All Comments on 'The Weekend Pt. 06'

by javmor79

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Harryin VAHarryin VAover 5 years ago
Very soap opera like

sometimes is not a bad thing. For what it's worth I've thought that the opening between Naomi and her brother and the analysis's of why the brother does what he does is actually the best part of the whole story

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
I would have just divorced him in Chapter 1

I mean he cheats and gets another woman pregnant? After all the pain of her miscarriages? Forget any revenge sex, she just needed to get a divorce. That's not the type of man you want as a husband.

It is good that he changed in prison and I suppose that combined with the love they have for each other poses well for their future, but I personally could not forgive that type of betrayal.

PowersworderPowersworderover 5 years ago

While it was nice to see that asshole Brian suffering, the ending felt oddly unsatisfying.

Regina was angry about her infertility and taking it out on Lee even before he cheated with Jen. Then she went off on her fuckfest with Brian to really stick it to Lee and get her revenge. Doing that kind of thing is fine if you have no intention of being with your spouse again, but why the hell would you do that and try to stay together?

Lee divorcing Regina was totally the right move. She was a bitter, barren, vindictive bitch, and they had far too much bad history between them to waste time trying to start over again. What I don't get is why Jennifer continued being horrible to him? Yeah, Lee turned his back on her when she pitched-up pregnant, but he was a married guy... it's understandable that it came as a hell of a shock.

A better ending would have been Lee dating Jennifer after divorcing his wife. They had a good connection to start with and Lee supported Jen and Malcolm for years, trying to make up for the past. Jen actually says she was hopeful they could start dating when he got divorced... so why did she continue to behave like a cunt and drive him back to Regina? Just to have a RAAC?

All the cancer stuff with the kid seemed to just be a way of shoving Lee and Regina back together again without them ever addressing any of their problems.

sbrooks103xsbrooks103xover 5 years ago

I can't even remember if I read Ch 5, and it's only been a month!

To read this, I'll have to re-read 10 pages for Chs 1-4, then the 10 pages of these two chapters. Maybe I will, god knows most of Lit is a desert lately.

Look, I understand about life getting in the way. But these two, really three, chapters obviously weren't even drafts when chapter 1 was posted, ergo, chapter one shouldn't have been posted!

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
Thanks for sharing...

I found your story to be very insightful.

In retrospect think the wife betrayed herself more than anybody else.

However I did find it interesting that some people can condone malicious intent with the sole purpose of humiliation, then, in the same sentence, condemn justifiable violence? Clearly little understanding in concept of true commitment.

Thanks again for a grate story.

swingerjoeswingerjoeover 5 years ago

You, sir, know how to craft a tale. Each one of these characters is a fully-fleshed, relatable, flawed, realistic, and empathetic human being. I was completely hooked through all six pages. Well done.

My only complaint is that you left Brian’s story hanging, but I suspect we’ll hear from him again. After reading your last chapter, I was disappointed with the direction you seemed to take with his character, but you flipped the script and accomplished the seemingly-impossible task of turning him into a sympathetic character. Again: well done.

(Now, next time you write a story, for the love of God please write the ENTIRE story before posting the first chapter!)

Dc5655Dc5655over 5 years ago
You can’t end it now

Lee and Gina second act to their drama should unfold. 🙏🏿

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
Javmor's usual crap

Weird maudlin characters doing dumb shit on the Young and the Restless. The usual dick sucking from Swingerjoe, and the predictable crap story that Javmor takes a year to write. No thanks. Two stars, and that's generous.

gordo12gordo12over 5 years ago
As always a great story

The care and thought you put into your stories shows through. 5*

Xzy89c1Xzy89c1over 5 years ago
Agent orange?

Used in late 60s in vietnam. That would make Brian at best, in his mid 60's. Was there a timeline shift I missed?

rnebularrnebularover 5 years ago
Great finale

I agree there could be more to this saga, but this is a good place to put a bookmark in it. As for the comment by powersworder, they aired out all the dirt in their letters to each other. Overall the series was great, and as one writer to another, I understand how chapter stories can kind of get away from you. Pace is hard to maintain when life deals you a crap set of cards every so often. Keep writing and we'll keep reading. Thanks for sharing!


AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago

Glad to see the end. That's a damn shame because this was a very well written story😮😬😥🙂.

It's the time! So much tlmeeee. My memory fails me. The emotions fade away.

So when I first read "Longhorn07" I was disturbed by his, 12 page or more, stories. I thought 'What's with this guy. Can't he break it up?'. Now I hit myself 🤪. He had a purpose! Smart fellow 🏆.

