All Comments on 'The Vengeful Christmas Gift'

by RacerX1964

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AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

What a bullshit story, really ? A 13 years old affair with other Guy children and a RAAC ? Come on its impossible and unreallistic.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

How Can you make a RAAC of this ? Its the badest RAAC story ever cause a 13 years affair and breeding betrayal cant be forgiven

greenday0418greenday0418over 2 years ago

pretty good for a first story

Harryin VAHarryin VAover 2 years ago

This story is so badly written and so stupid with the most idiotic ridiculous conversations and reactions to the conversations that I have ever seen in one of these types of stories.


The promise is not just bad it's pathetically bad. The husband has found out That

his wife has been having a long term affair for more than 13 years

None of the children are his

And the wife intentionally blows off vacations with him to spend time with her lover and engaging wild monkey stavian sex that she won't do with her husband.


Who gives a fuck how she feels?? Why is her mixed feelings where she's torn between both men relevant relevant to the husband?.


Even if you are really really fucking stupid like most of the readers and commentators and the loving wives section... and you accept the wife's Emotional and psychological dilemma As being legitimate.... The fact of the matter is that the wife is not spending even close to committing 50% of her time in an emotional and psychological sense.... on her husband.


Every day when she sees her kids that her husband is paying for and supporting and raising she is gleefully remembering the great wonderful sex she's been having with her high school boyfriend for 13 years. In no way Is this A 5050 split in her emotional and psychological well being

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Nice story, but I'm not sure I can buy into all of it. She did what she deliberately. Having Trent's kids was no accident. The videos too, were no accident. Far as I'm concerned, she's an evil bitch wrapped up to the very cute and innocent looking package.

If this was my story. it would end with "Trust, but verify."

And if she ever gave me even a second's pause to wonder, her world would be over.

Hallmark my ass.

blackrandl1958blackrandl1958over 2 years ago

The editing sucks, it was very repetitive, but it was a great story. I gave you five stars. Thanks for posting, Randi.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

She said to him Loser, in a jesting tone. But by god is it true. I never seen a better example, of what feminism wants in a husband these days. A wet blanket, he will go on, whitout having a kid of his own, she had an affair lasting years, with children being trent's. He just lick it over, like a good cuck. Trent will always be the Man in that relationship. He will be the sorry excuse for a male. The used but comfortable, chair, when you are to lazy to go to the nice sofa. He is a piece of ...nah, ..doesnt worth it. If this is how a christmas story is in your world, i want no part in it

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Fuck that

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Fuck I have no clue what church u go to…but if that’s your church’s idea of forgiveness…then glory to it! Are all the members there so pussywhipped that after everything she has done he still forgives her, eats her lovers cum uth a smile and even HD a baby again with her? Are u fucking delusional? Or is this Christmas spirit of cuck land? U managed 10 horrendously pathy pages of wimp cuck wimp cuck piled on bullshit…I have no idea where u are planning to go…but please no more stories on this site! U are my never to visit writer absolutely !! What a wimp bump cum dump!

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Trent, As I told you several times, I've been working to resolve some issues within myself. I mean no offense but what I'm really referring to is the mistake I made for years in having a relationship with you and my actions related to that. It was incredibly selfish and wrong of me. I've hurt people I love very deeply by what I did. I am committing myself to making up for that to Luke and his and my children. Therefore I'm asking you to respect my wishes and never again contact me. Please delete my contact information and anything you have about me. Sam."

Ohh so shwet…I almost had tears of joy reading this paragraph! Wow what a way to end the affair…so romantic so fucked up …I am sure the cuck was watching this letter being written on the sidelines with a proud smile on his face …almost feeling his heart swell with pride for the slut who had cycled him for so long! What a man …what a Christmas spirit! As they say…

Guys please don’t waste ur time on this 10 page SOF cuck wimp delusional bullshit!

This writer really has a crazy idea of fidelity ! Best avoid except others of this ilk!

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

I can certainly see why you won't let everyone see the comments. Excellent writing (style, word choice, usage, etcetera). Good story-telling. A protagonist who...wait, what? A protagonist who finds out she's been cheating for most of the marriage, none of the kids are his, and he's had a vasectomy so can't have any of his own ever, and...wants to work it out???? I made it to page 4, but can't do it any longer. PLEASE use your skills to go in a more believable direction next time and I'll be right there with you.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

I know that this is a “love story”, but I am sorry that I find it unrealistic. The length and level of the deceipt does not equate to the remorse and sudden realisation of love by Sam. I’m also not convinced that any “husband” would accept this situation because of these reasons.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Wimp and rag. How can a man forgive a woman who did not give birth to three children?

bigdnc13bigdnc13over 2 years ago

What a God awful story. I enjoy reconciliation stories when there's some justification for it. Don't waste your time reading this crap. The wife cheats for almost the entire marriage and ensures all three of her children are fathered by her ex- boyfriend. She justifies this by being in love with both men.

onlythelonelyloveonlythelonelyloveover 2 years ago

What a. Colossal. Clusterfuck… I am so happy for you that your life allows for a level of redemption that out-Moreaus, Matt Moreau. Absolutely Amazing. Words fail me…

PowersworderPowersworderover 2 years ago

So she fucked her lover hundreds of times in an affair that lasted years, had a brood of bastard kids, then to really twist the knife, even got her pitiful husband to have a vasectomy? The wife really was a vile piece of shit.


