Third Year After Ch. 02


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I simply watched, this feeling of indescribable joy filling me up, at seeing my mother instinctively feed our son, her arm shifting to hold him to her boob. His conception may have been an accident, but it sure didn't feel like any sort of accident in that moment. I knew I was fated to be his dad, even if I had to pretend to only be his brother until he was ready for the truth.

I grabbed my phone from my pants on the floor, snapped a picture of the two of them, then went into the office to print off a copy. It might not be one I could display at work, but I would treasure it in private.


January 24, 2015

"Should we buy a van?" Mom asked, at breakfast in West House.

"Why?" I responded.

Mom answered, "Right now, with six adults and four babies, we completely fill two passenger cars, with no room for anyone else, like Sandy, so then we're taking three cars to go anywhere as a group. It hasn't been a problem so far, because we've kept the babies at home, except for walking between the houses. My concern is that once we're all back to work, if Toni's home watching all four babies, she's not going to be able to leave the house, since there isn't a car she can take that will hold all four car seats in the back seat. We'd need at least a minivan to hold all of the car seats, and if we opt for a higher capacity van, we could actually fit all of us."

"Which one is the goal?" Toni asked. "Is it to let me drive all four babies, or is to fit all ten or eleven of us at once? Because if it's all the same to you, I'd rather not have to drive a huge vehicle like a Yukon, just to get to the grocery store, and then be crammed into such a tight parking spot that I can't get the babies out and into the big 4-baby stroller."

"The Yukon only seats 9, anyway," Mom responded. "I was thinking more along the lines of the Mercedes-Benz Sprinter."

"Isn't that a cargo van?" Amber asked.

"One model of it is, but it also comes as a passenger van, and can seat 12."

"It's got to be even bigger than the Yukon, then," Toni said. "I didn't really get an answer. Is it our goal to have a single vehicle that will fit all the babies, or one that will fit all of us, too?"

Henry jumped in with, "Why don't we do both? A minivan for any of us to use when we've got to transport all four kids, whether now or when they start going to school, and a bigger passenger van for those occasions when we all want to go someplace together?"

Toni said, "If we're not looking for 8 or 9 seats in the minivan, I kinda like the smaller size of the Mazda 5, which has 6 seats, in three rows. What would we do with my existing car?"

"Keep it," Henry said. "The minivan should be available to whoever is watching the kids, whether or not that's you. These are going to be family possessions, anyway."

"How exactly would that work?" Patti asked. "Isn't it going to belong to one of us?"

Henry smiled. "I was going to tell everyone next week, when it was finalized and ready for signatures, but I've been thinking about how this marriage and the family in general should function financially. I've had my lawyer draft the paperwork for several LLCs to combine our assets, while making it look like we're mainly doing estate planning. At the center is something called a Family LLC, which is structured to make it easy to transfer ownership interest from parents to children, but which is managed like a business partnership and will pass IRS scrutiny."

"How does that apply to me?" Toni asked. "I'm not legally family to anyone else here. Even though Drew calls me his aunt, I'm not."

Henry took Toni's hand across the table. "You know that doesn't matter to us. You're our wife in our hearts. Thankfully, it doesn't matter to the IRS, either. They treat a gift to a friend the same way as a gift to a grandchild, and I've been reassured you can be included in the LLC, and we would give you shares. The issue for us would be the appearance that we're paying you for nanny services by giving you tax-free gifts instead, which is a no-no. My tax advisor says that before we could give you gifts that big, we're actually going to have to pay you separately for being a nanny, even though you live here and we consider you family, and then we can gift you in addition to that. I think an hourly rate of $30 per hour, with overtime and the required tax withholdings, should keep the IRS off our backs."

Toni gasped. "30? You know I've never made that kind of money in my life. Retail just doesn't pay like that. That's why I want to get into marketing."

"Hell, if it weren't for commissions, I wouldn't make that much, either," Amber said.

