Three Days at the Lake House Pt. 04


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Even though Maura's big thing was landscape shots and flowers, she started nodding her head to Vince when he told her how much he enjoyed portraiture, and wondered if she'd be interested in him using the pretty lady as a model sometime.

As she listened to his rationale, how he'd implement her into his portraiture shots, because Maura was still somewhat under the influence of the booze she'd drank at the tavern, she told him something that he hadn't expected.

"I think that'd be fine, Vince, but are you sure you'd like to use me for that? 'Cause, we might be in the middle of a shoot, and I might want to start tearing my clothes off, wanting to show you my boobs or something. Ha-ha!!"

He wasn't sure what to make of that when she, more or less, blurted it out, but his reaction helped her understand that his intentions weren't completely innocent either. So, Maura decided to push the envelope a little further with her new friend.

"I have had, in the past, different people tell me how they thought I'd be perfect for nude modeling, Vince. And like I said, my husband John's been after me to hook up with other he took some shots of me. Do you want to see 'em? They're right here on my phone."

Vince thought to himself that it hadn't taken long from the moment they'd walked into her cabin until right then, that she had initiated the discussion of her allowing him to look at naked pictures of herself. Either this could be some kind of twisted, kinky set-up on her, or her husband's part, or Maura had to be extremely horny. He was really hoping for the second scenario.

Since he hadn't told her 'no' about looking at her pictures, it only took about ten seconds until she had her phone out and began showing him very sexy images with her barely dressed or some with her in the au naturel.

"These were taken about a month ago. We'd gone with some friends on their boat over to Beaver Island, and John got these shots while we hung out there for the day."

Maura, too, began thinking how odd it was that someone she had just met that afternoon was already entrenched in looking at naked pictures of her. But it wasn't like what was happening hadn't been on her mind for a while. Since her husband had been the instigator of wanting her to consider not only fucking his friends, but even their own son...the temptations for her had begun slowly, and had gradually progressed from there.

Many times during their lovemaking, John would begin describing to his wife what it could be like for her to sexually entertain other men while he watched. It wouldn't take long after he'd begin talking to her about it, that she would reach orgasm with those lascivious thoughts circling around in her head, while her husband had her on the bed, plowing into his wife, on her hands and knees in front of him, coupling like dogs.

"Howard keeps asking me about you, Maura; he says he's really looking forward to you letting him fuck you!!"

"Ooohhh John, I don't know...ohhhh, do you really want something like that? To watch him and me...?"

"Maura, it's been all I've been thinking about. That, as well and Johnny, too. Honey, tell me you're not thinking about it...'cause I think you have been. Go ahead, tell me...tell me you don't want to let him fuck you!! Tell me, baby!!"

"Oh Johhhn, please, it just feels so...dirty!! Are you sure this is something you'd even want? I don't even know how'd we get around to bringing something like that up with him."

"No worries, baby...I hope you're not mad...but I already have."

"Are you kidding me, John?? You've already talked about this with him?? Behind my back??"

She couldn't admit it to him, at that moment, but finding out her husband's incessant prodding her had taken another possible step forward for what he'd been asking her to do for so long, she became excited about what could happen from there.

"Yes baby, I have. And he sure as hell hasn't said 'no' to it!!"

All at once, the possibility became even more real for Maura to experience going to bed with her son. Having sex like she was doing with his father right then, made her pussy become even more sensitive to his cock as it filled her. Sensing an impending climax, that she was sure would soon overtake her, creeping its way into and through her whole body, she felt as if the exotic sensations that were raging inside her, couldn't be voiced, then her body would ignite and then quite likely explode.

With her orgasm taking its full hold on her, Maura screamed out the lustful desires she'd tried to hide away for so long, even while she could feel her husband's semen gushing into her cunt.

"Oh Johnny, honey...fuck mommy, sweetheart!! Mmmmm, fuck me...fuck your mother!!!"

Having that all stored in her memory, and then as luck would have it, that very day, due to boredom, she visited the local antique store only to end up witnessing what she was sure was a mother performing fellatio for her own son, there in the parking lot.