Thanks very much javmor79. That was very entertaining. Lee and Regina are now in their mid-thirtys or so. The additional, hard - earned, wisdom will help them a great deal, lol. So the ending makes sense to me.

Maybe a change in your method of writing a story would help us readers with your multiple chapter posts.

I look forward to seeing your next story javmor79 😁.


SanzegoSanzegoover 5 years ago

I first became aware of your work when I read Imbalance. Then, you won me over completely with Man in The Mirror. Because I read Man in The Mirror in real time, I learned that you didn't always adhere to a strict schedule "but" that you tried to get the next chapters out when you could. I'm not going to beat you up over making us wait..., "FOREVER", sorry, for the remaining chapters, Instead I just wanted to say, good job and that I understand that life happens.

That being said, I was really please with the direction this last chapter took. Previous chapters were filled with a lot of she did, he ran, she chased and repeat. Story progression and building of characters, I get it. This last chapter moved "all" of the characters forward, Brian and Jennifer in particular, blame was boiled down to its catalyst and consequences were paid for the stupidity that ensued. I appreciated that you didn't throw Lee and Gina back together even though it was obvious they still loved each other. Both of those characters had their own issues they needed to work out within themselves. Both of these characters needed to see their marital issues in the light of their part in the situation before they could forgive and that comes with time and distance. In my opinion you did a great job working that through. Again, good job.

I will say though, this last chapter did feel a "bit" rushed and the "few" grammatical mistakes that I ran into only strengthen that opinion. Still, I give it 5 STARS.

Looking forward to your next series.

patilliepatillieover 5 years ago
That is a big 5*

You hit the sweet spot for me with the sick kids, and Gina's redemption thru her work with them. The last 3 pages were beatiful.

I also wondered about the Agent Orange reference.

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
Agree with sbrooks

it took one year to finish the last chapter? Please authors, write your story first and then post it in reasonable intervals. Do you really expect some one to remember chapter one after one year, given the many stories that's most likely been read in between? I thought this author knew better, since he's one of the better ones in this category. Sorry not going to read this story at all. My biggest beef stories that don't have an ending and others that take forever to be finished. You're doing an injustice to yourself author.

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
Oh THAT Brian!

Clever. Sappy, but not outlandish. Sometimes life is sappy. Good story.

silentsoundsilentsoundover 5 years ago
Simply wonderful!!!

Full marks and I just want to convey that I appreciate your writing immensely!

You are not afraid at all to go where a story really needs to so the reader can really see your characters and how they work.

I love that you dissected them, even Brian, maybe especially because you dissected him a bit as well.

I recognized Wilma and was really surprised she connected with another notch on Brian's slimy pole but it was another interesting twist among several that made this story entertaining as well as engaging.

I was actually feeling a reconciliation when they came to their moments of truth in their conversation about the breakdown of their marriage, culminating with Brian's well deserved ass kicking and their fucking.

I'm happy you gave them time to work and grow. I loved the letters.

I didn't recognize Naomi as a previous character and will now go back to connect those dots. Your willing/reluctant cuckold story was not a favorite of mine though we'll written.

Thanks again jav! You kick some serious short story ass!!

silentsoundsilentsoundover 5 years ago

Ok. Now I remember why I forgot.

Naomi was a crazy slut/bitch that, in no way deserved to even be pissed on by a man like Josh.

I do appreciate the connection you made with Brian through her but I still thinks she needs her ass spanked red every day for the bullshit she put Josh through.

Great work and maybe I'll revisit the stupid bitch in her story.😉

johntcookseyjohntcookseyover 5 years ago
Like the phoenix rising

I’m glad you gave them a four year recovery hiatus. The intensity of pain and depth of hate they felt in the wake of the weekend made healing and reconciliation an unreasonable expectation. Frankly, after Ch. 4 I thought their marriage was dead, and in fact, it was.

Burn down and rebuild.

The letters they shared became the perfect conduit through which they reasserted their initial connection - the contemplative thought process, uninterruptible as with conversation, that letter writing affords.

Further extension of Lee and Gina’s story (saving cameos) would be superfluous, as some have suggested, though I do like that Brian’s story is still waiting for resolution.

Well rendered protagonists/antagonist with some great supporting cast to expand the plot. Emotionally compelling and satisfying. Thank you for your story.

