All Comments on 'The Wolf's Captive Ch. 04'

by anais_v

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willieonewillieoneover 10 years ago
More please!

I am guessing that Cedric was already born when his father married her aunt, just as her brother was already around when her father took her mother to bed. So they are not blood related. At least I hope that's how it goes, wish he would stop being such an asshole. Sigh but I guess that comes later. Being a half breed does that mean she can or can't go wolf it seems her wolf side is responding to the mating pull. I thought she would have been thinking more on the fact she IS half wolf then she has.

seereeosleeseereeosleeover 10 years ago
whole lot of nothing

I was looking forward to some questions being answered here, but we got nothing to take the story forward. Maybe Edwin and Rowena's mom are mates....maybe? Rowena and Cedric areatill at an impasse. Nothing happened.

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago

i can see a nice story developing where she escapes and cedric realises he can't live without her and misses her. exactly how i wanted it to go!

anais_vanais_vover 10 years agoAuthor

People! Once again the feedback thrills and dismays me! Guess you can't please everyone. The story probably hasn't moved forward in terms of Cedric and Rowena...but that's because if it did that would be the end and because other things are happening to flesh out their lives/stories.. I've always enjoyed reading romance's where the tension prevails rather than where the couple get together midway/quickly and everything else fizzes out. If that's the story you want (lots of sex scenes, quick capitulation) this one would of course disappoint you.

Basically, I write when I have free time which I have little due to with work/life and I write only for the pleasure of seeing the feedback/how the story is received, nothing more -but I'm not getting much excitement/satisfaction in that end so I might leave it here since you feel like a bit of a failure when you excitedly see the story has been approved and see what the screen tells kill! Anyway, thanks to those enjoyed it, it's just a silly story I dreamed up in a few seconds, nothing more! Plenty of better writers out there, I'll carry on with the day job

grrlslavegrrlslaveover 10 years ago
more please!!!

Wonderful story. I'm looking forward to the next chapter.

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
please keep going with the story.


Redmoon_ElzRedmoon_Elzover 10 years ago
Please continue

I have just found this story and have fallen in love with your writing style and the characters . Please continue to write. I know of the thousands that have read your story there may be a few rotten apples but they like those of us that love this story will continue to come back for more.... what else are they to do ;)

LadyPartsLadyPartsover 10 years ago
My birthday came early!

Of all the stories I am currently following, and LOVING, this is the absolute best! You write beautifully! The language in the dialogue is so realistic and cements the time and place and character of the people you write about.

An excellent chapter that certainly moved closer to getting more back ground revealed and who the various players are. You simply must focus on the positive comments because frankly, if you have ever read the normal drivel posted about Were's and shape shifters, you must know and feel very good that this story is head and shoulders above all the rest. In fact, I can't remember a non human story that I actually cared about after the first few chapters because they are so formulaic and predictable. There is NOTHING predictable about this story.

So please find some free time more often? And please use that free time to keep writing this story? And please ignore the anonymous nay-sayers who are probably lame non human authors jealous of the excellence found in your story!

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago

i am deeply upset you would give up so easily. if excitement from feedback is what kept you going then perhaps you could have at least finished the story in one chapter instead of leaving the people who actually enjoyed your story in disappointment because you were too busy caught up in the feelings of haters.

willieonewillieoneover 10 years ago
Sigh...self pity is a bitch...isn't it!

You get a few people who get kicks out of bitching about a story and you go and do exactly what they want. YES some people will not like the story so what! The ones who do love it out number the ones who don't, but if you are looking for an excuse to bale on finishing this story like so many other have on lit then go ahead. Just thought you might have been different and actually finished this story so those of us who loved it could enjoy.

AhzureDragonAhzureDragonover 10 years ago
Hope you keep the story alive

I am truly enthralled with this story and the way you write. It is very elegant with true passion behind it. Keep going and do ignore those that don't enjoy the story. Not everyone can like it or love it. But I do, so I hope you keeping going.

seereeosleeseereeosleeover 10 years ago
Perhaps you misunderstood...

