All Comments on 'To Love a Stray Ch. 12'

by Mygypsy

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iloveawereiloveawerealmost 12 years ago

first. chapter 11 was so sad and u are a favorite here of mine i was so bereft i couldnt function u came with it this chapter but i still hopes she loses the baby. Five stars

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 12 years ago
Jazzy thinks its ok?

So Jazzy thinks that its ok for Rosy to be raped for saving her life? Rosy should have allowed Jazzy to die. All the wishing in the world is not going to majcally turn the kit of the rapist Edwin into Micah's kit. I'm still hoping Rosie loses the pregnancy if not fair is fair. Jazzy should be raped too since rape for procreation is part of being a clan cat

goodwillmagicgoodwillmagicalmost 12 years ago
2 wrongs don't make a right

BUT, I have to admit that I wonder what asshole Wade would think about his daughter being raped. He probably wouldnt' care as long as a kit was the result from what he has shown. It's not the child's fault that half it's genes are from a rapist with such weak, twisted parents (sorry, but I include Marissa as she helped Wade and didn't help Rosy). At the same time I wouldn't be sad to see the fetus not survive.

I think Rosy should escape and bring the police down on the "clan". It would be hilarious if Wade, Marissa, and Edwin were hauled away to prison. Kidnapping, rape, conspiricy to rape, are just a few of the charges for them.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 12 years ago

If I'm understanding the storie line Jazzy because she's the female of the pack is suposed to be the leader right it becomes her pack or what not. Well I think now that she's well enough she should step up and tell wade just how it should be.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 12 years ago
Wade & Marissa sicken me

their ingratitude & behaviour about this entire situation is appalling. You'd expect the Alpha couple to be more sensitive to abuse. Wade needs to be punished in some way. His poor judgment should not be ignored & he should never be allowed to live this down. Marissa too - even more disgusted with her role in this, you can't tell me that there wasn't a way to prevent it from happening. She could have tried harder to save Rosie. There should definately be more back-lash. I mean, even the Toms only seem to feel empathy and guilt when Rosie is having nightmares. - Bear

kitty5670kitty5670almost 12 years ago
Great chapter

I still hate Edwin & Wade and now I'm starting to hate Jazzy. She thinks it's okay for Rosy to be raped and impregnated for saving her? Nope. Still wanting Rosy to lose the rape baby. She will then be able to stand up and leave if she wants. She's being used as a pawn to keep HER lands from her. Wade had Edwin knock her up so she would accept Micah. Now, even if she IS given her land, it's still Wade's in a way. I don't like these males at all. They are ALL sniveling little manipulators - even Micah and her bothers.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 12 years ago

This story is confusing. All the talk from the male cats in the beginning was about how female cats are treated in clan life and they seem to be different characters now. They are all very casual about the cage incident. Not downing the rape scene because obviously your stories have lots of noncon in them but the characters do not seem to be having the reactions that their development led up to. ?? If female clan cats are never harmed then why would rosy need Micah to protect her now that she is pregnant. He states that who is going to protect her from some male drowning the baby so he can impregnate her. That doesn't follow what they have said about clan life. I don't think the clan or family pull really explains why the characters are acting the way they are. Rosy lived all that time on her own making a living and now she is just ok living like this? I cant see that the pull of the clan life which she has never known would be strong enough to make her not be thinking of taking off. Is she a prisoner now? Its not explained how she can just become restrained w/out any type of authority from higher powers. ??? confused but maybe its me bc i see you got a lot of comments and even if they think they hate it they are still reading. :)

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 12 years ago
Aww, she's such a good little house-broken kit-kat now!

Raped? Check. Deserved it? Check. Collared and chained? Check. Deserves it? Check. Discarded by her rapist? Check. Publicly sexually used in her rescuer's house? Check and check again.

I liked her better when she was lonely and free. If this is your idea of a romantic heroine, I can't wait to see how you write a victimization story. Actually, I can wait a long time. The thought of some of the things you'd do to a character to hurt them deliberately make my stomach turn. Sheesh.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 12 years ago

First I love this story. Second I wish Micah's view point of the story was posted separately. I think by combining them we miss some possible important things. Such as how did Rosy feel when Micah accidently knotted her.

There are some parts of the story that I am a little confused about:

1) Chapter 10 This occurs after Rosy meets Ray for the first time.

"You make him sound like he doesn't want to have anything to do with me because he won't get any of those things back," I snap as the uneasy feeling grows.

Both of my brothers look away and I realize how blind I had been about Ray in my desire to get back some of what I lost the day Harry died.

I am a little confused as to what Rosy means. Maybe I missed what she is thinking about.

2) Chapter 12 This is while Micah is knotted with Rosy and then later.

"You mean other than having some big tom locked up inside me because he didn't know what he was doing?" Rosy asks and I grimace with shame. "Like I want to do this again sometime because it feels so bloody good!"

Conversation with her brothers:

"You mean am I sore? Yeah and no I don't intend to let 'that' happen again if I can help it," I say before rolling onto my stomach and looking at the tv. "But I have to admit it sure was one heck of a fun way to end up so sore," I say and bury my face in a pillow as I laugh. It feels surprisingly natural and right to be talking to my brothers about what has happened.

So did she like having sex with Micah or not? Did she like being knotted with him or not? This makes no sense. At first it sounds like she wants to repeat it and then later she does not.

3) Chapter 12 when Jazzy shows up and finds out Rosy is pregnant

I know how possessive Jazzy can be but she really has little choice in this; she has to accept Rosy in my life. For Rosy there are very few other options if Jazzy decides to refuse to accept what has happened.

What does it mean that there are very few options for Rosy?

Lastly in Chapter 12 Sam says to Rosy "You really need to try to have a good chat with him, see what he wants." I can't agree more. It seems like a lot of their problems come from a lack of communication. Either Micah doing what Wade orders or neither explaining things to each other.

