All Comments on 'The Weekend Pt. 04'

by javmor79

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 6 years ago
Just as dismal as the rest of your stories.

Are you in a permanent depression, or something? What maudlin crap. What a waste of time this was.

RTR10RTR10about 6 years ago
My ending.....

Jennifer dies in childbirth, Lee is all of a sudden a single parent of a newborn. He calls Regina in a panic one night, she comes over to help him. He continues to reach out to her when he has no clue what to do with his son, colic, feedings, etc.... Regina falls in love with Malcolm because he's a part of Lee. They reconcile. The end. I really do want a happy ending for Lee & Gina.

tangledweedtangledweedabout 6 years ago
I don't know...

...if there is any writer on this site who brings human failings and their resultant emotions to life better than javmor. There is a commitment to honesty with him that should be respected.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 6 years ago

What a waste of words.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 6 years ago
It's a tossup

Whether this guy, Jimbob or Vandemonium is the most overrated writer on the site.

RTR10RTR10about 6 years ago

Also, whether Lee admits it or not, that was NOT a one night stand. Flirting at the gym, meeting for coffee multiple times, hooking up at the bar, etc.... He needs to take a good look at himself before casting stones at Regina. My previous comment about how I'd like this story to end will probably be criticized but it just makes more sense for Lee & Gina to work it out. Their history together....they went through the worst thing a couple could go through & never got help afterwards. Jennifer was just a blip on the radar, no real feelings for her except guilt & shame. I'm standing by my wishful ending. She's close to her due date, she goes into labor, shit goes wrong, Lee gets a call in the middle of the night telling him to come to the hospital, he gets there & learns that Jennifer died.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 6 years ago
Is that really the end?

You are an excellent writer. And I usually enjoy your stories, although they are painful to read. But this one is really disappointing if this is the conclusion.

Regina finally waking up, that's good. But now Lee falls in love with the prospect of fatherhood? Hey! He could do right by the mother without abandoning Regina. If you think you've redeemed Lee, then I think you failed miserably.

I'll give you a 5 for writing. But this story sucks!

PencarrowPencarrowabout 6 years ago

But I'm on-board for the ride. And I kind of like RTR10s previous comment as to how he (or she) thinks the story will end, but this is fiction so anything goes.

Another 5 from me because of the emotional response your story generates.

WhackdoodleWhackdoodleabout 6 years ago
Grrat story! 5 stars

But of all the characters, including Brian, Lee is the worst. He blames everyone for HIS actions. He criticizes everyone else while minimizing his own behaviour and while it is realistic, it is also idiotic.

He blames his wife for cheating on him despite cheating on her first and while Regina was was Lees seduction of his baby momma. He can lie to himself and everyone else; but he seduced her and when she got pregnant, still blames her. What kind of a shit stain does that?

I hope Regina moves on. I hope Jennifer moves on. Fuck, i even hope Brian moves on but until Lee can accept his role in destroying three lives, i hope he stays a miserable sack of shit.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 6 years ago

So many ways to end this, so many potential inflections of personalities and situations. It will be interesting to see your ending. Remember, when you write YOU must be proud of what you write first, everyone else comes along for the ride.

johntcookseyjohntcookseyabout 6 years ago
Achingly poignant

I’m not necessarily a happy ending romantic, but in this case, can’t help but crave that for Regina and Lee. What that looks like, I don’t know. Two profoundly injured souls - you hope for redemption for them. But I guess the one element necessary for that, and for reconciliation, is empathy, which seems to be in short supply - not totally absent - but not enough to create a bridge for meaningful dialogue - yet.

Very sweet final section though, with Lee contemplating Malcolm.

All your characters are fully three dimensional - no one-faceted black and white sinners and saints. It seems quite clear that you have a fully engaged affection for each one. Even Brian, who in his own broken, self-absorbed way, is still ultimately sympathetic - a bad boy looking for salvation in his infatuation with Regina.

Your stories are rare in that regard. Your characters are realistically rendered people with hopes and aspirations and warts and pimples - not just stage props placed conveniently in the story to facilitate a desired outcome. Troublesome and especially challenging it is when you have to consider the implications of a real person, not just a throw away plot device, vis-a-vis the outcome of your story.

Once again, a very compellingly and artfully penned tale. I look forward to the rest. Thank you for sharing.*****

AnonymousAnonymousabout 6 years ago
Just waiting for the end

Don't particularly like this story, but want to see the end and what happens.

luedonluedonabout 6 years ago
The story is progressing well

As others have said, the pain felt by the characters and their situation is understandable and feels very real.

However, I had the impression as I read this fourth part of the story that the writing didn't flow as smoothly as in the earlier parts. Have we as commenters put Javmor as author under pressure to get the story finished?

And is Regina not the only one suffering sleep depravation? Is Javmor's also having depraved sleep?


AnonymousAnonymousabout 6 years ago
Great Story

Please tell me there’s more. I’ve really enjoyed reading this story and want to continue doing so. You’re a great writer. Please keep writing - this story in particular. “5”.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 6 years ago
WOW Whackdoodle...

Not to be mean or nasty or...I suppose 'snide' would be appropriate, but WOW with a capital W are you off the mark! Yes, an argument can and should be made that Lee commited horrible business in regards to Jennifer, but his statements and position are not without merit, nor are they indefensible actions in a moral vacuum. First, all of this started precisely because REGINA, due to the death of Cassie and an inability to carry any child to term, shut down and REFUSED to seek help, either from Lee or a medical professional, even though she WORKED AT A HOSPITAL!!! Now, how long after that Lee sought validation from Jen is up for debate, but the catalyst for his behavior DOES rest on Regina's shoulders. His assessment of Jen's behavior is...cruel, in a way, but also has merit since we have no other reference for her past other than her say-so which, to be honest, can be considered suspect given her actual actions. Note, I am not trying to say Lee did a good thing; he did not, but to malign him for his REACTIONS, not necessarily his ACTIONS, is to say that he deserves no consideration in a situation not of his own choosing, and that incredibly foolish and silly thing to believe, given all that we, as omnipotent observers, have seen written out thus far.

On a more happy note, great job Jav! Feels likely that one chapter remains, the almighty resolution. Looking forward to the wrap-up, sadness and pain...and hopefully a little revenge on Brian perhaps? Regardless, a well done piece of fiction, and can't wait for the end!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 6 years ago
Story started out strong.

I feel like it's been losing steam as it continues. Not sure exactly why, but the last two chapters have been less compelling than the first two. Now I just want it to end to get closure.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 6 years ago
I felt sadness after reading this.

Great job javmor9! I was excited to read this morning. I forgot to log in! Not so much the feeling sad, but that just means you wrote a very good story. I have to say, pretty realistic. When she said “I don’t know,” that would have ended any sliver of hope.

The road is still wide open. Which direction will it go?


ken philipsken philipsabout 6 years ago
Brilliantly written; incredibly sad

But the husband Lee is such a completely utterly horrible piece of shit. And Brian is little better. Regina HAS to move on - another city probably. She has to get away from the poison all around her.

silentsoundsilentsoundabout 6 years ago
Great stuff!

