Those Days of...Ch. 26-30


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So when I finally turned my attention to Helen's clit I found it was already a stiffly swollen ridge and when I slowly wiped my tongue up over it I could tell that the sensations I triggered for her were simply electric. As I felt her responding I gripped her bottom even tighter, spreading the cheeks, opening her so that I could lick and suck her even more strongly and felt her arch herself, offering up her pussy to my all devouring mouth.

She had been maintaining her balance by reaching behind herself and holding on to my legs but as she felt my supporting grip tighten she used one hand to feel around for my cock. By that stage it was as fully erect as the limited space inside my shorts would allow and even as my tongue was taking her closer to her climax her fingers scrabbled at the zip and buckle that kept her from it.

Then, as my mouth filled with the rapidly increasing volume of fluid flowing from her I heard Helen's stifled groans of almost unbearable pleasure mingling with the much louder, cries of delight from Barbara. And then, as though their bodies' reactions were somehow synchronised, Helen forced herself hard down against my head as, with a series of rippling contractions her climax rolled through her - and I heard Barbara's high-pitched wail of ecstasy, as she too obviously went high over the top.

Even while her body was still spasming Helen slid herself backwards out of my grasp and looking up at her I saw that her face and neck were flushed a deep crimson, her eyes filled with a feverish light as she struggled to free what she so clearly needed. She was in such a hurry that she didn't bother to get my shorts completely off, just tugging them down far enough to allow her to get at my cock and balls, grinning down at me as my erection sprang up and then glancing through the rocks at what was happening below us.

'Mike's just getting his cock into her.' she whispered, confirming the cause of Barbara's satisfied whimperings that floated up to us, as she slid herself forward again and then, using one hand to hold my cock steady while she lowered herself down on to it, sighing happily as she felt it filling her while she continued staring down at what Mike was doing to Barbara.

At first it was marvellous for me too, feeling her juicy pussy gripping my cock as she rose and fell - but as she returned to her previous state of extreme excitement and began to thrust more forcefully, I found I was being pressed hard against the sharp edge of a rock that I hadn't noticed protruding through the grass when I had first lain down. Even through the blanket I had spread on the rough grass the sharp pain I experienced each time she drove herself down on to me made me flinch and I automatically arched my hips to reduce it, in turn jabbing my cock higher and obviously increasing Helen's pleasure. But although I maintained a powerful erection, I found that the nagging worry about each stab of pain meant my level of sexual anticipation was reducing, my anticipated and much needed climax, receding.

The combination of her already high level of arousal, the sight of Mike and Barbara fucking below us and my even sharper than usual upthrusts seemed to put Helen into some kind of sexual frenzy that was so potent that it obliterated all thoughts of me from her mind. It was obvious from both the contorted expression on her face and from the way her body heaved up and down my shaft that right then her own satisfaction was all that mattered.

Then, after a few minutes of almost violent bucking I heard her gasping panting become more staccato and saw her augment what my cock was doing for her by using one hand to stimulate the bright red ridge that poked out from amongst her matted pubic hair - and a few seconds later I watched as her body responded to what must have been one of the most powerful orgasms I had seen her experience. If it hadn't been for the noise Barbara and Mike were themselves making there's no way they could have missed the loud cries of almost excruciating ecstasy that Helen made as she stared down at what was happening below us, at the same time as she rode the climactic waves that seemed to roll almost endlessly through her.

Eventually of course the force of them waned and with a smile of complete and utter satisfaction she looked down at me, then fell forward and locked her sweaty lips to mine. As she relaxed in my arms I was finally able to get myself off the rock by rolling us over on to our sides but in doing that, although my cock was still virtually fully erect it slipped from her sopping cunt with a loud squelching sound.

It was still a few minutes before she realised that I hadn't come. Perhaps it was the fact that she felt the hard length of it continuing to press against her, rather than what she was used to after we had finished, the increasing softness of my slowly wilting cock. Opening her eyes she peered across at me, one hand slipping between us and finding the cause of the unusual sensations.

'You're still hard!' she paused and I saw a slight frown furrow her brow. 'Didn't you climax too?'