I agree with the brothers that Rosy needs to know what is expected of her but perhaps instead of them "ganging" up on her Sam and Mitchell could take her aside and explain things. It seems that when explained things in a smaller group she copes better then with everyone present.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 12 years ago
Sorry I read this

At first I thought it was just your writing skills, but I am beginning to suspect you are into BSDM. That is the only explanation I can think of for you to write such an abusive and insensitive story. You demonstrate via your writing a complete lack of empathy, understanding or care for rape victims. This story should never have been listed under nonhuman, when it is clearly about rape, abuse and dominance. I regret I ever started reading this series.

willerileywillerileyalmost 12 years ago
Pissed Off Jazzy

Come'on. Jazzy's only there for a hot second - like a paragraph.

She hasn't had time to digest anything

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 12 years ago
PLEASE don’t stop writing!!!!

I LOVE this story not the raping part but the twist and it being an unpredictable story. Please don’t make the ending of this story predictable. Although have both micah and rosys views in the story it does get annoying but in saying that if they both had separate stories with the same plot I would just read one story and not the other ( don’t change it but do go in to more depth for both of them so that readers have a better feel/understanding). PLEASE don’t stop writing!!!!

(To the readers)

BDMS is not that bad, having rough sex is what some people are into and if you aren’t “so what” accept it and move on you’ll enjoy the story more, because from my point of view of this story (of what rosy represents) is about the struggles and battle (physical or mentally) of overcoming the nightmare of past as it is hard to do cause it is our past experiences that shapes us (that was corny but it was needed) and although we are able to do everyday activities its haunts us, even worse for rosy as her nightmares still alive.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 12 years ago

I love love love this story you have some serious talent as a writer, would love to see this as a series of books...longer and with more detail!!!!!

zoyiabzoyiabalmost 12 years ago
great chapter!!!

I can't wait to see what Jazzy's reaction is when she is filled in on everything that has happened. Maybe Jazzy can get through to Wade and get him to act reasonably, or remove wade completely? not sure how much power the she-kits have other than owning land.

kiwiplumkiwiplumalmost 12 years ago
for heavens sake

To the Anonymous who has a problem with bdsm, this is a story about werecats... if you've ever had a cat who has mated, that's what they DO. Plenty of bdsm and raping in the real world. Mygypsy does a great job of portraying all sides of it.


AnonymousAnonymousalmost 12 years ago


1. Why does every single one of the werecats avoid the word 'rape' like the plague? It's like they're coldly and maliciously accepting of brutal and heartless rapes of the females they supposedly treasure like gold, except you've managed to convey at least some discomfort with the arrangement. Rosy should be absolutely outraged - she has adopted human values and under the human value system rape is one of the worst things you can do to a woman short of murder. Their own value and behavior suggests they consider she-kits something wonderful. Yet their behavior indicates they're all completely untrustworthy - the youngest among them drools over the prospect of watching her get fucked, the others expect her to use sex as a means of apology and basically make herself a subservient sex slave just to receive the basic protections any woman should expect, and they turn a blind eye continuously after she's been raped.

Jazzy walks in, everyone goes gutless and lies to her about what happened, and basically keeps up the nasty little charade. Werecat "culture" is making werewolf culture look positively civilized.

This isn't coming across as a happier chapter, it's coming off as a means of maintaining the status quo - the belief that supporting the stupid and malicious behavior of the pride's leader somehow makes sense in some sort of twisted BDSM way. Understand that this isn't BDSM. It's pure non-con and reluctance.

Your characters go on and on about "werecat culture" without actually revealing anything. Give us some insight, something that suggests that they aren't really just a bunch of evil and nasty little furry rapist bastards if that's what you mean for the plot. You've said this is about plot, but in the process of story-telling it's like you mean for ANY actual revelations to be giant shockers.

Let me put it this way: Jazzy is presented as a highly likeable character, but the way you've written this story suggests that it would be perfectly NORMAL for Jazzy to spitefully state that Rosy deserved to be not only punished but raped for saving her life. It won't come off as heroic if she doesn't; the pride's behavior has been so bad that they're every bit as guilty as the rapist and the leader themselves.

You're sabotaging your writing. This isn't meant to be a slam but constructive criticism. There are two things you need here:

1. A LOT of explanation about werecat culture, from the mouths of the werecats themselves.

2. A really good explanation as to why they have been treating rape as acceptable.

3. An explanation for why they lied to Jazzy. Lies of omission are still lies - they punished Rosy for saving Jazzy and worse, Edwin didn't just "go into her cage". He brutally and violently raped her.

I want to like this story, and I'm still reserving judgment in scoring, but you're making that damn hard to do.

CinderLawCinderLawalmost 12 years ago
Still can be surprised...

that people will read your stories and not be familiar with the way that you write. For all of the people who are disturbed by the story...why do you keep reading them? You really have the control to just stop. I promise!

As for me I really enjoy this story. I can't wait to read more. I have read several of your other stories and even though they have some tense moments in them I just can't quit reading. So Mygypsy I can't wait to read the next installment.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 12 years ago
Ohhh can't wait for the next chapter

Clearly people have not read your previous stories but clearly they should. As a woman who has sadly been in a similar situation as Rosie I can tell you they are over reacting. Sadly I was the victim of a man who was very cruel to me for several months. I will forever carry the burn scars and whip marks. And guess what, with the help of others life has moved on. What happened to Rosie is horrible BUT she has found away to accept the child she carries and to allow these Toms to care for her as they have always wanted to=with love and support.

What else could she do?? Kill herself?? Kill the baby?? Attack the Toms?? Sure she could have not been forced but you write like a realist. Sometimes bad things happen. I am not ever saying I encourage a rapist (trust me the nightmares aren't worth it) however these last few chapters have been one thing and one thing only: A STORY!!

And I would love even one of these people who have commented to tell us they have had a perfect life. If they have thats great but it isn't the norm. Your stories may hold some cruelty but it is never over done. Life is hard and sometimes bad things happen to good people. But they cannot fall by the sidelines and cry, life has to move on.

