Threesome Next Door Ch. 15-21


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The next morning, I was up early, dressed in running gear, and per our agreement the day before connected with Beth. The two of us took a seven-mile jog. I told her all about Troy and the previous evening. She had to pause in our run to laugh given the way I recounted the story of the walk-throughs and Jillian's casual behavior.

Beth and I took a nude swim in her pool and then I went home to toss on some casual clothes. Ginger, Stacy, and Jillian were doing small projects around the house. We gathered for late coffee, and that was when Troy called on Jillian's cellphone to ask her to lunch.

Jillian accepted, and Troy came by two hours later and picked her up. After they drove off, Stacy ventured an opinion, "He's hooked. He's the kind of guy that equates sex and love. He might actually come to really love her, but right now his 'little head' is telling him he's in love, and that's mostly so he can get more sex."

I commented, "He was a virgin until last night."

She shrugged, "So, he's overcompensating for all the years he should have been getting tail before becoming a junior in college."

Jillian and Troy came back to the house about an hour after the rest of us had eaten our lunch on the patio. Both Ginger and Stacy were only wearing bikini bottoms, so their high beams were on and they were jiggling. The two came around the side of the house to where we were sitting, passing sections of the Sunday newspaper around, chatting, or reading our trash novels.

Troy stopped and waited for Jillian to say something to the other women so they could cover up. She didn't. She had been holding his hand, and continued to pull him onto the patio. She announced, "Hi everybody, we're back."

"Welcome back," I said in a cheerful tone. I was inured to seeing the girl's breasts so paid them no heed. Troy on the other hand had his eyeballs zooming in and out of his head like some Jim Carey cartoon movie.

Stacy and Ginger both greeted Troy without getting up. Ginger indicated an open chair next to her at our table, "Have a seat. This is one of our typical Sunday midday activities -- sharing the paper and editorializing about the news. You're welcome to join in."

Troy mumbled, "Thank you. Jillian also said we'd take a swim. I think I need to borrow a swimsuit."

From slightly behind Troy, Jillian said, "No you don't. Just come skinny-dipping with me." He turned and found her to be stark naked and smiling at him. In the few seconds she'd been standing there she'd removed the two items of clothing she'd been wearing.

Stacy stood and said, "I think I'll join you, if that's okay." She peeled the thong part of her bikini away so that she too was nude. Troy's eyeteeth fell out. Eventually he went off to a corner of the patio and stripped off his clothing and raced into the pool.

The three of them went into the pool chatting about some great place they'd gone for lunch in the next town over, some building that had about a dozen different restaurants all clustered into it with some other commercial establishments.

One thing I'd learned about our area and that was within a mile of the campus all you could get was pizza, subs, and Ramen noodles. Further out, the good restaurants reappeared on the major streets.

Troy got out of the pool to also find that Ginger and I were naked. I explained, "We didn't want you to feel uncomfortable. We're often nude around here on nice days like this one. You'll find we have all-over tans." I laughed jovially. Troy gave Ginger's hot body the once over three times and avoided looking at me.

Troy sat down and immediately put a section of the newspaper in his lap. He turned to me and started in, "I wanted to apologize for last night ... your daughter ... in the living room ... I thought ..."

I interrupted him, "Troy, you did nothing wrong. Jillian was very happy and that's all that matters to me. Ginger and Stacy may have something to say to you." I cast a sideways glance at the two of them.

Ginger bit the bullet, "Errr, yeah. Troy, I'm the one that needs to apologize. We were spying on you last night, and then Stacy and I decided to get cute and walk in on you. We should have just left you be, but you were too tempting."

Troy looked as though he didn't understand.

Stacy picked up the thread, "We wanted to tease you. Jillian had told us you were a little naïve and we thought teasing you might be on order. We were out of line, and I also apologize." She grinned, "But it was fun watching the two of you fucking. That was really hot."

Troy waved in the air still somewhat puzzled. "I guess we're even - kinda. I am naïve, and I don't know a lot about sex or nudity or women or stuff like that."

"Sex?" Stacy asked in a serious tone. "Just hang out around here and you'll learn all there is to know." She then giggled.

