All Comments on 'The Weekend Pt. 02'

by javmor79

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tangledweedtangledweedabout 6 years ago
Asking the hard questions -

Never taking the easy answers. That's what I like about javmor79 stories.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 6 years ago
Soap opera

Gina is a Javmor self-centered woman who doesn't think about anyone but herself. It is natural for her to be depressed after losing her third child and realizing that she won't be able to conceive but Lee was right there with her. She is a medical professional but refused all help. She all but drove her husband away. Javmor has the perfect husband tempted into sin and Lee immediately regrets his action He is not in an emotional relationship with his lover; it was a one time fling. How do we know the baby is his? There is no balance. Why would Lee put up with anymore abuse? Regina is a clueless human being not a good life partner.

reasonable man

payenbrantpayenbrantabout 6 years ago

So far a good story.

A decent man and woman grieving from the loss of a child. He makes a mistake after being shut out by his wife. She in turn goes scorched earth in her payback.

I know what many would do, but I am curious to see how YOU will draw this to a conclusion.

One this is for sure...The gimpy cheating disk you wrote about in the beginning will hopefully end up having to use a walker permanently. Lol

swingerjoeswingerjoeabout 6 years ago

A compelling story about complex, imperfect, human beings trying to cope with the curveballs that life throws at all of us. Classic Javmor.

After that first chapter, I couldn’t see how any of these characters could be sympathetic, but now I find myself rooting for this couple. Nicely done. You, sir, are a true Loving Wives legend.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 6 years ago

That's fairly obvious. A dull story about dull people doing dull things. No one to care about, no one to like, just a limping story line. Three stars is generous.

MattblackUKMattblackUKabout 6 years ago
This is a very sad tale worth every one of the 5*s

This story has played out so many times in real life.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 6 years ago
I’m with you on that, Anonymous

She Abandoned her husband in their moment of crisis and sorrow. Left him with a cold uncaring wife which left him vulnerable to a hot, sexy woman that wanted him. Then to compound it she runs off and fucks some asshole all weekend. Sorry, no sympathy for her from me. She made this bed she has to lay in it. I’m not giving Lee a pass but his sin is in response to her emotionally and physically leaving her marriage. She has to suffer some consequences. If Javmor continues this story, I see it as being a long road back for them if ever. She did too much damage with her revenge. God story, Jav. Keep em coming.

sbrooks103xsbrooks103xabout 6 years ago

On the plus side for Lee: He cheated once, discreetly; she went away for a weekend, throwing it in his face. He also want to work on it, and she refused, seeking revenge instead. He TRIED to get her to talk about their loss, to see a therapist, but she refused.

On the minus side: Her mood swings? Has she always had them, or only since the pregnancy and/or his infidelity? He put up with her cool attitude toward sex, LATELY? Well, ya, you cheated, you can't expect her to get all warm and fuzzy in the bedroom. He "put up" with her inability to have children? What, is it her fault? He considers his loss of her affection as WORSE than her losing her baby?! And he apparently isn't giving her any more than she's giving him. Even HE seems to realize that the loss is harder for the mother, yet he seems to minimize it, preferring to piss and moan about what HE'S not getting.

While I don't think he would ever say that he was "in love" with Jennifer, his involvement mirrored that of the wives here who say they "just fell in love," and his excuse is just as their complaints about their husbands working too much, or whatever.

Nitpick - Was it beer or Long Island iced teas?

If it was JUST the cheating, what she did was "worse," though not unforgivable if they really love each other, but the cheating didn't take place in a vacuum. They need counseling so that they can BOTH come to terms with their loss.

"Now, after all that she's lost, she was on the verge of losing him too. And it was all her doing." - I think she's being little too hard in herself, it's NOT all her, it's on both of them.

Yes, it's unfair to want forgiveness for something that you can't forgive. It has to be both or none, otherwise there will be resentment.

Still no score till done, but in my mind, this is heading towards a deserved reconciliation. They BOTH realize their wrongs, and don't want to lose what they will lose if they DON'T forgive.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 6 years ago
No balance

Regina begins this chapter laughing with her sister about what she had done over the weekend because she could not sit alone in her house for an hour after her husband left. She has never expressed any insight into what he was going through. One of the problems with this story is that we don't know if she has always been this selfish or just since they lost their baby. Lee tried to get counseling. She blew him off. Divorce her and maybe she will get herself counseling.

patilliepatillieabout 6 years ago
Sorta with uninspired

but not to the same degree. Just couldnt get engaged with the characters enough to care. Could be my mood this am, kinda in a rush reading, but just didnt "grab" me.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 6 years ago

these stories are always the same, couple loses a child and the woman basically shuts the husband out. he lost just as much as she but the people in here always think it was harder for her I can tell you from personal experience it isnt they both lost the same child. yeah he fucked up but after having his wife shutting him out and not sharing he got drunk and did something spur of the moment and stupid and knew he had made a mistake she on the other hand planned it out and spent 3 times as much time screwing around with some other dick and then comes home and brags about it. I can only hope that he sees her for what she is a conniving vengeful cheating bitch she wanted to make him pay ten times worse for what he did........I would dump her in a New York min.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 6 years ago
Not so much

I don't know why you always think you have to write stories about people no one could possibly care anything about. Christ, man, it's fucking depressing. Every story of yours I've ever read is the same. Every character in them is some low-life piece of trash. I'm done with you. No-fun Javmor.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 6 years ago
Well Done

Really well written Javmor, giving great background and character to your two main muses...such an emotional tale, I hope for the best, but such hurt and pain for both after losing a child, then really hammering the emotional heart by what first Lee then Regina have done to each other... on a side note, I think a lot of people here need to take the same mindset they do for when a man cheats as when a woman does...if you don't belief in infidelity, then you despise it no matter the reasoning...cheers

silentsoundsilentsoundabout 6 years ago
Good work

Still full marks from me for this painful tale.

While I understand both their positions well, Lee succumbed in a moment of weakness that was aided by Regina's refusal to work on herself and her marriage. Still no excuse because Lee should have started the separation process if Regina would make no effort to help herself and her marriage heal. I still fully understand his bad choice and slip. No malice or intent to harm, no premeditation.

Regina plotted, planned and went way out of her way to intentionally harm Lee as much as possible and harmed herself in the process. I do get that she needs help and probably isn't at all well but if an unstable person kills someone, they are still dead regardless of whether the killer was mentally / emotionally unstable or not.

Regina absolutely nuked her marriage possibly her working environment by becoming yet another notch on good old Brian's diseased pole.

Really enjoying this painful trip jav. Again, good work.

silentsoundsilentsoundabout 6 years ago

You are killing it with how well you are conveying emotions and the sex writing is top notch as well.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 6 years ago

This is a masterful story that is painful to read. Both parties made mistakes; but neither ine are evil, just in so much pain.

I look foward to the next chapter and i hope they make it through.

notredame43notredame43about 6 years ago
end this

the guy cheated for good reasons or not . She upped the ante to punish him. no reconciling just split and be done. no point staying the relationship is nuked. The death of a child, that devastation not dealt with in a healthy way to resolve it if possible, that's a bomb that WILL go off .

AnonymousAnonymousabout 6 years ago
Very good 5*

You've covered two of the antagonists. Perhaps you can write something on what a piece of shit Brian is to force himself into this marriage rather than perceive him as some sort of war hero as you did in the first chapter.