Okay now that my rant is done, this was to me a very wonderful chapter. I love how you showed her struggles with accepting the Toms but made it so she is also getting everything she has craved. My only complaint is that we had to wait a few weeks :) I cannot wait for the next chapter so hurry because I will be checking daily!!

wickedbetwickedbetalmost 12 years ago

I began reading other comments, but quickly stopped. You write wonderfully. I only wish more people harbored the same creativity you give us with each chapter you add on. I haven't been able to simply stop checking your author page every night or two in search of another chapter. Those that insult or put down your writings should not read them. Those that continue on reading, deciding to criticize your work, are most likely jealous of the continued support you get from other readers and are only harming themselves. Please continue writing, i wish to know what happens to all the characters you've created.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 12 years ago

This chapter is so immature, Rosy is so immature and with all the so called history she has I would think she be more street wise. It wouldn't matter if you started from the beginning of this story, its gotten nowhere fast. You go on about a plot, what plot? What chapter is this now? and still no plot! Also telling Micah side of the story was pointless. And whats really changed about Micah and Rosy fucking? Absolutely nothing! Think its time to bring in another character to put Micah out of his misery and let him have a relationship with a women/kittykat that returns his love and adoration who knows how to behave like an adult. I doubt there is any way you can bring Rosy character to any sort of maturity that can be believable. I vote killing her off and be done with this pathetic sniveling story line.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 12 years ago
Really liked it!

Just wanted to say i really like this chapter, very excited that Micah and Rosey are 'together' and that it seems to be settling down :) would like to see Rosey develop a little more into a werecat but shes making progress. I liked that she was asking questions and opening up more then just reacting to situations. Cant wait for next chapter!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 12 years ago
Please explain more about clan culture

I am not sure why Micah and the rest are worried about Jazzy accepting Rosy in the quarters. Wade and Marissa are still the alpha pair, and since Wade forced Rosy's pregnancy to 'settle' her down (and she is settled down and collared in the quarters) why does Micah care what Jazzy thinks? I understand from an earlier explanation that Jazzy and her future husband will inherit the ranch, but won't that be after Marissa dies? Maybe once Jazzy marries, she and Marrisa will be co-alpha females? But even so, Marissa is just an alpha in name, it is obvious she defers completely to her husband even when she knows it is wrong. So will Jazzy ever really have any authority, since she would probably have to defer to Mitchell anyway, and Mitchell is unlikely to throw his sister out. The perception of Jazzy as having any power doesn't make sense, especially in a culture which sees females as weak and powerless, in constant need of protection, and unable to even figure out who to have sex with on their own (Steven pimping out his sister to Donovan, yikes). You did provide lots of insight into clan attitudes towards boyfriends/girlfriends, who knew werecats were just as promiscuous as werewolves? The part about Rosy needing Micah's protection for her baby's safety is sad and believable (very animal kingdom, discovery channel). My hat off to you MyGypsy, you took a beating last chapter and came back strong and undaunted.


AnonymousAnonymousalmost 12 years ago
I'm done

I tried to be patient & see if you could come back after the last chapter when u completely butcher the story line but nope just more nonsense, I can't read anymore. In my mine these last two chapters didn't exist this story will forever be incomplete in my mind.

canndcanndalmost 12 years ago

Good chapter...but you are cruel ending it like that. Jeez...they were just starting to do better and she has to say what will upset him most. They need to talk when this happens. She doesn't get what she does. They need to communicate. I wish they'd told Jazzy what he did. That wade sent edwin in to rape her. Let her see what her dear daddy is and let her go after him pissed realizing that was the thanks she got for saving her life.

I'm not getting over that anytime soon! lol. I can't wait for Wade's punishment. Can Micah lock him in the cage and have someone rape him when the time comes? All in favor?

Seriously, I hope you get them to talk. He didn't even explain what he wanted between them and then gets mad when she doesn't understand. There is already the culture shock which makes her not understand their society through her human ideals she has known all this time. I hope she can open up to Micah. He wants to do right by her.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 12 years ago
You really are a piece of work!

Even though a lot of readers let you know how detestable your/your characters behave towards Rosy, you seemingly are unable to get it in your thick head. I agree with the anonymous reader who sees this story as incomplete, I can add that I see so many illogicial things (how can the she-cats be worshipped and protected by the toms of the pride on one hand) and when something like rape is happening, not even the tom who is really interested in her is capable of doing anything? Instead he has to keep quiet to to be throen out by an Alpha who is completely unsuitable as a leader and Marissa should be more than ashamed for her weakness and incompetence. An you as a female author - I have no words as I don´t want to be rude.. So totally bad story - Your telling us it is a plot does not quieten down the rage I feel when contemplating how the females and to a certain extant the males of this pride are treated. How stupid can one be expecting Rosy to settle down when reminding her all the time being a little less than a prisoner by wearing a collar and a leash. And Edwin being allowed to treat her as he has done - no points for Wade being a responsible father. Shame on Your story.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 12 years ago
Enough is enough??

I've given up on this story a couple of times due to the delays in updates and how hard it is to read some of the chapters. The previous chapter was especially disturbing and this latest post didn't do much to alleviate the feelings of horror, outrage and disgust at how the female protagonist is treated. Having read other stories by the author I do understand the style and preponderance in treating female characters like garbage but something about this story is really quite distressing.

Mygypsy is of course entitled to write the story however she sees it but if things don't take a turn for the better soon then I will have to admit defeat, delete any bookmarks I have to this story and try to forget I ever read any of it. The fact that forgetting this story will be hard could be misinterpreted as the sign of a good story, whereas in reality it is due to the utter frustration and repugnance along with the hope of a better ending that keeps this story in my head.

mrpervy46mrpervy46almost 12 years ago
Authors Rights

I reserve the author's rights to tell the story as he/she feels they are willed to, no matter whether or not I agree with them or not. I definitely don't agree with a lot of this, but I will defend "Mygypsy's" rights to tell it as she feels she must. I didn't like the way Tolkien ended "Lord of The Rings" either, but it is his book, he has that right.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 12 years ago
To a lot of the Anon commentors

You come on this site to read erotic stories, start following authors whose writings you prefer. And then have the gall to write comments that personally attack this Author because you don't like the way this story is going?

