Third Year After Ch. 02


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"But where would we put two together?" I asked. "That would make any of the bedrooms too tight, wouldn't it?"

"Maybe the master bedroom in East?" Toni asked. "I barely use it except to store clothes, because I'm sleeping in one of the other two houses every night, and spending a lot of my time with the babies during the day, and once Tina's back to work, that will be all day. I mostly stop in there to create the illusion that I still live there, but don't even keep perishables in the fridge while Sandy's gone, because we don't eat there. Now that we're semi-public about my being sexually involved with Tina and Henry, there's even less need for that illusion. With Sandy back in school, it's going completely unused. Set up another nursery in the middle bedroom, take the dresser and nightstands out of the master, and you could fit the two queens in there. We wouldn't have to explain it to outsiders, because hardly anyone goes in there as it is, and if we just keep its door closed, nobody will see it. Make it our play space, for when we all want to be together, otherwise we keep rotating between the beds in the other two houses the way we've been doing."

Amber added, "If we swap the King that's in there now for the Queen that's in Dad's bedroom, plus the Queen that you have in the guest room in East that you want to turn into another nursery, we might not need to buy another bed, just the extra nursery furniture."

We decided to get started the next weekend, taking the extra bedroom furniture from the East Master down to the garage, and moving the last of Toni's things over to West on Saturday, while moving Amber's clothes over to Center House. Then we'd swap Henry's Queen for the King on Sunday, and move the 2nd Queen over from the guest room.


February 22nd, 2015

We got the beds moved around, only to find that the combination of frame, box spring and mattress of Henry's older queen bed were not the same height as the new queen. However, the queen in Sandy's room, was an identical one we had bought when first furnishing the house, rather than her old double bed that she had in West House, so we swapped it with Henry's bed, giving us two of the same model for the master. We only needed to figure out how to fasten them together and deal with bedding. Henry said he had some ideas along those lines, so we let him take charge.


February 23, 2015

It was finally time for Amber to return to work at Karlson Gallery. I could tell that being apart from her babies was not something she was looking forward to, but she didn't complain that morning.

What she complained about when she got home were her boobs. Going 9 hours without nursing had left them aching and she went straight to the nursery to feed both Kyra and KJ. After, Mom said to her, "You should have taken a breast pump with you, honey. That way, you can pump what the babies will drink the next day while you're gone, and you don't have to pump the night before."

Sheepishly, she answered, "I know, I just forgot to bring it. I won't make that mistake again."


February 28, 2015

After less than a week, Henry said he had the double-queen bed ready over in East's master bedroom, and the new nursery furniture was set up, too. We brought all of the babies over, got them settled and asleep in four separate cribs, then Henry unveiled the bedroom.

Other than obviously having two headboards, you really couldn't tell that it was two beds. "Henry, this looks fantastic," I said. "How did you buy bedding this size?"

"I didn't. I bought queen-size items, then stitched them together to make one. I've only made one set, so far, but the sheets aren't that hard, so I'll make a couple more sets. It was easier to do that with a quilt than a normal comforter, as it's already loaded with seams and I could just remove one side of the border on each one to then join them together. You might feel a seam in the flat sheet and fitted sheet, but it shouldn't be too obtrusive. Then I got a roll of the same kind of foam used to make memory foam beds, in a three-inch thickness, cut it to size to cover the top and sides of both mattresses with a little extra foam used to create a buffer where the mattresses come together, and created a fabric cover for it from the same material the mattress makers use and waterproofed it, basically creating a removable pillowtop over the two mattresses. That cover zips together at the four corners of the combined bed, then hooks onto the frames underneath, to hold everything snugly."

"You sewed all that, yourself?" Patti asked.

Henry chuckled. "Surgical stitches aren't the only thing I know how to do with thread. Patti. My mom was a seamstress who worked with all kinds of fabrics from cotton to silk to drapes and even leather, so she taught me how to use her heavy-duty sewing machine for all kinds of materials when I was a teen, and I inherited everything when she and Dad died. I used the skills and tools I picked up from my Dad to join the two frames together. He was a machinist, welder and blacksmith at different points in his work life, and I was actually planning to apprentice with him, before their deaths pushed me to join the Army. And we know how that turned out. I've kept their tools in storage, all these years, using them whenever I had the need, and got some of them out for this project, since it wasn't really that complicated."

This was all news to me, as Henry had still never talked much about his childhood, I assumed because he associated his parents' deaths with what happened to him in the military. He was intent on focusing on his present, not his past, and if tugging on his past was going to cause him pain, none of us wanted to do it.

"You welded the frames together?" Toni asked.

"Not at all," he said. "What I did was take two steel door hinges, bent each side by 90 degrees so I could weld each to the inside of the frame, having one hinge half line up with the hinge half on the other frame, then replaced the normal hinge pin with something I bent myself using some of dad's metal working equipment, so that it is easier to pull out, whenever we need to. Bring the two frames together so the hinges are brought into alignment just as the frames touch, slide the pins in, and they aren't going to separate, no matter how vigorous we get. The headboards that Drew bought are the same width as the frames, so I could still attach them both without having to alter them, so that saved time. This way, if we need to convert back to two queen beds, they're not permanently attached together, and the hinges on the frame are easily hidden under the normal queen covers." He pulled up the center of the covers over the foot to show the hinge that held the frames together at that end, easily pulled the pin out by a ring he had bent into the end of a longer rod, and slid it back in.

