All Comments on 'The Youth Trap Ch. 01'

by angiquesophie

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AnonymousAnonymousalmost 16 years ago
You have described a woman who is so self

centered and egotistical that she is almost totally mentally insane. In destroying her self worth and openly displaying herself as a whore fucking both people she worked with and clients she has virtually destroyed any aspect of respect anyone could have for her. It is not enough that she has willingly exposed herself to STDs and AIDS and taken her husband on that path without his knowledge or consent. But she has attempted to willingly destroy the life of the man she was married to for 19 years and birthed a daughter with. Not only has she destroyed herself and her marriage she has destroyed her daughters family! When she finally realizes she is but a cum sponge for men to use will she take the honorable step of removing herself from the vicinity and memory of her exhusband and daughter?

SoCalOvidSoCalOvidalmost 16 years ago
What a great start!

A well written beginning. Suspense, lust, betrayal! Does Hubby tell daughter? Does young stud dump mom? Will mom really go down a path of self-indulgent sex at the expense of real human relationships? Looking forward to the next chapter.

saw_man1saw_man1almost 16 years ago
What a Surprise..

..and what a real pleasure it is to read another of your exceedingly well written stories. You have been missed.

Harryin VAHarryin VAalmost 16 years ago
Classic angiqesophie' a True sociopath idealized

so far its typical angiquesophie... another sociopathetic woman character written by an author who has an agenda.


I give this story ZERO not because it is written poorly or it doesnt flow or it is inconsistent. No with this author THIS story like her stories are VERY good.<b> Let me be clear this author is a FABULOUS writer of great Talent.</b>


The reason that I give this story such a low score that we all KNOW.... beyond any doubt ... where this is going. It is all about the wife/'s author's vagina.


<b> The biggest Proof the wife is mentally ill is her deductions about Julie.</b> The admits that she got promoted because she would fuck anyone any time any place. Yet the wife never considers what or How Julie MIGHT react.


IF Julie ...<i>.was the only vibrant, glorious proof that remained of their love. A beautiful, lively girl. Intelligent, daring, young. If she still loved John at all, it was because of Julie, Sarah knew...</i>


<b>and she threw Mr wimp away by cheating on him for two years ....How could the wife think Julie would NOT react to what her " mother / whore" had done. ? </b>


Note that there wasnt a thought about any STD and since she is especially fond of younger guys the Risk is Much higher.


what are we to make of the fact that she SAYS she wanted him to find out... yet wheh he figured it out she screamed... lied and denied it all. ?


crash and burn baby

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 16 years ago
Shit Happens

Usually husband dumps wife for younger woman but it works both ways. Can't say I like wife much but will read next chapter, her love for hubbie is totaly dead so I hope he moves on, I would.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 16 years ago

very well written. But, would this have the same plot lines as your other stories? i sure hope not. too many others regurgitate their plot lines over and over. just change the names and location but the characters remains the same.

thebulletthebulletalmost 16 years ago

<p>Unlike some misogynistic readers, I have no preconception of where the writer is taking this story. I do know that so far the story is different than 99% of the other stories we read on this or any other website.</p>

<p>Will wifey be dropped by her virile young lover as soon s he gets a bit bored with her? That's a likely scenario, I'd guess.</p

<p>Will hubby suddenly be discovered by all of the women he knows and become the stud of the hour? That's the way a lot of these 'wronged husband' stories go, but I'd be surprized if this writer went that way.</p.

<p>Will hubby fall back on his experience as a Navy SEAL or his previously unrevealed National Karate championship and beat the crap out of the young guy? That's the way many of the other stories go.</p>

<p>Somehow I expect something different from angiquesophie. This writer sees things from a different point of view. Since certain readers are incapable of understanding that point of view, they turn their hatred on the writer.</p.

fregenfregenalmost 16 years ago
This Time

Could you please let the husband move on without getting screwed over repeatedly?

<p>He appears to be a nice guy. He seems to be able to hold a job, doesn't come home drunk every night, or beat his wife and dog, provides for his daughter. A bit naive and dull perhaps. But that shouldn't be the reasons for repeatedly bad things to happen to him.