If you don't like the story stop reading! But leave the author alone, after all IT IS JUST A STORY


AnonymousAnonymousalmost 12 years ago
its ur choice to read this story

for everyone whose written negative comments, no one is forcing you to read this story. if you don't like where its going then stop reading it and Wright you own. its the authors right to decide the story line. so either suck it up or stop reading it. I personally like it even though it some of the things are disturbing.

fematesfematesalmost 12 years ago

Fucking awesome and screw all the negative comments!

I'm Here til the end, good and bad. =D

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 12 years ago
My main problem with this story

is its inconsistencies. The clan supposedly reveres and protects she-kitts yet is quick to punish Rosy harshly for whatever infraction she has inadvertently committed. Punishment and submission are such big deals in this story, I can see why some readers fear it veering into bdsm. (Which it really isn't, as bdsm only works because it's fully consensual, while Rosy has repeatedly been FORCED into things by the males in her life.) Yet somehow, after being raped into a pregnancy, Rosy is happy to publicly strip and "present" herself to Micah, and isn't upset when the whole clan stands around watching and making comments while they all wait for Micah's "knot" to unswell? Some things in the story are awfully hard to swallow!

realisticendingsrealisticendingsalmost 12 years ago
Confusing plot

Isn't Rosie entitled to her own lands? By having Edwin rape Rosie is that a way for Wade to control Rosie's lands by claiming it for his rapist son's kit? Does Wade suspect that Micah is not his kit so by having his "real" son rape Rosie and get whats hers a way of getting back at Micah? If Wade wanted Rosie to breed and settle down he could have put Micah in the cage at least Rosie wouldn't have been tied down and raped which is what Edwin did. Wade wanted to punish both Rosie and Micah and he used his rapist son to do it. Marissa is just as guilty as Wade and I hope she gets whats coming to her. There has to be a way for Rosie to lose the kit by accident or by design. Rosie is a vets assistant and has to know some drugs that can cause an abortion and also a way for her not to be able to get pregnant again against her wishes.

The plot is confusing because clan cats were supposed to revere female kits and not rape and abuse them the way the strays do. What happened to Rosie's backbone? You initailly portrayed her as a strong yet flawed character now she is a doormat accepting a rape and a rape kit even wanting the rapist to be with her?

Wasn't Rosie suicidal previously? All she has to do if shift with the collar on and she dies. Jazzy came back and does not seem to be upset that as a punishment for saving her life that Rosie was raped and impregnated against her will. Are all clan cats this stupid? As the only other female in the clan since Wade and Marissa's behavior is "normal" to Jazzy, when will it be Jazzy's turn to be raped?

Is Rosie not worth anything? Why won't her brothers or father or even the doctor help her. The doctor could have given her something after she left the cage to abort the kit. He could give her something so she isn't at the mercy of Wade and Marissa at her next heat.

Since Micah is not the strong alpha to be that you introduced in earlier chapters what is to stop Wade and Marissa from forcibly breeding Rosie each time she goes into heat?

Each clan is supposed to have a strong female alpha and Jazzy isn't it. What goes around...Who will Micah protect when it comes down to Rosie or Jazzy? Abort the kit. That kit has Edwins genes and in 20 years will be causing the same issues with his siblings that Edwin is doing now. Or is that the plot? Is Micah a rape baby and is Wade and by default Marissa punishing him for his fathers sins? Poor kit, if we are going to chaulk this up to how the animals behave on Animal Planet then we all know that the kit of the rapist Edwin will never be in line for alpha under Micah.

popparazzipopparazzialmost 12 years ago
Well Done

Bravo Mygypsy, signs of a great author. People are emotional about your story,which means you have drawn the reader in. You have excellent writing skills I love this story the way YOU have written it. Don't be discouraged by the naysayers.Your writing drew them in to read this story so that says a lot. I do not agree with all the situations in this story,,but I have faith that the story line will come together in the end. Well done, keep up the good works.Looking forward to the next chapter to see where you take us. Thank you for sharing your story with us, the readers.'

You are in good company, you DrWolf and Kalamazoo are daring authors whose stories always come together,

catman71catman71almost 12 years ago
the plot and the cast actions

i guess many readers have missed on a major point, the clan has had rules for ages, and when rosey violates them, the established treatment happens, the clan forgets rosey has never been clan, and does not know the rules, it is wrote reaction, and wade is the worst, and Micah is starting to see why non clan cats have so much trouble, its the regimented action, not the others cat fault that si the problem . as to rosey, she is a cat who lived for the most part human, dual sets of needs and desires, she at times thinks human and acts accordingly, at others she acts on her cat and its ideas, the problem , to me , is she never does it with a predictability,. thus she confuses not only the other cats, but the readers ad her self. and to wade Edwin and Micah, yes something is odd going on, what exactly i i am not sure,. but wades reaction to rosy saving jazzy is odd, and i wonder if he might not be a little off in the head for some reason

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 12 years ago

Love the story!!!! People need to re-read some of the previous chapters if they are getting confused. Wade is alpha, and he gave punishment as any alpha should. He didn't send in Micha because he didn't believe that Micha would force the issue, and Wade knows of her history, but hasn't developed those bonds with her to truly understand about why a cage traumatises her so much.

GimletEdgeGimletEdgealmost 12 years ago
Now we're cookin'!

I'm delighted with the steamy consummation of Rosy and Micah's relationship. The trials and tribulations that preceded it make it all the sweeter. I got a kick out of the way humor wove through the event, beginning with Micah's mistaken assumption about why he'd been called to her and culminating in the purloined panties. This was one of the best chapters in the story for showcasing the unique aspects of werecat culture. You don't usually get brothers so enthusiastically encouraging their sister's romantic liaisons, nor youngster's serious pleas to be allowed to watch.

There's a strong sense of things coming to fruition in this wonderful, if at times white-knuckle baring, story. You don't get heroes without villains, and TLaS has given us vivid examples of both.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 12 years ago
Confusing Plot, Should be in the Non-Consent/Reluctant Section

Rosy/Tawny was a vet nurse putting herself through college, living by herself, why does she have to stay with the clan as a prisoner/breeding slave (what else so you call it when she is put in a cage, raped, impregnated, has sex in view of her brothers, has sex which she now "enjoys" in view of the alphas). Why can't she still live next to Pete with clan "permission" rather than be subjugated to the whims of clan toms.

