The Web Ch. 06


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"Exactly, Kelly. That's what last night was about. I was channeling Cathy's desires back to her. Some of those desires I've picked up along the way, because I'm hyper-aware of Cathy whenever we're together. Remember when you spanked me at the resort? I looked over and saw the hunger in Cathy's eyes. Do you remember that, Cathy?"

"Yes. I was pretty excited. 'Hyper-aware,' huh? I guess I'd better be careful."

"It's a good thing, Cathy. Every part of you turns me on."

"Uh-oh," Kelly interjected. "I was trying to talk about kinky sex, and now we're back to lovestruck. I may gag and lose my appetite."

"OK, smart ass. Better eat well so you can keep up with Kevin today."

"No problem, Buster."

We laughed and talked through breakfast and then broke up to get our bikes and get dressed. I picked up Cathy and met Kelly at the trailhead. Kevin showed up a couple of minutes later.

"Cathy, Kelly, this is Kevin. He and I have been mountain biking together for years."

"I can see why you think you don't measure up," Kevin observed drily. "Ladies, it's my pleasure."

"I think I'm going to like you a lot!" Kelly laughed.

"I was going to tell you to be careful with his BS, but I see I'm already too late." I interjected. "He shows up on time, and he can keep up with me on the trail. Otherwise, I'd have nothing to do with him."

"Friend or fiend," Cathy said. "I'm very happy to meet you."

"I think both labels apply," Kevin responded.

"So I should watch out, then?"

"Always. Although if you're dating Brad, you've already learned that."

"Yes, I have, in spades." Cathy said, laughing. Kelly and I exchanged glances and laughed as well.

"Hey guys!" Tammy yelled from the window as she pulled up with Kurt. Tammy and Kurt had always been central to our loose group of friends, and they remained so after their marriage.

"It's good to get out with you again," Tammy said to Cathy and Kelly. "And Kevin, how have you been? We haven't seen you in a while."

"Great. Brad's been hogging my free time. I'm glad he finally invited someone else."

We finished introductions and got on the trail. I had ridden in groups with Cathy and Kelly before, but I didn't know their limits or preferences that well. I had chosen a trail that branched off into various lengths and difficulties.

The two ladies were in good shape, climbing easily and barely winded at the first fork in the trail. We all discussed the plan and agreed to go longer. As we pedaled away, Kurt pulled up close behind.

"You say that Kelly is single?" he asked.


"Might have to change that."

I laughed. "I don't know who is in more trouble, Kelly or you." I thought a second. "It turns out that Kelly is dragging Cathy and I out clubbing tonight. I could use a partner to keep the two of them from dancing me into the ground. Interested?"

"Yeah, that sounds great."

"I'll check with them and let you know."

"Thanks, Brad."


We took a couple more forks and got a solid 2 hours of biking in. Back at the trailhead, I cornered Cathy.

"You look pretty good in that biking outfit—body hard, skin glowing. Want to go out sometime?"

"Yeah, how about tonight? I feel like dancing."

"I could do that. Speaking of that, I've got a friend..."

"He dances too?"

"He does more than that. In fact, he's sickening. Good looking, smart, wicked sense of humor, athletic, likes to live well—have I said enough?"

"Sounds like a guy who would have women hanging off of him," she observed.

"He's pretty selective about his friends, both male and female."

"And you made the cut?"

"I keep up with him biking, and I have smokin' female friends, so yeah, he lets me hang around."

Cathy laughed. "I see. Well, we might as well see how he does on the dance floor. Tell him to join us—I'll let Kelly know."

We all said our goodbyes and split up. I dropped Cathy off. "I'll have Kevin stop at my house and we'll pick you up around seven. We'll get Kelly, and then we can pick up some cocktails and dinner before hitting the clubs. Sound like a plan?"

"Sounds great."

I kissed her. "Fantastic weekend so far. You're OK, you know that?"

"Not bad yourself. See you this evening, Brad."

I got home, cleaned up, and got a few chores done for the weekend. Between sex and fun, there wasn't much time anymore for things like laundry or getting groceries.