It was an amazing job, for something ad-hoc. Whether having sex or sleeping, it never felt like anything but one bed surface.

We started out as a six-person daisy chain, something that would never have worked in the King beds. Mom was sucking on Henry's cock, who was eating Amber, then it was Patti, me, and Toni to complete the circle. Each of the women had an intense orgasm before Henry and I each came as they reached their seconds.

The moms took a break to check on the babies, and before Amber returned, I was deep into Toni in rear entry, and Henry had Patti riding his cock, while Mom rode his face. Amber didn't complain, but just slid herself under Toni, and began licking us both, while Toni buried her face in Amber's pussy.

After more orgasms, and another baby check, I wound up in an oral triangle eating Mom, while Patti sucked me, and Amber and Toni duplicated the 69 plus rear entry position with Henry, but with Amber being fucked by her dad, while Toni was under her.

We tried for a fourth round, this time with Patti on my mouth and Mom riding my cock, while Henry was getting sucked by both Amber and Tina, but both of us men were finding our last orgasm to be elusive, so we called a halt for sleep, and yawns were contagiously passing between us before we even got the double quilt pulled over us.

Sleeping with all six of us in the bed was comfortable, although spooning was still essential to getting us all to fit. If you've ever felt crowded sharing a Double bed while lying on your back, that is with 27 inches of width per person, and we were sufficing with 20 inches each, even five of us would have been tight if we were all trying to lie on our backs. We quickly found it was easier to do six in this bed than three people trying to share one queen, as four people didn't have to worry about being far enough from the edge.

However, whenever one of us had to get up to take care of one of the babies or go to the bathroom, they would have to climb over the others to get out, and back again if they wanted their original position back. Instead, we mostly just climbed back in at the outside edge, pushing the rest of us towards the center. So, by morning, I was at the center of the bed Toni was facing me, spooned in front of Henry with Mom behind him, and Patti and Amber were spooned behind me. I was, shall we say, toasty warm from all the bodies surrounding me.


March 1, 2015

I would have loved it if we could have simply slept and made love like that every night, but we all realized that we would have to treat this bed as a special occasion kind of thing, while maintaining our public image of living in the other two houses, especially after the kids were older, and "our momma and daddy and grandma and grandpa all sleep together" wouldn't be something we'd want them blurting out in school.

Mom slipped out of bed when she heard Gavin awake, and Amber soon did the same when Kyra cried for attention, too. I carefully climbed over Patti, donned my pants and went downstairs to start some coffee, but realized there was no dairy in the refrigerator for the coffee. So, while it was brewing, I grabbed a set of house keys off the hook where we hung them when we came into the house, and dashed barefoot over to Center house, returning with a tray holding half and half, eggs, bacon, spinach, grated cheese, english muffins and butter. I fixed myself a cup of coffee and took a big sip of mine before I prepared the same tray with two more full cups of coffee and three half-full cups, plus enough sugar and cream for them. I carried it upstairs, setting it on the cabinets that ran the length of the hallway, and carried cups in to Mom and Amber, only to find that Patti was up and nursing Sharon, too, and that Amber was nursing KJ now, and I returned with the third half-cup for Patti. I let them know that I was going to make bacon and scrambled eggs, and then went down the hallway to see if Henry and Toni were up.

They were awake, but Henry was balls deep in Toni, having not gotten a chance to fuck her the night before. Rather than interrupt, I just went downstairs and started cooking the bacon, and sipping my coffee.

By the time I was frying the eggs, I heard Toni scream out in ecstasy from upstairs, and chuckled. My other wives were down shortly, to help me finish the breakfast, and Henry and Toni joined us by the time it was done, their coffee cold. They each added a warm-up pour, and joined us at the table.

We all thanked Henry again for the great job on the bed, and after the breakfast was done and cleaned up, we went upstairs, remade the bed, gathered the babies and went back to the other two houses.


March 2, 2015

Patti returned to work a week after Amber, and definitely left with her breast pump.

When she got home, she still nursed Sharon right away, but had pumped twice during the day. She excitedly said, "My boss was so great today. Maria is even going to let me use her office to pump, so I won't have to do it in the bathroom. In the meantime, she's going to see about letting me reserve one of the smaller conference rooms just for that, or maybe get the company to set aside a lactation room. She loved the family portrait, too. It did raise eyebrows with some other people who stopped by to see me, but enough people were exposed last year to the fact that you and I have had open relationships in the past, so that you, me and Amber as a triad doesn't really surprise them."

"That's great," I said. "Did you mention to anyone that it was Jean who took the picture?"