<P> He just happens to be married to a amoral, conniving, coward of a slut who doesn't have the courage to tell him that their marriage is over, either now or two years ago when it really ended. Now she is a character all sorts of bad things can happen to and I will actually cheer.<P>

This time...please?<P>

Thanks for sharing.

JADED_ONE1969JADED_ONE1969almost 16 years ago
Most women..

When they hit 40 or so most women want to stay settled. They don't normally go out and shag anything they can. And why wait two years for the husband to find out? Most normal human beings if they care even a tiny amount for somebody they wil let them go with out the hurt that this woman has caused. As someone said she is certainly selfish and the fact that she has become the office bike won't help her job prospects if she ever wanted to move on. Unless of course she wanted to be a paid whore which she is really good at.

If you need to do a second chapter let it be about how the husband meets his dream girl. Has kids with her marries her and lives happily ever after. Also have a realistic response from the daughter, as in she doesn't approve of her mother's choice of breaking up the marriage.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 16 years ago
So far, so good

I admit I share Harry's skepticism about this author's predilection for humiliating men. But I'm prepared to consider this submission purely on its own merits. This was well written. The plot has some room for improvement, natch, but otherwise this is a good installment.<br><br>

I do hope for further character development. And I also hope that the author manages to avoid the two dimensional "humilated hubby" crud that has been seen in other submissions.<br><br>

The daughter in particular deserves to be developed further.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 16 years ago

thank you for posting again. You are a most wonderful writer with an impressive talent. I so hope you could write and publish a full length novel on any subject in your marvellous personal style. I am sure I (or anybody else) will not be able to stop reading.

Un beso, Erik

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 16 years ago
As always

a wonderful start by a true storyteller. You are one of the finest STORYTELLERS at the site.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 16 years ago
No fool like a getting older fool

Stan will soon dump her as she ages and maybe she might regret her choices? But then again, the straying wife may indeed be much happier with her new life, since she seems to be a strong personality. It might have really been time to move on, but the Daughter might well complicate the happy atmosphere.

Nicely written as usual.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 16 years ago
Interesting start

After your long "vacation" I'm glad you're back. Being very curious which way you choose to continue and end this tale I'm looking forward to some enjoyable chapters. Thanks and best regards ----Bavarian-----

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 16 years ago
Excellent start

This first chapter shows the earmarks of another excellent story by a very original, established writer of short stories. It's always a very good sign with me when I cannot wait to read the next installment to a story. RAG

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 16 years ago
And then there was one....

This one I voeted for content. Stan will eventually find a younger and more beautiful woman and dump her ass. Also, if she cheated on John, what would make Stan think that she would be faithfull to him. Lets face it, she is a slutty BITCH that deserves everything she gets. Age will eventually catch up with her and she will think back of the 21 years of marriage and cry over them, especially when she is alone and waiting for another Stan that will never arrive. She had a good thing going in her life, but she let her pussy do the thinking for her and now look at the mess she is in. I hope her daughter finds out about her cheating ways and dis-owns her.

NucleusNucleusalmost 16 years ago
I think ...

... the intelligent choosen title of your story contains a clue for the further process of the plot. Maybe "The Bullet" and an Anonymous from USA thought the same way as I did. Keep on writing. I am looking forward to the next chapter too.


AnonymousAnonymousalmost 16 years ago
Time for Hubby to move on...

<p align="left">A promotion and a nice bonus? Some people earn them by doing a good job. She apparently earned them by being the office sperm sponge.

<p align="left">I hope boring ole hubby says, "Goodbye, good luck and good riddance," and moves on with his life. He might grieve over the loss of the person he thought she was but not the person she is - self-centered, shallow, slut. Actually, she and Stan, being shallow and self-centered, considering nothing other than their own desires, are probably made for each other.