Rolando1225Rolando1225about 6 years ago
Depressing, asphyxiating, overpowering...pick your choice

Man, I realize this is your story, and you're a talented writer, but how can you write about somebody as self-centered as Regina. She has her cross to bear no doubt about it and it's heavy. In her pain she walls herself in her own world and forgets she has a husband who needs affection, togetherness, love and sex. She denied him all of that while drawing strength from his love and support, and when he falls, she buries him not with dirt, but with a ton of excrement. There is only one way out of this messed up marriage. In the real world, the marriage is doomed. Too much to overcome , too much hurt, too much drama. Somehow you love to push feelings and suffering to higher and higher levels, but then catharsis cannot always clean the soul. The soul of your protagonists are tainted by the miseries of their own humanity. They may seem human, but no human has to suffer and take suffering for so long. Your protagonist are too complex, too full of themselves to make somebody else happy. The worse is Regina. Yeah, she got lemons, but she refused to make lemonade, wanting against all odds to make something else and walls herself in then unable to accept impossibility and defeat. Humans cannot fly. We fly thanks to devices we build, but we don't have wings. Her response to Lee's human failures was so out of proportion that realistically he has no choice now but to move on with his life. It would be easier. She is not now any longer the woman he fell in love, she has been changed by despair, anger, and revenge. If he leaves her and marries the mother of his child or even another woman, he would be happier and free of the dark drama Regina despair brings to life. I'm afraid at the end, you're they're going to somehow resuscitate what should not be resuscitated their marriage. For me the logical end is RIP Lee's and Regina's broken marriage. I'm waiting for your next installment.

ScorpioJJScorpioJJabout 6 years ago
Getting better

After chapter 1, I thought there was no where to go with this. You did a good job of proving that wrong. I expect more twists before this is over. I humbly request that Brian get another beat down before the end. That would make me happy.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 6 years ago
Nothing interesting about this

Stupid people aren't interesting except to other stupid people.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 6 years ago
Such A Good Story

So real. Grief inspired infidelity. Revenge affair that backfires. Regret without remorse.

One of the best here.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 6 years ago
Merry Go Round

As much as I like stories that bring out deep emotions, this one is not surprisingly different from the stories I've read.. You can make this story a 1-part tale and not drag it out. He cheats, she cheats. I've read plots like this. At the end, the OW leaves the child in the care of the father because she's damn too young for kids and the child is better off living with the father. So husband asks wife to help him with child care and they live happily ever after. Another ending would be the OW leaves the kid to the couple and since the wife can't bear kids, they will take the child and she will love it like the child is her own. The presence of the kid will make a big impact on their marriage. Same, they'll live happily ever after. Javmor, please make the ending something different from the above scenario. The preface is undoutedly a very good plot. You're a good writer. Surprise me.

LordSlamdawggLordSlamdawggabout 6 years ago
Symphony of Dysfunction Autotuned Settings Stuck on Mechanical Angst

It's said " there is no situation so dismal , that the arrival of policeman cannot make it worse. Well substitute Regina for the cop and you have this story in a nutshell. She's getting wearisome with her plethora of problems and adamant refusal to get proactive about any of them.

Story's palatibility is trending down but fat lady hasn't finished her dirge just yet. There are a few questions to be answered. Why is Lee so determined to cling to sham of marriage, forgoing starting anew with expectant mother of his progeny ? More focus of why the good times with Gina were so fine that she's " worth it " would mute my qualms for next installment.

javmor79 has definitely got to have his A-game to pull this story out of sympathy sinkhole that his hapless characters have leapt into heart-first.

Rw43Rw43about 6 years ago
An incredible story, Javmor, yet very common.

BTW, I assume "the wages of death is sin" is a play on the words of Romans 6:23 ('the wages of sin is death', where the Apostle Paul is logically proving our universal need for a Savior). Cassie's death caused Regina's bitterness and, in domino fashion, Lee's adultery, followed by their reciprocal unforgiving spirits and Regina's destructive lust-filled weekend. If that's what your line meant, that's a 5* moment. Normally I hate to see Scripture misused, but this seems to be a unique reversal, and it fits perfectly.

No, neither protagonist is loveable. Long ago they both were, but any stories written about them would have been boring. Then life happened, and now their terrible sadnesses have made them ugly. While there is a little well-described graphic sex, this is not a fluffy story. Serious readers only.

I'm apalled that so many commenters say that just because the marriage is broken, they should end it and walk away. If they do, both these people will be worthless in any future relationships. Shouldn't two people with no kids who render each other worthless to the rest of the adult population be condemned to staying together until they are moderately rehabilitated?

(Kinda like marriage incarceration?)

Do we not realize that both individuals are broken, too, so severely that the only persons who can help them recover are--each other. Sure, they will need straight talk from friends and family, but the wounds they inflicted on each other can only be healed by each other. If they hadn't had a deep and abiding love for each other, the betrayals would not have caused nearly so much pain. Yet in spite of the momentary, or in her case, weekend long betrayals, these two have loved each other faithfully and intensely for 10 years.

It will take a higher level of love and commitment--from both parties, when trust has been broken and downright shattered--than even what they committed to at their wedding. Broken people can be healed, and be stronger for their struggles, after much work.

But, call me old-fashioned, but Regina will never be loving again until she pours out her anger, hurt and bitterness at the God she believes in. She believes God to be the Instigator of her pain. She will not progress until she makes peace with Him.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 6 years ago
Roller coaster of emotions

And you wrote them well. My problem is that it's a flat out depressing story. And I don't come here to be depressed. While I appreciate the quality of the writing, I gave this a "3" because I'm still pissed they didn't get some counseling from a professional when the baby died. When did we become a nation of depressed, drug ridden, angry people?

dragonmann72dragonmann72about 6 years ago
Things that struck a nerve.

"I did it because I wanted to. It had nothing to do with Lee."

"Your faithful little wifey let another man have her. Oh yeah, he had her; multiple times."

But, it was only once. He felt like he'd been good to her for the good majority of their marriage.

Given that he only messed up one time, he was sorry. Not just sorry he got caught, sorry it ever happened. If true repentance was a willingness to atone AND never again repeat said behavior, he was that and then some. Why couldn't she see that?

After that, she was always secretly seething on the in that private place that she stopped sharing.

Lee never understood the fullness of Regina's loss. After all, he lost Cassie too. His pain was also unbearable. He cried, screamed, and wept right beside Regina. They were in this together.

In chapter two I have finally been shown what the root cause of their problems were. was it right for Lee to have had a one night stand, No. Was it right for Regina to have cut him off after the loss of their child, No. Was Regina swimming in the river of denial, Yes.

As we don't know anything about Jennifer, one would have to wonder did she want Lee bad enough to try and trap him one way or another. Only you know javmor79 so please don't make me chew off any more finger nails.

xtchrxtchrabout 6 years ago
No One to Admire!

This is a well written story, but it is about 2 cheaters....and I don't like cheaters. Yes, they both have so-called good reasons to cheat, but they are still 2 cheaters. He cheated and she wanted to hurt him back. This is not really a marriage..maybe it hasn't been since they lost their child. BUT cheating never solves any problems. This marriage should be dead.

Thanks for the story.

Rw43Rw43about 6 years ago
Shades of Abraham and Sarah back in Genesis--my first thought after learning of Cassie

Not an identical situation, because Sarah ASKED her husband to make her handmaid pregnant before changing her mind and kicking her to the curb.

