This was Only the First Time


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That day at work, people noticed a change about her immediately. Mary came to apologize about Mike, but she said not to worry, Mary noticed the "sparkle" about her and she told Mary about what had happened.

Mary warned her again, but in seeing just how happy she was, Mary just hugged her and said, "Go for it, if he makes you happy, then don't make any excuses, you take what you want!"

For the next few days, she was really busy at work and there was no time to even attempt to see him; however, each morning there was a special text for her, and each night just a few questions about how her day was and then a simple good night. One night, her good night message was a "good night beautiful." She read it ten times, each time feeling more excited.

A little while later, he texted, "was that too much? I worry that the texts are also too much."

She immediately texted him saying that she loved the quotes and that she loved that he thought she was beautiful. She found that her fingers trembled as she typed her message.

"That's a relief, I worried that you would be offended and that you would think I was a creep," she could picture him on his phone texting that, she wished she could give him a hug right now and tell him how much she really cared about him.

She texted him back, "your messages are the highlight of my day, I miss you so much," with each word her heart was in her throat, and then she added, taking a chance again, "I want to kiss you again."

He texted back a small red heart for her, and a "Me too."

Throughout the day, small messages began to appear on her phone, smiles, little quotes, and she found that her heart began racing each time the message came on her phone.

That night was the first time she dreamt about him.

She couldn't remember all of the dream, but when she awoke, her panties were soaked through and her nipples were rock hard. She laid there thinking about him and her left hand lazily circled her nipples through her thin t-shirt, her right hand did the same but circled its way down to her wet panties.

Her hand slipped under the waist band of her very unsexy plain panties and into her untrimmed pussy. She could imagine his scent, the feel of his strong hands on her body, the sound of his quiet voice, the feeling of his muscular body and then surprised at the suddenness of it, her body convulsed and shook in the throws of an orgasm and she moaned out loud.

As she enjoyed the feeling of the heat between her legs her phone buzzed.

It was him, a small but inspiring quote meant only for her, and a question, "How are you this morning beautiful?"

Breathlessly, she keyed back, "Wonderful, I was just thinking about you and how you make me feel, every time I talk to you, I feel special."

"You are special, you are quite a woman; smart, funny, caring, sexy, and very beautiful," came back the response.

A thought came into her head from no where, and she typed, "could you send me a picture of you?"

She pressed send before she had a chance to think about it, she still had a tiny bit of apprehension. The doubts filled her mind and she almost sent him a message saying just to ignore her request. She was half way typing the message when he replied.

"Right now? I'm just shaving?"

She quickly deleted her message, and with her heard pounding in her throat, she leapt and gambled everything in a big chance.

"Yes, especially right now, I want to see you, even if you are just shaving," she thought it was important to her that he respond right away, without making any excuses. The excitement that she had felt toward him was even stronger.

She felt flushed and felt a little out of control.

The phone was silent for a minute, then, "ok" appeared.

She started breathing again.

Then, "did you get it?" appeared, followed a second later by a picture of him shaving in what must be his bathroom. She looked at it, his strong facial features were lathered in shaving cream and what little hair he had was freshly washed. His muscular chest, and powerful arms caught her eye. His stomach was flat but he didn't have clearly defined abs, the counter top almost covered his lower half, but she could just make out the flat area just above his cock and maybe just the start of his shaft and she didn't see any pubic hair.

In fact, she didn't see any chest hair either.

Without thinking or realizing what she was doing, she pushed herself harder and typed, "You didn't show me the best parts," she could scarcely believe what her fingers were typing, but she realized that she was a big girl and damn-it, Mary was right, no excuses.

Her bravado evaporated as soon as she hit the send button and now was worried about his reaction.

The phone remained silent for 10, 30, 60 seconds and she started to sweat.

Then another picture appeared and her knees almost gave out, she was so relieved and she hadn't even looked at it yet.