Schwanze1Schwanze1over 5 years ago
Page 4

Yeah, wondered about the Agent Orange too. Also wondered where a first time offender, for beating the hell out of the guy who fucked his wife, does time? Is that really a thing? Especially done on the spur of the moment?

Schwanze1Schwanze1over 5 years ago
Still page 4

and they wrote letters for two years when they lived near each other? Wow.

argusx2002argusx2002over 5 years ago

Excellent..very well done. You want Penthouse letters, go someplace else. This is very well written erotica..

johnadpjohnadpover 5 years ago
Beautifully Done

This is definitely one of the best stories I've read on this site. Some commenters bring up it had Soap Opera feel to it, I have to disagree strongly with an asterick. I've never watched Soap Operas so I'm assuming that they mean it's overly dramatic for the sake of eliciting emotions. With that concept I disagree whole-heartedly. Unlike a lot of the LW stories, this story had real characters, with real flaws, strengths and weaknesses reacting to emotions and unconcious programming, behaving destructively and then through thought, re-examination of their actions and reactions they learn and grow.

Sometimes you need seperation when shit hits the fan so that the emotions die down and you can see things from a different perspective. After chapter 5 I commented that Lee and Regina had this great love and made a great couple, but that sometimes too much happens to remain together. I saw the possibility of it happening was through Malcolm, but I had the instrument wrong. I thought if Jennifer died and the couple took on Malcolm that will provide the possibility of the bad being fixed.

However, this was much much better result. Malcolm still brought them together, even though he was a big part of the reason for things going south for Lee and Regina. All the characters grew, and family is the people you love and the people that are good in your life. Jennifer, Malcolm, Lee and Regina were a proper family.

So many well-done themes throughout this story. The damage that can result from giving into your baser instincts of envy, jealousy, anger, and wanting revenge. The idea of redemption. The concept of "walking in another man's shoes" hearing Brian's, Naomi's, and Regina's story for why they were behaving in such destructive ways. The idea of needing seperation to be able to look into a problem with a new perspective. The concept of the healing forgiveness can bring. Hanging on to bitterness and negative feelings destroys those you love and destroys you in the process.

This is a much more realistic cheating story. Marriage having problems, temptation from outside marriage by people going through their own issues (both Brian and Jennifer), lack of communication, inability for couples to understand where the other is coming from, shit hits the fan and how do you deal with it now. Much much more realistic and enlightening than the white hat no wrong doing husband, the evil wife and the evil paramour. Now those are Soap Opera stories concocted to satisfy the average mind that doesn't have the ability to appreciate real characters with all their humaness that this story deals with.

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago

Gets a 5 just for attempting something far more challenging that the typical weak husband, cuck-fodder that pollutes this category. Reads like a LifeTime movie script, but, again, this is far better that what we usually see here. I do wish that the legal system was better understood by authors. Someone with a clean record, who is gainfully employed, who can be seen to have been provoked, and who is unlikely to offend in the same way again is NOT going to take up prison space. There are too many serious criminals to lock up. Short of killing or maiming the "victim", a husband with a clean record who beats up a man who had an affair with his wife is likely to get a suspended sentence, community service, etc., not jail time. An ADA who wanted to waste resources on a case like that (3-5 years) would get a serious come-to-Jesus-talk from his boss.

CaOldDogCaOldDogover 5 years ago
Great save 5*

Fantastic wrap up of a troubling marriage story. I read this series and at times wondered how in hell Gina and Lee could ever reconnect but - you did it.

Schwanze1Schwanze1over 5 years ago

drama. Damn glad Malcom is ok.

etchiboyetchiboyover 5 years ago
Overall another fine piece of work.

Finally got to Gina’s and Lee’s psychological roots.

Thanks for the wonderful work.

WhackdoodleWhackdoodleover 5 years ago
1 star. Because in all this it was about Regina and what she did. It was never about what Lee did.

As a result, the author punished Regina and never Lee.

I hated it.

CaOldDogCaOldDogover 5 years ago
@ Annoy - "Ambitious"

Yes I agree that Lee might have escaped jail time but, the confinement gave Lee the time to dwell on his marriage and the mistakes made on both sides and to open a line of communications that might have been very difficult to do if they just kept living their normal divorced lives. The jail time was the story plot vehicle that allowed the communications to bring about reconciliation over an long time period. Very well done and gives us a path to real believability and a compelling ending to a difficult plot.

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
I knew Longhorn 07 and you, sir,

are no Longhorn. You do love dragging shit out. Longhorn never did.