We can only hope that, if Regina ends up with a miracle baby, her offspring and Jennifer's don't torment each other--and the rest of humanity--for centuries.

I'd hope that Regina the medical professional would explore the adoption option. I have known several friends who even got a twofer: they successfully agonized through the adoption process for years before somehow procreating biologically. Endometriosis, low sperm count, poor genetics, shoot, even the absence of a man or woman in a marriage no longer prevent parenthood.

sbrooks103xsbrooks103xabout 6 years ago

I think my predilection towards consequences are well-known, so I would at least like to THINK that my positive feelings towards a possible reconciliation might carry a little weight.

You ask, "Why is Lee so determined to cling to sham of marriage, forgoing starting anew with expectant mother of his progeny ? More focus of why the good times with Gina were so fine that she's " worth it " would mute my qualms for next installment." While this might be one of those stories that would benefit from some back story, my impression was that the marriage WAS fine until the pregnancy problems came up.

As far as "starting anew" with his baby mama, this is a woman who openly seduced a married man, not exactly a woman I would choose to escape an unfaithful wife with!

As for the Anon comment about her "laughing with her sister," I believe that Trudy "snorted a laugh" AT Regina, I don't think that they were laughing over what she did.

johntcookseyjohntcookseyabout 6 years ago

Profound pain. Great setup to answer the question. And what about the serpent in the garden, Brian. And what about Jennifer? As much as you want to find resolution, is it too much to overcome? What a cliffhanger! Thanks, I can’t wait. *****

MaxiMilfMaxiMilfabout 6 years ago
Great story

Congrats on a great story with real human drama. Can't wait for part 3. I'd love to see the scumbag interloper who took advantage of a vulnerable woman get his cone uppance. I know he got the crap kicked out of hIm in a previous story. Would love to see what you have in store for him and the wife. Is this really love for him or just him stealing another wife?

AnonymousAnonymousabout 6 years ago
Really good!

This deserves a better score than it seems to be getting. I can't figure out what the LW readers are thinking sometimes?

AnonymousAnonymousabout 6 years ago

"Trudy looked at her younger sister with a mixture of perverted admiration for her audacity and incredulous horror for her stupidity."

Sounds like she was laughing both with and at her.

BuzzCzarBuzzCzarabout 6 years ago
The storytelling makes it

I like the prose a great deal. The emotions and actions are excellently communicated. I think I see it heading toward a reconciliation after some more angst but who knows? I'll certainly read it to see.

luedonluedonabout 6 years ago
Divided commentary

The comments thus far are almost cleanly divided between those readers who appreciate a story that describes complex characters and difficult human emotions, and those who either are incapable of doing so or don't wish to read that type of story.


Now I'll read the story.


AnonymousAnonymousabout 6 years ago

For those who clearly can’t appreciate the nuance behind the reprehensible actions here... what do you expect to read when you come here? Because this is top notch free entertainment and suggesting otherwise points a finger back at yourself. Great stuff. Curious to see where they go from here after she took the nuclear option. Does she feel like they are ‘even’ now? Because although she was definitely hurting she was also a lot more conniving and vindictive...

AnonymousAnonymousabout 6 years ago
good story, human weaknesses

so why no morning after pill or a abortion,why carry someones baby as a single women. i know those pro life people cant see it this way. but they will not give a single women the means $$$ dollars to survive with this baby. another alternative FOR THIS CHILDLESS COUPLE IS ADOPT THE BABY . offer the women those $$$ that will make it easier to relive a life from struggling to make ends meat. how does anyone screw another without being on the pill or wearing a condom. both adults and should know better.


AnonymousAnonymousabout 6 years ago
3* so far

It would be a hoot if Regina was impregnated by “be all you can be” over the weekend love fest. We still don’t know if Jennifer’s baby is actually Lee’s or not. Jennifer definitely made a play for Lee and she could be looking for a daddy if she was already pregnant.

With this kind of mess in the real world I would be expecting a divorce. It would be months to years in therapy before they would be able to have even the semblance of the relationship they started out with. In my opinion, it would be physically and psychologically impossible to ever exist again under what they had before.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 6 years ago
Thank you for sharing your talent.

I appreciate your effort to tell a plausible story, and the depth of your characters.

SKHPSKHPabout 6 years ago
Why are the scores so low?

Can't LW readers acknowledge a well written story with lots of suspense?

5* from me!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 6 years ago

Do we have to wait 2 weeks for the next chapter?

AnonymousAnonymousabout 6 years ago

Low? Low is less than three. This is kind of a meh story. I would give it about a 3.5. I gave it a 4 because there isn't a 3.5. People don't agree with you. Nothing strange about that.

GeorgeAndersonGeorgeAndersonabout 6 years ago
Well-told tale...

of horribly hurting people. People don't always handle great pain well, and now these two are miserable. Can they find a way to live with themselves, let alone each other? You DO have the rest of this written, right? Right?

luedonluedonabout 6 years ago
A delicate balance

I thought the story was progressing well as I read it. The emotions described as developing in the characters are complex and very realistic. I can imagine them all feeling the way Javmor has described them.

The interesting balance that occurred to me as an author is 'how far do you go in interpreting what your character is feeling rather than just describing it?'

In the early parts of this chapter, especially during the discussion between the two sisters, there were a couple of occasions where I felt that interpretation was less needed. A woman with a history of miscarriages who finally has a live birth only to lose the baby is very obviously going to be traumatised by the experience. The dialogue and the feeling as described could have been left for the reader to imagine the further depth of its impact within the character.

Maybe that's just me. Anyhow, I think it's a worthy contribution from one of the cleverest authors on this site. Javmor's stories certainly deal with more complex human emotions than most stories here.


AnonymousAnonymousabout 6 years ago

This is unwankable.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 6 years ago
Well Done

I for one, appreciate a well-written story and thank you for sharing your talent.

luedonluedonabout 6 years ago
Re: 'Dreary' - Anonymouse comment

A couple of postings ago, I commented "Javmor's stories certainly deal with more complex human emotions than most stories here."

Dreary Anonymouse is just one of the several commenters who display here their inability to comprehend or empathise with complex emotions.


Danger09Danger09about 6 years ago
Wow... powerful

The emotions are raw. I felt them. I felt her agony and his. With that being said, I think what she did was wrong. Yes, he cheated and got some gutter slut pregnant. I'd see RED!! Now, what I wouldn't of done is bottle up my emotions, let it build up to the point where it has poisoned my love for my husband. I wouldn't of instead plan a weekend fuckfest with a co-worker. Why would she bring a shot gun to a knife fight? She had 2 choices, forgive him or leave him. There is no in between. They could've went to counseling to at least work on making her marriage work despite her husband's MAJOR fuck up.. she has a lot of emotions going on, a lot of built up anger from not just his betrayal but everything they've both been going through. I felt her pain the miscarriages should've been talked about and dealt with. I think her revenge was over the top. She should've just divorce him if she couldn't get over his betray

CaOldDogCaOldDogabout 6 years ago
Tough situation

This marriage seems like it's doomed. Regina is mentally and emotionally unstable in the first two installments and has always been extremely stubborn (according to her sister). Lee can't seem to reach his wife's unhappiness in any fashion and let himself take comfort in another woman's life for a brief hour or so (ok perhaps longer with flirting at the gym and having coffee). Regina responded to her husbands betrayal by going after Brian for emotional and physical support (as well as vengence). Brian is an amoral asshole spending a lot of his life going after married women and as of this point in the story needs another appointment with a baseball bat. Wow - Javmor how are you going to bring this to conclusion? You left us with a very emotional and disturbing story that can either have a very destructive ending of their marriage or? Can't wait to see where you will bring this story.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 6 years ago
Wnen my daughter died

my fiancee just walked away. She "couldn't stand the pain," she said. The punchline: It was not HER daughter, but mine and my late wife's. To this day, I wonder WTF it is about some women who think they have some special brand of pain that a father can't understand.

