The West Woods: Wild & Wicked


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"Hmm, well..." She pulled the wash rag back. Reaching up to his waist, she started to pull back the braies from there meaning to reach under it and wash him up that way.

Again he stopped her with a gentle hand. "If the pretty nurse really wants to tend to the king's wounds properly, I am afraid she is going to have to remove his royal undergarment."

"Hmm, I..." She was nervous about seeing her daddy naked.

"It is OK, hon. I can tend to my own wounds down there. Why don't you just hand me the wash rag and look away."

After a brief pause, the princess replied, "No the pretty nurse has a job to do and she will do it and since she is in charge you shall let me."

Her tone, as was the look she was giving him, indicated the matter was settled.

"OK... OK," the king replied. "Do your job then... pretty nurse."

Kimberly, her heart beating wildly, slowly pulled the king's braise down and off his body. She never, being a proper and young princess, had seen a man's naked body--down there-- until now. Making it a point to try and not look, she lowered the washcloth in the general direction of his right upper thigh where the arrow struck him.

"Honey, you have to look, just to see what you are doing anyways. There is nothing to be embarrassed about." Reaching out with one hand, he gently tilted her face downward.

Kimberly took a deep breath as her eyes flitted over her daddy's manhood. It looked to her like a small, limp, pale skinned worm as it rested there all nice and relaxed.

Averting her eyes as best as possible, Kimberley quickly brought the washrag over to the arrow wound. It was still oozing a small bit of blood, but as she started to wash it the king jerked away in intense pain.

"God in heaven that hurts. Honey I... I will need something for the pain if you are going to do a good job and wash the wound properly."

"I think I saw a bottle of wine on the table over there sitting next to that cloth bag."

"Good. Go get it."

Kimberly quickly jumped to her feet and retrieved the bottle from over at the table.

"Here," she said handing it to her father.

The king took the half empty bottle. Holding it up he said, "It's not enough... not for me anyways to dull the pain. We need another tonic for my pain I'm afraid. Something that is... ahh more natural and is here in abundance."

"What?" the princesses curiously asked.


"Beauty?" she responded unsure of what her daddy was getting at.

"If I could gaze upon something beautiful and get lost in its beauty as you were cleaning me up it would help me deal with the pain, honey."

"What could we use," Kimberly said as she looked about the small hut searching in vain for some small item of beauty.

"Don't bother looking about this humble hut for anything of beauty honey as..." Reaching out he took her hand, squeezing it tight. "The only beautiful thing in these whole damnable woods is you, princess."

Blushing, Kimberly said, "Oh Daddy, even wounded you are still utterly charming... as always."

"But there is one problem. I am afraid thanks to our little battle with the goblins honey you don't look quite so beautiful now. I mean it looks like you have been in a... well... a battle with ugly goblins."

"I suppose you are right. My blouse is torn and bloody, my skirt ripped and my hair is a mess."

"Yes and seeing you like this just brings me more pain instead of the comfort I need. Maybe we could take a break and you could take a few minutes to fix yourself up nice for your daddy. You know change out of those filthy bloody clothes, brush your hair out maybe."

"But Daddy I don't have anything with me. No spare clothes and my hair brush and mirror they were in my bag and that's gone. I dropped it when those stupid goblins were chasing me."

He smiled. "Fortunately you are in luck. As it happens goblins are not the only creatures in these woods. In fact, they are some decent creatures that live in these woods... if you know where to look."

"Like what kind of creatures, Daddy?"

"Mainly, the elves, but especially the wood elves baby. I am friendly with them. I saved one of them, the leader in fact, years ago from a nasty pack of goblins. I happen to have just what you need. Bring me my bag from the table over there."

Kimberly hurried across the room and grabbed the king's medium sized cloth bag from the table.

"What is in here, Daddy?" she asked as she hurried back to him. The bag, secured tight by a drawstring, had some weight to it.

"Gifts from the elves and it just so happens it's exactly what we need. Go ahead and open it."

Kimberly opened the bag. Inside was a small silver hand mirror and brush set, a powder kit for her face, and last, and most exciting, a light pale pink colored robe with a pair of matching gloves.