Kevin stopped by just before seven, and we drove over to Cathy's. She stepped out of her door as we pulled up.

"Damn! She looks hot in that outfit. Dude, you're doing alright."

"She finds a way to look good in any situation," I replied. "I think you'll find the same about Kelly."

Kevin jumped out of the car. "Cathy, you're looking lovely this evening. May I?"

"Why, thank you," Cathy replied graciously.

Kevin took Cathy's hand and helped her into the front seat.

"As my silver-tongued friend said, you do look lovely, Cathy. I'm looking forward to our evening," I said as she settled in.

"So many compliments! If you keep this up, I'll definitely have a great evening."

We drove over to Kelly's. She, too, saw us coming and stepped out.

"Wow," Kevin said quietly. He jumped out again and walked over to her.

"It appears that he's impressed," Cathy said, grinning.

"That boy's in real trouble," I said, and we both laughed.

"So where are we going?" Kelly asked after we were moving.

"I made some reservations at Apollo's—I figured we could enjoy a cocktail and then move on to dinner. After that, we'll figure out where to go."

"Great choice, Brad. The guys are really hot there."

"There's guys? I never noticed. You'll have to point out a few." Everyone laughed.

We started at the bar with a drink. Kevin kept up his end of the conversation, bantering with both ladies. Our table opened, and Kelly sidled up to me as we threaded our way back.

"Kevin looks pretty good dressed up, just as he did mountain biking."

"Funny you should say that," I replied. "He said the same thing about you. I told him you find a way to look good in any situation."

"Well what a nice thing to say, Brad." She batted her eyes. "Is there something you're buttering me up for?"

"Oh, I figure I should make some deposits so I can collect some day."

"Always a good idea, Brad," Kelly said, sweeping into the seat that Kevin offered her. "Why, thank you, Kevin. Such a gentleman."

"Of course," he replied smoothly. I winked at Cathy as I took her chair.

Kevin proved to be an engaging dinner companion. I had spent a lot of time with him outdoors and playing sports, but not as much in social settings. He knew food and wine, and worked well with the ladies, sampling dishes back and forth.

Kelly aimed a question with her usual direct manner: "Kevin, you seem to know a lot about food and wine. So spill—where did you learn it all?"

"My parents made sure I learned the basics, and it stuck with me as I grew up. I've also had some friends along the way that furthered my appreciation."

"Female friends, perhaps?"

"A gentleman never says," he replied, smiling.

Kelly just nodded, giving Kevin an appraising look with her eyes.

Cathy changed the subject. "So Brad, where are you thinking for our next stop?"

"If I remember correctly, you and Kelly called me from a club where it sounded like you were having a good time. So why don't you pick?"

"Well, Brad," Kelly chimed in, "Cathy and I always get a place hopping when we show up, so it probably doesn't matter. However, since you asked, we'll help educate you on where high-class girls like ourselves go to have fun. With us on your arm, you'll get past the front door. Let's go."

Kelly directed us to a place I'd heard about but hadn't been. There was a line, but Kelly took Kevin's arm, walked straight around it, and then through the door. We followed, Cathy nodding to the doorman like she owned the place.

"Been here before," she whispered in my ear. "He likes us."

The place was filling up, but Kelly stopped at the bar and chatted with the bartender. "He'll get us a table and send the first round over. Kevin, I hope you dance."

"May I have this one?" he replied, offering her his arm.

"I'd be delighted," she responded.

"Care to join them, Cathy?" I asked.

"I'd love to."

I took Cathy's hand, and we walked onto the floor. Cathy started to move to the beat, and I dropped into a rhythm myself, watching her body attune to the music. An old saying of my father's came to me: "Son, a woman who can move on the dance floor can move in bed."

I looked over at Kelly and Kevin. Like Cathy, Kelly's body flowed with the beat, her curves drawing the eye. At the same time, Kevin moved with grace, providing a counterpoint to Kelly.

"They make a good couple, don't you think?" Cathy said when the tune ended.

"Yes, they both dance well."

"Kelly's not missing any of that either, Brad. Kevin's scoring some major points in her book."