I don't dislike this story. I thought that the first several chapters were captivating and I was truly looking forward to the next installment because the story had a steady, often urgent pace, novel characterizations, and believable tensions pulsating throughout the interactions between the lovers. Each previous chapter showed us that their relationship was growing more intricate every day and that they both had so much to lose no matter how it ends. I love the setting, although I'm not quite sure why a land baron was traveling in such a gypsy like fashion, but I'm ready to be patient on that matter. What I didn't like was that the urgency and intimacy were not in evidence in this fourth installment. The rich description of setting was missing. And the interaction (romantic, erotic, or otherwise) between the wolf and his captive was just plain not there. I was hoping to see something that made me think that he was missing her. But it really just wasn't there.

AMHJ89AMHJ89over 10 years ago

Cousins? There has to be some type of catch especially if they are mates

anais_vanais_vover 10 years agoAuthor

I never wanted to rile people! I'm truly being honest (and yes, self-pitying, that I won't deny!) probably because I have a thin skin and when you work on something and spend time on it, you're excited for people to feel the same as you so when the reaction is opposite it give you that sinking feeling in your stomach. Maybe Lit isn't the right place for this story because the erotic scenes aren't central to the story? All feedback is appreciated - in the other chapters, I tried to learn from the negative feedback to improve. I'm just not sure how I can do that this time because the criticism is more with the story itself/the characters so I can only write the way I have been and about how I think the story should go which probably won't please people judging by the feedback. The problem is that I haven't planned the story, merely written and plotted it out as I've gone along - that plus the long gaps in submission have meant the story had suffered, I believe.

Please give me a few days to improve what I already had in mind, I don't want to submit for the sake of it or just to finish the story. I want to love what I'm writing!


AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
Love It!

Been waiting for this story along time and loving the twist and turns of it. Can't wait for the next chapter !!

LadyPartsLadyPartsover 10 years ago
Well I love what you're writing!

Put the critique into perspective, it wasn't a critisim. Chapter 4 dealt more with moving the other players into position, and it did it very well! Yes, I hunger for more of Rowena and Cedric's interaction...of course we all do. But this chapter and what it contained was excellent. It's like hungering for a meal with a thick savory sauce but first you devour delicate appetizers that remind you how hungry you are.

more More MORE!

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
Keep up the excellent work!

anais_v - I said to you previously in a personal correspondence that you are too hard on yourself, and you are! It goes with the territory of being a writer. It's tough to put yourself out there. But please don't stop because of one person's comments. You have a definite talent and those of us that recognize that outnumber the rest. My advice is to take what you can from all of the comments you receive and shake off the negativity. Not everyone is going to love your work, no matter who you are. I love Dickens, but plenty of people hate his work. J.K. Rowling is the wealthiest author in history and I think she is over rated. LOL! Such is life. All I know is that this story is very highly rated and the majority of the comments on it have been positive. And I for one, would be truly disappointed if you stopped now before I get to read where YOU want this story to go. Pep talk over. ;-) Please keep up the good work. ~Kristine

willieonewillieoneover 10 years ago
I do understand your feeling..

I have written stories on lit, not great stories granted but I am very familiar with neg comments, Just write the story the way YOU see it and those of us who enjoy it will still be here and those that bag it aren't worth the worry. Your skin will thicken in time!

Mind did get a bit personal. lol as my parents WERE first cousins and my brother and I used to poke fun at them by blaming them for every ailment we got from the flu to back backs,migrains

I do look forward to the next installment so take your time and write it your way.


countrygirlflacountrygirlflaover 10 years ago

Keep up the good work,you cant please everyone,,,but for the majority,,it seems you are well recieved,,,it takes time to develop a story,,its not all about sex,i can do with or without it,,,as long as the story is worth it....,i am sooooooooo looking forward to the next chapter.please dont keep us waiting too long,,,.

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago

write the story for YOU. love and respect what you do and negative comments will not matter.

cantfightfatecantfightfateover 10 years ago
It's a good story

just slow moving with the waits between chapters. Keep writing and I'll keep reading!