When Maura felt the moistness dripping into her panties, she excused herself from talking to Vince, and took a walk outside to the lot that was directly behind their cabin. Checking to make sure there wasn't anybody else outside, she dialed her husband's phone. He picked up on the third ring.

"Hey Maura, just so you know it's the sixth inning, can I call you back during the seventh inning stretch, or what?"

"This is pretty important, honey. I know you and Johnny are trying to enjoy the game right now, but..."

"But everything okay up there?"

"Yeah...sort of..."

"Honey...sort of? What the fuck is that supposed to mean?"

"It means...I think I'm ready to make that step that you've been wanting me to."

As she took the next few minutes to tell her husband what she had witnessed a few hours before that, and then what she had talked about with her new friends. She could tell that he was getting excited on the other end of their phone call.

"Baby...this is fantastic!! But is there any way you could wait for me to get back there? You know this is what I've been wanting, to watch you do it. But hey, are you even sure these people are on the level? I mean, what if they got some kind of venereal disease or somethin'?"

"John, they don't come across like that to me at all. The mother, she actually seems sweet. And I swear to god...I saw her suck her son's cock...right there in the fucking parking lot."

"Oh my god, Maura...yeah, that's cool and all, but I'd rather you wait until I get there. That's all I'm saying."

"Look John, you've been pushing and pushing this on me for a long time now to do this. And they're not staying around here. She's got a place just outside of Traverse City, and they're gonna need to get back there soon. Maybe not tonight, but probably at least by tomorrow, for sure."

"I know, baby, but I, I just want to be there...and see it when it happens!!"

"I want to do this, John. And I'm not waiting!!"

"Well, as much as you sound all gung-ho and turned on by these people, I'm gonna make an executive decision and put the kibosh on it for now. I want to be there when you do it with this Vince guy."

"I really hoped you weren't going to try and pull that on me. But since it's my body that's doing this hot-wife thing that you want. I'm going to make my own executive decision, too. If you give me a hard time about this...I'll just tell you, John...I'm not going to fuck Johnny, ever!! And you can just kiss all of this fantasy shit you've been harping on about, out the fuckin' window!! Just tell all your horny friends that your wife is closed for the season! Get it??"

"Wow, Maura, it sounds like you've already decided about this."

"Yeah, I guess you could say that. But you never know, I might try out this stuff that you're wanting, and find out it isn't for me. But I'd least want to try and see if I like it. You can't knock me for that, John, can you? And besides that, you should be happy that you've finally got me wanting at least this. 'Cause, you know, if this works out...there's a real good possibility that I'll give in to the thing you want, too. I'm not saying it's a definite yes about that, but at least I can tell you now...I'm not saying no to it."

And because he wanted to test her, to see if she was really serious about what it was they were talking about right then, he wanted to hear his wife repeat back to him what it was he'd been trying to coax her into over the last couple of years.

"What is it that I want? Tell me again...what is that, baby??"

"You know damn well what that is...the same thing you've been wanting at least the last two watching me and Johnny fuck!! I mean come on, lover, don't try to bullshit me that he isn't fully on board with this by now...okay? Anymore when Johnny hugs me, it's like he's trying to feel up my boobs, and my ass, too. So yeah, I know you've at least been coaching him about wanting to fuck me, John."

When he didn't answer his wife's very direct accusation, he went ahead and listened to the rest of Maura's line of reasoning. And for what she told him she was going to do, he finally stopped resisting what she wanted. But before giving her carte blanche to go ahead and do it, he gave her some conditions of his own. If she was going to be promiscuous with any of her guests, he wanted proof of it. Not only for himself, but secretly for anyone else that he might want to share it with. The thought also came to him that maybe even Johnny would most likely be interested to see what his mother was up to in her first-time experimental role of a hot-wife.

After he hung up the call with his wife, their son Johnny, who'd been sitting next to him during his whole phone conversation, asked him...

"Is everything okay with mom? Sounds like she's got something red-hot going on up there."

