Tidings of Comfort


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After dinner, and cleaning up, we three adjourned back to the living room, parking ourselves on the overstuffed couch that faced the fireplace.

"Looks like we may have to kick in the LP tonight," I commented to Susan. The outside temp was in the low '20s (Fahrenheit) and dropping. Plus, the wind was picking up. "Glad you got down to Gordon's before this crap hit," I told Andy, turning into Susan to talk to him. She had conveniently placed herself between the two of us. I was absolutely sure it wasn't by accident.

"Yeah, this is really some miserable shit," he agreed.

"It's not the worst we've seen," Susan smiled to him. "New Year's Eve, the year before Rick and I got married. We went to a party with several dozen of our 'most intimate friends'..." She air-quoted the intimate friends bit, which got Andy to smile a little. "So two in the morning or so, while we're still fucking our brains out... I mean, partying... the power goes out."

"Ouch," Andy intoned.

"Yeah, ouch," Susan agreed. "Everybody's like, where's a flashlight? Where's my clothes? Which one are you, again? Everybody's yuckin' it up, right? Until an hour later when there's still no power and the temperature is dropping. The fireplace wasn't going to keep everybody warm. The sex dropped off and some people decided they should see if their cars would start, and maybe go home...

"Others were grabbing blankets and snuggling up, while others were, like, 'excuse me, I don't know if we've met, but would you mind if I stole some of your body heat? And they'd start snuggling into them, like that..."

Susan was demonstrating with Andy's body. Beautiful. Just bloody beautiful.

"Which, of course, led to some 'oh, that's nice' and 'mmm... why haven't we fucked before?...' and 'damn, you feel good... here, have some of my heat...'." Susan had dropped her hand to Andy's crotch and was obviously getting his attention. When she got to the 'my heat' part, she took his hand and slid it under her sweater where, I was willing to bet a lot, she wasn't wearing a bra. The look on Andy's face kind of confirmed it.

I smiled and shook my head. "We ended up with a puppy-pile in front of the fireplace, and one in the kitchen where they had the oven running. People started getting creative under the blankets. Believe me, I learned a bunch about what you can do under a blanket." I got up and leaned over, kissing Susan's cheek. She was well on her way into Andy's lap.

"I'm going to go set up the LP for the furnace," I told them. "Back in a bit."

"It was around 5am when the power came back on," Susan was telling Andy as I left.

I went to the utility room where the furnace was, made sure the wood burner was filled, then checked the gas cock and regulator for the LP gas feed. When Susan and I had inherited the house from my maternal grandparents, it came with a 500 gallon tank which we normally didn't need. When it got this cold, though, it came in very handy.

When I was sure it was running alright, I did a quick check of our backup generator. Experience had taught us that winter storms could and would take out power lines in our area. Losing communications was a first this year, but that wasn't as bad as losing power. We seemed good to go, so I buttoned everything back up and headed back to join my spouse and friend. And had very good luck in pausing before walking in. Something told me to peek in, first, and I did.

Sometimes, Susan can surprise the hell out of me. She had Andy's pants open and was going down on him. Incredibly well, from the looks of it. He was lying back in the couch, eyes closed and occasionally moaning. She was alternating between deepthroating him and playing with the glans. I knew exactly what that felt like and I hoped it was as good for him as it usually was for me.

I realized that with Andy's eyes closed, I could move in to the room far enough for Susan to know I was there. I did, and when she looked up I just smiled, gave her a thumbs up and quietly exited, back to the kitchen. A little while later, I heard Andy's muffled, "ohhh, fuuuuuckkk..." and had a pretty good idea what he was 'oh, fuck-ing' about. I gave them a couple of minutes to get presentable, then made some noise as if just coming back. I rounded the corner into the living room to see Susan half curled up with Andy, telling him, "so, anyway... those are some of the things I liked to do back in the day."

I kept a straight face. Seriously, I did. Other than to smile and tell them we were set for the night and to ask if anybody wanted a nightcap. I got two takers, so I went and made up some more toddies, then sat down next to Susan and relaxed. Andy seemed a little tense, like he was expecting to get caught with his hand -- or other favorite body part -- in the cookie jar. I wasn't going there, even if my life depended on it.

"You know, thinking back on it, that may have been the worst one -- getting caught in the cold without power -- but there were others. Like the time a group of us went out to get a Christmas tree..."