Henry continued, "Usual pay for a nanny for one child is about $15 per hour, and Toni's watching four, so I think $30 is justified. Toni, if you want to turn around and invest part or all of that paycheck back into the Family LLC, that would be fine, we mainly need to keep the IRS happy. Besides, it's a way to actually give you more money than the gift rules allow, which is fine with me, and we'd be able to take small tax credits for child care expenses equal to 35% of the first $12K of your salary. Plus, while we can't pay your nanny salary from the LLC's funds, we can list all six of us as managerial employees of it, and look into setting up medical insurance through the LLC, for us and the kids, if that is more economical than the separate policies we're on now through our various jobs and my practice. Not being dependent on Kenny for KJ's coverage would be a plus in my book."

"What assets are we talking about?" Mom asked.

"This house, for one thing. Technically, I don't own this house, it belongs to the LLC I formed with my partner Dave, in order to flip it. When we didn't find a buyer, I bought out his shares in the LLC at a profit to him, but the house remained the property of the LLC after I used the proceeds of selling my old house to pay off the loan the LLC had on this house. I actually pay the LLC rent, and the LLC uses that rent to pay property taxes and some other expenses that it can deduct tax-wise, and it stays tax-neutral. I lose the ability to take the mortgage deduction, but since there's no mortgage, that's moot. Some other investments that I've transferred to the LLC generate income, and there's more than enough liquidity there to pay for two new vehicles."

"Should we put the other two houses into the LLC, too?" I asked.

Henry replied, "Yes, but wrapped into separate LLCs first, to limit liability, and not right away," Henry responded. "My lawyer is drafting those documents as well, under the assumption that Tina converts the mortgage she holds on the East House into an ownership share of the LLC that will own it, and will gift that to Amber over the next three years."

"Me?" Amber squealed. "Why would I be involved?"

Henry said, "Our goal is to combine assets for all six of us. At the same time, we need to make it look like there are two polyamorous triads here trying to combine assets legally, but doing so separate from each other. Part of that is bringing the members of each triad to financial parity. Now, Drew and Patti owe Tina $42000 on the mortgage, and have $168K in equity based on a $210K valuation. That $42K happens to be three times the $14,000 gift limit set by the IRS. Anything above that limit has to be claimed, towards a life-time exclusion for estate tax. If Patti and Drew pay off the note with $42,000 in LLC shares, Tina could give the three of you $14,000 apiece this year, or just give it to you alone over three years."

"Why is that better?" Amber asked.

"If Tina gives them each $14000 in shares as a gift, Drew and Patti can't then turn around and gift those to you in order to seek parity with you as an apparent triad, because the IRS would see that as a regifting of Tina's gift to them and an attempt to bypass Tina's limit for gifts to you. But if Tina doesn't make a gift to them at all this year, they're not restricted, and can gift you a combined $28,000 in LLC shares this year, reducing their share of the house to $140,000, then Tina's $42,000 in gifts to you over three years brings you to a $70,000 interest in the LLC, and parity with Drew and Patti. Then Tina can make equal gifts to the three of you thereafter, to whatever amount we decide, so long as it's under 14K. In the meantime, I can be making $14K gifts to all three of you, under the guise of estate planning, as well as gifts to the babies."

"Is the goal to make us each one sixth owners in everything?" Patti asked.

"Not necessarily equal and definitely not one sixth," Henry said. "You're forgetting Sandy and the babies and that there is an estate planning element to this to reduce how many assets go through probate. They will be owners in the LLC, too, receiving their shares as gifts from the six of us, but not having control over the LLC until they're older. Within the limits set by the IRS, we'll be transferring wealth more towards the kids as we go along, so it could well be that they own more of the shares by the time they're adults than we do, with less and less in my hands or Tina's as time passes. Then you'll repeat the process with your grandkids."

"And if we ever decide to sell the houses?" I asked.

"The LLCs would own the assets, so the LLCs would sell them, pay the taxes on any gain. Then, depending on what we're doing, we might shift that cash to the Family LLC to buy a bigger house for all of us, reinvest, or withdraw our shares. But what we own are shares in the LLCs, not the houses themselves, once we exchange the house for the shares."


