The Wicked Stepmother Act 01


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She sighs deeply and now takes Ellie's other hand also, turns her slightly on the couch so they are facing each other. "I promised your daddy that on his deathbed among other things and as I'm sure you know deathbed promises are sacred things hon."

"Yes they are." Ellie says drawing her hands out of Missy's, maybe not ready to commit to be so close yet. Instead, she takes two or three small delicate sips of her wine before she says, "I made one myself and since you opened up to me about wanting to be my mom I will share with my mom."

"I wish you would."

"You might think it strange but my daddy asked me wait for him while staying pure and innocent."

"Hmm not strange at all honey. Me and your daddy had a long talk about you before he died and he... Well damn honey, I don't want to scare you honey."

"Mom tell me. I have the feeling you know something. I tried to ask him why, what it meant exactly...wait for him, but he couldn't response and just sort of slipped away. I..." Ellie shakes her head unable to continue, as a tear or two escapes, trickling slowly down her pretty cheeks.

Missy slowly, carefully gathers Ellie into her arms, hugging her tight. Ellie feels the warmth, the incredible undeniable warmth emitting from this woman who she considered a mortal enemy for so long, but now is warming up to more and more with every passing day; tonight maybe with every passing minute.

Missy brings her mouth to Ellie's ear and begins to whisper. "Hon your daddy, we made plans so someday he could come back to you, but only if you stayed innocent and pure like he asked. Like you promised."

Ellie pulls back, blinking back the tears, confused at what her stepmother is saying. "I don't understand come back what do you mean."

"Come back to you. In first spirit form, and then later in flesh and blood if only for one night. Would you accept that?"

"Of course Mom but..."

"Shh let me explain, but first it matters none if you can't answer this question the right way. That is very truthfully."

"Ok ask then." Ellie says her heart racing as this is all so weird, just like that final promise she made to him on his deathbed.

"Have you been pure and innocent this last four years and even before then Ellie. Are you in fact as pure and innocent as freshly fallen snow when it comes to being with someone?"

"Being with someone? You mean like sex."

"Yes like sex or like just being intimate. Close physically, even just hugs or kisses with someone would ruin things."

Ellie stares at her stepmother for a long moment, before answering slow, "Nothing is ruined. I have waited for him, pure and innocence just as he asked. It seemed so important to him, and like you said deathbed promises are sacred. Even before my promise there was nothing and nobody I was close to but mom and dad."

"I too made the same solemn promise to him," Missy says looking at Ellie solemnly.

"You did really. That is why maybe I never seen you go out on dates. Why you just work and take care of me all the time. Because..."

"Exactly and now the waiting is over. He has been watching us. Seeing if we would be true to him. I can sense it, can't you? It's been four years, four longs years since you mature from a young naïve girl of 16 to the true 20 year old beauty you are now. Still naïve yes, but more beautiful than ever and you remember that is how long he asked you to wait right?"

"Yes, I guess it has now that you mention it. Four years. Geez a long time. But you know, it's eerie and I thought of saying something to you but then it just seemed so silly." Ellie lowers her voice to almost a whisper as she leans toward Missy on the couch, "I really get the feeling I'm being watched when I'm getting undressed, or taking a shower, a bath...or laying out by the pool in my bikini."

"Not surprising. Death is drawn to the beauty of life Ellie and you are beautiful."

"Mom stop..."

"Why do you have the hard time with the truth little girl." Missy says lightly brushing her hand through Ellie's hair. "Or maybe you just need to hear it from your daddy once more."

"Mom stop teasing."

"I'm not. We can bring him back. Bring him to us."


"Well we would start with a séance."

"I thought that séance's were just a bunch of you know mumbo jumbo Mom. They don't really work."

"That is often true, but not because they don't work in general it's because the person doing the séance is not ahh skilled enough to make it work. Now if anyone can make a séance work the way it is supposed to that would be a powerfully wicked witch maybe," Missy tells Ellie with a twinkle in her eye.

"Oh well too bad we just don't have one of them laying around then."

"Oh but we do dear."

"Right, who?"


Ellie looks at her stepmother with total disbelief as she exclaims loudly, "Get out of here, Missy...I mean Mom, you ain't no witch."

