The Wicked Stepmother Act 01


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"Oh sweetheart you look so adorable in your new underwear. I... well I hope you don't mind me saying this, but that strapless bra looks absolutely gorgeous on you hon," Missy purrs at her daughter. "I think I did really well in conjuring this up for my darling little daughter..."

Missy pauses now and directs her gaze squarely on Ellie's immense tits adding, "Who from the looks of things is not so very little anymore. I am sure your daddy is more than a little impressed sweetheart."

Ellie indeed hopes so as she warily looks around her. The darkness of the living room seems to be creeping closer. She moves towards the warmth and what she thinks is the protection of her stepmother as she casts yet another furtive look into that dark corner where earlier she had seen the shape sitting in the old wicker chair.

Her eye catches a movement. A swirling in the shadows that seems to be forming into a shape. "Could it be him really, her daddy." Ellie wonders silently. She wants to believe, but as of yet is not fully ready to give credence that the dark shape in the shadows is her daddy.

Ellie attention is drawn away from staring into the corner as her stepmother whispers to her. "Your Daddy has suggested before he comes to play with us he requires proof."

"Proof of wha..." Ellie question dies on her lips as just then a soft, low voice, her daddy's voice!!, starts to whisper in her brain. Missy only smiles at her wryly sensing her daddy is speaking to her now.

"Remember sweetie what daddy told you about your new stepmother. How vulnerable she is if you..."

"I think I do remember Daddy." Ellie says silently to that eerie, yet unmistakable voice, of her daddy's.

"Good then waste no time is showing me the proof that I need that you truly love your mommy. Be sweet and innocent yet, bold and affectionate with her Ellie. Shower her with kisses, love and mostly especially affection. Only then can I show myself."

The memory comes flooding back into her brain, like it was yesterday she had the conversation with her daddy, while in reality it was years ago. The way to Missy's heart, her daddy told her one quiet evening shortly after he married Missy, after Ellie had been whining about Missy being cold, stone-hardhearted bitch, was to play the role of sweet, innocent, little girl for her. Her daddy assured Ellie that her new stepmother would eat that up and become putty in her hands.

Her Daddy had confided that Missy had a deep dark secret. Years ago, when she was in her late teens, Missy had a riding accident; she was thrown from her horse, and then trampled by the horse following hers, almost killing her. But she was both young and strong, so she ended up surviving her injuries with little or no permanent damage, except for the sad reality that the doctors told her. Missy's uterus had been severely damaged and she would never be able to bear children.

So if Ellie was both sweet and innocent with her, in a most sincere and heartfelt manner, it would appeal to Missy's unfulfilled motherly instincts that left such a gaping hole in her heart. Then her daddy added, "If you ever have a moment where you are alone and feeling vulnerable and scared turn to her for comfort while calling her 'Mommy' and you will find what a truly loving and sweet person your stepmother can be honey," her daddy further explained to Ellie.

Well poor Ellie was certainly feeling more than a little vulnerable, and at least a tad scared, as she recalled this conversation like it was yesterday so she figures she has nothing to lose if she takes her daddy's advice, even if said advice shockingly comes from beyond the grave.

When Ellie, eyes glazed over momentarily as she recalled the conversation, is quietly brought back to reality by Missy's soft touch on her bare arm she nearly jumps.

"Sorry love, were you thinking of him."


"Let me guess Ellie he requires proof of our love."

"Y-yes...but how did you know."

"I didn't really, it was just an educated guess. I knew how it bothered him our not getting along."

"Yes but we get along fine now, don't we? Now that I am older."

"Yeah, you're 20 so old, so mature...right." Missy says sarcastically before turning serious and adding, "But yes we do get along better, but sadly, he has not had a chance to witness our growing fondness for each other. Now would be the time to show him, don't you think."

"Yes but how?"

"Hmm still cold sweetie?" Missy says noting the fact Ellie's nipples are practically poking a hole through her tight strapless bra. It's a sight that makes Missy lick her lips in quiet anticipation of what she will hope come later.

"Yes very much so."

"And when little girls, even little girls that are not so little any more like you at the age of 20, well regardless when they are cold they like to be..." Missy's voice has dropped to a whisper, as she looks over at the roaring fire with its large square white rug stretched out in front of it, offering a quiet invitation.