"So maybe you can go brush out your hair, powder your face and get out of those filthy clothes now that you have a beautiful robe and gloves you can put on. The robe, and gloves, should be especially nice as they are made out of some special secret material, as I recall the elves said it was called satin, and is supposed to be really comfortable on the skin."

Kimberly smiled at her daddy, thrilled with her gifts. "Give me a minute or two."

"OK I will turn over and look the other way while you get ready over at the table."

When she came back, Kimberly was a vision of beauty with her freshly brushed golden blond hair shining with supple beauty in the flickering light of the fire. Her face too, freshly powdered with the elves special make up, radiated a youthful beauty taking her daddy's breath away as he stared at his young daughter in awe.

But it was the beautiful satin robe which stole the show... and his heart.

As his eyes slipped down, his previously limp cock started to twitch. The pink robe, both short and tight, showed off, in a most enticing fashion, the princess' abundant youthful curves.

The princess crossed the room toward him. "How do I look, Daddy?"

"You are beautiful beyond compare honey," the king whispers to his daughter.

"Thank you, Daddy," she said shyly. She could fell her daddy's eyes crawling all over her body, especially her chest, as she settled down next to him on the rug.

Picking up the wash rag, she began to carefully dab at the wound near his groin. Her heart went out to him, observing how he winced in obvious pain while she tried to gently clean the arrow wound while not hurting him.

"Sorry Daddy," she said before pulling the wash rag back after a few quick swipes around the edges of the wound. "Better concentrate on staring at me and try not to think of how it hurts."

"It's OK Kimberly. I will endure such pain... all night long... if it would allow me to gaze at your beauty while you take care of me so sweetly."

"Oh Daddy stop it," she replied without really meaning it.

After a few more swipes of the wash cloth, causing him to let out a loud grunt of pain, she felt satisfied enough to set the bloody rag aside. "I think that is good for now."

Kimberly quickly pulled the blanket up to his chest so his manhood, it seemed to have grown larger somehow she slyly noticed while she cleaned him up, was covered.

"If you say so my pretty nurse, but hey, why don't you try the gloves on honey? See how they fit."

She carefully put the pink satin gloves on and after getting them properly fitted, held them up for him to admire.

"They fit perfectly Daddy. How do they look on me?"

The beautiful gloves came up past her wrists and halfway up her forearms.

"Very beautiful. They yeah..." His voice suddenly trailed off as he turned his head away from her.

"Daddy what is it?"

She reached out with one gloved hand, turning his face back to her. As Kimberly started to pull her hand back, she noticed how he was rapidly blinking his eyes as if he was on the verge of crying.

Kimberly was shocked; he seemed to be on the verge of tears and her daddy never cried. Not as far as she knew anyways.

Reaching up, he gripped her hand while trying frantically to get his emotions under control. Maybe if he avoided answering. "That material is so soft honey."

"Daddy please, what is it. Tell me... don't try to avoid it," she said as she used a pair of fingers to tenderly stroke his face.

He paused before telling her the truth. "Honey, goblins, it's a well-known fact, they dip both their throwing stars and their arrows in a lethal poison."

"They... they do." Kimberly's heart hitched at hearing this. "But... I cleaned your wounds out with warm water... I got the poison out... or maybe... maybe they weren't using poison at all on their arrows and stars. I mean they were young goblins and stupid... right?"

He shook his head sadly from side to side as a solitary tear slipped down his cheek.

"But... if... if they had used poison... I mean wouldn't... wouldn't you already be dead?"

"They use slowly acting poison. They are diabolical and want their victim to suffer... and I am in a lot of pain baby. There is no doubt in my mind, despite your efforts to clean my wounds, that I have a lethal dose of poison inside of me."

"Daddy..." It's all she could manage before she lowered her head against his chest and began to cry.

He held her tight for a good minute or two against his chest, neither speaking, before she raised back up.

"How long?"

"I should be able to make it to morning anyways. I am... or was healthy so... the poison will take some time to do its nasty work."

"Don't go... please Daddy," she whined while stroking his face with one gloved hand. Leaning down, she kissed him on his forehead as her hand slipped down one arm, and then over to his chest.

