Topless Jen Ch. 04 Pt. 03


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Jen thinks about just deleting the pictures and forgetting about the whole thing but before she can do anything with the pictures; Crystal reaches over and hits the print button! Jen looks at Crystal with a scared expression on her face.

"What did you do?" Jen asks as she puts her hands on Crystal's shoulders and looks into her eyes.

"Those pictures were so awesome! I want to save them for posterity." Crystal smiles as she looks at the screen and can see Jen naked and being turned on by her.

"I don’t want people to see me totally naked!" Jen places a hand on her chest and points at the screen with her other hand.

"Don’t worry, I promised only I would see the pictures. They're for my own self gratification." Crystal places her hands on Jen's shoulders and stares back into her eyes to reassure her.

"Okay, I guess it’s alright then." Jen looks down and nods her head in agreement.

"Hey, let’s go outside and look at our pictures!" Crystal says as she jumps up and dashes out of the booth through the curtain.

Eager to see the pictures too, Jen hops up and follows Crystal outside. Unaware that she forgot to put her thong back on.

Jen bursts out of the booth and turns to the right where the pictures came out. She picks them up and turns to face the mirror. Suddenly she realizes her mistake. In the mirror she can see the distorted image of her tiny body with her oversized hips and large smooth pussy fully on display.

"Oh shit! I'm naked! I forgot to put my clothes back on." Jen slaps a hand over her pussy and presses her body against the booth so nobody can see.

"I’ll get your thong for you." Crystal ducks inside of the booth and comes outside with Jen's green thong in hand.

Jen looks over and sees her one piece of clothing. She smiles as she pulls her hand away with her pussy. Jen notices that it feels wet and sticky as she goes to take the thong.

"I can’t get dressed like this." Jen looks down at her pussy and she sees her moist cum glisten in the sunlight.

"Hey, let me wipe that off for you!" Crystal grabs some tissues from her purse and before Jen can stop her; she takes them and carefully wipes cum from her pussy, making sure to lovingly rub her legs and every other part she can reach too. Jen stands there in utter disbelief as she watches Crystal do this.

"You know, you could’ve just given those to me and I could have done that?" Jen says as she looks down at Crystal while she finishes her work.

"I thought it would be quicker this way." Crystal says as she touches the tissue against Jen's pussy lips and she almost shouts as Crystal wipes the rest of cum away.

"If you're not careful, you'll make me cum all over again." Jen spreads her legs so Crystal can get at all of it. She can’t believe she is letting Crystal do this.

"There, all done." Crystal wipes her hands off as she tosses the tissue in the trash and hands the thong to Jen in her dry hand.

"Since you went to the trouble to clean me off, do you want to help me get dressed? I cant exactly do it with one hand." Jen says as she gestures to her other hand which is still sticky and covered in a layer of her own juices.

"Okay, I’ll hold them out and you just step in." Crystal stretches out the thong as Jen lifts her legs one at a time gracefully and steps into the thong and Crystal pulls it up so it finally covers her pussy from view.

"Ah, it’s good to be dressed again." Jen says as she stands there proudly in her green thong.

"Yeah if you consider being topless and barefoot as dressed." Crystal says as she winks at Jen.

"I do." Jen looks at her tits and sees her large puffy nipples which have become soft and less prominent after her experience.

"So, what other kinds of trouble do you have planned for me?" Jen asks Crystal as she thinks about what possible things she might have up her sleeve.

"How about we go and get some ice cream?" Crystal points towards the ice cream stand.

"Sure, I’ll give you some money and you can grab us some cones." Jen reaches in her bikini to get some money.

"Actually I was thinking of having you get it." Crystal winks at Jen.

"You expect me to walk up there like THIS? You're the one wearing the shirt, why don’t you do it? Why do I always have to flash my tits at people?" Jen looks down and gestures at her chest as she turns her back to the ice cream stand.

"It wouldn’t be much of a challenge if I did it. Besides after what you've done today it should be no problem." Crystal grabs Jen by the shoulders and turns her around and then places her hands on her back and gives her a playful push.

"Ugh, okay. One of these days I’m going to get you to go topless out here with me." Jen shrugs her shoulders and walks slowly towards the counter.

The guy behind the counter at the ice cream stand hands two ice cream cones to a couple of girls in bikinis. They smile and laugh at the guy as they walk away happily. He puts the change in the register and looks up to see this bronzed person with blonde hair walk up to his stand. At first he thinks its some surfer dude because of the short hair and athletic build of the individual but then he notices the slightly larger nipples than normal and the rounded shape of the chest and realizes that this is a girl and she is very topless. He smiles thinking this is his lucky day.

Jen walks right up to the guy and leans over the counter so she is at eye level with him, hoping that she can keep his eyes on her face and not her chest. The guy stands there and shakes nervously as he sees this topless beauty stand in front of him, staring right at him.

"Hello, my name is Randy. Would you like some ice cream?" Randy clears his throat and tries to straighten his collar.

