Tidings of Comfort


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Kong was her nickname for the biggest dildo she had... better than a foot long overall and about three inches wide. Andy didn't know that. What he did know was that she was describing the two of us fucking her brains out, together. And apparently, it was working on him. One of his hands started moving under the water.

"But I'm sure the two of you could do a regular DP just fine." She was not about to let up on him.

"I think we're going to need another round," I smiled to her. She knew I knew what she was doing.

"There's two more pitchers in the fridge," she told me. "You may as well just bring one out here."

So I did. I stood up with my rather turgid cock playing flagpole, eased out of the tub (with Andy watching me) and headed for the kitchen to retrieve a pitcher of Puerto Rican eggnog. I was curious to see what I'd find when I got back.

Susan was blowing Andy again.

He was up along the edge of the tub with his arms spread out on either side, steadying himself while Susan knelt between his thighs and bobbed up and down on his (to me) impressive cock. His eyes were closed again, but that changed the moment he heard the sound of my setting down the pitcher and climbing in. He looked just as guilty as the kid with his hand in the cookie jar... but Susan was not about to let him get away. One hand on his cock, the other wrapped around his thigh and her awesome mouth taking him all the way in, as far as I could tell.

I realized I had a golden opportunity and took it. I went to Andy and pried his glass from the death grip he had on it, refilled it and handed it back to him. Without a word. I think that kind of confused him. I think I confused him more when I went around behind Susan and lifted her to her feet, so her butt was up out of the water. Bless her, she didn't even miss a stroke. She kept sucking on him like it was her last meal as I lined up behind her.

The water in the hot tub would normally screw up a woman's natural lubrication, but with her butt in the air and the way she lubed, thirty seconds in that position and she'd be slathered in her own juices and I'd be able to slip in, no problem. And start fucking away.

It was one of Susan's favorite positions, from the old days, where she was getting banged from in back while sucking on a cock in front. I think she rocked Andy's body with her moan.

She came up off Andy's cock long enough to tell me, "fuck, that's good, Rick! Slow and steady and pound me into oblivion..." Then she went back to giving Andy the full Hoover treatment.

Susan and I have an agreement that encourages marital happiness: I do what she tells me to do. So I started a gentle but full length thrusting and she started timing her fellating to what I was doing. Andy might have been apprehensive with my being there and involved, but I could see it melting away as Susan worked him towards the inevitable. On the other hand, I was trying to do the same to my wife.

She got there first.

"MmfkRk..." she moaned around Andy's cock. "Mgnnafkncm!!!" And she did, too. I could feel her clamp down and pulse on me and it was, in a word, glorious! Her cumming on my cock has always been one of those things that goes right to my core. I felt everything pulling up and I knew it wasn't going to be long before I went over. Andy beat me to it.

"Oh! Fuck! Oh, fuck, Susan!" he moaned as he pushed up into her thrusting. "Oh... FUCK!!!"

The way Susan grabbed his balls and lifted, I knew he was blowing his load down her throat and she was loving it. I don't think it was a power trip, exactly, but she just felt completely Woman when she could get that kind of response out of a man. Not necessarily rational, but it sure didn't bother me. In fact, she had that power over me any time she wanted it, and this was one of those times.

She didn't even have to look back to know she was tripping me over. I swelled to impossibly hard as she continued to roll over her orgasm and pulse on me like crazy. Then I exploded.

"Oh, fuck! Oh, fuck, babe! You're makin' me... you're... OH! FUCK! CUMMING!!!"

She milked about a gallon of cum out of me before she let me ease down. And yeah, I know it wasn't a gallon, but Jeez! it sure felt like it! And she was still sucking Andy. He looked like he was getting ready to pass out. Not good in a hot tub.

"Oh, God, honey... give the man back his brains," I moaned to her. "Can't have him drowning."

She smiled at that one, and came up off his cock, then eased up to kiss him. I'm not sure she was snowballing him, but from his reaction -- hesitance, then acceptance, then really getting into it -- I think she was. When she'd moved forward to kiss him, I'd let her ease off my cock, which was rapidly detumescing.

I sat back in the hot water, picked up my drink and took a long pull on it. Andy was going to be limp fettucine by the time Susan got done with him.