"Yeah, you could say that, son. But I'm hoping that when we get back, your mom's gonna be red-hot for something else...and hopefully you'll be part of it."


Once she'd gotten off the phone call with her husband, Maura came back into the cabin via the back door and found the three of them sitting in her living room. Once Vince saw her enter, he stood up and asked her if she was up to having a smoke with them.

"Hmmm, I'm not even sure if we've got any ashtrays laying around now Vince. But I didn't take you for a smoker. After all, I don't remember seeing you light up after we ate at the tavern."

"Uhh, it isn't that kind of smoke, Maura. It's more along the lines of the 'cannabis' variety."

"Ohhh, that kind of smoke. Well, it's been a few years since I've done any of that. But, maybe right now might end up being a good time to try it again because I just got off the phone with John."

Once she fully explained to them what their conversation had all been about, Victoria chimed in, "Yeah, I can see how it might help you to get a little buzzed if you're gonna cross that Rubicon, Maura."

They ended up deciding between the four of them that Vince and Maura would share some between them, while Victoria and her son could divvy up a joint of their own.

And as he held what he had rolled in front of Victoria in his hand, he felt a little awkward recalling the not-too-many lectures she'd given him in years past about the dangers of smoking pot. But because of what he'd been told had taken place the last few days, Stephen knew all of her warnings no longer applied, especially when his mother smiled when she saw him with it.

"So, I guess it turns out you like this stuff too, huh, mom? At least, that's what I've heard from Vince and Devin."

When he'd said that, Stephen and Vince traded knowing looks between each other. And as far as Victoria could tell, the expression they'd given each other confirmed how this first time she'd smoke grass with her son would be an event they'd remember for a long time to come.

Once it was lit, but unselfishly not taking a hit off of it first, Stephen casually handed it to his mother with a devilish grin on his face, telling her...

"Here ya go...Liz. I hope you're ready."

As she heard Stephen use that name, it kindled something inside Victoria with her tenaciously turned on to the fact the only other guy who'd called her that was the one who'd given her an adulterous, firm fucking in her bed the night before.

Giving her son a quick impassioned glance because he'd used her 'flirtatious' nickname, she knew her next question would most likely help unlock what she had hinted at when she'd stripped for him weeks before that.

"Ready for what, Stephen?"

"I hope you're ready to show me how fucked up you wanna get!!"

When she gave a hearty stare back to him because of the evocative words he'd spoken to her, Victoria made a decision that late afternoon hoping that it wouldn't be something she'd regret for the rest of her life.

"Honey, you've already seen me get more than frisky with you today outside of the antique store. Are you even sure you could handle me once I make up my mind to let go and do whatever the fuck I want?"

Hearing his mother's nonchalant use of profanity stoked him on, giving him even greater hope for what else she might allow to happen between them.

"Why don't we give it a try, mom, and then see where we'll go from there?"

"Yeah, let's do that, honey. Besides that...mommy's ready for her baby boy to show her how fucked up he wants to get, too."

Finally, taking hold of it, Victoria took a long, and strong drag on the joint he'd been offering her, and then as needed to be done, she held the smoke in her lungs. After handing it back to Stephen, she watched her son emulate the same actions he'd watched his mother do for the very first time in front of him.


When Maura sat next to Vince and began her journey of discovering how a 'hot-wife' needs to be with a selected conquest, she watched him, as he initiated smoking the marijuana cigarette in front of her.

"Oooh, it's been years since I've done this. I'm not sure if I'll get it right."

"That's nonsense, Mo."

She liked how he had started using that nickname for her. Like what had happened with Liz, he'd been the first one to ever call her that. And as far as she could tell, it made her feel...exclusive. Like nobody else in the world knew exactly who she was. The fact was, him using that distinctive name for her, made her feel excited and aroused. In other words...exactly, she thought, how a hot-wife's supposed to feel.

As she watched him draw in the smoke from the lit joint and then hold it within his lungs, what she'd done in the past quickly came back to her. And in not that long of a time, with her doing the same thing as him, Maura began coming under the full effect of the THC, as it commenced running through her bloodstream.