'Not quite - but it doesn't matter. There was a rock sticking in me, it distracted me, stopped me from getting there.'

'Oh, you poor thing! Let me take care of it for you. You know I love doing that!'

It wasn't that I had any plan in mind but for some reason, although having her suck me off was one of my all time favourite experiences, I just didn't want that right then - and managed, with some difficulty to dissuade her, suggesting there would be all the more power next time if she left me temporarily unfulfilled.

'O.K., not that I've never noticed you being short of power. But if that's what you want lover, don't blame me if it gets too painful.' she added with a chuckle.

I hugged her hard and assured her I wouldn't do that. Then asked what had happened down below us.

'Oh it was incredible!' She whispered. 'Mike's so strong, so forceful - and having you inside me while I was watching him doing it to Barbara - it was almost as though I could feel him doing it to me too. If you understand what I mean.' she added, almost guiltily.

'Of course I do, there's no need to feel guilty about getting excited by watching him. He's a good-looking and very fit young man, it's only natural you should be turned on by seeing him in action - especially since you have shared so many other experiences with Barbara these last few days.'

Lifting myself I peered down through the gap in the rocks. 'What's happening?' Helen whispered.

'It looks as though they're going to have a bit of a snooze.'

'That's not such a bad idea, I could do with forty winks myself.'

So, having quietly re-packed the remains of our meal and pulled a second blanket over us we settled down side by side and after a few sweet but non-demanding kisses within a few minutes I could tell from the change in Helen's breathing that she had fallen asleep. But I was far from sleepy, apart from anything else there was an unresolved, still nagging ache between my legs and for a while I cursed myself for having stopped Helen from taking care of it for me.

As sleep refused to come to me and it was obvious that Helen was slipping deeper and deeper into hers I eased myself away from her and got up - when Helen and I had walked out along the headland I had noticed a small track leading down to the beach and a swim seemed a far more attractive proposition than just lying there staring up at the trees.

Chapter 29


The surf had become less rough than it had been earlier and I smiled to myself as I thought of Mike and Barbara's attempts to have sex, thinking that the flattened waves I was enjoying would have made things much easier for them, then trying to imagine what sex in the sea would actually be like. That thought of course then triggered others and a little later, after I had dried myself and sat watching and listening to the sound of the waves rolling relentlessly onto the shore, I recalled the sight of Helen, climaxing so powerfully as the waves of her orgasm rolled through her body.

Although the swim had both shrunk my cock and cooled off the ache in my groin, the pictures that slipped into my mind as my naked body soaked up the warmth of the sun - of Helen's contorted face as she reacted to the force of it - and of what she was seeing below us, Mike's powerful body vigorously fucking Barbara - re-aroused my unsatisfied need and I soon became aware of the fact that my cock was slowly thickening and lengthening again.

For a while I was tempted to relieve the growing pressure by masturbating but whatever it was that had earlier made me stop Helen from doing that for me held me back also and instead I forced myself to think of other things - the beautiful surroundings, work, the meeting I must soon have with julia, anything, anything but sex. But as more and more visual memories from the last few days continued to crowd into my mind and nothing I did seemed to clear them I decided another quick swim was a more practical solution to my still growing problem.

Then, as I stood up I heard a familiar voice and without even thinking, turned. It was Barbara, coming down the beach towards me, as she was carrying a towel I guessed that she too was heading for a swim - and like me, she was naked.

As always, my gaze immediately dropped to her breasts, swaying from side to side as she walked towards me, a light sheen of perspiration covered their incredible curves and running down between them, where I had climaxed so powerfully that one time, a thin rivulet of moisture.

Dragging my eyes up as she came closer I found that hers were smiling at me, then saw them drop, to stare wide-eyed at my crotch.

'Well, well - that's the best way I can think of for a guy to say 'hello'!'

I looked down at myself, the erection I had been planning on reducing with a swim had, in that short space of time suddenly got even bigger - and was, even as we both looked down at it, jerking itself still higher.

'But apart from getting yourself wound-up about something, what on earth are you doing here Roger?'