* * * * *

We lazed around the hot tub after that, until around noon, when Susan got out to go make lunch. With her gone, there wasn't much reason for the two of us guys to stay there, so we went on in. Susan had a nice hot soup and sandwiches lunch laid out and afterwards, I decided a nap sounded like a really good idea. Susan and Andy agreed with me, so we split up -- Andy to his room, Susan with me to ours -- and crashed out for a couple of hours.

It was around dinner time that we figured out that the plows had gone through and the cell service was back. We had a quick conference about what to do and decided it was late enough that it was impractical for Andy to drive home that night. He decided he'd leave early in the morning.

So we spent the evening in front of the fire, playing cards and talking about the past. We also talked about the future. Andy was serious about pursuing Ms. Melissa Minette. He gave us the lowdown on all the reasons he liked her and wanted to have a more intimate relationship with her, and there were several, beyond the possibility of sex, including her being a country girl at heart, with music and art as hobbies and graphic programming as an avocation.

Although his description of her as a sexual creature was pretty impressive, too. Apparently, she was a few years younger than us at 33, a little shorter than Susan and a little heavier, a very busty beauty with long dark hair and cobalt eyes. Or at least, that's the picture I got.

In contrast, Andy's a carrot-top with light blue eyes and 36, Susan's 37 with long blonde hair down to her waist and she's got green eyes, and I'm the plain one, with brown hair I keep short and hazel eyes at 36. Andy's contact with Melissa appeared limited to dancing with her at the country bar where they'd met and a number of phone calls. According to him, she was very straightforward and engaging, sexy as hell with a laugh that made you tingle, and just enough bawdy to be very interesting.

It seemed incongruous to me that she'd be into Les Misérables, but hey... people can be into all kinds of stuff.

In an odd display of commonsense and gallantry, Andy thanked Susan for the incredible sex and begged off any further engagement that night, since he wanted to be up and on the road early, seeing as how it was four to five hours, or more depending on road conditions, and he wanted to get home in one piece. Susan made sure he got one hell of a goodnight kiss, though, and I think some of his resolve may have been melting. But she had pity on him and let him escape to bed.

On the other hand, I got one of the best royal fuckings of my life that night as she went over, aloud, all the different combinations and permutations she would love to try involving her, me, Andy and this mysterious raven-haired beauty named Melissa.

In the morning, a very wiped out me bade my very chipper friend a fond farewell with wishes for a safe drive and reassurances that it had been a fantastic weekend and profuse thanks. Susan and I watched as he drove out to the road and turned onto the highway, headed home. Then we turned to each other.

"I'm going back to bed," we said in unison.

* * * * *

"What are you guys doing for Christmas?"

Andy was on Zoom with me. We were waiting for a conference call to start.

"Nothing, really," I told him. "We're not going to go see family or anything, so we'll probably just stay home with a warm fire and our own excellent company. Most likely go down to the roadhouse for Christmas Eve dinner, to say hi to a bunch of friends. Why? What are you planning?"

"Well, we were planning to go to Melissa's parents' for the weekend, but that just fell through. I guess something's going on with their oldest daughter and they're leaving to go visit her. I don't really feel like hanging around the apartment on Christmas. You interested in a houseguest?"

"You? Any time, mate," I told him. "Susan would love to see you, I'm sure. And it does suck to be alone at Christmas."

Upon his return, after Thanksgiving, my understanding was that Andy had taken Melissa out on a few dates, all very enjoyable, but that for reasons unfathomable, he hadn't scored with her, yet. The fact that they were planning on spending the weekend at her parents' indicated to me that at least he, and maybe she, had some canoodling planned. For that to fall through had to really suck.

"You're right, it does," he agreed. "And thanks, Rick. I appreciate it."

"Look, the office is closed Friday for Christmas Eve and Monday for Christmas, so why don't you grab some PTO and come up on Thursday?" I suggested. "Christmas is Sunday, so you spend the Christmas weekend with us and go back Monday. Nothing major is shaking until after New Year's, anyway, since so many people are getting off that week."

"Hopefully, they won't be the only ones getting off," he chuckled and unfortunately, the call started right then, before I could make a suitably ribald reply. When I told Susan about it later that afternoon, she was ecstatic.

"Wonderful!" she told me with a huge grin. "You don't mind if I fuck him again, do you?"

"Why would I mind?" I asked, a little confused. She knew she didn't have to ask permission.