Miss_SeraphinaMiss_Seraphinaover 10 years ago
more more more

Cedric is horrible!!! I don't care why he did what he did, because of him she is starved and left to fend for herself. I want to see him grovel at her feet ;)

I hope you update soon :)

canndcanndover 10 years ago

I hope you continue the story. It really is a wonderful one. I can't see a way out of it for Edwin, nor for Rowena and Cedric. I think even if they found out they weren't first cousin's it would take a bit to overcome the things that have been said by them. I was glad she got a few digs in about his treatment of her and his labeling her a whore. He was horrifying when he treated her as he did, esp in front of her mom...hitting her!? I don't think she should be with a guy who does have to make him refrain from that shit or I don't think many of us women will want to keep him in the role of hot wolf she should get to be with. Once a guy hits, they're done in my book! That said :), I am surprised that his mother is alive as he didn't visit her or mention her, so her having called her sister was a surprise. What type of power, if any, does she have? Interesting history and such. Will the baron be the bigger man and bring in a new way of viewing humans with the help of his aunt? Is his mother going to care that he lost his heart. Will you torture us with some mating that is bad between cedric and mariah or with Edwin being hurt further? I can't see it working out for a human in a place that has the views they do. Does Margaret sense there are feelings between her nephew and daughter? Would she let him be with her after that little display? I hope she flays his ass, baron or no :) Looking forward to more. Hope it will be soon.

katgoddess1katgoddess1over 10 years ago

I really enjoy a story that is fully fleshed out with well developed scenes and characters. I believe that the build-up of feelings between characters makes the eventual sex scenes better. There's nothing quite like anticipation to cause things to sizzle! I love the setting of this story too!

tina623tina623over 10 years ago
Please don't stop!

Please don't stop writing this story! I love it and I really want to know what happens to Edwin and especially what happens between Rowena and Cedric! Please please please!

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago

Absolutely love the way your story is developing! I love the twists and I think it would be cool to read about Cedric's feelings and reactions if Rowena does escape with her brother. Also, I wonder if the mother would help Rowena flee. If I was her mother after not seeing her for so long I'd want to go with her! Finally, I wonder if Rowena's dad will appear again in the story. Please write more!

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago

Why do people right great stories, but just enough so you can get into it...

Fuck you

anais_vanais_vover 10 years agoAuthor

yeah anon, abuse will encourage me to go back to the story. I've already explained why I walked away from the story. I write for the pleasure of writing and when I free time to do it. It's time consuming and takes effort but I enjoyed it so none of that mattered.

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
Never, say never!

As you took your comment down on A Demon's Desire, I decided to reply to you here instead. More than anything, I would love to see you continue both of your stories, but if you have lost your passion and motivation, then I understand your unwillingness to carry on. But, let me say this, you have two great stories on this site and I'm going to keep them on my favourites list indefinately, hoping that in the not too distant future, you will get your mojo back and finish them. Good Luck. :)

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
please dont be discouraged

Dont let afew negative comments deter you so thoroughly. i am intrigued by this story and though some of it may alarm me (mostly the implication of incest) and am perfectly willing to see where you decide to take this tale. trust in your own talent and remember that even the people whos comments were complains still found your story worth reading. i can see the redeeming qualities in Cedric i do not believe it would be a great feat to get some of the other readers to see the same as the story goes on.

anais_vanais_vover 10 years agoAuthor

Although cousins got it on back in the day (at least, some Royals were encouraged to), I'm not one who finds titillation in incest so that was never going to 'it' for the main characters :)

It was just a twist I had it mind that would've been explained. Just wanted to assure you I'm not twisted!

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago

This story is one if the best in this site. Very engaging. I would love to see it continued! I will always read it on occasion even if it's never finished though, I just finish it with my own imagination. Also, I feel like like this situation isn't really incest. Even if they really are blood related first cousins, who cares. People have married their cousins forever! And it's not like they grew up together; raised as siblings like many cousins are. They are virtual strangers. Just my thoughts.

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago

This was so good, I kept trying to scroll down on my phone for more and I had to double check to see if chapter 4 was the last update. It's hard to find quality writing that's well developed, entertaining, and free (because u could totally sell this but finish it here before u do)!!!!!! I started at 1 am and just finished because I didn't realize what time it was. It flowed wonderfully.

anais_vanais_vover 10 years agoAuthor

Thanks anon, I'm glad you enjoyed it! If I finish it I will either post it on here or amazon or smashwords for free for a time so people on here can read it

willieonewillieoneover 10 years ago
so not going to post the rest?