Still full marks. I can feel sympathy for Regina for her loss of a child and whatever mental illness followed. She was still incredibly selfish, self centered and foolish at nuclear levels for not considering Lee or his feelings throughout pretty much this whole drama until she absolutely destroyed her marriage.

I greatly appreciate more details concerning Lee and Jennifer!!! It definitely sheds more illumination into just how shitty he treated Jennifer and his unborn child.

Brian can still go to hell with a burning stick up his ass. I sincerely hope someone finds a way to harm him at a similar level to how he has harmed others. Of course, he couldn't really harm anyone if the majority, almost all apparently, of women weren't pathetic cheating whores in his sphere of influence.

I hope Regina gets professional help for her mental problems, terminal stupidity and selfishness.

I'm actually happy with the direction Lee is finally taken and heartily approve of him finally taking responsibility for his actions.

I hope Jennifer gets all the support she needs. She isn't as blameless as she would like to think but loved the interplay between her and Lee.

I hope Malcolm is born healthy and happy.

Loving the ride!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 6 years ago
Wow, great so far

Characters that have depth and show growth too.

The fact that the character "Brian" is coming to the realization of the harm he has caused to others and has spoiled most chances at happiness for his own future.

Really curious where you're going to take the story, at least for the characters: Lee, Regina and, Jennifer. I see so many plausible conclusions and, some not so logical.

They are all hurting individuals; which ones will heal together???

Danger09Danger09about 6 years ago
This story is like pulling teeth

Why is it taking so long? 4 chapters later and still nothing new. I really don't like Regina. I feel like she place blame on everyone but herself. Her husband cheated on her because she shut him out after they lost the baby. He was feeling the same exact pain/lost that she was, but she was so focused/wrapped up in her own grief of not being able to have a baby, she forgot about him. This would've made their marriage stronger had they worked through it together. What she did instead of grieving working with her husband was to go out of town with a coworker for weekend long fuckfest. She wanted to hurt Lee, yeah I get it he's a douche for cheating, I feel after she learned of his indiscretion/baby divorce should've been the only option. She clearly couldn't forgive him, clearly couldn't work around it. Why put both herself and Lee through this? She's angry and confused. I think a counselor would've helped when they lost their child, this all came from that. I'm tired of this story. Get to it Please. Regina needs help, she doesn't know what she wants. She felt relief when Lee left. She doesn't want him. I think they both should just go their separate ways. She will never forgive him for his side baby, and I'm sure Lee is tired of apologizing and kissing her ass.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 6 years ago
Well.... that was depressing

It’s always a wonder why people submit stories that are not erotic to an erotic story site.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 6 years ago

Fine story.

I can't remember how many stars I awarded this.

Ummm, I'm sure Trudy and Brian will be happy together. Oh, oh..I mean Jennifer and Javmor , is that right ?

It's been so doesn't matter anyway.

This story lost it's impact with time, lol.


FD45FD45about 6 years ago

The best part is all the moral points of view on display. That pregnant woman (Jennifer?) has her own point of view.

I think she's a bit delusional in her responsibility but her perspective is valid.

The killer scene was WHY she picked Brian...and the emotional devastation that this wrought on him. Also germane was her asking how he was better than her husband.

Powerful stuff! A beat down doesn't change a person's mind. Striking their self image...that is HUGE. "I picked you because you are a male whore who isn't interested in ANY relationship."

Even a Brian will eventually want a relationship...and now he knows he is unworthy of it.

Still engaged and can't wait for the next bit.

The only thing that rang a little hollow was the length of her mourning. Perhaps I think women are a bit more cold blooded than men. Is two months of soul wracking sorrow normal for a woman after a break up?

AnonymousAnonymousabout 6 years ago

Epilog was fantastic, still emotional. Life goes on kind of. Most important Lee understood and picked up most precious to go on with life. Thank you for happy ending. True calm after hurricane. Devastation is there, nobody can change it but peace is there to start the rebuild life to something new.

ejsathomeejsathomeabout 6 years ago
I thoroughly enjoy . . .

. . . your writing style. I found your story intensely emotional. I guess I appreciate your apology for the long wait, but, is that it?

sbrooks103xsbrooks103xabout 6 years ago

While most readers will probably remember, but the synopsis should probably say that he found a sketch of her and Brian replicating a photo of Regina and Lee on the nightstand.

My feelings haven't really changed much. Lee cheated; very bad, even with the excuse/reason of Regina shutting him out. Regina was suffering the loss of her motherhood. Very sad, but Lee was suffering as well, maybe not to the depths of her suffering, but real nonetheless, and she refused all of his attempts to share their grief together. His cheating was discreet, not revealed until the other woman showed up pregnant (still not clear if it IS Lee's!). She once again refused all attempts to TALK about their issues, then OPENLY goes away with a lover for a weekend!

"She saw Lee, laughing with his baby mama, telling her how much he really wanted to be with her" - If that's how Lee feels, he would already be seeking a divorce.

How can she ask Lee not to leave when she can't even say that she DOESN'T love Brian? She says that she doesn't WANT him, but she doesn't know if she loves him?

I'm not saying that Jennifer was a slut, and he was obviously a married man cheating, but she obviously wasn't overly concerned if he was single or not.

Poor Brian's getting frustrated? Why doesn't he back off and go after someone more available?

"You need to stop running from me." - Why? No, he WASN'T right about her marriage! HE'S part of the reason that her marriage is falling apart!

We still don't KNOW that Malcolm is Lee's! If he is, it's going to be a mess! I can't see him with Jennifer; strangely, I DO see a possibility with Regina, but Malcolm complicates that. IF there is to be an attempt to get back with Regina, there needs to be a paternity test.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 6 years ago
Good but...

I gave the previous 3 chapters 5 out of 5. However, with this chapter I give 1. The story has been going round and round. Like the author is milking it for comments and whatnot. The same with authors with their first international best selling novels, giving it sequels when in fact 1 sequel is more than enough. The pace in your story is very slow, turtle-slow to be honest. I get it that you want to set the tone of your story more somber to illicit a subtle nostalgic feel to your characters but this is already in the 4th chapter. Did you fancy to make this story as long as DSQ's When We We're Married? Honestly, the story was far too long (and no ending, tragically), with more than 15 chapters but DSQ's WWWM wasn't focused only on the protagonist's married life (or post divorce). However your story is clearly on that and it's tedious that until now, there still is no resolution for the conflict in your story. It's like you don't know where your story is going to. There is no denouement. I respect you as an author but since you posted this publicly then you are aware that somehow someone will write something that may not sit well with you. And no, I don't have an account... Philly

AnonymousAnonymousabout 6 years ago
Not an accurate recounting of the story's history

This story is moving slower than real time. It took Javmor 2 months to cover a few days between chapters 1-3. His synopsis of the chapters is inaccurate:

In chapter one Regina goes away with her work boyfriend who she knows to be a player for a weekend of revenge sex. She didn't accidentally have sex with Brian she did it on purpose. We don't know exactly what she said but she let Lee know what she was going to do without any discussion and turned off her phone. She enjoyed her weekend fuckfest with Brian. She killed the marriage in the first chapter. After the flight home, she turned on her phone saw Lee's messages and Javmor doesn't tell us what her text to Lee said. Regina comes back and tells Lee that she spent the weekend fucking without apology and doesn't even suggest that they were even and could start over. She refuses Lee's request for a quiet rational discussion.

