All Comments on 'To The Victor The Spoils'

by ukresearcher

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chytownchytownalmost 9 years ago
Good Read***

I love golf clubs. Thanks for sharing.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 9 years ago

What a load of rubbish, the only thing going for this story is that it's short. The characters are bland, the story has no substance, it could have been completed in ten lines with the same result.

sugnasugnaalmost 9 years ago
okay but

Where was the pivot? Where was the tension? There was a nice husband and wife, they were attacked, he was beaten, she was raped, and? You brought up there lack of kids, you brought up her well built boss but those two leads just died. By the way, no judge knocks off any time because a rapist is a paraplegic. Nobody likes a rapist, especially a home invading rapist. Additionally, he should have killed the rapist with on more well place crack on the head with his club. Then told the police, "I hit him twice, the first time only made him mad, the second time knocked him out." His wife would have corroborated the story, and the piece of shit would be dead. The taxpayers would have saved a pile of money and the world would be a better place.

tazz317tazz317almost 9 years ago

#1 you get paid...#2 it was a plan set up....#3 after the fact. TK U MLJ LV NV

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 9 years ago
Know your physiology

A vagina needs to be stimulated and aroused to perform in a normal manner. The physical pain of rape is often caused by the lack of lubrication. Please do not normalize rape. Rape fantasy is fairly normal, but to focus heavily on it, is abnormal.

People probably shouldn't write about rape until you have talked to a couple of victims, both male and female.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 9 years ago
last line....

First: thanks for trying something different. Also, thanks for a tag that SAYs that it would be different. Otherwise, I wouldn't have read this, knowing your writing from past efforts.

Second: Thanks for keeping this brief. Length of story was just right Enough details, with an adequate explanation of aftermath.

Third: Picking apart the "realistic" aspects of female biology, rapists with big dicks, judge's sentancing practices, or even one blow inducing paralysis...........

I'll leave that to other critics. In retrospect, I could let some of the plausibility issues bother me, but I have to say, I was well prepared to suspend my disbelief, and stay with the story. So, Good on that, at least.....

I REALLY liked that, while they stayed together, there WAS an understanding that "the magic was gone". The lingering aftermath and consequence of RAPE, and exactly why it is such a crime. It doesn't matter how badly and why they want to stay together and recover (you know the old RAAC stuff...chestnuts and all), the simple truth that with rape, some sort of thing (innocence, maybe?) has been FORCIBLY taken from you (AND THIS IS WHETHER SHE COOPERATED OR NOT!!!!!)

But, even after healing physically and for the most part emotionally, neither can deny that what has died between them is the "magic". A sad, but true-to-life comment on them BOTH having been victimized.

All in all, I found this story effective. Good Work from you. And that is something I NEVER thought I would say about a UKresearcher story......

BriteaseBriteasealmost 9 years ago
Good story

Liked the golf club bit!

javmor79javmor79almost 9 years ago
I know this is a rape fantasy, but...

No woman would react like this to her own rape. Have any of you ever seen a rape victim? She does not feel sorry for the rapist and try to understand what his motivations were for doing what he did to her. She does not cum harder than she's ever come before. She certainly doesn't want to have sex again, even if it is with her husband. Women being raped don't act like this.

I can buy everything else she did. She wanted to be a distraction. She wanted to give her husband time to do something. She wanted to make sure that the rapist was not bored so that he wouldn't go back to beating on her husband. I can buy all of that. But to have her have an orgasm that is bigger than she's ever had before is a cuckold fantasy. This creates the gut wrenching anxiety that is the turn on. I do understand that and don't judge the cuckold fantasy; however, I think using rape as the premise is disrespectful to women who are actual rape victims.

Okay. I'll get off of the pulpit now. LOL.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 9 years ago
not buying it ,,

She set this up and I dont belive she did not have sex with this man before . All the fighting was unplaned she thought her hubby would be clam sit and watch but he fought back. She had time to call 911 when they were fighting or running for help.But no she stood and watched then gave the rapist the fuck of his life prolonging it. When any thing bad was said about the rapist she took up for him nobody would have done that. Pure bullshit on the wife this was a cuckolding gone worng. She would have helped hubby beat him if it was rape .I was raped in a stairwell and nothing could stop my hubby when he caught up to us after parking the car he didnt kill him but he crippled him the cops told my husband he should have killed him no charges were put on my husband.

mike9698mike9698almost 9 years ago
i dont usually comment on this authors crap

but i feel like it so i will just say this. seek help. im sure if you spend enough time in therapy (a few years) you can overcome your sick desire to watch your wife be raped (with a big dick). on a side note. do all rapists in england have big dicks. you would think with a big dick they wouldnt need to be rapists.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 9 years ago
Rape Fantasies Are Never Accurate

Men who write rape fantasies do not love women...they hate women, and want to punish them with violent sex. It is like the moron who tries to justify it in his mind that "she really wants it". NO THEY DON'T! I jumped up and applauded when he hit the rapist with a golf club. And, yes, he could have hit him again. He could even have killed him. He was defending his wife who was being raped at the moment he hit him. No jury in the world would have found him guilty. One less rapist to worry about. Good writing. Absolutely horrible topic. It is no better than child pornography or child molestation. Try another topic next time.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 9 years ago

Simple ! I liked it.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 9 years ago
I can believe that she had an orgasm

considering that she was willing to be an active participant rather than passive.