MaxiMilfMaxiMilfover 5 years ago

Bravo...This ranks right up there with Steele's "When we were married" serial.

I liked the way you had them reconcile. It wasn't the usual RAAC STORY.

Great job!

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
I usually detest RAACs - even mild ones

But this was beautiful. I thought you’d have Malcolm die opening up a reconciliation. The way you did it was so much better. Thank you for this Jav

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
An excellent conclusion

to a deep, moving, well written and realistic story.

I wish LW was always this good.


AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
Excellent Story!

You are my favorite writer on Lit! Your stories are so real and I can feel the emotion of the characters. Your flow is excellent. I spotted a couple of typos, but none so serious where it detracted from the message that was conveyed. Would love to read more than you are producing, but I understand life happens to all of us. 5 stars!

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago

Wow, where can you find immaturity on so many levels and all at the best price?

Just speed reading thru this was too costly - sorry but idiots still want me to believe the humans are purposely altering my weather and the earth is really flat and we never got to the moon - seriously (they really think hydrogen is the cause of our being cold)

WhoGivesAShitWhoGivesAShitover 5 years ago

You painted an awfully difficult scenario, with many complications. Clearly neither wanted to divorce, but couldn’t get over themselves. The way you split them was realistic. The way you put them back together... brilliant! I mean, once Gina was working in a children’s hospitality, the direction was clear. But seeing how she reacted to his son, and to him, wasn’t enough to get through Lee’s skull - as expected. Getting Jennifer to come around, in the manner it occurred, was excellent.

FD45FD45over 5 years ago
Oh Jesus Christ!

How long has it been? Really? REALLY?

We need some nun to follow you down a stone staircase ringing a bell! I swear to God! Shame! Shame!

NOW that we got that out of the way, because my religion embraces forgiveness, even to as horrible a literary sinner as yourself, you need to say six Mia Khalifas to repent your sins.

Now I will read this festering tooth of a story.

Hooked1957Hooked1957over 5 years ago
Thank you for finishing finally

You did a nice job of bringing this full circle.


gatorhermitgatorhermitover 5 years ago
Excellent character development in this series

Flawed but very credible characters - people make mistakes and this series was sure full of them. Well done.

Schwanze1Schwanze1over 5 years ago

helluva story. I could never write these. Mine would end in ch 1. He packed his shit to put in storage. Then gave all her shit to charity. Then moved in with baby least till bm drove him crazy.

crazycujocrazycujoover 5 years ago
what an ending!

since i like happy endings it was great to see how you worked it out to put them back together. now hook daryl up with jennifer, and show us how brian fared in his life. maybe he'll end up in the hospital again. i enjoyed the story very much! THANKS!

BillandKateBillandKateover 5 years ago
Very Good Finish

Saw this pop up early today and ended up reading all six chapters. Well written with real life drama and characters. Enough twists and turns to keep me guessing how it would play out.

The fact it took a year from start to finish is the reason I never start reading a series until the last chapter is posted. Glad I waited on this one - I really like how you wrapped it up.

Thanks for a great story. 5 stars.

HeelGuy9800HeelGuy9800over 5 years ago
A wonderful read

I could go on and say how great it was but “johnadp” put it perfectly. I love the way Javmor writes in that he delves much deeper into the characters. You can believe that these are real people with real problems and this could really happen. I hope you keep on writing because I will keep on reading.

likeboblikebobover 5 years ago

After waiting so long for you to finally finish this drawn out story, I was disappointed in the finish. To me, it was obvious from part 5 on that Lee and Regina were going to get back together. All in all I thought it was a bit weak but thank you for going through the trouble of posting this. I hope in the future there is not so much time between parts though. Thank you again.

luedonluedonover 5 years ago

As with the usual Javmor story, I thought that this one showed characters who were both well-developed through their role in the story, and mostly displaying a level of self-insight that grew as the story progressed. Self-insight is a feature rarely seen in LW stories.

(Perhaps it says something about the author and the interest he takes in human behaviour.)

A definite five-star contribution.


Ps: For those such as SB and SJ who were concerned about the delay between the previous chapter and this one, I thought that this one was close enough to standing on its own anyhow. The preface was quite adequate, and this chapter had plenty of content that developed as it went along.

Richie4110Richie4110over 5 years ago
Loved this sequel

I felt all the emotions of the characters and the ending was especially gratifying. While Regina caused her problems, her suffering and consequent isolation was enough penance. I thought that Daryl and Jennifer would get together and provide the reconciliation that was due. In short, I liked this story as much as HDK’s original.