Instead of facing their agony together -- pain shared is pain lessened -- the narcissistic bitch in Javmor's story emotionally cut herself off. And then is upset that in a moment of weakness her husband turned to another for some human contact.

I can guarantee that, in real life, what the husband did would not have been about sex. But rather about trying for a moment to feel closeness to another person.

No sympathy for the "wife" at all -- she really is evil.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 6 years ago
Pretty bad

When you have to bring dead kids into it to get any emotion into a story, you suck pretty bad.

sbrooks103xsbrooks103xabout 6 years ago
@SKHP Re: Scores

For what it's worth, I'm not scoring until the story is complete, but if I was scoring it now, it would be at least 4 if not 5.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 6 years ago
To be honest

At this point you soiled you main characters so much that I don't care what happen with them. I truly believe there is no way back from what they both did. They are too flawed to sympathize with any of them.

CaOldDogCaOldDogabout 6 years ago
@"when my daughter died"

It seems to me that the wife might have been too selfish and too stubborn to see that she was subjecting her husband to misery by ignoring his pain and needs. I just don't see her as being "evil". Yes she was a bitch by bragging about her weekend with Brian but, she is also realizing that she is destroying her own happiness and marriage with Lee. She doesn't seem to be able to focus on her own internal issues even with her sisters help so far in this story but, I don't see her as evil just disturbed and unbalanced. If there is one evil person in this story it is Brian.

dragonmann72dragonmann72about 6 years ago
The true tragady.

I won't pretend to second guess Jav, but they way I see Regina went into a real funk after Cassie died which drove Lee to do something he regretted just after he did it. Lee feeling bad confessed which drove Regina over the second fall, still not beyond being fixed. Jennifer showing up at their front door pregnant was the icing on the cake. Enter good old Brian who had been weaseling his way in from the start, who I'm sure gave her the good advice to take off for the weekend and the cast is complete

My psychotic powers tell me that Lee and Regina are going to separate and when Jinnifer's baby is born it won't be Lee's. Lee gets fed up and joins the Merchant Marines and sails off into the sunset, Regina attempts suicide and is put into the hospital for the rest of her life. The only one to come out unscathed will be Brian until he f**Ks another married nurse whose husband cuts of his cock and grinds it up in front of him.

Shakespeare couldn't have written it better.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 6 years ago
Intellectually challenging and emotionally draining.

A very compelling and dark plot.

I don't think I can appreciate this story with just one reading. What the wife was thinking and feeling while fucking Brian is more significant as we learn more of the back story. All of this is the product of a very crafty and imaginative writer. Congratulations.

Having said that, I don't really care what happens to any of the characters. If Lee fucked this "hottie" just one time, why would he and his medically trained wife be so confident that Lee is the father? And then what is gained by the sterile cuckoo spending a fuckfest weekend with Brian? And even before all the adultery, what were the conversations regarding adoption, having their fetus carried by a surrogate, or accepting the limitations of their physiology? There is just too much stupidity, self pity, and blind self destruction to make any of the characters suspenseful and intriguing. Stupid people do stupid shit and fuck up their lives. What is surprising or suspenseful about that?

So while it is a great plot idea, the behaviors so far described are kind of juvenile and pathetic. They all have my sympathy, for being brainless dolts. The wife's sterility is a blessing to civilization. Her revealing how stupid and egotistical she is will end up being a blessing to Lee, if he's smart enough to dump the pitiful wretch and start over. Guess that's what the rest of the story will be about. We'll see.

Thanks for the ride.

Schwanze1Schwanze1about 6 years ago

Probably still time to move on but first he better see her through her emotional recovery from their baby dying or he's going to feel responsible for her life going in the shitter or worse. Will definitely be waiting for the next installment.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 6 years ago

and brian still fucking lives? men like this deserves their cuckoldries.

PencarrowPencarrowabout 6 years ago

After the first installment it seemed a lot of the commenters wanted Brian punished severely. He was seen as the villain in the piece. But now the second installment has been published, and we find out that Jennifer was a very willing sex partner for Lee. She had no problems flirting with him at the gym, encouraging him to have another drink at the bar, then taking her home, and then talking him into coming inside. All this while he was also, just like Regina, in a vulnerable state.

As I write this there are 63 comments so far for part 2, and of those 7 want to see Brian punished, or at least regard him as some sort of evil arsehole. I think Jennifer should also share a lot of the blame for Lee’s adultery, but there is only ONE comment that mentions this (and also only one other comment that places blame on both Brian and Jennifer).

I’m not sure what this says about those of us who read these stories, but to me it smacks just a little of double standards. Don’t get me wrong – I think Brian IS an arsehole who has no qualms preying on married women, but let’s not forget that it takes two to tango and Regina was happy to go along with it. I think they are both arseholes, but Regina could plead some sort of mental instability and her behavior, as her sister pointed out, is typically of depressed people who self-destruct and self-harm.

As for the story, I like it. I like the way Javmor has taken a very dysfunctional couple and then explored what could happen if they both compounded that dysfunction. If this were real life, then I would say there was no future for them together. The damage they wrought on each other is too much. But this isn’t real life, so anything is possible which is what makes great fiction.

Looking forward to part 3.

Richie4110Richie4110about 6 years ago
Loving it and hoping for more

Great job of comparing and developing the wedge in the relationship. Hope your inspiration continues.

betrayedbylovebetrayedbyloveabout 6 years ago

Little deeper than I originally thought. Not just a wife cheating to get even with her husband. First, the wife should have gone to therapy after the loss of the baby. Her ability to reason was lost and she needed help. The husband also needed therapy, to help cope with his loss and the realization that he wasn't going to be a father. He cheats one time and the worst that could happen did. Of course it drove the wife over the deep end. Enough to go away for a sex-filled weekend with a co-worker. After the fact, what did she achieve? Nothing. Now, two wrongs don't make a right. Husband and wife are now totally fucked up and are probably divorcing soon. As one commenter stated, the child might not even be his.

My comment on the first chapter stated that who cares because they both cheated. But now I do care and will wait for the next chapter.

Damn I talk too much.

sbrooks103xsbrooks103xabout 6 years ago

I can't remember from the story, but a comment mentioned her losing HER baby. It is THEIR baby. I understand that there is a special bond because the mother carries the baby, but to ignore the father's pain at the loss is an insult to good fathers everywhere!

@dragonmann72 - I could be mistaken, but I don't think Lee ever confessed. The first Regina knew about Jennifer was when she showed up at their door pregnant.

@Anonymous - It doesn't really matter if the baby is his or not. The critical factor is that Lee cheated.

ReedRichardsReedRichardsabout 6 years ago
One point not yet made

When one spouse decides to revenge fuck after the other has strayed, the revenge fuck always ups the ante. After all, if it’s done to ‘get even,’ the revenge seeking spouse can leave no doubt that he ‘did better’ than the original cheater. That might not make much real world sense, in the long run, but it’s the way things tend to happen.