SgtmjrSgtmjralmost 9 years ago
Confirmed Anonymous-not buying it...

My wife is a rape survivor and I can tell you with total confidence in being right that NO WOMAN ( in her right mind) wants to be raped. It damages the person to the core of their soul. we encountered the piece of human garbage many years later and it caused us to seek professional counseling for my lady. It took years to help her and in that time we meet many survivors. Not a single one came out unscathed. That includes a couple that " co-operated" to prevent being beaten or killed. To this day some 20 years after the counseling she still has an occasional anxiety attack when she encounters certain situations. I understand that this is a fantasy story site and you write stories that should get a reader to feel emotion and/or "buy-into" the fantasy. BUT, even though you succeeded in provoking my emotions I don't buy the story line. Unless the wife set the incident up and it went terribly wrong .

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 9 years ago
Your Story Tag is Non Consenual

Why not put this in that category.Rape in any form is just not erotic.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 9 years ago
never read one of your stories I liked.

One of us is really fucked up.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 9 years ago
This story raises an interesting question

A man watches his wife being raped, and then accuses her of enjoying it. The lingering suspicion and mistrust sours their relationship.

The question: at what point does a fantasy cross the line into perversion and mental illness?

javmor79javmor79almost 9 years ago
Anyone who thinks that this story is plausible has NO understanding of women

This is what happens when men interact more with porn than actual women. When we take away a woman's heart, soul, and mind and simply look at her like life support for her vagina, we start to believe stuff like this.

Get to know real women.

OneShotOneOneShotOnealmost 9 years ago

Comment is spot on. This writer clearly knows nothing about women. And less than nothing about the law.

tazz317tazz317almost 9 years ago

only soiled and used merchandise. TK U MLJ LV NV

nonethewisernonethewiseralmost 9 years ago
Javmor79 +++

Amen! Nothing cool about rape. Nothing. I once had a partner who did a pro bono case for a women who was a part time escort and was raped by a client ( a well off guy) who stalked her, found out where she lived, went her home and attacked her, figuring with her background ( she had a real job that could have been jeopardized by revelation of her other work). Even though a sex professional, she was totally traumatized by the rape. Rape is a crime of violence and aggression, not just sex. There's nothing cool about rare. Nothing. And if you have daughters -I have 2- and you think rape is cool, ask how cool it would be if it was your daughter.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 9 years ago
Where is Frontlinecaster

A cuck author's rape story in LW and Frontlinecaster is silent! I do not wonder.

Cuck story with misgynist taste.................Frontlinecaster is silent.

impo_61impo_61almost 9 years ago
Some questions arise....

Some questions arise: 1st - As soon as a raped woman says about her rapist: "I can't help feeling a bit sorry for him, what he did to us was horrible but never being able to walk again is a terrible punishment."!!! No punishment is enough or terrible for a rapist; 2nd -She saying that make me think that maybe she had an arragement with the rapist in order to all seem a rape to her husband...They didn't count he took action...3rd - Her excuses for having fun with the rapist were all very weak...Any raped woman just want that all end fast...But I rated 3*, because at least the lover (rapist) had his punishment...

SparksWillFlySparksWillFlyalmost 9 years ago
You Are So Wrong Here

Rape as an inconvenience to be overcome is an atrocious theme.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 9 years ago
I will never understand the temerity and submissiveness of the British culture.

So why didn't the husband run back out the door and call for help as soon as he saw his wife being held? He's a law abiding British citizen, right? So he has no weapons to defend himself or his family against a larger or more numerous threat. So his only sure and lawful response is to go running for help, hoping the police get there before his wife is too badly injured. But then, when hubby and the thug start fighting, why doesn't the wife grab a kitchen knife and stab the thug in the back? But we already know that she regretted the rapist was crippled, so she certainly wouldn't want him killed over something as minor as rape, at least a minor as her rape. So she took her fucking like a law abiding English tart should, giving as good as she got.

Of course the husband got arrested, for defending his wife and himself. Buts it OK, because the charges got dropped! Why the hell were the charges even made? The truth is, the entire British citizenry gets raped regularly, by their government and their legal system. And they just keep voting for more of the same.

Thanks for trying to write a just revenge story. But in the British culture it all just comes off lame and stupid. Getting raped, not that big of a deal. Protecting yourself with a weapon, time to bring down the full force of the law. The police probably confiscated his golf clubs, including the bag, balls, and shoes. He has demonstrated vigilante tendencies and bears closer watching. And the second rapist will use that against him if he gets injured taking a turn with the now infamous rape victim, who enjoyed it. Unless the second rapist gets the wife alone, in which case she will make the best of the fucking and not even bother to tell the police nor her husband. It just isn't worth the aggravation; its just life in Great Britain.