"Actually, I'm thinking it would be nice if I could get my DP," she told me, still grinning.

"As always, that'll be up to Andy," I shrugged. "I'm on board, and if I know you, Andy is, too. He just doesn't know it, yet." Susan just kept smiling and I could see the devious gears turning.

Which got us up to Wednesday, the 21st. I got a call from Andy, ostensibly checking that we were still good for the weekend.

"So, Rick," he asked me, "I'm packing and wondering if there's anything I can bring?"

"Nothing's changed," I told him, "other than Susan walking around higher than a kite at the idea of getting in your pants, again. Bring whatever you want."

"How about another houseguest?"

Okay, that gave me pause. "Probably," I told him. "Who?"

"Melissa. If it's okay with you and Susan."

Okay, that really stopped me.

"Melissa of the Pursuit of Happiness fame?" I asked. "I'll have to check with Susan, but I think we'd be okay. I mean, we do have three other bedrooms besides ours. What's going on?"

"Well, we were commiserating after the trip to her parents' fell apart and I mentioned that at least Fortune had smiled on me in having you and Susan as friends, who also weren't going anywhere, and that I had an invite to spend the weekend with you. I guess that got her thinking, because last night at dinner, she asked if I thought you'd mind an extra guest for the holiday. She, too, is of the opinion that being alone at Christmas sucks."

"Not to be indelicate, Andy, but is she going to be okay with our rather libidinous existence? Or has your relationship had a sea-change you failed to mention?"

"Well..." and I could see Andy was hesitating.

"C'mon, dude... what's up?" I prompted.

"Well, I sort of explained to her that you guys were 'free spirits', to put it mildly. That you were really kind of loose and easygoing... like relaxing in your hot tub in the snow sans vêtements, and like that."

"And her response was...?"

"She said you sounded like a couple of fun people," he told me. "She said you sounded like people she'd like to meet. Which is when I thought I'd check with you about maybe bringing her with."

"Okay, if she's not easily offended, it's okay with me. I'll check with Susan and get back with you. And on the everything except Melissa front, we're pretty well set and you don't need to bring anything but yourself. But just remember, Susan wants in your pants again, and even if nothing happens, my guess is the innuendo will be flying."

"I'm pretty sure innuendo isn't going to be a problem, Rick. Let me know what Susan says."

"Will do," I confirmed. "Catch you later."

We rang off and I went to find Susan. I found her in her studio, working on some wax constructs for casting. Susan was an artist in several media, mostly jewelry, mosaics and wearable art. She'd been into art quilts for a long time, but those and drawing or painting had sort of gone by the wayside recently.

"If you and Andy are okay with inviting her, then I'm okay with it," she decided. "I know how to tone it down, if I have to... although I really was looking forward to seducing Andy into a DP. Do you know if they've started boffing, yet?"

"Not that I'm aware of, and I'd think Andy would be crowing all over Creation if they had. But we can be platonic hosts. We've done it before."

"Agreed. Are we still planning on going to Maggie's for Christmas Eve?"

"I don't see why not."

"Then tell Andy to bring her along and we'll sort out sleeping arrangements later."

As indicated earlier, she and I have a marital happiness agreement. I do what she tells me to do. So I did.

* * * * *

"Hi! You must be Melissa!" Susan was at the front door, welcoming Andy and friend. I was just coming back from bringing in some more wood. We'd had some more snow, but not like back at Thanksgiving. "Come on in," she went on. "I'm Susan and my husband Rick is somewhere around here, bringing in wood, I think. Hi, Andy!" She gave him a hug and they shared a peck on the cheek kind of kiss. That's about the point where I made it to the foyer and Susan noticed.

"Oh! And this is my husband, Rick..."

I managed to get out "pleased to meet you" before Susan was ushering them into the house.

"You got much to bring in, mate?" I asked Andy as Susan led them away.

"A roll-aboard each," he told me. "In the back seat. I'll come with you."

I headed for the door, throwing on a coat, and Andy followed along. That would leave Susan and Melissa alone for a bit, but would also give me a chance to catch Andy on the side, alone.

We trudged out to his car and got out the roll-aboards, then paused before heading back in.

"You have got yourself one hell of a looker," I told him, and I wasn't being facetious. Even bundled up, it was obvious she was attractive. My guess was, by the time the coat, gloves and scarf, etc., came off, she'd be in the solidly cute to very pretty range. Dark hair, sort of pale skin, brilliant blue eyes and a smile to light up the county.