What happened to the strong female protagonist the author initially introduced. Rosy/Tawny was raped at 12, raped again over several years by the strays, raped again as punishment for saving Jazzy's life and now has to have sex with Micah or another strong tom as protection for her and the kit concieved in rape.

I have read several of the authors stories and how this author "romantices" rape and is pro life why not give the kit to the wondeful raping clan alphas and their raping son and allow Rosy to get on with her life...away from the clan.

Also since Rosy is obviously a stronger kit than Jazzy, to protect her own future kits, Jazzy has to get rid of Rosy. And speaking of Jazzy, has her illness made her retarded? She finds out that Rosy was raped by Edwin with permission from the alphas as punishment for saving her life and the only thing she can say is don't run away with my brothers kit? I hate rape BUT I hope some strays get a hold of Jazzy.

How can Jazzy or any one of these other crazy clan cats think that it's okay for one brother to have permission from his parents to rape the other brothers girlfriend. In the wild it would be Micah drowning Edwins kit in a bucket. If the author is too nice to get rid of the rape kit at least allow Rosy to make the decisons for the kit, the only person it belong to is her. She has two legs and can run, she needs to use them.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 12 years ago
Need more!

what a great series, please continue!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

rexbrookdalerexbrookdalealmost 12 years ago

Two thoughts: Just want to state my support for chapter 11 pt. 02; and to mention that I disagree with suggestions that this story might be better suited if listed under nonconsent. I would say that a focus of your story concerns/describes (among other things) the conflicts related to the challenge of conflict of species within one body; much more so than about the conflict of nonconsent.

What a wonderful, complex, and thought-provoking series. I don't know what I'll do when this ends; it's ruined utterly my ability to read other Lit stories with much satisfaction. Very few others live up to the quality/complexity/intellect inherent in yours.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 12 years ago
phsychological abuse

Between the constant physical and phsychological abuse, control and rape i can honeztly say this is the least erotic story i have ever read. If you are into the whole nonconsent, abuse, rape, and basically slavery, then i apologize and you did exactly what you meant to. But this is barely a "werewolf" story and more an abused slave story. Either way, if you believe that in any way the actions in this story represent healthy interactions and not rape and abuse, i hope you find phsychological help. Im not a woman, but even to me this type of behaviour is sickening. And even more so because it is portrayed as justified. Sorry for the rant but i found this deeply disturbing.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 12 years ago
Another horrid chapter

Once again you have managed to make Rosey a victim. You feel (based on your intro) that this is a happier chapter while in fact you have once again allowed Rosey to be raped basically this time in full view of all of her "clan".

I started reading this story because Rosey/Tawny was interesting. Then the story got dark but had some promise. Then it just jumped the shark and seems to ramble with Rosey being forced into situation after situation that makes her a victim but blames her for it.

I had kept reading because I hoped to see the same strong woman who started out in the story. Instead I see someone who has given in to her fate almost willingly and who is raped and forced to wear a collar and live in a cage. She saved a "valuable"she kitt's life and is being put through hell for it by a group that won't tell her all the rules and won't let her leave, keeping her by force even though they don't seem to understand that she is not just like them.

I think I am done now. Hopefully you will take all the messages to heart and fix the situation - heck, make it the biggest cop out in story history - let it all be a bad dream. At least then the awful situations you put Rosey in would not have to really occur. This story is neither romantic or erotic but rather a bit sickening which is sad as it started with so much promise.

MygypsyMygypsyalmost 12 years agoAuthor
From Mygypsy

Okay, I will explain a few things to readers who are interested

1- Wade does not understand Rosy, she does not act in the manner he believes a Clan she-kitt should. And she is a Clan cat isn't she? Repeat, Wade does not understand Rosy so he tries to make her act the way he believes she should!

2- Edwin would do anything to win approval from his father/ his Alpha. Anything to prove he is just as good if not better than the younger brother who overshadows him

3- Jazzy has been spoiled all her life and does act naive but she has been raised believing she would eventually inherit her family clan territory to hand on down to any kitts she gave birth to.

Now there is another female on HER territory, pregnant and therefore possibly looking to settle there taking space that should be for Jazzy's babies ... any wonder the warriors were worried about her reaction to Rosy?

NOTE: The warriors did not inform Jazzy of the way Rosy became pregnant in this chapter. Why? What should they have said in front of Rosy?

'Hey Jazzy, Edwin raped Rosy because Wade told him to? So let's discuss it in front of Rosy and see how much we can upset her?'

4- Marissa. Yes she made a mistake in not stopping the punishment Wade decided on for Rosy. Maybe she believed her husband wouldn't go through with it. Maybe she believed Wade had the best interests of Rosy and their Clan at heart but the best of intentions do not automatically guarantee a perfect response!

5- Micah. A tom does not depose his own father. It would be acceptable for his sister's HUSBAND to kick his father in law out but Micah has no place to take Rosy if he did step up unless he thought of kicking his own sister Jazzy out. So who does he choose? His sister whose offspring will carry on the bloodline or Rosy who he fears might not be able to handle a normal relationship with a male werecat?

Or does he continue to walk a fine line and protect BOTH of them as much as he can and keep in mind the fact in ETC it was revealed Wade had Micah whipped for defying him.


Did she enjoy sex with Micah? YES but was embarrassed to find out they were watched the second time.

Did she feel shame Edwin "gave" her to Micah? Only shame she is single and pregnant, it goes against the beliefs her 'Dad' Harry instilled in her.

Was Rosy a strong independent street wise individual before she got involved with the Williamson clan? NO DEFINITELY NOT she functioned but other than her Uncle unca dunca and to a much lesser degree Pete she had VERY LITTLE contact with others.

Why does she want to stay even after she has been treated so badly? A tom she likes? Brothers she loves? Friends? A support system to enable her to have the baby she holds no animosity towards?

I'll let you the reader decide if she has reason to want to stay......

