Three Square Meals Ch. 092


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*I'm sorry I was so mean to you,* Alyssa immediately apologised. *Come to the bedroom and I'll make it up to you, I promise!*

He could hear the earnest sincerity in her voice and he smiled as he walked out onto Deck Three. *Okay, but only because you asked nicely.*

There was a momentary pause as he strode around the bed in the Observatory, then the blonde's concerned voice rushed through his mind once again. *You feel really frustrated! I really am sorry if I overdid it with the teasing; it was meant with good intentions.*

John's quad was throbbing with a dull ache which was far from pleasant, but that wasn't really his main source of frustration. *Don't worry, beautiful. I'm irritated because of my 'super-secret project', not because of anything you did.*

*Hurry on up then, we'll make you feel much better,* she promised, with no sense of teasing or playfulness this time.

Her simple directness was refreshing and John felt relieved there wouldn't be any more game-playing tonight. He just wanted to spend some time with the second team of girls and show them his appreciation for the incredible part they played in the battle of Khalgron. Strolling through the Lagoon, he saw a familiar dark-green figure surging through the crystal-clear water.

"Jade!" he called out to her as he stopped mid-way across the Bridge.

She burst out of the water, then greeted him with a beautiful smile. "Hey, John!" She darted a guilty look at the lagoon. "I was just taking a quick dip before dinner..."

John squatted down and returned her smile. "Don't worry, I wasn't checking up on you. You're free to use the pool whenever you like. I just wondered if you're coming up to the bedroom too?"

The Nymph shook her head, dark green hair slicked back from her face. "No. This is a victory celebration for you and the girls who fought with you... I was asleep through that battle."

Frowning, John said, "I thought we decided that wasn't your fault?"

"We did," she agreed earnestly. "That's why I don't feel guilty about having you all to myself when we go to bed tonight!"

He laughed as he stood up straight again. "I'll look forward to that!"

"As will I... Master..." she replied with a coy glance, before darting under the water again.

John watched her lithe form scything through the water for a few moments, then left the Lagoon for the grav-tube. He couldn't help letting a grin of anticipation slip onto his face as he strode back down the corridor on Deck Two, heading towards his bedroom. His grin broadened when he strolled into the room, to find Alyssa, Calara, and Sakura waiting patiently for him on the end of the bed, wearing nothing but welcoming smiles.

Alyssa padded over to him and gave him a tender kiss. Her hand slid down over his chest to his trousers, then unzipped them and slipped inside, reaching lower to gently caress his quad.

"You're painfully full," she said with genuine sympathy. "I promise I wasn't teasing you just to be a bitch. Come over here and we'll empty your balls for you."

John glanced at Sakura and Calara who had already dropped to their knees beside the bed, and said in confusion, "But this evening wasn't meant to be about me... I wanted to show you three how much I appreciate each of you..."

The brown-eyed girls both gave him similar looks of affection, then Calara said, "Don't worry about that for now. Alyssa's got something really lovely planned, but we need a psychic connection with you first."

Sakura licked her full lips to make them moist. "And you know what that means..."

Alyssa gave him a reassuring smile. "Fill us up first, then you can show us... I promise, it'll be even better than fucking each of us senseless."

Intrigued, John let the blonde seductress lead him over to her kneeling companions. Between the three of them, they quickly removed his clothes, so he was standing naked before them.

Taking a loving hold of his cock, Alyssa slowly stroked his shaft as she joined the other two in kneeling before him. "Sit or stand, it's your choice. You'll feel more dominant standing and probably cum harder..."

"Time to get to work," John growled with a playful grin, grasping Alyssa's head and guiding her lips to the head of his cock.

Her eyes sparkled as she gazed up at him, opening her mouth wide into an inviting oval. With the skill of an accomplished fellatrix, she enveloped his head with soft lips, then lathered him with her tongue, getting him hot and wet. She moaned with pleasure as he pulled her forward, sinking his cock all the way down her throat. They held still like that for a moment, with her swallowing a couple of times to massage him.

John pulled her back a few inches, then said firmly, "Hold there."

The blonde let out a low moan, but stayed obediently still as he released his grasp on her head. Calara and Sakura were already leaning closer, mouths wide open, before he could tangle his fingers through their lustrous dark hair. Their lips touched as they enveloped his shaft from both sides and he shivered as he felt three tongues working on him simultaneously.

"I'm close, girls," he muttered under his breath. "Keep going like that and I'll give you what you want."