"Oh, yeah..." Andy smiled. "And I don't 'have' her, yet. But she's been getting a lot friendlier. I had to spill the beans on you guys being reformed nudists and swingers, and now it feels like there's a boatload of curiosity running around in there. But I told her about the No means No rule, and that I'd known you for a long time... that I was Best Man at your wedding... you know... that kind of stuff..."

"Who says we're Reformed?" I grinned.

"Well, I did," he smiled, "but who knows? I could be wrong..."

"I hope the drive wasn't too bad," I commented as I turned for the house. "And thanks for the call from the gas station. Susan's got dinner ready to go."

"The drive was fine," Andy told me as we walked. "Except for some idiot piled up his rig right by the Interstate exit. But we got around it okay. In fact, most of the way up here, Melissa kept looking out the window at the woods and fields and everything and kept commenting about how lovely it was, and how she missed being out in the hills, and so on. I think she's happy just being out of the city."

"We aim to please," I smiled. "I promise not to be too outrageous... of course, I can't promise anything for my wife." I let that sink in as I opened the door and we walked in to a lovely sight.

Susan had taken Melissa's coat and stuff, and I guessed put them in the front hall closet, and was standing with her in the living room in front of the fire, chatting. The lovely part was what Melissa was wearing. To say she was wearing stretch pants and a sweater would be woefully inadequate.

She was a curvy lady and she knew how to show it off. She was about the same size as Susan, but a lot bustier, and the pants and sweater hugged her figure perfectly. The two standing together was a study in contrasts... Susan's blonde hair to Melissa's raven, Susan's golden tan skin to Melissa's delicate ivory, Susan's green eyes to Melissa's blue... they were alike but different, and both beautiful.

"Where do you want these?" I asked the room in general, referring to the roll-aboards.

"You can put mine wherever Andy is sleeping," Melissa told me and I thought Andy was going to stumble in his tracks.

"Okay," Susan jumped in, "you boys do that. I'm giving Melissa the grand tour and then dinner's ready. We're having chicken cacciatore, so you boys figure out the wine." And with that, Susan was off and running, showing off our house to our new guest. I just shrugged to Andy and headed down the hall towards the room he usually used. He shrugged and followed along.

"Seems like you're about to score, big time," I told him as we stashed the luggage.

"Maybe," he agreed. "Or, maybe I have to be the platonic Good Guy and maintain her chastity, though sharing a bed. It could be a test, you know."

"Maybe," I admitted. "But you'll handle it, whatever it is. I have confidence in you. What about the wine?"

"What have you got that's red?"

"How about a Pinot Noir?"

"Works for me."

"Then let's go do it..."

We headed on back and I went to the wine rack and pulled out a bottle of Rock Wallaby (better known as Yellow Tail, I suppose). Susan had beaten me to setting the table, so I just waited with Andy until the women got back. They were taking longer than I thought it would, which probably meant they were "talking"... normally accompanied by a slight feeling of dread on my part.

They returned, beaming, from the back stoop area and Susan gave me her conspiratorial wink look. Something was up between them and I was going to find out what later. Susan enlisted Melissa's help in pouring the wine, and Andy's and mine in bringing out the food. Susan takes her cooking as seriously as she does her artwork, and the meal was perfect.

Conversation was kept to a minimum while we sated ourselves and we were on our third glasses of wine and the Tartufo di Pizzo for dessert when the table talk lightened. Started, surprisingly for me, by Melissa.

"I have got to tell you, Susan, this was an absolutely excellent meal! Andy has raved about your cooking, but this puts the lie to any exaggerations I thought he'd expressed. And your home is delightful, the countryside is awesome... it takes me back to when I was a lot younger. You and Rick are a very lucky couple... seriously." Her vocabulary and delivery seemed a bit formal, but somehow it seemed to fit her.

"Thank you," Susan answered -- graciously, to my mind. "I love to cook and I love finding out people enjoy the fruits of my labors. I can't take credit for the house, though. Rick's grandparents -- his Mom's parents -- willed us this house when they died. Rick had spent a lot of time up here, visiting and vacationing as he grew up. We've left it mostly the way it was, with only a few improvements, mostly so Rick could work from home."