<p align="left">50% because you're a talented writer; I just don't like the potrayal of steady men who provide for their families, consider the needs of others, and lead decent lives as wimps.

toesmantoesmanalmost 16 years ago
"Silly me"

Well, even though I know this writer's predilections, I thought maybe, just maybe, she might write, for a change, something about a strong husband, and a repentant wife (or at least for whom there would be consequences for being a cheating slut), but given the start I am less than sanguine that this new foray will end any better than her previous efforts. Oh, well, they say that hope springs eternal, but my hope for this writer - and her obvious and very tiring disrespect for men - is wearing very thin.

gatorhermitgatorhermitalmost 16 years ago
Interesting Story and Interesting Comments

The comments about STDs are correct - screwing as many people as Sarah was doing (even with condoms) is pretty dangerous. So far, Sarah is narcissism personified. I think it is too early to down-rate the story - the author is off to a very interesting start. It will be interesting to see why John attempted sex one more time - I wouldn't have wanted to touch her.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 16 years ago

This story holds a lot of promises. It can go different ways and I too hope it will not become a manhating or humiliation story as so many are posted here these days. So far, you have painted the wife just for what she is, a cheating slut. Hope he comes out of this as a better and l stronger person. G.Belgium

Vulcan_in_OhioVulcan_in_Ohioalmost 16 years ago
Readers either love or hate this . . .

I think it is interesting to read the comments about this story. Some give it high marks for very good writing and originality (I agree with those). Others seem to give low marks because they are unhappy with the plot (I sympathize with those opinions but don't feel a story should be graded on that basis). What needs to be understood by the reader (and some readers either don't understand or acknowledge this point) is that a woman who cheats the last 2 of her 21 years of marriage is doing so for one or more reasons that pretty much require certain plot elements to generate credibility in the story. The husband must be passive for her to get bored with him. She may mistake his passivity for weakness when in fact he yields because he loves her and wants to please her. She realizes he is not an "alpha male" (aka "The Dog Whisperer" and the pack leader) and she is tired of being in charge and deep down, she really wants to be dominated. There needs to be a lack of communication in the relationship. Maybe John is too prudish (the sex is monotonous, there is no oral by him on her, he does not initiate new things into their love-making, and so on). Sarah subconsciously feels her age and worries deep down about her fading looks, her sagging breasts, her cellulite thighs, her more prominent buttocks. Her husband takes her for granted, does not romance her any longer, so she feels he's no longer interested in her. But she was raised with at least a few scruples so she does not bring lovers into her marital bed, she showers afterwards -- in short, she thinks she is showing she appreciates her husband's support, loyalty, and the years he devoted to her. But these qualities are no longer enough, maybe her hormones are changing and her physical needs are greater than he is able to satisfy (and he is clueless because she does not communicate these needs to him, apparently). She throws away security for excitement, risk-taking, and sexual thrills which provide the "loop-the-loop" roller coaster rushes she finds emotionally satisfying, at least for the short-term. The author perhaps knows wimpy men like those she portrays in her writings. What some women don't realize is that "nerds" make the best husbands, they are smart, they earn good money, they don't get into legal trouble, they provide for their families, and they are loyal to their mates. Exciting and rough jock-types will not be steady -- they will say the word 'love' and anything else necessary to get into the woman's orifices, but such men rarely settle down and it is only a matter of time before, as other readers have noted, the bad boys want some new pussy and dump the old cunts for new meat. Just look at the marriages of male athletes, movie stars, and the like. Their divorce rates far exceed those for the general population. A tryst with men like that is fantasy land, not reality. When Sarah and her ilk learn this truth, they must then seek out older men (financially secure but not usually physically or sexually exciting) or continue to jump from relationship to relationship, never really achieving stability and I dare say, real happiness. Just my opinion from observing human behavior. BTW, selfishness and breaking one's wedding vows are not good qualities in anyone; I will be interested to see if there is divine retribution or if Sarah gets away with her behavior indefinitely. The author has in other stories "swung both ways" on this issue -- I can't wait for the next chapter.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 16 years ago
How exciting

another slut wife story.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 16 years ago

When Sarah finds out that she is competing with her daughter Julie...for the young meat, will she grow up....NAAAH, what was I thinking....

bornagainbornagainalmost 16 years ago
stop there

She should never had done that to John he didnt deserve that from her if she was unhappy with him why not just ask for a divorce i hope she gets a knife shoved in her.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 16 years ago
If It Repeatedly Quacks Like A Bitch - It Is

No complaint on the talent exhibited - it is quite good. <P>

However it is just another of her string of married selfish bitch's who without a care cucks a long term loving providing poor bastard father of her children - without any admission of fault or concern.<P>

