They Are A-OK Ch. 15


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He laughed and assured me that the thing could drive itself for the most part.

"Besides, what the hell you think we are going to hit in the middle of the ocean?" He added.

"A whale, another boat, a fucking island. How the hell should I know what is out here?"

"Radar would sound a warning and shut down the engines before we got near anything as big as those. This is a fucking smart ship."

Then he pulled me into his arms and kissed me. Our tongues danced for several minutes before he allowed me a break to catch my breath.

"I will call the guys back shortly. Just thought we needed a minute alone to calm the tension," He continued.

"I don't know about calm, but I sure don't feel tense."

He smiled and proceeded to give me the promised bridge tour. He showed me all the gadgets and briefly explained how they worked.

"Well that is the nickel tour," He said. "But the best part is out there."

He gestured toward the wall of glass in the front of the bridge. The sea was a blue blanket interspersed with streaks of white where gentle waves broke on its surface. I realized that it was a view that only a privilege few ever saw from that vantage point. We kissed again as the yacht glided over the smooth sea. When our lips separated I wanted to ask him to come to my cabin after the crew returned. As if reading my mind he answered my unspoken invitation by saying that there would be another chance. I wasn't so sure about that, but I didn't push the issue. I knew Hector was available in the event I couldn't control my horniness until we reached the island. As it turned out I wasn't interested in the cabin boy after being in the captain's arms.

I ended up napping for a major part of the remaining journey. Hector woke me about a half hour before we docked. I had just enough time to shower and put on some clean underwear which I thought good idea in case Adam wanted sex as soon as I arrived. I still thought it was likely that I was being brought to the island for some rich man's sex fantasy. I had no qualms about being the sexy alum's toy for a weekend. I did hope that Brock was right about the other men however. I really wasn't up for being the center of a gang bang.

As soon as we were tied to the dock Hector took off with my duffle bag. I had a few seconds worry about losing access to the only clothes I brought. But the realization of the remoteness of the island quickly sunk in. Having clothes or not was of little consequence. If I was to be held prisoner there was no way I could escape. I could swim, but I would have no idea which direction to go. If I chose wrong I could be swimming out to sea with no hope of ever seeing land again. It was clear that if Adam wanted me to stay on the island that is where I would stay. I was surprised to be met by a woman at the dock.

Shelia Edwards was Adam's personal assistant. She was a tall blond large breasted woman with an almost perfect hourglass figure. Her obviously long locks were piled up on her head in what looked like a casual way but probably took some effort to achieve. Her makeup was so expertly applied that it almost seemed to be the natural appearance of her face. Her smile was totally disarming. I placed her age somewhere between 25 and 35. After greeting me she spoke to Paul for a few minutes while I waited. I could see from his body language that the captain was far more interested in fucking Adam's hot assistant than in the instructions she was delivering.

"Ms Edwards will take care of you from here, Sir. I will see you later I am sure. I hope you have a pleasant stay," Paul said in a very polite and subservient tone before boarding the yacht.

"Thank you, captain. It was a very pleasant trip," I managed to reply before Sheila took my arm to lead me away from the dock.

"Mr. Donaldson wanted me to tell you that he is sorry he could not meet you personally. He was tied up on a business matter. He is very happy to have you as a guest. Perhaps you would enjoy a tour of the gardens to pass the time until he is available," She said warmly as she steered me toward a winding path that was lined with palms and exotic looking flowering bushes.

Her voice could only be described as belonging in the bedroom. I wondered how any man could work with her and not be constantly horny. Then again I thought that part of her job was very likely fucking Adam.

"Thank you, Ms Edwards, it is very kind of you to take the time to show me the property," I said not really caring that much about the tour but happy to spend time with the vivacious woman.

"Not at all. It is part of my job and please call me Sheila."

"Happily, if you will call me John."

