Threesome Next Door Ch. 15-21


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I interrupted, "We're interested. We like you, too. Are you guys sure? Might doing something together screw up some other relationships that each of you have?"

Both Dan and Joyce shook their heads.

I checked with Stacy and she was smiling and nodding. She said, "We have a very big king-size bed in our hotel room." She giggled and now was stroking my neck in a very sexy way. Heck, we'd already been outed.

The 'selfie' I sent Ginger an hour later showed the four of us on our hotel bed. Dan was plowing a very talented cock into Stacy, and Joyce had just started to ride me. We'd had to prop up the cellphone on the dresser and put it on a timer so we got the desired photo.

Dan was suffering from disbelief that Stacy could have that many orgasms based on what he was doing to her. Joyce looked envious. We tried to muffle Stacy lest someone in the hotel call the police or the manager.

I got back an equivalent shot from Ginger. I recognized Bill and Eve from the snapshot, but there was a new man who had Ginger impaled on his cock. Eve was sucking on one of Ginger's breasts. Bill, I guess, took the shot looking down his body so we saw his feet. He looked as though he'd already had a turn on my wife.

Ginger and I would have some 'stuff' to talk about this weekend.

* * * * *

Ginger, Jillian, Stacy, and I sat around on Saturday morning on the patio having our coffee. I was working up the gumption to call Beth and see whether she wanted to do an eight-mile run. I had to shake off the excesses from my week on the road.

Ginger, Stacy, and I were also telling each other about our week on the road and both the new and old connections we made. I explained about how we connected with Dan and Joyce.

It turned out that they had been fuck buddies for five years. They were also always trying to fix the other up with a 'sure thing'. When Joyce figured out that Stacy and I had been intimate and she knew from earlier in our conversation that I was married to Ginger, she thought she'd struck gold and could coerce us into a romp with the two of them. She didn't need much pressure, and of course Ginger knew about everything going on within a few hours.

Ginger's romp with Bill and Eve expanded to include a man named Travis Marshall who Eve knew from her work on a charity board. He was also active in a bunch of town groups, recently divorced, and a fun person. They had dinner and Ginger put her flirt on, and as Bill and Eve watched she seduced him right in front of her new friends

Ginger said, "I think Eve had forgotten how to flirt. I woke up all her old reflexes, however; or maybe Travis did. I got Travis to the point where we were making out and hot for one another. Bill and Eve had been necking too, right in their own living room. I asked Eve whether Trav and I could use the guest room for a bit, and she chuckled and said, 'Of course.'

"As we left the room, I told Eve, "Come and join us in about fifteen minutes." She came in about twelve, but it was okay. Travis was balls deep inside me by then. Bill and Eve had peeked in and decided to arrive naked, which was a good call on their part.

Eve sat and masturbated while the two men fucked me and let me blow them. I then suggested that Eve replace me. I thought she'd jump out of her skin, but she let them approach and work on her with great results. Travis finally dumped his load in Eve, and I think that was a huge turning point for Bill and Eve. It was like losing their virginities all over again."

I commented, "I can still remember when Doug did that to you, and then Brad. You did Blake and Luke way off in White Plains but I was pretty good at envisioning it, plus you took some great selfies."

Ginger laughed, "The guys liked taking pictures as they fucked me or got blown. I think it must be a guy thing."

"Guys are more visual," Jillian stated. "If they weren't I'd be out of a job, which reminds me of a problem I'm about to have where I could use your ideas."

Ginger urged her to go on.

Jillian said, "I met a nice guy on campus; I like him. His name is Troy Carlisle. I think he's about as straight as an arrow, but he likes me and asked me for a date. My question is whether and-or when I should tell him about that I'm Jill Janes, porn star."

The silence on the patio signaled to me at least that there was no good answer to her questions. I felt sorry for her.

Stacy said, "Do you think you'll have sex with him anytime soon?"

Jillian shrugged. "He's such a straight arrow I'd bet he has some boundary about that. I won't know until tonight. He's a preppy dresser, always shaves, has a decent haircut, and almost looks like a military guy."

"Are you going to flirt with him?"

Jillian laughed. "I don't know any other way. I even have a fresh STD test in my purse. I might bet that my friend is virgin, but then stranger things have happened so I won't second-guess him. He is so nice I can see he has a lot of appeal to some of the other women in the class, but he seemed to have picked me."