One woman I knew, to get revenge for her husband screwing some chick, screwed some guy — that’s the get even part — on her husband’s precious pool table, to up the ante. A lot of times the revenge fuck is done in the marriage bed, for the same reason.

This isn’t a comment to somehow justify Regina’s actions, but simply to point out that the qualitative difference is very common in real life.

tazz317tazz317about 6 years ago

one self from genetics and God TK U MLJ LV NV

AnonymousAnonymousabout 6 years ago

Yes it is "THEIR" baby not just hers but you have to be a totally heartless fuck to not feel for Regina, she blames herself as being unable to do what a woman is supposed to as in carry and deliver a baby. The problems was because she could not carry to term...then on top of that grief, she finds out her husband cheats and on top of that the woman he cheated with is shit she went totally over the edge... I have true sympathy for Lee, he lost a child and then was dealing with a wife that was unresponsive... but "HE" bought the total shit storm by doing what he done... he went out and broke his vows, which resulted into being the total destruction of his wife who was on the cuss of a nerves break down as it is, and that choice of his resulted into a pregnancy by another woman and a child that she can't give him.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 6 years ago
That is only a bunch of crap!!!

The idiots will murmur " what a romantic story" but be realistic its only a cheap slut cuck wimp story!! Never ever will a marriage like that survive!! Even as a fantasy it is only unbelievable!! After crushing all feelings accidentally by him and intentionally by her the trust is destroyed, irrevocably!!! If you attempt the impossible to explain why they should reconcile it will only be laughable!!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 6 years ago
My erection died along with the baby

Porn site= people wanting to get off

AnonymousAnonymousabout 6 years ago

Kill the fucking scumbag marriage wtecker!

CaOldDogCaOldDogabout 6 years ago
A possibility mentioned in the comments

After reading the comments, two things are possible that would blow this story to hell in a hurry. Jennifer's baby might not have been fathered by Lee and the bombshell dropped by one commenter is that Gina might have gotten pregnant by Brian during their weekend fuckfest. Now where would the story go from there if Gina happened to bring a healthy baby into the world fathered by Brian? After all is said and done (and without the twist described above) I think this marriage is toast. If we have the suprise turn of events with the births as mentioned above the marriage dead and buried. Looking forward to your story Javmor.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 6 years ago
Good story, lame characters

Your writing is good as usual. You know to engage your readers and pull them into the story. The characters however fail to make me root for any of them.

The death of a baby is a vert traumatic event and tear a couple apart, but they were supposed to be husband and wife, best friends, confidents and soul mates walking side by side. "I promise to be true to you in good times and in bad, in sickness and in health." What you picture is a couple of very flawed people, making a bad situation event worst with one bad choice after another. Please give them mercy and shot all of them to death.

Harryin VAHarryin VAabout 6 years ago
Brilliantly written but rather stand in boiler plate for this author

Javmor is a highly skilled writer and author who is a joy to read but there's a part of this story which is kind of ordinary. This particular author specializes in writing complex stories about married people and their motivations and things are very rarely black and white. But sometimes this author has a particular bias which like a small pebble in the shoe really bother you

Consider this---chapter one everybody was upset with the wife for fuck fest weekend away. We knew that the husband had done something wrong we don't know exactly what it was

Then in the beginning of chapter 2 you find out that the husband had actually cheated and gotten somebody else pregnant. At that point I'm sure most of us felt that these actions were the biggest contributor to what the wife did and to the entire marriage breaking down

But then we find out in the end of chapter 2 that after a premature baby death the life fell apart can simply shut down on the husband and the marriage. Despite frequent efforts to reach out to his wife she simply will not talk about it and he turned to somebody else after months of frustration

So at this point husband and wife both have seem to equal contributing players in their marriage disaster.

But missing all this is something that a few other have mentioned (sbrooks for one). The husband suffered a grievous loss too and his loss doesn't amount to a hill of beans in the story.

Nobody in the story and certainly none of the readers give a shit about his pain.... his loss and what he's gone through. It's barely even mentioned one time in the story. This leads to a bigger problem that happens with much of javmor stories... There is often way too much emphasis on the wife's emotional angst and suffering which is used to partially justify or explain her actions while the husband's emotional angst and turmoil are greatly down played in these stories or completely ignored.

Drbeamer3333Drbeamer3333about 6 years ago
Loving it

This truly reminds me of Jidoka’s Another Loss, in my opinion one of the top five stories on this site. If anything, this adds more flesh and meat, with the potential of being on par or surpassing it. Of course, that all depends on how it plays out from here on. Can’t wait to see where it goes. The previous comment offers an intriguing direction. However, the greatness of this one lies it it’s emotional authenticity.

Drbeamer3333Drbeamer3333about 6 years ago

I don’t get the sense that the husband is not getting fair treatment. I think the dichotomy between husband and wife is laid out clearly: he was feeling the loss of his child as well as rejection of his wife, and had a one time emotional lapse that he immediately regretted; she pushed him away even further and set out to severely wound him even more, not to mention the premeditated and repeated adultury. I think the author is using the genuine hurt both experienced to highlight the drastically different paths they have chosen.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 6 years ago
Embracing the Hypocrisy

Let me open with this – Javmor is a very competent writer. While I might not like how some of his stories play out, I can admire his skill in making it more nuanced than most LW tales. In this case, I do feel a bit manipulated, from the delayed revelation of what the issue was between Gina and Lee as well as the death of their baby. But even so, I give props to keeping me involved despite that.

This is without a doubt a “he who is without sin cast the first stone” storyline. This is a story of damaged people. Both suffered loss with the death of Cassie; she a shattering blow to her sense of self/womanhood, he the loss of emotional and sexual consortium with his spouse. Regina retreated inward and walled herself off, and Lee apparently tried on multiple occasions to get her help to no avail.

Eventually, he succumbs to temptation. It was clearly (as written) a response to emotional starvation rather than passion for another woman. His immediate reaction after sex with Jennifer shows that it was a horrible mistake. The pregnancy, of course, makes it impossible for them to move forward together. Her issues and unwillingness to discuss things, his guilt and willingness to do anything to stay with her allowed it to fester. Brian afforded her the ability to talk – just not to her husband. We do not know how they ended up in that hotel room, whether it was her idea or his, but we do know that it was far from the best response to everything. I do not think that the sex on day two looking into each other’s eyes after day one where she avoided it was a throw away.

Now that we know what Lee did, and what Gina did in response and what her personality is like (thanks to her sister), Javmor has provided enough information to see how we ended up in the divided home at the end of chapter two.

Her decisions put us here.

Notice I do not say it is all her fault, but that she is the catalyst here.

I am well aware that Lee was the one to cheat, but he was emotionally abandoned. He deserved to pay for that, but the weekend was not how that should have gone down. It is a long standing LW trope, either divorce or get over it. As she is now well aware, she lost any semblance of high ground. His one time encounter pales before her pre-planned three days in bed with a co-worker (and that takes the pregnancy into account). And we still do not have any idea when the lack of energy for the marriage turned into an emotional affair with Brian. One has to invest energy to move a relationship forward, and it is clear that she has a relationship with Brian.

One anonymous commenter wrote something pretty profound above, “regret without remorse.” It is clear that Lee has both sadness and guilt, but even in the last scene, Gina doesn’t seem to feel as if she did anything to feel guilty about. She shows sorrow at the state of things and potential loss of the relationship, but not guilt. Kinda typical of Javmor’s female protagonists, but we should be used to that by now. Her feeling guilt is surely coming, but usually it arrives too late to make a difference.