We actually had a nice conversation as she showed me around the grounds surrounding the imposing looking island mansion. After awhile I feigned being tired and she suggested we rest on a bench. The place she suggested was a small nook of grass nestled in an area filled with deliciously fragrant tropical flowers. From the high perch we could see miles of shimmering sea as well as the dock area below. I thought I caught a glimpse of Hector standing shirtless on the deck as the yacht pulled away from the island. I wondered if the crew was less formal when there were no passengers aboard or I had just employed wishful thinking to conjure up a little fantasy. Either way the thought quickly faded when I turned my attention back to my stunning hostess.

"So John, I understand that you attend Mr. Donaldson's alma mater and are in his fraternity. Are you enjoying school?" She asked in a tone that made her seem genuinely interested.

I was a bit wary of her mentioning the fraternity. I had no way of knowing how much she knew about the brothers of the AOK. I knew for sure I wasn't going to let myself be tricked into revealing anything she didn't know.

"Yes, I love the school. Though I didn't know it when I first decided to attend it is the perfect college for me," I said feeling a little nervous.

She must have noticed my apprehension.

"Relax, John. I am aware of most of my employer's confidential matters. I doubt there is anything you might inadvertently tell me that I do not already know," She said in a very sweet voice as she laid her hand on my thigh.

I smiled and replied, "Even so, I think it best if I not speak of certain matters."

"Of course John, I understand about the brotherhood's secrets."

Her comment definitely relaxed me as I was almost certain she was not lying about knowing Adam's secrets. That idea caused some very exciting possibilities to come to mind. Her squeezing my thigh only added to the mental images dancing in my head.

"This view is stunning, Sheila. How do you manage to get any work done while no the island?"

"Well it can be difficult at times. But since I live here, I am used to being surrounded by such beauty."

"You do not travel with Adam?" I asked surprised.

"Sometimes I accompany him. But this is my base. While he has many homes around the world he tries to spend most of his time here."

"It must be difficult for a man with such widely varied business interests to operate from such a remote place,' I said more fishing for information on Adam's business than anything else.

I actually had very little idea what Adam's interests were; business or otherwise. I hoped that she didn't know how ignorant of his affairs I was.

"Well it is actually very easy with modern technology. In any event we are less than an hours helicopter ride to the nearest international airport. If you look over to the west you will be able to just see the heliport behind those palms," She said as she pointed toward a place where two corporate style helicopters sat like giant albatrosses. "But, I think if there is anything you want to know about business you should speak to Mr. Donaldson."

She very politely rebuffed my attempt to learn about Adam's affairs.

"Well then, I guess we should keep our conversation more on a personal level," I suggested trying my best to flirt with her.

"Hmmmmmm precocious and cocky as well as cute and handsome. The question is would I find you as entertaining on a more personal level?" She said as she ran her hand up my thigh barely touching the base of my balls before quickly pulling her hand away.

That brief touch was enough to make me rock hard even though I was sure she was just teasing me as a way of punishing my brash innuendo regarding us getting more personal. However, I never had a chance to find out if it would go any further. I heard a slight beep and she reached into a previously unseen the pocket in her flowing skirt.

"Yes, sir," She said into the cell phone she retrieved. "He's ready for you, John."

I followed her along the path toward the main house. The first part of the walk was a bit uncomfortable but I managed to will my cock to calm down by the time we reached the house. I was glad she had walked in front of me so she did not see my condition. However, the view of her rounded ass cheeks swaying as she walked made the job of willing away my erection doubly difficult. She led me into the house and down a long wide hallway. She stopped and knocked on the last door on the left.

"Enter," I heard Adam's voice say.

She opened and held the door for me. Adam thanked her and she closed the door as she left.

"Welcome, John, my brother. It is good to see you again," He said cheerfully as he came around the imposing mahogany desk that sat in the center of his large office.

"Greetings brother Adam, I replied and extended my hand.

As we shook hands I couldn't help but look around at the amazing room agog with wonder. The wall behind his desk was lined with mahogany bookcases that were filled with obviously expensive leather bound books. Another wall had a large plasma screen that seemingly descended out of the ceiling. Below that was low cabinet with an array of entertainment equipment including a stereo system that was playing softly in the background. There was a sitting area in front of the third wall. The most magnificent thing however was the forth wall. It was entirely made of glass and afforded a view even more spectacular than I had seen from the garden bench.