Ginger teased, "So, do you tell him before you fuck him or afterwards. The latter might be preferable. 'Oh, Troy, by the way my new film 'Jill Fucks the Football Team' just hit the Internet. It's selling well. I'd love it if you'd be in my next video with me where I do the basketball team.

I volunteered, "No, I'd be more subtle; something like, 'How'd you like fucking a porn star?' might be a good way to start." We were all laughing.

Stacy speculated, "Do you think he already knows that you're Jill Janes?"

Jillian shook her head. "No. He just appears so innocent I'm not sure I can even envision him jerking off to porn on his iPad or computer. Maybe he only has wet dreams."

Stacy laughed, "You'll give him wet dreams for a year once he finds out about you."

I said, "I think you want to tell him before things get too serious. You think what's the worst thing that can happen? Well, if you're a casual date and you tell him, he's not shattered if he opts out of seeing you further, and neither are you. If you wait and get into a deep relationship and tell him, I can see a lot of carnage and broken hearts along the road."

Ginger said, "There was the third date standard when I was in college. You might apply that here. Tell him on the third date."

Stacy chuckled, "Wasn't that don't fuck your new boyfriend until the third date?"

"Yes," Ginger said, "but I never paid any attention to that. I fucked Steve on our first date. I just knew he was the guy for me."

Everyone went, "Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh!" and Ginger blushed.

I said, "What if you hinted that you had a dark secret that you planned to tell him later, on a future date. Might you get a feeling of how he'd take bad news?"

Jillian shook her head, "No, he'd think I had cancer or something, or he'd keep prying away until I told him. I'll think about hinting in some way though."

Stacy said, "Hint that you are very liberal when it comes to sex. Consenting adults can do whatever they want about sex. You could even mention that you lost your virginity at a youthful age and have never looked back."

Jillian liked those ideas. She gestured for more.

Stacy asked, "Would you fuck him on your first date?"

Jillian laughed. "I have no constraints or boundaries in that regard. Yes. I even hope that's our outcome. I might even bring him back here and fuck him on the patio or in my bed."

Stacy teased, "Oh, good, then we can all join in."

"Wait until the second date, please. Let's see how this one goes."

I teased, "Well, can we at least listen in and watch, providing we're not seen or heard?"

Jillian rolled her eyes. "Sure. I guess so. You guys are so bad."

As the day rolled along we all gave Jillian some other bridge lines to use with Troy to get the right discussion started:

I've surprisingly never had an STD

I'm still in my promiscuous stage of life

I've had many one-night stands but I prefer a deeper relationship

I find that group sex can be empowering, don't you?

I've developed some significant sexual experience over the last few years

I can be a show-off at times, especially when having sex

Would it bother you if your girlfriend thought about sex all the time?

I think sooner or later partners should open up about their sexual pasts

Of course, we were all rolling on the floor laughing as each idea got tossed out.

Chapter 17 -- Slut Daughter Dates a Naïve Virgin

About six o'clock Stacy, Ginger, and I peered out the front windows of the house as Troy arrived to take Jillian out to dinner and a movie. He was just as she described, very clean cut. She bounded out of the house, and he opened the car door for her, and then ran around and got in. The car was a nondescript sedan.

I noted that Jillian had worn a very short skirt, so short that I was sure she'd be revealing something significant most of her date, especially since she'd admitted to going commando most of the time. The blouse she wore presented a lot of cleavage as well. She looked very nice and collegiate, but in a sexy way.

We went ahead and had our own dinner with the neighbors, giving them an update on Jillian. We had a lovely and sexual early evening, and then opted to head home to see whether anything transpired with Jillian and Troy.

We heard Troy's car pull up to the house just after ten-thirty. We scrambled to disappear, dodging into our darkened master bedroom and then listening through the partially open door as they came into the house.

I heard Jillian reassure him that the two of them had the place to themselves. Troy said something I couldn't hear in response, and I thought his voice sounded shaky.

I think Jillian got them both something to drink from the kitchen, and then they sat on the sofa in the living room, fortunately facing out towards the patio and not towards the bedroom hallway.