"Ooooohhh, uhhh, this is some good shit, Vince. Fuuuck, dude, it's been years...fucking years since I've..."

Even as those words were leaving her lips, Vince leaned forward and planted his mouth to Maura's, pulling the aspiring 'hot-wife' into his arms at the same time.

As she didn't do anything to fight off his advances, she and Vince fell back on the couch, while Stephen and Victoria were only a few feet away sitting on the other end of it.

While the mother and son looked on at the two of them getting sociable with each other, Victoria told her son...

"I think Vince has found a girlfriend. So now what are me and my handsome 'date' gonna do, while the two of them play around?"

"Maybe it can be like a 'monkey-see, monkey-do' kind of thing?" And once he'd told that to his mother, Victoria relaxed, giving in to her son, leaning to recline on their side of the couch, while basically doing the exact same thing that Vince and his love-interest were doing.

As Maura felt herself not having to work too hard at submitting herself to Vince, what she wanted to really happen between the two of them, she knew couldn't be done on the couch.

"C'mon lover, let's leave Lizzy and Stevie on their own. From what I can tell, they're not gonna need anybody to draw any pictures for them for what's gonna happen next."

As she led Vince into her bedroom, while they were still standing, before anything else happened, she wanted to make sure he understood what led her to the decision she had made and why she was allowing things to happen as they were. She also hoped he would be okay that whatever took place between them was only sexual and that their emotions shouldn't get entangled with any 'complications.'

"John's been after me to do this for at least two years now, Vince. There's been so many times that I've been nervous thinking how it would be the first time I'd let another guy fuck me. And now, it looks like it's here.'s almost like it's just about making me piss my panties!! But I've made up my own mind, without him having to push me anymore, this is what I want. But at least, with this being the first time I do it, with another man, that is, I don't want my husband around. I just want it to be me, and the guy I choose, to enjoy our time together. And just so we're clear about this...I'm not falling in love...okay?"

Because of what was taking place right then, he had a pretty good idea that the man she was referring to, was him. With their lips linking together again, Vince made the initial first step and began undressing her. As she allowed him to not only remove her blouse, but also the bra that covered her opulent breasts, without taking hardly any time at all, he leaned down and began running his lips and tongue across both of her boobs and the nipples that covered them.

As her upper body remained limp in his arms, Maura's chest impulsively thrust itself forward, giving Vince an even greater opportunity to run his tongue along her breasts, nipples and areolas.

"Ummmm, that feels good!! Yeah, lick them...uh-huh, just like that!!"

Giving herself fully over to the magic of his tongue, Maura relished how he was showing his attention to her boobs the way she had always looked forward to her husband doing it. And maybe soon, possibly her own son, too.

As that thought cruised its way through her head, she began imagining what it could be like if in the near future she would be standing in front of her Johnny, with his father guiding and mentoring their son in the ways to sexually please his own mother.

What, she wondered, would it be like if she were to be submissively positioned on the bed, and her husband were to sit and gaze at their son preparing to mate with his very own mother? Once their coupling had begun, would he encourage his son to ejaculate into her? Maybe he would have her kneel and suck her own son's cock and then feel him explosively cum into her mouth?

Could there happen to be an instance when her husband would be bold enough to encourage his son to fuck his mother's ass, and would she not put up any resistance to her own son performing sodomy on her?

As her marijuana-influenced mind went over all those possible scenarios, Maura reminded herself that right at that moment, she had a very handsome and attentive man who seemed more than ready to give her all the pleasure he could, while they had their limited time together.

With his attention not breaking away from Maura's naked, ample-sized breasts, Vince did what he could to slide her slacks and then her panties down and then off her legs.

When she found herself completely naked in her bedroom with a man she had only met that day, the arousal that that realization brought, made her take to her knees to begin unbuckling Vince's belt and then remove her new lover's pants off of him.

Sliding his jeans down, she was met with the sudden reality that he hadn't put on any underwear that day. Her young, potential lover was going...commando.