All Comments on 'The Wrath of the Wicked Webcam Ch. 03'

by sophist801

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AnonymousAnonymousover 14 years ago
Atlas, she will get away with it and he will wimp

out and take the slut back [unfortunately]. This is very similar to the bad-ass CEO's who take advantage of unethical stock gains - get caught and go to some bloody resort-like prison for a short time. No substantial consequences: similar to this slut wife - she is basically on vacation, getting tan, losing weight [most likely getting serviced] and talking to her kids nightly. Meanwhile, the male character in this story is doing okay but lonely & not getting any. What is wrong with this picture??? Our advice - he needs to get out and get laid a gazillion times before he "undoubtedly" will take the slut back at the house for the "weekly mercy fuck". Hmm, what a wimp-ass idiot. Of course, many will disagree but this male character should find a new partner for the next 40 years because the previous one did not know how to communicate very well and is beyond re-training. Sure, the slut wife will be remorseful and contrite so she can get back on the gravy train for a first class seat [typical female characteristic]. As far as this story goes, it makes no difference if the offending spouse was male or female - the end result should be "cut the loses and start over". Ok, for those looking for a happy ending [?], have them divorce and let her try to win his heart again [only after he has interviewed, sampled other potential & qualified candidates]. Oh well, thank you author for the effort.

AnonymousAnonymousover 14 years ago

Your story is both interesting and realistic. I look forward to the next chapter. The couple's emotions are believable. They do have so much in common with three kids, and people do make mistakes, especially under financial pressures. Still, the open question must be resolved, although whoever has started her on this site must have accepted her conversion and termination as well. So, he or she cannot be truly evil.

Poizon69Poizon69over 14 years ago
According to the writer The wife has not cheated.

I am willing to go on a little faith here. I wouldn't mind at all if this couple got back together. Good story Sophist801. I am looking forward to the next chapter.

AnonymousAnonymousover 14 years ago
very interesting!

I would also have some questions for her. Where has she been doing her webcam broadcasts from? How many people has she been fucking? I can't believe that she's not doing whoever has been letting her use the computer. Face it, there's no way she can demonstrate that she never did more than broadcast a web show. Otherwise, he was watching webcams so he's not totally inoccent (though if she hadn't cut him off he wouldn't have needed to do so). Nice tan, loosing weight, she's obviously not hurting. Why did it take her 13 weeks to respond to his request regarding the std testing if hiv only takes 6 weeks? He should have just divorced her and moved on.

kelly_kellykelly_kellyover 14 years ago

<p>Interesting story with a good premise. I think the computer has to be at <b>Westin hotel </b>, read this — <I> she accepted a job working evenings waiting tables and doing banquet work for the Westin Hotel. A good family friend, knowing our situation, was the Maître D and able to get Jocelyn work.</I>. The good family friend — <b> Maître D </b> knew about their financial crises, maybe that person took advantage of the situation? And introduced Jocelyn to the web world for some <b>easy and quick money</b>.</p><p> I’ll still bet my money on Jocelyn because she’s not the typical <I>cheating</I> wife. She’s just someone who took a wrong decision. I’ve a feeling — this couple will make it, and there’ll be no divorce.</p>.

DrallDrallover 14 years ago
Can't wait!

A happy ending? I really hope so! Thanks for a great story.

AnonymousAnonymousover 14 years ago
Why does he even want her?

