All Comments on 'The Youth Trap Ch. 02'

by angiquesophie

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AnonymousAnonymousalmost 16 years ago

Very intense and interesting, when love dies everone looses. Hopefully she will see herself as the rest of the world does, perhaps when boyfriend hits on daughter. Thanks.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 16 years ago
At least the daughter is an adult! The mother is

an immature child. A good woman friend of mine once told me, women dont begin to mature until they reach their mid 30s or 40s and finally realize what they want. And by that time they are in all likelyhood with children and married to men they dont love but had a crush on at the time. Then it is to late to change, to grow, to mature, and they hate the men they are married to and if not careful ruin a good marriage for nothing but lust again. Except for the fact this woman has not matured and is still a little child mentally, this fits her very well. Often folks talk about men having the middle age crazies but you seldom hear about the mental manipulations women go thru before they reach that age.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 16 years ago
very intense?

what a laugh. it's so cliched and pathetic, really. narcissism can be stretched, if done clever enough, into some kind of a nonsensical white-nose art; but this ain't it. <p>

yeah, in spite of the clever, simple, and "deep" reflection over a fallen tree, from where if you look up the clear blue sky extends from one horizon to another. <p>

this is just another one of your literotica garden variety attempts at sofistikation (more like an obfuscation).

Harryin VAHarryin VAalmost 16 years ago
WOW does this author HATE men or what ?

I mean its glaring... yet her own words Prove it


the husband actually say this to his daughter

..." Honey," he went on, wondering why his voice was so calm. "All considered there is no one to blame but me..


or read the author description of MOST men


<i>You see, many men don't live in the now. They live around it. </i> (jesus what liberal feminazi bullshit)

.... Their mind is on projects and dreams. On things to come, mostly. They love challenges - building, creating. They plan together and tell each other how important it all is. And of course they need to know how very good they are at it.


In other words men are boys that are fact the author says it..


<i><b>Men are like the boys at the beach, teaming up to build a sand castle. Or in the woods, damming a creek.</b> </i>


Now woman... they are perfect


<i>They love to meet and talk -- to weave a collective web that spreads in all directions. It is the fabric of the now. It sustains families, communities, workplaces, even whole cities. It is an intricate labyrinth. And they know their way instinctively.</i>


you see woman as 50% of the human race Build families and communities and the world.


Men? stupid dumb as shit little boys with toys

Vulcan_in_OhioVulcan_in_Ohioalmost 16 years ago
Realistic second chapter; the plot thickens . . .

The author writes very well but once in a while, English, the second language, makes itself known as such. Example: "Then get into your waste-high boots and sort out the damage." Waste is trash, garbage; one's waist is where the belt goes, where the skirt rides (usually), and it is the height of one's waders (waist-high boots). But even with this small error, there are far fewer mistakes in this story than we see in most tales on Literotica's site. The author has done an excellent job painting Sarah as a shallow woman, one for whom sex and her own narcissism have become the prime directives. She obviously loves herself far more than she loves her daughter. It would be interesting to see how Sarah's self-esteem plummets after her beau tries to fuck her daughter, a young woman of whom she is now jealous. The company slut, fucking her way to the top, now that's the way to be respected! I'm curious as-to any relationships with Sarah's or John's parents -- are they still living, and what would they think? Those characters have not yet been presented; possibly something for another chapter. And what about friends? Don't Sarah and John have any close friends, and what are their reactions? Many times, the way we see the primary characters is further influenced by the ways in which accessory characters relate to them in a story. Good job so far, other than the main male lead appearing as a weakling to this point.

bornagainbornagainalmost 16 years ago
Hurray for John and Julie

Its about time the Witch of the west got put in her place

and now Julie has turned her back on the Witch she has no power over them.nice change of direction.

SoCalOvidSoCalOvidalmost 16 years ago
Look at the implications again...

