The Whore in a Bottle


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"Bri, I always will love you, but... I love Amanda too."

"We are one weird group... but I wouldn't have it any other way!" Bri said with a giggle.

"Marc... one question. I get how you can love Bri... she's amazing. Why me? Why would you care about me?"

"Do you remember the first time I called you Mandini? You were like, 14, sleeping over with Bri. She was upset about something, and you took care of her. You brought her everything, you put her in bed... I called you the Amazing Mandini that night because you magically made her happy that night. I liked you then. When we started spending time together, I mean, it's impossible not to notice just how beautiful you are on the outside...but then I found out how beautiful you were on the inside. I think it's something that just snuck up on me without my noticing, but... I've told you over and over again, you're an amazing woman. Someday, I hope you believe me."

They continued to get together for a few nights, and Amanda started to feel better. Her attitude shifted, and suddenly she seemed happy again. Two weeks after the first time, Amanda was home with Bri as Amanda was job hunting again. The postman rang the bell and asked for Amanda. He had a registered letter for her to sign for.

She looked it over, and it was from a local law firm. Very apprehensive, she opened it. The letter contained was very short and to the point. She needed to call and make an appointment with them at her earliest convenience to discuss the estate of Mark Dixon.

"Bri... what could this be about? I... know I don't owe him anything. I don't think he actually left me anything... what could this be?"

"The only way to know is to call and make an appointment... if I were you I'd call now!"

Amanda did and got an appointment for the following day. They asked her to bring state ID, her birth certificate, and her social security card to verify her identity. This only made her more nervous. She was on pins and needles all night, sleeping restlessly between Marc and Bri.

She went to her appointment a few minutes early and brought the required documentation as well as her passport. Once the attorney was satisfied, he sat back and asked her a few questions about how she knew Mark and her feelings about him. She showed him her ring. After this, he brought out a file from his desk. "Ms. Worthington, this is the last will and testament of Mark A. Dixon. I would like you to have a copy, buy I would like to give you a quick synopsis of what is contained herein. Is that acceptable?"

"Uh, sure. I didn't think he even had a will, much less that I would get anything."

"Ms. Worthington, you get the vast majority of all of it. Do you have any idea of what Mr. Dixon was worth?"

"Well... he was worth far more to me alive than any money. But he always said he had some money, but never spoke about actual figures."

He laughed. "He actually said you would say that if it ever came to this. Just so you're aware, I considered Mark a friend as well as a client. I can see why he liked you, why he wanted to marry you. If I was 25 years younger... but I digress. Ms. Worthington, as of this morning in the stock market, between his portfolio and all his other investments, his estate is valued at $625 thousand. Of that, $200 thousand is the house, roughly $100 thousand in liquid assets, and the rest is spread through several investments."

Amanda opened and closed her mouth. Once she could speak, she squeaked out "How much of that did he actually leave to me?"

"That is the amount he left you."

"I... Uh... I don't know what to say. I... never thought he had anything close to that kind of money."

"Well, he deliberately kept it private. He wanted to make sure you wanted him for him, not for money. From what he told me, he truly believed you loved him."

"I did... I really did."

"I want you to sit and read the will, Ms. Worthington. There is more in there than I am willing to say. Read it today if you have time."

"I will."

Ok, well..." he dug in his desk, "Here are the keys to the house, the car keys for all of the vehicles are in the house. I will assist you in getting the house and vehicle titles changed to your name, as well as all the investments. After that, should you need more legal help, I will be but a phone call away."

She picked up the wad of keys, each one labelled. "What if... I don't want it."

"Since it's yours, you have the legal right to sell it."

"Can you... can you do it for me? I... I don't think I can face this right now. Sell the house, all the cars but the Suburban. I want to keep that."

"I'll draw up the paperwork for a limited power-of-attorney, then you won't have to deal with any of it, if that's truly what you want. Here is my card. You two had a somewhat unconventional relationship, but he was truly in love with you. I shall miss him and our talks."

"We will continue some of the discussions! I have so many questions..."

"I look forward to it."

"Thank you, sir... I will go now. I... I would still rather have him... This has been a rough few weeks."

"The only good thing is that the gunman committed suicide, otherwise I would have had to do... something wrong."

"I would've helped.... Have a good day, I'll be in touch soon in order to finalize everything. Let me know when we can, I left my phone number with your receptionist."

"You try to have a good day too, Ms. Worthington. I wish you well."