"Cuddled." Ellie whispers back.

"By their..."

"Mommy's" Ellie says, deciding to take the leap and follow her daddy's advice, as a sly smile breaks out on Missy's face.

"So go ahead and ask me sweetheart, in a louder voice, so your daddy can hear, and..." Her voice drops to a low whisper, "call me Mommy from now on. I think he would like that as I would."

Ellie casts a quick glance over in the dark corner where, once again, she sees a rapid swirling in the shadows, that causes goosebumps to raise all along her bare arms. Looking back at her mother she bats her pretty eyes at her and says, using her sweetest, softest, and most innocent little girl voice, "Mommy I'm cold can we maybe go snuggle in front of the fire."

"Really Ellie you want to snuggle up next to your mean old stepmother." Missy says playfully back while batting her large baby blue eyes right back at her daughter.

"Yes Mommy, Please, pretty please."

Missy gets up, almost smirking Ellie notes, and extends a hand to Ellie who slowly takes it. Missy leads her over to the white rug in front of the fireplace, where somehow now, more of Missy's magic Ellie supposes, there is a large blood red floor pillow sitting in the middle of the rug.

Missy settles herself down against the pillow as Ellie sinks to the soft rug on her knees. The moment seems surreal to Ellie as her step mommy, the witch, gathers her quietly into her arms and snuggles her tightly.

They hold each other for a moment or two, neither saying a word, as Ellie wonders what might come next. She feels Missy warm breath on her neck and then a soft whisper in her ear.

"Your daddy bless his heart, never wanted nothing more than to see his two girls getting along, and as for me I wanted nothing more ever than this chance I have right now to hold you in my arms and whisper sweet nothings in your ear baby girl."

"I think your baby girl would like that." Ellie whispers back, feeling Missy run her fingers through her soft dark hair.

"Would she now, would she like to her how much Mommy loves her baby girl, because she truly does..." Missy accents this with a soft kiss on Ellie's ear lobe making her squirm a bit, "And how much she has always dreamed of having someone so adorably cute and cuddly like you baby Ellie to hold in her arms."

"Oh Mommy I..." Ellie twists out of Missy's grasp, now sitting up on her knees so she can look Missy straight in the eye, as she continues, her voice dripping with sweetness, "Love you too, so much. And there is something else I have always wanted to tell you but I guess I have been just too shy to do so. Maybe even now."

"I have the perfect cure for shyness sweetie..." Missy leans over and grabs a full glass of wine, which magically had just appeared in arms reach, "Here drink this down, all of it, and it will help loosen that shy little tongue of yours."

"All of it? But Mommy..." Ellie says noting the glass is full and she is worried about getting sick.

"Don't worry little girl, this is very special wine. It's so tailored so you can get really drunk off of it, but not at all sick to your stomach. It's my own special witch's brew you might say," Missy says with a laugh.

"Oh well in that case," Ellie suddenly feeling a very overwhelming need to please her mommy drains the whole glass quickly. The buzz from the wine is instant, making Ellie suddenly feel very safe and secure, and not the least bit shy. In fact, she feels just the opposite; that is she feels quite bold and aggressive.

"So tell me what you were going to say."

"Just how beautiful you are Mommy. And that maybe you..." Ellie pauses, remembering her daddy's advice about kisses, love and affection, before adding, "Would like to share some sweet little kisses with your little girl as we cuddle."

"Really sweetie you would share kisses with your mommy."

"I would love to." Ellie says throwing caution to the wind.

Missy smiles at her stepdaughter warmly, using her witch's instinct to glean that Ellie is not lying just to please her daddy, but instead truly means what she is saying.

Missy pulls her daughter into her arms as she slips her right hand around the middle of her back, snuggling her tight. Now here in her mother's arms, half naked that chill is more acute than ever, most likely caused by Ellie still wondering just what may or may not have been lurking in the shadows of that dark corner. Could that really been her daddy. Adding to her chill is a very acute feeling that she is being watched by a pair of hungry and aggressive eyes.

Or maybe the chill comes the way Missy's long, sharp fingernails are tracing soft semi circles around her shoulders and upper back, and with each passing circular movement her mother's fingers are falling lower and lower.

They are soon lingering on the back of her bra strap as Missy starts to shower Ellie with the lightest and sweetest of kisses all over first one cheek and then another, whispering sweet little terms of endearment the whole time.

