Through the Fire Pt. 02


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She looked at the boy, someone who had been through the fires of hell himself and who had selflessly offered nothing but comfort and friendship to her and her brother in their times of need.

She took the few steps towards him and carefully placed her arms around him. "Thank you," she said again as she felt their combined tears fall upon them and the friendship bear.

The next day, Betty and her Mum were helped into a house that their insurance company had opened up. She only saw the boy one last time. That was at Theo and her father's funeral. He was there with his sister, Betty noticed that the boy's sister had a burn scar running up and down her right arm. But the girl held onto the boy like she would have hung onto Theo, and his parents stood stoically behind them.

After the service, the family came up to Betty and her mother. His parents hugged them in that way that only parents who have been living with children with burns, who were constantly fighting against death's door would understand.

Betty hugged the boy's sister and then hugged the boy who smiled.

"Is Barry helping?" he asked.

"Barry is his name?" Betty asked with a small smile, pulling the toy bear from the backpack that someone had donated to her.

"Yes, Barry the Bear," the boy said. "He was there for me when it hurt, He's a great friend and I know he'll help you."

"Barry," she said again and looked at the sewn on black eyes once more.

"Thank you, I know your sister says you her hero, but after being there for Theo, Mum and me, I'd like it if you would be my hero too," Betty asked the boy. He nodded.

Soon, the boys and his family said their farewells, Betty and her mother continued to greet mourners and well-wishers.

[:::: 7 ::::]

I sat there stunned, I had often wondered what had happened to the little girl and her mother. I had spoken for hours with Theo, as I understood the boredom that came from being in the Tent. I had hoped to be a friend to Theo. He was a couple of years older than I was and already into skateboarding. At the time I loved how he told me he got to ride with his friends until after dark or dinner time. Theo also told me how you could 'pop a wheelie' on your bike, lifting the front end and ride around on just the back wheel. At the time I was in awe of the eight-year-olds abilities, and over the preceding years had often wondered about his family.

"He... He was..." I swallowed feeling my emotions rising quickly. "Theo was so brave. I wanted to think if I didn't make it that I could have been as brave as he was."

Betty nodded; the tears had been streaming down her face since she started the story. She retrieved the backpack, I now knew was familiar, from beside her and opened it, pulling out a worn toy bear with a patchwork of mottled fur, missing one eye, but easily understood to be very well loved throughout the years. Betty held him out and with trembling hands, I reached for it, I knew it was Barry, the toy I had given to her so many years ago. But instead, she flew into my arms and wept.

It was like both of us were again children in the Burns Unit, mourning the loss of loved ones as we cried. Sandra stood in the doorway, tears also pouring down her face seeing the reunion between Betty and me. Then without releasing my left arm from Betty, I reached out with my right.

"Come here Mrs Brown," I said, the final pieces falling into place that Sandra was Betty's mother. For the next half hour, so many emotions flew around my small living room. We moved from sadness, to joy; tears and laughter were exchanged in equal measure. In front of me was no longer Lurandra and her agent, but rather Betty and her mother, Sandra.

I called Harper and told her that I had just reconnected with Betty, that she needed to get her fat ass around here now.

Ten minutes later, Harper's jaw hit the floor as she came to the realisation that Betty Brown was Lurandra and then another twenty minutes was spent with the girls exchanging excited 'oh my gods' before they settled down.

While Harper and Betty spoke, Trey, who forever accompanied my sister, assisted Sandra in the kitchen with preparing ice cream and apple pie. The two moved in a whirlwind around my place, When I moved to help, Betty pushed me back down and sat on my lap pinning me in a chair and telling me I wasn't moving anywhere. Harper laughed and gave me a knowing smile.

I had no idea what to do. To say that both of them were enjoying my awkwardness would also be an understatement. Even with my short time together with Ava, I had never had this much intimate contact with a woman. I sat there and tried to be as still as possible. At one point Betty looked at me with shiny eyes and a knowing expression but turned back to the conversation while I tried to stop blushing.