In that it is puzzling why the same warped contorted record is played over and over unless the writer is a lesbian or has been hurt by a real man sometime ago. Regardless there is always a real hatred of men pushed forth by each of her selfish whores.<P>

There are those who with appreciation point at her talent and who can deny that. But she has no soul to applaud - no demonstrated desire for the balance of life and consequence - instead she consistently delivers pain from non-caring females to her weak sensitive caring men unable to cope with her selfish more aggressive less human like self imaged bitches.<P>

To think that she will suddenly change from what she has been to what she could be are wasting their time and righteous anger at her contrived sniveling consistent male humiliation tactics.<P>

She is what she does and relishes the chance to mock men and display her mindless contrived humanistic failings wrapped in pretty prose. Those who chant talent must have as many or more deep darker issues to avoid than she does.<P>

A sad waste in so many areas.

bruce22bruce22almost 16 years ago
Beautifully Written, with a scary plot...

I you have never read a story by this author before it is easy to understand the reactions. But if you can not stand to read about people being mistreated by their partner then it would be best to not open the story. I will follow this one to the end. They both sound like interesting people. I am sure that we will end up hating them both....

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 16 years ago
Too Bad

It's too bad that Angiquesophie only knows of selfish sluts and their wicked, wicked ways. It makes it hard to really enjoy her many talents as a writer. She really is very good but a lot of we reader's have problems with her selfish women and their usually loving husbands. I hope this one winds up the husband winning. Thanks for sharing your skills with us...

cyzrecyzrealmost 16 years ago
Well, She certainly deserves what she will get

When she tells Stan that she is all his and he tells her to take a hike. Once a cheating slut always a cheating slut -and while Stan loved fucking her while she was married, once she is available and wanting to spend all her time with Stan, He will bolt and she will be left to find another marriage to break up. A follow-up would be nice but angiquesophie is a cheating slut herself and would never let her star sluts suffer!

ryu77ryu77almost 16 years ago
I can't deny,

that I love Angiquesophie's writting style. Will be waiting for more.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 16 years ago

Love it more please

Scorpio44Scorpio44almost 16 years ago
Set the Trap...

Well structured and crafted to set the tone and leave plenty of possibilities for the future of both John and his slut wife.

AnonymousAnonymousover 15 years ago

I'll give the author credit, she certainly described the ultimate bitch. I only briefly feel pity for the "loving wife." The rest of her life will be total shit...friends will turn their back, for who can trust a cheater? The daughter will side with her father...that's normal, people usually side with honor, dignity and integrity. The "loving wife" could have gotten a divorce, but instead she turned herself into a slut, selling her dignity for a few quick fucks....let's hope she's shallow enough that the memory of being a well-used cum dump keeps her warm at night and gives her solace in her declining years. Like I said, only brief pity can be had, because this "loving wife" deserves every shitty thing that comes her way from here on out. Some call it justice or karma; it's a reckoning, pure and simple, and the hubby is far better off without her.

GizmorGizmorabout 12 years ago

Enjoying your story. Looking for more. Thanks.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 12 years ago
You remind me of Angelina Jolie

...regarded by so many as beautiful, sexy and alluring.

You have the same smoldering look, and the same willingness to share the curves of your body. The same self-knowledge that your shape is like a summer flower to a bee.

After reading several of your stories, I conclude that your writing actually complements that image.

The rub here, is, that I hate Angelina Jolie. I am a man, and I see what others see in her, but I see her attributes as so hideous that I feel nausea.

I see her appearance as a genetic accident that enables the horrible person within to get away with what she does.

I also see her as fake, shallow and cruel, with no real empathy for the wider human condition other than that which serves her ends. And I feel that the only thing she cares for on this earth is her own agenda... even if that agenda does nothing to bestow any grace on her own life.

I see her as a succubus, who I would rather kill than be devoured by.

Your writing IS very well crafted, that I concur. But many of your characters are sociopaths. The events in your stories, if they were reflected in life, are nightmarish. I feel the innocent victims hurt by betrayal in your stories are worse off than so many other authors' creations.

Most authors leave some dignity to their cast. For you, it seems that you delight in leaving none with any redeeming outcomes at all.