Harry, Harry, Harry, as delightful as your rant was, calling Angel Sophie a man-hating feminazi, it seems to me that there is one problem: you've got things backwards!

It doesn't seem to me to be anti-male, when she says that we men are the planners and executors of long-range thinking, e.g. we build the skyscrapers, bridges, empires, send men to the moon, etc. Consider that in contrast, she is saying that women do the day-to-day chores, e.g. making dinner, picking up the kids from school, because they (women) exist in the 'now.' I kinda like being considered the big picture guy who is thinking six-months or a year into the future. So long as I don't have to remember to do the ironing! And thank heavens that my wife reminds me about birthdays! LOL!

The second issue is John's discussion with his daughter, Julie. He is doing a classic man thing — taking the blame for the failure of his marriage on to himself, still trying to protect his 'little girl' from the harsh reality; that is, his wife has become a self-absorbed narcissist, without regard for her long-term relationships.

Angel Sophie does say these things in rather lyrical terms, but that is one of the extraordinary qualities that a woman writer seems to bring. I continue to look forward to the unfolding of this tale.

fregenfregenalmost 16 years ago

Why do men so often take the blame on themselves? "I could have done more." "I should have done things differently." "I wasn't good enough." Is it a guy thing? John is obviously wallowing in it even though he was a too excellent provider and his wife never even indicated her discontent. And she never did, did she? She just moved on without having the courage to tell him. Or to confront him. What a coward, to have her coworkers "accidently" be overheard.<P>

Julie at least is holding up the reality mirror and she doesn't much care for what she sees. Will she blame herself as John did? Of course not. It can't be her fault where's the advantage in that? Not Julie, she's her daughter and she loves her. That must leave John. Guess he really is in for a hard time.<P>

Thanks for sharing.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 16 years ago

love it. you write alot better than Karenkay, WWW, or the other one plotline writers. cant wait for the next chapter.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 16 years ago
Good, but

It reads like someone who likes to hear themselves talk. Maybe such a serious subject needs to be more visceral, less ethereal. Then again, that is her style. I am looking forward to the next chapter.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 16 years ago

Well written as usual. And it sertainly effected me enough to comment. So a good story. The content is crud though. The woman was dishonest to herself and those around her.. what should have been shown was her total lack of anything approching ethics or even the ability to treat those she supposedly cares about with respect. As for the "women" do this and "men" do that total BS just a line of crud to justify doing what ever u want to do no matter the hurt it causes others. This story is like those adds that do somthing irrating just to get attenshion.

thebulletthebulletalmost 16 years ago

This story has depth. Its characters are real-seeming.

When I read the rants that a Harry writes, it is obvious that his thoughts are so fixed that he is incapable of reading the story. None of what he ranted about was true except that the few excerpts he quoted may have been quoted accurately. His opinion of those quotes missed the mark by miles.

The wife in this story is a self-indulgent fool who is going to have a major come-uppance when all is said and done. I will be surprised if her lover doesn't make a pass at Julie, the daughter.

In time reality will finally strike the wife down.

It's just refreshing to read a well-written story, one with a different POV; one where the words are so overflowing with meaning. It's all good.

JADED_ONE1969JADED_ONE1969almost 16 years ago

This probably is more real than people think. The problem I have with the story is the fact that the man has accepted all the blame. And he isn't fighting back. Most men,even the ones who don't live in the now. Would be straight down to their lawyers, divorce proceedings would be pushed through, The wife would be out of the house faster than you can say jack rabbit. I am not sure if the writer dislikes men for who and what we are or if she envies us. As people have said a great writer and the fact that the writer is getting some coverage is proof she has what it takes to touch peoples emotions. I am glad that Julie has seen her mother in a true light. I do think that the mother has underestimated the daughters reaction. If there is a next chapter I would like to see the mother realise how selfish she really is and that the husband gets some back bone. But then the writers stories don't go that way do they?

waratahwaratahalmost 16 years ago
Admire your writing so much.

