Tommy Turn's Eighteen


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Michael had to leave for a bit to finish up some timed chores and take care of the family animals. He would be gone for an hour and a little more. Tommy went outside to sweep up the weeds and shuffle the bins around.

While Tommy was working outside Pham hit Play on the TV and Spartacus popped into view right in the middle of a group fucking scene from the night before. At first she was disgusted, then transfixed. When Tommy came in he saw Pham stroking herself with her top off, shorts on the floor and her panties twisted to one side showing off her tiny black pubic fuzzies and a hint of her brown Asian pussy. She looked at him and Tommy looked at her.

It sparked.

Some 30 minutes later Tommy had popped Pham's cherry and Pham was a virgin no longer. It hurt but not too bad. They scurried around to clean up some blood here and there. Pham was surprised, pleased, taken aback and amused by the experience. She knew she wanted more cockings. "What's a good fuck among friends" she thought.

A young Laotian vixen on the prowl. If they had been in Laos, there was a good chance that she would soon be married if not already. Girls married young there. Babies come soon after.

The rest of the afternoon they watched cartoons.

When Michael came back in he saw Pham wearing her panties and Tommy only his undies. "They fucked!" he thought.

Not to worry.

When that episode of Spartacus was over they decided to kiss in a threesome. They had done similar things more than once, mostly clothed below the waist. Pham sat in the middle wearing her panties while kissing them one after the other in a three-way kissing triangle. Then she upped the interest by stoking their hard cocks while kissing as they moved closer together. The boys took turns feeling her up and playing with her kitty.

Tommy and Pham didn't tell Michael that they had fucked. It might have spoiled the mood.

That evening Pham went home and got permission to sleep over since Lulu would be there as a supervisor. Her parents objected at first but soon caved in. They were hosting two Laotian couples for dinner and an overnight sleep-in so to speak. They met once a month for dinner and chat. Pham also suspected that they fucked after she had gone to sleep. She knew her parents fucked after these events.

Pham might have gotten underfoot later when the couples drew cards and fucked themselves silly with other partners. Having Pham gone meant the fucking could begin earlier and didn't need to be as discrete. Minh, her mother, was probably looking forward to some freedom getting fucked with two different cocks.

When Pham arrived she stripped down to just her red and white striped bikini panties.

When Lulu got home from work she was miffed at first at having to share the boys but soon saw the bright side of it. She was between boyfriends, so Tommy and Michael would be fun to plow with. They were young but "a cock is a cock" she thought. A little freedom is good. The last boyfriend had had a dick for a brain anyway. Besides, Tommy and Michael now worshipped her body. They prayed at the Church of Lulu.

Pham was happy to have Lulu to learn from.

Lulu had become the High Priestess of her own church.

Pizza was for dinner with soda pop and salad. It had been ordered and was on the way. Lulu did a quick shower and put on some skimpy clothes without a bra.

Once the pizza arrived the curtains were drawn tight, the porch light turned off and door locked for the night.

Then Lulu lost her top and shook her gurls into freedom. "Yay for freedom" she shouted as she unhooked her bra and dropped her shorts. That left her wearing a nearly sheer bright green thong. More like ass-floss.

When the food was done the girls told the boys to strip. Show time! The swinging young man cocks came out and the lads danced and pranced closer and closer to the girls.

Tommy's cock was not a stranger. Today Pham had fucked it. Michael's cock was a new one and soon she had it inside her.

First her mouth and then her wet slippery mostly healed brown Laotian cunt. She was sore where the cherry had popped but the pain was fading quickly with each successive fucking. Her fucking with Michael went like a dream. Lulu and Tommy watched and made salacious comments. Then Tommy took Lulu quick and dirty spilling seed down her tummy and between her legs.

Pham had blushed while Michael cheered.

Then they watched more of Spartacus for a couple of hours. Each time there was a major orgy scene they would pair off and fuck. They swapped partners each time. Lulu taught Pham a few things that made it better and coached the boys in how to make the girl happier. Three very willing students and play partners. The room was hot and smelling of sex wax.

The Church of Lulu was in deep communion with the Saints.

Pham was enjoying her freedom fucking Tommy and Michael in rotation. After all, her parents were swapping partners across the street.

Lulu was enjoying not having a boyfriend and getting well laid by two studly guys that worshiped her body.