'We followed you down here, it was a sort of game your mother fancied, we're in the rocks just above where you've parked. She's asleep at the moment.'

'You sly old things, we never noticed you. Have you been here long?' and then added in a much quieter tone of voice as she stopped in front of me. 'And just what did bring that on?'

'We got there just before you and Mike went off to have a swim.'

'You saw us on the beach, in the water?'

I nodded.

'And later, after we'd eaten?'

I nodded again.

She grinned. 'I bet Mum liked what she saw. And my friend there, it looks as though he liked the show too?' she said, looking down again.

'I didn't actually get to see anything, I was otherwise engaged at the time.'

She looked puzzled for a moment, then must have realised what I meant and smiled again. 'Lucky Mum! So, as I said, what brought our friend to life then?'

'Thoughts Barbara, just thoughts. I was actually going down for another swim, to cool it off.'

'That seems a bit of a waste don't you think?' she said in a low, intimate tone, at the same time reaching out with one hand and brushing her finger-tips ever so lightly over the swollen head. 'I can think of much more enjoyable ways of easing the pressure.'

As her fingers continued to send tingling shock-waves of pleasure through me, so could I! But for the third time I denied myself, saying weakly. 'I don't think that would be very fair to either Helen or Mike, do you?'

She giggled. 'All's fair in love and war you know. But I suppose you're right - when we're all together that's one thing, having them thinking we've sneaked off, that could cause problems, couldn't it.'

'I think so Barbara - unfortunately.'

'Still, it's nice to paid such a rousing complement.' she said, smiling as she gave my upwardly straining cock a final stroke, before taking my hand and tugging me towards the surf. 'Come on, race you!'

The sudden chill as my body hit the surf immediately reduced the heat that my arousal had produced and after a few minutes, most of the stiff length too - though the feel of the cool water flowing between my legs and around my cock and balls was very sensual and I guessed it would actually take very little to re-arouse it.

We swam, horsed around in the shallows and then ran back to where we had left our towels, dried ourselves off and sat side by side, watching and listening to the sound of the never-ending breakers.

'Do we let on?' she suddenly asked.

My mind had been a virtual blank and I had to ask her to repeat what she had said.

'I asked if we should let on - I mean me letting Mike know you are here and you telling Helen I know you are. What do you think?'

I thought for a while. Was there any point in not telling them? Would Helen be disappointed that her scheme had come undone. Would she wonder what Barbara and I had got up to together while she slept? Would Mike? Did it matter what they thought? I decided that it did, at least as far as Helen and I were concerned.

'Let's not, I'm sure we won't be able to avoid being spotted some time, let Mike be the one to do it, after all he's the Ranger. But if we do that, no going back on it - one or other, if not both of them would be bound to think we had something to hide.'

'Well if they're going to be jealous, why not give them something to be jealous about?' she said, her breasts swinging invitingly, temptingly as she leaned towards me.

'Telling your mother a little white lie is one thing Barbara, denying I'd made love with you would be a completely different matter - and as I don't know how she'd react to that at the moment, tempting though the thought is, let's play fair.'

'Spoil-sport!' she said, pulling a face at me - then grinned as she added. 'I was only teasing Roger, you know that.'

I didn't, everything about her gave me the distinct impression that I'd only have to lift one finger, touch either of her rose tipped breasts and in a matter of seconds we'd be at each other as though there was no tomorrow. Instead I took her hand, pulled her to her feet and with a quick, chaste peck on her cheek sent her on her way back up the beach. After a final, lingering look at her swinging hips I turned, wrapped the towel around my waist and headed back the way I had come.

When I got back to our little hide-away I was relieved to see that Helen was still asleep and before I woke her I glanced down through the rocks and saw that Barbara had got back quicker than I - and that she was already in the process of waking Mike, by waking-up his cock, obviously she was determined to get from him what I had refused her. As he came fully awake and rolled her over on to her back I saw her eyes flick up to where we were, as though searching for a sign of us, then as he pressed down into her, they closed, she sighed and smiled contentedly.

