Those Days of...Ch. 26-30


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'I don't think I could Helen.'

'Why not? He doesn't know your car - and as a passenger Barbara wouldn't have any way of seeing it.'

'That's not the bit I meant Helen. I might be able to do it in the city but Mike has a 4-wheel drive vehicle and once he hits the tracks, apart from the fact that it will become much more obvious that he's being followed, I probably wouldn't be able to keep up with them.

Anyway, even if we were lucky enough to somehow do that, I doubt we'd actually see much, Mike had binoculars remember.'

'Binoculars! Luke had some really good binoculars. He used to like going to the races occasionally and bought himself a really expensive pair. Now where did I last see them?' she said to herself as she stared off into space for a few moments, her face screwed-up in thought. 'Ah, I remember!' she exclaimed with a smile, then looked back at me and continued on as though there had been no interruption. 'And two other things darling. He's not working today, so I doubt he'll have the official vehicle. Once they head off the major roads we can drop much further back, to avoid being seen, we only have to stop and check the side-tracks to see if there are any signs that they've turned-off.

Oh come on Roger, even if we lose them it'll be fun. We'll take something to eat and drink, an adventure picnic if you like.'

She suddenly jumped up, grabbed my hand and pulled me to my feet. 'Come on, let's do it!'

Her enthusiasm was contagious, I suddenly saw what she meant about it being an adventure, regardless of the outcome. It wouldn't really matter if we lost them - because even if we did, we'd still be together, in the middle of nowhere and could get up to anything that appealed to us at the time. If we didn't lose them...

'You're right, it could be fun. Let's give it a try! We'll have to hurry now though, what do you want me to do?'

'I'll pack some food for us, you go down and park the car somewhere handy, so we can follow them, whichever way they happen to go.'

Luckily for us Barbara was too busy getting herself ready to notice our sudden burst of activity, I parked the car in a side lane from where I could take off in whichever direction Mike took, then, having grabbed my own things and stowed the baskets that Helen had packed for us plus the binoculars that she had managed to find, got into the driver's seat and waited. Helen was to explain my absence by saying that I had gone out to buy the papers, she would come down with Barbara, ostensibly to see them off, then join me in the car. That way, if all went well they wouldn't get too much of a start on us.

In fact it went as smooth as clock-work, I didn't have too long to wait and Helen had been right about Mike not having the rangers' vehicle, his own was a rather battered old station-wagon, which I didn't think I'd have too much trouble tracking through the city. As he was able to find a parking spot quite close to the building I spotted him almost as soon as he got out of the wagon then watched as he rang the bell, Barbara opening the door and taking him up into the flat. A few minutes later the three of them came down again, Mike as loaded down with things as I had been, which he packed into the back of his vehicle, Helen gave them each a quick kiss and a wave, then as they prepared to set off, scurried over to me, got in and we started off after them.

At first there was the usual mass of disorganised Sunday traffic everywhere so I didn't let Mike get too far ahead of me but ensuring I always kept at least one car between the quite distinctive wagon and myself, just in case he happened to spot my face. But once we got to the outer suburbs I slipped further back, by then having a fair idea of which route he was taking to the park and which entrance he would be going in by.

Helen was like a little girl starting out on a big adventure, peering through the traffic ahead of us, calling out each time she saw the wagon about to make a turn, urging me on when she thought they were getting too far ahead of us, cautioning me when we got too close. But later, as she saw that we were drawing closer to the park itself, she became quieter, settled back in her seat and we drove most of the rest of the way without saying a word to each other, it was only when we were approaching the entrance I had thought Mike was making for that Helen broke the silence.

'What do you think they'll do Roger?'

'Sorry, what did you say?'

'I asked you what you thought they'd do.'


'When they get wherever it is Mike's taking her, silly.'

'Have a bit of a walk I suppose. Mike won't be able to take his wagon to the places he could get the ranger's vehicle to, they'll probably have to walk to wherever it is he has in mind.'

'And then?'

'I imagine they'll eat, make-love, laze around a bit.'

'But aren't you curious about how they'll do it? Whether he does it to her or her to him, what position - those things.'

