This Fireman Ignites Flames


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"J-Just a minute," I stutter as I scramble my way to the door with a few obscenities whispered along the way. I run my fingers through my hair and make sure my clothes are all straightened out so they're covering all the important parts. My heart is pounding and I know my face is most likely fire-engine red without even looking in a mirror. I slowly open the door to see Kelly standing there. I have yet to get used to his height and my eyes move up from his chest to meet his eyes gazing down on me.

"Um, hi, I don't mean to bother you but..." he begins as he looks at me with those bright eyes and to-die-for smile. He quickly raises an eyebrow and lets out a quiet chuckle. "Are you feeling ok?"

"I'm fine, thank you," I say as I clear my throat and immediately look down at the floor out of sheer embarrassment. "I just woke up a few minutes ago and I'm still a little groggy is all. I'll be going back to my house in a little bit to gather up some of the things I still need."

The look on his face tells me he knows I'm full of shit. He's correct, after all, but that's my story and I'm sticking to it. I'm not quite sure why I keep having one embarrassing moment after another with him but I'm almost beginning to like it, since he seems to be laughing with me rather than at me.

"Anyway, I just wanted to bring you some different towels. The ones in here are obviously clean but these ones are a little fresher," he says as he pushes a small stack of bath towels towards me.

"Thanks," I say as I open the door wider and invite him in. I take the towels and hug them to me. A small waft of mountain fresh fabric softener quickly follows behind. "Would you like me to get you the other ones while you're right here?"

"No, you don't have to do that right now. You can just put them in a bag, set it down at the foot of the stairs, and I will gather them later. I also wanted to let you know that I still have some of my ex-wife's old shoes and clothes that she left behind. You look to be about the same size as her. You're more than welcome to see if any of them fit so you will at least have something to wear on the way back to your house. They're downstairs in the garage."

"I'd really like that," I say with a thankful smile.

"Well, follow me then," he says as he heads out the door. As soon as his back is turned, I let out a huge sigh and wipe my hand over my face, thankful that he's polite enough to keep up the illusion of ignorance.

We make our way downstairs, and sitting in the middle of this immaculate garage is a gunmetal gray 1973 Chevelle; completely restored. I have always had a passion for older cars; this one is absolutely beautiful.

"Very nice. Did you restore this yourself?" I ask as I admire the shine of the paint job.

"I did; all by myself, actually. Well, minus the paint. I'm not that talented but mechanical work is a hobby of mine. My parents had one when I was growing up and I fell in love with it. I made it a personal goal of owning one when I got older and as soon as I could afford it, I bought this one and slowly did the work on it here and there. It took a long time but it was definitely worth it." I can see pride swelling as he tells me the details about the engine, interior, and any other modifications he has made to it. It was an amazing amount of work for one person to do and he certainly has earned the right to brag. I take a peek inside and I'm convinced there isn't one speck of dirt to be seen.

I'm anxious to be on my way to get the things I need so, sadly, I have to cut the conversation short about the car. I thank him once more before he leaves me to tend to what I need to do. I open the top box and pull out a pair of jeans. I was expecting his ex-wife to be a petite little thing; isn't that usually the kind of women these big, strong men tend to be attracted to? When I look at the tag I find that they are just one size smaller than what I wear. I'm relieved to see they will fit after all. As for shoes, I find a pair of flip flops and I also grab a plain t-shirt to wear.

While I'm at my house, I gather clothes, toiletries, a phone charger, food, and a fan for white noise while I'm sleeping. I was way too tired last night to even notice or care that I didn't have one. My eyes keep getting drawn to my nightstand drawer over and over. Inside lies my favorite vibrator that has helped me out a lot since I left my ex. I haven't been with a man since him and my toy never says no to me. I juggle back and forth with the ideas of taking it with me or leaving it behind. In the end, I leave it where it sits. I have a hunky fireman I need to focus on and hopefully he'll put my vibrator to shame.

