The Whore in a Bottle


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"Mom... this is the reason I left. I knew it wasn't necessarily right, so I left. But it turns out she feels the same way about me. So... here we are."

She turned to Brianna. "Is this true?"

"Mom, it's always been him. No one else. I wish I could say different, but I can't, and I won't lie to you. There's a reason I never dated."

Bill spoke up. "Would someone like to clue me in on this conversation?"

"Bill... our children are in love...if you know what I mean."

"Wha... ohh... uhhh... so, uh, Marc...give me a sec."

They waited while he gathered his thoughts. "Marc, Bri, I would love to say this is a shock. It isn't to me though. I've watched you two for your whole lives, and it seems you've always been... overly devoted... to each other. I can't say I'm as happy as I could be... but if you are both happy, that's what really counts. I know that isn't what you thought I'd say... but it is what it is, and I'm ok with it as long as you don't hurt each other..."

Bri was doing a fish-face, opening and closing her mouth. Marc looked at him with some awe but put out his hand. "Dad, the only thing I can promise is that I won't hurt her. She's everything to me." His dad took his hand and firmly shook it, nodding.

"Bill! You can't be serious! We can't condone this!"

"Maggie... you know we've talked about this. We've seen it coming for years. Now it's real, and it is what we have to deal with! I'm not losing my children for this."

Bri's mom sighed and put her face in her hands for a second. She pulled up and looked at her daughter. "Is this really what you want?"

"More than anything, Mom."

"Okay, then. Well, we came over to take you two out to lunch, so let's go!"

Marc looked at his dad with concern, and Bill put a finger to his lips in a shushing gesture. They trooped out to the car and got in, Marc and Brianna in the back. They quietly moved their hands together on the center seat, squeezing each other tightly. Dad pulled out in traffic and glanced at his wife, then took her hand. "It's good, dear. It's all good." It was an awkward lunch, but after it was over their parents mercifully left.

The next morning, Bri woke up with a warm fuzzy feeling. Then she realized someone was licking her, slowly and methodically. She looked down at Marc. "Hey, good morning to you to!"

"unghm mhng"

"So, maybe you'd like to move up here and stick that hard thing somewhere?"

Marc moved quickly up her body, hands sliding and feeling as he went. "I'll never say no to that!" he said as he slid smoothly into her. He pumped slowly at first, waiting for her to look up at him. When she did, he put his hips in overdrive and began to go as hard and fast as he could until she began to moan in a now-familiar tone. That was his signal that it was okay to let himself go, and he pulled out quickly and sprayed himself on her tits.

"That was different... and fun!" she said as she played with the goo on her breasts.

"I thought we should start the day fresh, since we are kinda out in the open now."

"MMMmmhmmm... we are to Amanda and our parents, but we can't really be open out in town yet. Too many people know us."

"I know. You know we're gonna have to move, right?"


The days turned to weeks, then months. They continued what they were doing but visited with their parents and Amanda more. There were a few awkward moments dealing with PDA, but eventually their parents got used to it. Amanda practically encouraged it. It was nearing Christmas as they sat one day, discussing the holiday.

"What can we get the 'rents? I think a joint present would be fun this year, y'know?"

"I dunno Bri, maybe get them a small trip somewhere, let them get away from it all."

"That's a good idea. Amanda works at a travel agency, let's see what she can get us!" She sent a quick text and sat back. "Whatcha gettin' me for Christmas, big boy?"

"Thinking maybe a cd or a new blouse, a hair dryer..."

She hit him with the pillow next to her. "Don't you dare!"

He was smiling. "For all you know, I've already bought something!"

She narrowed her eyes and looked at him intently. "I think you have...what is it?"

"You'll find out Christmas morning."

"Ugh! You are soooo annoying sometimes!"

"That's the big brother part."

She reached over and grabbed his crotch. "I like this part better!"

"What have I turned you into?"

"Nothing horrible, just a sex slave always hungry for your cock."

"Well... the least I could do is let you have some then!" He pulled her tank top over her head and attacked her breasts. "You have the absolute cutest little nipples I've ever seen..."

"Since these are the LAST ones you'll ever see, you'd better think so!"

He began pulling her shorts down, finding her pantyless. She kicked them off her feet as he stood up and took off his boxers and shirt. He was already hard and he could smell her desire as well. He picked her up facing him, hands on her ass and slowly slid her down until he bumped her with his cock. She quickly reached behind them and put it at her entrance and he slid her down, both of them groaning. "God sis, you are just so...."