Sam betrayed him in the absolute worst way a wife can devastate a husband. This should've have ended with Luke getting the sham marriage annulled, then burning her cosy life down to the ground. To reconcile with that cruel, selfish whore was nauseating.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

This was a RAAC from the beginning. No way. Nope. Sorry. What is she doing to earn his trust back? Being sorry for decade long+ affair and bearing three kids from another man? Nope.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Complete crap and a waste of time. Wife cheats for years husband finds out, stays with whore. Now you don't have to waste your time reading this.

SystemShockSystemShockover 2 years ago

Wow, that was painful to read. Imagine being such a pathetic, spineless simp that you actually keep the woman who cheated on you for pretty much your entire marriage, deliberately denied you the right to have your own children, only brought her B-game to YOUR bedroom, and took thirteen years to finally "love" you enough to stop fucking around. Why would you still want that? Why would you fight for that? Might as well be fighting for rat poison.

And as with all RAAC stories, it's the injured party who does most, if not all of the heavy lifting to "save" the marriage. What did Sam do to earn her second chance? Stopped the affair? Thirteen years too late. Took a polygraph? There's a reason those aren't admissible in court. Signed a post-nup? She played him for over a decade without even trying; if she puts her mind to it, she can do it again. The entire story rides on the fact that she's guilty now. After she's had her threesomes, made her sex tapes, cranked out three permanent souvenirs and made a fool of her husband for their whole marriage, she's finally guilty. Congrats, she doesn't belong in an episode of Dexter! Give the lady a medal. There are plenty of criminals who regret what they did, but that doesn't mean they aren't still subject to the consequences of their actions.

Also, gotta love the bystanders in this one. The people who knew what Sam was doing and treated it like it was some minor infraction. She screws her husband over in just about the worst way a spouse can, and they're all like "Yeah, she's been a little naughty". I get not wanting to get in the middle of something that's really not your business. What I don't get is still associating with a person you now know is a lying, using, snake-ass piece of shit. If their own spouse, someone they claim to love more than life itself, can't trust them, how can anyone else?

You get a 2 from me. Nothing more than the latest in a long line of stories where a wife can be as twisted as a comic book villain, but the husband is obligated to play the saint and forgive all sins.

Feoalex81Feoalex81over 2 years ago

Can you please just kill be already 10 pages of the same bullshit over and over againg we know this bullshit was writting by a gay that wants to be a bitch not a man. 13 years of cheating 13 years of wasting your time, burn the bitch be a man fuck up the assholes. Never going to get marry it aint worth it im just going to use this sluts and have fun doing it

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

10 Chapters of nonsense......what sort of MAN would accept that crap ?

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

One of those Alice in the Wonderland things... Not buying...

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Sorry doesn’t work for me. The wife Sam’s level of betrayal for that many years and having 3 children not fathered by Luke is unforgivable. If my wife pulled that crap on me, even though stating i love you. & was conflicted - yeah when pigs fly. I will say to the author the story was well written.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Hallmark? Maybe? Real Life? With the amount of Cucks and swappers on this site, maybe. But no way! 14 years of a loving relationship with another man? Gangbangs? Agreeing to have three kids with her lover and hoist the responsibility on her husband? And a final gift; she surprises him by quitting a high paying job so he can work himself to death. No woman is worth your pride, dignity, and self respect. Pretty well written though too long for my taste. 3* for the holidays!

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

I loved this story five stars worth. I feel the same way about my wife, who died after we had been married for more than forty years, with neither of us cheating on the other. If she had done what Sam did, notwithstanding my love for her, I'm sure I would have divorced her.

Expect to be bombarded with many complaints saying that what Sam did was absolutely beyond any possible reconciliation, and Luke was the ultimate wimp for even thinking about staying married to Sam, much less actually doing so.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Well written. I get what the author was trying to do with these 10 pages.

But geez fucking Louise...this stupid cunt cheated on him the entire fucking marriage. Not just meaningless sex fucks either. She was completely in love with this other guy. For years it was a 50/50 love thing between her husband and Trent.

SHE MADE THE DECISION TO HAVE 3 CHILDREN BY THE OTHER MAN AND THEN HAD HER HUSBAND GET A VASECTOMY! She was fine with having him raise another man's children!

Vacation ideas that hubby had? She stole them and had those vacations with the other man! She had group sex dozens of times with other partners!

I think this main character's last name shouldn't have been "Somple" should have been "Simple". As in "you simple man". This guy is seriously gonna be able to get past all of this betrayal?

Sure he is. Just like that. They go back to having sex and being in love days after she finally admits to it all?