We sent Stacy on a reconnaissance mission down the hallway. She came back in thirty seconds. We whispered, "We could go and watch at the end of the hall. They won't see us unless the hall light is on. She's putting the make on him. We have to be quiet."

We tiptoed down the hallway with bare feet. We were all naked anyway. Jillian was slightly arched over Troy, kissing him with great passion. He was kissing back. She took one of his hands and put it on her breast. He fondled outside her clothes. After a few minutes of that she took the same hand and pushed it up under her blouse.

We heard Troy say, "You're not wearing a bra."

"I thought you'd like a more natural and unrestrained girl," was Jillian's reply.

Jillian finally had Troy remove her blouse completely and then encouraged him to suck on her tits. "I really like pleasing a man this way." I thought, now there's a hint that she has some experience.

Troy's shirt got removed so the two could kiss and rub together. Jillian liked that, but after a few minutes suggested there were a lot more important things to rub together. Ten minutes later they were both naked, and hands were doing miraculous things to each other.

Jillian bent over and took Troy's half-erect cock in her mouth and started sucking. He puffed up nicely, and groaned almost as much as Stacy.

I looked at Stacy and she was rubbing her slit. I pulled her away from our viewing spot back to the bedroom and shut the door. "If you masturbate, you are one very noisy girl. You'll spill the beans that we're watching."

Stacy said, "But it's so hot watching them get it on. I'll try to be aware and not make a sound."

I was doubtful but we went back down the hall where Ginger was still watching in the shadows.

The two were lying on their sides on the sofa making them harder to see. We could hear them, and it sounded very oral and getting sloppy wet. Jillian said, "Don't cum. I want you to cum in me. I'm safe and I'm on the pill."

I wasn't sure that Troy had even heard her he was moaning so loudly from her blowjob that she'd apparently paused. I became aware that Stacy had left us for a couple of minutes.

Stacy returned and motioned for Ginger and me to follow her. We went out through the garage, still naked, and ran around to the dark patio. Stacy had whispered as we left the house, "We can see much better from here. We just can't hear them."

Sure enough, Jillian and Troy were almost naked and rolling around on the sofa with each of them touching about everything there was to be touched on the other. Troy looked damned near out of control. Jillian looked in control.

We were watching and getting hot and bothered ourselves. In one sense, I couldn't believe I was sneaking round my own backyard naked and spying on my college age daughter. Ginger and Stacy were giggling and tee-heeing.

Just as we thought they were really getting into it, Jillian stretched out with one arm and snagged Troy's pants. She pulled them to her, fished through a couple of pockets, and pulled out his cellphone. In a few short actions, she was obviously making a video of the pair of them coupled together with his long and slim cock pistoning in and out of her wet pussy.

Stacy gasped, "Shit! She's making a porn film of the two of them with his phone. I bet she posts that on the Internet somewhere. She's dying to have him know about her career. I bet she figured out she could use this as a not too subtle way to tell him.

The two of them crested. Even outside, we could hear the two of them.

They kissed and Jillian still held the camera at arm's length filming them. When Troy extracted and sat back, she filmed her own pussy leaking the whiteness. We couldn't hear them, but soon Troy went down on her to clean up the mess he'd made. The cellphone kept taking a video of the scene as she moved her arm around, even changing hands with the camera.

Eventually, Jillian started to toy with Troy's equipment again, and then took his dick in her mouth. He hardened up remarkably fast. Jillian teased him some more and then mounted him as he layback on the sofa.

Stacy said, "Oh, I have a cool idea." She pranced off towards the garage again to wend her way back into the house.

Ginger and I were just preparing to go back to our bedroom when we saw Stacy saunter into the living room. She was naked and yawning, or should I say exhibiting a fake yawn. She rubbed some fake sleep from her eyes.

Stacy stopped in front of the couple as they made love on the sofa. I noticed the filming had stopped, at least for this round. Troy still hadn't become aware there was another person in the room although Stacy was only a few feet away.

Troy suddenly woke up to her presence as Stacy made more of an audible yawn, and said something rapid to Jillian. He blasted into panic mode. He about leapt out of his skin and would have covered himself, except that Jillian still had his somewhat flaccid cock inside her pussy and had been lightly riding him while he pawed at her fleshy tits. She wouldn't let him get up or move, and even pushed him back down.