"So what?"

"Tight, amazing, spectacular, sexy...pick one."

She giggled as he moved to the wall, pinning her in place as he began to pick up speed. "Oh Marc... fuck me Marc. I need you..."

It didn't take long for them to both come, then he had to put her down as his strength was gone. He sat on the floor, breathing heavily. She sat in his lap, still facing him, her head on his shoulder. "Marc... I wanna get married. That's what I want for Christmas. I want you, mostly. I know we can't, but that's really what I want."

"I know Bri... me too."

Christmas day finally arrived. After a quick bit of morning sexy time, they went to their parent's house. They went in and sat on the couch as her parents spread out all the gifts under the tree. It was a tradition, her and her brother would root through the gifts handing them out and pile their own in their seats. Once they were all handed out, they all began to open the presents. Some of the usual, clothes and needed items. When her mother opened the special one, she looked at her husband. "Dear, don't make plans for our next vacation."

"Why, Maggie?"

"Our kids are sending us to Jamaica..."



"Sounds almost like a honeymoon spot to me... Hey Maggie, did you get that last one out of the bedroom yet?"

"No, dear, I thought I would leave that for you."

He got up and went out of the room for a minute, returning quickly with a folder. "I'm not too good at wrapping. I thought this would be easier." He handed it to Brianna.

She opened it and looked through the paperwork, confused. "What is this, Dad?"

"Well, Brianna... Mom and I thought after this long you two were probably in this for the long haul. We wanted to make sure your lives are as easy as possible... so, we sorta made you not our daughter anymore."

"I... I... I don't understand... you're disowning me!?"

Her mom piped in, "Bri, calm down and read. Look at what this actually says. You, Brianna, will simply disappear. This other person, Briana Taylor, now exists. This is a real social security number, and the identity will stand up to getting a passport. Think Bri."

Marc figured it out quickly and smiled. "Bri... guess what? I can marry Briana Taylor... do you understand now?"

He watched as the understanding of what her parents were doing washed over her face. "Oh my god... ", she said as tears sprung from her face. "You would do this for us?"

"I would do anything for my children. I thought this was the one thing I could do for you that no one else would get you!" said her dad.

She stood up and hugged them both, still crying. "Will you come to our wedding?"

"I heard my son is marrying a lovely young girl, so of course I will!" said her mother, dabbing at her eyes.

"Bri... we're gonna have to have a destination wedding. It's not like we can invite the whole town. It'll be small, but still a wedding!"

"Marc, I don't care where. Moose Jaw Minnesota or Waikiki Beach, it just doesn't matter."

"Well... since we can... Bri, here's my present." He pulled a small box out of his pocket and knelt down in front of her.

"Wha..what is this?" she asked, seeing a ring a small diamond ring in the box.

"Brianna Scott, uh, Briana Taylor, will you marry me?"

"Oh! I...YES!"

Marc's Dad spoke up. "Son, you're also going to have to move. I know this is sudden, but do you have any thoughts on that?

"They're begging for electricians in Texas, especially since I got my journeyman's card. I've already been recruited, it wouldn't take much. Actually, I've already looked into it quite a bit...I knew we would have to move."

"Start looking into it harder, I'm thinkin' ya'll are in a hurry."

"Dad, I waited my whole life for this, a few more weeks won't matter!" Bri said with a grin.

Time went by and plans were made. They made the destination Jamaica since two of them already had tickets, and even found enough to invite Amanda, who absolutely couldn't afford to pay for it. After the wedding, they had two weeks off then they were moving to Texas. Everything was set.

Three weeks before leaving, Amanda came over to talk. As she sat eating the spaghetti Bri had made, she looked at them. "Bri, Marc... I have to ask something."

"Anything, Amanda... you know we aren't judgy."

"I know... but... I never ask for things. You offered to pay for my trip to Jamaica, and I really appreciate that. This is... is... bigger."

Marc stopped eating and sat back. He'd grown to like Amanda over time and had a soft spot for her. "Mandini, if you need something we have, it's yours. Always."

She blushed as he used the name he called her as a youth. "Marc... it isn't a thing. It's bigger. I... I want to go to Texas too."

"Just a dumb question, but why?"

"There's nothing for me here anyway, I have a dead-end job...and my reputation follows me everywhere. I actually still have guys from high school call me for... things."