"Nice isn't it?" He asked as he led me to the window.

"Sir, I don't know how you ever manage to leave this place," I replied awe struck.

"It can be difficult," He said softly as he slipped his arm around my shoulder. "Since the formal greeting is out of the way shall we relax and be casual?"

"Ok," Was all I managed to say, still feeling very nervous.

"John, are you uncomfortable?"

"No, not exactly. Maybe a bit confused."

"Why do you think you are here?"

"I have had some time to ponder that. But it is probably best if I don't speculate. A guy can imagine a lot of things and I don't want to say anything wrong."

"Suppose I told you that you were free to speak your mind and nothing you say will offend me. Now why are you confused?"

"I guess it seems a bit weird to me. Considering how the brotherhood is and our last meeting. It is hard not to think you brought me to your private paradise to be your sex toy for the weekend. At the same time it seems ridiculous that a man like you who no doubt has his pick of partners would go to such trouble to being me here for sex."

He started to laugh, but not in a way that made me feel uncomfortable or foolish. I actually felt more relaxed.

"Damn, John, didn't Brock tell you that I wanted you to meet some associates of mine?"

"Yes, but well in the course of testing I have been told things that turned out to be less than the whole story."

"Oh, so you think maybe as a test I brought you here to see if you would be a good little fuck toy for a couple of days?"

"I don't know. Not exactly but maybe something like that."

"Would that be a bad thing if it were the case?"

"God no, the last time was great and I am more than up for a repeat. But there are a couple of things that are in the back of mind. The first is that it would be nice to be asked and not compelled. The other is the idea that I might somehow end up the entertainment at some group thing."

He smiled as he responded to my concerns, "I would never force you to do anything. I will always treat you as a brother should be treated. While I would love to show you my bedroom right now and have some fun that was not the reason I wanted you to come here. As for a group thing, that is unlikely. Some of the guests that will be here tomorrow evening are gay or bi. But most are straight or closeted to me. You should be careful about discussing your own sexuality with these people. So you definitely are not here to be gang raped."

"I am sorry, Adam. You know I have been through a lot of change and some wild scenes lately."

"I know and you have nothing to be sorry about. I thought that Brock would explain things well enough that you would understand the purpose of coming here."

"I think he tried. I just wasn't receptive enough."

"Ok, here it is as simple as I can say it. The brotherhood is about more than fun at college. It is even about more than sex though I can't deny that remains a big pat of things for me. The brotherhood is a lifelong thing. We strive to see that all of our little brothers achieve success. With our help you can be anything you want to be. Tomorrow is about you beginning to make the contacts that will hopefully someday lead to you having the means to own a place like this."

"Wow, are you serious?"

"Of course. You must have noticed that all of the alumni brothers that you have met are successful?"

"Yes and I know that fraternities are a good way to make contacts. But what you are saying seems to go beyond that."

"It can go way beyond just contacts if that is what you want John. All you have to do is continue to be a great brother and I promise all your dreams can come true."

"Thank you, Adam. Now about seeing your bedroom..."

He chuckled and winked at me. Then he drew me into his arms and kissed me in full view of paradise. When the kiss broke he had quixotic look on his face.

"If you're set on seeing my bedroom I will be happy to accommodate. But I have another idea. Have you ever made love on a beach?"

The truth was I hadn't had sex on a beach or many places outdoors. The idea was intriguing. But what was most on my mind was his referring to what we were going to do as making love.

"No and it sounds exciting and scary at the same time."

"It would be scary maybe if we were in Florida and going to do it on a public beach. Here we would be in a private cove with the softest white sand imaginable. Still very exciting."

"Yes," I exhaled.

He led me out a small side door and down a path that zigzagged though his gardens. As we neared the base of the hill I could hear the sea gently lapping at the beach. . Though it was nearly dark the whitest sand I had ever seen glistened before us as we came out from the vegetation. The garden shielded one side of the cove while high cliffs protected the other. The beach was visible only through the small inlet to the sea. Even a plane passenger would be hard pressed to see down into the small cove. He had not lied about the softness of sand. As soon as we emerged from the garden we both kicked off our sandals and let the powdery silicate tickle our toes.