Isn't fiction wonderful?

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 9 years ago
No loving wives here. Just a rape and that's non/con.

SO please post this garbage in the correct category. Nothing clever or interesting about this and your attempt to write about a rape from a woman's point of view was a complete and utter failure. Just plain awful story telling.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 9 years ago
With all these troll attacks I can't help hearing a background voice shouting:

"Honey? Are you STILL on your computer? You'd best get of the Cartoon Network site, now! Remember, you gotta be in bed soon, because tomorrow is a school day!"

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 9 years ago
Gave you a 5 for content

and effort. Good job and fuck the anonny assholes

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 9 years ago
A rape supporter cuck story fan

@ Did anon think of him/herself? Did you rape some women and you avoided Police?

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 9 years ago
Even I Have My Limits

My ex-wife readily admitted she had a rape fantasy. But she left me and took up with a good-for-nothing, piece of filth, who is heavy into rough sex. For a while she enjoyed it...until he went too far. Knowing she fantasized about being raped, the fool decided he would give her what she seemed to ask for. So he violently raped her. He started raping her before she could self-lubricate. During the rape he pounded his fist into her face, knocking out a tooth, blacking an eye, and bruising her in several places. As soon as she could, she fled to me to get away from her rapist boyfriend. I tried to get her to file charges, but she refused. She knew if she filed charges, it would come out in open court that she had told him on more than one occasion that she had admitted her enjoyment of rape stories...and had encouraged him to do what he had done. She showed even more stupidity by going back to him. She has been with him for twenty years and has three children. And according to friends and family, she endured beatings for years. If this story had been placed in the correct category...RAPE... or NONCONSENTIAL SEX...I would not have read it or been compelled to voice my complaint here. Something you might want to consider next time...unless you get great pleasure out of stirring up people's emotional anger.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 9 years ago
Three things....


1. Wrong category,

2. Wife's logic was categorically wrong, she was complicit,

3. Charges for rape, forced entry, battery with intent to do great bodily harm start with the intruder. There are, from this story, at least seven other charges that should have been leveled against the assailant. Finally, hubby's defense of his wife and home against a violent attacker is rightful and should have been excluded under the peaceful possession and enjoyment protection.

Maybe they don't do that where you live, but many places allow it.

chilleywilleychilleywilleyalmost 9 years ago
Good enough story

The wife seemed unemotional discussing her actions during the rape. That was the disconnect to me. The trauma was fresh, the husband didn't really understand what she went through, I thought she would have been anguished.

Also, too bad folks take ignorance, or other beliefs, etc on the part of the characters, and then project it onto the author.


TornadoTysTornadoTysalmost 9 years ago
Emotional Content

Tbe wife's character for me needed to have more emotional depth, considering she seen her husband beaten to unconsciousness, and shexwas raped.

A good story as the husband for a change was not portrayed as some short weak, small cock, wimp who wanted his wife to have big cock experience, thus become a cuckold.

Good, different read from this author on a very difficult subject matter

LickideesplitLickideesplitalmost 7 years ago
Last Phrase was Poorly Received

How can you still be deeply in love, but The Magic be gone? Inconsistent. Are those 'The Spoils?' In that poorer (and probably permanent) marital state, I would NOT feel much like a 'Victor.'

Gotta admit, the ending was kinder than I had thought. I had surmissed that 'Rapist' was actually a paramour of Sweetie in a set-up, making her 'adventurous!' As it is, this is a Non-Consent-Reluctant tale. Especially if we accept her rationales.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 6 years ago
just outright false

The claim a female lubricates at certain knowledge of rape.

That you could have a female character make that insensitive and insulting statement reveals the vile nature of your own psyche

26thNC26thNCalmost 6 years ago

Nothing good here. As a Certified Forensic Nurse in a major hospital ED, I have yet to see a rape victim who enjoyed it, or felt pity for her rapist. PTSD is common, and therapy is almost 100%. A case of some one invading my home and attempting to rape my wife, would be one of the few times that I would use deadly force. The rapist would not survive.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

I feel it would be impossible not to have a significant change in your emotional life for either of them. that said, one of your better stories as you stayed away from the cuckold themes that are liberally sprinkled throughout many of your stories. I'm not a fan of rape but skipping over those paragraphs is easy enough to do without changing the tenor or impact of that act. Those who don't like violent revenge would be able to read it, with the crippling providing satisfaction for those who demand full retribution. 5

etchiboyetchiboyalmost 3 years ago
“...very much in love and happy but I can't help sometimes feeling that the magic has gone.”

I always thought that the “special magic” was the love. If it’s not love then what is “special magic”?

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

the cunt had been cheating w/ this guard already and maybe w/ others prior. Her answers to

hubbys questions were way to quick and had obviously been thought out before. She's a beauty but youre a cuckold loser if you dont divorce.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

divorce the nasty whore.

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