'Not curious, no. The thought of seeing them doing it together is vaguely arousing, I'll admit that. But how they do it, not especially.'

'Oh I think it is. I can't wait to see exactly what happens, whether it's a sudden, overwhelming passion, or a slow, sexy build-up. I think it's exciting just trying to guess. I wonder how close we'll be able to get without being seen?'

'That depends a bit on just where they go - but we've got the glasses, if they're as good as you said they are they'll help a lot.'

'I've only used them a few times, when Luke first bought them I had to have a look through them of course, they seemed pretty powerful to me - and Luke said they were excellent. Not that it occurred to me I'd ever be using them for this kind of thing. I've changed such a lot in the short time I've known you Roger - I can't believe I'm the same person.'

'All this was down inside you, somewhere, before you met me. Maybe you just never had the opportunity to let it out.'

'I suppose that's true. There were times, when Luke and I were first married...'

She didn't finish whatever it was that she was going to tell me because just then we both saw Mike's wagon turning off the road ahead of us, heading for the park entrance.

'O.K. - now the going gets tougher.' I said. 'There won't be any traffic around to hide us, I'll have to stay further back so we'll have to keep a sharp look-out for when he takes a side track. So whenever we pass one watch for any little clouds of dust that may still be floating in the air, that's always a sign a car has gone that way.'

At first Mike stayed on the main route through the park and I kept a good way behind him - but after about ten minutes I spotted his wagon turning off and slowed my car a little, making allowance for the fact that he would have to drive more slowly on the unsealed track and found, just as I had mentioned to Helen, that even though we then couldn't see it, the trail of settling dust his wagon left behind made tracking them easier than I had hoped it would be. Every now and then the ground became rockier and of course that meant there was nothing for us to follow but neither were there any side tracks, so I drove on, cautiously confident.

Helen spotted both the second turn-off and the tell-tale cloud that showed something had gone that way and, as we had seen no other cars around I assumed it had to be them and took it. The track was much narrower, the sides more overgrown and the much rougher surface made me suspect that we were in fact on a fire-trail, not a scenic route, which meant it was highly unlikely anyone else would be driving this way - and so, as we needed to be even more careful in making sure Mike didn't catch sight of us - and I had no wish to wreck my car, I slowed down even more.

We had been driving for about twenty minutes, the track steadily climbing all the way and I was beginning to wonder just how far off into the scrub Mike was actually going when I saw the trees thinning ahead of us and through them, way, way ahead and approaching the top of the incline we had been driving up, a plume of dust rising from Mike's wagon. Ahead of us the ground was covered with only stunted bushes so I stopped the car within the shelter of the last of the trees.

'This is going to be harder. I'll wait until they get over the top of the hill, then drive up and stop again, we'll have to hope that from there we can see where they've gone to.'

'O.K. lover. I still think this if fun though.' she added with a broad grin. 'Don't you?'

I couldn't help chuckling at her enthusiasm. 'Yes darling, in a funny sort of way it is fun.'

'They've gone, let's go!' she said excitedly as we saw the wagon disappear over the crest of the hill. I drove as carefully as the bumpy track would allow, trying not to raise too much dust myself, stopping beside a largish group of bushes just below the crown, from where I hoped we'd be able to see the lie of the land and where Mike's vehicle had got to. Helen was out even before I was, scrambling up over the rocks, then stopping dead in her tracks and when I caught up with her I saw why.

Apart from anything else, what lay below us was simply beautiful! The scrubby covering continued on for a short way, covering the ground that sloped steeply towards another wooded area that spread to a series of low-lying sand dunes beside the ocean - and even from where we stood we could hear the distant sound of waves breaking and smell the faint trace of salt in the air.

Mike's wagon was just disappearing into the trees, probably heading towards a beach that lay somewhere beyond them.

'It's beautiful!' Helen said quietly as her hand slipped into mine. 'Isn't it just beautiful, what a lovely spot.'

'It certainly is.' I answered, giving her hand a squeeze. Even if nothing else happens, it's a great place to spend the day. But we don't have time to admire the view right now - back to the car darling.'