As if by magic as the sun disappeared subdued multicolored lighten began to glow in the cliff face. That along with the light of moon set the sand and the sea aglow with myriad shimmering colors. We cast off our clothing and ran happily into the warm waters of the Caribbean. Though there was an air of sexuality a foot we frolicked more like children than grown men. It was invigorating to see the way Adam still enjoyed simple play at his age. That ability was something I had already begun to put behind me thinking that adults could not enjoy such play. We swam and chased each other. I dunked him, he dunked me. Our bare flesh rubbed together under the warm water.

After a time we were in each other's arms, kissing while our hardening cocks danced together under water. I was stunned when he lifted me into his arms and carried me out of the water and onto the beach. He set me on my feet in the soft sand and bade me wait for him. He ran to the cliff and opened a cabinet that was imbedded in its face. He returned with a blanket and towels. He spread the blanket and we quickly dried our bodies. We fell on top of the blanket and into each other's arms. Our flesh came together as we rolled around on the blanket kissing. I felt his cock against me as mine pressed against him. The soft sand cushioned our bodies as passions grew stronger. It wasn't long before we had maneuvered into a sixty-nine position. We took turns orally worshipping the other's genitals. His cock felt wonderful in my mouth. Though he was larger than average I was able to take his entire shaft in. Feeling his cock head pulsating in my throat further fueled my hunger for his seed. I wanted to drink him dry.

I began to furiously work my lips and tongue up and down his delicious cock. In response he rolled on his back and caressed my body while enjoying the rising tide. Along with the sounds of the night I heard his deep erotic moans as I continued to work his sweet shaft. The breeze from the sea set my flesh afire as I moved to my knees to get a better angle on his cock. I fondled his balls as if trying to pump the cum out while madly sucking his throbbing meat. Just as I began to feel the first little twinges of over exertion in my jaw I was suddenly rewarded with a thick eruption of his cum. I drank down every drop before releasing his slowly deflating cock. He lay panting lost in the passion of his climax as I kissed and nibbled my way up his body. When I reached his face and softly touched my lips to his mouth I could feel a slight tremble.

With our lips touching he moaned, "Wow."

I lifted my head and smiled at him.

"John, that was amazing! I wish I had thought to bring down some lube so that you could fuck me," He said between pants.

Not wanting to leave the beach to facilitate his desire, I decided to propose a different position.

"We don't need lube for me to fuck your mouth," I said in a tone barely above a whisper.

"Oh god, yes!" He sighed.

I stood up and he moved to his knees. I caressed his head as he kissed my cock and fondled my heavy cum-filled balls. When he took me into his mouth I pulled his head toward me while thrusting forward. I didn't notice the slightest gag as I pushed my hard meat into his throat. As I pulled back I could feel his lips vibrating as a deep guttural purring sound came from his throat. We quickly found a smooth rhythm that allowed me to easily fuck his face. Each time I pushed forward his warm mouth engulfed my entire cock. I felt his nose nestle in my pubic hair as his talented throat took hold of my cock head. As my orgasm neared I felt woozy with passion. I opened my eyes wide and screamed into the Caribbean night as I pumped what felt like a river of cum down his throat. As I had with him he held my cock in his mouth until he had swallowed every drop.

My knees were so shaky I fell to the blanket when he finally let go my cock. He lay down next to me and gathered me in his arms as I tried to catch my breath. I felt his soft kisses on my cheek as he caressed my tingling flesh. Neither of us even tried to speak. The feel of our flesh pressed together and the afterglow was all the communication needed. Adam had been right about his choice of words. I felt that we had made love and not merely fucked that night on the pristine beach. To my surprise I woke up there on the beach in his arms as the first rays of the sun broke over the horizon. I excitedly woke him so that we could share the spectacular sunrise.

"That is natures way of celebrating our fabulous love making," He said and nuzzled my cheek. "Come on let's go shower and continue what we started last night."