The Wolf and the Irish Woman


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Mike was aware. Of everything. Painfully aware. The beautiful woman in his arms was doubtlessly a virgin, and her naive ardor gave him no right to steal her innocence. He gritted his teeth and straightened, lifting Sophia's hands off his chest and placing them in her lap.

"Sophia, we have to stop."

Her delicious lips puffy from his kisses, her chin up awaiting more, Sophia opened her eyes a slit. "Why?"

Air hissed from between Mike's teeth.

"Jeee-sus, Sophia. I know I don't hafta explain this to you. We ain't married and you ain't some saloon gal."

Sophia sat up straighter, too. Exactly how many saloon girls had Mike been with?

A wrinkle appeared between her brows, but Sophia kept her voice soft when she replied, "I know all that, Mike, but I've been in love with you since I was a little girl. I don't care if we're married. I might never see you again after you leave here. I might spend the rest of my life out here on this prairie with my brothers. I might never get married, or I might marry some man who isn't you."

A muscle clenched in Mike's jaw, but Sophia didn't have the experience to understand what that meant. If she had, Mike might have been spared a lot of pain later on.

"I don't care about any of that. All I care about is in this cabin right now. Right now you're here and I'm here, and I want you to keep kissing me so I can keep touching you."

Mike wouldn't give in, so Sophia took over, but instead of trying to touch him again, her hands went to her own buttons.

His eyes widened and his lips parted, but Mike didn't move. He couldn't. One torturous inch at a time, Sophia unbuttoned the front of her dress, slowly, all the way to her lap, not saying a word. Mike's eyes followed her fingers intently. When she finished, she hesitated, suddenly shy, but steeled herself and pushed the bodice off her shoulders. Her chemise was very thin, and her nipples visible through the diaphanous white cotton. When Mike's gaze touched her there, they hardened, and he drew in a sharp breath. Sophia lifted her fingers to the top button, and the air escaped Mike's lungs in a rush.

He captured her wrists, his eyes flying to her face. "Sophia--"

Sophia ignored the warning note and begged, "Mike, please. . . ."

That was it.

Mike had done his best, but he couldn't hold out forever. He couldn't withstand the desire in her voice, the longing written on her lovely face, or the memory of her heated hands on his body. Mike gave in. He dropped her wrists and pulled her against him. As his mouth descended, Sophia lifted her lips.

With only the gossamer of her chemise between them, Mike felt every move as Sophia dragged her nipples across his chest, wrapping her calves around his thighs and wiggling herself nearly off the high sideboard in an effort to get closer.

Awash in new sensations, Sophia wanted everything at once. The hard bulge in the front of Mike's trousers pressed into the center of her being. Sophia, writhing, felt the moisture seeping from her flesh, drenching the folds of petticoat caught between her thighs.

Mike nibbled a heated line from her neck to her collarbone as his hands came up to cup her breasts, making Sophia gasp even before his thumbs brushed across her nipples. He worked the buttons on her chemise one-handed as he kissed her, making her head spin. When at last he lowered his lips to her breast, Sophia arched her back, offering herself. She cried out as the warmth of his mouth encircled the tip, flicking her taut nipple with his tongue.

"Mike--" Sophia didn't know she'd spoken, much less what she was requesting.

Mike lifted her gently to the floor, letting her dress puddle at her feet as he brushed the chemise away. Sophia held the sideboard for support while Mike's fingers worked her petticoat strings. It was the last piece of clothing she wore.

Mike watched her face for signs of fear, but found only love and desire. He couldn't help being moved, though earlier he'd dismissed the idea that she loved him. She didn't know him, didn't know the things he'd done. She couldn't possibly love him if she did. Yet the tenderness in her eyes made him feel loved. Mike decided to forget what he'd done before and pay attention to what he was doing now. And what he was doing now was making love to the sweetest, loveliest, most passionate woman he'd ever known.

Her petticoat drifted to the floor.

Mike reached a booted foot forward to nudge her feet apart and Sophia took a step, complying. He ran his hands down the front of her body, trapping a nipple in a gentle detour and circling her navel. Sophia whimpered as he bypassed the soft curls below, but Mike's hand swept up the silk of her inner thigh to the heaven hidden at the top, rubbing gently to part the slick folds of flesh.

Even with the sideboard behind her, Sophia thought she might fall. She'd touched herself before, but nothing could possibly have prepared her for the fire of Mike's fingertips exploring the honey-dipped crevice between her thighs.

Ever so slowly, he petted every centimeter of her weeping outer lips, until Sophia's legs began to shake and he lifted her to the sideboard again. Mike pushed her thighs wide and watched his index finger playing along the blushing ridge and gliding into the liquid heat below. When he bent and licked her swollen clit, Sophia exploded, her hands tangled in Mike's brown hair, her pussy clenching furiously at the finger he thrust inside.

Mike didn't let up, slowly probing the depths of her pussy with his long finger, licking and sucking at the bud above as Sophia came again, crying out. Finally his lips returned to hers. Just as her heart began to settle, Mike added a second finger and Sophia convulsed, keening and clutching at him with her fingers, her feet pressing into his back.