"I appreciate the sentiment, Rick," Andy interrupted me, "but I think one story about past exploits is about my limit for tonight." He shot a glance to Susan, who was doing an admirable job of keeping her head down to hide the smirk. Failing at it, but still, it was an admirable try. "I think I'm going to finish this and head off to bed," he added, draining his glass. "Somebody wake me in the morning."

"Will do," I told him. "Maybe we'll catch a break with the weather."

He nodded and stood, then leaned down to give Susan a peck on the cheek. She timed it perfectly and turned to catch him full on the lips, then get her hand behind his head while he was surprised and draw him down for a rather long and friendly bit of Frenching.

When she let him break the kiss, he stood up kind of flustered and sort of nodded to me, again, and headed off for his bedroom.

"You, my wonderful wife, are a wicked woman," I told her as I watched him leave.

"Uh-huh," she agreed. "Let me know when you're ready for bed, my wonderful husband." Then she leaned back into the couch, closed her eyes and basked in the warmth of the fire.

* * * * *

"Do you still like sloppy seconds?"

"I suppose so," I told her. "It's been awhile, but I don't know why I wouldn't..."

"Okay, thanks." She stopped stroking me. She'd started stroking me after she'd stopped blowing me. Which was after she'd recounted for me the play by play of seducing Andy into the blowjob. She had walked him down the proverbial garden path like a consummate professional. Professional Succubus, that is.

"Back in a few," she informed me and slid out of bed, throwing her robe on and heading out of the room. There were only three places she could be headed: the bathroom, the kitchen and Andy's room. I wasn't betting on the kitchen.

I lay there in the dark, musing on how this was evolving. Susan was going to rock his world, I was sure. If he paid any kind of attention to his partner(s), he could rock hers, too. I wasn't sure how far down the threesome path we were going to go, or whether they'd just end up Balling Buddies, but both scenarios were fine by me. Andy deserved quality sex in his life and he wasn't about to steal Susan away from me. I mean, not only could he not succeed, he wouldn't even try. We had too much respect for each other.

It was perhaps fifteen minutes later that I heard a very familiar mezzo-soprano. Susan was not being subtle. I was guessing the first fifteen had been spent with her mouth full -- hence, no sound. I was also guessing Andy was trying to be quiet. I'm not sure he actually believed me, about my encouraging him to enjoy my wife. I also discovered that listening to her across the hall brought back some really nice memories and I was chubbing up.

Well, fuck it! I thought as I dropped my hand to my cock and started stroking. May as well enjoy the sound effects.

Based on her sounds, I was guessing Susan got off about three times before I heard her tell Andy, in no uncertain terms, "Oh, fuck, yeah! Oh, yeah! Oh, yeah! Fuck me you fucking hung sonofabitch! God, FUCK me with that goddamn horse cock! Fuck me, Andy! Fuck me hard! Blow your load so fucking deep in my fucking cunt it'll take a week to leak out! Come on, stud... Fuck MeeeeEEEEEEEEE..." and she was off into a howl that told me she was getting exactly what she was demanding. Her pussy would be trying to shear him off right about then.

God, I loved listening to her. And now I had a serious debate on my hands. Or hand. Did I go ahead and get off? Or wait until she came back to bed? Then I remembered what she'd asked about sloppy seconds and decided to hold off.

Good call on my part. About ten minutes after her crescendo -- damn! I love her howl -- she slipped into our bedroom, dropped the robe, crawled in bed and told me, "fuck me."

She didn't have to tell me twice!

She lay back, spread her arms and legs and welcomed me as I covered her and slipped easily into her cum soaked pussy.

"Oh, fuck, yeah..." we moaned together as I bottomed out.

"I am so damned glad you don't do jealous," she added as I started a gentle thrusting.

"Wasted effort," I told her as she began pushing back more insistently. "I know you'll always come back to me. So... was he good?"

"Like you couldn't hear me across the hall?" she laughed. "Yes, he's good. Bigger than I thought he'd be, but he knows how to use it, with a little direction. You'd probably enjoy him, too."

"Well, that one's off the table," I told her. "He made it pretty clear he's not interested in doing anything with me."