I want to ask you to write more, but that might weaken it.

I know you don't need to be encouraged to ignore those with no attention span, but I want to say it anyway.

Thank you.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 16 years ago
Still OK, but the sexism sucks

Harry was right in condemning the sexism. The sweeping generalisations were completely out of place.

capecodmercurycapecodmercuryalmost 16 years ago

Well, this story has been intresting so far. <p>

Almost as much fun as the comments<p>

What I find really interesting is the dichotomy between the philosophical ramblings and the the reality of what is going on in the story. <p>

Just ask yourself a few questions. <p>

Who is more nurturing in this story and worried about the effect of what is happening on the daughter? <p>

Who is more giving of their love?<p>

Who is self focused and self absorbed? <p>

Or, to put it in "sexist" terms, who is taking on the traditional female role and who is acting the man?<p>

I find the author's grasp of the emotions and self doubt felt by the husband to be right on. I don't care who you are, if you misjudge someone so badly as he misjudged his wife, you start to doubt yourself, wonder if you are at fault. <p>

I will agree that the author might have been over the top in taking the "its all my fault" line a bit to far, but, sooner or later his attitude will change as his anger sets in. It's already started as people like his daughter Julie support him and help him realize that its the wife that is to blame.<p>

Well, thanks for an interesting read so far.

what the author is trying to do is to

fumundacheezefumundacheezealmost 16 years ago

Angie, I have read every story you have ever written and I really believe this is your best so far. You have portrayed this woman into a self centered bitch who has given a good man up for some cheap sex. I look forward to the next segment with anticipation and awe for your abilities. Keep it coming.

I got a feeling that Stan and his buddies at the end of the chapter were laughing about his secret comment about fucking mom and her daughter too. Mom is definitely jealous of her daughter. You made that clear. We'll just have to see what Mom's reaction is as Stan unleashes himself on Julie. One thing for sure, if John is still around and does's not get despondant and do himself in, he has the last laugh on this damnable bitch of a slut.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 16 years ago
Enjoyed every paragraph

I was caught up in the narrative from the first paragraph. The thoughts and concepts seemed to unfold, as though I had never read them before, but surely I am wrong. How could one find some gems of understanding in this forum of often crass and vulgar literature?.................Looking forward to the next chapters and I can only hope they are as well written as this one was.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 16 years ago
Girl you are good.

Girl you are good. I think that says it all.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 16 years ago

Nice work, and oh, so plausible! Lovely chapter.

-- KK in Texas

bruce22bruce22almost 16 years ago
Really fine piece of work

One problem is always that somehow we feel that the author is showing us her positions and thoughts instead of trying to be true to the characters as she understands them and the situation that they find themselves in. My first reaction to the crack about men being wrong because they look ahead and don't live in the present, was that, Good Lord, people who live in the present only are immature socially be they men or women and so the author is denouncing herself to my worldview. Living in the present means you have to always win whatever the cost. Only with maturity and responsibility do most of us think about the possible consequences before acting. Now rereading I do believe that thoughts are Sarah's and that there is lovely counterpoint when she complains that her husband was stupid because he got a vasectomy...

Beautiful work and it is a shame how many people are more interested in the content than in the workmanship.


AnonymousAnonymousalmost 16 years ago
excellent story conitnues

Angiquesophie is an exceptionally superb writer. The beauty of her writing, the clearness of dialog, and the way the story flows all are included within this story. I find it hard to believe that anyone would not give the author the higher rating for this story up to this point. If we readers want the group of top writers of stories in the category of "Loving Wives" to continue to post their stories, we need to provide them with the supportive comments that they deserve. RAG

Harryin VAHarryin VAalmost 16 years ago

Good comments all. Again I am NOT blasting this writers skill or talent. I think she a GREAT writer... but one limited by her agenda.