Two weeks go by and Kelly seems to pretty much keep to himself; this also means I have spent the entire time watching him from my temporary garage apartment but I have yet to gather the strength to make a move. I don't see many people coming and going and it's obvious he doesn't have any late night company which makes me feel a little better about my hopes of seducing him at some point during my stay. I have gone back to work and I mostly see him in passing. His work schedule is odd with him being gone for 24 straight hours every few days. The only times I have ventured back to my house is to check my mail or get something that I realize I need but don't use all the time. Other than that I'm rather content with work and the apartment.

Earlier today I had gotten the bittersweet news that the power is turned back on at my rental house and I am free to go back as soon as I would like. While I'm excited because I miss being in my own environment, I'm saddened that things haven't gotten very far between Kelly and me. I'm tempted to not say anything and stay right where I'm at but my conscience won't let me do that. The last few trips to my house to gather things ended with slight feelings of regret due to leaving my trusty vibrator behind. I feel the right thing to do now is muster up the courage to tell Kelly that I will be leaving tomorrow. My anxiety is off the charts and I'm extremely nervous as I make my way down the stairs and around to his back deck.

When I peek in through the sliding glass door, I see him standing by his kitchen island sorting through what looks to be his mail. He's wearing a white t-shirt and baggy flannel pajama pants. It now occurs to me that this is the first time I have seen him wearing his night clothes. I usually see him in his uniform, running shorts, or baggy jeans and a tee. I'm certainly not complaining either way but something about a man looking relaxed in flannel pajama pants makes my heart race. Maybe it's the idea of the elastic waistband making for incredibly easy access to his bits. One swift move and I could have my hand wrapped tightly around him and luring him into my seductive grasp. Would he be the type to push me away or would he beg me for more? While I have gotten several hints and plenty of flirting during my stay, I'm really not quite sure what to think of him. He's sarcastic and very hard to read. He notices me and acknowledges me with a smile and a friendly wave to come inside.

"Hi, Kelly, I was hoping I'd catch you home. I'm sorry it's late," I say as I try to calm my nerves down just a little.

"No worries. Just catching up on some things before work tomorrow," he says as he places his mail back on the countertop. "Can I get you something to drink?"

"No, I'm fine, thanks," I respond as I try to search for the words to tell him what I have to say. I walk up to the counter and use it to help take some of the weight off from my shaky legs. Why must I have such bad anxiety and communication issues? "I just wanted to let you know that I will start packing my things so I can begin taking everything back to my house tomorrow. It looks like everything has been going well and the power is turned back on so I'll finally be able to go home as early as tonight if I want." I let out a huge shaky breath.

"Are you sure you don't want to take your time and move a little bit here and there throughout the coming week?" he asks with a little hint of sadness in his voice. "That way I can help you when I have free time."

"I am beyond grateful but I feel like I've overstayed my welcome already. You've been wonderful with everything and I can't thank you enough."

"I've enjoyed your company even though it's been sparse," he says with one of his smiles that I have a hard time reading. Is he being sarcastic? Is he being flirtatious? Is he just friendly and I'm overthinking everything? Dammit! I've never been good at this.

"Same here," is all I can think of for a response. "I'll try to have all my stuff out within the next couple of days." Before he can answer, I turn and head back out the door. I scamper up the steps and a wave of sadness hits me. I'm such a coward. Why couldn't I just walk up to him, grab his shirt, and pull him down to me so I could let loose and cave in to my pent-up sexual needs? It seems I'm more damaged than I originally thought.

I pick up my suitcase, place it at the foot of the bed, and slowly unzip it. I feel tears welling in my eyes as I continue to beat myself up. That was probably my last chance to make a move and I blew it. After leaving here, I doubt I'll have a reason to see him again. Anxiety can be awful to deal with and it's making this ten times harder than it has to be.

"Can I come in?" I hear coming from behind me. I quickly whirl around and see Kelly standing in the doorway. He may be as big as an ox but he's as quiet as a mouse. He was able to open the door and step inside the door frame without me even hearing a thing.

"Yeah, sure," I say as I make a quiet sniff and turn away from him. I quickly wipe my eyes hoping that he didn't notice anything. I remove some clothes from one of the dresser drawers and start placing them inside the suitcase. My whole body stiffens and I gasp when I feel his hands move the hair from my shoulders so he can place a firm grip on them.