The next song started, and I let my eyes wander along Cathy's body as she moved in front of me. Lingering at the she swell of her chest, my gaze moved down her abdomen and along the swell of her undulating hips. Her body fit dancing, curved and firm in all the right places.

"Like what you see?" Cathy asked at the end.

"You seem to know a lot about what I'm thinking."

"It's not real hard to figure out," she said, laughing. "I like to be able to capture your attention."

We danced through a couple of more songs and then followed Kelly and Kevin off the floor and to our waiting table.

"This is where Cathy and I would normally hold court and fight off the guys," Kelly said. "It's nice to have a couple of stand-ins so we can have some peace."

"Glad we could be of service," I said drily.

We talked and laughed while we cooled down.

"So, Kelly, you think you can keep up?" I said, holding my hand out to her.

"Let's find out, crazy man."

Cathy and Kevin followed us to the floor. Kelly was a good dancer, and we both enjoyed making each other work to keep up. I also got a chance to look at Cathy from a little distance. She was striking, her figure moving perfectly with the beat.

"She gets a lot of interest when we go out," Kelly said at the break. "Attractive, poised, graceful—everybody feels it, male and female."

"I imagine you both get a lot of interest," I said.

"Why, thank you!" she exclaimed. "You're getting some interest yourself. Feel it?"

As the next song started, I pulled my attention away from Kelly and put out my feelers. Kelly was right, I could feel people watching the two of us dance. There was a subtle appreciation of the way the two of us moved together. I looked back at Kelly and saw the gleam in her eyes.

"If you don't think I like that kind of attention, you're crazy," she said as the song finished. "I appreciate a man who can make that happen. Let's see how Cathy and Kevin are doing on this next one."

On the next song, we looked over. They both moved well together, and I could see the glances and flickering smiles from both men and women. The thought hit me: This couple understands their bodies, and if they move this well with each other, then they've got to be good in bed together. I turned back to Kelly, and she just winked, a knowing look in her eyes.

We broke off at the break and went back to our table. Cathy and Kevin danced one more and then joined us. After relaxing a bit, we coupled up again and got out onto the floor. Cathy and I had fun with a couple of dances, and then I looked over to Kelly and Kevin. This time, I noticed the attention that they were getting from others.

"Kelly really stands out, doesn't she?" Cathy said when the dance ended.

"Who's Kelly?"

"Nice try, Brad, but I know she's really attractive," she said, laughing.

"OK, you're right. She is stunning. But you're more attractive somehow."

"How so?"

"I can't explain. You're both classy, smart, and hot. But I'm most attracted to you."

Cathy laughed. "Perhaps I'll try to have you explain that each time we're together. It's kind of fun to hear! But I believe you, Brad. I can see it in your eyes."

We got back to the table and visited and danced several more times. Finally, we all collapsed back into our seats.

"Looks like we may be getting danced out," I said. "Shall we go?"

"We have gotten a pretty good workout today, with the bike ride and the dancing. I think we can go with honor," Kelly replied.

I drove everyone home, first dropping Kelly off at her house. Kevin got out and saw her to the door.

"Like to sleep over tonight?" Cathy asked.

"Absolutely," I answered. "Should I get a tent or some comic books?"

Cathy just rolled her eyes.

When Kevin got back in, I drove back to my house.

"Cathy, it was a lovely evening. Thank you so much for inviting me along," Kevin said as he got out.

"You're very welcome. I think Kelly really appreciated a good partner. I enjoyed talking and dancing with you as well."

"And thank you, Brad. Sometimes, I guess it's worth keeping you around, after all."

"What, no gracious overture to me?"

"I'm not trying to impress you, bud." Kevin shared a laugh with Cathy and got into his car.

We went in to my place to get some clothes for the morning. "Kevin's really interested," I said. "I haven't seen him try to impress anyone before."

"He's doing a good job," Cathy responded. "Kelly goes for the combination of an untamed man carefully wrapped inside a gentleman exterior."

"It's almost like someone picked just the right person for her."

"Ohhh, getting the big head, now, are you?"

"I'm feeling a little smug, yes." We both laughed.