I felt sure that Mike would be too busy negotiating the track through the trees to have a chance to see my car so drove down the hill as quickly as the rough track would allow, stopping when we reached the edge of the wooded area, turning off the engine and poking my head out of the window to listen. Hearing the sound of his wagon I started forward again along the track, going as fast as I could while keeping the engine noise to a minimum, stopping and listening again from time to time, getting deeper and deeper into the trees.

I guessed we had covered more than half the distance to the sand dunes before I found I could no longer hear the sound of Mike's wagon. 'This is as far as we can go without risking them hearing us.' I said as I quietly drove off the track and on to a level area beside it. 'We'll follow on foot and come back for the car later. O.K.'

'O.K. lover. But don't forget the binoculars.'

At first we walked hand in hand down the middle of the track but after about fifteen minutes I felt sure we must be close to where they had stopped so we took more care, checking the way ahead at each bend, keeping a sharp eye out for any signs of them. In fact I needn't have worried, we were still well inside the shelter of the wooded area when we caught sight of the car, parked beside the track on a strip of grass that separated the trees from the sand dunes.

Barbara and Mike were beside the car, kissing. But as we watched they broke apart and having grabbed a couple of towels, ran off together down the slope and through the dunes, obviously they were going for a swim.

'While they're gone I'll go back and bring the car closer. Would you have a look around and see if you can find a spot for me to park it please Helen, somewhere where it won't be noticed but from where we can keep an eye on things.'

'Sure, don't be long though.'

I jogged back to where I'd left it and then drove quickly back, finding Helen standing in the middle of the track pointing to a natural gap between the bushes, where I was able to conceal the car just a short way off the track. She opened the door and pulled me out, almost dragging me after her as she scrambled up a steep stretch of rocky ground.

'There's a perfect place for us, just up here. Come on, hurry up lover.'

When we reached the top I saw the reason for her excitement, as she'd said, it was perfect. In the shade of some tall trees were a group of large boulders, within them an area of rough grass and from between them we could see straight down to Mike's wagon just below us.

'Isn't it perfect!' she said breathlessly, giving my hand a hard squeeze.

'Yes darling - perfect. Now let's bring our things up from the car, then go and see what's happening on the beach.'

Having unpacked our things we followed the curving line of the ridge and although there was no actual path, the growth at the edge of the wooded area was sufficiently sparse for us to be able to make our way quite easily and after a few minutes walk we found ourselves on a small headland overlooking the dunes and the beach beyond them and there, on the edge of the breaking surf, we could see Barbara and Mike. Making sure we remained hidden within the bushes I took the binoculars from their case and focussed them - they were as good as Helen had said, making the two naked figures appear to be no more than an arm's length away from me.

'Let me look please lover.' Helen said excitedly - and when she did she gasped with surprise. 'Oh! I feel as though I could reach out and touch them!' And I couldn't help smiling when she then added. 'Look, Mike's got an erection.'

'That's not really surprising, I'd have one too if I was where he is.'

From the way their bodies glistened it was obvious that they had already been in the surf, they were standing side by side in the shallows, one arm around each other's waist - but Barbara was half turned towards Mike, talking to him and though my eyes had immediately been drawn to the curving swell of her magnificent breasts I hadn't missed the fact that at the same time, she was using her other hand to caress his cock and balls.

'I wish we could hear what they were saying lover.'

'At a guess I'd say Barbara was suggesting they try doing it in the sea.' I answered as I saw them head back into the water and we then took turns with the binoculars, chuckling as we watched them trying to do exactly that but, because of the size of the waves, without very much luck and really only managing to half-drown Barbara in the attempt.

However, they more than made up for that after they ran spluttering from the water, their efforts had kept Mike's erection at full stretch and when they reached the spot where they had dropped their towels, as Barbara bent down to pick one up Mike grabbed her from behind, his cock slipping between her legs. Barbara was never one to let an opportunity like that go past her and holding it there with one hand, she sank to her knees, pulling Mike down with her.