I added, "As for women, you'll never understand them, so give up trying. They'll tell you what to do. Remember the saying when the time comes, 'Happy Wife, Happy Life'. I think the concept applies to girlfriends, too."

That earned me a punch in the arm from Ginger, but it wasn't very hard and she was smiling and nodding.

Gorgeously nude Jillian pulled Troy out of the chair, away from the conversation and towards the door to the house. She said, "We do NOT want to be disturbed." They disappeared. She'd been leading Troy by holding onto his partly inflated dick.

We laughed and went back to the paper and reading.

Jillian and Troy reappeared a half-hour later. She had a glow about her, and Troy looked happy as a clam. They'd obviously had a nice little afternoon fuck. They both took a dip in the pool and then came and sat down. Troy seemed more comfortable with his nudity, and also I noted he wasn't sporting a hard-on, although that came back to life over the next hour.

Troy did look embarrassed, but happy. We'd been talking about the shameful state of our democracy and how the one person-one vote intention of the founding fathers had been all but destroyed by the actions of congress and the courts. Troy listened in, and eventually added a few points of his own.

The conversation drifted somehow to secret pacts and then to secrets even in interpersonal relationships. Ginger volunteered that she and I had no secrets other than small ones at Christmas time about each other's presents. The important things in and around our relationship were always talked about.

Jillian grinned, we'd given her a segue to talk about the elephant in the room that she needed to talk to Troy about. The ball had bounced to her part of the court.

Jillian smiled at us, almost thanking us for how the discussion had naturally morphed to where we were. She turned to Troy, "Sometimes a person doesn't know the right time to tell a big secret to someone they like. If they tell it too early, the other person is shocked and leaves, never to return to see whether things could have developed further into something beautiful.

"If they tell the secret too late, the relationship has matured and many bonds are formed. If the secret is abhorrent to the other party, the ill will that results can be greater than a nuclear detonation. Blood pours in the streets as those bonds are wrenched apart. Hate replaces love. Aversion replaces attraction.

"Troy, I have a secret to share. I hope today is the middle ground of just right -- not too early and not too late, when you hear me out, evaluate carefully, hopefully be tolerant and caring, and continue to like me. If that's not the case, please let's part friends and not lose touch. I really like you ... a lot. I'd really like to be your serious girlfriend."

Jillian leaned forward and ran her hand up Troy's arm in an affectionate manner. No one had taught her how to flirt or establish some control over crazy situations like this, yet here she was making all the right moves. I figured the fact she was nude and jiggly was also a strong vote in her favor, too.

Troy looked expectantly at Jillian. I really think the rest of us had faded into oblivion in his eyes. I thought I detected stars in his eyes -- that first blush of true love. That look alone gave me a hint about how he'd take the coming news.

Jillian took a deep breath and started talking slightly faster than normal, "Troy, I am an adult movie entertainer. I do pornography. I've done about twenty films and most of them are now up on popular websites. My movie name is Jill Janes. Moreover, my producer tells me that right now I'm the hottest thing on the Internet since it was invented. People are buying my videos left and right. I have made a lot of money doing that, and I've been planning to continue for a while. I find doing the films very empowering."

Jillian paused and studied Troy. He'd heard every word she said, but seemed to be waiting for the rest of her secret admission.

Jillian said, "Do you have any questions?"

Troy nodded, "They'll wait for later. Go on."

Jillian took another breath, "Okay. There's more. I have developed certain opinions about relationships and I hope that you'll agree with them if you want one with me. Should I go on?"


After another deep breath, "I'm unconventional. I love sex. I don't favor exclusivity or possessiveness. I believe a person can love more than one person at a time, and I mean in every way that adults love one another. Adults can do whatever they want about sex -- and that says a lot about how permissive you might view me.

"You know I'm more experienced in sex and now you know why. Even in my own household I've been sexually active, as well as with our neighbors." She gestured next door at the Reed's house.

"I don't want to create situations in your life or mine where there is jealousy or other destructive emotions. Instead, I would hope to see the emotion of compersion replace that: joy that your partner or loved one is enjoying themselves with another or in what they are doing. I say that and especially include when sex with others is involved.