The picture showed his smiling face still covered in shaving cream, but now she could see his chest, his toned legs, his feet, and his beautiful semi-erect cock and balls, all shaved smooth.

She was sooooo turned on, her nipples were erect, her breathing was rapid, and she felt herself getting very wet.

Her knees almost gave out again.

"I trust you, Michelle," appeared on the screen, "I hope you like how I look."

"Like it, I love it, you must be the most handsome man I know, thank you," she typed with one hand and her other hand was softly rubbing her wet pussy.

He never asked for a picture of her, which somehow, she appreciated, but she was already thinking of sending him one.

The spell was broken because of an accidental look at the time, she panicked for a second and then she said, "I have to get ready for work, can I text you later?"

"Michelle, I understand," she could see him standing naked in her mind, she wanted nothing more than to make him feel the way he was making her feel right now, "Yes, I will look forward to it," was his next message back.

Her smile lit up her face and despite the very real risk of be late for work, she couldn't help staring at the picture.

She barely touched her left nipple before the electricity raced through her body, with her thumb along the base of the nipple and her forefinger pinching the other side, she pulled and twisted it, a long low moan rumbled out of her mouth, her right hand did the same thing and with her eyes fixated on him she came, for the first time in her life, by just playing with her tits, although she imagined it was his mouth and tongue not her fingers.

"YYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEESSSSSSSSSSSSSS" she screamed as she came hard, actually seeing stars as the waves of this sudden and very intense orgasm washed over her.

She was 20 minutes late for work, but all day, her mind drifted back to the picture and she must have looked at it a dozen times. She made herself look busy and most people would not have noticed, but after everything she had been through, she did not feel guilty.

She had never known a man who shaved his body, but in reality, her experience with men wasn't that great. At first, she thought it was a little weird, but looking at the picture again, she imagined how smooth it must feel, how nice it would be not to get pubic hair in her teeth giving him a blow job ... she paused and laughed at how she was already thinking about that.

She decided for him, being shaved worked; and then she thought about herself. Although, much improved, she had neglected herself too much, including shaving. She decided to rectify that tonight and maybe send him a picture.

The day dragged and dragged; she swore the clock must have been moving backwards. All day long, she thought about the picture and finally it was time to go home.

She stopped at the drug store and bought a new woman's razor and some new makeup. Making a second stop at a small lingerie shop at the mall, she purchased several new pairs of sexy panties, all of them very revealing.

Arriving home, she quickly ate some leftovers and then filled the bathtub and added some bubble bath and then went to her bedroom.

Standing in front of her mirror, she looked at herself. At almost 6 feet, she was tall for a woman, but she carried herself well and was nicely toned. Her hair was blonde and in need of someone cutting it other than herself, she smiled. Stripping off her blouse and plain white bra, she smiled at her chest, her 34B's had weathered the neglect none the worse for wear and she watched her nipples harden and helped them along with her finger tips.

Undoing her slacks and pulling them down with another pair of plain panties, she thought, after today, these go in the garbage. She looked at her wild and unkept bush, and like the plain panties, this just wasn't going to work anymore.

Pulling her socks off, now she was naked. She didn't see an unattractive failure in the mirror anymore, she saw herself again; a smart person, a person who was passionate, a strong person, and she felt like a desirable woman again.

Walking to the bathroom, she stepped into the hot water and lowered herself into the tub. She couldn't remember the last time she had a bubble bath. The bubbles and hot water rose up her thighs and flooded her pussy. She slid lower in the tub and the water rose up her chest, as the water circled her tits, she laughed again as the buoyancy of their nature refused to let them sink beneath the water.

Lying in the tub, she soaked and relaxed, the hot water on her skin felt so nice, she had added a little lilac perfume to the water and she loved the way it made her feel like a woman.