"Not even giving me a DP?" Susan teased. "Jesus! Not sure how'd you'd both fit in my pussy, but it would probably be worth it! Of course, there's the usual one in my pussy and one in my ass."

One of the things Susan and I both liked was being able to talk about the mundane while fucking. There was something wonderfully decadent and kinky and intimate about being docked face-to-face and going over our sex lives, or her artworks, or my current projects... weird, I know.

In this case, talking about DP'ing her with my best friend, and feeling the lube that was my best friend's cum mixed with her copious juices, and the fact that all by her lonesome she had a pussy that fit me like a glove and drove me absolutely crazy... well, I wasn't going to last a whole lot longer, no matter how slow and steady we were taking it. Somehow -- maybe being life-mates? -- she could sense what I was feeling.

"Don't hold back, Rick," she murmured, pulling me in closer. "Cum in me, deep. Think Stag and Vixen and reclaim sex... I'm so fucking close, I'm going to blow over when you do..."

Music to my ears. And the necessary impetus to think Well, Fuck It and start stroking away. I was right... it didn't take long. And she was right. As soon as I pulled up tight and started unloading into her, she went off with a loud moan and her pussy muscles started to Kegel me like she was going to shear me off.

We finally eased up, wrapped in each other's arms and her legs up over my back. She slid them down so they were behind my thighs, but she wasn't releasing me.

"Two great fucks," she told me softly as we came down. "What a way to end the day."

"Definitely," I agreed. "Goodnight, love."

"Goodnight," she told me, then kissed me long and sweet before pushing me off to roll over and fall out.

* * * * *

Saturday morning was a lazy day. The snow had dropped off, leaving a deep blanket of white behind and the sun was out, bringing the temp up above freezing. It was really peaceful and beautiful as I stood by our back door, sipping my coffee and looking out over the porch buried in a foot-plus of it.

"How much of a hassle to fire up the hot tub, Rick?" Susan asked as she appeared at my side in not very much. I mean, it was a nightgown... I think it's call a peignoir... but it was almost transparent and sexy as hell. Literally, I could count the tubercula areolae and it was obvious she had depilated everything below her neck. That is, I could count the bumps on her slightly turgid nipples and she was completely shaved.

"Oh, half an hour to shovel it out, probably, and half an hour to get it up to heat," I estimated. "Why?"

"You start on that and I'll have a pitcher of Coquito ready," she smiled.

"You're going after Andy again?" I asked.

"I'm gong after both of you. But him, mostly. I'm guessing he's driving back tomorrow, given that the plows should be through by then."

"What is my life, but to serve?" I smiled, taking her in my arms.

"-ice," she told me. "Serv-ice. Stud." She leaned up and took my face in her hands, sharing a gentle and romantic kiss. When she eased up and let me go, I headed to go get some clothes on, suitable for shoveling off the back deck, where the hot tub was under its tarp and cover. I was headed out when Andy emerged from his room with a slightly euphoric look -- which quickly added some guilt to it when he saw me.

He started to say something, an apology I think, but Susan called him from down the hall to tell him coffee and breakfast were up. One look at her in her almost nothing and he forgot whatever he was going to say to me. I smiled, patted him on the shoulder on the way by, told him he was good and headed out for snow removal duty.

A push-broom sweeping and snow shoveling later, when I was getting ready to fire up the tub, Andy came out via the path I'd cleared, wanting to know if he could help. I was done with the tub, but since I was dressed for it, I decided I should probably get out the snow thrower and clear the drive. Andy volunteered to spell me and we spent the next hour or so getting our cars dug out and a path to the road. When we knocked off from that, we went in to warm up and get treated to some spiked eggnog.

And Susan.

In not much.

Moderately opaque sprayed on skinny pants, true. And a sheer ivory blouse that left zero to the imagination -- unless you counted imagining there being no blouse there at all.

"So am I hot?" I knew she was talking about the tub. Andy didn't.

"You have no idea..." he murmured, accepting the offered mug. Susan and I kind of chuckled.

"You -- as in, your hot tub -- are hot," I told her. "I didn't put the EZ-up up over it, since there is only a light snow still coming down. Should I have?"

"No, I like sitting out in the snow, exposing myself," she told us. "To Nature," she added after a pause. "It's not cold enough to cause a problem. When you gentlemen have thawed, would you care to join me?"