"The apartments we were looking at have two- and three-bedroom units, the three-bedroom ones have two baths. It's doable. Just one thing... Tell everyone here you're moving somewhere other than Texas. Cali, New York, Moose Jaw Minnesota...."

"Marc... are you serious? I can't afford to go on my own, I still have to find some kind of job so I can even help with rent. Are you sure you want this anchor around?"

"Amanda, you make Bri happy. I want Bri happy. Also, I happen to like you too. Therefore, yes, I do want you around. Just get some headphones..."

"She'll just tell me all about it after you leave anyway. I've been living vicariously through her for a while now!"

Bri started blushing and smacked her friend. "I don't tell you everything, just enough to make you stop asking!"

As the time for the wedding got close, Amanda started spending more time with them. She used the couch several nights and was surprised one day when she was tired and Marc showed her to his other bedroom. It had been mostly empty, but he had furnished it completely. "Marc... why? We're moving soon anyway..."

"And all this comes with. We're gonna live together anyway, we should be ready for that if you stay here a few times first."

She gave him a hug, then blushed and backed away. "Sorry... I don't want to make Bri jealous or scared. But thank you."

"I would say I think of you like a sister, but..."

Bri cracked up behind them, then said "You'd better not!"

It was finally time to leave for the wedding. They were all packed and the plane would be leaving in the morning. Bri sat fingering her new passport. "Marc... are you sure? Absolutely sure?"

"Are you kidding me?"

"No Marc... I... I feel like I'm losing a little of me by becoming Briana Taylor. Y'know?"

"After the wedding, you'll be Briana Scott again! You just lose an 'N"."

"I know... but... I don't want to screw your life up, stuck with me forever. I'm not all that, y'know."

Marc shook his head. He hoped this was just pre-wedding jitters. "Bri, you're all that to me. You always have been. When I imagined getting married, your face always showed up. I won't do this if you don't want to, but I do want to... but you need to let me know now if you're changing your mind!"

"That's not it, Marc... I guess I just am worried that you're so caught up in the immediacy of this, but that once all this is over you'll think you made a mistake."

"Bri, the only mistake I made was leaving you the first time, and I thought I was doing it for you anyway. Trust me, I'll go anywhere and do anything with you, regardless of your name or when or where."

She gave him a hug and looked up into his eyes. "You really mean that?"

He squeezed her butt and looked at her. "Sometimes, Bri, you need to shut up." She was wearing panties and a t-shirt, and he grabbed the hem of the shirt and pulled up. She put her arms up and it came off. He led her to the bed and sat her down. "Bri, I have a confession to make."

"Oh god... is it bad?"

"I think it turned out good. I... stole... some of your DNA."


"Your DNA. I needed it."

"Umm... ok. Just curious, why?"

"I'm getting to it. There's places that check and see if two people's DNA are compatible for having children, y'know, like checking for hereditary traits and bad genes."

"So I'm back to why..."

"Bri... We're clear. We're good. What I'm saying is, we can have children."

She sat back, stunned. "You... want kids?"

"Only with you."

She pulled him into a tight hug, whispering into his neck "Now I know we're doing the right thing." She pulled back and looked into his eyes. "Maybe we should practice..." and gave him a kiss. He groaned as she pulled him back on the bed.

She rolled him over. "You look tired, let me do all the hard work tonight!" She pulled his underwear off as he took off his t-shirt, then pulled her underwear off as well. She climbed up over him and sat on his crotch, grinding on his cock. He looked down and realized something was different.

"You shaved?"

"Not all of it. I have to fit in my new bikini..."

"Mom and Dad are going to hate us."

"They'll have to get over it. Right now I don't want to think about them!" She leaned back and put him at her entrance. She started sliding down and moaning. When she hit bottom, she looked at him. "Can we stay like this forever?"

"Well...after four hours I'm supposed to go to the hospital..."

"Shut up, goof!" She began to move up and down, her breasts wobbling with each movement. He stared, as he always did, and she giggled. "I think you just love my boobs!"

"I love your boobs, but if you were an A-cup I'd still love you."

"You always say the right things..." She began to speed up her thrusts, reveling in the feeling as he moved in and out of her. They both began to make moans and groans, this time he lost it first began coming inside her. She felt it and let herself go as well, thighs quivering. When it had rolled through her, she collapsed on top of him. "Wow..."

"Uh huh..."

The next morning, as they were all getting ready to go to the airport, Amanda looked at them both. "I know you guys had a good night!" Bri blushed and Marc grinned. "Are you two ready for this?"