I could actually read Troy's lips, 'What the fuck!'

Stacy and Jillian laughed. I think Stacy apologized for interrupting the couple because she bowed slightly and backed away from them, all the while still presenting the best parts of Stacy for viewing. Stacy went to the kitchen, got a large glass of water, and carried the glass back past the couple to the bedroom.

From the sofa, Stacy was never out of sight of the sofa, and Troy never took his eyes off of her. Jillian was giving some kind of running commentary to him about her 'sister'. Stacy waved as she disappeared down the bedroom hallway with her glass.

Ginger giggled in a whisper, "Do you think I should do the same thing?"

I snickered, "Yeah. That'll blow his mind."

Ginger pranced away towards the garage so she could sneak into the bedroom wing of the house. She looked so hot naked. Other women her age were well into deterioration, but Ginger wasn't.

I watched Troy and Jillian. He seemed to have calmed down and was back to devoting his energy to fucking his date and filling his eyes with her gorgeous body. Jillian would lean down and kiss him and sometimes hold his hands on her breasts.

Ginger appeared and started to walk through the living room towards the kitchen. She stopped and looked at her daughter and date. She gave a sexy little wave and moved on.

Troy about turned inside out again, but again Jillian wouldn't let him pull out or even cover any part of his body. A few words were exchanged between the three of them, and Ginger went on to the kitchen. I could see her rummaging in the refrigerator for something, and then I saw her scooping out a dish of ice cream for herself. She even called out to the couple, probably asking whether they wanted any.

I was doubled up with laughter watching Troy's face. He was an inch shy of fainting, and a millimeter away from bolting out the front door stark naked.

Ginger prepared two other dishes, added spoons, and carried them to the living room and set them on the coffee table right in front of the conjoined couple. Troy had shut his eyes in denial. He knew Ginger was right there watching him fuck her daughter.

Ginger walked back and got her dish and sauntered off towards the bedroom wing of our house.

I left at that point and moved back to the bedroom wing. Stacy and Ginger were in our bed doubled over with laughter and trying to think up what to do next. They were also sharing the dish of ice cream.

I said, "How'd Jillian take it?"

Ginger said, "Oh, she played it straight, as though her fucking somebody while others walk by or talked to her was normal behavior for the household. She did have an orgasmic blush about her."

Stacy looked at me and started, "Hey, maybe you could ..."

I interrupted, "No! We'll leave them be at this point."

Stacy said, "Then could the two of you fuck me. I'm all horny now."

I said with a grin, "I will concede to leaving the bedroom door open."

Less than five minutes later, Stacy's little shrieks, moans, yells, and other indications of orgasmic bliss started to filter out of the bedroom and fill the house. From prior experience we knew there was no way that Jillian and Troy weren't being serenaded by those lusty sounds of sex.

* * * * *

Jillian slipped into bed with the three of us. She announced, "Troy went home. He was kind of in shock."

"Did you tell him you were a porn star?" Stacy asked.

"No. I'm just softening him up for the kill. You two were perfect. I almost split a seam trying not to laugh. He sure responded to your naked bodies. I think he grew an inch for each of you."

Ginger snickered, "Nice to know. He looks like a nice young man."

Jillian rolled her eyes. "Until tonight he was a virgin. You all watched me take him on his first ride through the valley of pussy and cum."

Stacy said, "He cleaned you up."

"I told him if he did we could do it some more. He does have the recovery power of a sixteen year old."

"And you know this how?" Ginger asked in a teasing tone.

"N. O. Y. D. B., I believe is the correct reply," Jillian teased back.

"So, what next?" I asked.

Jillian responded, "Well, if he decides his experience wasn't too over-the-top and I'm not too 'fast' for him, he'll call me and ask for another date. He said he would, but that could also mean he was just being polite. He did make a rather rapid exit after our last fuck -- the one you saw us doing, mom." She added, "Oh, by the way, Stacy, your moans and shrieks drifting down the hall from the bedroom were the perfect touch. Nice work."

"So, you wait for his call."

"He may never want to even see me across campus again, or, led by his small head he will come trotting back hoping for more pussy. I think he's hooked."

Although it was tight, the four of us slept in our bed that night.