Because she's no longer the "fat ass" he's always calling her? It seems like he and the kids will be fine without her and he's used to not getting any of her fat ass and hairy cunt anyway. So let her loose, the trust is gone. Find another skinnier, younger wife who'll give up the goods when he wants. Chances are he'll have better luck getting into another relationship then she will at that age. She can start another web site to make money. There's obviously a niche for old, fat, hairy cunt women.

woodmanonewoodmanoneover 14 years ago
Liked the story

there is good character development, a good story line and it has good flow. The plot is somewhat unique in this genre and an improvement over the typical cheating or slut spouse, at least in my opinion. I try to comment only on the technical aspect of a story as I believe the characters and their actions belong to you and you know them best. The only suggestion, the only criticism I have is the daily posting of the chapters. It's not really a problem but it will turn some readers off to have to wait for the continuation of the story. I think you and your story would be better served to first, have longer chapters and second be posted in a more compact form. Even if we have to wait three or four days for the next chapter it would be better to expand the length of the posting. As an example, these first 3 chapters could have been one and in a few days get two or more chapters until the story is finished. I would rather have a longer read at one sitting to get and keep the feel of your story and have to wait a couple of extra days to continue with the next longer read. This is just my personal preference and of course you must work the best way for you. Thanks for your hard work and keep the chapters coming.

Ducky7Ducky7over 14 years ago
Good life story, I bet this is more true then we

would like to think. He will have to ask about the computer and where as part of the face to face. If he doesn't it will haunt him for a long time. That too was part of the lie or the cheating.

AnonymousAnonymousover 14 years ago
She should get the kids and fuck

his pompous little fat ass off. What was he doing on an adult site anyway? Don't forget 'on a friends recommendation' he tuned in to get off, having no idea what was about to hit him. She was doing it for the money, to keep her family, cos fatass couldn't get a job. He was doing it to pull his little wiener, with the help of what he hoped would be a complete stranger. She should sack him. Anyway this tale is losing the plot...Mancelt.

AnonymousAnonymousover 14 years ago
Keep Writing

So Far I am really enjoying this story. So many of this genre are just plain stupid or mean. This story represents a real couple with kids in a quandry that some people find themselves in. Lack of communication and economic. Anyway some of the questions I had/have - Who tipped off the husband what were their motives?? intentions???? He seems a little uptight, but other than performances on a web cam, no physical cheating to be found, except in his minds eye. Plus he had kind of let her down on not keeping the marriage lively and interesting in their physical relationship. He does have a stick in his ass kind of attitude. But a lot of guys do. So keep writing and lets see where you take this tale emotion. Thanks for sharing your talent and time.

AnonymousAnonymousover 14 years ago
different opinions

The writing is surely good, no doubt about that. The premise, at least in my mind, not so well. Some readers would like to see a happy end, some say just to go for divorce. One thing is sure : his trust is gone. If she was doing this for the money to help the household, unless I missed it, he never saw what she brought to them. As to the "all saints" attitude, he said it was clear that she was chatting separate from what was shown on the disks. I don't want to express my opinion, but without trust there can hardly be a meaningful relationship. Let's just wait and see.

Risq_001Risq_001over 14 years ago
I only gave it 50% because I'm confused

<p>Let me see if I understand (and I'm not complaining or judging)</p>

<p>The male lead brings up multiple questions that really weren't answered well.</p>

<p>- She proves she doesn't have a disease, but not that she's never physically cheated on him with anyone else (blow jobs, sex with a condom, etc).</p>

<p>- She proves that on the same web chat line she's no longer degrading herself or telling the world how poorly her husband satisfies her and she tells <i><b>those</b></i> people that she's not doing this any more, but as he points out that there are "hundreds" of chat rooms that she <i>could</i> still be doing this on, or others that he didn't know about in the past that he's not aware of yet, and he suddenly decides that she didn't do this anywhere else?</p>

<p>He has no idea of how many people he <i>personally</i> knew heard about how poor he was as a husband and a father freely and unsolicited from her own mouth, but now her redemption is clearly under the duress of not being able to stay married if she doesn't do it.</p>

<p>- Not to mention that when she was doing cybersex it was OK because it was a job, but now that she got caught everyone that expected her to continue are all perverts that need to get a life? Pot meet kettle? Long as it was a secret it was ok, but now that she got caught only they are the disgusting ones???</p>