"I favor equality in relationships, and not possessiveness or dominance. I don't believe in fixed roles, especially those that are based on sexual stereotypes. If we continue and form a long-term relationship, I'd like you to be involved in all aspects of my life and to embrace all these features as I have. Conversely, I would want to be involved in all aspects of your life."

Jillian looked expectantly at Troy.

Troy stood and silently retrieved his shorts and sneakers. He put both on as Jillian watched and started to worry. He smiled at her and said, "I need to take a walk and think about all that you said. There was a lot there to digest, so give me a few minutes to chew on it all. I know I have some questions, but I'll ask them when I return."

Troy pulled on a t-shirt and walked around the side of the house. Jillian watched him and reported that she could see him walking south along our street.

Jillian said in a worried tone, "What do you think?"

Stacy spoke first, "I think he'll come along for the ride. You may need to give him a sales pitch about how you will be a great adventure for him compared to some little Miss Milk Toast. At first glance, you'd think that simpler and more naïve life would appeal to him, but I think there's a daring adventure seeker inside his plain exterior -- like mild-mannered reporter Clark Kent and Superman."

Ginger said, "I agree. He didn't categorically dismiss anything that you said. He's thoughtful. I think quiet men like him are that way. They take in data, process it, reevaluate, and decide. Sometimes they need more information. I bet he'll have a lot of questions."

I nodded at Jillian. "I agree with what they said. He'll opt for an unpredictable mate that can shock and startle him in nice ways instead of someone that's as predictable as the seasons. I think you can get your hopes up. If you want I will be willing to talk to him. You can tell him all about Ginger and my relationship and our open marriage whenever you think it would help. That would give him a pair of role models to consider. We'd both be glad to talk to him about our lives."

Jillian said, "Mom doesn't make porn movies."

Ginger laughed, "Yet! I have done some erotic films for your father. Just about a month ago was my last one -- a feature film where I got spit roasted and DPed."

Jillian's eyebrows went up. "You're keeping things from me."

An hour went by before Troy came into the back yard at a brisk pace. He announced, "I'm ready to talk now, and I have a lot of questions."

Chapter 18 -- Convinced to Be Her Boyfriend

Troy sat down next to Jillian.

I asked Troy, "Would you like us to leave so you two can be alone?"

Troy shook his head. "No, that's not necessary, but please let Jillian respond to my questions rather than answering them for her."

He turned to Jillian and asked, "My questions are kind of random, but to me they seem important in some way. Many of them are just to satisfy some prurient curiosity you've stirred up, and others will help me understand whether and how to move forward."

Jillian nodded enthusiastically at him, urging him to continue. She displayed her nervousness, and she was obvious that she hoped things would go in her favor.

Troy asked, "Who were the last three men you fucked other than me and do you love them?"

Jillian blushed but responded crisply, "My father, my next door neighbor Doug, and his next door neighbor Brad. I love all of them, but I'm not 'in love' with them, to split hairs. Before them, the last men I fucked around my work were in L.A., and were other actors."

"Do you feel in love with me?"

"Honestly, we're heading in that direction but aren't there yet. I see nothing to keep me from feeling that way as we get to know each other better and as we make love more. I think I will be 'in love' with you very soon at the rate we were moving."

"Do you have relationships with women?"

"Yes. Many of them. I'm probably bisexual, but mostly I want men -- a man -- in my life."

Troy glanced at Stacy and Ginger. "Have you had sex with them?"

"Yes, and I love them as well." She gestured to the house next door, "The women next door are also my lovers sometimes."

Troy asked, "When you did your porn videos, did you fall in love with those guys?"

Jillian shook her head, "No. I like them; they're nice guys and a couple are friends, but I'm not in love with any of them. I like to be with them to do the films, but that's all."

"Do you do the films locally?"

"No, I mostly did them around the L.A. area or Las Vegas. I think that'll change to doing some films around here from time to time now that I've become so popular."

"Have you thought of quitting?"