Hallmark? I'm thinking more like Fantasy Land with this story right here.

I call bullshit on it myself. 10 pages of trying to explain his reasoning still cannot explain away this level of betrayal by the cunt character in this story.

He should have had his marriage annulled. Gotten the DNA testing done. Sued her and Trent for fraud using her own words and the videos as evidence. And walked the fuck away from this bitch. Released the videos and burnt her life down around her.

Bullshit on the "true love" described here. Real life would be looking at these kids every single day and knowing they are not mine. And that the one person in the world I gave my complete trust in...did me the worst way possible. And laughed about it back when she did it.

No man is THIS stupid.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Sorry but an affair of that length with 3 kids, multiple partners and other thefts of intimacies can not just be swept under the rug with an apology and a change of heart. Does Trent just walk away promising to be a good boy and not do it again? I really think you do watch too many hallmark movies where people are so shallow that this kind of thing is satisfying for the characters and readers.

francemanfrancemanover 2 years ago

Wow, I found that totally ridiculous and stupid.

I am not against reconciliation when the circumstances are right and credible.

I can also understand that he might be attached to children and want them in his life, but wanting to do a RAAC of the impossible completely killed your story.

And for information, there is no such thing as a soul mate.

JonnyRegJonnyRegover 2 years ago

Man RAAC story from a thirteen year affair and having the guys children? That's messed up.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

One thing is certain - you can tell a story and I hope to see more of yours.

However I hope you'd go for more complicated protagonist next time, this raac was too raac'y. Three kids from another man? Oh come on

Legio_Patria_NostraLegio_Patria_Nostraover 2 years ago

Every time someone cried, I took a drink. I'm going to the 0800 AA meeting tomorrow, up at the VFW-annex. Ad the speeches. Lots of speeches! I enjoyed the story. I'm disappointed that MC didn't beat Trent's ass when he made the comment about the oldest daughter. No, actually, he should've thrown him off the porch when Baby Daddy showed up and not left it up to his daughter to show the only testicular fortitude in the family. And who blurts out to kids that, "Daddy ain't yo' daddy, Momma's boyfriend is!" Some psychiatrist will buy a couple of top-of-the-line Mercedes Benzes with what this family will spend... 5/5. Good tale.

Legio_Patria_NostraLegio_Patria_Nostraover 2 years ago

Every time someone cried, I took a drink. I'm going to the 0800 AA meeting tomorrow, up at the VFW-annex. Ad the speeches. Lots of speeches! I enjoyed the story. I'm disappointed that MC didn't beat Trent's ass when he made the comment about the oldest daughter. No, actually, he should've thrown him off the porch when Baby Daddy showed up and not left it up to his daughter to show the only testicular fortitude in the family. And who blurts out to kids that, "Daddy ain't yo' daddy, Momma's boyfriend is!" Some psychiatrist will buy a couple of top-of-the-line Mercedes Benzes with what this family will spend... 5/5. Good tale.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Absolute Crap! We need a BTB section to get away from stuff like this.

26thNCuck26thNCuckover 2 years ago
Great Story

Loved everything about it.

-26thNC Approved

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Constructive criticism...

I get what you're going for with the acceptance and forgiveness. But the betrayal was just so far over the top that readers can't accept the husband will be just seemingly fine with it in the end because "love conquer all". The ending is just objectively bad because it doesn't give the reader sufficient resolution to the betrayal. In fact it's actually a little infuriating.

It could have still have ended with them together but it would be no way would it be considered a happy ending. For them to remain together the best you could possibly hope for is the "best possible" ending "under the circumstances".

The ONLY people that will like this ending are people that have cheated. Those that have been cheated on will take this as a slap in the face even though very few of those readers were burned as bad as the main character.

I'm sorry, I read through everything and you really had me hoping things would be set on the path to being mended at the end. I didn't know how but I saw that she was hurting and you would be able to pull something out of the air to surprise us and you had me sold on the idea of seeing them work out. But you didn't. She admitted it to him and that's all it took? Her lover was to never speak of it again...and done....really?

For starters she had 3 kids with the dude and didn't care for over a decade she was cucking her husband. She was cheating for 14 years or whatever but hubbys love won out. Uhh dude.... no....her and her lovers relationship just ran its course. The average marriage is 8 years. Her and her lover had by modern standards "a very good run".

Also her lover got her at her youngest and got her as his personal sex toy. Orgies, 3 ways, stripping, got her to get it on with women for him, etc.... and what does hubby get? Vanillia sex with a 4 times pregnant middle aged woman.....oh but it's him she really loves so that's all that matters apparently.

Another issue (and this comes up a lot in real life cheating accounts) is that his wife with him and with her lover were 2 totally different people (this I mean in real world cheating accounts and was implied in this story if not explicitly stated with the storage unit and wild sexual adventures). And after discovering the life the cheater was living, the husband realizes that the person he loves doesn't actually exist.(again, in the real world) She was her lovers slut and her husbands Stepford Wife. The slut didn't die. She's still there. In the end there doesn't seem to be any indication she was going to introduce her to her husband whom she loves.(at this point the poor bastard deserves it) Just pretend she didn't exist I guess because love and all right?

