The Witch's Dollhouse Pt. 04


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Remarkably, despite being a statue, there was a disturbing amount of detail used, not just on a physical level but even deeper than that.

Looking at her, Phil could easily see the emotions she was feeling and a faint hint of life in her eyes. There was too much in it for him to believe that it was man-made, it felt alive, like it could jump up and walk around any second now.

He was uncomfortable with how ordinary the absurd thought seemed to him at that moment.

The doll that brought in the statue -- The bimbo amazon -- set it down to the right of the bed next to the unfamiliar blonde doll.

As Phil was inspecting it, he became aware of a faint buzzing starting up from the room.

No, not the room -- from the statue.

Cecilia untangled herself from Phil and stood beside the statue, coming roughly shoulder height to the alluring trophy, admiring the figure as if enraptured with it's paradoxical expression.

"Clever boy that you are should surely know what my dolls are at this point, yes?" She asked with a side glance.

"Pprrrpllll" Phil burbled in response, entertaining his host with his drugged tongue tripping over itself.

"At any rate" she continued "After I had cursed my beloved I decided to wait for him, such an act would be impossible had I heeded the laws of nature, so I'm afraid I had to resort to more magic in order to become exempt from the natural order of this world.

"You'll forgive this bad girl for her heretical sins won't you my love?"

At those words she flashed him a sultry stare and let her hand drift down the side of her body to her upper thigh, empathizing the curve of her buttocks.

Phil narrowed his eyes aggressively but if she caught his glare, she chose to ignore it. Instead she focused on fondling and groping the unreactive rock in front of her, her hands drifting from her breasts to her nethers.

"Eventually I determined that a man like yourself would deserve more than what my paltry body could offer you. So I returned to the home you had abandoned, slaughtered all on the estate save the female servants and make preparations to receive you once again.

"These dolls, as you've no doubt ascertained, were once people like you and me, their souls now trapped within empty husks created from inhuman alchemy for the sole purpose of being your ever loyal lust dumpsters.

"They even resemble the women who's souls pilot them -- which is why I chose only the most beautiful women to serve you -- unlike my original batch to whom I was forced to share my own soul with."

Phil immediately thought back to the basement, that horrible place swarming with the giant dolls, each resembling the petite witch standing before him.

Thinking back on it, he did find it weird that they were all the same compared to the diverse range of dolls before them. And why were they all chained up?

"I...I thought you would have preferred a woman with more...assets" she mumbled to herself, her hands absent-mindedly stopped groping the statue and moved across her own body, tangling itself in her bra and panties as it, almost reflexively, ran over her hips and breasts.

Was she...self-conscious?

"Seeing you -- the one before you, rather -- become so bewitched with that vixen made me question my own beauty, I wondered if I wouldn't be enough in your eyes and before I knew it, I had...well...

"I left them in the basement after a while, I couldn't bare to look upon my shameful self-doubt given form but they would oft wander back up when someone knew entered the estate so I was forced to restrain them in irons. Not that it mattered, I've gone through so many chains keeping them from going berserk, it's absurd!"

Phil thought to himself that he might have found this show of shame cute had it come from someone that wasn't a crazed wielder of dark magics.

Snapping herself out from her self-shaming, she turned her attention back on the statue, her wandering hands now gliding lower down towards the body's nether region.

It was here that Phil noticed that the statue was wearing panties. Not a part of the stone or anything like that but actual normal panties, a once pure white frilly piece now stained a dark grey from an unknown source of wetness, worn over the otherwise naked statue.

Cecilia's middle finger caressed the fabric, pressing into the crease caused by the girl's slit, moving delicately up and down.

"It was much simpler to just take these poor girls and pull them into a doll each, but first I had to ensure they wouldn't rebel against me and would wait patiently with me for your return.

"Fortunately for me, the human mind is such a fragile thing, each of these girls have experienced heaven and hell for days on end, weeks for others. And endless pleasure of agonising pleasure where I practically rewrote and elevated all of their bodily senses past the breaking point and further, all the while filling their heads with thoughts of you..."