Raising back up, she stared at him while slipping her hand under the blanket. Her fingers traced small circles on his bare tummy causing him to sigh contently from the feeling of the satin against his bare skin.

"I love you so much," she said. "There must be something I can do."

He sighed once before beginning to talk. "Fate in all its cruel indifference has decided my destiny is to die... not tonight but in the morning, at dawn's first light. I know in my heart that is my destiny. But despite the cruel indifference shown me by the Gods I feel truly blessed... at this very moment more so than ever in my life."

"How can you say that!" the princess fairly screamed in reply.

"Easy because for to die, to pass to the other world while gazing so longingly upon such timeless beauty, such as you possess my young daughter, and while being comforted by such TLC as you are now giving me is a fate I would gladly suffer again and again if not a hundred times, nay a thousand times even."

Despite the sadness gripping her heart, the princess simply could not help but to let a small smile grace her innocent face. "Oh Daddy your kind words... they do set my heart on fire with such love."

"Then do me a favor my sweetest daughter, let your heart go this one time and consent to give to your daddy, to your king, what he so desperately needs."

"And what might that be?"

"I just want to be allowed to continue to gaze upon your aforementioned beauty."

"Of course Daddy, of course my king, you can continue to gaze upon your daughter's beauty. Don't be silly. I mean... that is not so much to ask at all. So I do hope that is not your only request. Please if you have others..." She stroked the side of his face kindly with one graceful finger before dropping her voice to a sultry whisper, "Voice them now for any request you might make of me I simply could not, would not deny."

Maybe to feel more of that divine comfort you were giving me earlier as your stroked the king's body so kindly with those incredibly soft gloved hands of yours."

"You mean like this, my king."

She brought one hand up, stroking the side of his face lightly as the other traced a haphazard pattern across his chest.

The king sighed, wanting more. "Yes, like that exactly but the truth is I want more but I fear more might be too much to ask of you."

Moving slowly, Kimberly moved both hands up to her daddy's face before using them, one on either side of his cheeks, to tilt his face up so he was staring directly at her. Whispering she told him, "Nonsense Daddy. I wholly meant what I said before, you can't make a request that I won't fulfill."

He smiled faintly at her. "Well then, could my princess find it in her heart to mix in some of her loving kisses while using her soft gloved hands to make my final hours on this earth at least a little pleasurable."

"Of course I can do that for my king. Just could you maybe help the princess by instructing her where the king might like his kisses to fall?"

"I think it might be a little exciting to have them fall directly upon wherever your gloved hands are so kindly stroking the king's body."

"You mean like this?" Using one finger she dragged it across his right cheek before bending over and applying the lightest of kisses to it.

"And like this maybe?" Using her other hand, she now stroked gently his left cheek before again applying a light kiss to it.

After the king mumbled his assent, warming to the task, Kimberly dragged one finger across his forehead several times before leaning up further to administer several light kisses all across it.

The king's passion for his young daughter was starting to boil over. Aided by those full and firm breasts of hers, his passion became well stoked when she pressed her tits firmly up against his chest while bending over to apply her kisses.

A sudden naughty thought hit him hard at this point. If only her damnable pretty pink robe was not in the way how nice those bare breasts would have felt being pushed up against his chest!

Unable to help himself now, he reached up and grabbed one of her hands and pushed it against his lips.

"And like this maybe," he told her quietly.

"Hmm, yes, I think so," she whispered as she gently stroked his lips with one finger. The silky smooth satin being ever so lightly brushed along his lips caused goosebumps to break out all over his body... just before she sealed their fate by leaning forward and applying the lightest of kisses to his lips... again and again.

His heart nearly exploded in his chest from the onslaught of pent up love and passion his daughter's kisses were bringing out in him. When she started to pull back he told her weakly, "Please princess... more."

She obliged him by planting several more kisses on his lips, more firmly this time, and was rewarded when she felt his tongue slip tentatively out, tickling her lips.

Opening her mouth, Kimberly allowed her daddy's tongue to go exploring. The king, not wanting to press things too quickly, only allowed himself a quick drink from the forbidden pool as he flickered his tongue in and out of her mouth several times before pulling back.