Sophia climaxed with the same fiery enthusiasm she demonstrated in every other part of her life. Mike tried to hide his smile as he relented, leaning in to soothe her, nuzzling her neck as she came down. He needn't have worried, Sophia was barely conscious.

Sated and thinking about a nap, Sophia nonetheless couldn't help responding to Mike's kisses, and soon found herself wanting more of what he'd already given her. When her hips began rocking subtly against him, Mike reached for the buttons at his waist, and shed his heavy leather boots. Standing between Sophia's thighs and released from the confines of his pants, Mike slid the swollen head of his cock along her glistening cleft, glorying in the silken folds surrounding him, though conscious of Sophia's sudden stillness.

He held himself in check, letting her decide whether to go on.

Sophia, who under other circumstances might have been terrified, was so aroused by Mike's every touch that she couldn't help thinking she'd like this, too, even if he did look too big ever to fit inside her. She stopped thinking and surrendered to sensation, leaning back to delight in Mike's hardness kissing her most intimate places. Again and again he ran the velvet ridge of his cock along the valley between her thighs, stroking her clit with his erection, until Sophia was lifting her hips, meeting his every advance. Finally he guided himself to her entrance, waiting until she lifted her eyes to his.

Gasping already, Sophia held her breath when Mike pressed forward. With determination the swollen head of his cock slipped inside her cunt and Sophia came, her head thrown back and her fingers still entwined in his hair. Mike tried to relax, gripping her hips until he realized what he was doing. He took a deep breath, waiting until her spasms receded before resuming his steady, arousing progress. In and out, in and out, just a tiny bit each time, until he could go no further.



"I'm so sorry . . . this will hurt."

She held onto his muscular shoulders and nodded, a quick, certain assent.

Mike pulled back slightly. With a sudden movement, he thrust forward, gritting his teeth as he imbedded himself fully in her tight embrace. Sophia's soft cry tore at his heart. He wrapped his arms around her, holding her close and trying to calm them both.

Sophia, after the one searing pain, knew nothing but pleasure. Taking but a minute to adjust, she leaned tentatively, changing the angle of her hips. Her eyes widened and she did it again. She lifted her feet and wiggled her bottom, getting used to the feeling, then wrapped her legs around Mike's hips and ground her clit against him. A low noise scraped from the back of his throat.

The woman was trying to drive him crazy.

He helped, lifting her to sit in his cupped hands and taking a step so Sophia perched on the table's edge. She did the thing with her hips again and they moaned together. Moving as though they'd practiced, Sophia met each thrust of Mike's hips with a small circle of her own, scraping her clit across the base of his cock.

The first pulsating grip of Sophia's cunt around the entire length of him almost launched Mike over the edge but, by some miracle of masculine restraint, he held out. He even made it through another of Sophia's wild, writhing, nearly-screaming orgasms. After that he could take no more, and drove himself deep into her welcoming body, roaring as he came with her.

-- o -- O -- o --

Mike refused to let her go, not even withdrawing when he carried her to the bed where he'd been sleeping alone. He cradled her while she fell asleep atop him, kissing her head and petting her spine. He woke when she moved, thinking she was uncomfortable or needed to relieve herself, but neither of those things were true. Sophia wanted more. Gyrating awkwardly over him, she figured it out. Mike let her, and by the end was wishing he hadn't. Maybe he could have taught her restraint. Having taken her virginity, Mike was determined to be gentle, not to pressure her for more. By sunrise he was trying not to beg.

Innocent she may have been, but Sophia's desire for him spilled over, and for the next month they seldom left the confines of the cabin's single bedroom.

After spending a lifetime on the prairie doing little but working and dreaming of her fairytale prince-- the Michael she'd known a decade ago-- Sophia had woken at last. Her body, having slept for the better part of twenty years, was eager for any experience this new Michael cared to show her. She couldn't get enough of the wonders they shared. She didn't clean, she barely washed anything but herself, and Mike refused to let her cook. With Blue gone, her brothers away, and last year's cattle off to market, she had nothing but chickens to tend. Mike took care of those, too, encouraging Sophia to enjoy the hedonism of the first break she'd ever taken.

Mike had been alone for ten years, following a childhood spent as the oldest son of a cold widower. He'd never known love. In other beds he'd found comfort, but in Sophia's arms he found grace. Without knowing it, she healed his hurts and soothed his broken spirit. Mike didn't even need to add the crazy things she did to his body, though he wasn't about to give those up, either. He knew he was going to marry Sophia as soon as his lips touched hers, but six weeks passed before he considered telling her.

One night he lay admiring Sophia's curves as she undressed for bed and noticed that her breasts had gotten fuller, but the rest of her had not. Mike thought about it. They made love every day. Sophia hadn't bled since he'd been here.

A smile claimed his face and refused to let it go. He was smiling when she skipped naked and giggling to admit Henry. He was smiling when he curled around her, his hand spread protectively across her belly. He smiled as he fell asleep, thinking about all those empty bedrooms in the sprawling ranch-house over the hill. He was smiling when she woke him the next morning in her usual way, brushing her clit across his cock 'til he hardened, then climbing on and fucking him silly. Sophia was working up to her second orgasm when the cabin door opened and loud footfalls sounded in the outer room. Mike had his gun out of the holster on the nightstand before whoever it was took another step, and he wasn't smiling then.