After too short of a time, she went about her task. Taking a pair of scissors, she carefully trimmed her bush and then taking a squirt of shaving cream, she applied it to remnants of her bush. Working carefully, she shaved herself bare, taking care to get all of the hidden parts, she couldn't believe how nice it felt, she wondered if he would like it. She felt so sexy and imagined him looking at her and then running his fingers along her, touching her in all her secret places.

Using the very tips of her fingers, she made circles around the newly bare areas of her skin, closing her eyes, she felt so sexy. One of her fingers tickled the edge of her folds, followed by a second, they excited the little nub of her clit, teasing but not touching, one finger gently stroked her opening and soon other fingers joined in and then entered herself. Her breathing became ragged and closing her eyes, she imagined it was him making her feel this way.

The warm water, the waves of pleasure building within her, the incredible feelings and the thoughts of him as her lover became too much and she felt an orgasm break over her as she stiffened and came. Laying in the warm water as her breathing became normal, she could not ever remember feeling this sensual, even when Rob was with her. Finally, pulling herself to her feet, she ran the shower again for a moment and washed the last of the cream away.

Toweling off, she took one the items that she had purchased. A lace pair of cherry red panties, she pulled them up her long legs, the front triangle deliciously snug over her now bare vagina, she moaned out loud as the single strand of fabric that formed the back, pulled wonderfully between her ass cheeks and tugged on her pussy.

She took the first picture, simply smiling at her phone, the only thing that was visible was her face, the sparkle in her eye, the look of hope in her expression. She sent it to him and his response was almost immediate.

"Michelle, you are such a beautiful woman, I love how the sparkle in your face has grown from just a flicker," she almost had tears in her eyes when she read that, that he could see that in her face.

For the second picture, she set the timer and leaned her phone against a book so the camera took a picture of her laying on her tummy, with her panties visible, her legs over her body and her beautiful body in a sexy pose.

She sent the picture and asked him if he liked it.

"Open your door," was the response, she was confused until she heard the knock.

She knew it would be him.

She walked topless to the door and unlocked it, she said "it's open."

He opened the door, smiled and closed it behind him.

He had never seen a woman look so beautiful before, the smile on her face, the soft moist lips, the large blue eyes, the almost perfect breasts, with large nipples in the middle of their areolas, the flat tummy, the flared hips, encased in a pair of the smallest panties he had ever seen, the curve of her delicious ass, two long and slim legs, and finally her small and delicate feet.

She rushed into his arms, and lifting her off her feet like she weighed nothing, they kissed.

Lips on lips, both their tongues exploring each others mouth's, their hands discovering each other.

While never leaving her lips, his finger tips made her skin come alive with pleasure as he lightly explored the soft sensitive skin of her forearms, the strength of her muscles of her upper arms. As his tongue continued to dance with hers, his touch made her whimper and moan, seemingly without effort.

Finally breaking their kiss, he leaned over and suckled her closest breast. The fingers tips never stopped exploring, the softness under her breasts, the curve of her neck, the narrowness of her waist. His tongue and teeth making her nails dig into the tanned skin of his back, leaving marks as more moans, louder this time escaped from her mouth.

He moved to her second breast and now his fingertips had moved to her ass and slipped under her panties touched her now shaved pussy. Everything around her except him simply ceased to exist, the electricity of his touch and the feeling of pleasure was all that there was.

He knelt in front of her and pushed his face and tongue into her now wet panties. Inhaling deeply her scent, her knees wobbled. Sensing this, he had her sit down, but not before hooking his thumbs under her waist band and pulling the panties down to her ankles. She shook one leg and the freed one leg, leaving the wet panties looking very sexy on the other.

Opening her thighs, he softly kissed one side and then the other, his hot breath like fire to her pleasure. She wanted to scream at him to start on her pussy, but he would not be rushed only fueling her desire more for him. Now finally moving to her centre and using his tongue on her sex, his fingertips now concentrated on her calves, very sensually stroking and gliding back and forth.