The lads were being boys. What can you say? Two hot chicks with hot pussies and willing thighs ready to be split. Pham was learning all she could and Lulu was experimenting with some slightly kinky stuff.

Freedom. "Yay! Freedom!"

After midnight the bangs were done, and the foursome was tired. They slept the sleep of the dead wearing only bottoms back in Tommy's bed.

Sometime during the night Lulu and Michael slipped in to her room and fucked. Then they went to sleep in her bed until well after dawn.

When Pham woke up sometime before dawn, it was just her and Tommy. She started sucking his cock until he woke up. Then they screwed her ass to the bed one more time before breakfast.

Once awake and up in the morning Lulu took charge and had them up and working to clean up the wreckage. No trace of sex would be allowed. By noon the place was shipshape. They had lunch. Pham went home right after eating. The other two helped Michael get his chores finished.

When Pham got home she found everyone where they should be. Lunch was done and the visitors' bags packed. Everyone was smiling and no sign of being naughty. Well, they thought so until Pham found a used condom wrapper under her bed. She just smiled.

When Tommy's folks came home everything was already put right. Nary a jot nor a tittle was out of place.

This happy state of affairs continued through the winter and into spring. Once a month Tommy's house was the scene of a mini-orgy when the parents were gone to either a church meeting or business convention. The swinging foursome of Lulu, Pham, Tommy and Michael. Champion fuckers all. They went at it like stoats on both Friday and Saturday nights.

The parents never seemed to twig what was going on. Well, not quite as it turned out. Minh, being the dragon lady she was, was always on the lookout for some sort of scoop or scandal. She had her suspicions but could never quite put her finger on it. She knew that Pham slept really well after a weekend at Tommy's place but that was probably normal after a slumber party where there wasn't much, if any sleeping. Pham also seemed to have sore nipples for a day or two after each party.

Michael's mom was in no position to complain since she continued to fuck with James Eagle from time to time.

Tommy's dad was clueless about such things. His mother, Nanne, had asked about some things that had moved around in the house. Nanne knew that Pham went topless in their house from time to time but didn't really object since she didn't think there was much to show.

The two lads were getting stronger and more studly day by day. They were working out with a couple of their pals several times a week. Michael was ahead in that game but Tommy was no longer a chunk. His hard dick had grown another inch too. It had filled out and he had hair not only on his chest, Pham found that fascinating. Now there was thatch on his balls and wedding tackle too. Tommy was turning into a real lady killing young stud.

Tommy never let on too much. He was having some success fucking his after school homework dates when Pham wasn't over.

Being half Native American Michael had little body hair. He was a strong well developing strapping youth. Lulu found that a treat considering some of the fur-balls she had dated over the years seemed to never take baths. Pham had also developed more curves and had a thin black thatch on her kitty. She was a treat to fuck with and knew it. A vixen in the flesh.

Lulu enjoyed these events. She was the queen bee and sometime instigator of adventures. She also brought the videos or found them on line. Sometimes they would try selected scenes they saw on the videos. Some were cool. Some were impossible to duplicate.

As the monthly gropes went on the four were careful to keep it too themselves. No one else was invited to play.

Well, not quite. Pham invited her visiting 19 year old girl cousin from California once. She was more than a willing guest and fucked the boys with nary a whimper on both Friday and Saturday nights. They were both pleased to get a taste of some fresh Asian pussy. She left after a week and would probably be telling tales eventually about getting laid somewhere in Texas.

The four branched out just a bit and experimented with three-ways and four-ways just to see what worked.

Summer was approaching and with it the change in calendars. Graduation was in mid-May. Summer work and then off to the future. The trysting was coming to an end.

Well, maybe. Things have a habit of starting up at odd times.


Well. Not quite yet. The week before graduation the town got hit with a freak very-hard wind and rain storm. Power lines blew down and all manner of trash, trees and branches were blown all over the place. Some roofs blew off and the town was a mess. The next morning school was cancelled for the day.

Tommy and Michael cleaned up their houses and then went making money up and down the streets. They made a pile and were happily wiped out at the end of the day. In fact school was cancelled for three days and they really some coin cutting and stacking the debris.

Graduation was still held as scheduled.