<b> for example WHOM is the one who is going to put the slut wife/ mother in her place? well as we all just Read... it is the DAUGHTER.</b>


The Husband ? he is too busy crying in the corner asking for his "mommy"


SoCalVid says to me ...<i> you've got things backwards! It doesn't seem to me to be anti-male, when she says that we men are the planners and executors of long-range thinking, e.g. we build the skyscrapers, bridges, empires, send men to the moon, etc </i>


Ok fair enough... now what is THAT view of this author writing's in THIS story based on?


where are the words t aht refer to Building great things like Skyscrapers empires and going to the Moon ???


any one Bueller ? Bueller?


Bruce22 said it best. These characters are all the same and always just cardboard cut outs speaking the authors real views on the human species

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 16 years ago
Wow - this should be read by every couple thinking

about marriage. No wonder the divorce rate is so high - how many females have the repressive gene of being a male hater?

Author's talent and ability to write is fantastic - to bad the author's POV on relationships is so screwed up. But in reality, would a higher percentage of the female population treat their significant other as this character "has" if they could get away with it?

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 16 years ago
the comments

are more interesting to read than the story. at least that credit you have to give the author. and its not for her ability of writing, she must be one of the most talented writer here and if I would be able to create stories and write with such verve, I guess I could live from writing. on the other hand there are schizophrenic tendencies in the characters of the story that you have to ask yourself where do they come from? one example : men live everywhere but not now. "Women live in the present. They own it."

BUT this woman was not even able to say something (They love to meet and talk )to her husband or daugther not a year ago (when it was now) nor today. she was just speechles. a little girl who just saw candy. never grown up, never able to communicate what drives her, what she thinks she needs. seduced by false glitter and falling into decadence.

SO how come the character is so exaggerated and as shown schizophrenic and not "womanlike" even for the writer ?

where comes all the hurt from ? a lot of questions I know but thats what reading is all about, isn't it ?

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 16 years ago

You write so well. It is very interesting how you have woven this story. I don't know what many of the readers are complaining about, all agree it is well written, but complain that you did not write it as they would.

I do hope you don't take their critiques seriously, because if they could do better they definitely should.

I look forward to where you are taking this story. The characters are starting to form nicely and it will be interesting how the circumstances you have presented them alters their lives.

GenghisKhanGenghisKhanalmost 16 years ago
one of the major problems

with stories such as this one --- which is decently well written, even well thought out to some decent degree --- is that the writer tried to JUXTAPOSE highly discrete and un-related psychological matters, saying, in effect, that they the same things. <p>

but that's not necessarily so. <p>

the two major themes in this story are CHEATING and LIFE PHILOSOPHY/reflection. (the third one is about how the offspring feels when her two parents whom she thought were committed to growing old and dying by one another's side...) <p>

(1). the 40 plus year old woman winking with her young male "friend" (common fucker who would fuck just about any woman when his dick is hardened and she's not entirely ugly) and who then goes on, after having fucked up her marriage for having fucking around, TRY to philosophize her and her husband "drifting apart." <p>

(2) the hard working man walking in the woods, stumbling over dead trees, triggering some deep contemplation as to "why" and "how" his marriage --- which he thought was a decent or even a good one [the author tried to explain men and women's perception on the "good" and bad things in life, in a marriage: with the women living AT THE MOMENT while the men building for some future time that will never be, etc., etc. ad nauseam] --- had fallen apart. <p>

if they had both been cheating and then they realized the reasons for their cheating were that perhaps deep down they were both not satisfied with the marriage and each others, as OTHERS made them feel better; or if they had both sat down and said to each other "you know, despite our many good years together, I don't see us growing old together, holding hands, walking shakingly across the street," etc., and smiling almost painfully as they shook hands, parting from each other ------ the subsequent philosophizing would be okay. <p>

but here the PICTURE the READER gets is a 40 plus year old woman looking vainly at her reflection in the mirror, pinching herself, breasts and buttocks, saying to herself, "I still look good, good enough for a younger man to fuck me silly! Oh, boy, how I am going to have fun from this point on! Nothing can stop me now!" <p>