At that she indicated with a tilt of her head to the doll standing next to her. Phil turned to her only to see that the impassive and expressionless features of the servant were now flushed a bright pink.

The doll had begun fidgeting to itself, mindlessly shifting it's feet and rubbing it's thighs together, now sleek with a film and liquid lust flowing down from her glistening maidenhood. She began quivering violently the moment he turned to her too, her mouth, previously pursed shut to hide her discomfort was now opened slightly as heavy gasps for air escaped her fevered lips, her wanton gaze locked on the man she was forced to serve as if she were about to pounce on him at any moment.

Phil struggled to look away from the erotic sight, her erratic gasping, her longing gaze, the drool escaping the corners of her wet lips, they all tempted him, captivated his attention and imprisoned his focus.

But what was causing this reaction?

"My word" Sighed the witch "Have you yet to notice? Honestly, I had hoped you were more observant my dear darling."

Something about what she said made Phil's head, it was the combination of what she said and the face he was looking at currently.

What was it she said? What about this doll was so familiar? It was an absent thought swimming just out of reach, teasing him but never allowing itself to be pinned down.

He continued to watch the doll, forcing his mind to ignore the irrelevant stuff, her blush, her pursed, velvet lips, her blonde curls and fair skin the fact that she reminded him of...


All of a sudden, the thought which had eluded him so thoroughly was immediately snatched up.

She didn't remind him of anyone, she WAS someone.

The newly-wed from the basement.

Phil forced his head to turn the other way, facing the other two dolls, finding his suspicions confirmed when her looked at them, they too were familiar for a reason.

The plain looking doll with the rebellious orange steak in her otherwise dark hair and the tanned athletic body of the older woman -- both phantoms from his harrowing experience in the basement.

But the three of them were-

"It appears you pieced it together, I'm so proud of you"

Phil turned back to Cecilia, still absently kneading at the stoic stone figure.

"These...these were...people..." He managed to breath out, the young witch merely looked on with a superior, if not proud look in her eye, like a mother appraising a child that scored well on exams.

"Correct, they WERE human. In fact they should have been dolls roughly one month ago, but I figured since your arrival was to come soon, I'd keep them around as my own special surprise."

Cecilia brought her fingers away from the cold rock to caress the soft flesh of the blonde bride who melted into her touch after having been left without comfort in her aroused state.

"This one in particular I took careful care over. She had arrived here with her husband for a brief honeymoon, or rather I influenced their decision to stay here.

"After I dealt with her husband I took the time to comfort his grieving widow, granting her a new family and a new love to serve, in less than two weeks she was already a starving whore"

Cecilia frowned and looked into the infatuated eyes of her thrall who smiled back as if she was in the most comfortable bliss.

"She must have replaced her memories of her husband with you when I brainwashed her with thoughts of you, how fascinating but she is wrong!"

Cecilia shoved the bride out of her embrace and onto the floor, she didn't get back up though Phil assumed it was less because of injury and more because her legs must have been too weak to support her in her current state.

The young witch returned to her assault on the statue, bringing her knee up between it's legs, rubbing her thigh across it's slit while violently tweaking the lifeless stone's erect nipples.

"You are mine and no one else's!" She cried "I have no rivals! No equals! She is merely a servant for you, but she is permitted to delude herself so long as she can carry out those duties." She turned to the discard form beside her and scoffed "There is no greater love than that of a bride's after all, even as a lie."



Phil had spent time looking at the statue now that he recognized the doll. His exhausted mind was working overtime to keep up but the fog that was obscuring his thoughts was beginning to fade now.

"That statue is..."

"Pray speak up dear. The statue is what now?"



Phil was growing frustrated with her replies, and in that frustration his mind was becoming addled again. He shook his head and focused on the statue, not the witch, who was smiling playfully at her captive's attempts to figure his situation out.


"You're so slow but you're correct! Oh how proud I am of you my beloved!" Cecilia began to applaud, beaming at her obsession before planting a soft rewarding kiss on his lips.