<p>- He spent half a month without her (thirteen weeks without touching her or just over 3 months) and on seeing the fourth CD (that could have been stages based on the questions raised by him in the story) he can't wait to have sex with her again? </p>

<p>- The first story said she killed all his desire to have sex with her again, after watching her rut around with a dildo and as she was running him down to anyone who asked, but seeing her clothing after all this time without sex is what rekindled that desire??</p>

<p>Also another thing I don't understand, there are lots of places that give lie detector test, and a few that a reputable. Why didn't the wife ever do that to prove her innocence? She had to know that she only had one shot and she used public redemption on the site he caught her on as the one ticket for it?</p>

<p>I guess why I'm confused is that you designed the character with a lot of backbone. You made him step back and ask for some level of respect from his wife who was publicly trashing him for any man willing to pay to see her naked body and watch her pleasure herself, but it looks like you raised so many questions that most normal people would ask, then walked away from them</p>

<p>I'm not saying that they shouldn't get back together, but I am <i>saying</i> that you took this character, changed it, and it appears that he can't go long periods without sex clouding his judgment. This one chapter also made him look shallow, selfish (what about the kids mental development if this is all it took to make him happy) and sex dependent.</p>

<p>That really destroys your character when you do that and I guess that's why I'm confused. He started off so well and then he started down hill quickly</p>


lancewmlancewmover 14 years ago
So far the story and characters are consistent

Not that I like the male protagonist. I don't. I think he is an ass for treating his wife with no sympathy and understanding... she was doing it for the family, she thought. Of course, she should have talked with him before going on the web, and she did make a big mistake. But what is a marraige for if not love and understanding even when the other makes a mistake. And what was he doing on the website himself? However, still a good story and well written..

bruce22bruce22over 14 years ago
Fine Story

Kelly Kelly has a nice take on the situation, but I have to admit that I see no way for her to actively satisfy the other two demands. The only route is to wait for his doubts and desires to mix themselves in such away that he decides he wants to be convinced, because there is no possibility of proof other than the fact that she did not get an STD. Or did she send someone else to take the exam for her???<P>

Risq, I did not feel that there was any words in this chapter that indicate that he was ready to return to being intimate.

<P> It looks like she is living at the hotel with the family friend and getting a lot of sun at the pool. Personally my paranoia would lead me to not want to even consider returning her to my bed..

AnonymousAnonymousover 14 years ago
just 2 strange things

first of all was she a fat pig while being on cam ? I can't think that anybody would look at her if she had 25 pounds or even more, as your wrote, to much. but then you wrote she looked good ? so what now? she is now either close to death for not eating at all or when healthy she was really fat. second, I can't believe anybody would take her back after what she did for so many weeks on the webcam, with her clothes on. if somebody recogniced her with the "disguise" of makeup and ....what ever, where she ashamed her husband. this is even worse. for weeks now she is telling anybody what she did with no disguise, so anybody knows who she is and what she did. nice for the kids in school for instance. but doing that just would prove me how dumb my wife really is. once again she can't see the consequences of her doing. also using the same workplace would rather more suspicious than before cause in the first chapter she should have worked in a restaurant and now? so would I want my former fat dumb, now only dumb wife back and wait what her next stupid surprise will be? The character design is a bit the weak point in this story, together with her physical description. otherwise nice to read.

AnonymousAnonymousover 14 years ago
He is a loser and she is better off without him.

So, the jobless wonder gets shitcanned and his wife takes to webcam sex to support the family. He logs in to pull his pud and sees his wife. Who the fuck did he think was going to be on? It's going to be someone's wife, mother or sister. So he gets all indignent and self-righteous and then suddenly, he gets a job as a hospital administrator because he has unique talens? IF he was so good, why did they fire his worthless ass in the first place? She should divorce his lardass and take him for every last cent.

zed0zed0over 14 years ago
I'm On Nin's & Peedles!

Need longer chapters. Looking forward to conclusion.