Chapter 2. Regina causes her sister to laugh when she recounts her weekend with Brian and even Regina admits "maybe I shouldn't have done it." Her sister goes off on her because Regina is too stupid to understand the impact of her actions and tells her to fix her marriage. Javmor tells us how Lee was seduced by Jennifer for their one time sex: she came to his bar, she dressed for sex, she begged him to come up to her place, she initiated the contact, she started the sex and when it was over Lee immediately regretted his actions. Lee's guilt caused him to try to be a better husband. Regina comes from her sister's and sees that Lee has moved to the guestroom.

Chapter 3 Regina is trying to follow her sister's advise to fight for her marriage but gets into an argument with Lee and falls asleep after masturbating to the memory of sex with Brian. Back at work, Brian and Regina continue to flirt and make out in the parking lot. Lee decides to move in with his buddy Daryl (who Lee didn't even talk with the whole weekend he was left alone) and while packing his things, he discovered Regina's travel bag packed with sexy clothes and a loving sketch of her and Brian and realizes that he has been replaced. Regina comes home after making out with Brian, realizes that Lee wasn't home and assumes that he is with Jennifer. She finds his ring next to the sketch.

In three chapters Regina never says one loving thing to Lee. She tells herself and others that she loves him but treats her husband like shit and ignores him when she isn't yelling at him. Lee is not the bad guy here. Yes he cheated but immediately regretted it and did not continue a relationship with Jennifer. Regina intentionally caused Lee pain and never apologized for it or took any action to try to improve their relationship.

In this chapter, a month has gone by and Javmor has skipped the numerous interactions that Regina and Brian would have had except for one more parking lot meeting. Lee is confronted by Jennifer and shown a sonogram of "his" baby. Jennifer puts it all on him claiming not to have known he was married despite the wedding band and her knowledge of his address and other info. I still think in the real world the chances that he is the daddy are remote and that she decided he was a better choice than the real daddy.

The problem with this story is that Javmor started it at the end of the marriage and all we see are angry sad people. Regina is a nurse who would have told a patient in her predicament to get counseling but she does nothing. Poor Lee has no one but Darryl who probably wants his couch back. I have enjoyed many of Javmor's prior stories but this slow moving mess is not well thought out and should have not been submitted until he got his story finished to his satisfaction.

reasonable man

swingerjoeswingerjoeabout 6 years ago
Great work

You’ve managed to create four sympathetic characters in a story about four cheaters. How incredibly difficult is that? In most stories where cheating takes place, one character is portrayed as a flawless hero, and the two cheaters are cast as cartoon villains with twirly mustaches. All four characters in this story are flawed. All four share some of the blame for what has happened to them. I’m rooting for all four to find some redemption and happiness.

I don’t mind waiting this long between chapters when the story is this good. Hell, I’ve been patiently waiting for years for George RR Martin to release the next Fire and Ice novel!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 6 years ago
oshaw's "Grief"

This is up there with that one. Protagonists we can root for. Tragedy. Interlopers. Temptation. Falling to the temptation (though your characters clearly fell WAY further than oshaw's).

We don't know where you're taking this, obviously, but you're telling a great story!

'Appreciate the synopsis to refresh the memory.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 6 years ago
Possible outcome?

Obviously this is a case of non-proportionate response. A drunken one-timer where the wife was not aware at the time vs. a weekend thrown in the husband's face spitefully. True, the pregnancy made it hard for Regina to overcome. The weekend was bad enough, but the sketch was proof that it was more than just revenge sex; during that weekend, he WAS replaced by his wife. No argument. She was still confused when she finally spoke to Lee. The only outcome I can think of where they might get back together would be if Jennifer, being single, agrees to give up her baby and Regina agrees to adopt it so they finally both have a child. Of course, the child would be a constant reminder of what happened, but still seems feasible. We'll have to see where Javmor79 takes this. Hopefully, the next chapter won't be too long in coming. Samson

AnonymousAnonymousabout 6 years ago
"Waiting for the other shoe to drop was like Chinese water torture."

Funny. That pretty much sums up your whole story. Its a great plot, with interesting characters, drama, pathos, even some suspense. Well, not a lot of suspense. We all know where this is going, but I won't out you. Because if you do it right it will work and be embraced. I hope you do it right. It will be a testament of your wit and talent.

But you are making the trip unnecessarily painful, like a tour guide who just can't shut up, telling us what we have seen, what we are going to see, what we are seeing right now, what it all means, and what we should think about it. Just let your characters tell their story, the substance of which is WHAT THEY DO. You spend WAY too much time recounting mental dithering, interminable uncertainty, hashing and rehashing the quandries of their fears versus their presumptions versus their desires versus their guilt, remorse, anger, revenge, . . . etcetera, etcetera, fucking etcetera. Those are the paragraphs with all the question marks, where the character is thinking to them self. The result of which is, almost always, pointless. Imagine reading paragraph after paragraph where the character is trying decide what to have for dinner. When all we really want to know is, what did they have for dinner, and maybe why. It looks like you are trying to create copy, without having anything of substance to add to the plot. So despite the rich plot and interesting characters, you are making it boring, even tortuous: drip . . . drip . . . fucking drip.

Even your first visit to the Grand Canyon would be anticlimactic if it took a 36-hour bus ride, with strangers, to get there. You've got a great recipe with great ingredients, but you are over cooking the dish.

Thanks for the effort. Its already way above a 4, but its not too late to ruin the entire work. I hope you don't. I am waiting to rate all chapters based on the totality of the work.

Thank you for your time and effort, and for allowing me to tell you.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 6 years ago

with "Possible Outcome" by Anonymous. With Brian and the Baby mama not likely to partner up with Gina or Lee. The baby could be the glue that brings the wayward couple back together.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 6 years ago
Not on time

This is a really good and complicated story. Very well conceived and written. My main complaint, however, is that it is taking you too long to get the next chapter.

Tiny Tim

AnonymousAnonymousabout 6 years ago
Edward Bulwer-Lytton

would be proud of this turgid overwrought BS,

NorbertrichardNorbertrichardabout 6 years ago
Great Story,BUT

Would be appreciated if you concluded with the aftermath, what ever way you spin it.

PencarrowPencarrowabout 6 years ago

is the change of direction for Gina. Sorry if other commenters have already noted this (I haven't read all the latest comments yet) but when Regina talks to Lee she tells him she isn't sure if she loves Brian or not. This is in keeping with the story so far, where we can see that the weekend away with Brian was a culmination of events, an important one being that she has some feelings for him.

But suddenly the story direction changed. She now makes clear to Brian that she feels nothing for him, and never did. He was just a way to vent her frustrations. This seems a bit contrived to me after the weekend away and her thoughts of him, not to mention her words to Lee. Just sayin'.