Thanks to both of you for the wonderful story.

silentsoundsilentsoundover 5 years ago

HDK's original?????

Schwanze1Schwanze1over 5 years ago

whackdoodle is aptly named. No punishment for Lee? The whole story was punishment for Lee. Are you allowed to keep your own checkbook? WTF???

FD45 is hilarious.

Being it's a Lit story I suppose we should be surprised he didn't end up with ex wife AND baby mama in his bed as a threesome.

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
Very nice. Thank you for the effort.

I can tell it took some effort to complete what you started a year ago. I think it suffered from the obvious effort to connect the chapters, which didn't always flow from one to the other in terms of logic, character traits, and story line. The obstacles of being a part time writer must be huge.

Congratulations on ending the story with a romance, as improbable as that seemed. I guess it would be just too easy for Jennifer to be eliminated by the cliche' illness or fatal accident, leaving Malcom to be raised by the new partnership of Gina and Lee. Of course when Lee knocks up Jennifer, again, that might put the kibosh on Regina's reemerging love. The life of the terminally stupid is so difficult, sigh.

Thanks again for the entertainment. Hope future writing efforts go as well or better.

kmreaderkmreaderover 5 years ago
Love this Story

I’ve read all your stories and really enjoy the fact that you’ve woven the characters throughout them. I think this is my favorite of the lot. You are exceptionally keen at describing the emotions of each and every one of the main characters. Can’t wait to read more. Definitely one of my favorite authors on this site.

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
Well written but not my cup of tea.

Sorry but I hated your characters and didn't like the storyplot. It's well written, unneccesary complicated if you ask me. There are some lack of consistency in the characters, especially Gina. She acts like a spoiled child at times and then she can have some deep insights. Lots of unresolved issues and questions and some pushed kind of reconciliation at the end without any of them really working on their issues. Time only makes you older, not wiser. Four years later there are the same stupid people that did the same stupid things for the same stupid reasons.

johnadpjohnadpover 5 years ago
@Anonymous "Ambitious"

You said "I do wish that the legal system was better understood by authors." While I have commented about other authors lack of understanding both in legal and business matters I thought Javmor got it pretty right or definitely within the right parameters of sentencing possibilities.

Prosecutors will study a fight down to the minute detail (if it's on videotape) and base the chargers on that. If person A starts the fight, but then person A is on the ground and given up and not fighting back and person B then punches or kicks him at that point that's aggravated assault, no matter who started the fight.

I forget the exact details of how the fight starts in this story, but there were many witnesses who would testify that after Brian was unconcious Lee kept on beating him up. With so many witnesses I doubt Lee would get a suspended sentence with each blow adding to the charges. Now is it possible that the sentence would have been a suspended one, yes. But so was the sentence he got in this story. And I believe that was the more likely outcome. Plus I believe that it said the Lee threw the first punch anyway.

Beating someone to death is a serious crime. With so many witnesses no matter how empathetic the ADA may be, he's going to charge this and let the jury decide the sentence. If the ADA had a hair up his ass he could have charged Lee with attempted murder with Lee punching him over and over again while Brian was unconcious.

oldbearswitcholdbearswitchover 5 years ago
JavMo, you Go! Jewel of a series, truly epic. Conclusion pulled a lot of Rabbits out of hats, but in mostly credible ways.

As always, great examination of the motives and repercussions associated with our flawed human condition.

Get some Rage and sucker punch, for kicking Brian's ass.

Sometimes too long waiting is still worth the wait.

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
Super story.

People finding their way through the minefield of life can make for interesting stories and this was a pip.

I went back and read the whole thing and it's a five star effort. It flows and gets one invested in the lives of its characters, like the best soap operas do. The next chapter could be about Jennifer's courtship by Daryl who comes to realize that his single life is pretty hollow.


AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
Much bettet than HDK's story

His was good, but this version is funnier.