We watched as he enthusiastically fucked her, passing the glasses back and forth, Helen's frequent, breathless exclamations indicating her own rising excitement. She also made her disappointment quite clear when, all too quickly for her liking, we saw that Mike had obviously climaxed and the pair of them returned to the surf for a brief, refreshing dip.

'Oh that was too soon, much too quick!'

'Don't worry darling, I'm sure he'll soon be up to giving you another show. He's a young man - and apart from what she was doing to him before they went in for a swim I bet Barbara's been giving him a fair amount of teasing and stimulation on the way here, so he was probably close to boiling point.'

'I guess you're right. Did you start to get excited watching them?' she asked. Then, looking down at my crotch and reaching for the bulge that she saw there, added. 'Ah, yes I see you did!'

Her fingers closed around the stiffening length, giving it a couple of affectionate little squeezes. 'That's something for me to look forward to.' she said, grinning up at me. 'But we'd better make a move back to our hide-away, they might spot us up here.'

I felt sure they would be far too engrossed with each other to see us but, having taken a last look down at Barbara and Mike drying themselves, I turned and followed Helen as she made her way back the way we had come.

While we waited for them to return we took the opportunity to have a drink and something to eat, as Helen had said. 'We'd better have some now - we might be too busy later!'

It was as though the same thought had occurred to Barbara and Mike, either that or the surf and the sex had sharpened their appetites because no sooner had they returned than they too unpacked the food Barbara had put together and settled down to eat, while from almost immediately above them we peered down through the gap in the rocks. Neither of them had put their clothes back on, simply wrapping their towels around their waists and while Helen could only imagine what lay beneath Mike's, I had the pleasure of being able to watch Barbara's breasts gently swaying from side to side each time she moved. A sight that almost immediately stimulated memories of when I had climaxed so fantastically between them, a memory which ensured a steady surge of blood up into my already partially aroused cock.

Maybe the sight of them had the same effect on Mike because as soon as they had both finished eating he shifted himself closer to her and, pulling her to him with one hand, cupped one of the luscious globes with the other, then bent and slipped his mouth over the its dark red tip. Barbara, who had been sitting cross-legged, leaned backwards, supporting herself with her arms, making his access to her that much easier and although his head blocked our view a little we could see her body's reaction to his caresses and I noticed how quickly her other nipple also stiffened.

I felt Helen's hand grip my thigh and heard her breathing become more pronounced as we watched what was starting beneath us. A few minutes later, when we could tell by Barbara's even stronger reactions that Mike had fully aroused her, we watched his hand slip down across the curve of her stomach to fumble with the knot that held the towel in place - I felt Helen's grip of me suddenly tighten and when I glanced sideways I saw that her eyes were bright and her cheeks flushed with her own excitement.

Forgoing the view of what I guessed was to happen next I rolled over, lay on my back and whispered up at Helen. 'Take your panties off and then kneel over me darling. Let me lick you while you watch Mike doing that to Barbara.'

She didn't argue with me and in seconds, having hitched the hem of her skirt into the waist-band, I was looking up at her pussy, noticing that it was already moist and puffy and as she lowered herself towards my waiting mouth found that my nostrils were filled with the powerful scent of her arousal. Taking her arse-cheeks in both hands I guided her down and held her steady above me as I began to lightly lick the accumulated drops of moisture from the outer lips of her pussy, feeling her body tense and hearing a soft sigh of pleasure escape from her throat as she responded to those first gentle touches.

Having teased her for a while I relaxed my hold a little and let her sink lower, so my tongue could probe up between the warm, inviting folds and as I did that I heard her immediate, stronger response and felt her body quivering at the sensations I was creating for her.

In that position I couldn't get my tongue as deep inside her as I knew she liked but could tell that the short, stabbing movements I was able to make up between the thickening lips were steadily increasing her excitement. Added to which was of course was the stimulation she was getting from the view down between the rocks, of Mike, who's head was, I felt sure, by that time buried high up between Barbara's wide-spread thighs - and, if her moaning sounds I could hear rising up to us were anything to go by, succeeding in taking her very close to a spectacular orgasm.