"Whatever you wish, luv," I told her.

"Yeah, ditto," Andy added.

"Then I'll see you out there," she informed us and headed back towards our bedroom.

"Dude, come here," I told Andy, moving towards the picture window. "You gotta see this."

He didn't question me. He just came over and stood next to me, looking out back.

"What am I looking for?" he asked after a moment.

"Hang on a sec..." That was about the point where Susan walked out the back door, following the cleared path to the tub, in her robe. We had a perfect view of the beauty that was about to unfold.

She set her drink on the side tray, slipped her naked body out of the robe, hung it up on the clothes tree and stepped into the slightly steaming tub. She turned and picked up her drink, waving to us standing there gawking, and eased down into the water.

"Oh, God..." Andy softly moaned.

"Goddess..." I amended. "Beautiful, isn't she? And you are now on our Approved List for balling buddies. Congratulations."

Andy watched her soaking for several long moments before turning to me.

"I don't get how you can be okay with sharing like this," he told me. "But I'm damned glad you are. She is awesome and you are the luckiest man on the planet."

"I can share because her having fun with others doesn't take anything away from me," I explained. "I know she'll come back to me, no matter what. In fact, if she's had a really good time -- like she did with you -- she comes back way energized and shares it in spades. So I get to feel great, too. Shall we take our drinks and go join her?"

Andy looked at me for a moment, then gave me a huge grin.

"I'll take that as a 'yes'," I told him, set down my drink and started stripping off my clothes. Andy was right behind me. And together, we grabbed our drinks and walked our naked asses out to the tub and climbed in, to Susan's appreciative smile.

The contrast of the chill air and the hot water was slightly confusing and very stimulating to the senses. The very slight smell of the water treatment chemicals mixed with the winter evergreen scent which pervaded the air. And the sight of my lovely wife sitting across from me completed a wonderfully decadent pause from the usual daily crap.

Susan started working on Andy. Or maybe I should say, continued.

"Andy, have you ever done a threesome?" she asked, sipping teasingly at her Coquito.

"Not since Boy Scouts," he told her, taking a deep draught off his drink while keeping his eyes on her tits, visible through the water.

That brought me up short. I didn't know any of his history before we started working together. Or, more precisely, I knew general things about his growing up on a farm with his family -- parents, two older sisters, one younger brother -- and stuff like where he'd gone to school and all that. I knew he'd been a Boy Scout, but not much more than that.

"Find a couple of adventurous Girl Scouts?" Susan teased him.

"No," he admitted. "There weren't any girls around. Once there were, we sort of fell out of cooperation and into competition."

This was turning out to be something I was going to want to know more about, since it implied he had a certain amount of experience... and that could be useful. Or... my wife could just charge right ahead.

"So you've never teamed up with a guy to drive a woman out of her mind," she asked, the question implied in the statement.

"Uh... no?" he answered tentatively. I'm pretty sure he had a good idea where she was going with this.

"Would you like to?" Yeah, she was going where I thought she was going, too...

"I, uh... I don't know," he told her while looking at me.

"Do you know what 'incidental contact only' means?" she asked and got his attention off of me.

"Um... not really," he answered her, "but I could guess."

"Incidental contact is when two otherwise homophobic guys agree that bumping into each other sexually in the course of pleasuring a woman is not an issue and can be acceptable, or simply ignored," she explained. I didn't completely agree with the way she was phrasing it, but the concept was solid.

"You know what a DP is?" she went on and he nodded. "Well, I like DP's... two different kinds, actually. But the guys have to not have a problem with intimate contact. Like, the first one is the usual... one guy in my cunt, one in my ass, at the same time. The original Double Penetration. But I stretch pretty easily, so the other one I like, a lot, is two cocks in my pussy or two cocks in my ass at the same time. It's incredibly intense for me, and most of the guys who've been successful doing me that way really enjoyed themselves as well."

She was laying it on thick with the raw animal description and I could see Andy getting a little agitated. And I knew Susan was doing it on purpose.

"Of course, with you two it would be a bit of a challenge, but one I think could be fun," she told him, then turned to me. "Andy's got a nice cock, Rick... a bit longer and thicker than you, but he's got that same pronounced flare to his glans that rubs me in all the right ways. I might have to break out Kong and practice some, before I could take both of you in the same place at the same time."