26thNC26thNCover 5 years ago
Top ten

This series , for me , is one of the top ten that I have read in LW. The characters were so complex that they kept me on a roller coaster throughout the entire story. I started out hating Brian, angry at Gina, sad for Lee and not caring for the story. I went on through being angry at.Lee,.having sympathy for Gina, and still hating Brian. As the story progressed, I began to like Gina, be angry with Lee and continue to hate Brian. You took me through changing emotional involvement with each chapter. I wanted to bang Lee and Gina's heads together just to get their attention. Then Gina told off Brian and I loved her. When Lee put Brian in the hospital, I loved Lee. I still hated Brian, but I really wanted Lee and Regina back together. You made me wait awhile though, with more rollercoaster action. Lee's confinement was necessary to help him get his head together and finish growing up. Loved the.letters, a much more personal communication in these times. Malcolm's illness was a good device to bring everyone together over the one.person everyone would love. It, just like the entire story, worked beautifully. Some folks won't like the ending, but I surely did. Ended right where it should have. I still hate Brian, though I'm almost certain you have plans to bring him back again. I can't wait to see if you can rehabilitate him. I have so much in common with Brian, except never dating a married woman or breaking up a marriage, that I would really like to not hate him. My words can't express just how much I enjoyed this work. It was , in one word, magnificent. Thank you.

tinfoilhattinfoilhatover 5 years ago

This has to be one of the best stories I have read here. It's so far from the usual fare that I was amazed. The author's grasp of real emotion is stunning. This was a very adult story. Thanks for this great story.

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
Good job

Well written & real

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
her revenge weekend

Wonderful writing here, but I could never get past her weekend punishment of Lee, in going off with a notorious wife chaser asshole, becoming as lovey dovey as it gets. Having a portrait done by an artist in replication of their own treasured memory, all gooey eyed smiles faces together arms pulling each other close. And then bringing it home to keep.

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
Your a great writer

You story was not perfect but it held my interest till the end. You know how to keep the readers interest. It’s to bad this one took a year to complete. It’s so hard to refresh your memory over this least you wrote a brief summary before each chapter. So love was broken and the pain and damage by both sides seem impossible to heal. It took 4 years and a child’s illness to make your story work. .. I look forward to your written. Thank you.

CaOldDogCaOldDogover 5 years ago
Realistic life story

I did go back and read the story from the beginning and I found that your tale was like an emotional rollercoaster without any derailments. The plot devices used were brilliant and the beatdown of Brian let us have our moment of satisfaction. The use of Malcolm's sickness as a tool to re-unite was very clever given that you set the stage with the letter writing communication. All in all this is one the best stories that I have read on this site but it took the last two parts to tie it all together - very well done *****

mower9527mower9527over 5 years ago
More evidence

Of your story telling skill. Thanks.

silentsoundsilentsoundover 5 years ago
HDK's story?

Keep seeing it referencd but I don't know what is being referred to.

chaoddicchaoddicover 5 years ago

5* all the way with a perfect ending. May be my favorite author on here now

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
Absolutely brilliant 5*

You should be proud of this piece of work.

This was a three dimensional story in a sea of one dimensional ones (none of yours I may add!). In fact some on this site don't even approach zero :)

Please keep up the excellent work. How you combined pain, hurt, betrayal with true love and romance was masterful.

I thought I would never say this but a continuation of Brian's story would be good.

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
I absolutely abhor cheater stories BUT.......

This is more than likely one of the best stories I have read on this site.....Very deep, well written (1 error with wrong name, Brian instead of Lee ) but for me I had to read all 6 parts In one day, never been heard of....Excellent.


javmor79javmor79over 5 years agoAuthor
From Javmor79

Thank you all who read this series and commented on it. I wish there were something i could give you all for sticking with it, despite my egregious neglect of it. Your patience is that of saints.

There is a rather large mistake that I am hoping I can correct with this series. In this latest installment, I had Brian fighting in the Gulf War. I meant that to be the War on Terror. In all the previous stories Brian has appeared in, he fought the War on Terror. I don't know why i brain farted and put the Gulf war in this chapter. I want to thank the people who caught that and brought it to my attention.

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago

Someone stole your story and put it on Lush. Chuck somebody.

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago

Javmor,'re the best author on Lit by far! Thank you for such an intelligent story.

javmor79javmor79over 5 years agoAuthor
To the anonymous reader who gave me the warning...

Thank you. That other story has been taken down. I wish you had a name so I could thank you more personally. You have my gratitude.

StormKing33StormKing33over 5 years ago
5* Art Imitating Life

I thoroughly enjoyed the series. Believable flawed characters. Write on!

laptopwriterlaptopwriterover 5 years ago
I really enjoyed this.

The author put a lot of work into expressing the thoughts and feelings of the characters. I do wish, after all that, that the end would have been a little more complete but it was okay. 5*s.

Thanks for a great series.

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
Since Nothing's Perfect

Only 4.99 stars because child with cancer saves the day.