I'm sorry but as you can tell this ending pissed a lot of people off because there just wasn't resolution to the story. This is crap that would drive men to suicide or murder. This is crap that if they did end up together in the end, would be an entire story in itself between the confrontation and reconciliation. You just went WAY too far over the top with the affair. Going that extreme with the affair requires a more extreme resolution that this story would need to be in BTB territory. The way this ended the husband is going to start drinking himself to death after the high of "winning" his wife back fades away and life gets back on track.

DrPopeDrPopeover 2 years ago

This is your FIRST story ? ….pretty fucking good first effort 👍🏻

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

very well written and without the sex aspect could be published as a story of love and respect.

bigbob2406bigbob2406over 2 years ago

Would have been helpful to have read the results of the DNA tests.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

A very good RAAC story. But I think I’d strongly prefer one of equal quality where he burns the bitch. Hopefully you’ll write an alternative ending too.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

I just wrote I’d prefer a BtB end. Upon reflection I take that back. I’d prefer a reconciliation end where some harsh justice is served. Her sadness isn’t much payback. Though I accept that the things that drew her to Luke preclude the actions I’d like to see.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

This story is not credible. The time you spent writing it could have been better spent elsewhere. Best of luck to you.

SouthdownSouthdownover 2 years ago
Well told story

This was way too gentle to be worth 5 ***** It needed much more consequemces to befall the skanmy bitch. Having xhildren by anothwr man when married is the greatest disrespect and betrayal a wife can show to her husband and deserves painful punishment. The ex boyfriend should have beenfound i a cold,wet ditch somewhere ive or dead at the choice of husband. 'Nice' story but way too nice and friendly to be worthy of more stars and/or positive omment the silly jewellery configuration was way too subtle to be worthy of inclusion inthis disapppinting tale

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

This may be the ultimate example of misandrist writing of a weak, needy, unprincipled, low T, easily manipulated, cuckish husband character. Anyone who gave this more than a 1 needs TRT. Apart from that, the story is absurdly implausible. An affair for over a decade? Complete paternity fraud? In "love" with the bastard? And this moron of an author writes his character as thinking this: "The part that struck me instantly was the words she used to describe her feelings, love for me but deep feelings for Trent. Maybe there was a chance after all." A "chance" only if you are no a male of the human species. Then there's the lie about the MC being the children's real father...he's just a slave for the bastard and the bitch raising their children. He has no progeny, genetic paternity is every bit as important as raising the children. WTF is wrong with men here?

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Totally unbelievable. when exactly was she loving him? When she decided to go on trips with her lover instead of him? When she convinced him a vasectomy was a good idea? When she decided to have her lover's children? Spent money that should have been used for her family on her betrayal?

The only thing I see is a narcissist who needs to be kept as far away from the children and anyone else she can damage and an abused spouse who as lied to repeatedly, denied love by his wife, coerced into a potentially life altering surgery, and forced to pay for and raise another man's children.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Well that was a long story. It could have been a nice RAAC story but what you wrote makes it way to fucked up / unbelievable.

First of all Sam did not make a mistake, she had a well planned out affair for the whole marriage and even got intentional pregnant by her boyfriend. Since we know Luke's sperm is OK from the last page, it needed an incredible amount of planing and scheming to only fuck her boyfriend and deny her husband when she was fertile.

Sam gets characterised as beeing brave for telling them about their affair, but was it? She only told him everything after Luke made it clear to her that he knows about the affair and the kids. It was the only way left to go if she wanted to save the marriage. That is not brave, he had to push her to an admission.

Multiple times it is written how deep her love is for her husband and how commited she is to make it up to him, but she couldn't even stop the affair in the five years she had doubts. In the and she even wants to keep the connection to Trevor because Luke talks about a possible divorce. She only broke it up with her boyfriend when she was forced by a legal document.

There was no part in the story where i would have thought she wants to fight for the marriage, no grand romantic gesture, no hint in what way she wants to make it up to her husband. The only one wanting to fix things was her husband, she just coasted along and wanted to keep it secret and keep the status quo.

One sentence of Lukes mother was incredibly bad. "I'm sure you've made mistakes in your marriage. We all do. But I'm equally sure that you've given it your all and that's all anyone can ask of their spouse". Where did that come from? They big theme is his wife cheated and now blame gets shifted to him?

The final icing on the cake is she quits her job with out talking about it with her husband beforehand. What a way to rebuild trust by making life changing decisions on her own.

I get the feeling from the writing that she is portrayed as the victim but given that everything is caused by her, it makes no sense.

I even think she had less than 50% of her love reserved for her husband given the way she acted the whole marriage and betrayed him for the whole duration of it. She only brought her B-Game to the bedroom with Luke and had had him care for her dying parents while she continued to have an affair.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

The writing is good and since you went raac i guess you needed all those pages. A btb would be very short.