AnonymousAnonymousover 14 years ago
Liking where this is going

I'm liking where this story is going. She has to prove she has not picked up a disease, which she has done. She has to convince him that she hasn't screwed around. She can't prove it, but her recent performance is very convincing, and the door is open for someone to offer opposing proof. She has to erase the images in his mind. She can't erase them, but she can overwrite them and I'd say she's come as close as she can. She has also been improving her appearance in his mind. She is no longer the lady with the "fat ass" she displayed.


AnonymousAnonymousover 14 years ago
Still going good!

The wife is becoming the more sympathetic character. It is starting to look like the husband is intent on making her grovel. She might be better off to tell him "no thanks" and move on if he is intent on divorcing her anyway. Still, she screwed up. As a result they both may be better off to go their separate ways. Might be better for the kids rather than having both parents in the house sparring over past hurts. Looking forward to the next chapter.

Vulcan_in_OhioVulcan_in_Ohioover 14 years ago
Smells like reconciliation . . .

Here we have a man who is a hospital administrator who does not appear to know anything about counseling. Or if he can't get over what his wife did (not really much worse than working as a stripper in a bar, low, but not the same as physical infidelity), then he should just man up and get a lawyer. The short chapters where very little happens are also frustrating. The writing is fair but the plot is wanting at this point. I hope the last chapter ties it all together.

PistolpackinpetePistolpackinpeteover 14 years ago
She's way better off without him....

...and those kids are going to grow up to be Republican Nazi pigs. He should be so lucky to kiss the rim of the ass he holds in such contempt. I'd be so grateful to my wife for doing something she(like 99% of the women that do it)loathes,and does only for the money that pig men like hubby throw at them. Hubby's got the emotional demeanor of a cyborg.

AnonymousAnonymousover 14 years ago

You are a inbred know it all asshole. Keep your political rants to yourself.

tazz317tazz317over 12 years ago

barren love looks to bloom. TK U MLJ LV NV

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago
Still a jackass.

Husband still off the rails. One problem I do have with the story line. No way he could force her out of the house. He shows the video to friends and family and the Judge will STILL give her custody, alimony and child support. So this part of the story doesn't really ring truer for me.

RhomanovRhomanovalmost 11 years ago

Different enough and written well eough for me to continue reading.

To the last Anon poster; this is fiction; deal with it.

Drbeamer3333Drbeamer3333almost 11 years ago
Loved it

Good writing. I am enjoying the storyline.

chilleywilleychilleywilleyalmost 11 years ago
Good twist

Philosophically is it impossible to prove a negative, so I'll be interested in how you dance around it. As a relationship issue, it's gone well over the top, but you are pursuing the story line the audience 'accepted' so write on!


rightbankrightbankalmost 10 years ago
that's not all he doesn't know

and the way he is going about it makes you wonder how he got his new job.

tazz317tazz317almost 10 years ago

but it also brings a storm, TK U MLJ LV NV

Drbeamer3333Drbeamer3333about 8 years ago
Second time through...

Thanks for the offering.

silentsoundsilentsoundover 7 years ago
Good reading still

On to the next

AmbivalenceAmbivalenceover 7 years ago
Interesting that some readers have missed a couple of important points...

The reason the husband is MOST upset with her is that she was bad-mouthing him and making it sounds like their relationship wasn't too great...

So what that she was "acting", the world at large didn't know and so perception became reality...

Second, the REASON he could kick her out is because she WANTED their marriage to work and recognized she'd damaged it... So she went "willingly". Not as in she wanted to but as in she accepted his reasoning and decided to work on it.

The whole PROVING herself innocent of physically cheating though... Impossible. All she could do is CONVINCE him she was innocent of it...

Other comments will need to be held since they relate to later chapters...

26thNC26thNCover 5 years ago
Looking good

Keep going, looking better.

deependerdeepender11 months ago

" seven-year old toe-headed wonder..." Not an image I want to keep for very long...

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