Dunny69Dunny69about 6 years ago
Surprised at the poor comments.

I discovered this tale looking through the LW for some BTB or equally satisfying tales but fell into pt 4 then found myself going back to pt 1 as I wanted to know the build up to this enjoyable prequal to the final chapter. I enjoyed this and it got my attention so shoot me you abusive posters. Hurry up and put this to bed I want to know the outcome. I would also like Brian to lose his knackers along the way.

Dunny69Dunny69about 6 years ago

Fk misposted a 1 star when I wanted to give it 4+ Crap system

BuzzCzarBuzzCzarabout 6 years ago
I love flawed characters

Lots of emotion, angst, introspection, avoidance, self-justification, and drama deliciousness. Are there self-epiphanies and healing in the future? Or will there be

"let's leave it alone 'cause we can't see eye to eye

There ain't no good guy, there ain't no bad guy

There's only you and me and we just disagree" (Jim Krueger's words, Dave Mason singing) ?, 5* from me.

sbrooks103xsbrooks103xabout 6 years ago
@Anonymous Re: "oshaw's "Grief""

I'm sorry, this story is a dime novel compared to "Grief." There's simply no comparison.

MaxiMilfMaxiMilfabout 6 years ago

First, the story continues to be great and you are an excellent writer. All 5 *s in my book. Nevertheless, I feel compelled to comment on how I think the story should unfold.

Now, for all you commenters out there who will say that it's Javmor's story. Let him write it as he sees fit. You are absolutely correct. And Javmor...I encourage you to do so. So, why am I giving you my two-cents? Because for those of us who have written stories, it's just kind of fun. We don't mean to be hyper-critical. We just like to express how we would develop the plot and the characters, and then see how the author actually does it. Lighten up folks.

So, here's how I envision the outcome of the story in my imagination:

1. The baby is not Lee's. How this is revealed could be through DNA testing, or if the baby is born with obvious racial features that would make it impossible to be Lee's. But Lee does not walk away from the baby...Because I see Lee as the ultimate good guy, he sticks around for a while to ensure that Jennifer and the baby get settled, and then he moves on.

2. As for Brian...that poor excuse for a man; that wife-stealing scumbag of the highest degree; that fucking pathetic excuse for a man...I actually see a degree of redemption. Brian realizes that Regina really does love Lee. And even if she walks away from Lee at the end, he and Regina won't be happy, and he knows this. Brian walks away from Regina. How about having him go to see Lee at risk to his health, and try to convince Lee he needs to reconcile with Regina? That would be one hell of a confrontation, but Brian won't have the balls to do it. Having said that, Brian moves on with his life, goes to another hospital in another city and gets therapy for his serial destruction of marriages. He is on his way to salvation, unless....Wilma shows up out of the blue (remember her, Javmor readers?) and blows Brian's brains out while hiding in his car in the hospital parking lot after Brian pulls a late shift.

3. That leaves us with Regina and Lee...both really good people in love with each other but very damaged by life's events and the death of Cassandra. Many of your readers have developed a fondness for them, and many are really rooting for them. I'll be crushed if they don't reconcile...But do what you have to do...Again...It's your story. One of them has to take the high road. One of them forces a calls won't cut it. They both need to acknowledge their love for one another. Lee shows up at the hospital or Regina shows up at Daryl's house. Neither can escape the confrontation that will ensue. It gets ugly at first and they both let all their pain go in a raging torrent. That's the outlet they need. Then they decide they need each other and counseling is their next step. Perhaps Trudy somehow holds an intervention to get them together. Let's all get over our male/female posturing about how what each did is worse. That ship has sailed. If they are going to reconcile, they'll have to get over that and past that issue in counseling anyway. So, gals, put your N.O.W. hats away for the time being, and guys, go light on the ego. Whoever did the worst, it's a fucked up situation. Let's move on. That issue can be discussed while Gina and Lee are confronting one another, because in order for them to get to a place where they move on, they need to get past this issue as well.

There...I said it...Ain't that fun! all you negative commenters...You can trash me for expressing my opinion. And I'm sure you will.

Oh...and by the way...One of the marks of a good writer is all the commentary you're generating on all 4 parts of this story. Good, bad, or indifferent...You lit up the pages of Literotica for sure. Hell, I'm enjoying the commentary almost as much as the story.

Great fun, great story. Bravo! You go Javmor. Take as much time as you want. We're not going anywhere. It's your story. Go for it! If Lee is not destined to reconcile with Gina, if Brian turns into a saint and marries Gina, if Jennifer and Lee fall in will be a good story anyway. Your call.

likeboblikebobabout 6 years ago

IMHO this story would have been better if it had ended at chapter 3. The husband leaving was the perfect ending for a self centered, vengeful shrew of a wife.

GrimmerGrimmerabout 6 years ago

Good chapter but not a mind grabber. Good reading through.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 6 years ago
my advice to authors

Free at that.

If you decide you write a ''series'' story and post as each chapter is completed. Resist temptation to readd comments. Stay away from them until all chapters have been submitted.

Their influence can create a block and can even ruin your story.

Impo_64Impo_64about 6 years ago
This story is full of emotions...

This story is full of emotions and intense...Everyone is guilty and everyone is a victim...The only one innocent is the child...How will this end? Everyone has his/her opinion, but we also know how @javmor79 works to trust his ending...4*

Redo1984Redo1984about 6 years ago
Or maybe

Regina injects some weird shit into Brian's dick at work causing it to shrivel like a raisin and devlope pustules that Dr. Pimple Popper does many videos on.

Lee changes his last name to Majors and writes a book called “How I forgave my wife!” He makes tons of money, hugs Oprah, pinches Kelly Ripa’s ass and gets a movie deal. Meets Alexandra Anna Daddario on the set (playing his wife)and the rest is history. 🤘

MaxiMilfMaxiMilfabout 6 years ago
Hey Redo...I love it!

I really do. All good fun. A change of pace from the usual nasty comments in the LW category.

javmor79javmor79about 6 years agoAuthor

Your ending us better than any wimpy, cuckolding, psychobabble bullshit that I'd probably come up with!

I'm on it.

Redo1984Redo1984about 6 years ago
Your pretty cool Maximilf!

I didn’t want it to get weird between us, seeing how we just met.

SystemShockSystemShockabout 6 years ago
Regarding the comment "Not an accurate recounting of the story's history"

This Anon is dead on the money, casting a much harsher and more objective light on what has happened than the author himself seems to be willing to.

Yes, everyone has their share of blame for this disaster, but anyone who claims that blame is shared equally, or that Lee deserves most of it, is just plain wrong.

Let's tally things up, yeah? Put all the "sins", for Lee and Regina at least, in one place and see just how they stack up.

First up, Lee:

Strike 1: Flirting with a woman who was clearly into him in a manner that made her believe he was making himself available. Flirting is harmless as long as the intent behind it is harmless. In my experience, it's people who are "off the market" who flirt the most, I think because they feel safe in doing so because they have that barrier of a significant other that, in theory, shuts down any notion that they're serious with their suggestive remarks and whatnot. But with Lee, perhaps only subconsciously at first, the intent wasn't so harmless. On some level he *wanted* something to happen with Jennifer from the start, and he needs to own that.