I think it was weak on drama. He showed far less anger and anguish than normal as well as all around him. Parents and in laws as well as kids would react very much differently than in this story.

If he wants her then so be it but there would be months of anger and depression and years of repair all around.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

I noticed in the comments someone gave a 5 to what everyone else called a complete failure. Why? Thankfully I read the comments first and avoided wasting my time.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

She never really has consequences. What if he now mentions as I never had the best of your youth your 20's I want a mid 20 year old to bear 2 children for me as I'm having sex with her as we "reconnect" can't handle it then you'll never see me again.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Has long term love affair for the entire marriage - check

Has children with lover - check

Encourages husband to get a vasectomy, depriving him of having children of his own - check

Goes on vacations with lover - check

“But it’s really you I love!” protestations - check

There is not a single thing redeemable about Samantha. Luke should run, far and fast. How could he delude himself into believing he could ever trust her or anything she says. She cried alot. Boohoo. Her actions destroyed a marriage and devastated her husband. What she did was beyond the pale. I was rooting for divorce.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

She started to feel regret after taking a holiday with Trent that her husband wanted so much, she felt she had stolen it from him BUT stole his chance for a family and instead had Trent father her children for Hubby to look after?

Even ‘supportive’ Lori thought it was no big thing? Was this take wrote by a woman? As only todays ‘entitled’ and ‘Narcissistic’ women could place higher value on an holiday than over their men actually raising their own kids rather than someone else’s.

Unrealistic ‘Hallmark’ channel crap

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

A very well written story, even if it was a bit longer than it needed to be.

Of course,, given the subject matter, you are going to get a very low score and some truly toxic comments from macho little twerps who simply can't understand the concept of forgiveness and prefer a lonely, loveless life to being with someone who loves them but has made mistakes.

Of course, by writing this, I'm going to get a load of toxic comments directed at me by those same twerps. You know some of them actually think the venomous drivel they post matters?

Please keep writing and don't be put off by the trolls and 1-bombers. You are a good writer and I enjoyed this story even if I don't think I could be as forgiving as Luke was.

EZ8ltEZ8ltover 2 years ago

The rest of the comments tell it all. RAAC was impossible since the premise, yet you forced it by making the MC a certified wimp beta cuck. 1 star well deserved imho.

MightyHornyMightyHornyover 2 years ago

.... Honestly, this kind of shit is so foreign to me.

To be blunt: I'm not that guy. I'm not a weirdo who can dismiss the heinous actions someone did/does/will do towards me, simply because said actions contradict my personal narrative about my life with said individual.

I cannot imagine hating/disrespecting/undervaluing myself this much over what's essentially community pussy. 'Can't fathom fighting to stay married to a woman who, regardless of her words, CLEARLY only has contempt and borderline hatred towards me.

But hey, as we all know, some men would rather exist in the illusion of love than in the reality of betrayal. Sad, pathetic... but undeniable.

By the way, if there ever was a story that definitely should have had the 'cuckold' tag on it...

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

wow damn, all those negative comments.

you really did not understand anything has this story !!!

She said she loved her husband.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

I don´t know who´s more stupid, the one who write this story o we the ones who spent a lot of time reading it.

payenbrantpayenbrantover 2 years ago

I give it 4 stars for the writing...time and effort was put in. I wanted to givenit 5 stars but the flow was a bit off. Its not a bad thing, its just something that will be fixed and change as one writes more. All said and done please keep writing.

That being said, pretty sure this is going to get a lot of down votes from the BTB crowd. I don't blame them either. I enjoy a good RAAC as much as the next person but this story really pushes the limit! Lol.

In the end I enjoyed it. Well writen. Please write more.



AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Luke is a Saint. just like those found in churches.

Tall, handsome, tolerant, forgiving, and no genitals.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

One star. Horrible horrible story. After what was done to him, yet they discover the love and all is fine. Right.

OdiouserOdiouserover 2 years ago

WOW, what an amazing First it's sheer length, by the excellent word crafting, and by the creative plot line. Goodness knows we need good new writers and you are one of the best. By now you may be feeling pretty glum after 25 scaldings in your first 25 comments, 15 of which are actually signed by someone, which is unusual. Typical was the dipshit who told you this was obviously an RAAC from the get go, leaving us to wonder what kind of a sicko would read 10 chapters when he knew it did not have the BTB his insecure mind demands.

Yes, there are a few criticisms that I can agree with. It did go on and on with repetitive could have cut the 10 chapters down to 8 and told the same detail in a less repetitive way. In a few places you include some detail that was unnecessary and seemed fantastical. Most reacted to the notion that the kids were deliberately those of the lover and that one got me almost to the point of stopping the read. But in the end I can see that was an important part of your message, and while it was high-risk and costs you some followings, it was admirable.

In the end, the best measure of a writer's skill is the number of Followers they garner per story. 10 per story is a mark of a Good writer, and I just made you 9 on this one, and it is very early.