"Yeah, I would like a vanilla cone for me and a chocolate one for my friend over there." Jen turns and points at Crystal who sees Randy and shouts and waves her arms at him.

"Okay, it'll be $5.50." Randy punches buttons on the cash register as he occasionally glances up at Jen and stares at her naked torso. Jen tries to stand there and look normal.

Jen feels so nervous with Randy looking at her she almost forgets to get the money out. After a few seconds rummaging through her bikini she pulls out her money and gives him $6.

Randy nervously opens the register drawer and puts the money inside. He fumbles around inside to find her change and finally pulls out two quarters and with shaking hands he gives them to her. Jen tries to take the change but because his hands are shaking she drops the quarters and they fall into her thong!

"Aw, shit!" Jen shouts as she feels the cool metal of the money fall into her thong and slide against her skin underneath. Jen squirms around a bit as the money touches her pussy.

"Oh, I’m so sorry. Do you need some help?" Randy asks as he watches Jen try to get her money out.

"No thanks! I'm fine." Jen tries to reach into her thong to get her money out but it slips lower inside. She doesn’t want to give Randy too much of a show.

Jen squeezes her eyes as the cold money touches her sensitive pussy and sends waves of ecstasy throughout her body, After what happened earlier her lower bits are extremely sensitive and anything can excite them. She knows she has to get that money out but it has slipped so far inside Jen isn’t sure if she can get at it without exposing herself.

Jen looks around and doesn’t see too many people nearby. She thinks if she turns slightly to the side she could quickly open up her thong enough to get the money out and quickly cover up.

Jen reaches down and pulls her thong open, exposing her pussy to the cool ocean breeze. She quickly reaches inside with her slender fingers and moves them around, making sure not to touch her pussy too much. Jen feels the money and pulls it out.

While Jen is doing this Randy watches with great interest. He sees Jen standing there turning her thin body. Randy notices Jen's tiny breasts jiggle a bit as she moves her arms around trying to fish the coins out her thong. He has never seen bare breasts like this and certainly not on a girl as attractive as Jen. Randy looks down and sees Jen pull her thong from her body and he clearly sees her pussy come into view. The guy almost wets himself as he stares at her pussy literally glowing in the sunlight, the skin there much paler than the rest of her body. Jen doesn’t notice him watching as she feels for her money.

Jen feels around inside her thong for the money. As she moves her fingers around Jen feels her pussy lips. Jen tries to resist the urge to get turned on by the touch of her fingers, she's already practically naked she figures she doesn’t need to have an orgasm in front of Randy.

Finally just as Jen thinks she might actually have to take her thong off to get the money she feels it and pulls it out. Jen touches the coins and they feel moist and sticky to the touch. Jen realizes that she must have been more turned on than she thought. She grabs a napkin and dries them off.

Jen looks up and sees Randy standing there, he tries to mess with things on the counter and look busy but Jen knows he was watching her the whole time. She knows she ought to be mad at him for watching her show off her body like that but secretly she likes him seeing her and he seems innocent enough so she decides to let him get away with it that time.

Randy sees Jen look at her and he knows she saw him looking at her when she flashed her pussy at him. He worries that she might be upset he watched her expose herself so Randy decides to hurry and get her ice cream. He takes two cones and fills them with ice cream, one with chocolate and one with vanilla. He puts a wrapper around them and hands them to Jen.

Jen leans over the counter and watches Randy work. She makes no attempt to cover her chest and she knows he is probably getting an eyeful of her. Soon he walks up to the counter and hands two ice cream cones to her. Surprisingly Randy looks at her face this time and not her breasts. A little disappointed but glad that he sees more in her than just her body. Jen takes the ice cream cones and thanks Randy for everything. He smiles and wishes Jen a good day.

Jen takes the cones, holding them up in front of her so each cone is in front of one of her breasts. This way she looks like her nipples are even bigger from far away than they actually are and one appears to be white while the other is brown. Crystal sees Jen coming and notices how they make Jen's tits look as well. She likes what she sees.

"Hey girl. it's not every day you see a hot chick holding ice cream cones while topless." Crystal gets up and walks over to Jen.

"That's because besides me most girls keep their tops on." Jen smiles and winks at Crystal.

"That's because they’re not you and you're not that kind of person." Crystal smiles and winks back.

"You're right. I got our ice cream. Are you happy now?" Jen holds the cones out to Crystal.

"Almost" Crystal smirks.

"What do you mean?" Jen looks at Crystal curiously.

Crystal takes the ice cream cones and presses them against Jen's nipples.

"Ah..." Jen shrieks out and jumps back as the cold ice cream touches her tits.

Jen looks down and sees ice cream covering her areolas and nipples. One has vanilla ice cream and the other has chocolate on it.

"Why did you do that?" Jen looks shocked back at Crystal.

"So I could sample it." Crystal smiles and walks in front of Jen.

"What are you doing?" Jen stares nervously at Crystal.

"I’m sampling the ice cream." Crystal says as she kneels down and presses her lips against Jen's right breast and licks the ice cream off her nipple.