Strike 2: Allowing his friendship with Jennifer to escalate into something more, if only just for one night. No one put a gun to his head and made him fuck her. Whether he was just weak due to the circumstances, or he saw an opportunity for something he wasn't getting at home, he had every opportunity to stop it before it went too far, but he didn't. Self-control is one of the things that separates humans from the rest of the animal kingdom, and I personally have a hard time sympathizing with people who can't or won't use it, fiction or otherwise.

Strike 3: Not taking precautions to make sure things like a pregnant woman showing up on his doorstep didn't happen. That one's on both of them, but we're only counting for Lee right now.

Strike 4: Trying to sweep it under the rug and hoping it would stay there if he ignored it. This latest chapter revealed that Lee gave this some real thought, even if it was mostly typical cheater damage control mentality. But in all that mental debating and deciding, he didn't consider THE worst case scenario? That level of stupidity almost deserves two strikes.

Strike 5: Being a sanctimonious prick after all was said and done. Even if his emotional outrage was justified, he should've known that kind of behavior would only make things worse because Regina would likely respond in-kind. Even if Regina couldn't/wouldn't manage a calm, reasonable discussion, that wasn't needed anyway. If she won't listen to a speech, then sit her down and lay down the new law. "It's done, we're even. You jumped into the muck right alongside me and now we're both covered in it. No moral high ground, no recriminations, no holding it over each other's heads. We put it behind us and move on." Then just walk away and leave her to make things worse if that's what she wants to do.

I'm not counting Lee's treatment of Jennifer against him here, since that has little to do with the marriage itself.

So that's 5 strikes for Lee. Not so good. But let's see how bad Regina fucked up in comparison.

Strike 1: Never taking into account that she wasn't the only one who lost a child. She admits it here; she was selfish and so absorbed in her own pain and self-pity that she didn't have time for anyone else's. While she had a loving, patient husband to support her through it all, even if she barely acknowledged it, the person who was supposed to support Lee shut him out and forced him to tend to her while he suffered alone. I am in no way excusing Lee's actions, but she's the one who gave him an excuse to hide behind in the first place.

Strike 2: Refusing to talk things out or seek any kind of help, professional or otherwise. Communication is a cornerstone of any healthy relationship, and Lee can at least say he made the effort. Again, not excusing Lee, but fighting for your marriage is a hell of a lot harder when the dragon you have to defeat is your own spouse.

Strike 3: Bottling everything up after Jennifer's big reveal. While it's hard to say what a "reasonable" response to that would've been, it's abundantly clear hers was totally unreasonable. Because she couldn't handle things like an adult, she kept it inside and let her anger, depression and resentment fester until something finally gave.

Strike 4: Going above and beyond mere tit-for-tat. If she wanted to even things up, the "proper" thing to do would've been to dress like a slut, get picked up at a bar and go to a motel for a one night stand and leave it at that. It could be argued that it would've been just as premeditated as Lee's dalliance, but still just a one-off to even the score. But no, she "needed" an entire weekend getaway. By all rights I should be adding a strike for every individual time she fucked Brian, but I can't be bothered to go back and see if that information was ever given.

Strike 5: Lying about where she was going, then going completely radio-silent. She admits it was because she was both angry and trying to escape what her life had become, but in the end it all boils down to the selfishness that seems to be part of her nature. She let Lee sit back home and stew and worry and rage because she refused to confront any of her and their actual problems.

Strike 6: Rubbing Lee's face in it. It wasn't enough for her to just do it; she had to lay that humiliation on top of it. Her being humiliated by a pregnant Jennifer showing up on the doorstep doesn't excuse that.

Strike 7: Picking a coworker to have her fling with. Though Jennifer was a friend, Lee cut his ties with her and made an effort to stay away from her. But with Brian, Regina sees him multiple times a day, every day, and she already counted him as a friend so he was a person she would willingly seek out for companionship. And someone she talked about constantly, if Lee in the first chapter is to be believed. Even if the intent was for it to be a one-off(which objectively ceased to be the case the second time he stuck his dick in her), she would still have to see him every day and there was no way she could expect things to just go back to normal. Plus, how could she ever expect Lee not to be suspicious after the fact? Hospitals are already notorious hotbeds for adultery, which a big part of the reason doctors and nurses have some of the highest divorce rates of any profession. But now she's going to work every day with a person Lee knows for a fact she banged maybe dozens of times. Not only that, but if she knows Brian fucked all those nurses, then they probably know he fucked her shortly after their return. And if any of them know her husband, there goes their respect for both her and him. And then there's the sheer awkwardness and tension if Lee comes to the hospital and runs into Brian. There were none of those risks involved with Lee and Jennifer.

Strike 8: Intimacy that went far beyond simple fucking. For all that Regina says Brian was "supposed" to just fuck her brains out and move on to the next conquest, SHE'S the one who made things intimate and relationship-y by taking him on a fuckation where they did much more than just fuck. They more or less dated for that weekend, and that was HER doing. And she loved it, as evidenced by her radiant happiness in that drawing. Speaking of which...

Strike 9: Having that drawing done. There's no way in hell it was mere coincidence that the drawing was a point-for-point recreation of the photo she took with Lee. That was done on purpose, and I can see no other reason for that than to have one more thing to humiliate her husband with when she got home. Which brings me to...

Strike 10: Bringing home a souvenir from her time with Brian. If she cared even a lick about Lee's feelings at any point before she came back, she would've burned that picture, or maybe given it to Brian under the condition that he *never* bring it to work or otherwise show it of, lest he be hunted down and neutered. But no, she folded it up and stuck it in her luggage. Whether she meant to show it to Lee to really stick it to him, or she kept it for personal reasons, it was a shitty thing to do on top of all the other shitty things she'd done.

Strike 11: Allowing feelings to develop for Brian that she can't discount as not being love. Even if she wants nothing to do with him by the end of this chapter, she couldn't honestly tell Lee that, and good luck convincing him of it after all that's happened. Were this real life, I'd expect Lee to hear through the grapevine that Regina was seen screaming at Brian to fuck her in his car, because hospitals are fucking gossip factories where the stories are usually exaggerated, but just true enough to cause trouble.

Strike 12: Flying off the handle when confronted with what she did. She mocked Lee for still wanting to talk things out, and saw fit to keep running from her problems and burying her head in the sand. Because apparently in her world, the only feelings that matter are her own.

There are likely more on both sides, but these are the ones I noticed. Final score: 5 - 12, Regina...wins? For all of Lee's flaws as a person and a husband, Regina still more than doubled his tally, and it looks like she may not be done screwing the pooch just yet. But either way, there you have it. Mathematical confirmation that Regina shoulders the majority of the blame here. While it's true that Lee's actions truly kickstarted the events of the story, it's more than reasonable to say that none of this would've happened if Regina wasn't such a selfish person.