Amanda drove home in a daze. She had a hard time understanding that she was suddenly wealthy. She was trying to wrap her head around it as she walked in.

"Hey, what happened? Did he leave you the pontoon? I thought that was pretty cool!"

"Actually, yes... that, and a few other things. I...I'm feeling tired, I need to lay down." She went to her room, which she hadn't used for a while.

Bri knew her friend wasn't tired, but she guessed that she had something to think about in private. She let her go but was brimming with unanswered questions. When Marc got home, Bri was putting dinner on the table and she asked him to go wake Amanda. He found her not asleep, but on her computer with all kinds of screens up.

"Whatcha lookin' at?"

She shut it quickly. "Uhh... just trying to figure some things out, y'know?"

"What did the lawyer say today?"

"Mark... left me some stuff. That's kind of what I'm trying to figure out."

They had dinner and they cleaned up. Bri went to feed the babies and Amanda looked at Marc.

"He knew."

"He knew what?"

"He knew I loved you. He knew he would always be second... and he didn't care, he loved me anyway."

"How do you know that?"

"He... he put it in his will."

"He... what?"

"In his will... he said he knew he was second best. He... wanted me to eventually accept him as number one, but that he would be satisfied if he got to stay with me forever, even as number two. He... loved me so much. I feel... guilty. I'm sorry, but I do."

"What the hell... wow."

"He left me almost everything, Marc. House, cars, boat... stocks... what the hell am I supposed to do with it? If I use it, I'll feel guilty. If I don't, I'll feel stupid. I mean, I did love him, just... not as much as I loved you. What do I do, Marc?"

"We... we all should think about it. May I see the will? I want to see exactly what he wrote. Bri needs to be part of it, but the only real decision is yours alone. We can advise, but it isn't our choice. Off the top of my head, the most important thing is taking care of his child. He'd want that, for sure. He was hoping you'd want kids soon, we talked about it."

` Amanda gave him a copy of the will so he and Bri could read it. For a few days Amanda stayed in her own room, researching and thinking. She had signed the power of attorney so the house could be sold as well as most of the vehicles. She kept the boat and the big Suburban.

A few weeks later, Marc came home early. He had some paperwork in a folder and called the girls in to sit around the kitchen table. "Bri, Amanda, I... I want to run and idea by you both. It's simple and complicated at the same time... BAM!" He put the folder on the table. Amanda looked at him like he was crazy.

"Marc... what the hell, you're not a cajun chef. What do you mean?"

"Ok, let me simplify what all this legal mumbo-jumbo means. BAM is an LLC... Bri, Amanda, Marc. We each technically own one third. All decisions, including those to terminate the agreement, would have to be unanimous. Bri and I would put all our assets, like the house and vehicles, into the LLC. Amanda, you would put an equal amount into it as well. There is a lot in here... it's a business agreement in that we all live as equal partners, but there are other sections as well. Amanda, you would get some rights you don't currently have, such as all legal rights that a wife normally gets in a marriage. There's more..." He dug in his pocket and pulled out a box, opening it. Inside were five rings. "Amanda, the first one would be for tonight, if you agree." He pulled out a square-cut diamond ring. "The rest all belong to us when we sign the deal. We would each have... two wedding rings, essentially. One for each partner. Amanda, I, we... can't marry you. Texas law, national law just won't allow it. This is as close as I could get legally. Per the agreement, if you wanted to change your last name to Scott, it would be allowed. I can't ask you to marry us, but... will you enter into a legal partnership as close to marriage as I can make it?"

Amanda's eyes grew wet. She looked at Bri, who nodded yes. A tear escaped her eye and ran down her face. "Marc, Bri... I would be honored to do so..."

"Per the agreement, all children that arise from this arrangement or that were previously conceived are equal in all respects. We'd all have to help you with yours like you've helped with ours."

"Marc... why?"

"Why what?"

"All of it."

"We want to keep you around. We want to make you part of this thing that we have. I mean, you already are, but we wanted to make it legally binding and such. Like I said, we want to marry you, but we can't."

Amanda picked up the ring, twisting it in her fingers. "Can I put more into the LLC than you do?"

"Sure, but we thought that you might want to keep some of it yourself."

"Maybe a little... but not much. Who made this agreement?"

"Mark's old attorney. He said it was as fair as he could make it."

She slid the ring on her finger. "So... Since we're engaged, all of us, does that mean that we can have sex without any jealousy, without fear that one of us will get upset?"