January 28, 2015

It was another week after making love to Mom before Patti and Amber declared themselves ready for intercourse, a week in which Toni made love to me twice, and I think once with Henry, but otherwise all of us were frequently feeling too tired for much more than sleep, the women alternating bedding down with either Henry or me in some pattern they were working out with each other, there being six possible pairings of the four women, now that Sandy was back at school, that I experienced each combination at least once every week, but in some unordered pattern I couldn't quite discern.

We were consciously determined to remain a sextet, even if publicly split in half, and sleeping in separate beds. I didn't put any effort into predicting who would wind up in my bed, nor did I have a particular preference most nights. It just happened, and the love flowed, even if the sex didn't.

On this night, Patti and Amber joined me in the Center House master bedroom while all the babies were at West, and they stripped me, and Patti was licking my cock hard while Amber got undressed, then they switched places so Patti could strip. When we were all nude, they pushed me onto my back on the bed, and proceeded to continue the blowjob until I came once, and recovered my erection. Amber then swung her leg over me, and slowly slid her hot pussy onto my cock, and Patti backed her slit onto my tongue.

They were leaning towards each other, kissing, fondling and suckling each other's breasts in turns. The milk that didn't wind up in each other's mouths was dotting my stomach, when I chanced to look towards Amber. A droplet of milk was sliding down Amber's breast as she shook in orgasm, and I was breathless as I thrust my sperm into her, cumming harder than I had in a couple of months, and for the first time into Amber in seven frustratingly long months. Even more than that she was my wife, she was my lover once more, and my heart leapt at realizing she was both.

Amber eased off of me and plopped onto the bed on her back, and Patti had her face between Amber's legs in moments, sucking my cum from our wife's pussy, her own still pressed to my face, soon shaking in her own orgasm. After a quick recovery of my hard-on, I slid out from under while Patti pulled on Amber's legs to align her and continued sucking on Amber's labia and clit. I knelt behind Patti and slipped into her wet slit, and began a slow leisurely fuck, until Patti started thrusting herself back onto me, and I sped up, pushing Patti's face into Amber's messy quim.

Watching Amber's breasts bounce from my thrusts let me imagine that I was fucking both of them at once. Despite two orgasms already, I struggled to not come into Patti too soon, but eventually Patti started squeezing me with her pelvic muscles and I had to choose between pulling out or cumming, so I tried to make sure she came before me, and slipped my hand around her hip to slide my fingers across her wet and hard clit, and she writhed around me as my sperm shot deep into her.

As I lay beside them panting, telling them both how much I loved them, I observed in my head that Patti had felt slightly looser, except when she actively squeezed with her Kegels, while Amber hadn't seemed to have lost much tone, or maybe it had just been so long since we'd been together that I didn't remember. I certainly wasn't dumb enough to complain, one way or another, as I had expected them both to be looser than they were and I definitely came just as hard as ever before. I expected Patti to continue recovering through use of the Kegel exercises, but nothing was going to make me stop loving and making love to her.


January 31, 2015

We got my Mom's parents to come watch the babies, while the six of us visited a notary public to perform all of the signatures establishing the new LLCs. Right afterwards, we took delivery on the two new vehicles. I drove the Sprinter home with Patti in the front passenger seat, surprised that it was as manageable as it was, while Toni got to drive the Mazda 5. She loved it, when we got home.


February 3, 2015

Henry had gotten called to the hospital for the births of some of his patients several nights in a row, in addition to his normal office hours, and was looking drained when he made it home for dinner.

Mom asked, "Isn't your partner supposed to handle some of your patient load, when you get called in like this?"

Henry responded, "Over the fifteen years Dave and I have been partners, we leaned over backwards to cover each other in situations like this, but lately, he's been coming up with more and more excuses not to do it. We finally had it out this afternoon, when he refused to see one of my patients this morning while I was still at the hospital. You're not going to believe his excuse. He still resents me for the way the whole real estate investment ended a year ago, the one where I wound up keeping this house and moving in."

"I for one am glad that you moved in, Henry," Patti said.