The truth was her wanted more but was simply too weak to push for it. The poison coursing through his body was having a telling effect on his ability to even find the strength to even kiss his lovely daughter.

Then he remembered the small vial containing the reddish looking liquid the elves gifted him as a present along with the robe and the gloves. He also recalled what they whispered to him when handing it over: The vial, share it with your wife... it will make you both very randy and will give you both abundant energy to explore your passions for the entire night... over and over again. Needless to say your wife will be in for a long and pleasurable night as you shall also sire. The best part is after achieving an orgasm, thanks to our potent elixir, you shall need very little recovery time before you are ready to go again.

Obviously, he would not be living long enough to have his wife enjoy the contents of the vial with him, but just maybe...

"Honey, please, I need you to get me something. From the knapsack. The same one you got your earlier presents from. In it is a small vial. Can you retrieve it and pour it into a glass of wine for me."

Following his instructions, Kimberly scampered over to get the vial.

As she was pouring the contents of the vial into the full glass of wine she asked him, "What is this going to do for you, Daddy?"

Deciding not to tell her the full truth of what the potent contents of the vial would do for him, or for them, he instead told her a little white lie, "It should give both of us, I want us to share this, a boost of energy. Enough so where I might be able to enjoy better the soft attentions you are paying to me without wanting to fall asleep and you will have the energy to stay up all night giving me such soft attentions... that is... if you want my darling princess."

"Oh I do, my King. I do want to stay up all night paying you the kindest of attentions so I guess we had better drink this down huh?"

Smiling wanly at his daughter, praying the elves' magical potion would indeed work, the king downed half the glass of wine quickly before handing it to the princess.

Smiling, she tipped the glass to her lips and drained the balance, setting the stage for what must come next.

"Did it work? Do you feel it? I think I do," she asked hopefully.

"Not sure. I mean maybe we should not get our hopes up, for me anyways, as goblin's poison is known to be extremely resistive to any attempts to slow it down."

Kimberly sighed deeply. Her eyes started to flicker, which the king knew from past experiences was a prelude to her crying.

Screwing up the last of his energy, which maybe was a result of the potion, he rose up saying, "Wait, I... I do feel something... a bit of energy anyways."

His proclamation caused her to smile. "Well good. Now don't waste what energy you do have my king... just lie back down, relax and let me, once again, pay you some more of the soft attentions like I was earlier."

He sank back against the rug as she started to rub her hands up and down the entire length of his arms. Leaning forward, she then proceeded to kiss her way up one arm and down the other before raising up to smile at him. "You are not wanting to fall asleep still are you, Daddy?"

"No, honey."

"Then I shall continue with my kind attentions to the king's body?"


"Where shall I direct my attentions next? Please guide me sire," she whispered.

"Well my darling princess, I did enjoy the attentions you were paying to my tired old face earlier."

Reaching up she used her hands to stroke both of his cheeks simultaneously before leaning down and kissing each in turn. "Nonsense your face is old and tired. Its... handsome beyond compare my king."

She dragged one finger across his lips, the smooth satin once again causing shivers to run up and down his spine, before she murmured, "Yes, handsome and rugged is the king's face and eminently kissable."

She leaned down, her heavy breasts pressing invitingly against his chest, and firmly pressed her lips against his. This time, in a sure sign the potion was working its magic on him, he held back not at all as he deftly swirled his tongue in her mouth.

Kimberly was taken aback at the king's boldness, but only for a quick moment before the effects of the potion got the better of things.

Relaxing, she opened her mouth, welcoming his tongue inside. He reached up, tangling his fingers in her long blond hair, forcing her mouth down firmer against his own.

He was quickly rewarded when the princess, she was a quick study in most things, allowed her own tongue to slip from its moorings and do some exploring inside her daddy's mouth.

They exchanged several breathless kisses as both of their passions rose to the boiling level before Kimberly pulled back.

Smiling at him, she brushed one finger along his cheek. "Hmm, that is an interesting way to kiss my king."

"It is. Did you enjoy it honey?"

"Very much so. Did you?"