When everyone settled back down with bowls of dessert, Betty was still firmly seated on my lap. She told us how not long after the funeral, Sandra and she moved down to Melbourne to live with a cousin of her father while they got back on their feet. They had a lot of support and at one point, a couple of years later, Betty was asked to join a children's beauty pageant to help raise money for sick kids in hospital with cancer.

At the pageant, one of the judges, who was a talent scout for a large international modelling agency and liked Betty's walk, recruited her to the agency. By the time Betty was twelve she had been promoted with a name made up to sound exotic - Lurandra, and her career was set.

Sandra and Betty refused to be separated, so Sandra became her agent, mother and daughter travelling the world together. They attend every charity that they could to raise money for good causes, but also put the time in to make sure that Betty was seen as a world class model so the charities got noticed on the world stage.

The five of us talked well into the evening and when Betty noticed that my legs we getting restless, she slipped to the side of the couch. She still held my hands and her legs were still across mine.

The fact that her hands never left mine wasn't missed by anyone in the room and a couple of times I caught Harper giving me sly glances, so I mischievously poked my tongue out at her.

With a little under an hour before midnight Harper and Trey made the move to head home and Sandra noted that Betty and her should do the same. Reluctantly, Betty got up and stretched like a cat knowing everyone was watching her.

I walked everyone out to their cars and kissed my sister and shook Trey's hand.

"She likes you," Harper whispered to me as I gave my little sister a kiss goodnight. I snorted in return, my reaction saying 'yeah right'. Harper just gave me a look and wished us a good night.

Sandra gave me a hug and thanked me for an amazing evening of reconnection, thanked me again for being there for her son in his final hours and then told Betty and I to take a couple of minutes while she let the car warm up. As she got into the modern Audi, I almost repeated the phrase 'yeah right' like a car like that needed a warmup period in our mild climate. But as Betty pulled me to her, I held my tongue.

"Brian, I..." she started then stopped. "Thank you."

"Me," I replied, "What for?"

She pulled my arms around her and looked up into my face. "I don't know that you would understand. But for more years that I call to remember, you have been my safety. In the times where I felt overwhelmed, I would hug Barry and think of how strong you were. You were the rock for me in the worst time of my life. Despite what you went through, you were there for me before anyone else. In that short time, after Mum, you became the most influential person in my life."

I went to object and she shook her head.

"I know, it was in my head. But you have always been there for me even though you didn't know it. I went to that charity event in New Farm Park to model and help raise funds for the kids. But I never thought I would see you there. When I saw you, I couldn't stop myself. I saw you while I was getting ready, that's why I beckoned you and kissed you as I walked the catwalk. Brian for as long as I can remember you have always been my hero."

I gave her a tight smile; she was still snug in my arms. Seriously one of the hottest women on the planet was here on my driveway, in my arms and calling me her hero. I felt ten feet high.

"Brian?" she said softly after a moment, both of us lost in our own thoughts, but giving me that tone that told me she was about to ask me something that I wouldn't be comfortable with.

"I was wondering," she stopped, stepped out of my arms, but didn't let me go. "I have a busy life; I'm usually flying around for half the year and the rest of the time Mum and I are just trying to find time for charities and such."

I nodded, understanding, she was busy, but I was not seeing where this was going.

"Next weekend I have a gala ball for the agency that represents a number of us Australian models and I was wondering," she stopped again and sighed. "I am hoping that if I was to ask, you would agree to go with me?"

"Me," I replied shocked, she nodded, I still couldn't believe it. "Go with you?" she nodded again. "In public?"

"Yes Brian," she told me frowning. "Together as a couple to this dinner."

"But why Betty?" I asked. I still couldn't believe it. I would be the ugly freak in a room full of beautiful people. Betty must have sensed it.

"Yes Brian, you," she said firmly, grabbing my wrist. "I would love to have you with me. In case you're missing the signals, I like you."

"Me," I replied stupidly again, repeating myself and sounding dumb. "But Betty you're a world class super model, I bet guys pay a fortune just to spend a few minutes with you. You're on the cover of magazines, you can have any man in the world at your beck and call, I..."