Ah well this is lit so unfinished quality storys is par for the course, sigh it just makes me sad.

anais_vanais_vover 10 years agoAuthor

I will, just not any time soon because of work :( any publisher out there reading this (as if, right?) sign me up so I can do this full time please! Ha

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
Are you certain?

Really looking forward to the next chapter of this story! I also enjoyed the first chapter of your newest story, but with such a busy schedule in reality are you sure you want to start posting a new story when you haven't even posted recently an update to this story? It gets a bit frustrating when not only waiting on one intriguing story to be completed, but for two at the same time?! Hope you will update BOTH stories soon if you continue leave both posted in your profile.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago

Is there going to be a next chapter to Wolf's Captive. I read wolf mistress are the 2 story's going to be tided together? Thank you for your storied. Love reading them.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago
Please continue the story!!

I completely understand how difficult it can be to find the time to write while trying to maintain a functioning "outside" life and also how discouraging negative feedback can be, but please don't give up!! I really enjoy your writing and I'm anxious to see how the plot unravels and the story ends! Keep up the great work :)

LadyPartsLadyPartsabout 10 years ago
You must finish this!

It's such a great story, so well told and beautifully written! Please please please please please please please please please....

anais_vanais_vabout 10 years agoAuthor
please bear with me

Haven't forgotten :)

magevmagevalmost 10 years ago
More, please?

This story is so well written, it really deserves to be brought to a satisfying completion. Won't you please write those next chapters and let your anxious readers enjoy some closure :)? Perhaps the best strategy would be to finish the whole story before posting it... Please please please finish this story...

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 10 years ago

please continue

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 10 years ago
please continue

....your writing is terrific... I'd give anything to be able to write as well. An update would be much appreciated if you do not intend to see the story through. But I sure hope you do!

Wildeye760Wildeye760over 9 years ago

This is a great story and I find myself wrapped up in it. I am so sad that there is no more. Please, please continue.

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago

Please continue. This is so awesome.


AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
pls 😢😢😢😢😢

Pls come back & write some more of this story 🙏🙇🙏🙇🙏🙇🙏🙇🙏🙇🙏🙇🙏🙇🙏🙇🙏🙇

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
The writer won't come back, last chapter was 2014

Stop begging and pleading. There are dozen's of unfinished stories like this that writers just leave and uncaringly forget those left behind in need of closure.

Their real life changes and their minds stop the fantasy or writer's block and they move on.

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago

Would you please continue your story?? It's getting so good!!!

anais_vanais_vabout 8 years agoAuthor
Author here! I've never forgotten the story!

Sorry, life did get in the way but I've never forgotten about the story. No one will care about it now but I might pick up with the characters again :)

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago

You may be suprised to find many readers would want you to continue.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago
Please finish!

Love the story! These characters really caught my interest, and I really hope you continue with it.

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
Will it still be continued?

Please let us know! It has been quite some time since you updated. I wish it won't be abandoned T.T

kristabackristabacover 7 years ago
Love the story!

Please continue, I have been waiting for few years now. Keep reading it again and again.

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
Please Please Please come back!!

As a writer you have to know there is no worse feeling than getting hooked to some wonderful characters and an enticing story only to be dinged the pleasure of finding out what happens!!! And you've broken my poor heart twice by not finishing your lovely wolffish tales! I don't know why you seem to have abandoned these characters and their stories but they deserve an ending and then we can all have closure! Please come back and weave endings for these stories!♥♥♥-AA

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago

Please finish this story!

Naiad_AerialNaiad_Aerialover 6 years ago

It's so frustrating when stories aren't finished. What's the point of even posting them?

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 4 years ago
Please continue

There are still many people who keep this story on their favorite list. I would love to see you finish it someday.

Dilly2019Dilly2019almost 4 years ago

I would love to read some more...please update...

sweetone66sweetone66over 3 years ago

Five stars... this is my second time reading this story... Now, as then I wished that you had chosen, or been able to finish it with several more chapters. I find it a shame that talent such as yours is no longer being shared on this site.


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useranais_v@anais_v I'm on Amazon and Smashwords under 'Anais V'. So far have completed Demon's Desire renamed 'The Demon's Lady' (make sure you search for adult content on Smashwords for results to show. If you want a free copy message me.) Wolf's Mi...