Bri smiled at her. "I thought we were already doing that..."

Amanda stood up. "I'm going out to get us some dinner. Bri, wanna come with?"

"Sure!" She knew that she wanted to talk.

"Love you Marc!" Amanda said.

"Love you Marc!" Bri said as the girls walked out.

"Love you both too. Imma let you go, the twins are asleep and you know the rule: Let sleeping babies lie! If you have any questions I'm just a phone call away. I'll miss ya though. Surprise me with something good!"

Amanda and Bri left and pondered what to get, then had a sudden inspiration and they were on their way. He looked for his phone, then realized it was dead and probably had been off for some time. He plugged it in and found one message he had missed from Amanda 'Be ready for tonight, it's gonna be fun!'

When they got home, he was in the bathroom. When he came out, he found Amanda and Bri on the couch, each wearing nothing but a smile. "We have dinner!" they said in unison.

"So, what have I done to deserve this?"

"What haven't you done? Marc, I bought some seafood for tonight. Maybe you should have the oysters first..."

"I think I should have an oyster or two... or six. I can never turn either one of you down, and when you get together...." He shook his head. "You two are going to kill me!"

"But Marc, what a way to go, huh?" Bri said with a giggle.

They had some food, the girls purposely letting small amounts drop on their chests and letting the other lick it off. Marc had a very hard time concentrating on his food, finally pushing back his chair and getting up. "Fuck this..." he muttered, pulling his clothes off. When he was naked, he dipped his dick in cocktail sauce and shook it at the ladies. "Who wants cocktail sauce?"

Both ladies got up and were on their knees in no time. They shared the cocktail sauce, each getting to lick some off. Bri looked up at him and said "I have some extra sauce too. Want some?"

"I do!"

"Me too, me too!"

"Ladies, somebody is getting my dick, and somebody is getting my tongue. Right now, I don't care, but we need to do it NOW!"

They took him by his hands and put him on Marc's bed. Bri climbed up to his face as sat, rubbing her sopping pussy on his nose and lips. Amanda took her position on top, letting him brush lightly against her pussy as she stayed above him. "Marc... do you want me to sit? Maybe you just want me to tease... Maybe you just can't have me..."

Marc's hands reached out and claimed her knees, pulling her forward and down onto him, filling her in one thrust. She groaned as Bri attacked her breasts and Marc started moving beneath her. "God, sometimes I think things are bad, but then you guys do this...."

After Bri and Amanda both came, Marc got out from under them. "Lick me clean, please!" The girls took over, trading balls and cock, kissing him and each other. Marc began to lose control and Bri pulled him out of her mouth, pointing it at Amanda. He began to come, coating Amanda with the first shot, then Bri, back and forth until he was spent. The girls licked each other clean, then him.

Before the night was over, Marc had come in both of them and they cleaned each other up. They lay back with a fine sheen of sweat, breathing hard. "Marc, I get why you like Bri... but why me, Marc? Just curious."

"Mandini, I... well, you're beautiful. You have such a sweet soul... All of us right here have some issues... but together, everything just works."

Two years later, as they sat in the back yard watching Mandy, Marc Jr, and Miranda all play in the small plastic pool, Marc looked over at Bri. "So... is it really only one this time?"

Bri rubbed her large belly. "The doctor said only one this time... but I think it's gonna be big!"

Marc leaned to the other side and rubbed Amanda's smaller bump. "But this time you're having two..."

"Yep. Doc was asking about my husband, I told him he was with his other wife at her appointment! You shoulda seen his face!" Amanda said with a laugh.

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AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

I must say got a little to goofy at the end

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

Trash story. Asshole brother Marc was in love with Amanda yet supposedly lived his sister too.

Trailer park white trash

SabatakiSabataki10 months ago

One of my favorites.

TheOldStudTheOldStudabout 1 year ago

Not bad but certainly not your best either. It really got convoluted after Mark's death. It would probably have made more sense to let Mark live and become a 'separated at birth' twin to Amanda, or something like that. What happened to Marc and Bri's parents?

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

To the author: Are you a Hillbilly as you come across with all of your characters as if you are backwards and a hick from the sticks. None of the stories that I have read of yours did i find it necessary for you to present your main characters with this taintedness. Good grief dude, not everyone that has this type sexual appetite need to be painted this way. You present in your stories like all of your characters have a substandard IQ and that they are baffled how they came to their circumstances sexually as not knowing how they got there.

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