She put one of those oh so delicate hands to my lips stopping my self-deprecating rant. The next thing I knew she had pulled my head down and her lips were against mine. She tasted like apple pie and vanilla ice-cream and I had never tasted anything better.

"Betty," I said a minute later as she broke the kiss. "Thank you, but why would you want me there, everyone there is going to be handsome and beautiful. They'll be pearls brushed to a fine finish. I'll just be the freak."

"No," Betty said anger now in her voice. "Brian, you don't see it because people have belittled you. But you have so many people that love you, that care for you. Harper, Trey, your parents, Tim, Sonia, Geoff. You're not a freak. It might appear quick. But Brian, you have been my man for years."

"Your Man? Betty, you've dated famous people, actors, models and probably rich men. You've been photographed on yachts with the rich and famous. I've had one relationship in twenty-six years of life and she cheated on me with my arch nemesis before I even got to second base."

"So, you have been saving yourself for me all these years," Betty said playfully. "Brian you cad."

She melted back into my arms. "It's alright Brian, I won't tell anyone. But as much as I'm sure you have been checking me out online, I've also been checking you out over the past few months. I'd like it if you would come with me next week. If you're feeling uncomfortable at any point. Then we'll leave, okay? But I would like to spend time with you."

I thought about it, spend time with a hot woman that for some bizarre reason was into me. Easy.

"Alright," I told her.

I got another megawatt smile. And then another kiss, this one lasted longer. The only reason we stopped was Sandra tapped the horn.

Betty giggled. "Sorry, I forgot Mum was there. Brian, would you call me in the morning, and talk with me?" she asked me as she was pulling out her phone. "What's your number?"

I told her and she quickly called my phone that was still inside. "That's my private number, only very close friends and loved ones have it."

I felt a little bold, "Which one am I?"

"I'd like you to be in the second category and soon," she told me, then stepped back. "I need to go, but call me please, otherwise I'm calling you."

I walked back inside and kind of sat down without thinking, picking up my phone. I smiled and saw the missed call from Betty. I saved it as Betty, and then noticed the text message from my sister about ten minutes ago while I was still holding onto Betty outside.

[ Well? ] it read.

[ 😊 ] I replied.

[ wow, that good ] she sent back and then called me.

We spoke for about fifteen minutes and then I said good night and I went to bed. On the off chance, she might see it, I sent a text to Betty. [ Thinking about you ] I sent.

A moment later I got a reply. [ Can't stop thinking about you too, you are my hero, but I need sleep, however I promise to dream about us, ok? ]

I replied back with my own approval and fell asleep to the memory of the best kiss I had ever received, daring to hope that someone might really see me as more than a disfigured freak.

[:::: 8 ::::]

The following week I texted and spoke with Betty every day and everyone on the job site guessed that I had met someone. I got smirks and questions about who she was all week. I jokingly said "Lurandra." They laughed, slapping me on the back letting me know they got the joke. I just smiled and they told me they were happy for me.

I clocked off an hour early on Thursday, Sandra and Betty picking me up from my place a little after five. They took me to a very exclusive store and had me fitted for a tux, the owner almost sneering at me, till Betty told him to drop the attitude or she would drop him as one of her outfit designers.

After that we got along fine.

Saturday morning, Betty turned up to my place by herself and told me we were going for breakfast. Dressed in hats and sunglasses, hers to hide her identity and mine to hide my scars, we drove to a seaside café and spent time talking to each other about almost nothing at all. What I was quickly growing to love about Betty was that she never asked me for anything. She never demanded I treat her a certain way or that I buy her things like Ava did. In return she treated me like I was the most normal person in the world and while we got a couple of looks, either men catching Bettys curves in those amazing jeans or people catching sight of my scars. But most people quickly kept moving if I turned to look at them for more than a moment.

Breakfast, which for me was three bacon and egg toasties along with a large coffee, while Betty had a small coffee and an egg white omelette, with spinach, of which she ate like three mouthfuls. She blushed when I asked why she wasn't eating.

"I had a huge meal with this guy I like the other night, but I have a show coming up so I have to watch my intake," she told me. "But if you're still hungry..."