So for those people to call Lee the devil of this story and claim he doesn't deserve Regina, Jennifer or baby Malcolm(which hasn't actually been confirmed to be Lee's, as far as I can tell), I ask you: after reading this, who *really* doesn't deserve who here? Because all of Lee's flaws seem to be tied to his cheating; before that there's nothing suggesting that he wasn't a great husband and good person. But Regina was a problem long before she ever spread her legs for another man.

Personally, if I were Lee I would base any efforts of reconciliation or permanent separation on the answer to one question: Why would I want to go back?

Though, for me, it would be more along the lines of, "Why would I want to go back to a biological dead-end who takes and takes and takes, but doesn't give anything in return?"

But that's just me.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 6 years ago
I love a story...

... with complex characters and situations. Thanks for providing both in a great read. I look forward to the next installment.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 6 years ago
Good story...

Wish it ended with a different result. If you want to continue it I would love to see where it goes.

aptonthe503aptonthe503about 6 years ago
Fun Series So Far

I don't often dwell on the comments but I thought SystemShock's tally was fairly accurate. Perhaps not all inclusive, but non the less, I think it captures the essence of who owns the majority of fault.

However I do not see any "Priceless" moments among the quartet.

To SJ, while GRRM may not be publishing a new Fire and Ice, he is publishing a Fire and Blood novel this year! Will that satisfy your GRRM fix??

AnonymousAnonymousabout 6 years ago
One more chapter?

Hopefully we will see another chapter. Enjoyed the story.

Harryin VAHarryin VAabout 6 years ago
Dead baby at nauseam again?

The wife's extreme reaction to the dead baby is a common theme in the LW stories and invariably always means one thing and one thing only. It's time to fuck over the husband

In essence these stories are anti male.... Because every one of these stories and I mean every one of them no character... no husband relative of the wife... nobody says to the wife that the husband is suffering to and why aren't you giving him a chance to grieve?

Premise of these kind of LW story is that in every one of these types of lost baby stories ... the wife Agony and suffering is so extreme and so severe that her actions her words het Deeds aren't really her. That whatever she's done it should be viewed in a certain light.

Once you accept that ....the reconciliation is just a matter of time. Because the Grievous cruel mean actions of the wife in these stories are so over-the-top that there is simply no one in the story who ever discusses the suffering of the husband or father.

Happy wife. Happy life.

Unhappy husband...who gives a shit?

mordbrandmordbrandabout 6 years ago
Systemshock nailed it

Both are reprehensible for their actions, but Regina took it to a whole new level. I am still reading these in the slim hope that hubby calls it over and moves on with someone less vindictive but, as per the others, holding off on voting until I see if you RAAC this.

silentsoundsilentsoundabout 6 years ago

Nice breakdown and scoring. You are somewhat more patient and methodical than I but don't disagree with your breakdown.

I do believe Regina has displayed signs of mental/emotional malfunctions along with her selfishness and stupidity however.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 6 years ago
Excellent 5*

You always write so well and express emotion superbly unlike many on this site. In your stories love and loss out trumps lust even though that is an important ingredient.

sbrooks103xsbrooks103xabout 6 years ago

While I MIGHT agree that Lee kick-started the situation, it can be said that Regina BUILT the motorcycle!

I don't blame her for being so consumed by her own grief that she didn't reach out to Lee, but I DO blame her for pushing him away when he tried to share her grief, and for discounting his.

sbrooks103xsbrooks103xabout 6 years ago
I keep coming back to this-

When Lee asks Regina if she's in love with Brian, she says, "I...I don't know."

When she couldn't say, "No, Lee, I love only you," the marriage is dead. Jav may come up with a reconciliation, but it's going to be hard to convince me!

etchiboyetchiboyabout 6 years ago
Regina’s methodically planned weekend getaway...

... as revenge for a real, or perceived, infidelity is a commonly used device here on Literotica. BUT what’s been done with it here is, in many ways, so much better than any other story I’ve read yet. It is fit into a very realistic seeming life story. Most of the others are straight up BTB fantasies (not that I have anything against BTBs; usually my favorite LW specific genera), with the bitch being burned by exposure of her misdeeds to friends and relatives, or her loving it and becoming a runaway hotwife.

Great work so far. Can’t wait for next installment. And javmor, next time “life” gets in the way of your “hobby” maybe you can put life on hold. 😆 Just joking.... no seriously.... no really joking... I’m being seri..... (a la Chevy Chase)

MusicGuy4FunMusicGuy4Funabout 6 years ago
Good development

Regina and Lee’s self-realizement and resolution are making the plot and characters move forward. Now I’m wondering what happens next.

I dislike characters that create a hurt intentionally.

People that grow up and fix problems are admirable to me.

billtheduckbilltheduckabout 6 years ago
very good story until....

the end. Do lee and Gina overcome the traumatic loss of their baby and find a life together or are the pain and bitterness and self destructive dysfunction too great to bear? We'll never know because Lee, suddenly and unaccoutability, becomes fixated on his 1night stand's fetus image. The End.

I have the impression javmor deliberstely drove this Porsche Carrera of a story into a wall because he got tired of driving. A shame to do that to such a nice ride.

javmor79javmor79about 6 years agoAuthor
To the people wondering

This isn't the end. There is more.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 6 years ago
Amazing - and very realistic - Storyline

Having lived many of the pieces of this story in my own life, I have been touched by the realistic way that the author has captured the roller coaster of conflicts, emotions, and often-inexplicable thoughts and deeds that result when otherwise honorable people experience real-life issues like this. I am happy to say that, despite our ups and downs, my wife is the love of my life and I have been so impressed by her dedication to “fighting her way back” to “us.” While I wouldn’t constrain the author’s liberty to end the story as he wishes, I certainly hope that he finds a way to bring us to a conclusion that preserves and enobles - akin to the morality tales of yesteryear.

CaOldDogCaOldDogabout 6 years ago

Thanks for the update that this story is not finished yet. I for one thought that there were too many unanswered questions and too much room for Regina to come to the total realization of her emotional breakdown after the miscarriage and how if took it's toll on her husband. A reconciliation in this story could be crafted unless Regina goes back to Brian then, I can't see a way back for her marriage to Lee. Very good story.

Drbeamer3333Drbeamer3333about 6 years ago
Loving it

Absolutely brilliant. I think this is your best developed piece so far. Emotional authenticity, engaging storyline, and you’ve done an exceptional job with details. Even though the details provided were subtle, the imagery was vivid.

etchiboyetchiboyabout 6 years ago
Pencarrow - A small response.

Your last insight was, “... the story direction changed. She now makes clear to Brian that she feels nothing for him, and never did. He was just a way to vent her frustrations. This seems a bit contrived to me after the weekend away and her thoughts of him, not to mention her words to Lee.”

I disagree. What she says to Brian may or may not be what she truely feels. I think she is conflicted. Brian was a very good “work friend” that helped her emotionally. The sex was fantastic (good sex can create emotional bonds). To her he is kind, loving, supportive friend, that is now more than a friend (and not the man-whoring SOB, though she knows about it. She is just exposed to the good side). She definitely can “feel” she is falling in love (God I love that feeling.I truely love it). It is certainly not full blown love yet, but it is the beginning. So when Lee asks her if she loves Brian, since she is being truthful, she can’t say no, nor can she really say yes. She hesitates. Lee takes it to be a full blown love affair (as I would in that situation).