I did see a dozen or so word-level gaffs, of the type that Grammarly can't catch when the mistake forms a legal but undesired word. You could benefit greatly from the help of a Volunteer editor/proof reader and I would be proud to be asked to do that for your next effort. We are not very busy, given the way Literotica organized the program. Whatever you do, do not give it up! DO keep 'em coming RACER.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

It took her 13 years and 3 kids by someone else before she started feeling remorse? Sorry, I couldn't stay no matter how much I loved her.

SeeingEyeSeeingEyeover 2 years ago

Not sure who I feel sorrier for, the protagonist of the story, or the author. The protagonist is saddled with a wife who has absolutely no respect for him and a deeply troubled sense of relationships. And the author thinks this story is about love, when he clearly has no sense of what true love is.

Cito22Cito22over 2 years ago

it is a well written story and i am a fan of RAAC. But the fact that she did not pay enough penance in my eyes and Trent needed to suffer waaaaay more than what was written. There are a lot of unanswered issues and left open holes in this story. Thats why I only gave it 3 starts.

Bh76Bh76over 2 years ago

This is one of the most unredeemable wives I’ve read in any story on this site.

As to the writing, watch the too vs. to mistakes.

300WSM300WSMover 2 years ago

Well written, wife was never fully invested in the marriage. Twice, once in a letter and also to his face she said she was keeping her options open with old boyfriend.

RePhilRePhilover 2 years ago

Wow absolutely great writing extremely well paced you made the 10 pages seem less. Wonderful character building very telling that you tried your best to save the slut wife and I imagine you as the writer think she was saved but from a readers perspective, once a cheater always a cheater OR a leopard cant change its spots. Even with your extreme effort and words it is unimaginable that a man with any self respect would bend over so easily for a second round of getting it up the rear end. His wife cheats for their entire relationship spawns bastard off spring then changes her way? The husband pays for the raising of another man’s children? He believes the wife doesn’t think of the kids father every time she looks at their faces. Was this just hopeful thinking from a life experience? Every writer has the right to suspend reality in their stories. Just do r expect us readers to fall down that rabbit hole with you. Again great writing but a terribly weak and mentally damaged husband

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Incredible, best story I've read so far,specially the last paragraph, pls continue writing and hopefully you will write a best seller/Jacques

LenardSpencerLenardSpencerover 2 years ago

Firstly, well done with the actual writing. Good structure, presentation, punctuation etc. The story though made me want to vomit.

Yes, it had Hallmark mixed with a toned down Mills and Boon aspect throughout. But that weak piece-of-shit husband simply allowed his cheating slut wife to get away with everything she did. She could only get away with it because of his gormless, spineless, weak nature. All she really suffered were a few days at Christmas crying as close family got to know how much of an absolute cunt she was. Plus, those things that dickhead husband did were the actions of some submissive, beta boy.

She fucks around with AP for 13 years! Hundreds of times. Even has three children with him! Goes on holiday with him to "adult" adventure places where multiple fucking take place. Not just those cheap stripping videos. Also, has multiple threesomes with both other males and females. Has many fuck videos made so she can always watch her "love affair" at any time. Has a huge collection of erotic clothing and sex toys that she obviously used multiple times.

What does dickhead husband get? NOTHING. She even makes him have a vascectomy. That meant that he couldn't ever have biological children of his own. That stupid Hallmark ending where he manages to get it reversed is just fantasy. The vast majority cannot be reversed due to the normal technique used.

On top of it all, that weak, pathetic husband doesn't even tell the AP's wife what has been going on for 13 years. Doesn't she have a right to know about her cheating arsehole husband? Finally, the bio dad even gets away without having to financially support via maintenance the three kids he fathered. (Oh that stupid contract he signed was an illegal contract and unenforceable, by the way)

Like I said, the story made me vomit. But cheers for your next one.

ReedRichardsReedRichardsover 2 years ago

Mr Shock summed up what the readers feel: "And as with all RAAC stories, it's the injured party who does most, if not all of the heavy lifting to "save" the marriage. What did Sam do to earn her second chance?"


Yup, in all reconciliations, the non-adulterous party is going to be doing the most work to keep the reconciliation alive. And no, the readership will never believe that the adulterer will, or even can, do enough to earn a second chance.


I actually wanted to like the story, but it has a few problems. First of all is the length: anony said that he made it to page 4 before he gave up and commented. I made it through the whole thing, but will admit to have skimmed a couple of pages. Ten pages on Literotica is roughly 35,000-40,000 words, and it's difficult to keep the readers interested. Even Randi said that it was repetitive, and she's right: you could have told this entire story, and left nothing out, in half the length.


Second, all three kids being Trent's was extreme. How did Samantha manage to do that, if she was fucking her husband all along? Having two of the kids being Luke's would have made the reconciliation a bit more realistic, even if it was in the George Anderson "February sucks" vein. By having all three kids being Trent's, this story was pushed so far into the cuckold range that it never really had a chance with this audience.


Third, how does Trent have the nerve to show up with Christmas presents? How does Luke consent to that? How does Sam even allow the question to be put to Luke, rather than shutting it down herself?