"Amanda, I'm more ready than ever. I guess I'll have to tell you sometime, might as well be now. Marc had our DNA checked...we can have children!"

"Really? Wow, that's great! Hey Marc, do you have any hidden brothers around? I need to meet one of these decent guys!"

"Wish I did, Mandini. Y'know, I heard all the stories and bs, and I didn't have a good opinion of you... I've gotten to really know you in the past year, and... you're really a sweet girl. Someone is going to get lucky when they sweep you off your feet."

"Aaawww, thanks Marc. I don't have any hope around here. Maybe one of those Texas cowboys..."

"Amanda, trust'll know. When it happens, you'll know." Bri said, giving her friend a quick hug.

They all went to Jamaica. The wedding was the second day there and went off without a hitch. Bill did a "stand-in", dancing with Bri during the "Daddy-daughter" dance as her father wasn't there (according to all the paperwork). Her mother cried, but it seemed to be tears of joy. Amanda was the only bridesmaid, and both Bill and Marc danced with her. They stayed out drinking for a while, and when Marc pulled Bri to his lap and kissed her with passion, nobody looked away. As they were ready to head up to the room, Bri whispered to Marc "Wait a sec. I gotta make sure Amanda gets up there alone. When she's drunk, she's easy!" She found her talking (and flirting) with one of the hotel bartenders. She pulled her away, saying "This is my night to get laid, not yours!"

Amanda giggled drunkenly. "Y'know, I'd join you both if you'd let me!"

"Not the right time for that! C'mon, lets go upstairs."

They half-carried her up to her room and put her on the bed. "You can't leave, okay? You sleep here alone, we will find you a guy in Texas!"

"Okaaaaay... Y'know, wasn't kiddin' earlier..."

"I know. Just go to sleep. Dream of Texas cowboys, okay?"

"Promise, mommy, won't leave. Too drunk anyways... you two go do what you do, 'kay? Don't worry about me."

Marc and Bri held hands as they walked to the room. "What was that all about?" he asked.

"She kinda offered a threesome with us. I know she would, but it wouldn't be right for her anyway. I think she has a mild crush on you."

"I think she just wants what you have... she needs a good guy. I guess if we were gonna have a threesome, we could do worse!"

She slapped him on his shoulder. "What, I'm not enough for you?"

"More than I ever dreamed of. Just kiddin' around...unless you want to. Anything for you."

"What if I wanted two guys?"

"'Kay, almost anything for you. I couldn't do that."

"So, now you know how I feel about this and you."

"So, Mrs. Scott, shall we go to the Bridal Chamber and rut like animals?"

"We shall, Mr. Scott. That we shall."

Upon opening the door, he picked her up. "Must carry you over the threshold. Tradition, you know." He put her down on the bed and she looked up at him. "Marc, for so long this was the ending of all my dreams... I just realized, this is actually just the beginning. We're married, Marc. We actually did it."

"I know... my head's spinning a bit too. I'm not worrying about anything tonight though... except one thing."

"What's that?"

"Getting you out of that damn dress..."

Giggling, she stood up and reached behind her. A few magical seconds later, it fell to the floor and she stood wearing a white lace teddy, stockings and garter. "Ta-Daaaaa!" she said.

"I'm overdressed..."

"Mmmhmmm..." she moved to him and started unbuttoning his shirt. She pulled it open and began working on his buckle, then unzipping his pants. "Gonna help me or what?" He pulled his shirt and undershirt off and stepped out of his pants. She hooked his underwear in her thumbs. "I remember the first time I did this... I was so scared, but so excited at the same time."

"Are you scared now?"

"No... now I'm just excited." She took him in her mouth, moving slowly up and down, pulling off with a 'pop'. "Are you upset I'm not a virgin?"

"Not at all... I kinda wish I'd waited for you. The only thing that matters now, Mrs. Scott, is that we're here." He reached for the scraps of cloth on her shoulders and pulled them off. It fell mostly to her waist, he had to pull the light material off her stiffened nipples for it to fall. He bent down and put his face in her breasts, licking and sucking with wild abandon. His arms went around her and sat her on the bed as he began to work his way down, pulling on the teddy until it was around one of her feet. He dove in between her thighs, parting her lips with his tongue and finding her clit. She was moaning as he put a finger in her, and he began moving with earnest. Several minutes later, as she lay panting on the bed, he pulled his face out, soaking wet. "So... did I do it right?"