But it’s not all black and white here. Because she loves Lee far more than the beginning feelings for Brian. She feels she is loosing Lee, and it was on her mind when Brian propositioned her again. She attacks Brian. She attacks Brian because he is the cause of her cheating, yet in another compartment in her mind she also has romantic feelings for him. People do it all the time. I fight with my wife. In the worst of them I said some very mean personal barbs (Thank god it has only been 3 or 4 in the last 25 years). I’m really pissed at her. In fact there is a VERY little compartment in my brain that says I hate her (when the fighting is this bad), but just during the fighting. Afterwards I feel bad and guilty because I love her, and hate that I hurt her. Can most people not say the same? Hate and love, mixed together, with different degrees of both. And the degree of either is also variable with what’s going on in your mind at that time. It’s incredibly complicated. But it is human life IMHO.

‘Nuff said.

luedonluedonabout 6 years ago
"It’s incredibly complicated."

Indeed it is, Etchiboy. That's what makes it fun.

How boring would life be if it was all laid out and easily understood?


etchiboyetchiboyabout 6 years ago
Regina’s vs. Lee’s suffering over baby loss -- PTSD???

To people who are saying that Lee suffered too, I agree. But it is not equal in my mind. I equate the pain of each like PTSD; in fact it is PTSD. We all know it’s real. Many things that Regina does Points to that.

We know PTSD sufferers from the Vietnam often bottled up the pain inside. Tried to contain it. Regina does exactly that. It says so in the story.

How many vets, if they are even going to, could only talk to another vet, or a natural or trained “listener” like a therapist, about what happened. Not to their wives, parents, siblings or best friends. The therapist didn’t share the same experience, but are trained to draw out the stories, so are able to be spoken to. And there are just some people who naturally seem to get people to talk, like Bemder the bartender at Moe’s Bar and Grill. How many vets back then.. heck, even now... refuse help. I contend Regina could not talk to anybody. She was just too hurt. Not even Lee. And refused any help, irregardless of if she worked at a hospital., which some commenter pointed out. Should she have been forced to therapy? Probably. Would she fight it tooth and nail, at first? Probably. “You can lead a horse...” In the end would it have helped her? Probably. At some point “the horse WILL get thirsty”. But she didn’t want therapy. In fact, somehow I think she subconsciously wanted the pain. Perhaps to punish herself for being a “bad mother”. That’s not unheard of.

Did Lee suffer PTSD. Of course. A tremendous amount. But not quite like Regina. Vets who have been in combat usually have more mental trauma than the vets who were“behind the wire”, like my dad (behind the wire). Regina lost the being that resided within her body for 6-months. Simultaneously, she became barren. BOOM-boom. There was one degree of separation between Lee and Regina.

The closest analogy I can get for Lee is the “behind the wire” scenario, but it’s more than that. Hmmm... maybe a medic or emebdded reporter? Someone there with the troops, suffering ALMOST as much, but didn’t do the actual fighting. They , probably, never killed anyone, never walked point, never crawled into “The Tunnels”.. They were there for... 95% of the “suffering”. But that 5% can mean everything to the person who rgot it 100%. The 95% know what it’s “like”. The 100%-ers KNOW IT. (Yes, I know, many medics were actually in combat, in the sense that someone was actively trying to kill him. A friend of a friend of a friend had an Uncle (or grand uncle) who got, I think, the Medal of Valore as a medic in WWII. But I’m searching for an analogy here. Perhaps embedded reporter might be best.). And again, some PTSD sufferers won’t talk about it - with anyone. Stoic John Waynes. Hmmm... perhaps a new term to coin: The John Wayne Syndrome.

OK... to Lee. How many wives or children of PTSD sufferers themselves suffered from their father’s/spouse’’s PTSD. Many many.. To some degree maybe most. Call it second-hand PTSD. He was a 95%-er, plus he got second-hand PTSD afterwards. Boom-bang??? Yes, he suffered, and is suffering. But it’s not equal.

Also, there is just the fact that, whether it be nature or nurture, some people handle stress really well, it just rolls off their backs. And some people have a breakdown when they get a flat tire. And anywhere in between. We have to consider that; where Regina falls on the “Breakdown” Scale (hey, another term to coin, as well as Secondhand PTSD !!!).

Ok, I think that’s enough. But you get me meaning, I’m sure. Now, do you agree??? I’ll wait for responses..

Sorry about the messy writing. It’s pretty much stream,of consciousness, with a little go back for typos only.

26thNC26thNCabout 6 years ago

Such a multi layered story. So much pain, so much emotion, building to an unknown climax. Each chapter is more painful to read than the previous one, but you can't wait for the next one. This series will be remembered for a while.

sbrooks103xsbrooks103xabout 6 years ago

Re: PTSD - "How many vets, if they are even going to, could only talk to another vet" - Well, isn't that what Lee is, "another vet," that TRIED to talk to her, but she refused, CHOOSING to bottle it up inside, then got mad when he looked elsewhere for help with his own PTSD.

Few are saying that Lee's was equal, but Regina's reaction to what he did to deal with both his own PTSD and Regina's refusal to join with him in dealing with each other's PTSD was excessive, and that's why I believe that most of us put more of the blame onto her.

bruce22bruce22about 6 years ago

With a light at the end of the tunnel, perhaps..... I hope that he does better on his new vow than he did on his wedding vow. Still I wonder how I would feel if after losing the first baby we had not had two very healthy children.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 6 years ago
As usual, very well written

There's absolutely no doubt that you can express yourself via the written word. But in this story you gave us broken people. People that seem to have no idea about how to fix what is broken. You convey the depth of their despair clearly. The problem? It's just plain depressing. There's enough bad things happening in the world that I really don't want to read another story about how stupid humanity can be. No matter how well written it is. There's no happy ending here. Lee is about to live the nightmare of getting a woman other than his wife pregnant. Nobody is going to win. No one is going to get "even". No one is going to live happily ever after. This was just plain boring. Please write something else. I enjoy your writing most of the time. Not so much in this story.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 6 years ago
not my cup of tea BUT .....

Quality work and most definitely worthy of a wider audience

THX for writing & sharing

AnonymousAnonymousabout 6 years ago
I'm sorry

Maybe I'm stupid. It wouldn't be the first time, but what happened with Lee and Regina? Are they going to divorce or try to make it work?

sbrooks103xsbrooks103xabout 6 years ago
@Anonymous Re: "I'm sorry"

javmore has said that there is more to come.

elling50elling50about 6 years ago

Good and intriguing story with emphasis on consequences and emotions more than the sex itself. Very good.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 6 years ago

Thanks. Don't make jokes about german people. lol

crazycujocrazycujoabout 6 years ago
thanks javmor79

many thanks for letting us know there will be some more chapters or chapter! i hope you do something about brian though! thanks......

betrayedbylovebetrayedbyloveabout 6 years ago
You Know

This was a decent chapter. Regina is lost and Lee has found a new love. His unborn son. I don't see them getting back together but how the author takes it from here is anyone's guess. Continue the great work.

johnadpjohnadpabout 6 years ago
You Build Tension Well

I have to say the last chapter with Brian pursuing Gina there was a great deal of tension built if Brian was going to succeed and keep this couple away from one another. I'm rooting for Gina and Lee. Tragedy (Cassie's death) took them off track and they both truly hurt one another, but ultimately they seems to be a lot there. This chapter the tension from Brian's side is relieved, but the tension now is Lee moving on with thinking about the new baby.