We went back over to Cathy's and got into bed.

"It might hurt my reputation, but I could just hold you and sleep until morning."

"That would be lovely. I'm pretty worn out myself."

We chatted a little and then feel asleep in each other's arms. I slept soundly, pulling Cathy close whenever we stirred.

The next morning, I woke with my arm wrapped around Cathy. Remembering our first morning together, I gently cupped under her breast. My fingertips brushed the soft skin. A few minutes later, she stirred.

"Ummmmm." Cathy nestled back into me. I slowly worked her into a fever, feeling her twist and push back into me. After rolling her over, my tongue pleasured her pussy until she cried out in release. I rose up and slid into her, and we made passionate love, looking deep into each other's eyes until we both were satisfied.

Tuesday night, my phone rang. Kelly.

"OK, Brad, you got your wish. I want to do the voice dialog with you."

"Sure. What brought this on?"

"I've been watching what you're doing with Cathy. I would like to explore some of my desires, and maybe act out a few that don't involve too much close contact. I expect that my future will become more complicated, and I figure I need to do it now or it may be a while."

"I thought you'd done it all and knew everything."

"Compared to you, yes, but there's always something else to explore. Especially in my role with the two of you. I have to walk a fine line, and I want to go deeper with where that leads. I've talked to Cathy about it, and she's very enthusiastic."

"Sounds a little frightening with the two of you scheming together."

"You should be a little scared, Brad. Who knows what will happen?"

"OK, you've hooked me—I like danger," I said laughing. "When do you want to do it?"

"Friday. I've got a date Saturday, so I need to do this before that happens."

"Expect some entanglements?"

"Yes. Also, I think my role with Cathy will be dropping off. Let's face it, what other help does she need? I think she has a couple more things she wants to do, but we both know she doesn't need me any more." She chuckled. "Let me restate that: She doesn't need me for coming out of her shell. She just gets off on having someone watch."

"Yeah, I think you're right."

"How 'bout you, Brad. You like having someone watch?"

I laughed. "I think you know the answer to that."

"The real question is what I don't know the answer to. Maybe I'll have to get you on the couch and probe your secrets."

"Or maybe you'll just have to figure it out, Kelly," I shot back.


"Yeah, right. So, who's cooking?"

"You are. That's the price you pay for getting me on the couch," she said crisply.

"Nice move. OK, I'll do it. Be here at six. Wear comfortable clothes and we'll sit on the deck."

Cathy called the next evening.

"I'm looking forward to our little session with Kelly," she said.

"Yeah, she said something about walking the line with us."

"I think it's the line you drew when we started, about neither of us having other lovers."

"What do you think that means?"

"I've got some guesses, but I'm going to leave you to your own. It's more fun that way."

"OK, mystery woman. I'll find out soon enough."

"Yes, you will. See you Friday, Brad."

I spent odd moments wondering what Kelly was going to do, but I kept busy. Shooting baskets with Kevin one evening, I decided to confirm the obvious.

"Hey, want to get a basketball game going Saturday? We could grab some pizza and beer afterwards."

"Sorry, dude, got plans." He fixed me with a look. "Or do you know about them already?"

"I suspected," I said, laughing. "I think it's great."


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AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Another chapter in this marvelous romance story, with great characters and an excellent plot.

PhilDub2PhilDub2almost 3 years ago

You’ve still got my attention.

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
They killed Kevin

So instead of making a story out of Cathys next "secret" kink it was used to tell how boringly perfect Brad is. Cathy probably just tested Brad with a red herring.

Don't get rid of Kelly it's Kevin who's the fifth wheel.

It was a good thing describing Cathy and Kelly as being doubles with their indistinguishable language. Adding Kevin gives us two couples of twins and exposed that their is only two dialogue voices. Even mom and pop sounds like the rest of the boys and girls.

Kevin were called Kurt once. Not that I care it's just confusing.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago

Why bring in kevin? Ruined all the dynamics of the story....

AnonymousAnonymousabout 13 years ago

ugh.. it was good up till this kevin clown appeared... he's totally ruining the atmosphere

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