Ellie's heart races as she feels Missy's fingers slip lightly under her where her bra fastens in the back; she starts to pull on it, twist it, seemingly testing the clasp for weakness?

The young sweet Ellie is suddenly sure her stepmother is about to undo her bra as her kisses now find their way down to her vulnerable neck. The thought fills her young heart with untold excitement, along with a fair amount of dread, but then maybe a bit of disappointment soon follows as she feels Missy' hands slip away, her bra still safely done up. She is not sure if she is more disappointed or relieved at this point.

Her mother's sharp finger nails trace small patterns all over Ellie's back sending chills up and down her spine. "I have dreamed of this for so long Ellie of holding you in my arms cuddling you, like you were my very own sweet little baby."

"But I am your very own sweet little baby Mommy. Cold baby that is. Can I have some more of that wine as it warms me up if only for a minute?"

"Of course," Missy says reaching for the glasses of wine she had moved just to the left of where they were cuddling. Both girls take a nice long sip from their respective wine glasses before Ellie shivering says, "Mommy why is it so cold in here. Isn't the heater working?"

"It's cold because I cast a little coldness spell while you were upstairs hon as your daddy likes things chilly. Plus honestly I thought it would induce you to cuddle with me for warmth."

Ellie is impressed with Missy casting a coldness spell just so she would be encouraged to cuddle with her. She is also quite jealous though of that black satin robe that Missy has so snugly wrapped around her body.

"Aren't you cold too Mommy?" Ellie asks looking jealousy once again at Missy black satin robe before adding, "Maybe not since you still are lucky to have your robe on."

"I would suggest you put your robe back on but I have a feeling that your daddy would not care so much for that idea. I think he is having a most wonderful time staring at his half naked little girl. Can't you feel his hungry eyes on you hon?"

"Y-yes." Ellie says starting to shiver all the more as Missy confirms her earlier suspicions.

"Maybe Mommy should let her little girl share her robe. You are small enough I think and..."Missy gets up on her knees now, while turning to face Ellie, "This robe just big enough where I could open it up and if you snuggle really tight next to me I could probably wrap it around you."

"That sounds like a wonderful idea Mommy, but won't daddy get upset since you will be sorta of you know covering my body up."

"Not if you show him, how much you appreciate your mommy sharing her robe with you by showering her with lots and lots of sweet little kisses." Missy says as their eyes meet and something deep and dark pass between the two girls.

"I would very much show you Mommy what a warm, loving and very appreciative little girl I am if you would be so kind and let me snuggle up to you under your warm robe."

"Hmm..." Missy starts to say as a mischievous smile starts to spread slowly over her face, just as she starts to tug on the thick black sash that holds her robe shut, "Maybe I should show my little girl first what mommy is wearing under her robe before she decides for sure."

"Yes you should." Ellie says her curiosity growing by leaps and bounds now as to just what kind of sexy outfit her stepmother may be wearing under her midnight black robe.

Ellie's eyes are fixated on her step-mother as she slowly tugs on the knotted sash. The knot comes undone. The robe starts to fall open, further and further until, much to Ellie's shock she sees her stepmother is completely naked under her robe.

Ellie stares in disbelief as Missy's huge tits are exposed in all their naked glory to her hungry eyes. She has lost the power of speech as Missy sits there on her knees, holding her robe open so very invitingly to her young daughter.

"Well now that you see Mommy has nothing under her robe..." Missy pauses reaches out and strokes the side of Ellie's face before adding in a soft whisper, "Do you still want to snuggle up next to her huh?"

"Yes Mommy more than ever I do." Ellie says licking her lips involuntarily as her eyes become fixated on Missy's big, beautiful tits.

Missy reaches out and pulls Ellie softly into her embrace, snuggling her under the robe as they fall back against the large blood red pillow. Ellie feels the satin robe being wrapped around her body as Missy brings her mouth to Ellie's ear whispering, "Now as you promised show Mommy what a sweet loving and most affectionate little girl you really are Ellie."

Ellie snuggles her face up against Missy cheek and then begins to lace it with kiss after sweet kiss. Ellie feels the warmth of her step mommy's naked body pressed up against her like some kind of wicked heating pad that is simply melting her heart and her inhibitions away.