I finished off the rest of her food.

After eating and talking for a while, Betty and I drove to the hospital and we spent a couple of hours with Tim and Sonia. Tim was excited to show us the Lego he built throughout the day, while Sonia was content to sit on my lap and hold Betty's hand most of the time.

"Are you going to marry Ms Lurandra?" she asked me quietly at one point while Betty and Tim were spending some time with a couple of the other kids.

"Nah, I'm going to wait till you get bigger and marry you," I told her giving her a slight tickle. Sonia giggled.

"No silly, I'm too young" the little girl told me. "But if you marry Ms Lurandra, then you and her can adopt Tim and me and be our new parents."

It was delivered so innocently, but it made me stop and stare at Betty, it was at that moment she looked over at Sonia and me and smiled. Her smile faulted for a moment when our eyes met though as she saw the expression on my face. Later she asked me what was wrong and I tried to dismiss it. She wouldn't have it.

"Brian, what's wrong," she asked me. "I thought we were having a beautiful day together?"

She was letting me drive her Audi back to my place and I must admit I was enjoying the experience; I had never driven anything that reacted this well. I thought before I responded.

"Betty, where do you see this going?" I asked her.

"What do you mean where?" she replied almost right away.

"I mean, this, us, our relationship?" I stated in a voice that wasn't quite concerned, but was perhaps a notch below that. "I mean I am not complaining, for the past week I have gotten to spend time with a stunningly beautiful woman and I have had more kisses in this past week with you then I have had from any other person in my entire life and that includes my Mum."

She sniggered.

"But I am still wrapping my head around this, you're a beauty, I'm the beast. You travel all over the world and are worth millions, I have never been more than three hours outside of town and have only a few thousand in savings. I mean we are from opposite sides of pretty much everything and..."

She held up her hand and I fell silent. Then sighed.

"Brian, I've told you I like you," she said forcefully. "I get it, all your life you have seen yourself as some horrendously scarred... freak, I hate that word by the way. You've viewed that your less than people, not worthy to be seen in public because you did something so heroic that even today your sister would walk into the pits of hell to help you if needed. You were there for me when Theo died. You gave me Barry. Brian, despite what I do for a living, I don't think that I am so vain that I can't see past a few scars on your body to see the man underneath."

I said nothing, thinking about my sisters similar words many months ago while keeping both my hands on the wheel, and looking ahead. But a moment later I felt a hand come to rest on my thigh. An intimate touch I never expected. Betty's voice purred.

"Since that time in the hospital, you have been the boy I wanted to be with. I don't care what you 'think' you look like. I want to see if the man beside me right now can be the man in my dreams, the one I dreamed of dating, falling in love with. Of getting married to and having children with."

She said it so casually, yet it shocked me and the car swerved a moment until I straighten it out and Betty giggled.

"Of course, right now I'll settle for you keeping us on the road," she stated and I couldn't help but smile, her tone breaking the tense atmosphere. "But Brian, I'm serious in what I say, I like you, and I don't want to scare you by saying I perhaps more than like you.

"I have dreamt of all of that for years. If you're willing, I would be keen to explore it with you and see if there is something there."

I chanced a glance at her, and those big brown eyes were adorable. How could I say no, I just hope it didn't end in heartbreak.

"Of course, I want to say yes Betty. To even believe I could have a relationship with someone even ten percent as beautiful as you is beyond my wildest dreams. I guess it's a little hard to think that someone would truly be interested in me after all the rejection in the past."

"I get it..." I took a hand-off the steering wheel to hold hers. I sighed. "And I promise you that if you truly feel this way, I will try to stop thinking of myself as a freak," I said as my brow furrowed. "I want to believe there is something there and I have enjoyed our time together over the past week immensely."

I gave a third more expressive sigh, I felt Betty's hand tighten on my thigh and I could feel the look of concern.

"Treat me gently Betty," I told her. "If at any point you don't feel that I am right for you, please don't play with me, be kind."

Things were slightly silent until we pulled up at the lights just outside the estate heading into my house. Once the car momentum stopped, I felt Betty lean over and kiss my cheek.