All three of them hummed lustily around him, sending delicious vibrations along his length. He stared down at them, seeing three sets of beautiful eyes gazing back up at him, their pupils wide with arousal. The four of them were locked in this thrilling tableau, with only Alyssa moving in any appreciable way. She slid back and forth, only an inch at a time, but it was more than enough stimulation for John as she fucked her throat with his cock.

He could feel the massive orgasm building and struggled to hold on, almost afraid of the titanic climax that was gathering inside him. Looking down and seeing the hungry gleam in their eyes, he realised that these three incredibly powerful women were focused solely on giving him pleasure. There was an immediate flicker of confirmation in Alyssa's eyes, matched by Calara and Sakura a second later.

It was those looks of devoted wantonness that pushed him over the edge and he howled with ecstasy as he finally came. He stared at them with unseeing eyes, bucking against the soft oval of Alyssa's lips, which were wrapped tightly around the base of his cock. Long spurts of cum shot down her throat and splashed into her slim stomach, filling her up with one heavy blast after another.

She drank her fill then swapped with Calara between spurts, quite unbeknownst to John who was overwhelmed by his mind-blowing release. Then it was Sakura's turn and by the time he was done, wavering unsteadily on his feet, the hefty contents of his quad had been pumped into the three gasping girls kneeling at his feet. They helped steady him and guided him back to the bed, where he flopped down on his back with a disbelieving laugh.

"Holy crap... That was just..." He laughed again, shaking his head as he panted for breath.

"Shh, just relax and recover," Alyssa murmured, lying down beside him. "We've still got the really good bit to go..."

Sakura and Calara spooned next to him on his left and he put his arms around all three girls as he got his breath back.

John let out a contented sigh, all tension drained from his body. "You wouldn't believe how good that felt!"

Alyssa smiled at him fondly, then leaned in to press her lips to his cheek. "We had a pretty good idea... Want to see your handiwork before we move onto the next bit?"

He smiled at her and nodded, sitting up as the girls knelt around him. Even though he'd shared his load between three of them, he was surprised to see a nice curve to all their tummies, stomachs packed full of his cum. Brushing his fingers over their rounded bellies, he shared a knowing smile with each of them in turn.

"Not long to go," Calara whispered, placing her hand on his and stroking his fingers.

Sakura let out a happy sigh, leaning into his caressing hand.

John gave them a guilty look and said, "I love all this, but I can't help feeling selfish. I really did want this evening to be about you three."

Alyssa moved around the bed so she was sitting behind him, brushing her firm breasts against his back. "We haven't started yet," she said soothingly, then beckoned the other two girls closer. "Just lean back against me," she purred in John's ear.

He did as she asked, resting his weight tentatively against her at first, then relaxing when he realised Alyssa was using telekinesis to help gently support him. Sakura and Calara moved closer too, lying against his chest with their beautiful faces only inches from his.

"Now, I've told all three of you about those metaphysical portraits in my mind," Alyssa reminded her three bedmates. "By coincidence, Calara and Sakura are the closest to you out of all the girls... remember I said you three share a portrait now?"

The two brown eyed beauties both nodded, the look in their eyes softening.

"It's not about playing favourites, or who loves each other the most," Alyssa continued in her hushed voice. "These two gorgeous girls have just embraced you completely, heart and soul."

John stroked their backs and kissed Sakura then Calara in turn, getting a shy blush from both beautiful women.

"So I was thinking... maybe there's another way the three of you can really express how much you mean to each other," Alyssa whispered, her voice soft and caring. "That perhaps I could share what I feel from each of you, every day..."

Before he could reply, John felt a sudden dual opening in his mind, like two broad portals had been flung wide open. He stared at the two girls in front of him in astonishment as he felt their matching shock through that channel. Surprise quickly turned to curiosity and as the three of them relaxed, they began to experience a much broader and richer array of emotions.

John could feel the strength of those feelings intensifying as Calara embraced their connection wholeheartedly. He could feel her profound gratitude to him for saving her brother and father, her respect for him as a leader and strategist, and her surging reverence for him as a hero of the Terran Federation. Sakura matched the Latina in the sheer intensity of the emotions he felt pouring from her. He could sense her earnest gratitude for her rescue, the deep admiration she felt for his keen sense of justice, and her awe at the way he finally helped her get retribution, then say goodbye to her parents.