That Friday, the day following graduation, Tommy and Michael were cooling off on Michael's front steps nursing RC Cola's. "Blat-blat" Tommy's phone started ringing. It was Pham. "Hi! Hi!" Pham's Dad, Khan, was gone for the week. Could the boys come over tomorrow in the afternoon and help Pham and her Mom clean up the back yard? Shit had blown everywhere in back. The front had been easy but the back was a mess. The boys agreed. In fact they would come over right now to take a peek at the mess.

Michael and Tommy had clubbed together to do chores around the neighborhood to make some cash afternoons after summer school. They were also both working in the food court at the mall slinging hash and flipping this and that. Pham was working the family business. The boys saw her some evenings riding their bicycles around town and going here and there. There was a wave, a laugh, a stolen blown kiss and another wave before they headed home and split up.

Lulu was now working full time at one of the two local gyms doing sales and some teaching. She was also fucking two of the male instructors from time to time but the less said about that the better. She took turns with the two and they both knew about each other. In fact a trio had been suggested but there were no details about that.

Summer ground on as only a freaking hot Texas summer can.

At the end of the third day they cooled off on Michael's front steps nursing RC Cola's. "Blat-blat" Tommy's phone started ringing. It was Pham. "Hi! Hi!" Pham's Dad, Khan, was gone for the week. Could the boys come over tomorrow in the afternoon and help Pham and her Mom clean up the back yard? Shit had blown everywhere in back. The front had been easy but the back was a mess. The boys agreed. In fact they would come over right now to take a peek at the mess.

When the boys arrived they knocked-knocked and were lead in by Pham. She was wearing shorts and a tee-shirt top with nothing underneath. Minh was wearing much the same. They went out back. The back was a major mess. A fucking 30 foot tree had come down. There were branches everywhere and crap up the butt. The boys said at least eight hours to set it right. Minh agreed after some bargaining to set a price. Her motto was to always reduce the price just a little. The boys knew to start high with Minh and reduce the price a little. Pham merely smiled at the bargaining games. She had taught the boys well.

After they departed Minh told Pham that both the boys were handsome studs. Pham merely smiled and then agreed. "Yes ma'am."

Then Minh, ever the sleuth, asked Pham which had the biggest balls and cock. Pham said that she had no idea (true, she had never measured them. She had merely fucked them).

"I truly do not know Mom. They have never told me."

Minh snorted just a bit and then asked Pham which was the best fucker. Pham blushed and told her to try them and find out for herself. She really didn't know.

"Why don't you try them out yourself? Dad would never know and I'd never tell him."

Minh made a funny face but quit the questions. She still didn't know for certain if Pham was fucking either or both Tommy and Michael.

She would soon find out.

The next day summer heat arrived again. Tommy and Michael arrived at 7 o'clock sharp.

Pham and Minh had eaten and gotten their tools out. The yard was a mess. There was the one big tree and some branches had fallen in their in-ground pool and one big branch from their neighbor's back fence had come down in their yard.

Fortunately it was cloudy. Fucking hot and cloudy. Rain was threatening for late evening but the worst of the heat was cut off by the clouds. Pham was wearing short-shorts but had taken off her top to work on her tan. It was a bit of a waste of effort because her skin had permanent honey-brown coloring.

Minh was wearing Texas summer shorts and a low-cut summer blouse with nothing underneath. It was easy to see her small gnarly dark brown tits wiggle and wobble through the cloth.

Pham was thinking that her mother was trailing her boobs and ass for the boys to see. It had happened at least once before when they lived in California. Pham had been much younger when she had found her mother on the bedroom floor, legs spread apart and a white male ass rising and falling as the Home Depot delivery dude collected his tip.

"Ding-dong." Pham went to get the door and direct the lads in through the garage. She didn't bother to put her shirt on.

Minh thought that a bit strange. Almost like Pham didn't hide her tits because she felt comfortable with these two boys. But. Then. Both Minh and Pham sometimes were topless inside the house as a routine.

Pham soon returned with Tommy and Michael in tow. They were both shirtless. It was quite a picture. Three young folks all topless. The boys had shirts but weren't using them. "Studs!" though Minh to herself. They were.