"Indeed, you are right. This is the real person, specifically it's their body."

She turned to the statue -- the statue of the bride -- and renewed her tortuous assault, the doll meanwhile, continued to spasm on the floor, feeling every part of her mistress' touch.

"When I remove the soul from the body and place it inside a doll I make sure to leave a bit of it in the vessel I took it from and freeze said vessel to stone, that way whatever the body feels, the soul feels too.

"It was the only way to keep my servants in such a state of obedience while we waited for you, so I thought of this method to keep them aroused indefinitely -- look!"

The excited young lady, delighted to show off the fruits of her labour to an audience, pulled down the statue's panties -- the one part of the figure that wasn't stone -- revealing what was underneath.

The pussy, quivering and wet, was not stone.

It's glistening vulva leaked out forbidden nectar, stings of which connected the flesh to the sticky fabric which was now caked in her creamy residue.

It was here that the buzzing noise grew more apparent and clear and it was then that Phil realized vaguely what it was that was making that noise too.

Cecilia, leaving room for Phil to watch, reached into the agitated flesh and pulled out several long objects that hummed and thrashed violently in her hands.

Among the dildos she held in her hands, he recognized one as one of the fleshy looking instruments in the basement, a more supernatural looking toy that appeared less man-made than it's siblings.

It looked alive too, while the other toys were buzzing in chorus, vibrating so strongly a visible blur coated their image, the fleshy instrument thrashed to and fro like an unruly and rebellious beast, droplets of womanly nectar flung across the room in it's fury.

"I was most surprised to find that humans of the modern era would create similar effigies of the male penis, and with so many various shapes and wonderful sizes" She said with an almost child-like grin, rubbing her cheek against her monstrous toy with a delightful, if not smutty grin.

"If I don't pleasure them every second of every day, there's always a risk they'll regain their sanity and break away from me, I couldn't bare to risk such insensitivity so I stuff their holes with these toys.

"At first, I merely created doll-like replicas of a penis and granted it movement via magic, but when I found these plastic replicas on one of my...guests...I just HAD to make wonderful use of them."

With that said, she slipped the humming toys back inside the holes they came from, still tight despite the volume being packed into them -- perhaps whatever preserved the bodies in stone also kept their tightness preserved too?

A flood of femcum dribbled out of the slit, both the lasciviously gasping doll and the statue's.

As Cecilia struggled to pull up the still drenched panties back into place and seal the instruments of torture back into place, a question came to Phil's lips.

"What the men..?"

"Hmm? Oh don't worry yourself my love, I didn't let them touch me, I wanted to remain pure for you, see!"

She said so in a most charming, oblivious tone, as if not aware of the gravity of what she's done, all the while clambering up so that her rear was positioned just above his face.

Reaching back, she pulled away her panties, allowing Phil a brief peek at her tightly closed cleft, glistening from sweat with droplets of erotic juices seemingly ready to ooze out from the sealed slit.

A venomous aroma, tantalising and sweet, wafted out from her forbidden place and took hold in his nose as it hovered mere inches away from his face.

It was a beautiful bud waiting for his touch to bloom into a deadly flower that would ensnare him.

"I had no use for men other than you my dear so I threw them to the spare dolls. They're not operated by a specific soul like these ladies, nor are they fragments of a single soul like my...prototypes...downstairs...rather they're controlled by a manifestation of all the lust my dolls built up over the years, perhaps my magic gave form to it somehow? Magic is truly complicated to say the least.

"Either way, I figured I may as well filter all that lust into that room, if only to prevent any disturbances with my dolls if I left it be."

" do?" Phil croaked once again, his voice returning to him.

Cecilia smiled and wiggled her tight butt above him, gently brushing the fabric that was taut over her slit across his nose in the process, it almost wound his mind back into a state of inactive thinking again.

"That room became an execution chamber so to speak. The spare dolls, powered by decades, if not centuries worth of pure, unbridled lust, were insatiable and unrelenting. But you've already experienced it yourself haven't you, the feeling of a dozen bodies pressing against you, all eager to taste every inch of you; your sweat, your tears, your sperm...all of it.