"A couple people asked, because they really liked the composition, and I told them it was her. I think she could actually have a pretty good sideline doing photography, if she wants it."


March 6, 2015

"Well, I got some great news on the partnership front, today," Henry said, when he got home. "Dr. Jamieson's partner just retired and he is looking to retire himself later this year, and is willing to merge his practice with mine for the rest of the year, so I can still bring Dr. Mason on in July, and provide a better transition for Jamieson's patients into the new practice before he leaves. I'll be moving into his offices at the end of the month, and bringing some of my nurses with me."

"That's great, Dad," Amber said. "Are his offices closer?"

"Yes, about 15 minutes closer."


March 7, 2015

Patti received a call from her parents, the first time they'd called her since Christmas, her other communications with them all calls she'd made, to try and smooth things out, with little success. She put the call on speaker, and I used my phone to record the audio, expecting more fireworks.

It turned out they needed our help, of all things. Jack had apparently won a sales prize at work, and the prize was a 8-day 7-night cruise to the Caribbean, over the school break week. While Jody would be off of school, she couldn't go with them, and they had been unable to find anyone else that she could stay with, so could we please let her stay with us? I nodded to Patti. I had no problem with Jody, only her parents' current attitudes towards us for loving Amber.

Patti said, "Sure, Dad, we'd love to have her. Drew and I don't have a spare bedroom in the Center House any more, but she can either stay over at West with Henry, Tina and Toni, or in East with Sandy since she'll be home, too, or Drew, Amber and I could move temporarily with our babies into East and let Sandy take our bedroom in Center."

Jack ended the call pretty abruptly after that, and when Patti set her phone down, she said, "I can't even mention Amber without Dad getting mad."

I asked, "You want Jody to stay in East? How are we going to keep Jody from seeing the new bed?"

"We're just going to have to see just how easy Henry actually made it to split those two queens apart, and either move one of the queens or the nursery furniture to the garage."


March 9, 2015

So, before we had gotten a chance to use it again, we had to take the new bed apart.

Henry and I accomplished separating the queens in an hour. Stripping the bedding was quick. Removing the pillow top involved releasing velcro straps Henry had sewn into the homemade cover, which fed through loops he had welded onto the underside of the frame, unzipping the corners and rolling the foam back into a tube, securing it with bungee cord, and storing it in the walk-in closet.

That exposed the two mattresses, and another length of foam that kept the mattresses apart so that they stayed centered over their box springs. Pull that and one mattress and box spring up. That allowed us access to the hinge pin at the head of the bed, which we removed, along with the one at the foot. Pull the frames away from each other and remove the headboard from the empty frame. Then we moved everything down to the garage, returning with the night stands and a reading lamp. Move and remake the remaining bed with the original queen bedding, and pull the dresser out of the closet where it had been moved, and we were done.

We emailed Sandy, to give her a heads up that Jody would be staying with us over break, and she shot back a question. "She's going to be a bit of a cockblocker, isn't she? I was looking forward to making love with you guys, but if she and I are both staying in East, it will be tough." Patti and I decided we'd move temporarily to East and put Jody into Sandy's bedroom, letting Sandy and Amber stay in Center, to avoid upsetting Patti's parents.


Next up: Spring Break, Henry's practice splits up, and Sandy finishes Freshman year.

"Leeny's Man"

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LeenysmanLeenysmanover 2 years agoAuthor


I gained some personal experience with the IRS gift limits, etc, after my wife passed and I needed to figure out the tax ramifications of distributing part of her life insurance proceeds to my stepkids. Otherwise, my research for these books was a combo of Google and Wikipedia.

Foxterot7aFoxterot7aover 2 years ago

Remarkable series. Probably not in line with most comments, the paragraphs about the creation of the LLC, tax structure, estate planning, and gifting limitations was extremely close to reality. I assume the author sought out a tax attorney. Likewise, the small piece about marital relationships under Texas law wad good. The background research and/or outside advisors that this author uses is partially why this series (1st Year, 2nd Year and 3rd year) are so good. All of the series are logically constructed; flow seamlessly, and well written erotic literature.

iluvsecsiluvsecsabout 4 years ago

I would have liked reading this in a book. Are you an author and written books of erotica? If not you should.

GRYFANxGRYFANxabout 7 years ago

Funny how the 2 negative comments both come from anonymous users. Imagine my surprise.

Keep doing what you are doing. I love the storyline, character development and sexual aspects. Nice work!

LeenysmanLeenysmanover 7 years agoAuthor
Bigger beds

I knew I needed to deal with the bed size issue somehow, as trying to pile six adults into either type of King wasn't going to work. I did web research on larger beds for the story, and Drew's experience in the story echoes mine. I never ran across the site you mention. However, it was my plan all along for Henry to build/modify something from two beds, so they could be taken apart. At the same time, the size/layout of the master bedroom would be a limiting issue, too, which is why it wasn't a doubled King - I imagine these as nearly identical 3 bedroom/2.5 bath homes on two levels, maybe 1800-2000 square feet, with one of the bedrooms at Center permanently turned into an office.

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