"So am I, honey. Anyway, Dave's got it in his head that if we had kept waiting, we would have found a buyer and made a ton of money. So, even though I paid him more than he invested, he thinks I owe him even more money, and to try and make extra money at my expense, he's been gradually adding patients to the practice, nominally his patients, but without increasing how many of them he was actually seeing, or hiring more nurses and aides. As he got increasingly overbooked, I've seen pretty much all of the overflow, while he avoided seeing my patients on days I was overbooked. While profits are up and my percentage of it also goes up a little bit, his total payout also went up, with no increase of effort, and our nurses and I are all getting burned out. I estimate I'm seeing 60% of all appointments in the office, when I'm the doctor of record for only 40% of the higher number of patients."

"That sounds... simultaneously childish and devious," Toni said. "What are you going to do?"

"Given the basic dishonesty behind what he did, the only thing I can do is dissolve the partnership. He was amazed when I told him that. He actually thinks I should be grateful that I got a bigger piece of the extra money than he did. I'll have to look for someone else to join me in a new practice, maybe the resident at the hospital who was going to become a junior partner in our practice when he finished his residency in July. If I bring him in as a new full partner, I'll have to go solo for several months. Depending on how many patients stay with Dave and how many come with me, I might have no choice but to find a partner right away, and see about adding the junior partner later. It will probably take a couple of months to split up the practice, which will include moving into a new office space. About the only upside is that I'll be able to look for an office that's closer to here."

"Which of the residents did you have in mind?" Mom asked.

"Jackson Mason. Have you worked with him?"

"Quite a few times. He's really good in the OR, although I haven't observed him in any other environment. He does have a bit of a reputation as a ladies' man. Just about all of the younger nurses I know at the hospital have been on a date with him at least once. But, as far as I know, he definitely draws the line at getting involved with any patients."

"Dr. Mason delivered the twins, Dad," Amber said. "He did a great job. I didn't even realize he was just a resident. Serious hunk, too, but completely professional."


February 10, 2015

It was Amber's birthday, and she was ecstatic, because it was actually the first time since high school that she was home on her birthday. After cake and her gifts, she declared that she wanted the six of us to make love, all in the same bed, for the first time. Henry still only had the queen bed in his bedroom in West, so we wound up in the king in Center House, having to bring all of the babies over with us to its nursery. And still the bed was crowded.

Henry was in missionary position with Patti, Mom was in a 69 with Toni, while I was in missionary with Amber on the other side of the bed. This worked, unless we wanted to roll over to put someone else on top. And when we were done, there was simply no way for all six of us to sleep together. So, Henry and Amber wound up taking Kyra and KJ back over to West, just to make room for the other four of us to spoon.

I could tell Amber was disappointed with this outcome, and I decided to research larger beds.


February 14, 2015

Our first Valentine's Day together as a sextet, and the babies chose to be fussy the night before and all day long, giving nobody much rest. The roses Henry and I got our wives were appreciated, but they conked out early, and Henry and I didn't last much longer.


February 15, 2015

This was my first opportunity to research larger bed sizes. The size we had in Center House, a California King, is 72" x 84". An Eastern King is 4 inches wider, but 4 inches shorter, 76 x 80, offering slightly more surface area, since it is closer to being square. Four inches wasn't going to help us much, though. I found mentions of a Grand King size that was 80" x 98", and I was thinking 'that's only another 4 inches wider than the Eastern King,' until I realized that its width was actually the same as an Eastern King's length, but it was the 98" length that made it huge. But even if we turned it sideways and slept along the 98 inches, we wouldn't be in much better shape than trying to fit four of us on a queen, which already wasn't working.

Of course, that would require finding manufacturers of Grand King mattresses, frames and bedding, which turns out to be pretty difficult. It seemed like every page that came up in an Internet search either just used Grand as an adjective or part of a brand name, or if the site mentioned the Grand King size on a list of sizes, it didn't actually sell it. I got frustrated after an hour of looking at such hits, and stopped searching.

I brought all this up at dinner, and Henry's response was, "It would make more sense to put two queens side by side, or even just two in the same bedroom. Those are 60 by 80, so two would give us 120 by 80, even more space than the Grand King you mentioned."