Henry surged instantly to his feet.


"Where is she?"

Sophia's eyes rounded and she froze.

Mike barely had time to throw an arm out and pull her down before the curtain over the doorway flew back and Matt Linnley peered in.

"What the hell?" he roared, taking a step forward.

Henry lowered his head and growled.


Matty retreated and Sophia rose, whipping a blanket around herself, but not fast enough for Patrick or Matt to miss the fact their sister was sitting on some guy's cock. In their bed!

"What the hell?" Patrick yelled.

Henry rumbled another low warning and Sophia rolled off the bed, making Mike wince as she left his erection standing alone and cold. She jerked the curtain into place between her and her brothers and yelled back.

"Do you mind?"

"Mind?" Matt stood outside the curtain shouting obscenities while Sophia and Mike tugged clothes on, looking grim, and Henry stared at the curtain, looking hungry.

Mike deliberately skipped strapping on the 'sixes. It was probably a better idea not to shoot his future brothers-in-law. As he pulled his boots on, he noticed Sophia staring thoughtfully at the guns he wore every day.

"You ready to face the music?" he murmured, giving her a quick hug and thinking how beautiful she was with her cloud of black curls all tousled like that.

Sophia rested one hand on his chest and smiled up at him, letting everything in her heart show on her face.

"I love you, too." Mike kissed her forehead, ignoring the stunned expression she wore when he turned away.

He twitched the curtain aside and strode out past Matthew and Patrick, Henry hot on his heels and Sophia trailing along behind.

"Fellas," Mike said.

Matthew lurched forward but Patrick threw his palm up just as Henry growled.

"Wait a minute, Matt. He looks familiar."

Matt peered at Mike.


Mike grinned. "How you doin', Matty?"

He used the childish nickname despite the fact Sophia's brothers had matured into Black Irish bulls. It might have been helpful if she'd mentioned that when he called them fat midgets. Each a head shorter than Mike, they were no less beefy through the chest and arms. This was gonna hurt, Mike mused.

Matt snarled a curse.

Patrick glared at their sister. "Sophia, put Henry out."

"Not until you promise me you won't kill Mike."

"Oh, I ain't gonna kill him, Soph'," Patrick pledged, dwelling on all the methods he knew of causing a man pain.

"You too, Matty."

"Matty," Sophia repeated.

"Matty, fer Chrissake," Patrick prodded.

"Alright. I won't kill him."

"Promise me."

"I promise you I won't kill Mike, Sophia. Now put Henry outside."

Sophia hesitated, glancing back and forth between the three men.

As she headed for the door, Mike added, "Sophia, take a coat."

She stopped. "I'm not--"

Mike interrupted, and for the first time took his eyes off her brothers. "Yes, you are. Take a coat."

"Mike. . . ." Sophia wheedled.

Matthew and Patrick exchanged a disbelieving glance. Sophia never pleaded. She'd bossed them-- and everyone else-- around since she was five, doing whatever she liked in the meantime. She definitely didn't beg.

"I'm not gonna have someone bumpin' into your leg and openin' up them cuts. Go."

Sophia pouted, but she yanked Mike's coat off a peg by the door and went, leaving her brothers too bemused to ask what cuts Mike meant. Mike was just glad she'd accepted that excuse. He'd rather not tell her about their baby in front of Matthew and Patrick.

Before anyone had a chance to say anything, Sophia opened the door wide enough to holler inside, "He doesn't have to marry me if he doesn't want to!"

She slammed it again behind her.

Matt's eyes snapped back to Mike.

"Doesn't want to!" he roared.

"Wait a minute, Matty, I never said--"

Matt never heard what Mike had or hadn't said. He hit Mike square on the jaw with a thundering right hook, making Mike's ear ring and his head spin until the crunch of his nose breaking under Patrick's fist bashed everything else aside. Mike swung out blindly and the cabin soon became a tangled mess of fists, feet, and bleeding men.

Sophia huddled on the top step of the porch, leaning against Henry's thick coat and listening to the racket indoors, unaware that her fate had already been decided.

"Men!" she muttered, letting the wolf lick her chin.

-- o -- O -- o --

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OldmantruckerOldmantrucker10 months ago

I Think some body might be getting married !!! 👍👍😂👍🤷😁

DesertRat8080DesertRat808011 months ago

Unfortunately it's unfinished

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

incomplete, good start

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

I love that most of the stories I've read in this site is an open-ended stories which give the readers the choice to imagine how they want to end the stories.

Personally, it helps my imagination to widen more and create my own ending.

Thank you for the wonderful story Author! I can imagine Mike being a rancher who rides his horse in the morning with his little daughter. And Sophia will be the one cooking for their breakfast after the morning horse riding.

IEnjoyEroticaIEnjoyEroticaover 2 years ago

This was the start of a good story. It's too bad it's unfinished .

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