Ellie pulls back slightly from Missy, first averting her eyes, before unable to resist she looks down at the two huge globes of creamy white tit flesh being pressed against her dark ebony skin. Missy tits are incredibly warm and firm against her as Ellie feels her heart racing.

Ellie, with great effort tears her eyes from Missy's beautiful tits, and looks back up at her, batting her pretty dark eyes seductively at her step-mother, trying to be extra flirtatious while screwing up her courage. Her gaze finally settles deep into Missy's big blue eyes.

It almost seems like those big blue eyes has cast a wicked spell over her, as she is no longer feeling any shyness whatsoever. Instead, the only thing she feels is an overwhelming desire to get lost in the beauty of her mother's hauntingly beautiful eyes, along with that wickedly delicious body.

Unknown to Ellie, the wine she has so eagerly been sharing with her stepmother all night, is enchanted with a potent magical sexual narcotic that is causing Ellie to become so very horny.

Missy senses the time is right. She softly slips a hand around the back of her daughter's head. She ever so slowly pulls her closer.

Ellie doesn't resist, but instead allows her lips to be guided upwards to her mother's. She tilts her head to the right, closes her eyes, puckers her lips just a little as she opens her mouth slightly.

The one burning thought in Ellie's mind is she is twenty years old and this will be her first real kiss so she wants it to be memorable. She prays she doesn't screw it up.

"Go on tell me you love me honey, show me your love."

"I do love you Mommy, so very, very much." Ellie says lost in a world of surreal pleasure.

Ellie's inexperienced lips move slow, lightly brushing on Missy's much more experienced lips, before shyly pulling back. The dam is beginning to burst as Ellie brings her lips forward once more, using a feather-light pressure that only increases the growing tension between them.

Missy is being extra conscious not to rush Ellie into anything, letting the young girl, for now anyway, be in control, as their lips just barely graze each other's. Their second light kiss lasts only a few seconds, but is soon followed by several more. It seems maybe both girls are playfully experimenting, trying to see just how far the other is willing to go.

Ellie's hands grow restless with desire as have been stroking all over Missy's stomach, tracing light circles on it. She wants to move them up higher and begin to fondle those immense tits of her stepmother's, but as of yet she can't seem to muster the courage to do so. But even so with each passing circle Ellie's delicate young hands come closer and closer to her step mommy's tits.

Much to Missy's delight, the beautiful witch sees the potent wine is finally beginning to work its magic on her young daughter, making her lose her inhibitions.

But the innate shyness, in regards to sex, in Ellie is strong and powerful; a true test indeed for the equally powerful sexual narcotic that is found in this oh so special wine that Missy has been feeding her daughter all night. Missy feels Ellie's hands hesitate just below the rise of her majestic tits. Hands that Missy so desperately want to feel playing with her tits.

Missy starts to get the sense that Ellie is not so much shy as she is just simply teasing her mother with this timid little act of hers. This starts to make her angry so she sends a powerful message, telepathically, to the father, "Encourage the little bitch to feel me up before I take matters into my own hands...understand!!"

The father, knowing with a phrase or two of that the diabolical Old Latin his wife, could send him back to the nether regions, unsatisfied, does as she wants.

Ellie hears, what can only be her daddy's soft whispered voice, floating inside her head, just as Missy suggested she might, "Let your hands go sweetheart. Let them explore."

Does she dare disobey? Ellie bends to her daddy's whispered voice, bends to the will of the enchanted wine, and lets her hands go. She begins to softly slide them up and over the immense rise of her step mommy's awesome tits.

Missy lets out a quiet sigh, breaking off their soft series of light kisses, whispering to Ellie, "Oh honey that feels so good."

"I just could not resist anymore, your tits are just so big and beautiful Mommy, you don't mind if I touch them right." Ellie says sweetly, shyly, as she innocently bats those long luxurious eyelashes at her step mommy.

"Of course not sweetie as long as you don't mind if..." Missy slowly brings her lips to Ellie, as she snakes one hand around the back of her head, "Mommy kisses you like this..."

Missy kisses Ellie boldly now, any pretense of innocence lost. Ellie responds in kind matching her mother kisses as her hands become increasingly aggressive playing with her mommy's big boobs—squeezing them, fondling them with utter delight.