"In a minor way. I like it too much: the sex, the feeling of empowerment, the circle of friends, and the accolades I get from viewers on the Internet."

Troy nodded, "I'd eventually like to see some of your work. I have watched porn, but I confess to not recognizing you in what I've seen."

Jillian gestured at the house, "We could watch some of my videos whenever you want."

Troy said, "You implied that you wanted to keep having sex with other men and women even if we solidify our relationship, is that accurate?"

Jillian blanched but maintained eye contact with him, "Yes, that's accurate. I would involve you, too, and give you the same freedom of action whether I'm present or not. I don't like the idea of a double standard -- one for the man and one for the woman, whether in either direction regarding the boundaries and actions."

Troy asked, "If I were to have sex with Susan Hunter for instance, that blonde in our biochem class, what would you think?"

"Oh, she's cute. I would hope you two blended together well and had fun together. I'd hope that you'd see whether she also liked to play with other girls, and bring her into our relationship if she did. If she were even more daring perhaps she'd like to participate in one of our neighborly parties where we all get together and fuck. You certainly should come to those." Jillian again gestured at the Reed's house.

"What if I fell in love with Miss Hunter?"

"Same answer, only I'd hope you'd continue to love me, too. Maybe she could come to love the two of us. I'd certainly try to love her. Maybe we could be a threesome like my mom, dad, and Stacy. If you decided she was a better choice for you, I'd support you in that decision though it might bring tears of loss to my eyes if you said you never wanted to see me again."

"Would you change any of what you said if we were to get married?"

Jillian thought a few seconds. "I don't think so. That's a kind of 'What if?' situation and the real answer may be different from that when the time comes. A marriage within the description I mentioned certainly would imply a greater commitment to each other and to working the relationship should problems arise, but I see that as a necessity in any relationship. I also see it as implementing some sense of priorities -- spouse first, and others second or to a lesser degree. You raise a good point; I've never thought of marriage. The union has always seemed so far away for me. I'm still in college."

Troy asked, "What if I got mutually interested in members of your family or your friends? What would you think if I developed relationships with them that included sex?"

Jillian laughed, "Same answer as before, only I sincerely hope that you DO develop deep relationships with them." Jillian glanced and smiled at Stacy and Ginger; Troy took in the exchange and nods.

Troy thought for a moment, "You implied you have some kind of neighborhood orgy, is that right?"

Jillian said, "Yes, but I should have my mom or dad answer that because they're here all the time for them."

Troy turned to me and I answered, "Yes, and occasionally we do refer to them as an orgy. We are very sexual. There is sharing, some doubling up, experimentation, swapping, playfulness, and much loving. We are kind and careful with each other. There is no rough stuff, no BDSM, but lots of nudity and open sex.

"We are an exhibitionist group, hoping as we have sex that others are watching. Conversely, we all enjoy watching each other. Were you to throw in with our lot, I think that might be one of the tougher hurdles to cross, especially if you're modest -- having people watch you have sex."

Troy took that in. He said, "I am only using Susan Hunter as an example, but why should I pick you over her, for instance?"

Jillian smiled and even chuckled. "I am hypersexual -- a nymphomaniac. I love sex. I will love sex with you and routinely fuck your brains out more frequently than once a day if you let me. I will give you related experiences that will blow your mind in ways that will make your grow and evolve in ways you can't even imagine. I may fuck some of your friends. I will bring you some of my friends. I want you to fuck the women in my family and my friends. We will have a ball.

"I am unpredictable. I love to give people good experiences, and in your case those will be experiences that will let you know that you are loved, cared for, adored, and have a warm body and hot pussy just waiting for you. I will also tease you, probably with sex, and try to drive you crazy so that you know I love you and am thinking of you, but in a very risqué way.

"Susan Hunter, if I read her right, is as predictable as night following the sunset. She won't act up, do daring things, think outside the box, or take risks. She's scared of life. You will always know where you stand with her, because it will be where you stood with her the day before. After some missionary sex on your honeymoon, she'll shift the relationship to where you schedule the sex, probably for a Saturday night -- only once a week in the missionary position. You will become bored and think of me often as the option that you rejected."