"I am, a little demonstration maybe is in order." Missy tells her with a cocky smile. She waves her hand in the air and suddenly there is a small bouquet of pretty red roses in her hand, which she presents to Ellie with a flourish.

"Wow that is like..."

"Magic yes I know. But we have no time to go over my resume in detail honey. Do you want to contact your father and see if he will come play with us tonight on All Hallows Eve when the world of the dead is closest to ours?"

"Yea a séance would be cool mom. But maybe could you show me another magic trick first." Ellie says excitedly before she takes another sip of wine, wondering if maybe she is just not drunk.

"Look hon we really don't have time for me to show off, if we are going to do this we should hurry upstairs and both prepare ourselves for the séance. As we are getting ready I can show you a thing or two maybe."

They both hurry upstairs Ellie, carrying her bouquet of roses that her stepmother produced out of thin air, both nervous and excited about the prospects of contacting her dead father, but even more so by her stepmother being a witch.

Ellie follows Missy into the master bedroom and then into the large bathroom attached to it. Missy shuts the door quietly and then critically examines Ellie telling her a few changes are in order.

"Changes what kind of changes?"

"Your daddy has a bit of a perversion my dear for slutty looking little girls that still look somehow sweet and innocent. I think I can achieve that look with you."

"Mom is that really necessary. I like the way I look," Ellie responds glancing at herself in the mirror. Her hair is pulled up, she has little or no makeup on, and is dressed in a pair of simple jeans with a black over-sized sweatshirt. She had been depressed tonight, on this anniversary of her daddy's death and her manner of dress had showed as such. Missy with her wonderful magic though was about to change all that.

"Look Ellie time is of the essence here. All Hallows Eve is waning. You must trust me and follow my instructions to the tee without question if we want to have a chance to contact your daddy."

Missy steps back and places both of her hands on Ellie's arms, looking at her seriously, before finally saying, "Can you do that for me?"

"Yes." Ellie says simply, making a firm determination to go along with this, whatever this may be, as she feels somehow, someway Missy is telling her the truth about being able to contact her father.

"Good here have another sip of that glorious red wine I poured you earlier, to help you relax my dear." Missy says rummaging around in the drawer for her makeup kit.

"But Mom, I left my glass downstairs."

"Nonsense it's right there." Missy says with a twinkle in her eye as a glass of wine, suddenly pops onto the counter top seemingly out of thin air. Ellie is about to ask what the hell, but thinks better of it as Missy gives her a dark look as she pulls her makeup kit out of the drawer and places it on the counter between them.

Instead of questioning, Ellie takes several sips of the now full glass of wine as Missy goes to work fixing her up. She first undoes the hair ties that were holding Ellie's hair up. Her long black hair now falls back over her shoulders in a beautiful wave.

"That is much better, your daddy doesn't like your hair being up you know. Now what else," Missy says looking at her in the mirror before adding, "Hmm I know, some blonde highlights or streaks even, would make you look a bit more slutty I would think Ellie." Missy says running her fingers through her hair.

Ellie is about to comment on how they don't have time to color her hair with streaks or highlights, if time is truly of the essence tonight, when Missy runs her fingers through her hair lightly once more while chanting something in a strange language she has never heard before.

Missy, sensing Ellie's curiosity, tells her the language is Old Latin.

Suddenly, Ellie's dark hair is filled with soft blonde streaks that blend perfectly with her naturally beautiful ebony hair. Missy beams at Ellie in the mirror proud to be able to show off her mad witching skills for her young stepdaughter.

"Now for your make up, its needs to be a bit more ahh cheap and slutty looking, don't you think Ellie. I mean you do want to look like a perfect little slut for your daddy right sweetie as that will increase the chances of him being lured to us."

Ellie says yes quietly, still stunned at her stepmother's amazing powers. Missy spends the next few minutes turning her sweet little innocent looking step daughter into a tramp, as she cakes on plenty of makeup, too much probably for a girl already as pretty as Ellie, but the end result is just what Missy is hoping for. Ellie with her eye lashes now thick and black, her eye shadow a gaudy blueish color, and her lip stick a bright cocksucker red now looks both cheap and slutty.

The makeup done, Missy now stares at Ellie for a long moment, seemingly turning something over in her mind. Ellie notices how her gaze seems to be pointed directly at her chest as she wonders what Missy could be thinking.