The obvious solution to this story is Gina and Lee move on together with them adopting Malcolm. I mean, of course, have to work in a reason why Jennifer wouldn't want to be a single mother and prefer to be the "aunt" instead.

Often the couples are tarnished after shit happens where you figure moving on seperately is better for both of them. In this case some time away, hopefully, will heal both individual and collective wounds.

johnadpjohnadpabout 6 years ago
This Story Is True Test If You're A Misogynist

Same story, but change a few facts. Lee's business is suffering so he is at work long hours and aloof from his wife. When he is at home he is depressed and distant and not including Regina in his turmoil. She asks him to seek counseling and spend more time with her and talk to her and he refuses. So Regina accepts the flirtation of a handsome man at the gym and she flirts back and they have coffee together a few times, with more flirting (and she doesn't let him know the whole time that she is married) and eventually they screw. She gets pregnant.

How many of the asshole commenters that have been calling Regina names in this story, if the facts were as I presented above, say there is no excuse for her cheating and that Lee's response of a weekend away with a lover while he pushes it in her face was totally warranted. In fact, they would add that more should be done and he should leave the bitch and really scortch the earth below her feet and beat-up her lover.

They are pathetic little snivelling empty people hurt by some woman in their pathetic little, unexamined lives, and they cannot have any empathy for any woman. Women for them are either saints or demonic whores. Pathetic wounded losers!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 6 years ago
Johnadp test

Your test might be fair if in your hypothetical they lost a child due to accident or sickness and the husband escaped through work and developed a relationship with the office party girl and ignored his wife. Lee wore his wedding band so no one would think he was single. So if he found out that his wife had an affair I would think that he was more wrong if he went off with his work girlfriend for a weekend of sex and came back with no apology for his actions. Pretty obvious.

reasonable man

dyonysosdyonysosabout 6 years ago
Good story,well written but .........

Allso very sad,many couples who loose a child face the same problem i think and try to overcome the loss each in theyr own maner,some find it in alcohol or drugs,others use sex not only in cheating but just as a way to feel something else then profound sadness,of course the right way is to find consolation in theyr own relationship but there are allso many couples that divorce not able to look at the partners devastation

AnonymousAnonymousabout 6 years ago
Good story but the bitch deserves to be die a slow death.

Nuff said.

user110user110about 6 years ago
just wait til the baby is born

and it looks like a baby dennis rodman. lucy got some 'splainin' to do!

etchiboyetchiboyabout 6 years ago
User 110

Was thinking the same thing. That's the ultimate LW twist. But since (independently thought of) if it happens it will be both good and bad. Good in the sense Ah-HA! I was right! Bad in the sense I'm not surprised, as I have been for much of this story.

Hey, look. The same incident can be both Good and Bad. Parable to story?

As straight forward as this story has been, it's also been surprising. I keep expecting, at some point, things will turn around, and at least some silver lining will appear. Perhaps tarnished silver, and maybe plated, but silver none the less. And what keeps giving me a surprise is that, so far, it just gets worse and worse. "OK, this next paragraph is where things turn the corner. It must be. How can it get worse?" "Oh crap, it got worse. Shit, and I didn't see THAT one coming." "Ok, so that was that. But in this NEXT paragraph...."

Reminds me of when I had to read Madame Bovary. I was depressed for the next 2 weeks. EVERTHING shit upon this family.

timrivtimrivabout 6 years ago

CRAP, another unfinished story. I just wish authors would put a disclaimer at the start of the story saying that “this story has no ending”. Then I and others could just skip it rather than waste hours of our lives.

MaxiMilfMaxiMilfabout 6 years ago

Etchiboy...You are correct the STORY is full of surprises. As I patiently wait for Javmor to finish his STORY, I consider a few different ways how this could play out. In the meantime, I think I understand Gina a bit more.

I think on a subliminal level, Gina ties Lee up in her pain with Cassie's death. No doubt she loves Lee. She wants him back, but pushes him away at the same time, thinking that if they do get back together, she will feel more pain over Cassie. It's only wen she is away from Lee that she can forget Cassie.

That explains the obvious issue with Gina telling Brian first at the hotel that she loves Lee, and then again at their last meeting in the parking lot when she says she can't live without Lee. That doesn't jive with Gina telling Lee on the phone that she's not sure if she loves Brian. She keeps pushing Lee away, but she still wants him back.

The only hope for Gina is professional help. If she can come to terms with Cassie, then she can go back to Lee. But will Lee take her back at this point? Lots of possibilities here. Let's see what the author does.

And as for Brian, despite his apparent rehabilitation as a wife stealer, I'd still like to see him hung by his balls upside down.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 6 years ago
Please Finish

This is far too good a story to leave as it is. I'm not saying there needs to be a clear and definite ending, with all the loose ends neatly tied, but leaving everything up in the air is totally unsatisfactory. I feel cheated. Like I've wasted my time.


AnonymousAnonymousabout 6 years ago
Pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeeee Finish

JAV comon you have to complete this !!!

johnadpjohnadpabout 6 years ago
@Reasonable Man 5/7/18

Lee wore his wedding ring, but he still flirted with her, then went to several lunches/coffees with her, then had unprotected sex, and got the other girl pregnant. So you're saying in my scenario the wife had worn her wedding her then you couldn't blame her?

AnonymousAnonymousabout 6 years ago
@johnadp test

No spouse would be justified in cheating on another who was working to keep his/her business afloat. In your hypothetical, the cheated spouse would be more wrong if he)she decided to take revenge by fucking a co-worker for a weekend. Misogyny has nothing to do with most of the comments. Regina"s actions were disproportionate. She has shown Lee no affection in any of the four chapters. I am not calling her name's, her actions speak for themselves.

reasonable man

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 6 years ago
We need closure

I hope you make her and her boyfriend pay. We need closure

WhoGivesAShitWhoGivesAShitalmost 6 years ago
Now you’ve done it

Suddenly there are more plot paths this story could follow. Malcolm could end up being how Lee and Gina reconcile - the child for the barren wife. Maybe Jennifer survives, maybe not, but there are plausible paths in either case. After knocking up Jennifer, he really owed Gina the chance to talk, to apologize for how she shut him out. As long as the DNA matches, Lee can’t realistically be denied visitation any more than he could avoid child support payments. Lee just needs to decide whether either woman should remain in his life.

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I enjoy my job as much as anyone else, but I LOVE writing. It's a fun escape. Real life leaves me precious little time to fully enjoy my hobby. I apologize to people who have to wait weeks between chapters of my stories. I enjoy reading erotic stories, but find that when I ...