Fourth, the readership will be appalled that Trent did not get badly burned, but one thing actually makes sense: by not suing Trent for all of those years of child support, Like kept the family secret, and denied Trent any parental rights.


Fifth, how could Sam be smart enough to have kept this from Luke for 13 years, yet stupid enough to have kept all of the evidence of 13 years of screwing around? What married woman would agree to having her extramartial trysts videotaped? And if Sam really, really liked Trent almost as much as Luke, why was she having threesomes with Trent and whatever that other guy was named? I get it: in LW, cheating wives almost always let their boyfriends take videos, but in the real world? I can't see that happening with the wife being more than 22 years old!


There were relatively few editing errors, the biggest being using "to" when "too" was proper. But the real editing error was not cutting this story down by half.


The LW readership don't cotton to reconciliations very easily, but the story you tried to tell, that Luke loved his wife, despite everything, and, the part you mentioned only in passing, that he realized that he was still better off with her than without her, is a super hard sell in this category. This needed to be stressed more than it was. The readers here would have wanted to see Sam burned, rejected by Trent as well once he realized that he'd have to be a responsible father, and Luke run into Sam six years later, with her either have gotten fat, or looking like a strung out junkie, while Luke was in the company of his younger, hotter, wife and they were pushing the baby carriage with their one year old twins.


You have a story to tell here, but it badly needs a rewrite. You should do that, and then post it in Romance or something like that.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

First of all I liked it. But I had written the same type of story months ago. Even so I liked it but ten pages it could have been done in five.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

The writing is klunky and hard to read at times as there is no flow. I felt like I was reading a report of an event not something through the narrator's eyes.

neilnblowme2neilnblowme2over 2 years ago

not just NO but hell NOOOOOOOOOOO

why did all the women in this story tell luke `` you are a good man ``

when most men reading this shit were thinking `` what a fucking wimp loser ``

is claudia really his ? lol

the bitch had gall to let trent bring gifts to her kids on new years eve

what total disrespect she showed her husband

the worst part of this shit is that people like these fucking morons do really exist ...

what a fucked up society we live in

no wonder kids grow up thinking that there are no consequences for cheating and that cheaters DO WIN

1 lowly star 100000 limp dicks and millions of buckets of vomit ....

it is christmas after all ...

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

I am a romantic and love RAAC stories but this is just awful. Worst of all that even after her "confession" she invites the lover to their house to start a relationship with the kids. She wanted to continue the relationship with Trent "just in case."

They never had a marriage to save - the real husband was always Trent. Anyone looking at this would know why the relationship with cooled: because Trent never left his wife.

DecafHighDecafHighover 2 years ago

The husband in this story just might be the biggest cuck on this site lol.

Author is a good writer but the story is ridiculously unrealistic. Unless like I said, we assume this husband is the biggest wimp that has ever been written.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Why all the cuck stuff when no real man would have put up with that much betrayal.

nestorb30nestorb30over 2 years ago

Yep only would happen a Hallmark movie. Luke was hurt but never truly angry. The kids are not his on purpose, all planned by the wife and her lover. But that is not even his main issue.another thing is how he catered to her emotions and feelings and worried about her more than himself. What she did was malicious and because she was remorseful and would make it up to him, hey all good? Look I don't expect reality but come on the kids aren't yours and she did it on purpose. Perhaps he can forgive the affair, need big grain of salt for that. But the kids not being his and not being a major part of his thought process is beyond incredible. The writing was good but wordy, you could have cut 5 pages from the story with editing. So well written but the ending made me puke in my mouth

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

All I can say is BULLSHIT............!

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

And she even had him have a vasectomy so he will NEVER have kids of his own. This is all just wrong in so many ways!!!!

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Nope. I love a good RAAC as much as , or more than, the next guy, but that was beyond the pale. Purposely had another man's children, foisted them on the husband, and let him do all the rearing? Had a romantic and sexual relationship with another man for years? Threesomes, lesbians, toys, had a secret No one would be able to get past all that. I think it's very well written but so unbelievable, it ruins the story for me.

miket0422miket0422over 2 years ago

I believe Sam when she says that she really loves him. I believe that she's truly remorseful and regrets her actions.

That being said, there is no possible way she can "make things right". She can't give him back the 13 years she stole from him. She can't magically make their kids biologically his. She can't give back the vacations that he wanted to take but, she gave to Trent instead. She can't undo the threesomes she had with Trent and instead have them with her husband.

It doesn't matter how much they love each other and want to be together. Her betrayal went on for too long and was very premeditated. I don't see a realistic way that any couple can recover from that.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Enjoyed your story, but I don't think reconciliation would be possible especially after having her lovers children. Could have had less crying. Having said that very good first shot.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

What a crock of shit.

phill1cphill1cover 2 years ago

didn't work for me. the husband never really showed any real anger. Sure, the author said he felt anger, but nothing in his actions or words really delivered that.