I woke Helen with a kiss, keeping my lips pressed against hers until I saw that she was fully aware of where we were then lifted my head a little and whispered. 'They're at it again, if you're interested.'

She pulled my face back down again and, lifting her body up towards me, gave me a long, strong kiss, her tongue slipping between my teeth, finding mine and then twisting around inside my mouth, stirring the unreleased need that had been bottling-up inside me and sending blood once again surging into my cock. When she finally let go she grinned up at me wickedly.

'If I'm interested! Of course I'm interested - that's why we're here isn't it?'

She rolled out from under me and, staying down on her hands and knees, peered down through the rocks to see what was happening below. I didn't know whether she had simply forgotten or whether she had done it on purpose but, as she hadn't bothered to re-adjust her skirt after we had finished making love it was still tucked up into the waist-band and as she watched Mike and Barbara I was presented with a glorious view of the twin curves of her naked arse. A view that was more than enough to cause my already re-inflating cock to twitch and, as I thought of the previous delights I had experienced when fucking her from that angle, to quickly rise up to another full, throbbing erection.

I risked a look down over her shoulders but needn't haven't worried that Mike would spot me, he was far too engrossed in fucking Barbara. From where we were, other than his arse rising and falling we really couldn't see very much but I guess Helen got more out of the sight of his muscular back and tightly flexing buttocks than I did because when I knelt behind her and slipped my hand up between her thighs I found her pussy was already more than ready, it was almost dripping wet.

Lifting her slightly I guided my inflamed cock-head up where my hand had been and with no more than a slight shove found myself slipping deep inside her. Then, as she reacted to the feel of the length of me filling her and gave a low moan of pleasure as she arched herself, my cock slid even deeper and I found myself buried right up to the hilt, my aching balls pressed hard up against the backs of her soft thighs.

From that angle I could just see Mike's back and began to time my thrusts in and out of Helen's receptive cunt to the long, slow strokes he was using to fuck Barbara - thinking that by doing that Helen would be better able to connect with whatever fantasy might be going on in her head - and in turn increase the thrilling sensations the clinging lining of her cunt was giving me.

To enable me to get as deep as possible into her I was holding her so that her arse cheeks were spread wide apart and as Mike's and my responding pace quickened I noticed that the tightly wrinkled hole between them was pulsing. By then I knew just how much she loved having me fuck her arse but though that thought was tempting, I was already getting so much excitement from what her actively responding cunt was doing for me that I simply couldn't imagine anything else being better. But I realised that, just as Barbara had for me early that morning, I could still increase Helen's own pleasure that much more - by using a finger in that hole, while keeping my cock in the other.

So, slipping one hand down beneath her I fingered her pussy, feeling her immediately react to that additional stimulation and sending additional thrills through myself too as my fingers slid over the hot hardness of my pistoning shaft. Once liberally coated with her juices I transferred my attention to her arse-hole, easily gaining partial entrance for my slicked middle finger then probing a little deeper with it each time I thrust my cock into her cunt.

Her groans of pleasure and the way she shoved herself even harder back at me told me just how much additional excitement that twin onslaught was giving her and as I saw Mike's body pounding faster and faster, obviously only moments away from his climax, I did my best to keep pace.

Then, as I felt both passage-ways tightening around my cock and finger, suddenly the entire area was filled with sound, Barbara's high pitched shrieks, almost immediately followed by Mike's deeper, more guttural grunts and then, just a few seconds later, Helen's quieter but equally expressive groans of ecstatic release. I was still at least a minute or two from mine but I wasn't prepared to deprive myself again, I'd resisted too many temptations already to do that. So although I slowed the pace of my finger's probing I maintained my cock's almost frenzied thrusting, feeling the pressure mounting higher and higher as Helen adjusted her position, bracing herself to take what was obviously just about to come.

Then it hit - the dam, that been holding back the massive volume of semen that had accumulated from secretions generated during each of my earlier, unfulfilled arousals, finally broke, releasing the hot, sticky flood. The pressure behind it was enormous and even I could tell, by being able to feel it with the finger in her adjacent tunnel, that my shaft had to dramatically expand to accommodate the size of the first load scorching up through it.