I dislike 'Mz Jolie' so much that I can no longer stand to watch a film with her in the cast. In the same vane, I will not subject myself to any more of your work

1 star, only because it reduces the average.

Drbeamer3333Drbeamer3333almost 11 years ago
Loving it

Beautifully written. Thanks.

chilleywilleychilleywilleyover 10 years ago

Nice guys don't always get the girl, or keep her. Of course we assume a bad end for her, Dorothy must follow the yellow brick road. but sometimes it works out, for the wife to seek a better life, doesn't it.

On to chapte r 2, we'll see what you imagine


chytownchytownover 10 years ago
Good Start***

Thanks for sharing.

tazz317tazz317almost 9 years ago

and once caught no need for stealth. TK U MLJ LV NV

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 9 years ago
John the clueless wimp

He deserve what he get, he lost the respect in her at the end they arent in love any more.

Drbeamer3333Drbeamer3333about 8 years ago
Second time through...

An enjoyable read.

GoodhueGoodhueabout 7 years ago
Well-Written,About An Evil Twat

Twenty-one years together only to learn that you'd been married to an evil,unfaithful turd. It had to really,really hurt!

Hopefully,as the story progresses,the lily-livered husband will grow a pair and put the betraying whore in her place.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago

He's a wimp! She was right except that she totally disrespected him! She should have just came out and told him!

Don't like wimps so didn't like the story!

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago

This story seems to be written by a lonely writer that has never experienced love or friendship in his life time. Pity

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago

Save the time, a bullet to her brain is less expensive.

cabbage01132cabbage01132over 5 years ago
delightfully cruel and heartless bitch. 5*

hope she reaps what she sows.

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago

A bullet would be too good for her.

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago

This author's stock characters. Not creative enough to be a good writer

26thNC26thNCover 5 years ago

If this were real life, then I would wish an extremely painful chronic disease in this woman. Something she could pass to her lover.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 5 years ago
1 Star

Why? The story demands it.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 5 years ago
5 stars

John can't get it done in bed.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 5 years ago
Ever increasing story with need to destroy husband


AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago

And a woman wrote this? A well rogered cunt swells and is sore. It doesn't become looser. Not much of a story

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
Going, going

You just know this thing is going South!

Mr_Sap24Mr_Sap24about 3 years ago

Interesting, to see her insigth, I am sure she is dealing with much more that she herself is aware of.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

self deluded cow.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

I can only pity the parents who produced such a slut writer like u? May be not…cos most of this behaviour gets impregnated in a child mind growing up…I gues ur mom was a big slut…u saw her and taht effected u! I actually pity u!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Very boring. You old writers need jump into this century or fade graciously away. Cheers

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

"Besides - denying herself this delicious sensuality would turn her into a bitter, prematurely old woman. Who would profit from that? Life - or what remained of it - was here for the taking. It was sweet, and increasingly short.

Wouldn't it be a sin to ignore it?"

Says the unrepentant whore who bare fucks half the work force at her job.

In real life a whore like this ends up a middle aged divorced unemployed slut with a couple of STDs. With zero respect from her child, extended family, and former friends.

But hey...don't deny yourself the "delicious sensuality" because that would mean you'd age gracefully as woman and human being. I mean the horrors of actually growing into being a mother and wife and grandmother that is faithful and good and actually loves her family. Geez...the woman who doesn't throw all that away to fuck every dick that comes her way? Well that's a woman who is less than.

To be a woman in your 40s...and be self actualized and happy? You gotta cheat and lie and divorce you life and husband. And be free to fuck anyone you want.

That seems to be the message here from the author.

If you don't spread your legs like a whore...then you are naive and unsophisticated. Got it.

BigDee44BigDee443 months ago

“Just because of a husband who was too dull to satisfy her anymore? Who was too old to give her what she needed?” Not that she even gave him a chance to “redeem” himself.

AnonymousAnonymous8 days ago

Lol, this world in which everyone either tests regularly or remains miraculously germ free is amazing.

Makes you wonder how these constant reports of porn stars with Sti's manage to happen in an industry of strict checks when a bland housewife can do all and sundry and remain disease free.

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