Truthfully, I find both of them to be odious (and wish nothing than Ebola for Brian), but I don’t need to like characters to enjoy a story. It just makes it easier to look forward to reading about them. Sometimes watching others suffer provides us with catharsis despite ourselves.

On with the train wreck…


PencarrowPencarrowabout 6 years ago

XERO, I really like your comment. I think you've given a very good summation of the state of their marriage.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 6 years ago
Good one!

Please finish I really liked it.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 6 years ago

If by now you don’t know how this is going to end I’ll tell you. Thes best kind of ending glorious RAAC, can’t wait I love those fantasy endings so much better than realistic endings where it would be dreary

sbrooks103xsbrooks103xabout 6 years ago
@Anonymous Re: "Embracing the Hypocrisy"

I hadn't thought about the fact that Brian was a co-worker. That means that she will be seeing him every day, or almost every day, and be tempted. It also means that Lee may have to deal with Brian at work functions.

johnadpjohnadpabout 6 years ago
The Commenters That Single Out Regina Are Clueless

Should she have had the weekend with Brian. Of course not! Should Lee have kept on pursuing that girl (he kept pushing the envelope with flirting, drinking with her etc) and had a one night stand. Of course not! Should the baby have been premature and died after two weeks, of course not!

My point is that the commenters blaming that Regina abandoned Lee because of the loss of the child are clueless. A miscarriage, or a child living for only two weeks after 6 months of pregnancy is going to affect the woman much much much more than the father. And this was her third miscarriage to booth and she is told she can never have kids. So she gets depressed. For those saying that she wasn't there for her husband, well she can say he wasn't there for her. Perhaps he tried, but he didn't figure out how to coax her out of it.

So him cheating on her AND getting the other girl pregnant to booth with the history this couple have (even if one night stand) is equal to her trist with Brian. She was doing it to get back at Lee. So what if she enjoyed it. Women being raped have been sometimes have been known to have a physical reaction.

So to me this isn't about scoring who is more wrong or more right. It's a tragic tale of a loss of a child that has affected a marriage. Most marriages do not survive the loss of a child because of the enormous pain involved. The infidelity is very secondary in this story. It's just a manifestation or acting out in a chain reaction to a great loss.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 6 years ago

He fucked up and cheated but she detached herself from him. No excuses but he fell and immediately realized it . Understandable but she built an emotional relationship which is cheating in itself. Then she destroys hubby with what she will do with a coworker over that weekend then tells him he had her over and over. That was calculated, evil and cold hearted. They could both be sorry which they should but as a man I know no matter how much I loved her I would never forgive or forget that. This guy als a big scumbag for preying on her pain and knowingly fucked a married woman . He seems like he could be a problem if the make up. Plus he works with her so there is no clean break. My opinion is there are so many people in this world so why go after someone taken already knowing how much pain it could cause for so many people on top of the destruction of two families

luedonluedonabout 6 years ago
Ahh, JohnAdp

Your analysis of the situation described in Javmor's story is, of course, very valid.

However, if you expect the average moralising male Loving Wives commenter to show any understanding of the emotional turmoil that Regina would be undergoing, forget it.

Allocating blame and dismissing excuses for having extramarital sex is their reason for reading and commenting on LW stories, not understanding the complex motives given to characters by an author such as Javmor.


johnadpjohnadpabout 6 years ago
To Luedon

It's funny but reading these LW stories (have been addicted to them recently) has had the exact opposite effect on me. I have dated a great deal in my life. Since I was a teenager (in my 40's now) women have liked me and I have had major commitment issues (prescription for lots of dating and lots of women). But I have had two relationship with women I loved (have told 6 women I loved them in my lifetime and had about twice that told me they loved me. I had commitment issues, but doesn't mean I was cold or not loving) who I always thought they "cheated" on me. Reading these stories actually has allowed me to put things in much more perspective and to see things as they were.

I won't go into detail about either case, but I realize looking back that for both women there were very valid reasons to do what they did and especially the second case she hadn't cheated on me, but I perceived it as that (she and I are very good friends and her son is actually my godson). Even in the first, it was early college and while she was madly in love with me (as I was with her) she realized I was never going to marry her, because of my age and I kept saying we were too young to even think about it, and she really wanted to get out of her house. I never found out how bad it was for her at home, but once she told me she wished I was a fly on the wall at her home to get a better understanding of her home life. Anyway, she dated older, established guys who were able to get her out of that house. She ended up marrying the fourth one and 7 years into her marriage to him she called me once when I had a death in my family and she told me she thought about me every day. I hate to be her husband.

My only point is that most people are not evil, but it takes intelligence and wisdom to be able to put yourself in other people's shoes. It's easy to cast stones, being blind to your own failings. A woman who was a good wife and mother for 20 years doesn't deserved to be burnt to the ground because she is no longer in love with her husband and she cheats. If she hadn't earned enough goodwill after 20 years of a good marriage, a man wanting revenge and to burn her to the ground only shows she was married to an ass who shouldn't have been surprised that she wanted someone else.

Lastly, most of the guys on here that bitch about how evil women are, are men who got left by women and who themselves were not attractive enough for other women to want them. It's all about opportunity. I'm sure many of them would have been happy to cheat or leave the "nagging bitch" they were married to, if they had the opportunity to do it themselves first.

luedonluedonabout 6 years ago
With a history like that, JohnAdp

You surely have a story in there somewhere? Maybe you should commit it to the pages of Literotica. It sounds like you have had an interesting set of learning experiences.

I also find it interesting that you find LW stories to have a positive effect. I wonder how many other commenters could say the same. It seems to me that a lot of the stories unleash hostility from commenters rather than empathy for the characters.


AnonymousAnonymousabout 6 years ago
Just A Minute

Using infertility and neo natal death as a plot point is a stab at manufacturing pathos, and moreover in this case, sympathy for someone that has done something that viewed on its own is beyond the pale. Using it is utterly manipulative, a cheat to move the narrative away from simply giving up on someone because of their actions.

Is there anyone who is not already an apologist for so-called “wandering wives” that would be able to muster any sympathy for Gina without this ploy? I seriously doubt it.

Taken on their own, Lee’s actions and their fallout are nigh unforgivable, even with the emotional abandonment. There should not be a double standard here; again, he is a cheater and deserves to lose his marriage over it. Only she could choose to forgive what he did or not. She clearly was not capable. Divorce was the answer.

Instead, she plotted and planned. Stewed and festered. And then did something she knew would terminally wound her already on life support relationship with Lee. Given that she was not casual with her body, she had to have feelings for Brian anyway. Lee gave us that:

“Multiple times. She let that mother fucker have sex with her multiple times. Again and again, she made the choice to lay with him.

That's what was so unfathomable about it. He never, ever thought she could do something like this. She was always so conservative, never one to go into sex casually. When they were courting, she was adamant about not giving in until she knew that he was sticking around. She wasn't a virgin by a long shot, but she was very protective over who entered her body.

Now, he was supposed to believe that she was suddenly taking trips with random coworkers and giving up the goods in a single weekend?”

But we do have Cassie and the fallout of her death, so we must feel sorry for Gina despite her actions. Sympathy overcomes planned treachery and intended pain.

However, Javmor’s own words show that perhaps Lee might deserve some sympathy as well:

“For one, he was human, and he was also capable of weakness. All it took was the perfect storm of circumstances to stretch him to the point of vulnerability.”