JUXTAPOSE that with, <p>

a 45 year old hard working, quiet --- and, yes, clewless --- loving man and father who, as he said, worked his whole life to provide for the two women whom he loved more than any one or any thing in the world.... Yes, I could see him shedding some un-bidding tears over it, stumbling over dead logs, realizing for the first time how green, beautiful, and bountiful nature really is.... and how, despite the pains of betrayals, that he would be okay.... his solemn and subtle reflection on life and the curved balls life throws at you.... it's actually meaningful... <p>

but to make a woman/mother who works with a few young just out of college men at some clothing store, pinch herself saying how gorgeous she still is and how much fun she has, fucking (being fucked by) those guys.... to have her have lunch (during which those young guys drop by to gently kiss her gently on the, err, cheek, with longing stares! lol),,, to have such a woman philosophize?... that "you father and I just drifted apart...",,, it just don't work too well,,,, such JUXTAPOSITION,,,

fumundacheezefumundacheezealmost 16 years ago
To horseshit Harry

Harry, as usual you are full of shit. I know authors who can write science fiction who sure the fuck have never even flown a plane. The idea that the author is interjected into the characters is pure unadulterated bullshit. i know one political satirist who is as far to the left as I am but to his credit an his livelihood, he can spin with the far right like a Fox news anchor. That , Harry, is a good writer, they can make even someone like you bring out the worst in yourself. You want to judge the author's motive for BEING, and fail to just sit back and enjoy the work of the author.

The worst thing about you harry is that you keep voting 0. You wouldn't recognize a good writer if one bit you on the ass.

ohioohioalmost 16 years ago
a scary, selfish woman

As always, Angiquesophie gets a rise out of her readers. Sarah is a frighteningly shallow, self-involved woman, and it's no surprise there's such a strong reaction to her. I'm looking forward to seeing how this plays out--my suspicion (from the title) is that it won't be very happy for Sarah.

Thanks, ohio

gatorhermitgatorhermitalmost 16 years ago
Fascinating Series...

I reserve judgment on the chapters presumed to be following, but the first two are fascinating. This chapter confirms my comment on Ch. 01 that Sarah is narcissism personified. To me, the essence of all of the comments really focuses on one question: will John re-grow his balls, or will he remain castrated? Fascinating! I agree with the commentators who have noted how insightful angiquesophie's writing really is.

Joyce770Joyce770almost 16 years ago

I am anxiously looking forward to the next chapter. This is the first story of yours that I have read. I have enjoyed it tremendously, BTW that is one hott photo on your profile!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 16 years ago
Fiction is not lies, it is true but not factual

Angiquesophie is a very fine writer with gifts for expression that are missing from many if not most of the writers in this forum. The fact that some of her characters are not sympathetic does not necessarily indicate any aspect of the writer's personal attitudes or inclinations. Some of the writer's expressions are poetic in their descriptions. Her Bio indicates that perhaps English is not her first language, which makes her accomplishments all the more remarkable!

Scorpio44Scorpio44over 15 years ago
Strange road

but an interesting one. I want to see where it goes. Well written and with just enough detail to forward the action.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 15 years ago
Good Story

You have a very insecure woman, who does not appreciate what she has....classic self centered bitch. However her daughter seems to have a backbone. Nice reversal.

norcal62norcal62over 14 years ago
Weak ending

Lots of semi-analysis of thoughts going on but the ending just trailed off. Otherwise interesting tale of an immature, shallow, self absorbed character. A major distraction of your writing is your chopped up sentences. Connect thoughts together better. The story itself was okay.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 14 years ago

This is incredible writing! The author's grasp of the human psyche marks them as a dedicated student of human thought and tendencies. Either they've read over ten thousand books, or work as a psychologist while secretly harboring the heart of a philosopher.