"Oh...Crystal stop!" Jen shivers as she feels Crystal's lips and tongue on her bare breast.

"Just a minute I have to get the other one." Crystal smacks her lips and moves her face over to Jen's left breast.

This one has a slightly bigger areola and more ice cream covering it. Crystal opens her mouth wider. She takes hold of Jen's breast and guides the large nipple into her mouth as her tongue touches it and wraps around it licking all the ice cream off.

Jen stands there and shakes nervously as she looks around to see if anyone is watching. A few people look her way but they don’t notice what Crystal is doing. Jen holds on tight to the ice cream cones to make sure she doesn’t drop them as her body shakes all over.

She almost thinks she’s going to cum right there when Crystal stops licking and pulls her lips away with a wet smack. Jen looks down and sees her nipples enlarged and slightly swollen but otherwise their usual dark color as all the ice cream is gone. Jen touches them and notices they feel wet and sticky, the left one especially. Jen takes a napkin and wipes each one off until they are dry again.

"So, what did you think?" Jen asks Crystal, almost afraid of the answer.

"Delicious! Although I must admit your nipples tasted better than the ice cream." Crystal smiles big.

"Ha, ha, ha..." Jen laughs sarcastically.

"You just wanted to put my nipples in your mouth and lick them." Jen looks at Crystal seriously.

"Yeah" Crystal laughs hysterically.

"You'd think after all of this time id have you figured out." Jen shakes her head. She hands Crystal her ice cream and then sits down at the table.

Crystal walks by to the other side of the table to sit down. Before she can sit down Crystal passes Jen and with her free hand she unties the sides of Jens thong and it falls loosely on the chair. Besides the string between her legs, Jen is essentially naked.

"Hey! I can’t sit here like this!" Jen looks down and sees that despite the small patch covering her crotch she doesn’t have any other clothing on.

"Sure you can, everything is still covered. As long as you don’t stand up. Nobody will notice." Crystal tries to encourage Jen.

"If you say so. For once I’d like to be able to keep my clothes on." Jen shrugs her shoulders. She knows that Crystal is right and until she finishes her ice cream Jen knows she can’t retie her thong with only one hand available. Jen figures it could be worse she could be standing up.

The two girls sit there and eat their ice cream, one fully clothed and the other apart from a tiny thong laying between her legs; totally naked. Jen enjoys the cool breeze blowing over her body as she eats her ice cream.

Crystal watches Jen eat her ice cream and notices that she is distracted. Reaching under the table Crystal pulls Jen's thong from between her legs leaving her sitting there completely naked. Jen doesn’t know anything is wrong as she continues eating her ice cream.

Crystal drops the thong under the table and quickly goes back to her ice cream. Jen almost gets done eating her ice cream as she feels a cold gust of wind go between her legs and it sends a chill through her whole body. Jen thinks it’s weird she can feel anything there and she takes her hand and touches herself between the legs and can feel her shaved pussy.

"Oh my god, What happened to my thong?" Jen shouts as she looks around her on the ground but can’t see her thong. Jen panics and jumps out of her seat, not realizing the show she is giving the people sitting around them. She crouches down on her knees and peeks under the table. Her thong is resting there in a pile where her feet were a few moments ago.

"There it is." Jen quickly grabs her thong and wraps the strings between her legs and around her waist as she presses the small triangle against her pussy covering it once again.

"That's better, now im decent...more or less." Jen smiles as she looks down at her naked tits.

"I’m glad you found it. I can only imagine what would happen if you had to go all the way home naked." Crystal says as she winks at Jen.

"That sounds like something you’d do to me." Jen says as she finishes her ice cream and throws away the trash in the nearby bin.

The two girls get up from the table and walk across the street to the beach. They find a nice spot on the sand and Crystal reaches into her bad and lays some towels out.

"Hey, I didn’t know you had those. I could’ve used them earlier." Jen crosses her arms under her breasts.

"That wasn’t part of the challenge." Crystal shakes her head.

"You're evil you know that?" Jen lays down on the towel and closes her eyes.

"Yes dear, I know." Crystal smiles and tries to act all innocent.

Jen turns her head as she tries to get comfortable on the towel. She quickly falls asleep. After a few minutes Crystal looks over from her towel and sees Jen sound asleep. She gets up quietly and walks over. Crystal crouches down ever so slightly and pulls on the strings on Jen's thong and they fall to her sides, leaving her laying there naked. Crystal carefully pulls the strings from under her and stuffs the thong in her purse. She gets up and walks away. Jen continues to lay there peacefully, totally unaware of what Crystal did to her.

To be concluded.

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AnonymousAnonymousalmost 12 years ago
Oh, not them brainless stupid bitches again!

The most idiotic thing to write about women.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 12 years ago
The 2 dumb American chicks are back

So far it is what? Chapter 4 Part 3? And the plot, the story writing hasn't improve a bit. The whole series is just damn awful!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 12 years ago
Great story!

I love these series, already looking forward to the next piece.

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