Sorry, but that is not how we can interpret Gina’s weekend. It wasn’t momentary, it wasn’t immediately regretted and it does not seem to have created any guilt on her part. Premeditation. She went out, had a good time, fucked Brian’s brains out and then somehow expected Lee to be waiting for her at the airport.

I acknowledge she is not dealing with things all that rationally, but that does not excuse her actions. Denying her child’s death is a factor, but that should not have put her in another man’s bed for three days. A man that she clearly was building an emotional relationship with before she slept with him. Yes, Jennifer’s pregnancy shoved a knife into the heart of her marriage given the circumstances. But Trudy offered other options (a one night stand, discreet affair) that would not have been anywhere near as toxic in delivery. No, this was war and the weekend was her nuclear bomb.

Now, while I want to avoid name calling and character assassination, Johnadp falls into the apologist camp. I don’t even want to get into his second posting, because the correct thing to do when you no longer love your spouse is not to cheat, but to leave. Especially after 20 years. An argument for another time. Casting aspersions at people whose viewpoint you disagree with will not get them to understand your point of view.

I speak from experience - losing a premature child, having a spouse with uterine septum defect that makes subsequent successful pregnancies unlikely, puts unbelievable stress on a marriage. But at some point, if things do not get better and communication does not happen, help must be sought or accepted. After that, it is that person that is hurting the relationship. BOTH parents lose a child. Yes, it is the mother that carries it and that is a significant bond, but that does not lessen the father’s pain in any way. Even if we concede that her pain was “much much much more” than the father’s, and she was clinically depressed, the story says Lee tried repeatedly to get her to deal with things. Her denial was the thing preventing her from healing.

Johnadp said “[f]or those saying that she wasn't there for her husband, well she can say he wasn't there for her.”

Umm, no.

Javmor wrote this: “He cried, screamed, and wept right beside Regina. They were in this together.”

“But she didn't move on; she just pretended it never happened. The amount of energy it took to create an alternate universe that erased Cassie left too little energy to give a marriage a chance.”

Sorry, can’t put that on Lee. You cannot make someone accept help, or get therapy. The reason he cheated, once, has everything to do with the state of his marriage at that point. And he was damn wrong to do what he did to his wife, regardless.

And Luedon, clearly someone that tends to defend “wandering wives” no matter their actions, derides “average moralising male” commenters for not “understanding” Gina’s emotional turmoil. Paraphrasing her words, I wish to make a similar point:

“Reallocating blame and providing excuses for having extramarital sex is their reason for reading and commenting on LW stories, not understanding the responses to the actions of characters by an author such as Javmor.”

See, the motives are not the issue for the commenters you disagree with. The response is to the actions as written. Yes, motives do matter but that does not change the actions, the effects of those actions or the way those actions are typically interpreted by those that take marital vows seriously.

HeelGuy9800HeelGuy9800about 6 years ago
Story shows great emotional angst

The scoring in the LW section just confuses the hell out of me. To many people score the story based on weather the bitch got burned or it ends the way they want it to. This is a well written story that gets into the thought process of both people. Knowing my wife I can see exactly how Regina would feel and knowing me having your emotional support from your wife disappear could possibility lead to a mistake. We are all weak in our own ways and none of us our perfect.

trandall9991trandall9991about 6 years ago
Interesting story

I know if we didn't already have a child at home when my son died after 5 hours we would have been done. People need to think about what the author is actually writing about. The loss of affection to someone who needs it is nearly impossible to ever overcome for that person. Ever been a foster child-I have-and it devastated me then and still does now. It effects my life and how I make decisions-like this story. Remember, if one is in agony one knows that they need attention-even bad or wrong attention. Such was my case-it would be one of the worst cases of child abuse many counselors have ever seen. Still one wrong doesn't make the second wrong right or righteous. This is one hell of a well written story and deserves to be read all at one time so no one forgets what it truly is about. And that is two broken humans do wrong things to each other-no one is perfect. One of the best I have ever read.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 6 years ago
Was hoping we'd hear more about Brian

This guy was a scumbag from previous stories, but seems to be on a sorta redemption arc. If he's going to be inserted into this story, let's have him be more present.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 6 years ago
Yeah, it can be saved. Regina needs to talk and listen.

As usual, the author has done a masterful job with this story. Javmor is one of the few authors who salvage this LW category from being hateful, illiterate garbage. I only check out new submissions in LW looking for a new javmor and a couple other wirters.

Your commentators are clearly expecting more to this story. I too hope there is more. I think they can salvage their marriage. Regina needs to talk and listen.

Brian needs to be put to rest, she doesn't want anything more from him.

Signed Can't Remember, since I can't remember my password

johnadpjohnadpabout 6 years ago
To Anonymous from 3/9/18

I never said cheating after 20 years of marriage is acceptable. I said I have no problem with the man divorcing the wife. But what I added is that if she was a good wife and mother for 20 years then burning her to the ground should not be an acceptable response. Leave her and move on. She actually will feel much more like she fucked up badly if you leave with grace and show class. If you take revenge and try to fuck her over badly, all it does it burns any love she had for you so you actually help her move on.

Also, yes Lee cried and took the death of the child hard, but it is going to be much harder on the wife because she had the child inside her for 6 months and alive for 2 weeks. Lee's experience with the child was 2 weeks. Two weeks compared to 28 weeks and it growing inside her. Totally different experiences. I had a friend's wife who was devastated after a miscarriage (I think maybe at 3 months or so). She asked him if he misses the baby and he chuckled a bit and said I didn't really know the baby. And he was telling me she was really hurt and he couldn't understand. It's two very different experiences for a man and a woman. Granted this couple the woman is more sensitive than the average female and he is less sensitive than the average male, but still. Regina losing than child, being her third miscarriage and finding out she cannot have any children sent her to a very deep depression. She obviously had issues with facing up to her emotions. My only point is to the commenters that put the blame on her that she wasn't there for her husband so it's understandable that he fucked another girl. Shit everytime someone fucks someone else, just like everytime someone steals there is a reason. The point is if it's justified or not and I don't believe it was for Lee. Just like Regina's wasn't justified either.

johnadpjohnadpabout 6 years ago
To Luedon

One thing I will never be able to resolve is how much that experience with my first love affected my loving a lot of women. I mean before I met her, when I was in high school and first year of college I always felt a man should have lots of experiences. Then one summer break in high school I decided to read all of Hemingway's books. And boy he was all about being a man, having lots of experiences and having lots of love stories. So it's hard for me to reconcile at this point in my life how much of it was having that attitude, and how much it was that she created trust issues with women. Then combine that with starting in my senior year of high school and later on women started majorly noticing me and were literally coming on to me all the time. I got laid on first, second or third date at the latest and I was never the one that initiated sex. So I wasn't "forced" to find one woman who would love me out of necessity. One girlfriend who had become a friend after our breakup told a girl I had started dating don't get too comfortable. He'll find fault with you soon enough and dump you. I didn't appreciate her comment, but it ended up being very true.