Cheers! (There needs to be a way to award six stars for polished works like this.)

LeFrog08LeFrog08over 13 years ago
I yearn for her punishment

I really was hoping that some form of revenge would take place- this needs a conclusion, preferably with the selfish cheating cunt called Sarah burning to a slow death.

DavidYoungDavidYoungabout 13 years ago
I can relate

This was my story is four short years!

LordSlamdawggLordSlamdawggover 12 years ago
Love the Vaseline clearing off the camera lens analogy

Suffice to say , I can relate to that the hard way. At the time , her rejection almost killed me. It took over a decade to come back , the fact that she lost her beauty didnt help. The woman & relationship , I THOUGHT I had kept haunting me.

She made reconciliation overtures and I demurred not because she didn't have her looks anymore. It just could never be the same . I hope she's found someone else. She taught me a hard but invaluable lesson about ignoring the ' little signs' as John did,

GizmorGizmorabout 12 years ago

Hope there is a little more to this story. Got envolved in this one. Thanks.

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago
A glaring problem with this story

It is extremely hard to believe that the husband in this story is so spineless and so unable to challenge his wife. After all she turned into a slut while she was still married

and supported by her husband. How could he be so clueless about her adultery right under his nose.The wife has become a completely selfish slut.

norcal62norcal62over 11 years ago
Hard to cure stupid.

Even Larry the Cable Guy knew that.

Hard to take the characters seriously; maybe that was the writer's intent.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 11 years ago

Not bad. Looking forward to part 03.

Drbeamer3333Drbeamer3333almost 11 years ago
Loving it

This is a real gem. Five stars.

chilleywilleychilleywilleyover 10 years ago
Excellent story

Why did the husband blame himself? He loved her so he didn't want to think ill of her. if only I had been different, this wouldn't have happened. It it an easy trap to fall into. One can fall the other way and blame it all on the wife, so none of it is his fault.

Two extremes, probably truth, ever illusive truth somewhere in between.


chytownchytownover 10 years ago
Good Read***

Thanks for sharing.

jezzazjezzazabout 10 years ago
Where's the rest of it?

That's it? That's a good start but where is the rest of it?

1Thinkingman1Thinkingmanalmost 10 years ago

The husband blaming himself is just justification for the wife being a whore. She did the deed and has no one to blame but herself. Her evasion towards the truth where her daughter is concerned only make this chapter that much more sophistry and that spells BS. Real people do not wallow in self pity when someone dumps on them they tend to get angry. This author still hasn't learned how to write male characters. I gave this a **.

diegotoadstickerdiegotoadstickerover 9 years ago
Why So Weak

While the story is very believable, why have you written the husband to be so incredibly weak? He takes it all on himself and at the very least it takes two to tango. Put the blame where it belongs or at least share it.

ImHappynBPImHappynBPover 9 years ago

I would have liked to see the daughter walk away...go to the bar where the blond guy was with friends...and seduced the hell out of him.

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago

women sometimes go crazy when midlife meets them. why would Julie

go after the man whore as one person commented. ? he was with a

married slut. who knows where it has been . he had to know she was married.

not much action in this tale. she cheated and did not care or see she was just a slut.

the husband was just a normal man blind and trusting his wife.

tazz317tazz317almost 9 years ago

like who Shit In My Pants, it wasnt me, was it you. TK U MLJ LV NV

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 9 years ago
John is very stupid

John just want to give pity,

TonyKiwiTonyKiwiover 8 years ago

beauty and lust is fleeting, love, trust and respect is without end. TK

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago

Why write a fraction of a story? If you can't be bothered to write the whole thing why should we bother to read it?

TwopullTwopullabout 8 years ago

This attempt at getting artsy didn't work...

Drbeamer3333Drbeamer3333about 8 years ago
Second time through....

Suddenly, I don't think I get the point of it. Thanks for the offering.