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 12 years ago
You know this is moving right along...

Tell your story. It is yours to tell. I am a sucker for romance and I did have a hard time swallowing the ways of Wade and Edwin, but this is your story to tell. Do I want it all to end well? YES! Do I want Edwin skinned alive? YES! Wade can fall off a cliff for all I care. There are enough out of touch leaders if you ask me. Rosy, (Just shaking my head) - could someone sit with an freaking "Were-encyclopedia" and tell her what's what and then could she give them the "Human-play-by-play"? I know Jazzy might be naive, but she is NOT stupid. AND I believe Jazzy will have some serious thoughts to share with her father about the treatment of Rosy. But that's my belief. It is your story to tell. I will wait and see. AND for the folks that don't dig it, they can stop reading or give their opinions freely. It is a story, and life is not pretty. I hate rape, but sadly many of my adult friends have been molested as children. It is a hateful fact, at least this is a story that can be put away when it is done or referred to if you are in need of company with some serious baggage. My heart still hurts for all of these characters because everyone is being hurt by the reality they live in. Rosy more than anyone, but everyone in their own way loses a little with a close-minded leader, a lying, bullying abuser, a smothering family, a family that tells you half truths...., society that sees themselves one way and you another...

Keep writing, many people can only complain, you actually can articulate your imagination. Good on you:)

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 12 years ago
Mygypsy you are contradicting yourself

According to your comment you stated that Jazzy was not told that Wade had Edwin rape Rosy as punishmnet for saving her life. But on the last page of Chp 12 you wrote:

"Rosy didn't ask for Edwin," Dwayne says quietly. "Wade decided that as punishment for stealing his car to get her Uncle to help you, that Rosy has to settle down and start acting the way he believes she should. So Wade ordered Edwin to go in the cage with Rosy. Later Wade also tacked on a lengthy cage sentence as well."

"When Doc ran a blood test to confirm Rosy was pregnant, Edwin dragged her over here on a leash and all but threw her at Micah; he said he was giving her to him. Micah kicked him out of the quarters for the way he treated Rosy and if he comes back onto the Williamson compound grounds, Micah is going after him. " Dwayne tells her.

"Daddy let Edwin in the cage, but Rosy is your girlfriend now?" Jazzy asks with narrowed eyes as she looks at me. "You did take Rosy on a date or two before the Alpha meeting didn't you, before I got sick?"

Clearly we the readers can see that Jazzy was told about Rosy's rape and did not react with any genuine empathy for Rosy or outrage that the person who saved her life was RAPED as punishment for saving her, the future alpha. Unless you, the author has more wonderful things planned for Rosy like forced prostitutiom or having her serve as a cumslut for the rest of the toms, (since according to the plot she has been raped continuously since age 12)why don't you find a way for Rosy to leave this madness, with her kit, since according to you she bares NO ANIMOSITY towards the product of her rape.

Is Rosy genuinly enjoying sex with Micah or is she having sex with him as a survival tool? Rosy has been raped continuously for about 10 or more years, 1 month ago she was raped again, impregnated and now she is fine, even allowing Marissa and Wade to see her having sex with Micah and touch her. I'm trying, but its just too far out.

When Rosy was raped and impregnated by the strays she did not want the kit, but now that she has been raped by a clan cat she wants the kit? Yes, we know werecats do not exsist but if we are going by how cats act in the wild:

Jazzy could not be the dominant alpha kit since Rosy is stronger,

Jazzy would try to kill the kit to eliminate competition,

Micah is more dominant than Edwin so unless Wade and Marissa takes the kit at birth Micah is going to kill the kit

MygypsyMygypsyalmost 12 years agoAuthor
Re previous comment

Yes, I got my chapter notes mixed up. I checked notes on TLAS with only Rosy's POV. I originally wrote to ch21 over 18 months ago and I have been trying to incorporate Micah's POV since ch11 pt1.

I will also be deleting comments that are solely personal attacks from now on

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 12 years ago
I read it another way

I disagree that Jazzy understands Edwin raped Rosy. Jazzy's reaction is more confusion than anything else. The scene is a fast paced one and Jazzy's focus is on coming to grips with the new situation and figuring out how Rosy and her child fit into her clan. The key point of the scene, for me at least, was when Jazzy told Rosy "You better not go running off and taking Micah's kitt with you". Jazzy may be confused about how the current situation came to be, but she understands, after Edwin's rejection, that Micah has accepted Rosy's child as his own and is telling Rosy that she wants her to stay.

Jazzy is bossy about it but she is always bossy with those that live in the "Quarters". To me, that is another indication Jazzy is accepting Rosy and her child into her clan.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 12 years ago
Just a question...

In this particular chapter Rosy states that she is ashamed because she is not married and her father and uncle looked down upon the idea of sex outside of marriage. I am confused because, well, didn't she admit in a previous chapter to living with another female and having sexual relations with that particular woman for a while? Does lesbian sex not count?

I do rather enjoy your series and hope you continue. While I do have a few issues with some of your plot twists, I can see that you are quite talented and have a story to tell. I look forward to seeing what else you have in store.

That being said, you could use an assistant editor or something along those lines. Just something to help iron out little issues such as the one I stated. If this was an intentional inconsistency then I apologize. I just don't understand the moral issue if she was engaged in voluntary sexual activity prior to the events of the story.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 12 years ago
Please keep it coming

Your plot keeps getting better. I hope that Jazzy, now healthy, becomes strong and takes a stand against what happens. Everyone has babied her for so long . . . . now watch out. Edwin and Ray are up to something, It's killing me to wait for what.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 12 years ago
Thank you for taking the time to respond to your readers.

Your additional information helped me to reconcile what I know or have gleaned from your writings and what some true motivations of your characters are. One thing is certain; you know you are a skilled writer to have so many readers deeply emotionally invested in your characters.

If I may make a suggestion or two, please begin providing more exposition of cat life and behaviors for us. To put it this way; you may have spent lots of time watching the Discovery Channel and Animal Planet, but many of your readers (and certainly Rosy) didn't. We and she have no idea what's going on from a cat's perspective most of the time. Everybody needs all the help we can get.