But the good LW writers that write interesting multi-dimensional characters made me see things from the woman's point of view, so it did allow me to give perspective to the times I thought I was cheated on, and see what the fuck I was doing myself. I am not exaggerating when I say I would tell women on the first or second date (I stopped doing this at the age of 42 btw) "you're not the last pussy I'm going to fuck". The funny thing is I never had one woman dump me for saying that. They would make comments like well make sure I don't find out, well I want to be a threesome situation, etc. Believe it or not I figured since I'm totally upfront and honest it pissed me off if the woman dated someone else behind my back (happened twice). I figured they owed me the same courtesy of being upfront in which case I would have dumped them. Just because they put up with my dating other women, doesn't mean it was something I was willing to put up with (I know hypocrite, but I was honest and upfront with them and no woman can accuse me of cheating). But I guess they knew I would dump them so one or two did it on the sly. Anyway, reading these stories have made me fess up to all my wrongdoings. I felt since I was always very honest with women then that covered everything, because they had the option to leave. Well, life is not that simple, is it?

sbrooks103xsbrooks103xabout 6 years ago

Very few here would say that Lee's pain is equal to Regina's, but it was NOT inconsequential.

I can't remember if Lee tried to work through their grief before he cheated, and I don't think he confessed, but after it was exposed he TRIED to work things out, and Regina refused.

Aren't the cheating wife apologists always telling us that if a cheated on husband REALLY loves his wife he will fight to save his marriage? Yet here, they almost CELEBRATE her near Burn The Bastard rubbing a weekend away with her lover in his face. And, of course, LEE'S love is supposed to be so great that he will fight for the same marriage that Regina refused to fight for.

Lee had a momentary lapse in judgement. Regina CHOSE to let her resentment fester until it erupted in a WORSE betrayal than Lee's, but again, the burden of saving the marriage is on him!

WhoGivesAShitWhoGivesAShitabout 6 years ago
Nice handling of a terrible situation

No parent should outlive his/her child. It’s awful. My sister lost her first shortly after birth, the scenes were ugly all around. Then the priest told her that God took son as payment for her not being a good Catholic. Her husband stood by her, even when his mother berated her for not delivering a healthy child.

So yeah, I can definitely see how the woman gets swallowed in her depression and the husband is neglected and eventually succumbs to temptation. My sister was lucky, has 3 healthy adult kids and remains married 30 years later.

You’re doing a great job with it, but should consider more proofreading (or some help proofreading); there are some spots where it looks like a sentence was rewritten, and text that should have been deleted remains. Those mistakes take something away from a really strong story and otherwise well considered presentation.

johnadpjohnadpabout 6 years ago

Not sure how many of my posts you've read. The last thing I am is a cheating wife apologist. I've stated in my posts I've had commitment issues and could leave a woman for looking at me wrong by accident one day (sure exagerrating, but not by much). My only point was reacting to the commenters calling Regina a whore, a slut, that she should be burnt to the ground.

But I'm looking at this as a human being and not a MAN, with a male bias. So if on the same exact weekend without Lee and Regina knowing what the other was doing Lee fucked the woman he was flirting with for weeks and Regina did what she did with Brian and then threw it at Lee's face, then yes I would agree with you that what she did was much more hurtful. BUT it did not happen that way. Lee drew first blood. How often in these LW stories does a wife have a brief affair and then the guy goes all crazy and fucks her sister and mother and then makes sure she is poor and everyone she cares about knows that she was a slut, etc, etc. And all the male commenters to those things never say he overreacted or what he did was too much. They all cheer him on for getting back at the "slut". But here Lee fucked another girl, got her pregnant (a very sensitive issue for Regina) and she fucked another guy over the weekend and made sure he knew about it. Nowhere near as bad as most of the BTB stories where the guy takes vengeance. I'm just saying to be a decent human being one must be fair and look at things objectively. If the situation was reverse and the wife cheated after flirting with a man for weeks, and she gave him her ass that she had always denied her husband (trying to equalize it to Lee getting the girl pregnant... which the ass thing doesn't even come close), would all these commenters calling her names have said that if the husband did what Regina did was out of line. Fuck no. They would have said the bitch had it coming and that was not enough vengeance.

Now, the above is my unemotional, logical reaction and being fair reaction. I thought about what my reaction would be if the same situation happened to me (sans the baby thing which would make me want to be their for my wife even after she fucked up) and here is what I believe my reaction would be. If things were reversed and I had cheated on my wife (btw, I've never cheated on any gf or wife even though I've fucked other women when in a relationship but I was upfront about it very early on with the women when I first started dating that I was not going to be monagamous... their choice if they continued dating me or not) and to equalize things she cheated on me and told me about it I would kiss her on her cheek, not get upset cause fair is fair and tell her sorry I'm a hypocrite and I will divorce her. I mean I can't get angry, but I know what I can live with and what I cannot. If the situation happened to me like with Lee and Regina I would likely still divorce her (maybe 50-50 not sure) but I know that either way I would be there for her to help her get through her depression. Just because I wouldn't want to stay married to her or fuck her anymore would not take away from loving her and wanting to see her through her pain and depression. I know I would do this because I have done something very similar which I discussed in one of my posts.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 6 years ago

No, no one reads the comments of a long-winded, boring-ass idiot, who imagines that anyone cares about his shit. Nobody cares about your stupid life, how you have mommy issues or whatever. Damn, shut the fuck up already. Just go back to whatever hole you crawled out of and quit taking up space in the comments that interesting people could be using.

johnadpjohnadpabout 6 years ago

How old are you, like fucking 600 years old? The fucking priest's and mother-in-laws reaction is like out of fucking Midieval times. That priest at the least should have been punched by either you or the husband and the husband should have told the mother to fuck off and not spoken to her again. I mean unless if your sister drank through her pregnancy or smoked or did kickboxing or some shit to cause the miscarriage, those two fuckers should have been excommunicated (to use a nice catholic term).

Btw, a little aside regarding the catholic church. One of my closest friends was an assistant disctric attorney prosecuting several catholic priests that were molesting the kids. Apparently in the Los Angeles archdiocese there are 5 underlings under the archbishop of Los Angeles. Anyway, one of these guys turned and was helping the prosecution. He told the district attorneys office and my buddy that they should treat the catholic church as if they were the mafia. And true enough that's how the church behaved. They sent all the files they had on the molesters to the Vatican because the DA's office couldn't subpoena them from the Vatican. They behaved very dispecably protecting the molesters, and obviously themselves. Of course, before all that for decades they had protected the molesters, never turning them in to start with.

johnadpjohnadpabout 6 years ago
@Sbrooks One More Comment

I'm a numbers guy and I think they are best to go to because they tell the reality and not anecdotes. You said that you felt it's usually the husband's responsibility to forgive the cheating wife. But the numbers say it's exactly the opposite:

1. Men are much more likely to cheat from the survey's I've seen. Anywhere from 60% to 100% more likely.

2. Women are twice as likely to state that the reason they cheated to start with was revenge for their spouse cheating first.

3. Women are much much more likely to forgive a cheating husband than the other way around. I don't have the stats for that offhand, but it's very true.

So the numbers say a wife is twice as likely to be dealing with a cheating husband than the other way around. And a wife is much more likely to forgive a cheating husband than the other way around. A big part of this is evolution and biology which I won't go into, but that's the numbers and the facts.

luedonluedonabout 6 years ago
Why I love the LW commentaries

You never know where they might lead. An exceptionally good story like this one, or an exceptionally bad story like many of them, can elicit the most fascinating comments.

Even anonymous blatantly wrong comments like "No, no one reads the comments of a long-winded, boring-ass idiot, who imagines that anyone cares about his shit." add to the wonder of it all.


silentsoundsilentsoundabout 6 years ago
My favorites

Are along the lines of stupid cuck shit.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 6 years ago

What is all his crap about.Cansomeone explain it to me?

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