And, please, threesomes and a couple of children by the guy, how is that anything approaching love. This is one of these "February Sucks" tales that have ZERO basis in reality. You ain't fucking nobody for years, having babies, and thinking it's ok. You know it's wrong and so the protestations of love for the husband are lies.

And how do you even love Trent? How do you have a wholesome love with two people who don't know you're fucking around on them? Well, I guess Trent knew...seemingly not a strong-willed character. So, really it was all on The Bitch.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

I gave it four, while I love a good BTB, I also enjoy a RAAC, I could feel the pain, I just got disconnected from the main character because it felt all along that he would reconcile and forgive.

robnilrobnilover 2 years ago

the good part is that it was well written. the bad part is the main character has absolutely no self respect whatsoever. there is no way I can understand how he could stay married to someone that cheated on him for years, had the other guys kids and talked the husband into getting a vasectomy denying him the chance of ever having his own children.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

So funny. When finally it comes out her reaction is that since hubby may divorce her she tells him she best not sever ties with her lover! She is sooo invested in that marriage! Great line!

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

I get it! You are trying to beat GA and his February sucks for the most cuck comments award!

Well done.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

-1000 stars

gentle_touch4ugentle_touch4uover 2 years ago

Tjsi the best story I have read here. Thank you for writing the story and I look forward to reading more, of your stories.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Cleverly laid out and written. All in all very good for a first story/

Keeping in mind that it is only a fantasy, down the rabbit hole fantasy for sure.

Not on my watch though.

FireFox59FireFox59over 2 years ago

While your story is very well written it also left an extremely bad taste in my mouth. I don't care how much he loves her she is nothing but a vile bitch of a human being. All the shit she did for 13 years is totally unforgivable. I will have to congratulate you on writing one of the worst RAAC stories ever entered into Lit. I gave it a 2 ⭐ only because it was well written. Other than that it is disgusting.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

As much as I hate it, the author mentioned several times the story is a Hallmark movie. It took her around 10 years to decide she loved her husband more than her lover, and a total of 15 years to break the relationship with her lover. She denied her husband the chance to have his own children and behaved like a slut with her lover, but fortunately for the husband she loved him so much. I wonder what could she have done to him if she hated him instead? The marriage was a cancer, a doomed, sick marriage, as was their love. It had to be ended. His actions reveal the current weakness of our society. Anything goes, no morals, no ethics, no spine.

irinmikeirinmikeover 2 years ago

Well written story. Not sure I could ever get past the part where she agreed to have Trent’s babies. Disregard the people who trash your story line as they write the same comments for a story line like this unless the wife is drawn and quartered. Those people obviously have never loved deeply. Keep writing as your talent is obvious.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Excellent story. I loved it. Kinda lived this in my life.

SwordWielderSwordWielderover 2 years ago

Good story, but I have to agree this is a very extreme RAAC. The wife has a long (10+ years) term affair and all of her kids are the lovers. I really think a different version of this story (maybe told by SaddleTramp1956 or Vandemoniam1) is deserved. One where he burns her to the ground - she becomes a pariah and possibly takes her own life. Trent deserves to be burned to the ground - divorced, extremely poor, hopefully homeless, etc... The husband should find a better wife, and have a great life.

6yrsofhell6yrsofhellover 2 years ago

As far as story telling goes, great job! You have a good handle on writing! So as far as the idea, well crafted . But the happy ending after all that was done just doesn't seem possible! I know it's just a story, and as such good job once more. I hope your future works may have a little more air of reality.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago
2.5 stars at most.

It was a great story right up until the next child. I gave it 2 stars. Most great stories only get 3 from me.

In life the best stories are the ones that keep you interested together and moving forward. Your use of all the emotions and research to find the back story was interesting. I believe that you are a really good story teller and your writing shows it.

By the way the Hallmark movies can be good. My wife and I like watching them. It is a brake from what you see in most daily lives.

We have also seen many couples who have the 50 to 60 years of marriage happily together. It doesn't mean they were all great years just that together they got through them and are still good together. (45 years for us)

FreewheelFreewheelover 2 years ago

Great story, well written and edited. Well done! 5* from me but since it’s a RAAC story it won’t score high. And some of the comments will be hard to take so just delete those and go forward. Look forward to more stories from you. Thank you.

dob092095dob092095over 2 years ago

What a serious cuck. Definitely wears a dress. Trent called his daughter a bitch in his own home and no fist sandwich? 14 years of cheating and no suing for back child support. I saw nothing about burning down the people in the sex tapes. No suing the company? At least destroy the wife’s and Trents reputations. Hard to believe.

So how does she explain the gang bangs? Does she love them like she loved Trent?

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

why too long.

keystone00000keystone00000over 2 years ago

I would like to congratulate the author. In a category teaming with cuck stories, he may have succeeded in writing THE ultimate cuck story

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I've seen enough of life to know it's not black and white, and sometimes it's not easy. I've done wrong and have had wrong done to me. I've seen people around me do some stupid shit. I've tried to learn from their mistakes. In the end all we have are those around us, just foll...