Otherwise, very complicated and compelling characters. Other than Brian, who compelled a couple of guys alright. Maybe you can get him therapy like Naomi in a later story. Or shoot him.

26thNC26thNCover 5 years ago
Went back

I went.back and re-read all six chapters. It was like reading a very good book in one sitting. I understand it better this time, and I enjoyed it so much. Thank you javmor for letting me read this.

tangledweedtangledweedover 5 years ago
After careful consideration, I will finally chime in my 2 cents.

Before I say what is so good about javmor79's story, The Weekend, I want to comment on something that bothers me about a lot of Loving Wives stories, particularly ones revolving around the betrayal of cheating spouses. Many of these types of stories (some with great scores and reviews), are mind numbingly one dimensional. A spouse, typically the wife, is the evil villain and the other is the heartbroken hero who recovers to gain the ultimate victory. A well written story of this type can even be entertaining in a comic book movie type of escapism.

It's when you come across writers who aren't afraid to make their heroes into flawed characters or even assholes occasionally that you realize what you were missing. Humans are complicated bundles of emotions, struggling to get by and do their best and sometimes they take the wrong turn and screw up. It is that very basic human need to connect to others and fight through those mistakes that makes for a compelling story to me and that is where javmor79 shines. He can bring the emotional pain with the best of them, but no matter how deep he cuts, even deeper down he is a romantic at heart.

This story ranks among his best in my opinion. A couple who once loved each other very much was teetering on the edge of disaster because of a tragic situation and her resulting depression. That allowed one transgression to build on another until the savage betrayal of the weekend blew everything up completely. There were no obvious villains or heroes here, just people paying the price for their decisions. I can empathize with javmor79 taking time to finish this story, whatever his reasons. To me it seemed like an impossible situation to resolve without heartbreak on all sides.

Yet javmor79 managed to break them all down, make them face their own demons and then slowly build them back up again until they were able to function again. He even finds time for Brian, who has been a recurring villain in many of his stories and I am sure one who some readers wouldn't mind seeing exit this mortal coil. Since javmor79 seems to have plans for him, I will just wait and see.

The cancer angle is one that has to be handled delicately or it can appear melodramatic and contrived, but in this case javmor79 pulled it off nicely to tie the story together. A good story doesn't always have to have a happy ending, but I thought the characters involved deserved one for the level of pain everyone went through. A complex and difficult to story that was well worth waiting for.

NVDiceGuyNVDiceGuyabout 5 years ago
Add me as a big fan.

Tremendous work. Riveting portrayal of how easy it is to to ball up and protect oneself with spines like a porcupine only to find that no ones is there to protect yourself from

Cudos for the energy it took to write that.

BadHusbandMikeBadHusbandMikeabout 5 years ago
Very profound

I was very uncertain when I started to read the first chapter. As I progressed I got sucked in and could not stop. I loved every horrible consequence. This is not very many I know but my eyes leaked a lot more than I would like, but I love this story.

SubbyRoticaSubbyRoticaalmost 5 years ago
Excellent Story - thanks for finishing it

One of your best stories - so much going on in this series - it was powerfully emotional- I appreciated the ending - many thanks

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 5 years ago


Ocker53Ocker53almost 5 years ago
Great Story

One of the best stories on this site, every chapter was better then the previous one⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 5 years ago
The very... story I have read of this genre. The main characters are fully developed and the plot has enough nooks and crannies to entrap one's rapt attention. A clever writer with an admirable command of our language, some small exceptions to which are noted.

A_BierceA_Bierceover 4 years ago
You're a smashing good writer and story teller

Perhaps the strongest element of The Weekend is the gripping, immersive dialogue that puts us in the role of the speaker (especially Gina as she comes to understand herself and what she has done). Wow.

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
great story about crap characters

Very well written story, about some people who are at their worst. Its tough to come back from that. Next time centre a story around someone and give them something for us to cheer about. You jumped from character to character, and left me hating them all. Sure there was some good traits, but there was too much shit being flung by the monkeys, and everyone had a chance to be a monkey.

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago

Nice handling of a crappy situation and tough subject. Having an affair is bad in a marriage, Telling your partner that you are heading off to a 5 star retreat for a weekend of no holds barred sex. If murder ensued and i was on the jury... not sure i would convict the stay at home partner.

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
You are special!

I can only say thanks.

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
Well done!

Thank you for the effort and skill to present such an interesting exploration of the emotions and upheaval when infidelity leads to divorce. I thought you did a great job of character development, especially as they became aware of their frailties. Thanks for a fun read!

desertdog43desertdog43over 4 years ago
Five stars

A huge slice of what life is......