Unfortunately I agree with the comments about the confusion in changing perspectives from Micah to Rosy. Maybe it is because they both talk and think in the same words, so there's no easy way to differentiate between them when you make those transitions. Unless you can find a separate voice for each of them, maybe it would be better to give us individual chapters for each of them, or perhaps alternating chapters with reviews of the events that occurred to the other person in the previous chapter.

Please keep going until the end, whatever it will be. It is your story to tell as you see it. The greatest sin a writer can commit is to leave a great tale unfinished.

TheHuntersMistressTheHuntersMistressalmost 12 years ago
We meet again...

Love the twists and turns, unpredictability, and finally Micah getting what he wanted from who he wanted! You updated fairly quickly as well, always a plus so diehard readers don't have to wait weeks :) Fan-fucking-tastic, it's not rape is she liked it ;). Keep the chapters coming!

kitty5670kitty5670almost 12 years ago
Please keep writing.

I've been a fan since I first read "Stolen". You create characters with real "flaws", emotions and man-o-man can they make some horrible mistakes that make me want to scream. But, you know what? That's a GOOD thing. I get so engrossed in your stories that I'm hooked. Chapter 11-2 really rocked me. I was shocked and angry but not at you - at Wade and Edwin and Marissa. I'm hooked. Your writing is amazing. You have the ability to create these "worlds" and characters that enthrall us. Please ignore the negatives here and keep writing. This is your story to tell, not ours. Bottom line, if it wasn't so well written, nobody would be reading it - would we???? (But please - can you pretty pretty please let Edwin, Wade and Marissa come down with chronic diarrhea, pin worms, scabies... something? LOL!)

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 12 years ago

So glad to see an update to the story. I love your writing, and I like that things aren't all clear cut and simple. There are a lot of miscommunications in life and this story full of examples of how misunderstandings can create a lot of problems. I still find it frustrating that Wade got so upset at Rosy taking actions to save his daughter, but I get his other concerns. I'm curious to see where you'll go and how you'll resolve some of these issues.

katgoddess1katgoddess1almost 12 years ago

What a twisted situation!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 12 years ago

still loving it I love that she is finally starting to realise how shw fells and hope the storey continues

iEllaiEllaalmost 12 years ago
Were is CHP 13 O.O

please please please comtinue. I know you said you would get this chp ou on June 20.... it's late. But take your time. I just want you to know you have a big fan that loves this series. Please keep up the good work. You are doing awesome.

Ella <3

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 12 years ago
You do your heroine a grave injustice

So Rosy/Tawny was raised as human with a very traditional human moralistic code towards herself, marriage, sex and children. She is educated able to earn a good living and intelligent; she was raised to respect herself and expect that others respect her as a person and the rights over her own life and her own body. WHY then would she continue to let herself be treated like this?

I can understand she initially wanted to explore the werecat side of her nature and I can understand that despite the initial cross communications and torrid start to her meeting the Clan that she initially wanted to stay to be around other werecats – ones who purported to be the honourable ‘family’ she craved - who worked as a unit who cared for and respected each other unlike the vicious strays she had met in the past. So she stayed with the Clan to see if they were any better than the strays she had been previously assaulted by. They are not.

In fact they are a million times worse – because they claimed to be above the disgusting behaviour of the strays. Enforced rape, battery, psychological and physical abuse for the slightest infringement of rules they don’t mention or explain until Rosy has ‘broken’ them… their treatment of Rosy is sadistic, atrocious and horrific. They have callously turned her into a frightened, abused breeding slave. Misunderstandings or not, any group who uses or accepts rape and enforced pregnancy as punishment is abhorrent.

The strong clever woman you originally described would never ‘romanticise’ this systematic victimisation, rape and abuse, she would leave and never look back. To have her accept this, mate with one of her abusers or make her feel she deserves it is to do your heroine a grave injustice.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 12 years ago
Just my 2c worth

I notice everyone seems to see the bad in the clan/pack werecats and yeah a lot of the comments hold merit.

But I feel there is a side to Rosy we don't see, or haven't seen as yet. I thought I caught a glimpse of a cold calculating side to her in the way she is willing to use, yes USE the toms so she can have her baby. I'm sorry but I don't see much love or even liking on her part for Micah.


AnonymousAnonymousalmost 12 years ago
Rape for procreation?

Mygypsy, I have read all of your stories but I'm having trouble with this one. I understand rape, and also "rape babies" are fetishes and as such maybe, just maybe this story should be, or at least some of these chapters, be in the Rape/Non Consent section.

The toms want to be around Rosy because it may be their only chance to be father since females are rare yet you have "allowed" your female protagonist to be impregnated by rape twice, the latest time by a weak raping tom who rapes at his fathers request???

I don't think you can have it both ways. It we are going by the rules of the animal kingdom and that Rosie's "cat" accepted the rape because she was in heat, then you also have to agree that there was no way that Marissa would have gone along with the rape because the only kits in the clan should have been the kits of her daughter Jazzy. After all, we are talking about cats. Also as the next in line female alpha, Jazzy is a cat, and female cats drive away, not accept, other fertile females.

And of course last but not least, as soon as the kit is born, the strongest tom will kill it because only then will the female come back into heat. And while I'm at it, to have Rosy prostitute herself to the strongest tom to protect a kit conceived in rape, because a tom WILL try to kill the kit is just...well...I can't find the words.

On a personal note, rape sickens me, I know someone who was conceived in rape and while the mum never hated her it was obvious that she loved her other children more. While a lot of women do not hate their children conceived by rape they also do not do more than the minimum required for them. As wars have been fought, rape is now a tool of war. Soldiers rape under the command of their superiors. Rape devastates a woman, repeated rapes makes a woman compliant to her rapist. If that is was you intended, you have succeeded. Rosy is now so compliant she is having sex with her rapists brother in full view of her own brothers and the person who ordered her rape. And no matter what you call it, Edwin is a rapist. He went into the room, tied down and raped Rosie.

And you would allow this kind of tom to be blessed with a kit, when better toms, in their lifetime will never get the opportunity to procreate. But like you said, it's your story, we are just readers, since you are not being paid, our opinion does not count.