The pressure of his tongue and face made her feel like she was floating in a warm southern sea, each wave bringing a new sensation. His fingers now helped his tongue and face, always in motion, always finding another area of pleasure. Some began to penetrate her pussy, seeking and finding her g-spot, eliciting moans that were more like screams now.

Her waves were larger now, more powerful, with her eyes closed, her world was vivid reds, deep blues, sparkling silvers, all of which exploded as his fingers found her ass. Its intensity of his touch erupted as some of those same fingertips explored her rosebud.

Clenching her thighs around his upper body, the first enormous wave made her arch her back and made her scream his name as she came hard, the second wave was followed immediately by another one that made her squirt all over his face and momentarily all of the colours she had seen faded to a single white point as her body tried to recover. It was only then that she realized he was still fully clothed.

Lying on her back, semi-reclined in the chair, she watched as he stood.

Smiling and telling her that she was an amazing woman, his lips did not seem to move but she felt every word.

He never stopped looking into her eyes as he slipped his sandals off, the t-shirt followed, then the shorts, and just like that he was as naked as in their picture, except this time, he was not semi-erect.

The smooth balls and the matching cock, were not huge, but they were thick and a thin coating of pre-cum glistened in the light.

She smiled and moved towards him, he knelt and their lips met again, this time heavy with the sweet taste of her sex on his lips. She devoured his mouth, feasting on her juices and licking his face like an animal starved. He stood back up and she did not hesitate to take him into her mouth.

Looking at him with those big blue eyes and with her mouth full of him, her warm mouth and soft tongue explored every inch of him, bobbing up and down, back and forth. The throb between her legs becoming all encompassing.

"Please make love to me now," she begged as she came up for air.

"I need you inside me, right now, I can't wait another second," she moaned as another small wave approached her but broke before it washed over her.

She laid back and beckoned him to follow, opening herself to him and his hairless body. He moved between her legs and she grasped the tip of his cock and guided it into her. Feeling the tip slide into her, she closed her eyes again, focusing on the pressure and pleasure of what was entering her body.

The smooth skin forced itself deeper into her tight box. The feeling of his body entering hers made her scream again, but that scream seemed lost in an endless series of screams and moans. Then she felt the delicious feel of his bare skin on her bare skin, for a second, they were as close physically as two people could ever be. Spiritually and sensually they were just starting to become one together.

She inhaled as he pulled almost all of the way out before plunging back into the depths of her pussy again. Then again, and again. Her hands found his ass and gripped the hard cheeks and pulled him deeper into her, her own hips rose and fell in rhythm to his.

Lips together again, both covered in sweat, time seemed to stop, all that they both knew was each other. She could feel it before he did, the tightening of his balls, the deeper penetration of his cock, and long low moan as he came. He felt her pussy clench tightly around his organ, the now familiar arching and her finger nails leaving red furrows in his back.

As his hot white cum flooded deep inside her pussy, she came, the moment crashed down around them as they both collapsed into her others arms, his cock still buried inside her.

They kissed, the differences in their ages not mattering at all, collapsed they turned together and she lay across his body while they kissed each other.

She slid off of him, the inevitable flood of warm cum mixed with her juices shared smeared on each other, she nestled up tight against him, they both knew this was only the first time.

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txcrackertxcracker5 months ago
AS Good This Time AS The First time I read iT !

AS Good This Time AS The First time I read IT !


afosi2604afosi2604almost 2 years ago

Well done, enjoyable and only shortcoming is that there is not more.

chytownchytownalmost 4 years ago
Great Piece Of Writing*****

Very enjoyable read. Thanks for sharing.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 4 years ago
Heart throbbing

I was completely drawn into the story and the payoff in the end was excellent. The writing and plot is amazing.

mitchawamitchawaalmost 4 years ago
Love Story.

Excellent writing, slow but powerful plot. characters well described, her emotions were shown perfectly, and the long seduction with messages and pictures led to a nicely told sex scene. I'm assuming a second chapter.

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