GoodhueGoodhueabout 7 years ago
Self-Centered,Self-Righteous Turdess!!!

Wow,you really make this reader HATE the self-centered,piece of shit wife!

At least her daughter isn't fooled by the horseshit spewing out of her mother's mouth.

And the nerve of the cunt,to think that her "husband" has the nerve to tell their daughter the truth!

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago

So, the husband is an overthinking pussy......go on.......

Xzy89c1Xzy89c1over 5 years ago
An affliction of many female writers

Spends to much ti,me describing inconsequential things leaving story too long and with little real content. Also called diarrhea of the mouth.

26thNC26thNCover 5 years ago

Takes a real bitch to write fictional bitches as well as you do. Did your daddy.not love you enough?

AnonymousAnonymousabout 5 years ago

What a narcissistic bitch. Her only redeeming quality is her daughter, and the daughter has her number. On the other hand, I had some sympathy for John in the first chapter, but this chapter pretty much blew all that away. He’s sitting around wallowing in self pity while telling his daughter that it’s all his fault her mother is cheating on him. What a chump.

Mr_Sap24Mr_Sap24about 3 years ago

Interesting, the daugther feedback in all this gives it a different outlook. Wonderfull.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

It’s good to see female ( I presume) write this section of the site.

LOVE. Slap*hapy*papy. #9

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Just a comment from the first 15 or 20 paragraphs where the author thinks she has explained men and women completely.

What world do you live in? What men and women have you met in life who are all just this formulaic?

I'm sorry but I know at least a half dozen husbands right now who are better communicators and twice as self aware as the wives they are married too. And I also interact all the time with women (career field) who are logical and single minded in their focus on work projects and goals. They are clueless to most other happenings around them.

Author. Your generalizations along these lines are pretty fucked up. It's clear you have a very warped sense of the world and healthy roles that people play (or should play) in each other's lives.

Although there is writing talent here. The twisted view of people. Their motivations. Their desires. And what makes people genuinely happy in life? That twisted view the author has is really quite alarming. It's repeated throughout her stories. Forming a pattern.

What sort of upbringing twisted her to this view of the world? What kinds of monsters molded her into thinking this way? Coming up with these horrific characters? What trauma was the causation to produce such a jaded effect?

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Just a comment from the first 15 or 20 paragraphs where the author thinks she has explained men and women completely.

What world do you live in? What men and women have you met in life who are all just this formulaic?

I'm sorry but I know at least a half dozen husbands right now who are better communicators and twice as self aware as the wives they are married too. And I also interact all the time with women (career field) who are logical and single minded in their focus on work projects and goals. They are clueless to most other happenings around them. So your generalizations here mean dick in real life.

But author. In so many ways your generalizations are just fucked up. It's clear you have a very warped sense of the world and healthy roles that people play (or should play) in each other's lives.

Although there is writing talent here. The twisted view of people. Their motivations. Their desires. And what makes people genuinely happy in life? That twisted view the author has is really quite alarming. It's repeated throughout her stories. Forming a pretty obvious pattern.

Makes me wonder what sort of upbringing twisted her to this view of the world? What kinds of monsters molded her into thinking this way? Coming up with these horrific characters? What trauma was the causation to produce such a jaded effect?

AnonymousAnonymous3 minutes ago

Salesmen, politicians, conmen and psychopaths and I guess I should add the new trendy narcissist term. All apparently dominated by men the one thing they have in common is their ability to read and exploits others and the networks around them.

This writer is either ignorant of basic human psychology or just delusional. Or maybe they're so focused on their specific kind of weak prey that they don't see the wood for the trees. Like a lion delusionally thinking all zebras are infirm because that's the only ones it catches.

AnonymousAnonymous3 minutes ago

Can't help but feel that the author was home schooled and forced to endlessly watch Mexican soap operas. And as an adult they became a cam girl. That would explain the complete lack of understanding of human nature and the bizarre conversations that no straight man would ever utter.

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