"Please stay one more night, Gabriela," he whispers against my neck. My tense shoulders shiver at the feeling of his breath against my skin. His hands tighten their grip a little more as I feel his body pressing against my backside. I can also feel how eager he is for me to agree to stay longer. There is very little fabric between us to hide the feeling of his hard cock pressing against my lower back. I let out a long, shaky sigh as I close my eyes, reach up, and interlace my fingers with his. His soft lips graze my ear before placing a tender, sensual kiss at the base of my neck. I lean my head back against his and every muscle in my lower stomach clenches.

"I've wanted to make a move so many times but you seemed so timid and I didn't want to scare you off," he says as he slowly turns me around and places his finger under my chin to lead my eyes to his. I find myself hesitating to make eye contact; I got used to always doing my best to avoid it in intimate settings before. "Look at me," he instructs with his stern voice. That's all it takes for me to slowly look up at him and I melt inside.

"I'm sorry; I'm just not used to this."

"Used to what?" he asks with a strange look on his face.

"Giving in to something I actually want," I whisper.

Without another word, his mouth is on mine and my entire body tingles as I sigh against his lips. I feel goose bumps breaking out on my arms and all of my limbs tense up suddenly. The tip of his tongue gently flicks my lips; coaxing them to part and allow him inside. I welcome his warm tongue in and he teasingly rubs it along mine. Letting him invade me in this slightest way has allowed whatever grasp my fear has on me to finally let go. He pulls away ever so slightly but my hands quickly make their way to his face and I bring his lips back to mine. I feel him smile in response to my greediness. Knowing he is welcoming my affection is all the answer I need to know that tonight I will finally be taken to the point of no return with him. My nose pressing against his cheek fills with the seductive scent of his aftershave. His face is smooth to the touch and his lips are strong. His hands trail their way to my lower back and he presses me against him. The feeling of his cock bulging against my stomach is more noticeable now than it was against my back.

I blindly run my hand down his chest and over his stomach. I lift the hem of his shirt, stick the tips of my fingers into the waistband of his pants near his hip, and trace them along the fabric towards the front of his stomach. My hand comes to an abrupt stop when it runs into the head of his dick sticking out above the elastic of his pants. Oh my! My eyes spring open and lock onto his. His lips break their seal with mine when he lets out a little laugh to my reaction. Surely this isn't the first time he has gotten this same reaction from a woman but I'm sure it's just as amusing for him every single time thereafter.

My fingers tickle around the head where I gently give it a squeeze before reaching inside his pants to run my palm down his entire shaft. It seems to keep going and going and going. My fingers glide over the hot, velvety smooth skin and trace along the veiny texture. He moans against my lips when I reach down farther and take his balls into my hand. They're smooth and feel as though they were freshly shaven. I give them a firm squeeze and his dick flexes; nudging against my arm and begging for attention. I can't wait to feel that powerful flexing inside me as he unloads himself. He reaches down and grabs the bottom of my shirt. I raise my hands above my head as he slowly pulls it off from me. I reach behind my back and unhook my bra. His fingers grasp the straps and slowly drag them down the length of my arms. My tits spring free and I quickly cover my nipples with my hands as a wave of insecurity comes over me.

"I don't think so, sweetheart. I want to keep looking at them," he says as he rapidly snatches my hands away from my chest. He's stern yet doesn't intimidate me, a fine line to walk considering what kind of past I've had. He holds my hands away from my body, allowing my entire torso to be displayed out in the open. His tongue runs along his upper lip as his hands cup my breasts and lift them to feel their weight. He has seen them perked up plenty of times unintentionally through my clothing but finally being able to size them up seems to excite him. His thumbs circle my nipples as they turn into hard pebbles; dark, stiff, and begging to be sucked. I reach down and lift the bottom of his shirt. He takes over by pulling it off and tossing it on the floor. I look down and see the tip of his dick still peeking out at me. I grin to myself and my mouth rapidly waters at the sight of it but only for a second before he quickly kneels in front of me. His fingers hook inside the waistband of my shorts and he easily slides them off from me, revealing a skimpy pair of lace thongs I had selected with full intentions of making a move.