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
Well done!!

I'm usually very critical of stories in Literotica. However, this one was the exception that proves the rule. It was compassionate, empathic, sympathetic and full of understanding, kindness and love. It also had powerful descriptions of human frailties and vulnerabilities and of the difficulty that all humans have in dealing with complex emotions. I salute you. It was a lovely thought provoking story.

Well done !!

Tony (UK)

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago

There is no other words to describe this, great work.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 4 years ago
Very well done

An engrossing story with realistic characters and actual human depth. Thanks for posting this; you have talent.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 4 years ago
Great story, shame about the ending

Was with this right until the divorce papers were signed, to me that's where the story should have ended, after that it just seems a contrivance to get Lee and Gina back together, given the history between them, just couldn't see that happening in reality, shame really, was a good read until the last few pages

ErotFanErotFanalmost 4 years ago
Love this well crafted story.

From the way you put the emphasis on Regina at the very outset to the reconciliation at the end your characters were complex and believable.

The one character needing a bit more fleshing out was Jennifer. It was a bit difficult to envision Lee and her relationship sans prison. But I am too lazy to go back thru the chapters for missed clues. 8^ )

5***** of course

unMisTakenIdentityunMisTakenIdentityalmost 4 years ago
This was great.

From my perspective. Good development of characters. Like real life they were all flawed. Fucked up even. But believeable.

Well written. Like most everything Javmor79 writes. Don't always like RAAC stories. But I liked this one. And the price was right to Thanks!

MainefiddleheadsMainefiddleheadsalmost 4 years ago

I am fucking awed every time I read this story. I'd like to have just half the talent for running a dialog like this. As for those who think this was a RAAC story, they are off the mark; it's a Phoenix.


someoneothersomeoneotheralmost 4 years ago
Great story

It was a really believable and thought-through story.

It was a bit long-winded at times, and I ended up scanning rather than reading.

It was a good story and I gave it a 5*.

But, there was something missing in that it was not clear to me why he and Jennifer did not become more of an item over the 5 years of Malcolm's life. Was it because of Regina? Or was it something more?

Also not clear why Regina did not seem to date over the 5 year period.

It would have been nice to have those gaps more clearly filled, but the absence does not detract from the over-all story.

WargamerWargamerover 3 years ago

A sad, painful but wonderful story. They will be reunited in love, they will remarry. This time, Jennifer and Malcolm, will be fully in their lives as part of their new family.

Wonderful piece of work well worth the 5/5 I’m giving this story.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

Really enjoyed the characters. Even Brian. Great dialog and pace

Raleighman53Raleighman53over 3 years ago

2nd time reading. One of the few stories I can see happening exactly as it was written. Excellent work.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
Brilliant character development

The first five parts were extraordinary. "6" dips a bit toward a familiar level of LW saccharine sentimentality. I agree with MFH that this is a well done reconciliation story. Here are a few, mostly minor, negatives relating to various parts of the story.

1. The uniformed, bigoted cheap shots at Christianity don't help the story.

2. Even with Malcolm getting sick, Lee's failure to communicate with Gina isn't convincing. In fact, it makes no sense. This is probably the biggest (and probably the only) plot problem, IMHO.

3. The sentence for the beating of Brian is unrealistic. Look at the whole context, as a lawyer would. Brian had not only assaulted Gina, he had sexually assaulted her. No DA is likely press for, and no judge is likely to, meet out such a long sentence for a first offender, especially given Brian's actions. If you wanted that to be credible, it would have been better if Brian and Gina had just had a heated discussion.

4. Brian served in Kuwait. What would be the purpose of Agent Orange? It wasn't used there.

5. The narration during Naomi's visit says Brian doesn't use drugs while he's fiddling with a blunt and had a bag of pot. Pot is a drug, and with TODAY's THC levels, it is far from the relatively harmless "Mellow Yellow" of the 60s and early 70s.

6. The last part isn't bad, but it feels more like the standard wind up and pitch for a RAAC or a reconciliation in a good, but not great, LW story. I guess it suffers by comparison because 1-5 are a quantum leap better.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

This is really, really good because the author is not afraid of the hard stuff.

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I enjoy my job as much as anyone else, but I LOVE writing. It's a fun escape. Real life leaves me precious little time to fully enjoy my hobby. I apologize to people who have to wait weeks between chapters of my stories. I enjoy reading erotic stories, but find that when I ...


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