Overlaying everything, he felt the pure feelings of love they felt towards him, which were wrapped around and intertwined with their every thought. As he gazed at them in wonder, he saw the same look of awe on their faces, as they realised just how much he respected, admired, and loved them in return. Tears of joy welled up in their eyes and they hugged him fiercely, overwhelmed by the magnificence of those feelings.

John held them close then looked back over his shoulder at Alyssa and said in a choked voice, "I need you too, beautiful..."

She gave him a loving kiss, then opened her mind to him as well, flooding his subconscious with her boundless feelings of love and devotion...

When John finally regained his senses, he looked at Alyssa in astonishment. "How do you possibly cope with feeling all that, all the time? It was absolutely wonderful, but still..."

Alyssa reached across him to stroke Calara and Sakura affectionately. "You let me experience each new girl a little at a time, until she adds her full beautiful voice to our chorus."

Sakura gazed at him wide-eyed as she murmured, "I had no idea you felt like that about me..."

Calara slowly nodded, her brown eyes softened with love. "You feel the same way about me as I feel about you..."

"Now you both know," John said with a gentle smile, brushing the backs of his fingers against their cheeks. He glanced at Alyssa over his shoulder. "Thank you. You were right, this was better than anything I could have imagined."

Alyssa snuggled into him from behind, planting a loving kiss on his neck. "The evening's not over yet! Why don't we go make dinner for everyone..." Her three companions looked at her in surprise and she winked at them. "I'll be right back!"

Wriggling out from behind John, Alyssa bounded into the wardrobe and disappeared from sight. He looked at the two girls in his arms, who looked as baffled as he was. When she returned, John laughed and nodded his approval as the blonde handed two of his white shirts to the nude girls, while keeping one for herself. He got out of bed and dressed in casual trousers and a t-shirt, then returned to find the trio ready to join him in the kitchen.

The white cotton shirts were too big for all of them, looking more like short dresses with the sleeves rolled back. He knew the real purpose of Dana's favourite outfit though and he stroked his hand over one curved tummy after another, smoothing the soft cotton across their skin.

"We'll have to wait about a year until we really start filling them out," Alyssa said with a wistful sigh.

Loving the doe-eyed looks on their faces, John hugged the three girls to him. "The wait this afternoon was totally worth it!"

They giggled, then walked with him to the kitchen, Calara and Alyssa hand-in-hand, while Sakura leaned against John, his arm wrapped around her shoulder. Dinner that evening was going to be Italian food, and they each worked with Sakura to start adding all the ingredients that she and Calara had prepared that afternoon into tasty dishes.

With nine mouths to feed, Calara suggested making a lasagne, as well as a spinach and ricotta tortellini. The four of them worked well as a team, with John focusing on teaching Sakura new cooking techniques and delegating the things she'd already learned to their two helpful sous-chefs. He stood behind Sakura, slipping his arms around her waist as she followed his instructions, and watching her place the pasta sheets over the mince and sauce.

When Sakura was done, she leaned back against his chest and let out a happy sigh. "Thank you so much for all this. My mother always wanted to teach me to cook and it feels like I'm honouring her memory by finally learning."

John stroked her tummy and said, "I know you wanted to learn to cook for your family, but you're going to have a real fight on your hands. I'm going to love looking after you too much."

Alyssa leaned against the counter, watching John and Sakura entwined in a tender embrace. She knew how much he loved the happy domesticity of the kitchen and sharing that passion with the Asian girl had brought them both that much closer together.

*Stop slacking off, matchmaker,* Calara said, bumping the blonde with her hip, then giving her a loving smile.

Alyssa copied John then, wrapping the brunette in her arms and giving her a passionate kiss.


Prelate Khardas strode along the broad walkway overlooking the vast assembly yard of Mar'Trinark Shipyard, his booted feet clacking on the metallic decking. The Kintark captain stiffened as he recognised High Prelate Raktian heading his way, the esteemed Kintark war hero accompanied by two hulking Royal Guard. Rasping his serrated teeth respectfully as he passed, Khardas' eyes widened when the High Prelate returned the mark of respect with the distinctive sound of sharp teeth grating together. Khardas urged himself to remain calm and resist the urge to rush after Raktian like an awestruck hatchling, instead focusing his reptilian eyes on the robed Kintark at the end of the long gantry.

"Grand Prelate, you asssked to sssee me?" Khardas enquired when he reached Melkadian, bowing his head reverently to his former mentor.