His strong hands grasp my hips as his mouth wanders along the left side of the waistline of my panties. Each time his teeth graze my skin it sends an electric shock right between my legs and my belly twitches. My fingers comb through his hair as I feel each move he makes with his mouth. He slowly tastes his way across to my bellybutton where he playfully flicks his tongue inside. I lean my head back, close my eyes, and take in every erotic detail. My nipples tingle and start to ache more and more with each nip, lick and kiss he makes.

"What is this?" he asks with pure interest focused on my right hip. I turn towards him so he is able to see the rather large tattoo that I have. It's a cherry blossom tree with roots starting at my hip and upper thigh. The tree sprouts up my back with branches sprawling along my right side. The top branch reaches across my shoulder blade and slightly over my shoulder to where just a few flowers are visible from the front. He runs his fingers over it from my hip all the way up my side. The more I turn the more of it he is able to see. He moans as he runs his tongue over the pattern on my sensitive skin. My side twitches as his tongue tickles its path up and around to my back. When he stands, I look over my shoulder at him and watch as he continues tracing it with his fingers along with his tongue. "I wasn't expecting this at all," he says. I smile as he bites his lip while staring at it. His fingers continue to tickle over my back and his lips find my shoulder once again where he places light kisses on the pink flowers.

"I got it before I met my ex and he always hated it which is probably why I loved it even more," I whisper as I lean my head against his.

"I think it's incredibly sexy," he says as his kisses lead up my neck to the back of my ear. His hands reach around me where he squeezes my tits before trailing them down my stomach. His fingers slide under the waistband of my underwear but they don't stop there. He continues to push the lace fabric down until it free-falls onto the floor. I gently kick them out of the way, feeling vulnerable now without a stitch of clothing on. His fingers glide between my silky folds and he grazes my clit which sends a jolt through me. His long finger slides easily inside me and he moans against my ear. I whimper as he wiggles it to gather as much wetness as he can before bringing it back up to my lips. I stick my tongue out and flick his finger with it as a silent way to coax him inside. I suck his finger in and moan as I suck his finger clean of my juices.

He comes back around to face me and turns us so my back is to the bed. I'm standing here completely naked and frozen in his gaze. I'm not used to being eyed over by a man who admires what he sees. It makes me feel wanted and desirable. He leans past me and with one swift move, his long arm makes one wide swipe sending my suitcase crashing to the floor.

I gasp as he takes a step towards me and my legs hit the edge of the bed when I step back. I crawl backwards onto the bed and he quickly follows like a lion stalking his prey; hovering over me all the way to the head of the bed. He slides his legs between mine, lowers himself down onto me, and my thighs spread wide to make room for his hips. He pins my hands above my head and kisses me hard.

"You taste so good," he pants at me and invades my mouth again before I can answer. My pelvis grinds against his underneath his weight. The front of his flannel pants is gathering my wetness each time his bulge presses against my hot, swollen lips. The material is soft yet textured enough to send pleasure right where it's needed. His lips leave mine and make their way to my neck. My toes wiggle and my body shudders with each nibble. When he lets go of my hands, I quickly drive my fingers into his hair and give slight tugs every time I squeeze him between my legs. He lets out growls as his nipping teeth graze their way down to my chest. He takes a hard nipple into his mouth and I feel his teeth lightly pinching it, causing me to arch my back up towards his mouth begging for more. His large hand squeezes the mound he's tasting and my large assets are engulfed by his wide palm and long fingers.

My hands wander down to the backs of his shoulders once again. I feel him take in a mouthful of skin on the top of my breast followed by a shooting pain as he sucks hard and his teeth tighten their grip. I let out a pleasurable squeal and dig my fingernails into his shoulders.

"Mmm...Harder," he mumbles with a mouthful. My pussy spasms as he begs for pain. I tighten my grip and slowly drag my fingernails down his back. He follows my fingers by arching away from me as my nails make their way down to his waist. "Oh, fuck," he says through gritted teeth. As I bring my fingers back to his shoulders, I can feel the warmth and slight scratch marks I have left behind. He looks down at me with a whole new primal look in his eyes; I find it as a challenge. When was the last time I actually wanted to please someone who wasn't selfish about only what he wanted? Watching his reaction starts to open my eyes as to what it feels like to give someone pleasure who also gives it to me in return.