Minh noticed for the first time that Tommy had grown up in the past two years. He was now 18 plus and quite the man. His physique was vastly improved. No longer the dumpy dude she had found in Pham's bedroom a couple of times. He had been acting out a comedy sketch wearing his undies while Pham had been topless on the floor tending a campfire made from a flashlight and plastic wrap shit. Tommy had been harmless then and Pham mostly the innocent so Minh hadn't made a big deal out of it. Maybe they were just good friends.

"Uumm, humm!"

Back to the present. With Minh superintending the boys got to work. What a fucking mess. They got the falls out of the pool. No harm done.

Pham started cleaning the rest of the little shit out of the pool. The boys gathered the big stuff together and started cutting it to length. Some would be kept for winter fires. Some for a late summer bonfire. The rest was to be bundled and hauled out to the street for the city to haul away next week.

Tick-Tock. Tick-Tock.

At 5:00 Minh had sent Pham to tell the boy's parents that she would feed them when they were done about 7 o'clock. There would be working until about then. It was more work than anyone had expected.

Michael's dad Paul had been gone but Pham had seen John Eagle at Michael's house. She knew that John Eagle and Michael's mom fucked when Paul was absent. It was fricking obvious that Michael had been a product of one such union.

Pham knocked. Michael's Mom came to the door wearing her bikini. John Eagle had been in the background wearing nothing except a smile. Pham delivered the message and then departed.

When Pham knocked at Tommy's house Walter and Nanne were doing what they do best. Just being cool. Walter was wearing khaki shorts and tucked in tee shirt drinking a can of beer. Nanne was wearing loose shorts with a top that barely hid her bosom. She had sweat so much before they turned on the air conditioner that her now popped out nipples were visible through the wet shirt. At home in Texas no one cares. Walter had offered to come over and help but Pham had begged that offer off. They were almost done. Just another 1-2 hours and the boys had been working their buns off. With a wave she was off.

Meantime Minh had been watching the boys work their butts off. The sweat was streaming off their heads and backs. They had both earned their pay. In fact she was thinking about giving them a tip, a good fucking, just to let them know they had done well. They were sexy ass to watch too. Michael was leaner and a bit tighter around the waist with a really tight ass. Tommy though was getting quite the stud. Those two will be pussy pecker phuqueing champions soon if not already thought Minh.

Pham came back in and went to the kitchen. She put the CARE packages in the fridge and then came out. Her top disappeared again showing off her Laotian boobs.

Minh just observed that the boys didn't appear to notice. "It is like they have seen her tits before." She thought.

Then Pham winked at Minh. She went to the pool edge and dropped her bottoms. Then she jumped in. Splish-splash. Minh was semi-astounded. Nothing really surprised her these days. She thought about her young woman days in Laos. Mixed skinny dipping at the end of the day was no big deal in the rural village where she had grown up. In fact at dusk she had taken advantage of the dark a few times and fucked some of the boys from time to time.

Minh continued to watch Pham and the lads while she raked and swept here and there helping to clean up the mess. A few minutes later the last of the bundles was hauled out to the street. When the boys came back they raked the yard one last time. Pham climbed out and pulled on her shorts in full view of the guys. They had smiled and then got back to work. Minh was completely convinced that Pham had been at least skinny dipping with these two guys before.

It was true. Well, partially. She had actually been fucking them both rather than skinny dipping unless showering together counted as skinny dipping.

It was almost dusk when the boys were done and the tools put away. Minh suggested that the boys cool off in the pool. They agreed. Minh set the tone by losing her top and then her bottoms. Pham did the same and soon the boys had peeled down too.

"Damn! It felt good to cool off!"

Soon there was a water fight which was followed by a bit of keep-away and then some Marco Polo.

In the midst of all this naked revelry Minh had set her cap for Michael but was teasing Tommy too. Pham was just watching Minh set the stage. A real dragon lady working her way to snatch her target, Michael's cock.

When Michael was Marco, Minh moved in close. Michael stood up and Minh moved close enough to grab his cock. Then she teased it. Michael was taken aback but soon figured it was Minh and began holding her close. They moved slowly to the edge of the pool with Michael holding the ledge. Minh started sucking his manhood root and squeezing his balls. After several minutes of this Michael pulled Minh up. They went to a lounge chair where Michael gave Minh a proper bare back Native American fucking. When they were done Minh was nearly immobile and covered with sweat as Michael's cum leaked out of her cunt hole. She was done for the moment.