"Most men could last two days at most before they'd break, you would have joined their number had I not stepped in to salvage your body."

Phil froze, something about that statement was off. Something about that struck him wrong, why did she say--


"Oh? Have you not noticed yet? Silly boy, no wonder you were so easy to capture if you're this inattentive."

The witch stretched forward, gripping the duvet covers, before throwing them away with a flourish to unveil what was beneath it all.

Don't look...

I don't want to look at it!

Somewhere in the corners of Phil's shattered and fatigued mind, a small plea of resistance warned him.

It was like he knew, deep down, that she had done something to him, that if he looked he would have gone mad.

That the inevitability of his situation would have been solidified had he looked at his body.

But he looked anyway, because the voice was small and weak, easily parried by his rationalising denial and confusion.

There was nothing wrong with him, he thought. My body is fine.

He looked down.

And screamed.

And thrashed.

Thrashed and flailed his limbs that he couldn't feel, that were not there.

Ball joints wiggled in place of his shoulders and thighs, his body was gone -- replaced with a doll's torso.

"Oh do calm down"

In the midst of his screams, Cecilia plugged his mouth shut with her buttocks, firmly grinding herself deep onto him, yet he continued to scream, his muffled cries only served to pleasure the witch though.

"Ohhhh...even terrified you find some way to make me feel good my love. Our passion for one another burns as strongly as ever I see."

Ignoring her warped affections, Phil tried to buck and dislodge her from his face, though such action is difficult without limbs.

She was also disproportionally heavy despite her size. She should have been thrown off no problem, even though he wasn't much of an athlete, Philip was still bigger than her after all.

And yet no matter how hard he struggled, the stronger her grip on him became, pressing herself deeper on top of him until it felt like his face was beginning to imprint itself onto her ass.

"Even this looks like it's raging most...splendidly..."

A firm hand grasped his erect, exposed cock, pawing and stroking it in a soothing motion, as if to calm it rather than to extract from it.

But Phil continue to curse and scream into her cunt, unable to calm himself down he felt something warm and wet slip onto his lips.

Before he could try to spit it out, the droplet of her erotic poison, dripping from her nether, sneaked into his open mouth and splashed upon his tongue.

Though the dose was minute, the taste exploded in his mouth, far more potent than entire mouthfuls of the same kind of toxin that flowed from the dolls' pussies.

He felt his will fade, his anger calm and his muscles relax, all resistance was erased from his mind as he accepted the taste of his mistress' arousal.

"Finally calm down have you?"

Though she continued massaging his penis she lifted the pressure on his face slightly, allowing him to breath more clearly though her scent still remained prevalent to the air he took in.

"As you can see, yes, your body is clearly no longer your own, I decided that if I am going to keep you to myself you'll need an immortal body to match. One that never tires, that has no need of sleep and food, one that can feel pleasure every second of every minute of every day.

"Your new body is special, it will never run out of your seed, your wonderful member will never fall limp again and you will be able to satisfy all your servants with your boundless, infinite love. Is it not such a wonderful dream?"

Her voice dimmed to a whisper towards the end, indulging on her own passion as she drowned in the dream about to come true.


"Hmm? Still able to resist?"

Phil's will to resist had already dissipated, it was the last remnants of his rational mind that clung on, refusing to be banished for pleasure.

Specifically one though remained constant with him, that kept him from surrendering to the eternal bliss promised.


That's right, he couldn't abandon them. His parents were still around, waiting for him to get back. He couldn't give up if only for their sake--

"Oh them? You're dead to them, do not concern yourself with them."

A dead weight, that had briefly lifted from his soaring heart has once again snagged on Phil and dragged him back into despair.


"Did you not find it queer that your parents would take you to such a place and leave you on your own without worry?" She quizzed in an almost condescending tone.

"The letter you got to invite you here contained a hypnotic suggestion to lure you here, though it alone wouldn't have been enough to stop your parents from coming for you afterwards.