DemonicWingsDemonicWingsalmost 12 years ago
Seriously!! attacking the author is not cool....

Seriously if you don't have any constructive criticism to say don't say any thing. To the anons read her other stories before you comment. She writes "real life" stories not fairy tale happily ever after crap. Mygypsy I Love your stories and the way u make your plots twist and turn keep up the good work! !!!

fematesfematesalmost 12 years ago
Love it!

Ok, ok so there are a lot of haters right now, but obviously something keeps bringing them back!

I personally balled like a baby through the last two chapters - and im a sick fucker who likes rape and forced impregnation. That being said the character is soooo lovely and she takes everything as it comes, she HATES the guys who raped her, never forget that but sonethings in life suck and she does not blame the Kitts. What can I say she is strong resilient and yes a little daft.

But as the old saying goes Judge not the majority because of the actions of a minority.... Something like that anyway!! =D


AnonymousAnonymousalmost 12 years ago

missed when this one came out but it's okay, can't wait for the next one! little bit upset that Jazzy didn't get angry over the fact that her dad forced Rosy to get pregnant.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 12 years ago
As so many anonomous before...

I see no plot, except for the land issue perhaps.

Rosy seem to suffer from multiple personality disorder, and the "toms" are basically one character personalitywise.

The clan culture has been discribed as protective of their females, obsessivley so. Now, they are condoning rape. They seem to view rape as a legitimate way of controlling their females. But before, that was something only the viciuos "strays" did.

Is the author aware of the inconsistensies? Does she care? Or is she (or he?) only interested in abusing the female character as much as possible? I agree with someone who pointed out this is not erotica. It isnt. Its abuse, physical and psychological.

The story is shallow. The charactees mere scetches. They have no depth, we dont even know them by apperance for crying out loud. Simple descriptions like: "His green eyes were focused on her", or "he combed his fingers through his golden hair", is enough to give the reader atleast some idea of apperance. This story lacks that.

And Rosie being fucked by Micah in public!!!!! WTF!? She is a freaking rape victim, over and over again! Dont you think she would have some problems with getting down on all four in public, with him behind her, where she cant se what he is doing?

And also, the "toms" teaching their sisters how to be fucked! Seriously! The women are so degraded its ridiculous. They need the "toms" for everything. They are completley helpless. But Rosy wasnt from the beginning. She was strong and had been living as a cat for a lot of years. Why would she suddenly become helpless? Why?!

wishmelycanwishmelycanover 11 years ago

I dont like how Wade promised never to hurt her but he let her get raped. I think the men in this story are bipolar.

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago
Several things...

Several things bother me about this story. That's not to say I don't like it.

It's all well and good to say they react differently cause they're not brought up like humans but they grow up in a human social circle - Donovan went to a human school for example.

Character development - what bloody dates? And what about all this with Wade and Edwin. After promising to protect her Wade sanctions rape and locks her in a cage after she saves his daughter? Come on. And all this with Rosy and the gun? Somehow I have a hard time with anyone reacting like that. Basically she is being kept a prisoner by these 'people' who say they care for her. And the public sex scenes between her and Micah? Gross. They may be cats but also humans and that is not generally acceptable for humans. As a writer you should understand that when we write, our stories should not be too outlandish or our readers can't identify with them. Not only that but why are Jazzy and Donovan nearly adults yet still talk, act and are described as pre teens?

That being said, I am enjoying these chapters - despite these and other issues I have with them - and with some hard work from the author and an experienced editor, I believe this story to have the potential to be extremely popular as a published work.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago
To one of the Anonymous comments above

You see no plot? how did you miss Rosy's story line? the life of an abused girl who went thought what was a (forced) turning as well as all other lifes difficuities that can happen?

Rosy seems to suffer from a personality disoder?? have you been around or suffered from rape? abuse? I have! sexaully abused, raped, tortured, you name it ive been thought and and have survived! it nothing to do wit a disorder its about how one act.. mayb u need to re read the chapters to see that..

The toms are not basically one character, read the parts that they are in, they all have different personalities..

My gosh?! they are not conodnijg rape! have you read how the guys reacted??? why they were stopped from helping? didnt u notice the culture of the clan?? if micah had tried to stop it bye biggest strongest tom caf who has a chance of stopping and righting a wrong!!

yes im a rape victim and no i dont mind knowing someone is watching.. when i started having sex again i was more at ease/relaxed/ whatever when i wasnt looking at the man.. every one handles things differently maybe that is Rosies way as well...

Rosy hasnt turned weak, she just knows the best chance her baby has is with big strong clan toms, where the baby can b treated correctly.... not use as some bargeting chip...


AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago

I hope he gets fucking killed in the next chapters SOB

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 11 years ago

I really enjoyed the story at first, but now it is just too crazy and sick for me. Wade was an alpha who was supposed to watch over her. The punishment should have fit the crime. How did he come up with Hey let's rape and forcibly impregnate the rape victim?? I mean are you kidding? I felt sick reading this. I think in a story it's about characters growing and overcoming stuff but that's just too sick. Wade's wife should have done something but she just stood there and let him. On what planet is this okay? I tried reading further, I really did but now it just makes me sick. There is no justice in this story and all the characters are awful. Even the main character. She's too weak and whiny and yes she is a victim but she kept coming back. She wavers between understanding why they do what they do (like she said she understood why Wade did what he did) but she saved his daughter. Was that not taken into consideration? You story just started making no sense. I thought as alpha Wade was supposed to protect his clan, but instead he punished the one person who saved his dying daughter. The character's motivations don't make sense.

You're a great writer, but maybe you should take some time to edit your story line and wonder whether you're sending the right message to your readers. I don't want to read about a rape victim continually getting raped in the place she trusted and considered home, I would have rather read about her recovery. It just sends the wrong message.

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago

Sorry but this has become awful , was loving it up to ch11 but now it's all over the place.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago


AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago
5 just to say fuck you dear annony

Good story. And asshole of LIT It's you who should be raped.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago


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