"Hmm yes maybe that could work after all." Missy finally says. "Ok then I think I can remember the wording to the spell. Relax, close your eyes and in a moment you will feel a sharp pain in your chest but it won't last long. Open your eyes when I tell you."

Ellie again does what she is told and closes her eyes as she faces the mirror. She hears Missy saying something again using the Old Latin, a spell of some sort she assumes. Then she does feel a sharp pain in her chest that lasts for maybe 3-4 seconds.

Finally, Missy tells her to open her eyes. Ellie opens her eyes and sees something amazing. Her loose fitting sweatshirt now appears to be concealing two rather large bulges underneath it.

"My God Missy are...are they real." Ellie whispers as she stares at her chest in the mirror.

"Very much so. Of course they are nowhere near as large as mine, but then again I think a nice pair of 34DD's is nothing to be ashamed of."

"It''s not." A shocked Ellie stammers. "Jesus Mom I was only a 32B before."

"Yes I know hon, a very nice 32B at that but well you daddy happens to have a bit of a bit tit fetish, I mean look at me after all."

"Yeah I know Mom your tits are like huge."

"Are you complaining of that hon."

"No not all. I like them," before she adds impulsively, the wine making her brave with her words, "A lot."

"Well we will just have to see about that later on hon, wait here while I go conjure you up something nice to wear."

Just a minute or so later, Missy pops her head into the bathroom telling Ellie her outfit if waiting for her in her bedroom. Missy instructs Ellie not to add or change anything to what she has picked out for her in any way, and to be sure to wear the white satin robe over her outfit, before meeting her downstairs in the living room.

Ellie heads off to room curiously wondering what her magic item Missy conjured up for her to wear. She imagines, considering what she did with her makeup and how she made her small tits so much bigger, that the outfit she will be wearing will show off her new and improved tits along with being both cheap and slutty.

Five minutes later, Ellie, her suspicions being proved right about what Missy conjured her up to wear, makes her way down to the living room. Missy is sitting on the couch waiting for her sipping on a glass of wine. As she makes her way over to the couch she notices the living room seems to be in the grips of a deep chill.

Settling down next to her mother on the couch, Ellie pulls the pretty white satin robe tighter around her body trying to ward off the chill that has settled over the living room. Missy is wearing a satin robe herself, but hers is pure midnight black, in stark contrast to Ellie's pure white one. Ellie curiously wonders what outfit her stepmother might be wearing underneath that midnight black robe of hers.

Ellie takes a big gulp from a fresh wine glass filled to the rim once more that Missy shoves in her hand as soon as she sat down next to her. Ellie is quickly developing a taste for this delicious red wine, liking the way it makes her feel all warm and fuzzy.

"Are you ready to begin our séance baby girl?"

"Yes." Ellie says and from this point forward things start to slowly spin out of control for the shy, innocent, 20 year old virgin.

'We shall do it right here on the couch. Here take my hands Ellie."

"Mom don't we have to sit at a table or something holding hands."

"Oh that is all a bunch of mumbo jumbo Hollywood movie crap honey. Trust me I can bring your daddy to this very room without all that unnecessary drama. Just follow my instructions exactly honey because I warn you dead spirits are quick to anger understand."

"Yes," Ellie says feeling a quiet chill of excitement settle over her.

"Your daddy will communicate, at first anyway, through me to you, and then later maybe if you are lucky he will talk to you directly. It will be like you are hearing his voice inside your head baby, or maybe he will just speak aloud, it all depends on his mood, on the atmosphere, but regardless of which we he chooses to speak to you honey this is very important if he tells you to do something you must without question do it. Will you be OK with that?"

"Yes Mom. I mean no matter what you shall protect me right."

"Like a mother bear protects her cubs hon. Trust me. Ready to begin?"


Missy starts chanting in Old Latin as the house is suddenly plunged into complete darkness, all except for the sudden glow from a roaring fire in the old fireplace, which had not been used for years to Ellie's knowledge, but which suddenly leaps to life.

In addition, both of the candelabras that Ellie had noticed earlier, one each on the two end tables that flank either side of the couch, suddenly also come alive, their small flames dancing and giving off an eerie light.

