literally chose Laurence at every turn for 20 years.

Then she flips a switch and wants to fight for her sham marriage and reports Laurence to the police to save Ross' life? 180 degree flip in behavior with no explanation or reasons given.

This author often writes stories that are much longer than this one. To make the reconciliation work this story needed several more pages to detail how and why Nina changed so dramatically.

crazycam69crazycam6911 months ago

Hated the fact that his genetic tree dies with him because of her. If she was truly sorry, she would have done anything and everything to give him a genetic descendant. Via naturally with her, in vitro with her, or if she’s too old to conceive in vitro with a surrogate. Something should have been done to rectify that if she was truly repentant.

inka2222inka222211 months ago

Jeez, why is it thatcagiva can put on an amazing BTB, and then next step, produce cringeworthy disgusting garbage like this? "oh she batted her eyes at me and i folded like a spineless moron and did what the fucking bitch wanted". Seriously? No sane man would be that dumb or ridiculous. Here's what a normal story like this would end at: he changes the divorce to adultery WITH info about the DNA, he goes after Lawrence's estate for kids child support and fraud (and his wife), and has 3 more real kids of his with a new wife. And the ex gets killed by the bike gang allies for turning Lawrence (and thus bike gang) in, followed later by Lawrence's wife being offed to punish him. There, at least now things are at least remotely just.

enderlocke77enderlocke7711 months ago

that saying, "if u cant beat them join them" comes to mind here. guess all that "im a loser, im a fool" finally came true lol

AnonymousAnonymous11 months ago

I enjoyed reading your story very much. I don't think I could have forgiven twenty years of lies and deceit. Well done.

AnonymousAnonymous11 months ago

The editing was poorly done. I’m never bothered by little spelling or grammatical errors but there were a couple of big ones that detracted from the flow of the story. Still it was a fun read (oh come on the RAAC was so improbable you have to laugh!) 4*

AnonymousAnonymous11 months ago

This story is the perfect definition for a RAAC. Reconciliation At All Cost is exactly what this is. Let’s see if I understand this. Wife cheats on him for 20 years and only marries him as a convenience to her lover. She deliberately conceives her lover’s children in her husband’s bed. She sets up housekeeping in her lover’s home that they have conspired to have her husband build for them. She cancels the trip for their 20th anniversary so she can instead spend it with her lover. When her deceit unravels, she files false charges of domestic abuse against him. But, they reconcile and live happily ever after? Okie dokie then

AnonymousAnonymous11 months ago

Don't know if I could have been that forgiving.

AnonymousAnonymous11 months ago

happened to me..,, sorry. but there is no happy ending when a woman does this shit

ltmefku2ltmefku211 months ago

Loved the story,

Hate that he took her back.

AnonymousAnonymous11 months ago

I am sorry, but she needs to PAY him money to invitro some other woman a few times to raise HIS kids. Then it can be kumbaya and peace. She's too rotten. Nothing can undo what she's already done. The only way to balance scales is for her to raise 3 of his kids, and do so with a big smile on her face

AnonymousAnonymous11 months ago

Very well written a very good read. I am not a big on reconciliation ending due to the manipulation and deceit…but I enjoyed the story 4*

oldnotdead47oldnotdead4711 months ago

Always love your writing but in this case the sudden flip flop at the end was totally implausible. Still 5 stars because your writing is so good

MountainMan1336MountainMan133611 months ago

Not a bad story but not a great one either. I gave it 4 stars. I can't believe that idiot Laurence thought Ross would raise his bastard kids. But I guess that is the way the wealthy people walk all over everyone else. And Ross was right to divorce Nina, once a woman cheats she will cheat forever.

Frank66Frank6611 months ago

First- congrats to Cgurl for changing her usual format, that of a never ending frustrating push to break down all of her male characters attitudes and morals. Yes, there was some of that here in Nina's 'never stop fighting the divorce'. BUT, that divorce HAS to happen; no reconciliation possible otherwise. The marriage was never real, only a contrived and false one. Divorce, then wait 10 years, then, maybe.......

AnonymousAnonymous11 months ago

Of course I knew how this would end without even reading any comments. It is always the woman gets what she wants. So in this case you have the perfect case of her keeping two men, a great lifestyle, picks who would be her children sperm donor, and in the end keeps it all as she decided to let go of the lover.

What didn't come through here for me is how you had her give up the anniversary trip for just a sex week with lover boy. Why make her such a prick? She manipulated the husband for 20 years and even had sex in her home and had sex on every trip which was what, every week? All she had to do was move the week with the lover and since she had the pussy she wins. As tough guy as Lawrence was he would cave in and let her go with hubby for the anniversary.

That made a smart evil women stupid and did not flow with the story. Her husband being a pussy, that is always your taste. But for the women to make such a simple mistake? Nah.

AnonymousAnonymous11 months ago

The story was well written even if it was unplausable. This author has written many good stories. However there is never a true btb against the cheater wife in her stories and I feel this is because it is a female writer. She finds it too hard to put the woman where she deserves to be. I dont think l am being sexist in saying this the truth sometimes hurts. This wife was evil and could not understand totally what she had done. Did she go to the police to cover for herself thinking she would be dragged down with her paramour and serve time as well. It could be said she deserved some punishment for what she had done. Because of the ending l gave one star sorry.

AnonymousAnonymous11 months ago

Sorry, it didn't work for me. I know plenty of divorced couples and none of the men had to deal with a twenty year affair, or find out his kids weren't his. No way would anyone with an ounce of common sense and self respect take her back after that.

AnonymousAnonymous11 months ago

The raac was totally improbable. It really shouldn't have happened as Ross should have timed the explosion to the cheaters arrival back at the house. The story would have been spectacular if Laurence had been killed but Nina received 3rd degree burns over half her body and experienced excruciating pain the rest of her miserable life.

AnonymousAnonymous11 months ago

Most men I know the story would have ended when the love nest was found along with Nina and Lawrence life, temporary insanity they say. When you ain't got nothing you an it got nothing to lose

AnonymousAnonymous11 months ago

Wanted to like it so bad. Very well written. As a story, it is fantastic. As for the characters, it was disgusting. Only the children and the malignant woman won.

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