Melkadian gestured with a clawed hand to the view from the platform and replied in a hushed voice, "Have you ever ssseen anything ssso magnificent, Khardasss?"

The Kintark captain followed the sweep of his leader's claws, looking out at the seemingly endless formations of cruisers, carriers, and battleships that comprised the Kinta homeworld fleet. Glittering in the warm orange glow from Kinta's sun, the rays of light reflected off their distinctive green-and-gold armour, identifying the legion of ships as members of the elite Praetorian Guard.

"Assside from the Emperor himssself, there isss nothing in the Universsse ssso formidable," Khardas replied, as awed by the sight as his leader.

"You echo my own thoughtsss, Prelate," Melkadian agreed. He turned and clasped the captain's broad shoulder and continued, "I have a ssspecial asssignment for you, Khardasss. You have already proven yourssself in your ssservice to the Empire, ssso I know that you will be ideal for the tasssk."

"Name it, Grand Prelate... It will be done," Khardas said, holding himself taller, the spines on his back stiffening with pride.

"Your cruissser, the Jernak'tor, will be joining a ssspecial formation of ssships, tasssked with essscorting a potent new weapon in the arsssenal of the Emperor," Melkadian said, his onyx eyes boring into the cruiser captain's.

"Thank you for thisss great honour, Grand Prelate!" Prelate Khardas gasped, thrilled to be offered such an opportunity to serve the Emperor.

Melkadian studied him for a long moment, then turned and pointed out into space. "Behold! There isss the inssstrument of the Emperor'sss will..."

Khardas turned to look, his eyes widening as he saw the colossal size of the vessel slowly moving into view as it left the Mar'Trinark drydock. As more of the vast ship appeared, the Prelate's look of wonder turned into one of horror as he recognised the enormous spacecraft for what it really was.

"By Malganth the Betrayer!" he hissed, turning to gape at Melkadian, an expression of disgusted outrage on his face. "What isss that abomination?!"

"We will turn one of their mossst potent weaponsss againssst them," the Grand Prelate murmured in his sibilant voice. Obsidian orbs bored into Khardas' soul and there was a dangerous undercurrent to his tone as he continued, "Sssurely you do not quessstion the wisssdom of the Emperor himssself?"

Lowering his broad stature in a gesture of submission, Prelate Khardas quickly shook his head. "Of courssse not, Grand Prelate, but... can one ssso low, truly be trusssted?"

Melkadian gave him a wicked grin, revealing rows of razor-sharp teeth. "Of that I have no doubt, Prelate. May you fight with the cunning and ssstrength of the Emperor himssself in the coming battlesss."

"I will ssserve the Empire with pride, Grand Prelate," Khardas replied, recognising the dismissal for what it was.

He turned and strode away, but couldn't help darting an apprehensive glance over his shoulder. His eyes riveted to the green and gold armour on that fearsome behemoth, as it joined the unstoppable legions of the Praetorian Guard.

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Michael56SmithMichael56Smith11 months ago

So much happened with the battle for Khalgron and Jade's nap, ... but this might have been the best:

-- Faye turned towards the Asian girl, gesturing towards her as she spoke to the survivors. The little girl immediately ran towards Sakura, arms held wide for a hug, a joyful smile on her tiny dark-grey face. Sakura dropped to her knees and embraced the little girl, then glanced up at the tearful parents, who patted her shoulder and murmured words of earnest gratitude.

Alyssa could feel a lump in her throat as she watched the Trankarans thank their savior. She could feel the sense of pride in Sakura and an easing of the weight of guilt she carried on her shoulders for all those years spent as Shinatobe.

-- so yeah, this was a pivotal scene for Sakura, but she is now on the mend for real, ...

-- pretty f**king AWESOME!!! ... ;-) ttfn

AnonymousAnonymous12 months ago
Mean As!!


"It's pretty fucking cool. I think you'll love it!"


Michael56SmithMichael56Smithabout 1 year ago

-- and just what is going on at the Mar'Trinark Shipyard? What new evil schemes are the Kintark up to? It seems like they have slapped some Kintark Armor onto what used to be a T-Fed Dreadnought, ... oh boy! ;-) TTFN

Ravey19Ravey19over 1 year ago

Another success and another challenge.

Michael56SmithMichael56Smithover 2 years ago

I think Calara will make Sakura into a fine cook... this was a yummy chapter... ;-) TTFN

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