In the deathly silence of the old house only the snap, crackle and pop of wood burning in the fireplace can be heard, along with the soft chanting that is coming from Missy.

Ellie looks around at the deep shadows of the living room and then back to her stepmother, who has her head back and her eyes shut as she continues to quietly chant in her creepy Old Latin. Ellie listens and waits; her heart thumping in her chest.

A short minute or two later, Missy stops chanting and opens her eyes saying to Ellie, as she waits with bated breath, "He wants you to stand up sweetheart."

"H-he is here Mom." Ellie quietly asks as she starts to stand up.

"He is near, but not ready to show himself. He needs to test you first."

"Test me..." Ellie starts to inquire what that could mean, but then falls silent when Missy gives her a stern look.

"Put these on." Missy orders her, producing a tan colored shoe box from somewhere behind her.

Ellie opens the shoe box, and quickly slips on the new shoes. Her heart again begins to thump wildly in her chest as Ellie sees the shoes match her overall look quite perfectly; that is they are quite slutty looking. Ellie now is wearing a pair of 6 inch spike black heel highs adorned with rows of small metallic studs.

"Is he here?" She asks standing in front of her stepmother, but despite the fact she is now wearing slutty six inch heels, which should help her feel tall, instead Ellie only feels very small and vulnerable in the silent darkness of the living room.

"He is right there," Missy points to one of the far dark corners of the living room.

Ellie turns her head quickly, and does see what appears to be a dark shape sitting quietly. She remembers there is an old wicker chair wedged into that corner as her heart nearly explodes in her chest as she simply cannot believe what is happening.

Ellie feels like running, such is her sudden fear, but a gentle touch of Missy's hand on her arm quiets her nerves. That is until Missy says to her, "If you want to lure your daddy from the shadows hon, you must take off that pretty robe of yours and show him what I picked out for his slutty little daughter to wear for tonight's festivities."

Ellie, keeping in mind what Missy said earlier about obeying her, shyly tugs at the knot holding her robe shut, and then stops, looking at Missy with eyes filled with sudden fright. Despite the wine, and her mother's strict instructions for her to obey her orders, Ellie's innate shyness starts to get the better of her.

Her shyness comes mainly from knowing what she is wearing underneath, and Ellie, despite being a consummate showoff at times, has never had the occasion to allow anyone to see her in her underwear before.

An impatient Missy decides to take charge saying, "I know my little girl is shy about showing off what I picked out for you, but trust me I am sure it will look fantastic on your sweetie. So c'mon, be a good girl now and take your robe off for us please baby."

"Ok but I ..." Ellie decides to make a small confession, "I just never let anyone see me in my underwear before Mom."

"It's ok, come here a bit closer..." Missy says taking Ellie's hands into hers and guiding her over to where she stands right in front of Missy as she scoots to the edge of the couch.

"If you are too shy, let me take your robe off for you." Missy now carefully reaches out and tugs at the knot of the white sash that holds her robe shut.

The knot comes undone. Ellie sighs audibly as she feels her mother's warm hands slip inside the robe and up her bare arms to her shoulders, where she slowly, carefully slips the robe off of her.

Ellie's gown falls off her shoulders and flutters softly to the floor, revealing the sexy white lace strapless bra and matching panty set Missy conjured up for her stepdaughter.

"Come on sweetie show me the back. Please, pretty please." Missy tells her sweetly.

Ellie giggles like a school girl before she does a quick twirl, revealing to her step mom just how skimpy the thong she conjured up for her is in the back. The wine, along with Missy sweet pleadings, seems to have made her forget her natural shyness, if only for a brief moment anyway.

Both the bra and white lace thong panties, standing out in stark contrast to her dark skin, just as Missy knew they would, look absolutely adorable on Ellie. The father watches from his silent hideaway deep in the shadows. His cock comes even more awake seeing his gorgeous little girl in such a state of undress. The father smiles to himself relishing the idea there is life "down there" even after four long years of a cold, lonely death.

Ellie blushes shyly, feeling her step mother's eyes crawling all over her, especially her chest. Curiously, she wonders just what her step mother is thinking as she stares at her young step-daughter so she goes fishing by saying sweetly, "I don't wear bras much, but I think I like this one. It's look really cute on me huh Mom," she says coyly.